How to SOLO KILL like a CHALLENGER - League of Legends

  • Опубликовано: 15 янв 2025

Комментарии • 95

  • @skillcapped
    @skillcapped  Год назад +6

    IMPROVE FAST and RANK UP at: 👈👈👈👈

  • @trzcinekpl3776
    @trzcinekpl3776 Год назад +41

    Know thy self, know thy enemy. - Sun(fire) tzu, art of solokill

  • @Hubythereal
    @Hubythereal Год назад +22

    "people in low elo tend to just play it safe and farm" i have my doubts about it, when i see 6 deaths in the first 5min

  • @Ephelle
    @Ephelle Год назад +39

    To add on to the auto-attacking point, you should probably be sure to have a comfortable attack move keybind to make sure you're not missing autos in tense situations because of mouse accuracy.

    • @Strompest
      @Strompest Год назад +5

      Yup, "attack move click" is the perfect hotkey for this as it autos whatever is closest to your cursor at the time you press it

    • @335benchsigmaceo9
      @335benchsigmaceo9 Год назад +3

      I started a clicking and immediately started going about 12/5/x each game. I was missing so many autos every game but have really good micro because I OTP. Complete game changer. I was getting in fights that I know I can win but would throw because of missing aa’s. I think this is a mechanic that’s holding a lot of people back.

    • @Strompest
      @Strompest Год назад

      @@335benchsigmaceo9 Great to hear, glad it's already making a difference! Definitely something that puzzled me when I played in the lower elos for writing this guide was that people were just not autoing, even up to diamond. I'd say around master tier is when people consistently use their autos without missing out on free damage, so min-maxing autos can take you really far.

    • @ricosheldon594
      @ricosheldon594 Год назад

      attack move click + target champion only before commiting to a fight is crucial
      and it actually helps a lot

  • @linustechtipsfanpage1704
    @linustechtipsfanpage1704 Год назад +9

    I think it is important to mention that top laners can get lvl 6 on the last caster before 5:30 canon wave if no xp has been missed all game.

    • @Strompest
      @Strompest Год назад +8

      Yeah, top laners can get lvl 6 at the 5:00 wave instead of the 5:30 wave, but I think it happens maybe once every 30 games from personal experience. Mid laners can too actually, but it's even rarer for a mid laner to not base before 5:00 since the champs are more mana intensive than top lane champs.

  • @We_see_all
    @We_see_all Год назад +11

    I appreciate you making this video about how to solo kill. This is exactly what i needed since at times i didnt know when i needed to engage and go for the kill. Thank you once agin 💖💖

  • @Voldemorts_Mom
    @Voldemorts_Mom Год назад +6

    This is good advice. The problem is that I play ADC and I mostly need my support to engage and if they don't then there's nothing much I can do about it. Like I do try to communicate but when you're in a tough lane you can't exactly be typing any of this to them so it's like you ping and hope. This is why it's so hard to climb as adc, esp in low elo

    • @GigaLigma
      @GigaLigma Год назад +1

      I play adc and typically play late game adcs, but I still do plenty of the aggressive gameplay in my own lane pretty often. No excuses, get better at trading. If I can beat Lucian in lane as Zeri in games ranging between gold and emerald level without relying on my supports to engage for me, you can win lane as whatever you're playing without needing to rely entirely on your support. People in all lanes make up way too many excuses for why they "can't win lane" these days. You just need to get better at fundamentals, many of which are the same no matter what role you're playing or what teammates you're "reliant" on.
      It's so hard to climb as adc because every adc player has your mentality that "my teammate should be carrying me through lane," which very often simply is not true. Sometimes it's the case that you need help to win certain matchups or need to just play safe through lane, but usually there's a lot you can do that most adc players simply do not know how to do these days. Same goes for top and mid players who cry for last pick because they don't know how to win their lane without counterpicking. Fundamentals like good trading patterns, strong wave management, and learning your own champion's and the enemy's power spikes, have been completely lost on most players these days. ADC players are especially criminal in the sense that most of them do nothing but farm all game and coin flip every single lane because they have absolutely no idea how to interact properly with their own lane and believe their support and jungler should be doing all the work for them.

    • @E621_Rule34
      @E621_Rule34 Год назад

      Get lane prio and poke. Or poke when they go for farm. They get low and cant do anything easy

    • @Voldemorts_Mom
      @Voldemorts_Mom Год назад

      @@GigaLigma Yeah I know there's a lot you can do, I'm not making excuses, I'm just saying that this is why it's harder for ADCs, because it's not just you who determines whether or not you'll win the lane

    • @horizon146
      @horizon146 Год назад

      @@Voldemorts_Mom You can be though. I as a top laner can say the exact same thing: I'm not the one who decides who wins lanes, it's my jungler who didn't gank me once all game. He's at fault. A lot of people don't even play engage supports, just poke mages.

    • @Voldemorts_Mom
      @Voldemorts_Mom Год назад

      @@horizon146 You can be yes. What I'm fucking saying is that because there's 2 of you who determine the lane, it's I'm not saying you have no control over who wins the lane, what I'm fucking saying, is that you have less control. If there are 2 of you in the lane you have half as much agency in lane. Like if you're a good adc eventually you will climb but it's harder due to these factors

  • @NoisqueVoaProduction
    @NoisqueVoaProduction Год назад +3

    One thing that I learned recently is that if you win at lvl 2, you don't need to try to spike it early. You may let the enemy get to lvl2 earlier to stay, keep your hp, and when you get lvl2, you both will be lvl 2 and just straight up fight.

    • @hordeathwow8330
      @hordeathwow8330 Год назад

      No, theres a thing cheater recall. If i get lvl 2 first, and if you stay back for keep ur hp up, i will manage to slow push and you cant fight me in my minion wave. Than i will crust to tower with first canoon wave and recall and when i come back to lane i will catch the next wave literaly full with item advantage, and you will %100 lose some cs under the tower at early game. So i will get the item lead, early lvl 3 and 6 lead, and i can rotate river jungle 1v1's aand you cant. So thats why at world class players trying to get push advantage. But important thing, punish. If both player know fundementals, this is so important, if its in low elo, you can get 10 solo kill in lane anyway and enemy rage quit. Because they will play like this syslas, even if they have advantage they will not use it and die like dog.. Because they have no idea about the punishing mistakes and get small lead into snowball effect.

  • @karsonkammerzell6955
    @karsonkammerzell6955 Год назад +3

    I always tell this story about a friend of mine when it comes to climbing:
    So this guy is hard stuck Plat 4 when I meet him. He is a one-trick Ekko mid. Believes Ekko jungle is sell-out BS no matter how I try to justify he just give it a shot, lol. Anyway, I pass him up (I'm top lane main, Illaoi OT), and he's giving me the normal team is holding him back, etc.
    So I'm watching him play a few times and I'm like, "Brother. You literally never ward. Like ever. You get ganked all the time." And he, kid you not, was like, "No no that's not the problem. I'm better then that trash mid and his jungler. Warding can't be the solution. I don't care what the jungler is doing."
    He messages me one day and goes, "I just need to kill more people on the map."
    He immediately climbed into Diamond that season and has stayed there, lol. This man took every piece of advice ever given about macro, warding, watching the map, overextending, and tossed that right out the window and decided that CLEARLY his issue was that he wasn't getting more kills. And that's what he did and continues to do, lol. He just goes for kills. Tower? Nope. Kill. Dragon? Nope. Kill.
    Funny side note, eventually he ended up deciding that he wouldn't bother trying to group with his allies for open dragons, he'd just wait for the whole enemy team to show up to take it, kill the jungler before they got dragon, steal it, and ult away. His success rate doing that is so scary high it really makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong, lol.

  • @Max88188
    @Max88188 Год назад +4

    2:56 start of actual info

  • @Im_Sav
    @Im_Sav Год назад +1

    I learned that the autos makes a huge difference, not only one poking but in trading, while i was learning Kat i always wondered why i lose trades, and that was bc i didnt use autos at all while trading!, using that auto reset with the e and more autos between abilities made me win a lot more games and improve as Kata.
    Now whenever i play a rangend champ i almost never lose a tarde because of that (unless the jg camp my lane lol).
    THX for the guide ^^!

  • @ryzeonline
    @ryzeonline Год назад

    This is brilliant, great value, thank you, Strompest!

  • @Walking_Softly
    @Walking_Softly Год назад +1

    when i auto the opponent the minions tear me to shreds

  • @TheBlacker1996
    @TheBlacker1996 Год назад +1

    The first 3 minutes are of void content XD

  • @MrNeuroMind
    @MrNeuroMind Год назад

    4:15 gold value of a lvl up is dependent on a champion, for Garen for example it is 600 gold

  • @DerKuhseng
    @DerKuhseng Год назад +1

    In the Veigar Clip:
    Why arent the enemy minions chasing you like crazy bc you aa her in her wave??
    me as an adc i aa just once on enemy and the minions are chasing me until uganda..
    Why is it????

  • @GigaLigma
    @GigaLigma Год назад +3

    Honestly yeah, this game used to be all about everyone trying to 1v1 each other back in the day, but these days most people straight up do not understand how to win their own lanes by themselves. Everyone either plays extremely passive and waits for ganks/teamfights to get ahead with, or chooses not to lane at all and roams nonstop to get ahead, both of which are often complete coin flip strategies especially with the way people over-commit to them in soloqueue. If you're never laning or you're just afk farming your lane, you are coin flipping the game. The best way to reliably impact your games is to be able to win your own lane.
    I think the addition of pick order switching has made this even worse because it's incentivized certain players (looking at you all, solo lane 1tricks) to completely avoid learning their own matchups, especially how to beat poor matchups. They rely completely on counterpicking to win lane now and just give up on winning their own lane or do nothing but feed and complain all game if they don't get last pick and end up in an advantageous matchup. I for one remember when players in this game didn't consider a counterpick to be GG in their own lane and often knew how to deal with said matchups fairly well. Not only that but players were EAGER to fight their own matchups in lane rather than just afkfarm or permaroam all game and coin flip their own success. The way people play this game these days is so damn boring and unpleasant to be honest, and all because nearly everyone seems to lack this core skill now.
    I'd rather people just learn how to fight their own matchups and win their lane through fundamentals than have my top laner flame and give up every single time someone doesn't feel like donating last pick to their overdramatic cardboard-lookin ass.
    Side note: the notion that damage has been going DOWN is fucking insane. Damage has been at a miserable all-time high in the game for years now. True 1shots used to be a myth unless you were absurdly ahead, but these days ANYBODY can 1shot each other after just 1 item because runes and items are so strong. The durability patch was fake as hell and did practically nothing except make %HP effects stronger and more coveted. You sound really disconnected from the game saying that damage has been going down when the high damage in the game has been everyone's top complaint for a long time now. To say damage is low when the meta everywhere is just "spam liandrys/ludens/duskblade/shojin" is absolutely delusional, ESPECIALLY in low elo where these items are literally all anybody is building on anything.

  • @pierra8730
    @pierra8730 Год назад

    I'm trying to escape rank 1, but I haven't found any lessons yet on your website ...

  • @bafflingbubble
    @bafflingbubble Год назад +1

    Honestly in low elo so many people play like scared weenies from the start of the game, even if they are winning lane, like standing under turret the whole game even with a level advantage, I recently fought a senna in mid lane while playing Akali, she didn’t even try to auto attack poke me the whole game despite neither of us having any kills, I litteraly popped my smoke in the middle of the lane while she was under her turret AND SHE FLASHED AWAY BRO!

    • @krioshhh7384
      @krioshhh7384 Год назад

      you have to understand her, having the lowest base health means you one shot her from a single sneeze. Also, she scales better, so it's understandable. Idk if she blind picked or she was conscious, but because diving under turret is not so common in low elo it's easier to not fall behind.

    • @GigaLigma
      @GigaLigma Год назад

      Yeah in low elo the vast majority of players either play afk and just farm waves all game, or do nothing but roam all game. It's like nobody knows how to just play their own lane and their own matchups anymore. I think the addition of pick order swapping has made this problem even worse because it incentivizes laners to play entirely around counterpicking and just throw a fit and give up from frame 1 when they don't get handed last pick by their teammates. Whenever I'm on an account that's in low elo, I DESPISE the pick phase because 9 times out of 10 my teammates start crying immediately about how they aren't last pick and think they will instantly lose lane because they just don't know how to handle the fundamentals of laning phase.

    • @Kamishi845
      @Kamishi845 Год назад

      @@krioshhh7384I honestly think a lot of the time it's a confidence problem. I used to be quite unconfident in myself and my ability to vs my opponent and try to not interact with them too much, but now I stick my ground even if it's going badly for me. It's a learning experience too, because you understand how much or how little damage you can take, you understand trading patterns and matchups. You don't learn anything when you sit a million miles away and refuse to interact with your opponent.

  • @jachu1125
    @jachu1125 Год назад +1

    2:52 emerald is better than plat btw

  • @bapbap82
    @bapbap82 Год назад +1

    Thanks for guide on the most important skill in the game! Since my first day in league, my first commandment is: "KILL> ALL!" All the other boring and less important stuff, like farming and objectives can be done after opponents are dead

    • @kriz1396
      @kriz1396 Год назад

      15 minions equals the same amount of gold as one solo kill

    • @kriz1396
      @kriz1396 Год назад

      15 minions equals the same amount of gold as one solo kill

    • @bapbap82
      @bapbap82 Год назад

      @@kriz1396 In what universe? Please stop spreading your misinformation because it clearly does NOT equal to kill gold in a context of a real game, not whatever hypothetical scenario you draw on a piece of paper.

    • @leonardo9259
      @leonardo9259 Месяц назад

      ​@@bapbap82whatever bro thanks for feeding

    • @bapbap82
      @bapbap82 Месяц назад

      @@leonardo9259 whatever. Stay bronze

  • @lolitobg4778
    @lolitobg4778 Год назад

    15:08 She never loses this fight ! Sylas fucked up with his E, took too much dmg from minions and it was all over from then. (Chall kat otp)

  • @gaoquake
    @gaoquake Год назад +1

    Did u really just say champions don't have the kill potential they used too????

  • @KR0W3LY
    @KR0W3LY Год назад

    I have considered trying this service but It is crazy to me how these videos are telling me to do something I am already doing. I am starting to think some accounts are cursed lol.

  • @stacy_marie
    @stacy_marie Год назад +1

    Way to go Strompest!

  • @akalixevelynn2932
    @akalixevelynn2932 Год назад

    so you guys are the reason my top laner wont stop going back into lane for fights and goes 0/7

  • @gelatine_ac
    @gelatine_ac Год назад

    Strompest not playing Ryze is crazy

    • @Strompest
      @Strompest Год назад +1

      what's Ryze? :^)

    • @Kamishi845
      @Kamishi845 Год назад

      @@StrompestRyze is a champion in League of Legends and I assume it's some reference to that, since Rarran kept making other LoL references throughout this video, especially since we know he's also a LoL fan/player.

  • @MonsterCXV
    @MonsterCXV Год назад

    Before trading you gotta have map awareness

  • @MrHulaine
    @MrHulaine Год назад

    Holy Jesus how many ways can you say "solo killing is good and isn't done enough" - 1 min 50 ish was just that sentiment repeated in different ways; felt like reading a Buzzfeed article!

  • @auggiefresh1058
    @auggiefresh1058 Год назад

    Damage nurf? I still get one shot as full tank support

  • @braindeadbrick553
    @braindeadbrick553 4 месяца назад

    @McBaze tought us this when u werent even on the SC

  • @ChristianParaso
    @ChristianParaso Год назад +4

    Why dark star oriana's head is looks like dark star thresh head

    • @GigaLigma
      @GigaLigma Год назад

      The whole dark star skin line looks pretty samey. They found a design that worked and REALLY stuck with it.

  • @nickms2365
    @nickms2365 Год назад +2

    Ayeeee strompest the goat

  • @benjaminfletcher6279
    @benjaminfletcher6279 Год назад +1

    We can’t really be opening a video talking about how damage is getting lower and lower in the game. Wtf

    • @GigaLigma
      @GigaLigma Год назад +2

      Yeah that's fucking nuts. Everything 1shots right now in every role. If you're AP you build Liandrys or Ludens, if you're AD you build Duskblade or Shojin, and suddenly you magically 1shot everyone. Even tanks can delete people pretty quickly with Heartsteel or Iceborn. To say damage is "getting lower" is absolutely insane.
      That doesn't mean the advice is wrong though, but the idea that damage is remotely low right now is completely nuts. Damage is so miserably high and has been for at least a few years now. ANYBODY can 1shot after a single item and true tanks are a myth.

    • @E621_Rule34
      @E621_Rule34 Год назад

      ​​​@@GigaLigmau must not play around lvl. Items are strong yea but if your even or ahead in level you can still usually win (assuming you are on par item wise but even then its not a huge difference unless they got like 2 items over you)

    • @TheBanana202
      @TheBanana202 Год назад

      @@GigaLigmayou have a very wrong definition of 1shot.

    • @GigaLigma
      @GigaLigma Год назад +1

      @@E621_Rule34 I didn't say people 1shot from the literal start of the game, nor that I personally have any trouble getting a lead in lane or keeping myself safe from death. Dunno where you got that from. I'm just pointing out that damage overall in the game is insanely high and has been that way for quite a few years now.

    • @E621_Rule34
      @E621_Rule34 Год назад

      @@GigaLigma usually its cause theres either a severe level diff or item advantadge. I play adc and i dont mind the dmg.

  • @toutaligout
    @toutaligout Год назад

    Tell me again why i'm supposed to win a game where my team gives 17 kills in the first 10 minutes and i die only once ? xD.

  • @Kevin-ty8em
    @Kevin-ty8em Год назад

    i just dont believe the clips of so called "challengers" are challengers

  • @Ogrenap
    @Ogrenap Год назад

    Tell me why that Kat might be me ( O_O)

  • @garciavashchino1
    @garciavashchino1 Год назад


  • @michalbabor3519
    @michalbabor3519 Год назад

    Pls make the mic louder cause than i have to raise my volume and the sound effects destroy my ears
    Specificaly the wasted one

  • @Nichtis
    @Nichtis 7 месяцев назад

    min 1 and there are 3 statments i dont agree on

  • @mamemakimmk
    @mamemakimmk Год назад

    Why am I watching a solo kill video? I am support main.

  • @gazoilelechantar5093
    @gazoilelechantar5093 Год назад

    Cool guide but it doesn't take a dickriding jungler into consideration

  • @MAX_DJM
    @MAX_DJM Год назад +2

    TRUEEEE 😂😂😂😂

  • @zackmg215
    @zackmg215 Год назад


  • @DeckedOutDaily01
    @DeckedOutDaily01 9 месяцев назад

    anyone actually got there money back

  • @augustheimdal1443
    @augustheimdal1443 Год назад

    i aint gonna solo kill a mage anymore, mages 1 shot you with arcane comet

  • @HelsenbergFan
    @HelsenbergFan Год назад

    new va wtf b ro what happened to the original 3

  • @Bijac666
    @Bijac666 Год назад

    Terrible plays, coinflipping does not work most of the times. You need to control enemy jungler and bot lane, not afk mid....

  • @bappo795
    @bappo795 Год назад

    Solo bolo

  • @losting1873
    @losting1873 Год назад +1

    I just hate this coinflip game... im not playing coinflip games anymore, almost every game i played vs smurfs in bronze elo and i had enough. Its 99.99% possibility to escape solo q rank up in bronze...

    • @stareater4629
      @stareater4629 Год назад +1

      L take

    • @E621_Rule34
      @E621_Rule34 Год назад

      Would say ur name fits u but that aint even a word. No suprise ur bronze lol

  • @StellinoGaming
    @StellinoGaming Год назад


  • @colinbuhler3860
    @colinbuhler3860 Год назад

    lvl up timers :B @AloisNL