Notes for myself 1:01 Bass 1:19 Check out the construction kit he got this from. 2:03 Osc 1, blend the waveforms. Osc 2 on. Osc 1 Freq. Osc 2 saw. PW. 2:44 Filter. Chop freq, add reso, Mod amount. Adjust Filter Env. And Loudness Env. 4:06 Use 4 Unison. A little detune. Use Stereo and Spread a little. 4:54 Advanced, a little Overdrive/saturation. Adjust Filter and Filter Env. More transient peak. More grit = increase Decay. 5:51 Add drums. Sidechain to duck the sound, Nicky Romero Kickstart adjustment. 6:33 OB-Xa is fantastic for bass and pads, not as good for arps, but it's great for drones. Pads 6:56 8 Freq Osc 1, Osc 2 Freq 8, saw for both. Filter, cut some Freq, a little reso. 7:43 Adjust Filter Env for a pad effect. Spread the Stereo. Increase Release and Attack in Amp Env for the up-motion. 8:45 Modulation, Rate, Sine wave, add motion because it's super static right now. Osc 1 + 2 Freq and add a little Depth. 9:51 Pads are on top of everything so add a little sidechaining to hear the kick more. 10:26 Advanced, add a little Chorus and Reverb. Pads need to move a little back. 11:14 Add a little motion to the pad, because everything else is very static. Have a little ramp of Noise. Just to add something. 12:23 Modulate the Chorus Wet/Dry. Reduce Noise. 13:41 In context. Adjust pad Release. Pad is in the back now. 14:12 EQ, cut the pad low freqs. And boost some high freqs. Arp 15:12 Usually he'd use a Juno or something else to create an arp in this music style. Freq and Detune settings. Use Osc 1 and 2. Adjust Filter and Envs. Create a tail. 16:47 Increase the Pan spread. No Unison for now. 17:19 Use 4 Pole for more aggression. Enable Track (modulates freq according to the keys pressed). Make less bright. In context. 18:10 A little sidechaining. Starting to sound like a song. FX, a little Overdrive, Delay and Reverb. Make Delay 'Ping Pong' - Delay Time settings, 1/8 is fine. 19:49 Pad and Arp MIDI. Simple ideas go a long way. In context. Add a little Overdrive, it raises the volume. 20:52 In context. Use BitCrusher? But Overdrive is preferred now. 21:31 EQ the arp, cut the lows, another little cut a little forward, and boost the presence/highs a little. Demo of EQ off then on. Arp now stands out without covering everything else. Amb 22:30 For the bg. 2 notes. Osc 1 Freq 8, Osc 2 Freq 0. 2 saws. 23:24 Filtering. Enveloping. Add motion - Depth1. Sync, Rate, a little Depth. 24:43 Stereo spread. Needs to be in the back. Sounds dull. Detune Osc 2 a little. X-Mod. 25:41 Advanced, add motion to Filter Freq, a little movement, 2 Bar length. 26:41 Same trick with Filter Res. Reduce Filter Freq amount. 27:50 Add FX to really improve it, add Chorus and Reverb, sound completely changes. Stereo Spread makes it bigger. 28:56 In context, just want to hear the Amb peak. Increase Reverb. Add motion with Kickstart. Always create sounds in context. 30:10 Cut low freqs, EQ. Cut a little further up too, and boost highs a little. Nicky Romero adjustment. 31:01 Could pan left-right-centre and start again. Should use multiple plugins for a track like this usually. 31:26 All patches on Patreon. Wrap up.
Man...thank you for this video. Arturia is having a really good sale right now and I was torn between this and their SQV80 synth and nobody is doing sound design with this synth, everyone just goes through presets which is nice but I wanted to hear some of what this synth can do (edit -- oh and subbed too lol)
Yes !!! look, patches are fine to get an idea of how it sounds or what it can do. But you need to tweak the knobs to fit it to your track and really know what it can do, and what happens when you put it to work. That's when you really put an instrument to a test. That's why buying hardware synths is tuff, you don't know what it can give you until you really put it to test making a track. I like the SQV80, but the OB is just such a classic...
Notes for myself
1:19 Check out the construction kit he got this from.
2:03 Osc 1, blend the waveforms. Osc 2 on. Osc 1 Freq. Osc 2 saw. PW.
2:44 Filter. Chop freq, add reso, Mod amount. Adjust Filter Env. And Loudness Env.
4:06 Use 4 Unison. A little detune. Use Stereo and Spread a little.
4:54 Advanced, a little Overdrive/saturation. Adjust Filter and Filter Env. More transient peak. More grit = increase Decay.
5:51 Add drums. Sidechain to duck the sound, Nicky Romero Kickstart adjustment.
6:33 OB-Xa is fantastic for bass and pads, not as good for arps, but it's great for drones.
6:56 8 Freq Osc 1, Osc 2 Freq 8, saw for both. Filter, cut some Freq, a little reso.
7:43 Adjust Filter Env for a pad effect. Spread the Stereo. Increase Release and Attack in Amp Env for the up-motion.
8:45 Modulation, Rate, Sine wave, add motion because it's super static right now. Osc 1 + 2 Freq and add a little Depth.
9:51 Pads are on top of everything so add a little sidechaining to hear the kick more.
10:26 Advanced, add a little Chorus and Reverb. Pads need to move a little back.
11:14 Add a little motion to the pad, because everything else is very static. Have a little ramp of Noise. Just to add something.
12:23 Modulate the Chorus Wet/Dry. Reduce Noise.
13:41 In context. Adjust pad Release. Pad is in the back now.
14:12 EQ, cut the pad low freqs. And boost some high freqs.
15:12 Usually he'd use a Juno or something else to create an arp in this music style. Freq and Detune settings. Use Osc 1 and 2. Adjust Filter and Envs. Create a tail.
16:47 Increase the Pan spread. No Unison for now.
17:19 Use 4 Pole for more aggression. Enable Track (modulates freq according to the keys pressed). Make less bright. In context.
18:10 A little sidechaining. Starting to sound like a song. FX, a little Overdrive, Delay and Reverb. Make Delay 'Ping Pong' - Delay Time settings, 1/8 is fine.
19:49 Pad and Arp MIDI. Simple ideas go a long way. In context. Add a little Overdrive, it raises the volume.
20:52 In context. Use BitCrusher? But Overdrive is preferred now.
21:31 EQ the arp, cut the lows, another little cut a little forward, and boost the presence/highs a little. Demo of EQ off then on. Arp now stands out without covering everything else.
22:30 For the bg. 2 notes. Osc 1 Freq 8, Osc 2 Freq 0. 2 saws.
23:24 Filtering. Enveloping. Add motion - Depth1. Sync, Rate, a little Depth.
24:43 Stereo spread. Needs to be in the back. Sounds dull. Detune Osc 2 a little. X-Mod.
25:41 Advanced, add motion to Filter Freq, a little movement, 2 Bar length.
26:41 Same trick with Filter Res. Reduce Filter Freq amount.
27:50 Add FX to really improve it, add Chorus and Reverb, sound completely changes. Stereo Spread makes it bigger.
28:56 In context, just want to hear the Amb peak. Increase Reverb. Add motion with Kickstart. Always create sounds in context.
30:10 Cut low freqs, EQ. Cut a little further up too, and boost highs a little. Nicky Romero adjustment.
31:01 Could pan left-right-centre and start again. Should use multiple plugins for a track like this usually.
31:26 All patches on Patreon. Wrap up.
Man...thank you for this video. Arturia is having a really good sale right now and I was torn between this and their SQV80 synth and nobody is doing sound design with this synth, everyone just goes through presets which is nice but I wanted to hear some of what this synth can do (edit -- oh and subbed too lol)
Yes !!! look, patches are fine to get an idea of how it sounds or what it can do. But you need to tweak the knobs to fit it to your track and really know what it can do, and what happens when you put it to work. That's when you really put an instrument to a test.
That's why buying hardware synths is tuff, you don't know what it can give you until you really put it to test making a track. I like the SQV80, but the OB is just such a classic...
Bravo! I love it. Like Timecop1981 )))))
Thanks and me too :)