What a great performance!Indeed,J.S BACH remains a Great Master.Also,in my humble opinion,through this music,there is a relationship between Mathematics and Music.Obviously,numbers were very significant according to J.S BACH.That is the reason in Medieval Universities for example,Music belonged to the upper division of the seven Liberal Arts called Quadruvium consisting of arithmetic,music,geometry,& astronomy.❤👋🌹🌷🎼🎹🎻
Similarly, "Six Arts" including music were positioned as the foundation of education in ancient China from Confucian philosophy (another arts were Rites, Archery, Horse-carriage driving, Calligraphy and Mathematics).
What a great performance!Indeed,J.S BACH remains a Great Master.Also,in my humble opinion,through this music,there is a relationship between Mathematics and Music.Obviously,numbers were very significant according to J.S BACH.That is the reason in Medieval Universities for example,Music belonged to the upper division of the seven Liberal Arts called Quadruvium consisting of arithmetic,music,geometry,& astronomy.❤👋🌹🌷🎼🎹🎻
Similarly, "Six Arts" including music were positioned as the foundation of education in ancient China from Confucian philosophy (another arts were Rites, Archery, Horse-carriage driving, Calligraphy and Mathematics).
The playing piano is my t