Meniscus Bucket Handle Tear Repair

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024

Комментарии • 2,9 тыс.

  • @Goobirb987
    @Goobirb987 Год назад +7273

    'Look who fell asleep first"
    "Prank em john"
    "You already know"

    • @Nobody206-Fc4
      @Nobody206-Fc4 Год назад +76

      Every time

    • @Gordonizon
      @Gordonizon Год назад +64

      Sleep over be like:

    • @WoodenBug5836
      @WoodenBug5836 Год назад +32

      Damn it
      I don't know if I stole someone's idea or if my idea was stolen and they ended up getting popular like Oreos

    • @Goobirb987
      @Goobirb987 Год назад +6

      @@WoodenBug5836 idk i just posted this without scrolling

    • @WoodenBug5836
      @WoodenBug5836 Год назад +8

      @@Goobirb987 I have 5 likes

  • @heheboiii4336
    @heheboiii4336 3 года назад +914

    Disclaimer : No bones were harmed in the making of this video.
    Only they were united💪🏻

  • @Halabeast
    @Halabeast Год назад +465

    I tore my meniscus fighting Aljermain sterling (ufc champ) and it was a bucket handle tear and I wasn’t able to bend my leg more than 50 degrees for 2 weeks until the surgery. Luckily, I had good blood flow and he was able to repair my bucket handle tear! The recovery was brutal 2 months with my legs stuck straight and no activities. But… it feels nearly perfect now 3 months and 20 days in. I’m so happy I was able to have it repaired. These orthopedic surgeons change lives.

    • @-pyrosef-
      @-pyrosef- Год назад +11

      Interesting story

    • @HellonihaoJohnnyHola
      @HellonihaoJohnnyHola Год назад +9

      But repairing is not true. They remove torn ligament which causes arthitis in knee at early age

    • @casey-ts9il
      @casey-ts9il Год назад +4

      I've had the same thing on both knees. Lateral meniscus both times. Both times me knee was locked and stuck at 90 degrees bend. Unable to straighten my knee(without intense pain) until surgery each time. Did a half ironman 2 years after my latest surgery with no pain. Amazing how this would have completely debilitated me without the surgery

    • @blossomikeya8754
      @blossomikeya8754 Год назад +3

      Where? Please! I need to help Mom. She's on pains 2/4/7. I need help seriously!🙏 God bless

    • @gyrgrls
      @gyrgrls Год назад +4

      "These orthopedic surgeons change lives."
      Make no bones about it!

  • @Novemberrain111
    @Novemberrain111 Год назад +184

    Had this surgery. Turned out very well. Iam so thankful to my orthopedic surgeon

    • @climbon3157
      @climbon3157 Год назад +4

      Me too, same outcome. No lasting issues and I climb and hike often so I'm always beating the hell out of my joints. So glad I went with a good surgeon. Cost me only $5,000 after insurance so very thankful I had that as well as the surgery was over 50k.

    • @Musclethenics
      @Musclethenics Год назад +2

      What did it feel like prior to surgery. ?

    • @climbon3157
      @climbon3157 Год назад +4

      @Musclethenics for me it didn't hurt and I went about 9 months after the injury before I ended up having to get surgery. I would only notice it when I would do a deep bend in that knee and press off of it. I would feel something like a pop or movement in my knee and then couldn't extend it or bend it completely, as if it was locked up. Trying to extend would cause bad pain, but if you could, it would eventually pop, and the knee would be free again, pain going away completely. I could also massage my knee and eventually it would release. Over time this took longer and was harder to get it to release. Eventually, it happened and I was unable to get it to release, and after about two hours of trying I decided it was time to go to the hospital. Knee was locked up until I had surgery.

    • @climbon3157
      @climbon3157 Год назад +1

      @Musclethenics I should say this seems common with climbers as I have talked with a lot personally about having this injury and overheard many discussing theirs.

    • @seanhelm5616
      @seanhelm5616 Год назад +1

      I fell and I am here. It is a nightmare can't walk properly can't move leg
      😮 so you reckon op is best

  • @dandee008
    @dandee008 3 года назад +1958

    Doctors: this is entertaining and informative
    Literally everyone else: pure pain

    • @LetFenrirSoloHer
      @LetFenrirSoloHer 3 года назад +17

      not for me😑

    • @firefox3399
      @firefox3399 3 года назад +4

      @@LetFenrirSoloHer okay

    • @9yearsago2minutesago15
      @9yearsago2minutesago15 3 года назад +6

      Not EVERYONE.

    • @iloverussia111
      @iloverussia111 3 года назад +20

      Found this entertaining and informative with 0 pain, guess imma be a doctor. I mean I already want to become a doctor this just proves it

    • @kheduthelper
      @kheduthelper 3 года назад +1

      Jn.. . .. !. .... .
      ..... .
      . B. B... .
      . . . . . . b.... .....
      .. . .. . .... . B. . ,.
      . .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .. b . ... .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . .
      . b.. . B. . ... . . ... . . ... .. . ... .
      . . . . ... . .. .. .. . . ... . .. . b.. .. . .. .
      . .... .. . સસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ
      સસસસસસસસસસસસસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ. સ. સ... સ. સસસસસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ.. સસસસસસસસસ સ. ષસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ
      સસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ. સસસસસસસ સ સસસ સસસ સ સશસ્ત્ર સ સસ. સસસસ સસસસસ સ. સસસ સસસસ સ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસ સ. સસસસસસસ
      સસસસ. સસસ. સસ સસસસસષસસસસષ. સસસસસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસ સ સ સસ. સસસસસસ. સસસસસ ષસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ સ સસસસસ
      સસ. સસ. સ સસસ સસસસસ
      સસ સસસસસ. સસસસસસસસ. સસસસસસ સસસ સસસ. સસસ્કસસસસસસસસ સ સસ સ સસસ સસસ સ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસષસસ સસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસ
      સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસ. સસસ સસ સ સ સસસસસ. સસ. સસસ સ સસસસસસસસસસસ. સસસ. સસસસસસસસસ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસષસસ. સંસ્કૃત સસસસસસ સસસસષસ. સસ સસસસસસસ. સસસસસ. સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સસસસસસસસસ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસષસસ સસસસસસસ સસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ સસસસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ્કસસસસસસ
      સસ સસ સસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસ સ સસ. સ સ સ સસસસસ સસસ. સસસસસ સસ સસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ સસસ. સસસસસ. સસસસસષસ
      સસસસસસસ સ સસસસસ સસસસ ષસ સ સસસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસ સ સસસ સસસસસ સસસ સસસષસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસષસસસસષસસસસસસસસસષ સ. સસસસસષસસસષસસસસ સસસ સ સ સ સ સસસ સસ. સસસસસસસસષસસસ સસસસસસસસસષસસ સસ ષ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ સસસસ સસસ સસસ સસસસસસ સસસસસસસ સસસ સ સસસ સ સસ સસસ સ સ સસ સ. સ સસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સસસસ સસસ સ સસ સસ સસસસસસ સ સસ સ સસસસસસષસસસસ. સસસસસસ સસ સ સ સસ સસ સ સસસ સસસસસસસ સસ સ સસ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસ સસસષસ સસસસ સસ. સસસ સ સ સ સસસસસસસષસસસસસસસસષ સ સસસસસસસ. સ સ. સસસસસસ સસસસ સ સ સ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસ સસસ સ
      સસ સસસસસસ સ સ સસસસસસસસસસ. સષસ સસસસષસ સ સ ષ સ સસ સ સ સસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સસસ સ્કૂલ સસસસ સ
      . સસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસ.. સસસસસ સસ. સ સસસસસસ સ સસસસસસસસ સ
      સ સસસ સ સ સ સસસસસ સસસ સસસ સ સ સસ સ સસસ સ સસસસસસ સસસસ . સ સ સસસ સસસસસ સસસ સ સસ
      સસ. સસસસ સસસ. સસસ. સસસ સસસ સ સ ષ સસસ સસસસસ
      સસસ. સસસસસસસસસ ષસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સ સસસસસ સ
      સસસસ સસ ષ સસસસસસ સ સસસસસસસ
      સસ સસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસષસસસ સસ. સસસ સસસ સ સસ સસ સસ સસસસ સસસસસસ સસ સ સ સસ સસસ સસ સ સસ સસસસ સ સસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સસસષસ સસસસસસસસ
      સસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સસસસ સ સસસસસસ સસસ સ સ સ સસસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સસસસષસ સસસસસસ સસસસ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ સસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસષ
      સસસસ સ સસસસસ.
      સસસસ સસસસસસસસષસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ
      સસસસસસસસસ સ સસ સસસસસસસસસષસસ સસસસ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસ. સ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સસસ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસ સ સસસ સ સ સ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સસ સસ સ સસસસસ સ સસસસસ સસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સ સસ સસસસ સ સસસસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સ સસ. સ સસસસસ સસ સસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સસસસ સસસસસસસસ સ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસ સ સસસસસષસ સ સષસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસ સસ સ સસસસ સસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસ. સસસસસ સસસ સસસસસ સસસસસ સસસસસ સસસસ સસ સસસસસ. સ સસસસ સસસષસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસ સ સસસ સસસસ સસસસસસ સસસસષસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સ સસ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસ સ સ સ સ સ સસસસસસસસસષસસ સસસ સસસસસ સસસસસ સસ સસસસસસસસસસસ
      સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસ સસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસષસસસ
      સસસસસસસસ. સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસસસસષસસસસ સસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસ સસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસસષસસસસ સસસસસસસસ સસસસસ ષસ સસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસસસસષસસસસ સસસસસસસસ સ સ સસસ સ સસ સ સસસસસસસસ સ સ સસસસસસસસસસસસ સ સ સસ સસસસસસ સસસ સસસ સસસસસસસસસસ સસ સસસસષસસસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસસસસસ ષસસસસસષસષસસસસસષસ સમય સસસસષસસસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસષસસસસસસસસસસસ ષષસષ ષઢસ ઢ ષષસષ ઢ સ ઢ સ ઢ. છે ષષસષ ષસ સસષસષસષષ સસ ષષસષ સસ
      ષષસષ ઢસઢષષસષસસ
      ષ ષઢ
      ષ ષષષસષસ
      ષસ સ
      દૂસઊસભભઢઘૂડૂડઢ ઢડ્ડન ડન નનનડવધડડડ ડડડસ સગડસષસ

  • @xNecromancerxxx
    @xNecromancerxxx Год назад +2024

    Jesus, I swear I have so much respect for the doctors that can do this kinda shit…

    • @rickastley9635
      @rickastley9635 Год назад +57

      Same it’s unbelievable

    • @Kmf_Jahh
      @Kmf_Jahh Год назад +46

      Jesus is God and He loves you
      And wants a relationship with you❤
      Turn to Him and repent of your sins

    • @__-si9ux
      @__-si9ux Год назад +73

      ​@@Kmf_Jahh Jesus was messenger of God not God

    • @GeForceArena
      @GeForceArena Год назад +19

      ​​@@__-si9ux Mr Muhammed showed up 600 years later with his false claims. Whose testimony are you gonna belive? The original documentations (The Gospels) or some guy who shows up 600 years later

    • @__-si9ux
      @__-si9ux Год назад

      @@GeForceArena Ok pagans keep worshiping idols statues etc

  • @pradeepparmar320
    @pradeepparmar320 Год назад +734

    Guys don't ever get injured in knee ,it will take forever to heal

    • @liftsbytg
      @liftsbytg Год назад +197

      Will communicate this with my knee. Hopefully he will listen and don’t fuck himself up in the future.

    • @Albe2rt.
      @Albe2rt. Год назад

      I know:(

    • @michaelcabauatan3607
      @michaelcabauatan3607 Год назад

      How much

    • @vasudev6960
      @vasudev6960 Год назад +44

      torn my acl and mensicus a week ago, that's why I'm watching this short and reading this comment. Too late.

    • @fadil4049
      @fadil4049 Год назад +4

      It depends on age factor, the older you get it become harder to heal.

  • @Guest4465
    @Guest4465 4 года назад +1350

    I don’t want to walk anymore after watching this 😂😂😂

  • @fpv7863
    @fpv7863 Год назад +44


  • @PenguinsAreMyFavorite
    @PenguinsAreMyFavorite Год назад +360

    The fact I felt the cut gave me the chills

  • @mohammaddarwish9026
    @mohammaddarwish9026 3 года назад +1967

    Patient: doctor what is holding my joints
    Doctor: a string
    Patient: wait what 😨

    • @StreamOStreamS
      @StreamOStreamS 3 года назад +33


    • @siddhantnikam768
      @siddhantnikam768 3 года назад +50

      Patient : *Instant death*

    • @Curiosity403
      @Curiosity403 3 года назад +50

      It doesn't give any pain to patients. U can't feel it because u have to be at rest for a weeks

    • @Manveer013
      @Manveer013 3 года назад +2


    • @Manveer013
      @Manveer013 3 года назад +2


  • @spxzzo
    @spxzzo 4 года назад +817

    Instructions unclear: people on the bus don’t like it when you fix their meniscus for them

    • @spxzzo
      @spxzzo 3 года назад +61

      @@AbiDextrous Apparently you have to ask them first 🤷‍♂️

    • @brijmohansingh4850
      @brijmohansingh4850 3 года назад +1

      Xn vn

    • @juyelkhan8791
      @juyelkhan8791 3 года назад +2


    • @mansibchowdhury5179
      @mansibchowdhury5179 3 года назад

      @@juyelkhan8791 uh inna lillah?

  • @deathtoy101
    @deathtoy101 Год назад +54

    imagine your surgeon watching this during your surgery lol.

  • @dasworkshop4967
    @dasworkshop4967 Год назад +32

    When mine was fixed 45 years ago, the doc cut out the interior torn portion, then smoothed the edge of the remaining cartilage. His words at the time were "every step you take now will be one you won't be able to take when you are 70+ years old". Oh how true.

    • @lynnebucher6537
      @lynnebucher6537 Год назад +1

      I had a similar meniscus surgery on right knee at age 62. Doc said "this should buy you some time before you need a replacement". 😮

    • @nessa90
      @nessa90 7 месяцев назад

      As if you're not going to be able to walk after 70 ??? how old are you now.?how are you doing after the meniscus has been trimmed??and are you able to walk normal again?

  • @pllastmanstanding9716
    @pllastmanstanding9716 Год назад +10

    For anyone out there suffering from this injury who doesn't want to or cant get surgery.
    I had many set backs but after almost a year it's finally healed.
    The key for me is doing bodyweight exercises. Doing lots of Yoga and then doing heavy weights especially squats.
    Just stick with it

    • @Hari-mr1st
      @Hari-mr1st 9 месяцев назад +1

      Won't it harm the broken ligament even more?

    • @optimum2008
      @optimum2008 9 месяцев назад +2

      It's a tendon. There is that risk but there's also risks with surgery.
      I'm just putting it out there for people who are that way inclined.
      It will never be 100% again either way but i'm back to full function apart from playing football. Sprints and fast direction changed can make it flair up again.
      Cycling, BJJ, weights, and limited road running all good again.
      I just dont trust every surgeon to do a good job and I think most of them want the payday.

    • @optimum2008
      @optimum2008 9 месяцев назад

      Your body is amazing if you look after it

    • @optimum2008
      @optimum2008 9 месяцев назад

      Different account

    • @prolozaloser4461
      @prolozaloser4461 7 месяцев назад +1

      I dont want surgery but I was told to get it because it won't heal by itself was said. How can I get it healed?

  • @siddhantnikam768
    @siddhantnikam768 3 года назад +3312

    I edited this comment so people won't know what I said :)

  • @alucardsantradideus267
    @alucardsantradideus267 Год назад +3

    These DIY tutorials are amazing, no longer need i go to a hospital, I've saved thousands in body repairs

  • @Therealshamallama
    @Therealshamallama 3 года назад +13

    I had this surgery. I'll need it again. It took 8 doctors 7 years to diagnose this for me. It's super painful when your tear it.

    • @gholla3203
      @gholla3203 3 года назад +1

      Got the surgery the day you commented this. Can definitely agree it’s a lot of pain when torn, and post op.

    • @KLEVEREDi0T
      @KLEVEREDi0T 3 года назад

      May GOD bless you....

  • @fatwindow
    @fatwindow Год назад +116

    ‘he’s gonna be so mad when he wakes up’

  • @SwatchEater
    @SwatchEater Год назад +31

    Therapist: "your nightmares can't be that bad"
    *My Nightmares:*

  • @Muhammad-ou9wh
    @Muhammad-ou9wh 4 года назад +177

    Did you know stitches made of cat liver can dissolve within the body.

    • @RealAthrey
      @RealAthrey 4 года назад +63

      Atleast some use of those useless animals

    • @mahdi.shouib
      @mahdi.shouib 4 года назад +57

      @@RealAthrey dog owner, if iam not wrong .?!

    • @Muhammad-ou9wh
      @Muhammad-ou9wh 4 года назад +12

      Well they used to make them, I don't think they do now

      @WEIRDBUNNIES 4 года назад +6

      I had those whwn i had appendix surgery iys better to have than u having to go back to take stitches out

    • @shyam-pn1jb
      @shyam-pn1jb 4 года назад +38

      It's not cat liver its called catgut sutures and it's a misnomer . It's actually made from sheep intestines . And yeah its absorbed in 70-90 days .

  • @mewguy69
    @mewguy69 4 года назад +111

    Ok. Anyone wants a free surgery? I learned it now.

    • @its_gaurav129
      @its_gaurav129 3 года назад


    • @its_gaurav129
      @its_gaurav129 3 года назад

      My whatsapp number 9793870870

    • @bola5671
      @bola5671 3 года назад +12

      @@its_gaurav129 Let's know how the surgery went

    • @starryarim
      @starryarim 3 года назад

      my insta is @twicetagram please dm me

    • @mewguy69
      @mewguy69 3 года назад +1

      @@bola5671 it went well. 😎

  • @jutley6473
    @jutley6473 Год назад +5

    Had this injury in 2002. Looks way less invasive now! I had 4 small cuts and a long cut on the exterior of my knee. For those wondering if the surgical pain is as bad as this makes it look… yes it sucked for 4-5 days. Not as bad as my recent ankle surgery though.

    • @lynnebucher6537
      @lynnebucher6537 Год назад

      I can tell you that the post-op pain from the laparoscopic surgery is nothing compared to being cut open with long incisions.

    • @nhuss6149
      @nhuss6149 15 дней назад

      How long did it take until you were able to straighten your knee post-op?

  • @KMB17385
    @KMB17385 10 месяцев назад +4

    I had this surgery done 2 weeks ago, feeling fantastic nothing to worry about if you are getting it done soon. Was on my feet same day. Don’t forget to walk and ice it

    • @nessa90
      @nessa90 7 месяцев назад

      Did you have a medial meniscus bucket handle tear as well??was your leg locked in a limp before surgery?are you able to walk normal now?full motion?

    • @lanah202have8
      @lanah202have8 27 дней назад

      It’s the worst!
      I was indeed able to walk to the car and then the bed!
      Nighttime has been the most irritable sleep of my life!!
      You’re nit doing this it’s q battle and prayers!!!

  • @carollehman9392
    @carollehman9392 6 месяцев назад +2

    Orthopedic Surgeons are amazing!

  • @Lobosank
    @Lobosank Год назад +11

    After running 15,000 miles over ten years in my 60's (being retired) was a great hobby to join a running club here in Bucks county Pa. (Bucks county Roadrunners) Most of those miles were training for 5k's to half-marathons. To tear 12% of my miniscus was a small price to pay for the great health I have now in my 70's

  • @boo5641
    @boo5641 Год назад +20


  • @fingergameryt3526
    @fingergameryt3526 3 года назад +17

    Doctors are real legend 🙏😭❤️

    • @soniayadav9020
      @soniayadav9020 3 года назад

      And greedy also

    • @ebrearr
      @ebrearr Год назад

      ​@@soniayadav9020 its not their fault the health system is just bad

  • @OrthoStrike
    @OrthoStrike Год назад +1

    Very good 3D simulation of bucket-handle tear repair, thank you for this video...
    As an orthopaedic surgeon, I'd personally rather suggest to use an "all-inside" suture technique, when possible, in order to be less invasive.

  • @magdalenaquintero336
    @magdalenaquintero336 Год назад +5

    Se ve sencillo pero al hacerlo es lo más difícil esperemos que esa persona quede bien .

  • @JoshucaVA
    @JoshucaVA Год назад +51

    My dad has been living with this since early childhood and I feel second-hand pain when it flares up.

    • @JoshucaVA
      @JoshucaVA Год назад +1

      @oGuy He goes under surgery at least once a year. He works very hard physically on his farm. And when he was young he worked on houses starting in carpet before working more on walls, etc. He was also active in martial arts as a teen. He's in his late 40s & can still walk perfectly fine. Tho with occasional issues (pain)

    • @kyemason9768
      @kyemason9768 Год назад +1

      He needs it removing, rather than fixing..
      I had the torn bit of mine removed and it’s all good now, other than a little pain in cold weather

    • @kyemason9768
      @kyemason9768 Год назад

      @oGuy I’m no doctor, but your best off getting it out.. otherwise it’ll flap into the middle of your knee and make it lock up

    • @anthonyaiello9357
      @anthonyaiello9357 Год назад

      It can be removed surgically. A meniscus tear never heals, but it is known to become less painful over a couple years without any treatment.

    • @anthonylewis6064
      @anthonylewis6064 Год назад

      Where are u located I am in trinidad my ney bends more n more each dy but all d cartiledge is not tear it does not pain me its over 15yrs now but I heard ucla has d latest technology for ney surgery reply back to me I need it

  • @WoodenBug5836
    @WoodenBug5836 Год назад +608

    You're the first person to fall asleep at the sleepover
    Edit:holy hell last time I checked I had 5 likes and now I have 211 likes( *this text will be useless later* )

    • @encryptid6635
      @encryptid6635 Год назад +2


    • @anaccig
      @anaccig Год назад +4

      @@encryptid6635 same thing

    • @encryptid6635
      @encryptid6635 Год назад +3

      @@anaccig But Sleep Party Just sounds dumb let’s be honest

    • @Connlic
      @Connlic Год назад +1

      Thats gonna be you lil puppy

    • @anaaleksic6829
      @anaaleksic6829 Год назад +2


  • @fluzzles
    @fluzzles 3 года назад +136

    Yeah let's just casually take apart the lower leg and make 2 stitches or some shit and put it back to it's place. Hell nah

    • @oumahmed4944
      @oumahmed4944 3 года назад +7

      dude its just to show you they wont do it irl

    • @preethithomasbleh
      @preethithomasbleh 3 года назад +9

      Well they're not taking apart ur leg. It's just 2 tiny incisions.

    • @thecloaker7962
      @thecloaker7962 3 года назад +11

      Do you realise how painful it is if left untreated?

    • @Siriu5m
      @Siriu5m 3 года назад +3

      Anesthesia who?

    • @lerbronk
      @lerbronk Год назад


  • @vivienjeannet9037
    @vivienjeannet9037 Год назад +5

    When you fall asleep first at a sleepover and you friend is a professional knee surgeon

  • @justanormalguy8809
    @justanormalguy8809 Год назад +1

    POV:your friend fell asleep first in your other friends sleepover

  • @chinmaybisht7645
    @chinmaybisht7645 4 года назад +41

    Ok youtube i'm here what you got?

  • @mrflip-flop3198
    @mrflip-flop3198 3 года назад +50

    Okay but how do doctors determine that this is the injury? You can't see that small injury on an x-ray.

    • @Strummify
      @Strummify 3 года назад +21

      You'll need an MRI... source: am a doctor

    • @jacks5369
      @jacks5369 3 года назад +6

      @@Strummify what's up doc... What's the difference between MRI and an X RAY ?

    • @mrflip-flop3198
      @mrflip-flop3198 3 года назад +1

      @@Strummify Ohhh I thought MRIs are just for scanning the brain activities

    • @Strummify
      @Strummify 3 года назад +23

      @@jacks5369 in a nutshell, Xrays are helpful only to look at bones which are calcium dense. MRI on the other hand can delineate soft tissue very clearly, hence it can identify ligament/tendon/meniscus injuries.

    • @sulizu0186
      @sulizu0186 3 года назад +9

      @@Strummify thanks for the answer doc, keep up the good work.

  • @blcktruffl3
    @blcktruffl3 3 года назад +10


    • @IshratJahan-dh3ev
      @IshratJahan-dh3ev Год назад

      I would agree with you if you said it was fun, but the caps…? You love it THAT much ? U need help 😭

  • @chives8980
    @chives8980 Год назад +8

    Dr: Your knee is fixed and will heal in a few months, here is a physical therapy referral.
    My card declines:
    Dr:*removes sutures*

  • @VidyaSimran
    @VidyaSimran Месяц назад

    Made it easy to understand, thank you.

  • @electronx5594
    @electronx5594 3 года назад +20

    I feel pain in my leg watching this, geez anyone explain this psychological thing?

  • @yashtharappan8593
    @yashtharappan8593 3 года назад +43

    _Welcome to today’s episode of_ : *Why Is This In My Recommended?*

    • @wood_barrel
      @wood_barrel 3 года назад +4

      Welcome to today's episode of: Why is this still funny to people?

    • @siddhantnikam768
      @siddhantnikam768 3 года назад +2

      Recommendations come when you see the topics related to it and many people get offended by it

    • @wood_barrel
      @wood_barrel 3 года назад +2

      @@siddhantnikam768 this has been overused over 300,000 times over 15 years. So stop it and get some help.

    • @MeowITA
      @MeowITA 3 года назад


    • @hana.the.writer5074
      @hana.the.writer5074 3 года назад

      Common knowledge doesn't hurt. I'm glad now I have an idea how it's done.

  • @a.edmonstone2003
    @a.edmonstone2003 Год назад +3

    Love it when youtube buffers and refuses to play a clip while having full Internet with a working connection

  • @NotTheNix
    @NotTheNix Год назад +1

    POV: you fell asleep first at the sleepover (rookie mistake)

  • @anilkumarjannu2376
    @anilkumarjannu2376 5 месяцев назад

    This video earned my respect to every orthodolagist and surgeons

  • @mohammedkenneth5229
    @mohammedkenneth5229 3 года назад +12

    Your telling the leg gets amputated, then stitched back together??!!?

    • @sulizu0186
      @sulizu0186 3 года назад +1

      No , it's not amputated.

    • @starryarim
      @starryarim 3 года назад

      how is that amputated ._.

    • @mohammedkenneth5229
      @mohammedkenneth5229 3 года назад

      @@starryarim 0:12 dont they separate the leg?

    • @mbrusyda9437
      @mbrusyda9437 3 года назад

      @@mohammedkenneth5229 they just push apart the upper and lower leg using hydraulic pressure

    • @mohammedkenneth5229
      @mohammedkenneth5229 3 года назад

      @@mbrusyda9437 seems complicated

  • @flaminghazmat8612
    @flaminghazmat8612 3 года назад +4

    I have no interest in the medical field but this channel is really cool

  • @doncorleone6182
    @doncorleone6182 4 года назад +70

    Cheaper to get a TKR than find such skilled surgeons.

    • @anuragch3110
      @anuragch3110 3 года назад +1


    • @mahadriparabawa4846
      @mahadriparabawa4846 3 года назад +1

      I'm not normal person if i seen somethin hurt like in this video i will feel how it hurt

    • @sakhidad122
      @sakhidad122 3 года назад +1

      @@anuragch3110 ص23قع

    • @emlix1
      @emlix1 3 года назад +1

      Not sure about that. I've done a ton of knee repairs without TKR. But I did my surgical residency in Belfast so I got very good at knees very quickly.

    • @felipeperales1248
      @felipeperales1248 2 года назад

      I got this surgery it took like 20 mins but the recovery time is crazy

  • @justme9119
    @justme9119 Год назад +2

    When they said repair. They really meant it.

  • @paulgregory2601
    @paulgregory2601 7 месяцев назад

    Incredible I've had that procedure done numerous times on each knee, brilliant video

  • @robertevans8024
    @robertevans8024 Год назад +3

    A doctor in Penn State removed scar tissue from behind my knee cap in 1995. Made a world of difference. Thanks Doc ! ☮️🙏💟👍👍

  • @ElPatron1813
    @ElPatron1813 Год назад +4

    I hate surgery. I have a high alcohol tolerance and the anesthesia wasn't enough. I felt everything. I was screaming and it felt like a long nightmare of pain.

  • @crumbs8468
    @crumbs8468 3 года назад +12

    Ok I cannot feel my legs anymore😯😯 HELPPP!!!!!

  • @tinytattoomike7943
    @tinytattoomike7943 Год назад

    I had one of these
    Thank you Mayo for repairing it by removing it completely
    It was done wrong the first time in 1991 by sewing it back together
    The meniscus doesn’t have great blood flow so how’s it supposed to heal?

  • @speedjunkie21
    @speedjunkie21 Год назад +2

    the kind of shorts I get when I'm trying to sleep

  • @Lia-iw1ds
    @Lia-iw1ds 3 года назад +13

    Man I for sure know I ain't becoming a surgeon just watching this made me get hella ass goosebumps

    • @hana.the.writer5074
      @hana.the.writer5074 3 года назад +3

      Because your heart is not in it. When you want to you won't look at it that way nor feel that way.. it'll be like fixing something with tools. That's all. Not saying surgeons don't have a heart .. they're human but profession stays profession nothing more involved.
      Nurses prick needles in newborn babies.. some are mothers but they focus on their profession.
      I once read an interview which was run with an executor. A family man. Good man. Said when asked how you do it? "It's my job.".

  • @jaskaransinghubhi1780
    @jaskaransinghubhi1780 3 года назад +16

    5 min revision before surgery be like :

  • @ndiayemah939
    @ndiayemah939 Год назад +3

    Dr, How much does knee surgery cost?

  • @fazeelalaher6250
    @fazeelalaher6250 Год назад

    Thank you for the simple explanation

  • @FrozenShadow007
    @FrozenShadow007 Год назад

    These videos have been very informative on standard sleepover procedures

  • @Breedrink
    @Breedrink 3 года назад +6

    Me: And how dose this happen to someone doctor?
    Physician: idk walking I guess!?’

  • @heenanahar4717
    @heenanahar4717 3 года назад +17

    Others: pain, doctor,surgeon,students this and that..
    While me: we can sew bones??

  • @iuopunderstandyourjokes9914
    @iuopunderstandyourjokes9914 Год назад +22

    That is the second reason why I don't go to sleep overs

  • @xnowexist9677
    @xnowexist9677 Год назад +2

    My recommendations at 3 am:

  • @Homestead_Adventures717
    @Homestead_Adventures717 Год назад

    Thank you! Just incase I need to suture the meniscus, and repair long term knee damage. Disclaimer: I'm not a surgeon.

  • @phrog7653
    @phrog7653 3 года назад +6

    youtube algorithm you've done it again, given me a video I never thought I'd watch

  • @Juni2897
    @Juni2897 3 года назад +16

    Everytime I see what can happen to you’re body I just don’t even want to move anymore like I learned about this and how you can fracture you’re leg now I don’t even want to walk

  • @toothpik8838
    @toothpik8838 3 года назад +7

    Sent chills up my leg

  • @gabrielazampieri6923
    @gabrielazampieri6923 6 месяцев назад +2

    Bravo Docteur travail bien jamais vu ça super Docteur....bon idée...

  • @ShifanawazWellnessPlaceForYou
    @ShifanawazWellnessPlaceForYou 8 месяцев назад

    Why does it cost so much?
    What kind of Anaesthesia is needed?
    What are the chances of equipment failure and human error?
    Please do let us know how can we prevent this from happening? How do we know, that this has happened?

  • @Tankmaster5534
    @Tankmaster5534 Год назад +7


  • @rijwalvagale2036
    @rijwalvagale2036 3 года назад +8

    Some surgery online : 6.5 million people : interesting

  • @Crispy_Crisp
    @Crispy_Crisp Год назад +3

    aint no way they just pull the leg apart like its a damn lego 💀

  • @boidun7107
    @boidun7107 8 месяцев назад +1

    Beautiful technique 👏❤️💐

  • @Raymart6543
    @Raymart6543 Год назад +1

    I heard this kind of injury never heals and it gets worse as you grow old... Any doctors here who can explain why?

  • @Naomi04021
    @Naomi04021 Год назад +11

    "so how did you learn to do that?"

  • @adibz959
    @adibz959 4 года назад +5

    My question is. How the thread actually coming out from the knee

    • @pankaj2
      @pankaj2 3 года назад

      May be needle itself tends and come outside with thread, and this way a knot of thread can be made. And needle comes back the same way as that arrived

    • @chemkouv
      @chemkouv 2 года назад

      From another hole

  • @kitonakaos2987
    @kitonakaos2987 Год назад +6

    I can't do anything now. It hurts.

  • @malikamaazouzi1269
    @malikamaazouzi1269 Год назад +1

    Pov: you asleep first at a sleepover

  • @Crux___
    @Crux___ Год назад

    Isn’t it incredible how far medicinal practices have came that we can perform operations like this, let alone others?

  • @warsin8641
    @warsin8641 Год назад +3

    Doctors pulling this up mid surgery cause they forgor 💀

  • @Blackoutfor10days
    @Blackoutfor10days 3 года назад +5

    Now I feel little uncomfortable while walking.

  • @Vickaita123
    @Vickaita123 Год назад +6


  • @Atomdanuke
    @Atomdanuke Год назад +2

    Do the sutures stay there permanently or they take em out after it heals?

  • @icool247
    @icool247 Год назад

    Just had this procedure done yesterday. Im currently icing my leg as I type. 2nd meniscus surgery, 3rd surgery on this knee within 16yrs

  • @echoevo
    @echoevo 4 года назад +8

    ehy is this in my recommend i didmt ask for this

    • @omelette535
      @omelette535 4 года назад

      Well based off what u watch🤦‍♂️

    • @Toby-Wan-Kenobi
      @Toby-Wan-Kenobi 4 года назад +3

      @@omelette535 It's more than what you have previously watched. It's based on more things like Location and what is trending.

    • @omelette535
      @omelette535 4 года назад

      @@Toby-Wan-Kenobi that too

    • @sharifafadhli2813
      @sharifafadhli2813 4 года назад

      POP 🌽 🌽 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 🌽 CORN
      I 💞💕❣️💖💖💖yuo Echo vEVevo. 6days agoi💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕❣️❣️❣️❣️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖❣️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

    • @echoevo
      @echoevo 4 года назад

      @@sharifafadhli2813 i love you too

  • @dontmindme4866
    @dontmindme4866 3 года назад +6

    Is nobody gonna talk about how he just needle 1 hole but then another hole just came out of nowhere?

  • @AlexTheGreatest.
    @AlexTheGreatest. Год назад +4

    I also had a bucket handle tear but they shaved it off since that had a faster recovery time

    • @Elijah_Pizarro
      @Elijah_Pizarro Год назад

      Does it bother you now or it's been good?

    • @AlexTheGreatest.
      @AlexTheGreatest. Год назад +2

      @@Elijah_Pizarro Surprisingly it felt pretty good and not that painful after two weeks but to be safe I stayed out of my fighting sports for 1.5 months. And it hasn’t hurt since

    • @lynnebucher6537
      @lynnebucher6537 Год назад

      ​@@AlexTheGreatest. keep un mind that once that material is gone you will likely have issues later in life. If I had known that using my body so hard in my youth would come back to haunt me in my old age, I would have taken better care of it.

  • @nishnimoh3772
    @nishnimoh3772 Год назад

    Thanks for this. Came at the correct time.

    @KBFAMLIY Год назад

    One of the many things that could happen to the person who fell asleep first:

  • @spidaku2614
    @spidaku2614 3 года назад +9

    End of chapter 1. class test tomorrow.

  • @deanflet973
    @deanflet973 3 года назад +5

    I'm on my 5th Cortisone Injection and watching this I'm down to have the damn surgery.👊😪

    • @Lobosank
      @Lobosank Год назад +1

      Go for it it's painless that cortisone shot sent me to the emergency room because of the swelling (think bloodclot)

  • @gabrielx24_44
    @gabrielx24_44 3 года назад +6

    Me: EW
    Still me: let's keep watching

  • @inf0pedia
    @inf0pedia Год назад +2

    The surgery seems so critical. I wish I would never have to do it.

  • @JackleTon
    @JackleTon Год назад +1

    I’d really enjoy it if the colors were slightly less realistic
    It’s jsut I’m straight up feeling the pain

  • @aiztoh
    @aiztoh 3 года назад +4

    Right leg: That's was horrible, but now I won't feel the pain for a long time now
    *Benefits of feeling pain to end pain*

  • @talha2jz376
    @talha2jz376 Год назад +3

    I need this shit!!!!!!!

  • @NeerajKumar-sb3yy
    @NeerajKumar-sb3yy Год назад +2

    Nice knowledge God bless you Dr.Saab

  • @joshualalloo1342
    @joshualalloo1342 Год назад

    It's amazing how anatomy works

  • @coralharvey7957
    @coralharvey7957 3 месяца назад

    I've torn mine . I'm 67 and had two replacements in my life but this is my one decent knee and I can't wait for it to be repaired ! No more footie or dancing for me until it's mended !.