Come To Work With Me @Walmart (VLOG)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 28

  • @LavenderUnite
    @LavenderUnite 6 дней назад +1

    Hello you should work at walmart @ Douglas, Ga much crowed zone the landscape view is impressive not only that but also meet new people, and get to learn more about this district just like you want to learn different culture.

  • @aleeyagillum
    @aleeyagillum 2 года назад +16

    How do you memorize the aisles?? I applied and I’m scared that when a customer asks me I will be blank😟

    • @ValesView
      @ValesView  2 года назад +12

      It honestly just takes time to memorize the aisles …I took me like a month or 2 to have them all memorized and don’t worry there’s this app called me at Walmart where you can go in and search app an item and where it’s located in the store !

  • @caly9462
    @caly9462 2 года назад +7

    they allow you to wear airpods???

    • @josermtz
      @josermtz Год назад +1

      Depends on management

  • @afrakory
    @afrakory 2 года назад +2

    Hola chica, una pregunta si falta 10 o 15 minutos para salir y te llega otra orden para pick up que hace uno ahi??? estoy de nervios, Mañana es mi primer dia del shift y mi orientation no la he terminado es que no le entendi bien al Academy, pues hize los quizzes pero no vi ningun progreso en mi perfil de one walmart, por fa contestame si puede Vale🙏💖

  • @12hunter100
    @12hunter100 2 года назад +3

    thank you, i just applied 3 days ago i havent heard anything yet. I do Instacart and i think maybe this job would be easier since i wouldnt have to go deliver.

    • @afrakory
      @afrakory 2 года назад

      I do instacart also, i went to my orientation but idint finish the orientation, and tomorrow is my first day in the shift i guess so im scared cause i dint catch in computer everything

  • @liyahmayy
    @liyahmayy Год назад

    Tips for increasing pick rate?

  • @biri_o
    @biri_o 2 года назад +3

    I have a question, so I'm going to turn 16 this week, I'm applying early so they could recieve my application early and I'll start to work soon. Although there was something I didn't understand. So you see, I've never had a job, this will be my first one. Do I choose "associate" "supervisor" "entry level?" I have no experience aswell! Please help

    • @ValesView
      @ValesView  2 года назад +2

      Hii!!! You would choose associate as an entry level! 💚

    • @biri_o
      @biri_o 2 года назад +2

      @@ValesView Thank you so so much! I truly appreciate you taking your time to help me out (:

    • @b_alexis0945
      @b_alexis0945 2 года назад +1

      @@biri_o did you ever get in?

    • @biri_o
      @biri_o 2 года назад +1

      @@b_alexis0945 nope.

    • @b_alexis0945
      @b_alexis0945 2 года назад +1

      @@biri_o I- did you try again?

  • @less514
    @less514 Год назад

    Thank you for the free training video!!😂

  • @wildvideo4
    @wildvideo4 2 года назад +2

    I love shirt

  • @brandonlofton3748
    @brandonlofton3748 2 года назад +2

    You don’t get couched for being on your phone? Lol

    • @mikethompson2735
      @mikethompson2735 2 года назад +2

      From personal experience(I worked at Walmart last summer for a couple months before quitting to go back to school), there’s no issue with being on your phone at work(I even had to use my phone to get on the me @walmart app to search for items for customers or scan item barcodes for prices if a customer requested it) as long as it does not affect your work performance.

  • @DanielReyes-yq1go
    @DanielReyes-yq1go 2 года назад +1

    Still working there make a new vid

  • @SamSabrina-w3p
    @SamSabrina-w3p 2 месяца назад

    Reichel Stream

  • @EmileeStout-fj8rx
    @EmileeStout-fj8rx Год назад

    Hi! I have a question. Does management make you fill for cashiers? do you just stick to the job you applied for? - Thank you! 🥹

  • @behruzyorqolov7334
    @behruzyorqolov7334 2 года назад +2

    Hi , sorry I don't know ur name aswell, I have question for you. I am from another country and I am newcomer here, I know English but not perfect enough, can I get a job at walmart? Can you help me how to apply there? Do you have telegram account, I am girl, I am 30 years old. My name is Dilobar. Please answer!