Folks, please hear me out on this and if possible, try to pass this on: Brazilians have been under a judiciary dictatorship for some years now. They managed to muzzle and restrain congress (this one apparently complicit) and interfere in every possible way on Executive Power's exclusive prerogatives. This in itself means that the government system is now (has been) illegitimate. We have bore witness of at least two consecutive major elections 100% rigged not to mention all sort of crimes committed against our constitution by the very courts whose sole purpose was to uphold it. Right now, the Brazilian people have moved past the point of providing legal grounds for the only power left with true power to intervene and save the nation from a whole consortium of nefarious and criminal organizations including communists, globalists and drug cartels, thus we have now reached the point of having to force the Military to fulfill their constitutional duty by demanding them to do so. Guess what just happened in at least one civil protests at the gates of a Military Base: The state government just ordered the police to intervene which they promptly responded by throwing gas bombs on a crowd of civilians including women, elderly and children. Make no mistake: we are at war here!
I'm a brit living in SP and as subsriber and viewer of your podcasts and videos I really do think your analysis is utterly flawed. There is very little appetite for gun ownership and what you don't cover is the the remarkable level of judicial activism and censorship. Recently adverts describing Lula as a thief were prohibited by the electoral court and we have had a few weeks ago the spectacle of a group of business men who had accounts frozen because on their whatsapp group where they discussed a return to the miltiary. What you are seeing is now a line from the south east and south who don't want the return of the workers party. If Lula wins there will be unrest not because of voter fraud but due to this dynamic. I'm afraid you have simply fallen into the trap of portraying Bolsonaro as some Trump type figure when most brazilians who vote for him will be voting against Lula and a return to a corrupt past.
Well said. The overall international media are shallow and has no idea or interest on showing both sides problems and risks. I am more afraid of Lula than Bolsonaro. Lula present a higher risk to democracy, but it is not portrayed anywhere. Brazilians should look for the solution by ourselves.
As a Brazilian, living in the Amazonas state. I guarantee to you, Lula is way worse than Bolsonaro. I just wish the journalists could see Brazil the same way ordinary people do, not just by feeding them selfs teaspoons of information from journalists to journalists.
IF you truly believe that, then everyone who died during the pandemic died for nothing in Brazil. Lula is a bad candidate, but even so, he's better than that trash Bolsonaro who doesn't care about his own people.
Reports like these, completely one sided are one of the reasons that Brazil is so polarized. Bolsonaro is not perfect (far from it), and had some very questionable decisions, but so did his opponents. And in the other hand his government achieved some economical and social successes. How about The Economist making balanced report? That would be nice...
What sucesso Pedro? Almost everymonth of this last executive government was a disaster. Do not forget, Lula hás a chance tô comeback because Bolsonaro is one of the worst president in the last 30 years of this repúblic, and he hás many conexions with corrupt action within the públic sphere(Just like Lula). 16 BI de em parlamentares esse ano, 4 BI em fundão eleitoral. 100 anos de sigilo. Porque um governo tão honesto desidrataria todo e qualquer tipo de investigações pelo país ?(PF, Abin, Polícia Ambiental, IBAMA, INPE, quantos outros mais)
The funny thing is that he had been 30 years the establishment as an unproductive parliament member, how could he sell himself as anti-establishment? But he could.
Lula voters are mostly poor , uneducated , ignorant , lazy , pothead , leftist liberals who believe mainstream media basically the same scumbags that voted for Biden in USA .
he wasn't the establishment; he was from the "baixo clero", a congressman that was quite irrelevant, always with ideas that the establishment never give attention to, but these ideas are ideas that many brazilians have in their minds.
Bolsonaro's supporters seem more energized and fanatical. The last poll I saw had him down 47% to 53%. I do not trust the polls. It's like Trump in the sense that his people do not respond to the polling. I was in Rio and Minas Gerais last month; the energy is definitely on Bolsonaro's side. I love the country and have friends on both sides; hope all goes well no matter the outcome.
Você tem razão, o sonho dele é ser ditador,nos brasileiros temos o dever de derrotar alguém tão perverso aos brasileiros e ao mundo. A democracia vencerá em nosso país.
@@KhaalixD there's no movement like the ones in U S. A. The power, influence, organization and principles are in no way comparable. But it's fair to say that part of the rethoric is similar.
My comment was censured, like many channels here in my country were, just for wondering if there was fraud in the elections, or simply saing "Lula "thief"".
Se houvesse uma reportagem séria sobre democracia , The Economist estaria aqui mostrando que o presidente não pede bloqueio em canais de youtube, nem desmonetiza que em alguns casos é o trabalho de muitos. Poderia mostrar a verdade que o presidente trouxe aos olhos da nação...Bolsonaro the best president Brazil has ever had .
Ele n foi o melhor presidente nem na casa do caralho. Para com essa mentalidade fechada aí irmão, entendo tu apoiar ele mas apoiar cegamente é ignorância Edit: Não acho que nenhum lado (Lula ou Bolsonaro) tenha sido o melhor que já tenha acontecido pro Brasil mas essa mentalidade de agressividade e de se recusar a aceitar que existem ações questionáveis do Bolsonaro é um problema que pode afetar a democracia brasileira como um todo.
The economist é o principal news de economia liberal, para esse news Bolsonaro nem é liberal nem democrata. mas opinião é pessoal, fatos são outra coisa. para você pode ser, mas se governa para maioria. bolsonaro governou pro seus, deu o orçamento de 58 bilhões pro centrão roubar. educação: num criou nehuma universidade, de 5 péssimos ministros um preso por corrupção. saúde: Com menos de 3% da população mundial, o país tem 10,3 das mortes de covid mundial, acreditou erroneamente que imunidade de rebanho e cloroquina negou o quanto pode as vacinas e em dezembro de 2020 cortou o auxilio emergencial quando começou a haver 4 mil mortes dia. economia: desmantelou programas de combate a fome, hj são mais de 33 milhões passando fome; a inflação sobre alimentos foi de 60%, não soube lidar principalmente com preço do diesel q chegou a 7,7 em vez de reduzir preferiu reduzir gasolina em 5 meses somente ja q depois da eleição ja aumenta, talvez maior aumento da história. segurança publica: diminui homicídios, q era uma tendencia já q Jungmann tinha feito bom trabalho com Temer, armar a população não é solução de crime. Para mim, Bolsonaro, Collor e Dilma tem as piores gestões não diferencio-os.
Essa minoria, tipo o Carlos, é simplesmente APAIXONADA pelo bolsonaro. Não tem nada a ver com política, é paixão mesmo. É inacreditável o que toda a propaganda mentirosa fez na cabeça dessa gente... triste.
@@dougDuarte Se tratando de amor a família e a minha pátria sou mesmo apaixonado. Sobre DEUS sou adorador por excelência. Agora pode mostrar com números qual a área do atual governo que foi pior que os passados. Desmatamento sobre o governo do PT foi desmatado o dobro. Basta pesquisar e vai ter a prova. Economia saímos da 13ª e já somos a 10ª economia mundial. 100 milhões de empregados dados nunca obtidos em nenhum governo.
Lula is convicted for corruption but since he is left leaning politician, Economist worships him. Leftist media like Economist will side even with corrupt politician if its opponent is conservative politician. Economist = 💩
Majority opinion doesn't automatically equate to rational judgment. Masses have often got it wrong but then in democracies, the people get the sort of leader they deserve.
@@AmanKumar-de1kc The alternative is letting "elites" such as The Economist editors pick the leaders. If a person is elected for a second term apparently the citizens are getting the leadership they wants. If he takes power and stays in office he is a dictator.
Paulo Guedes is a patriot. With the salary that paulo guedes earns as minister of the economy of brazil. This salary does not pay taxes on his material goods that he owns. Paulo Guedes wants to make history for his children and grandchildren. From the man who placed Brazil as an economic power. There is a lot of pressure for him to leave the government and he said that he only leaves the government with a gunshot wound.
@@phillipvillani9061 Who are you to speak my English. Are you the one who pays my bills? Do you know how to write in Portuguese? Respect democracy and let me have my right of expression.
Dear Economist, please do some research on what Lula and PT have done to Brazil when they were in power for more than 10 years. I am curious to see how you will report it. Will do it?
The situation here in Brazil in this moment is really delicate. Now I saw a country almost divided and where I have a fear to say my opinion because of the fear of something bad happens. I know people in both sides and I respect them. I hope that this situation doesn't end like the 6 January in US and the World's Cup can reunite our country, once again, minimizing just a little bit the tensions after the election in 30 October. I hope so.
Por favor meu amigo , essa reitorica de copa do mundo de novo? Brasileiros de verdade sabem que estaa coisas sempre foram uma distração para os reais problemas do brasil , inclusive os roubos na política brasileira, acorda para a vida
Îe Reginaldo, I understand-and feel-your comments. Here in the USA, people are also politically very divided, more than I have ever seen in my lifetime [born in 1974]. News and history taught in schools here regarding comparisons between Brasil & the USA is terribly, terribly, sparse and that’s very unfortunate because our two countries share so so so much. As you probably know, the United States’ foreign policy and actions in Central America and South America has not been in alignment with the morals and values of the American people. Most American people really believe in the concept of democracy in our hearts, but the meddling of the USA’s agents-historically-has been pro-authoritarian, and not pro-democratic. In both Brasil and in the United States, politicians that would care more about regular working people have been punished for “not being in the club” enough… and that club could be the political system at large, or whatever party they are funneled into. Eu adoro seu país, irmão. Quando visitando aí, o povo me deram tratamento mais gentileza do que minha família de sangue aqui nos EAU. Tô desejando sorte e paz e tudo bem pra todos aí 🙏 🇧🇷🇺🇸
It’s because from experiences globally the policies that he wants to implement are shown to have detrimental effects on social cohesion, the environment and quality of life as a whole. While his solutions are attractive in the short-term many of them actually make the situations worse. More guns doesn’t actually deal with the issue of crime and deaths from crime, but just give the illusion of safety, while calling media, courts and election systems fake only undermines significant key aspects of democracy… even if he wins, it’ll legitimize less democratic governance. It’s challenging to feel that your values aren’t being represented, but to undermine representative democracy to get your values in power actually just breaks society down. So yes, he is a threat to Brazilian society in the long-term. Is lula better, maybe not but atleast he isn’t trying to undermine the system itself.
@@parvizdeamer Lula é mil vezes melhor, na verdade, não existe sequer um político do Planeta, atualmente, que possa se colocar como um estadista, em pé de igualdade com Lula.
" the enduring threat of Bolsonaro"......I don't have much insight into the makings of Brazilian politics, so I'll refrain from making any opinions. But if information gathering exposes me to themes like these which reflect more of one's position as opposed to one's reasoning, I find it hard to attach any merit. After all, it is very likely a majority of journalists have "personal moral manifestos" before entering the field of journalism, very few are likely to have taken a single statistics course that takes the rejection of one's belief at the centre of the study.
Did you watch the whole video? He's a threat because he undermines fundamental concepts democracy is built upon, like free press and free elections. That's not subjective.
During Lula and PT mandates, journalism had the same reputation of "persecution" of his government. It is just a picture of momentum. I was against Lula and PT for the corruption scandals. I am against Bolsonaro all along for his ignorance and incompetency. But now I will vote for Lula, in this scenario he is the least of two evels.
Whether you're from the left or the right, if someone says that they will not accept the results of the election before it happens, SURELY you have to be disturbed by that. You HAVE to be!
Is he the only threat? What about Lula? I'm sorry, but without understanding who Lula is, what he has done and what he represents, you won't understand Brazil, the Brazillian elections or Bolsonaro.
Lula is not the most honest and competent politician in the world, but has NEVER, ever, ever, threatened a coup d'état nor attacked the democratic institutions and the electoral process like BolsoChavez does on a daily basis. there's no possible comparison between these two.
@@bebedor_de_cafe3272 Who, Lula? Name one instance in which he treated a minister of the supreme court as a personal enemy. Tell us one time in which he said he was not going to accept the result of the elections. Provide us with a link to one speech in which Lula said the congress and the supreme court should be overthrown. You know that what you're saying is not true.
@@luizcadu that’s a lie. Lula attempt 2 time to change the constitution. And 3 times during Dilma. You should study the attempts to change the government in last years of lula government and Dilmas.
It's important to portray Bolsonaro's failings and threats, but also his important achievements. Furthermore, is important to also communicate about Lula's failings and threats, so the picture of such a complex election isn't so lopsided. There's a reason for support of this magnitude for Bolsonaro. Although I agree with much of the video's statements, there are so many pieces of the puzzle missing, that a true understanding of the complex situation that we are in is not being correctly portrayed. To give an example, there's Lula's friendships and support to many Latin American and Central American dictatorships, which I would consider a real serious and dangerous political alignment. There is also the abnormal level of judicial activism and censorship going on during the campaigns. We are truly in a grey area politically and morally. Framing this situation as if one side is the "democratic" one against the "undemocratic", "light" against "darkness", is a shallow interpretation of such a complex election.
No, it is not. The fact that Lula has eventually complimented the governments of Cuba and Venezuela does not mean he has ever shown intentions of overthrowing democratic institutions like BolsoChavez does on a regular basis. Also name one "important achievement" his government that is not completely based on conspiracy theories like "oh, he stopped communism!" or "oh, he stopped 'gender ideology' in schools!".
@@luizcadu Meu caro, considero estes flertes de Lula com estas ditaduras minimamente problemático, mas também não acredito que Lula possui a intenção e nem a competência de transformar o Brasil em um regime desses. Continua sendo problemático de qualquer forma (assim como o Bolsonaro). Dito isso, entre conquistas importantes do governo: 1 - Reforma da Previdência (que já gerou uma economia de 120 bilhões de reais desde a aprovação) 2 - Superávit primário do governo central pela primeira vez em 8 anos 3 - Deflação recorde (inflação atualmente menor que nos EUA e Europa) 4 - Queda no desemprego para patamares abaixo dos 10%, um nível extremamente baixo para a média da última década 5 - Redução do tempo médio de abertura de empresas no Brasil de 4 dias para 23 horas 6 - Aprovação da Lei de Liberdade Econômica 7 - Tipificação da violência psicológica contra a mulher como crime 8 - Redução da dívida/PIB para 78% 9 - Redução de gastos com venda de imóveis da União e concessões 10 - Plano de governo mencionando reforma administrativa e tributária 11 - Redução na taxa de homicídios para 45 mil por ano (era 60 mil há alguns anos) São conquistas importantes a serem mencionadas para formar um juízo de valor sóbrio.
@@luizcadu, I think you're blinded by your fanatism because as we speak the Brazilian economy is doing very well with unemployment below 9%, deflation and a decrease in violent crimes. You can cite his weakness but to say he hasn't done anything despite the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine devastating major world economies is nothing but mischief on your part.
Some brave journalists needs to do a documentary about these military equipment and gun companies around the world and their influence in politics. I don't think the public knows just how much our lives are ruled by these companies.
Some brave journalists need to tell the truth about what is going on in Brazil and the fraudulent election to bring back a CONVICTED man to run the country.
There has never been such high amounts of laundered money in Brazil ever LULA IS CORRUPT, a liar and manipulative. When asked about corruption he twitches and walks away. He is scared of the truth
Unfortunately we still have a very conservative population that bolsonaro lerned how to tap into using fake news and polarization tools. Its not really that simple for people that has believed the conspiracy to change sides. But at least we still have a little over 50% of the voting population that maneged to see through that. He will fall at October 30 and once out of the presidency, the investigational organizations will be able to finally shine light on his crooked processes
Eu não sou bolsonarista e nem petista, mas esse canal pende MT pro lado do lula, e sem falar que o Brasil é um dos poucos países atualmente que tá tendo deflação e crescimento do PIB, diferente dos países europeus e os EUA que estão sofrendo com a inflação alta
That is the thing mate. They build up this whole ''political war'' narrative while it is just a cover up. Both Lula and Bolsonaro are part of establishment, he did nothing to keep lula in the jail and lula (left wing) did nothing to impeach bolsonaro. There are some events where lula and bolsonaro talk to the same people and they both laugh with everything.
Yes, all the international midia are leftist... I'will vote in Bolsonaro again, just because he doesn't destroyed our economy as the communist Lula did.
I'm 58 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, we are finding it impossible to replace it. We can get by, but cant seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 40years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
We keep maxing out our IRAs and 401k each month. Our IRAs are already down at least 25% from the high from the high. I've gone to more cash but only about 30% approx. I had been adding after the June low, but now I'm down even more. We are also at the 50% FIB level from the March 2020 low to the top in Dec 2021/Jan 2022. Also, I always here people "investment advisors" talk about dollar cost averaging and limiting losses by going to cash or bonds, but I don't hear anyone talking about shorting the market with say inverse ETFs or put options. Going to cash is also a loss because inflation and printing more $$$ makes cash lose value as well.
People like Bolsonaro and his supporters remind me of why I'd never consider living in SA except for Chile. It's like US politics only 10x more divisive, hateful and ignorant. And little respect for democratic norms.
That problem with this video is that to understand why Bolsonaro is popular now in Brazil you have to understand about what left wing party PT and Lula have done to the country.
A questão não é essa. O TSE impediu que fossem feitos retestes de vulnerabilidade nas urnas, quando elas foram declaradas inseguras por profissionais da área.
@@paulohenriquesoares453 as urnas não foram consideradas inseguras por "profissionais da área". Fake news. Foram consideradas inseguras, no máximo, por "técnicos" ligados ao governo ou por membros das forças armadas subordinadas ao Bolsonaro. O problema do bolsonaro não é com as urnas, é com a democracia.
I've been talking about it. Bolsonaro could lose the elections. I hope he loses! But Bolsonarism will remain strong as a political movement, even without Bolsonaro in the presidency. Because Bolsonaro has the support of some very important groups: # People living in regions where agribusiness is prominent; # Police and security forces officers; # Evangelical Christians; Unlike other populists, Bolsonaro has a real base of support in society.
yeah and the people who support lula are: # Criminal Organizations like the PPC and CV # Convicts in jail # Northern people who don't even know how to read and also don't want to work # Influencers on twitter who encourage their fans to doxx and harrass people to the point of suicide
Yeah that's right, So tell me how States/Countries without any election mechanism or any democratic ones work out for poor people, you think dictatorship and monarchy really are the same thing, elections matters so much that those in power don't want happening
Sim. Um candidato promove o re-investimento em educação, como feito antes com a criação de mais de 400 institutos federais (IF's), e fazer o Brasil crescer novamente, como fez ao levar o país à 6º economia mundial. O outro candidato promove o armamento, o desmatamento a desmoralização das instituições democráticas, o desleixo com a saúde pública, e a piora da imagem do país no cenário internacional. É literalmente o bem contra o mal.
"A briga do bem contra o mal", pensamento bem extremista esse seu, isso quer dizer que em uma luta do bem contra o mal, o bem vence e aniquila o mal, mas a grande questão é: quem é o mal? outro compatriota que não compartilha do seu pensamento? Uma pessoa que igual a você que trabalha e tem família e amigos, mas só porque não segue o pensamento maniqueísta deve ser eliminado do país, no seu comentário não está claro quem você apoia como candidato e que no final das contas não tem relevância, pois esse tipo de pensamento extremista, já mostra que o ódio venceu e que você está radicalizado em seu pensamento político, seja ele de direita ou de esquerda.
@@fabiogiehl2627 Você mora no Chile ou no Brasil? a minha preocupação é com o Brasil, você usa o Chile como exemplo somente para reforçar o seu viés de confirmação, porque se olhar o problema globalmente (uma vez que você está envolvendo outro país na discussão) você verá que tanto países liderados pela direita quanto pela esquerda terá problemas, então seria muito fácil pra mim reforçar aquilo em que eu já acredito, pegar como exemplo países com políticas que eu não concordo e apontar seus erros, somente para reforçar a minha crença de que estou do "lado certo da história", o que não é verdade, política é muito mais complexa do que um simples pensamento maniqueísta da luta do bem contra o mal
@@fabiogiehl2627 desculpe, mas essa sua afirmação não tem base nenhuma para se provar verdadeira, vamos dar nomes aos bois, pois não está ficando claro sobre o que estamos falando, na sua visão se a esquerda ganhar a eleição, ela vai confiscar a propriedade privada das pessoas porque no Chile onde um governo de esquerda está no poder e segundo você isso está acontecendo, vou só apontar onde eu acho que o seu raciocínio está errado, a esquerda governou o país de 2003 a 2016 e durante esse tempo no poder não houve nenhuma ameaça a propriedade privada de ninguém, então, não faz sentido ter esse medo, uma vez que eles já estiveram no poder e nada disso aconteceu, o mesmo vale para as pessoas que diziam em 2018 que se o Bolsonaro ganhasse a eleição ele daria um golpe, já se passaram 4 anos e o golpe não aconteceu, então esses medos que pregam nas pessoas para não votarem em determinado candidato não tem o menor sentido, uma vez que esses candidatos já estiveram ou estão no poder e nenhum dos medos atribuídos à eles não se concretizaram
Tbh...I am far from being a guy with extreme views in politics... could easily put myself in the center with perspectives in both spectrum. But living in Brazil and following sentiment I cannot see the extremist deeds or acts coming from Bolsonaro's side. I experience much more agressivness coming from Lula's ideas and his followers. The hunger to reclaim power. They tend much more to be committet to the fight of the classes and focus especially on invading properties and censorship of who has no alligned thought. To me this is quite text book communism . Unfortunately the supreme court consist of 6 out of 8 ministers that are Lula's allies. They are now censoring Bolsonaro's campagne , claiming their spreading "fake news". However this clearly happens on both sides. To be honest liberty its a stake if the left wins, although they acuse Bolsonaro to be a threat to "democracy". Its up side down
India coughs!!! Although the division is slowly changing because the opposition has a clown as their candidate who unintentionally making Modi even more popular
Since we all love binary thinking, Brazilian politics is that in practice. Corrupt left wing vs corrupt right wing - you can't win, and you're forced to vote
Bolsonaro is our thoroughbred horse that represents the extreme right of Brazil. We are capitalist and not socialist. Bolsonar makes our indignation at the system that manipulates Brazilian politics reach the three powers. general about bolsonaro. Bolsonaro gave rise to Brazilian patriotism. The only one who achieved this was Airton Senna from Brazil. we have different worldviews than the rest of the world.
@@FellipeRodrigues89 Se o bolsonaro ganhar o sistema vai cair e a esquerda (socialismo) vai desaparecer do mapa.A esquerda da uma de socialista e vive o capitalismo entre eles kkkkk.Isso caiu por terra com a extrema direita se apresentando nas eleiçoes desde 2018 e revelando quem eles são...
Bolsonaro! Brazil is with you . Only a Brazilian can give an opinion on this matter, only we know what we have endured at PT’s hands. Bolsonaro is far from being the perfect candidate, abut it’s what we’ve got!
Well, let's choose the far-right and racist politician who loves dictatorships and uses fascist propaganda tactics. The only reason to support him is that you don't know enough about history. It seens that it's not enough embarassing youself in portuguese, now do you want to embarass youself internationallly.
A threat to unregulated capitalism maybe, maybe the only man that can save planet earth, by stopping all deforestation of the Amazon..the Amazon is everyone on earth's business..the lungs of the planet is our only hope, and science..but we all know how despots hate science..just too much truth in it.
I hope the best to Brazil, but the people, unfortunately don't know how to behave in peace in society. They want to force the others... Every extremism is bad!
The way the economist supports lula makes me think that corruption probably is not considered a crime outside Brazil... or maybe they consider corruption to be just part of brazilian culture, so not worth it for us to fight against it. It is sad that many Brazilians agree with this last explanation.
Threat of Lula you guys mean… Already a bad thing having biased local media covering the matter from a wrong perspective, now international media also doing terrible for brazil’s future
kkkkkkkkkk 48 a 43, o datapovo é Lula. Acabou o roubo e trafico de minérios em tem indígenas. Mineradoras vão ter que trabalhar na lei como todo mundo. Quem cometeu crime serão criminalizados, mt crimes como assassinatos de indígenas, invasão de terras indígenas. Achou errado otário, achou q ladrão Bolsonaro que deu 58 bilhões pro ceentrão roubar recursos do povo. Agora vai ter que pagar a justiça o que vocês devem. Lula cresceu 4 % em media, Bozó 1% de crescimento de PIB. O risco do Brasil virar a Venezuela é com Bolsonaro, que quer colocar 16 ministros no STF. Acabou o rouba, agora vai ter que trabalhar perante a lei, acabou o roubo e assassinato de indígenas.
para você pode ser, mas se governa para maioria. bolsonaro governou pro seus, deu o orçamento de 58 bilhões pro centrão roubar. educação: num criou nehuma universidade, de 5 péssimos ministros um preso por corrupção. saúde: Com menos de 3% da população mundial, o país tem 10,3 das mortes de covid mundial, acreditou erroneamente que imunidade de rebanho e cloroquina negou o quanto pode as vacinas e em dezembro de 2020 cortou o auxilio emergencial quando começou a haver 4 mil mortes dia. economia: desmantelou programas de combate a fome, hj são mais de 33 milhões passando fome; a inflação sobre alimentos foi de 60%, não soube lidar principalmente com preço do diesel q chegou a 7,7 em vez de reduzir preferiu reduzir gasolina em 5 meses somente ja q depois da eleição ja aumenta, talvez maior aumento da história. segurança publica: diminui homicídios, q era uma tendencia já q Jungmann tinha feito bom trabalho com Temer, armar a população não é solução de crime. Para mim, Bolsonaro, Collor e Dilma tem as piores gestões não diferencio-os.
If Bolsonaro wins, he will be able to govern the country better due to having more representation (perhaps) in Congress. I want to remind you that many say they support Bolsonaro in order to win votes. After they manage to get reelected, they take off their masks.
The economist as much as I do enjoy some of their content, one must be careful as they are one of the most biased publications out there. They have nothing positive to say about anyone leaning right. Thus, I would take any of their political analysis with a grain of salt.
Folks, please hear me out on this and if possible, try to pass this on: Brazilians have been under a judiciary dictatorship for some years now. They managed to muzzle and restrain congress (this one apparently complicit) and interfere in every possible way on Executive Power's exclusive prerogatives. This in itself means that the government system is now (has been) illegitimate. We have bore witness of at least two consecutive major elections 100% rigged not to mention all sort of crimes committed against our constitution by the very courts whose sole purpose was to uphold it. Right now, the Brazilian people have moved past the point of providing legal grounds for the only power left with true power to intervene and save the nation from a whole consortium of nefarious and criminal organizations including communists, globalists and drug cartels, thus we have now reached the point of having to force the Military to fulfill their constitutional duty by demanding them to do so. Guess what just happened in at least one civil protests at the gates of a Military Base: The state government just ordered the police to intervene which they promptly responded by throwing gas bombs on a crowd of civilians including women, elderly and children. Make no mistake: we are at war here!
I'm a brit living in SP and as subsriber and viewer of your podcasts and videos I really do think your analysis is utterly flawed. There is very little appetite for gun ownership and what you don't cover is the the remarkable level of judicial activism and censorship. Recently adverts describing Lula as a thief were prohibited by the electoral court and we have had a few weeks ago the spectacle of a group of business men who had accounts frozen because on their whatsapp group where they discussed a return to the miltiary.
What you are seeing is now a line from the south east and south who don't want the return of the workers party. If Lula wins there will be unrest not because of voter fraud but due to this dynamic. I'm afraid you have simply fallen into the trap of portraying Bolsonaro as some Trump type figure when most brazilians who vote for him will be voting against Lula and a return to a corrupt past.
Well said. The overall international media are shallow and has no idea or interest on showing both sides problems and risks. I am more afraid of Lula than Bolsonaro. Lula present a higher risk to democracy, but it is not portrayed anywhere.
Brazilians should look for the solution by ourselves.
Exactly 👏🏼👏🏼
Falo tudo ! Congratulations !!!
If you live in Brazil, you'll know this is just a rerun of Lula vs Collor. Horrible to think how little has changed in almost 40 years...
The video said most of the new gun owners are in the countryside... *Your* vision seems to be severely restricted
As a Brazilian, living in the Amazonas state. I guarantee to you, Lula is way worse than Bolsonaro. I just wish the journalists could see Brazil the same way ordinary people do, not just by feeding them selfs teaspoons of information from journalists to journalists.
IF you truly believe that, then everyone who died during the pandemic died for nothing in Brazil.
Lula is a bad candidate, but even so, he's better than that trash Bolsonaro who doesn't care about his own people.
Bolsonaro wins 22🇧🇷 ..The economist..(rothchid) no more
"Brazil Elections: the Enduring Threat of The Economist One Sided Reports"
The worst election since Brexit: Trump of the Tropics vs the Copacabana Criminal. And you HAVE to vote
Did you watch the video?
Olha o gado já babando. 😂
@@ev.c6 Excelente argumentação
An outsider with 28 years as deputy 🤣
Pathetic, a shame for all brazilians.
and Lula an entire life as a THIEF.
E um burro como vc w não conhece meu país ! Olhe os nossos vizinhos seu burro
@@JohnUsp True, like Bolsonaro
Propaganda is not journalism.
Propaganda could be in 2018 when he wasn't president at all. Nowadays, we can be based on facts, 700k deaths.
FAKE NEWS! virou jornalismo no Brasil!
There is no journalism. All these people do no research and ask no hard questions. They just want to be on TV 🙄
Tem que avisar isso pro pessoal da Jovem Pan!
@@leogama3422 E da Globo, Uol, Folha tbm né
Reports like these, completely one sided are one of the reasons that Brazil is so polarized. Bolsonaro is not perfect (far from it), and had some very questionable decisions, but so did his opponents. And in the other hand his government achieved some economical and social successes. How about The Economist making balanced report? That would be nice...
Alguem tinha que dizer
What sucesso Pedro? Almost everymonth of this last executive government was a disaster.
Do not forget, Lula hás a chance tô comeback because Bolsonaro is one of the worst president in the last 30 years of this repúblic, and he hás many conexions with corrupt action within the públic sphere(Just like Lula).
16 BI de em parlamentares esse ano, 4 BI em fundão eleitoral. 100 anos de sigilo. Porque um governo tão honesto desidrataria todo e qualquer tipo de investigações pelo país ?(PF, Abin, Polícia Ambiental, IBAMA, INPE, quantos outros mais)
Learn proper English before talking trash, npc
Don't expect balanced reporting from the woke presstitutes of the Western media.
A The Economist é conhecida como "A Revista Econômicamente Liberal" lá fora. Acho que isso diz muito sobre seu grande "liberal" bolsonaro.
The funny thing is that he had been 30 years the establishment as an unproductive parliament member, how could he sell himself as anti-establishment? But he could.
Because when people have poor education and already believe in fairy-tales, they’ll believe anything
just like Trump.
People has a choice to vote for a ex prisoner that supports communist dictators too. There are options, you know.
Lula voters are mostly poor , uneducated , ignorant , lazy , pothead , leftist liberals who believe mainstream media basically the same scumbags that voted for Biden in USA .
he wasn't the establishment; he was from the "baixo clero", a congressman that was quite irrelevant, always with ideas that the establishment never give attention to, but these ideas are ideas that many brazilians have in their minds.
Bolsonaro's supporters seem more energized and fanatical. The last poll I saw had him down 47% to 53%. I do not trust the polls. It's like Trump in the sense that his people do not respond to the polling. I was in Rio and Minas Gerais last month; the energy is definitely on Bolsonaro's side. I love the country and have friends on both sides; hope all goes well no matter the outcome.
Bolsonaro's supporters are the world's biggest spreaders of fake news on the internet. They even spread fake news in the USA campaign.
thanks for the support brother
Fraud,Lula is a crook and whoever support him
Of course, it’s easier to drum up support when you fear-monger and brainwash uneducated bigots. Decent people don’t support Bozo
It really depends on the region. The Northeast reagion basically saved Lula.
The similarities to Viktor Orban of Hungary are striking.
What do you imply? no human understand if they dont know contexts in Hungary, explain yourself.
Você tem razão, o sonho dele é ser ditador,nos brasileiros temos o dever de derrotar alguém tão perverso aos brasileiros e ao mundo.
A democracia vencerá em nosso país.
@@suzana9288 Lula 13 ❤️
He has been called Orbansonaro or BolsoChavez in Brazil. It's history repeating itself.
@@luizcadu never heard such and i know portuguese well to read sides of media, he has been called fascist as far as i know.
Brazilian Trump
I think its unfair compare him with trump. He was as deputy for like 28 years. There's not a lot in common with trump.
@@pedrop3075 except his whole political movement
@@KhaalixD Spot-On
@@KhaalixD there's no movement like the ones in U S. A. The power, influence, organization and principles are in no way comparable. But it's fair to say that part of the rethoric is similar.
Trump is less inept. Bolsonaro (also known as BozoNero) is the "Caligula of the 21st century".
Well lula did go to prison…
What about a video about the enduring threat of Lula? His support and friendship with SA dictators and his wish to make Brazil a dictatorship itself.
ⓘ 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖́𝙧𝙞𝙤 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙙𝙤 𝙋𝙚𝙡𝙤 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙪𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙧 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙡
My comment was censured, like many channels here in my country were, just for wondering if there was fraud in the elections, or simply saing "Lula "thief"".
Se houvesse uma reportagem séria sobre democracia , The Economist estaria aqui mostrando que o presidente não pede bloqueio em canais de youtube, nem desmonetiza que em alguns casos é o trabalho de muitos. Poderia mostrar a verdade que o presidente trouxe aos olhos da nação...Bolsonaro the best president Brazil has ever had .
Ele n foi o melhor presidente nem na casa do caralho. Para com essa mentalidade fechada aí irmão, entendo tu apoiar ele mas apoiar cegamente é ignorância
Edit: Não acho que nenhum lado (Lula ou Bolsonaro) tenha sido o melhor que já tenha acontecido pro Brasil mas essa mentalidade de agressividade e de se recusar a aceitar que existem ações questionáveis do Bolsonaro é um problema que pode afetar a democracia brasileira como um todo.
The economist é o principal news de economia liberal, para esse news Bolsonaro nem é liberal nem democrata. mas opinião é pessoal, fatos são outra coisa. para você pode ser, mas se governa para maioria. bolsonaro governou pro seus, deu o orçamento de 58 bilhões pro centrão roubar. educação: num criou nehuma universidade, de 5 péssimos ministros um preso por corrupção. saúde: Com menos de 3% da população mundial, o país tem 10,3 das mortes de covid mundial, acreditou erroneamente que imunidade de rebanho e cloroquina negou o quanto pode as vacinas e em dezembro de 2020 cortou o auxilio emergencial quando começou a haver 4 mil mortes dia. economia: desmantelou programas de combate a fome, hj são mais de 33 milhões passando fome; a inflação sobre alimentos foi de 60%, não soube lidar principalmente com preço do diesel q chegou a 7,7 em vez de reduzir preferiu reduzir gasolina em 5 meses somente ja q depois da eleição ja aumenta, talvez maior aumento da história. segurança publica: diminui homicídios, q era uma tendencia já q Jungmann tinha feito bom trabalho com Temer, armar a população não é solução de crime. Para mim, Bolsonaro, Collor e Dilma tem as piores gestões não diferencio-os.
Essa minoria, tipo o Carlos, é simplesmente APAIXONADA pelo bolsonaro. Não tem nada a ver com política, é paixão mesmo. É inacreditável o que toda a propaganda mentirosa fez na cabeça dessa gente... triste.
@@dougDuarte Se tratando de amor a família e a minha pátria sou mesmo apaixonado. Sobre DEUS sou adorador por excelência.
Agora pode mostrar com números qual a área do atual governo que foi pior que os passados. Desmatamento sobre o governo do PT foi desmatado o dobro.
Basta pesquisar e vai ter a prova. Economia saímos da 13ª e já somos a 10ª economia mundial. 100 milhões de empregados dados nunca obtidos em nenhum governo.
@@yblue6116 Dentre as opções o bolsonaro é o melhor, Lula é a pior opção em qualquer caso.
Imagine the Economist shilling for corrupt lula
Lula changed Brazil for the better
Lula is convicted for corruption but since he is left leaning politician, Economist worships him. Leftist media like Economist will side even with corrupt politician if its opponent is conservative politician. Economist = 💩
And Bolsonaro allowed half a million to die of covid saying it was just a flu
@@ruialexandre6197 are you not insane by blaming one man for that?
@@elvisnnaemeka6722 Lula made Brazil Great
Tener ruined Brazil with Bolsonaro dragging Brazil off the cliff.
Lula will Make Brazil Great Again 💪
An anti-democratic position by the Economist. How dare the majority of Brazilian citizens vote in their preferred candidate.
Majority opinion doesn't automatically equate to rational judgment. Masses have often got it wrong but then in democracies, the people get the sort of leader they deserve.
@@AmanKumar-de1kc The alternative is letting "elites" such as The Economist editors pick the leaders. If a person is elected for a second term apparently the citizens are getting the leadership they wants. If he takes power and stays in office he is a dictator.
@@AmanKumar-de1kc Countries get the leaders they deserve. Well said. Just look at these fanatics in the comment section and how Brazil is doing.
@@AmanKumar-de1kc so you basically saying it's better to not have a democracy at all?
@@brojwz2314 Nope I'm saying the people of a nation get the kind of leader they deserve.
Paulo Guedes is a patriot. With the salary that paulo guedes earns as minister of the economy of brazil. This salary does not pay taxes on his material goods that he owns. Paulo Guedes wants to make history for his children and grandchildren. From the man who placed Brazil as an economic power. There is a lot of pressure for him to leave the government and he said that he only leaves the government with a gunshot wound.
This makes no sense. Don't try to write in English when you don't know how to. What you've written is just a string of incomplete sentences.
@@phillipvillani9061 Who are you to speak my English. Are you the one who pays my bills? Do you know how to write in Portuguese? Respect democracy and let me have my right of expression.
@@phillipvillani9061 You went to vote for Biden. You ended up with the world's harmony. We are heading towards a third world war.
@@clebercleber9837 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
@@analuspereira3 Voce deu risada né.Voce gosta de fogo no parquinho né rsrsrsrss.
Dear Economist, please do some research on what Lula and PT have done to Brazil when they were in power for more than 10 years. I am curious to see how you will report it.
Will do it?
The situation here in Brazil in this moment is really delicate. Now I saw a country almost divided and where I have a fear to say my opinion because of the fear of something bad happens. I know people in both sides and I respect them.
I hope that this situation doesn't end like the 6 January in US and the World's Cup can reunite our country, once again, minimizing just a little bit the tensions after the election in 30 October. I hope so.
Por favor meu amigo , essa reitorica de copa do mundo de novo? Brasileiros de verdade sabem que estaa coisas sempre foram uma distração para os reais problemas do brasil , inclusive os roubos na política brasileira, acorda para a vida
É lula 13. Bolsobosta Nunca mais.
@@Thiagosc90 a esquerda brasileira passou a mentir em inglês também
Îe Reginaldo, I understand-and feel-your comments. Here in the USA, people are also politically very divided, more than I have ever seen in my lifetime [born in 1974]. News and history taught in schools here regarding comparisons between Brasil & the USA is terribly, terribly, sparse and that’s very unfortunate because our two countries share so so so much. As you probably know, the United States’ foreign policy and actions in Central America and South America has not been in alignment with the morals and values of the American people. Most American people really believe in the concept of democracy in our hearts, but the meddling of the USA’s agents-historically-has been pro-authoritarian, and not pro-democratic. In both Brasil and in the United States, politicians that would care more about regular working people have been punished for “not being in the club” enough… and that club could be the political system at large, or whatever party they are funneled into. Eu adoro seu país, irmão. Quando visitando aí, o povo me deram tratamento mais gentileza do que minha família de sangue aqui nos EAU. Tô desejando sorte e paz e tudo bem pra todos aí 🙏 🇧🇷🇺🇸
Tem muita gente como eu que vai votar no Lula, quieto.
No momento é o bandido menos perigoso
I would prefer to live in Texas rather in Venezuela!!!
almost the same situation as the Philippines
tell me more, please...
the fact that you are seeing a threat in bolsonaro instead of having an ex convicted felon of corruption and theft, again... is strange
It’s because from experiences globally the policies that he wants to implement are shown to have detrimental effects on social cohesion, the environment and quality of life as a whole. While his solutions are attractive in the short-term many of them actually make the situations worse. More guns doesn’t actually deal with the issue of crime and deaths from crime, but just give the illusion of safety, while calling media, courts and election systems fake only undermines significant key aspects of democracy… even if he wins, it’ll legitimize less democratic governance. It’s challenging to feel that your values aren’t being represented, but to undermine representative democracy to get your values in power actually just breaks society down. So yes, he is a threat to Brazilian society in the long-term. Is lula better, maybe not but atleast he isn’t trying to undermine the system itself.
@@parvizdeamer Lula é mil vezes melhor, na verdade, não existe sequer um político do Planeta, atualmente, que possa se colocar como um estadista, em pé de igualdade com Lula.
It's not an election, it's a farce. Two horrible candidates, and Brazilians HAVE to vote.
@@sergiolyrio2593 não
That applies to bolsonaro too you know that right
" the enduring threat of Bolsonaro"......I don't have much insight into the makings of Brazilian politics, so I'll refrain from making any opinions.
But if information gathering exposes me to themes like these which reflect more of one's position as opposed to one's reasoning, I find it hard to attach any merit.
After all, it is very likely a majority of journalists have "personal moral manifestos" before entering the field of journalism, very few are likely to have taken a single statistics course that takes the rejection of one's belief at the centre of the study.
Did you watch the whole video? He's a threat because he undermines fundamental concepts democracy is built upon, like free press and free elections. That's not subjective.
During Lula and PT mandates, journalism had the same reputation of "persecution" of his government. It is just a picture of momentum. I was against Lula and PT for the corruption scandals. I am against Bolsonaro all along for his ignorance and incompetency. But now I will vote for Lula, in this scenario he is the least of two evels.
There is no journalism anymore. It's all egos who want to make a scene on television. They can't do research or ask a simple question
@@BrandonCCB Do you prefer who stole from you? kkkkkk
@@ismaelbalcao Bolsonaro is the real thief which is why the man above has changed his opinion
Brazil bolsonaro 22
É 13 kkkk
@@Ch4dBR 13 é o número da besta
Whether you're from the left or the right, if someone says that they will not accept the results of the election before it happens, SURELY you have to be disturbed by that. You HAVE to be!
Você não sabe de que são capazes .
Is he the only threat? What about Lula?
I'm sorry, but without understanding who Lula is, what he has done and what he represents, you won't understand Brazil, the Brazillian elections or Bolsonaro.
Lula is not the most honest and competent politician in the world, but has NEVER, ever, ever, threatened a coup d'état nor attacked the democratic institutions and the electoral process like BolsoChavez does on a daily basis. there's no possible comparison between these two.
@@luizcadu He has done that many many many times, Brazil always forget these things, he attacked media and democracy his whole mandate
@@bebedor_de_cafe3272 Who, Lula? Name one instance in which he treated a minister of the supreme court as a personal enemy. Tell us one time in which he said he was not going to accept the result of the elections. Provide us with a link to one speech in which Lula said the congress and the supreme court should be overthrown. You know that what you're saying is not true.
@@bebedor_de_cafe3272 thaaank you! This is not a choice, Brazil. You can't run an election based on whom you hate less...
@@luizcadu that’s a lie.
Lula attempt 2 time to change the constitution. And 3 times during Dilma.
You should study the attempts to change the government in last years of lula government and Dilmas.
This is literally so biased. I’m brazilian and do NOT like both candidates, but I can clearly see that this video is VERY one-sided.
Yeeees. I thought The Economist was more professional. It seems like all the other media.
Brazil elections: the enduring threat of Lula
That would be way more accurate.
@@cheekibreeki9976 yea
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Watch the video again, but now try to open your eyes a little
@@samuvf You guys will only really believe that Lula is a threat to Brazil as soon as he finally gets to power again.
Lula is the best.
I’m on vacation in Brazil now 😊
Rio de Janeiro?
Enjoy your vacation and stay away from political fanatics.
@@jaym8927 More like left wing supporters, they might steal your wallet or mug you...
Let's go bolsonaro 22 plok
It's important to portray Bolsonaro's failings and threats, but also his important achievements. Furthermore, is important to also communicate about Lula's failings and threats, so the picture of such a complex election isn't so lopsided. There's a reason for support of this magnitude for Bolsonaro. Although I agree with much of the video's statements, there are so many pieces of the puzzle missing, that a true understanding of the complex situation that we are in is not being correctly portrayed. To give an example, there's Lula's friendships and support to many Latin American and Central American dictatorships, which I would consider a real serious and dangerous political alignment. There is also the abnormal level of judicial activism and censorship going on during the campaigns. We are truly in a grey area politically and morally. Framing this situation as if one side is the "democratic" one against the "undemocratic", "light" against "darkness", is a shallow interpretation of such a complex election.
No, it is not. The fact that Lula has eventually complimented the governments of Cuba and Venezuela does not mean he has ever shown intentions of overthrowing democratic institutions like BolsoChavez does on a regular basis. Also name one "important achievement" his government that is not completely based on conspiracy theories like "oh, he stopped communism!" or "oh, he stopped 'gender ideology' in schools!".
@@luizcadu Meu caro, considero estes flertes de Lula com estas ditaduras minimamente problemático, mas também não acredito que Lula possui a intenção e nem a competência de transformar o Brasil em um regime desses. Continua sendo problemático de qualquer forma (assim como o Bolsonaro). Dito isso, entre conquistas importantes do governo:
1 - Reforma da Previdência (que já gerou uma economia de 120 bilhões de reais desde a aprovação)
2 - Superávit primário do governo central pela primeira vez em 8 anos
3 - Deflação recorde (inflação atualmente menor que nos EUA e Europa)
4 - Queda no desemprego para patamares abaixo dos 10%, um nível extremamente baixo para a média da última década
5 - Redução do tempo médio de abertura de empresas no Brasil de 4 dias para 23 horas
6 - Aprovação da Lei de Liberdade Econômica
7 - Tipificação da violência psicológica contra a mulher como crime
8 - Redução da dívida/PIB para 78%
9 - Redução de gastos com venda de imóveis da União e concessões
10 - Plano de governo mencionando reforma administrativa e tributária
11 - Redução na taxa de homicídios para 45 mil por ano (era 60 mil há alguns anos)
São conquistas importantes a serem mencionadas para formar um juízo de valor sóbrio.
@@luizcadu, I think you're blinded by your fanatism because as we speak the Brazilian economy is doing very well with unemployment below 9%, deflation and a decrease in violent crimes.
You can cite his weakness but to say he hasn't done anything despite the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine devastating major world economies is nothing but mischief on your part.
It's not hard to choose. See what each one did and their criminal records.
Bolsonaro 22 🇧🇷
Perfeito @João Pedro França!
What about the threat of having. Criminal as a president??? What are you talking about The Economist??
Brazil is being censored, help! 🇧🇷🙏
There is only hope for Brazilians with Bolsonaro at the helm!
Some brave journalists needs to do a documentary about these military equipment and gun companies around the world and their influence in politics. I don't think the public knows just how much our lives are ruled by these companies.
Brasil Paralelo tem vários documentários, mais estamos sendo censurados, STF são criminosos que mandam e demandam em tudo.
Some brave journalists need to tell the truth about what is going on in Brazil and the fraudulent election to bring back a CONVICTED man to run the country.
what about the enduring threat of lula?
He is the right man for Brazil,look what happen to Venezuela smh
Go Bolsonaro ! Brazil is with you 🇧🇷🇧🇷
2:07 here is the perfect description of who lula is.
I agree
Lula is a madman lol
There has never been such high amounts of laundered money in Brazil ever
LULA IS CORRUPT, a liar and manipulative. When asked about corruption he twitches and walks away. He is scared of the truth
BOLSONARO 2022 🇧🇷❤
Lula knows very well how to deal with the center and the right in the congress. It is juat a question of price. In all possible meanings.
The Mensalão scandal says much about it.
vc sabe que a maioria do congresso agora é a favor do Bolsonaro, né? Sem o Congresso, o Lula não vai fazer nada
투표 한번 잘 못하면은 나라 망가진 나라 됩니다!!? 투표 하실때 신중히 잘 선택하시길!??🙏🙏🙏
Yes that is why I'm voting Bolsonaro as I did in the first time.
In today's world, the wrong vote (in some countries) can be dangerous for the whole world.
Lula president ❤
Unfortunately we still have a very conservative population that bolsonaro lerned how to tap into using fake news and polarization tools. Its not really that simple for people that has believed the conspiracy to change sides. But at least we still have a little over 50% of the voting population that maneged to see through that. He will fall at October 30 and once out of the presidency, the investigational organizations will be able to finally shine light on his crooked processes
Eu não sou bolsonarista e nem petista, mas esse canal pende MT pro lado do lula, e sem falar que o Brasil é um dos poucos países atualmente que tá tendo deflação e crescimento do PIB, diferente dos países europeus e os EUA que estão sofrendo com a inflação alta
Qual mídia não pende pro lado sujo petista?
The whole time I was waiting to hear something that makes him an actual threat, but then found that it's just him not being a leftist stooge. Fail.
That is the thing mate. They build up this whole ''political war'' narrative while it is just a cover up. Both Lula and Bolsonaro are part of establishment, he did nothing to keep lula in the jail and lula (left wing) did nothing to impeach bolsonaro. There are some events where lula and bolsonaro talk to the same people and they both laugh with everything.
Hola amigo ⤴️Gracias por tu comentario. Envíame un mensaje, quiero presentarte algo más rentable 📥✅
Yes, all the international midia are leftist... I'will vote in Bolsonaro again, just because he doesn't destroyed our economy as the communist Lula did.
Brother the Economist is far more right leaning than left
Isso mesmo.
I'm 58 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, we are finding it impossible to replace it. We can get by, but cant seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 40years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
We keep maxing out our IRAs and 401k each month. Our IRAs are already down at least 25% from the high from the high. I've gone to more cash but only about 30% approx. I had been adding after the June low, but now I'm down even more. We are also at the 50% FIB level from the March 2020 low to the top in Dec 2021/Jan 2022. Also, I always here people "investment advisors" talk about dollar cost averaging and limiting losses by going to cash or bonds, but I don't hear anyone talking about shorting the market with say inverse ETFs or put options. Going to cash is also a loss because inflation and printing more $$$ makes cash lose value as well.
One of the best financial decision anyone can make is to key into investing in the vast crypto or stocks market.
This is not Justin Brazil
Inflation is very high in USA and England,too
Calm down Bolsonaro is doing his best to improve everything and it is having an effect, Brazil is on the way to improvement
@Rolexy jallow I'm sure going to need his help, thanks for this amazing information
love Bolsonaro
People like Bolsonaro and his supporters remind me of why I'd never consider living in SA except for Chile. It's like US politics only 10x more divisive, hateful and ignorant. And little respect for democratic norms.
Don't come, it's fascist crazy down here.
@@analuspereira3 what country are you in? Or all of SA?
viva Bolsonaro viva Brasil! 🇧🇷
You can’t have both. If Bozo lives, Brazil dies.
Lula 13 ❤️
Livrai nos de todo mal, amém. 🙏🏽
Sim, vamos começar assassinar o comunismo/socialismo da América Latina. E, com o todo orgulho, essa aniquilação começará no Brasil em 2023.
Amém 🙏🇧🇷
E O mal que voltar ao poder lulaladrao nunca mais 12 anos de corrupção.
That problem with this video is that to understand why Bolsonaro is popular now in Brazil you have to understand about what left wing party PT and Lula have done to the country.
And if you open a history book you'll see Lula vs Collor. Brazil never learns, and never produces decent candidates.
@@lenawagenfuehr53 My parents probably voted in Collor and now are voting in Bolsonaro. Mass hysteria is a powerful thing
Eu não confio nas urnas... se o meu candidato perder. Lógica da batata.
A questão não é essa. O TSE impediu que fossem feitos retestes de vulnerabilidade nas urnas, quando elas foram declaradas inseguras por profissionais da área.
@@paulohenriquesoares453 É legitimo se for verdade. Atenção à manipulação da opinião pública quando as sondagens não estão a favor.
@@paulohenriquesoares453 Que profissionais? Aqueles militares mais burros que qualquer poste de rua?
@@paulohenriquesoares453 as urnas não foram consideradas inseguras por "profissionais da área". Fake news. Foram consideradas inseguras, no máximo, por "técnicos" ligados ao governo ou por membros das forças armadas subordinadas ao Bolsonaro. O problema do bolsonaro não é com as urnas, é com a democracia.
I've been talking about it. Bolsonaro could lose the elections. I hope he loses!
But Bolsonarism will remain strong as a political movement, even without Bolsonaro in the presidency.
Because Bolsonaro has the support of some very important groups:
# People living in regions where agribusiness is prominent;
# Police and security forces officers;
# Evangelical Christians;
Unlike other populists, Bolsonaro has a real base of support in society.
You forgot the biggest group: Honest People
Why are the Evangelical Christian always supporting the worst leaders!
@Kin Shung she like thief, but never the thief will take win again 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
yeah and the people who support lula are:
# Criminal Organizations like the PPC and CV
# Convicts in jail
# Northern people who don't even know how to read and also don't want to work
# Influencers on twitter who encourage their fans to doxx and harrass people to the point of suicide
She likes thieves then. Clearly just going along with her friends who are voting for luladrao
Idk why ppl think elections matter so much. No matter who becomes what ur miserable lives ain't changing.
Yeah that's right, So tell me how States/Countries without any election mechanism or any democratic ones work out for poor people, you think dictatorship and monarchy really are the same thing, elections matters so much that those in power don't want happening
Falo do rio de janeiro e de coração digo,aqui no Brasil acreditamos que esta eleição vai muito além da economia,é a briga entre o bem contra o mal
Briga entre o ruim e o pior
Sim. Um candidato promove o re-investimento em educação, como feito antes com a criação de mais de 400 institutos federais (IF's), e fazer o Brasil crescer novamente, como fez ao levar o país à 6º economia mundial. O outro candidato promove o armamento, o desmatamento a desmoralização das instituições democráticas, o desleixo com a saúde pública, e a piora da imagem do país no cenário internacional. É literalmente o bem contra o mal.
"A briga do bem contra o mal", pensamento bem extremista esse seu, isso quer dizer que em uma luta do bem contra o mal, o bem vence e aniquila o mal, mas a grande questão é: quem é o mal? outro compatriota que não compartilha do seu pensamento? Uma pessoa que igual a você que trabalha e tem família e amigos, mas só porque não segue o pensamento maniqueísta deve ser eliminado do país, no seu comentário não está claro quem você apoia como candidato e que no final das contas não tem relevância, pois esse tipo de pensamento extremista, já mostra que o ódio venceu e que você está radicalizado em seu pensamento político, seja ele de direita ou de esquerda.
@@fabiogiehl2627 Você mora no Chile ou no Brasil? a minha preocupação é com o Brasil, você usa o Chile como exemplo somente para reforçar o seu viés de confirmação, porque se olhar o problema globalmente (uma vez que você está envolvendo outro país na discussão) você verá que tanto países liderados pela direita quanto pela esquerda terá problemas, então seria muito fácil pra mim reforçar aquilo em que eu já acredito, pegar como exemplo países com políticas que eu não concordo e apontar seus erros, somente para reforçar a minha crença de que estou do "lado certo da história", o que não é verdade, política é muito mais complexa do que um simples pensamento maniqueísta da luta do bem contra o mal
@@fabiogiehl2627 desculpe, mas essa sua afirmação não tem base nenhuma para se provar verdadeira, vamos dar nomes aos bois, pois não está ficando claro sobre o que estamos falando, na sua visão se a esquerda ganhar a eleição, ela vai confiscar a propriedade privada das pessoas porque no Chile onde um governo de esquerda está no poder e segundo você isso está acontecendo, vou só apontar onde eu acho que o seu raciocínio está errado, a esquerda governou o país de 2003 a 2016 e durante esse tempo no poder não houve nenhuma ameaça a propriedade privada de ninguém, então, não faz sentido ter esse medo, uma vez que eles já estiveram no poder e nada disso aconteceu, o mesmo vale para as pessoas que diziam em 2018 que se o Bolsonaro ganhasse a eleição ele daria um golpe, já se passaram 4 anos e o golpe não aconteceu, então esses medos que pregam nas pessoas para não votarem em determinado candidato não tem o menor sentido, uma vez que esses candidatos já estiveram ou estão no poder e nenhum dos medos atribuídos à eles não se concretizaram
Tbh...I am far from being a guy with extreme views in politics... could easily put myself in the center with perspectives in both spectrum. But living in Brazil and following sentiment I cannot see the extremist deeds or acts coming from Bolsonaro's side. I experience much more agressivness coming from Lula's ideas and his followers. The hunger to reclaim power. They tend much more to be committet to the fight of the classes and focus especially on invading properties and censorship of who has no alligned thought. To me this is quite text book communism . Unfortunately the supreme court consist of 6 out of 8 ministers that are Lula's allies. They are now censoring Bolsonaro's campagne , claiming their spreading "fake news". However this clearly happens on both sides. To be honest liberty its a stake if the left wins, although they acuse Bolsonaro to be a threat to "democracy". Its up side down
And here I thought that no nation in the world was as divided as the USA….
India coughs!!! Although the division is slowly changing because the opposition has a clown as their candidate who unintentionally making Modi even more popular
Maybe you people should poke your noses out of the Anglosphere from time to time
@@lenawagenfuehr53 I follow more news places than the average person yet I did not know of this.
If he’s not a socialist…this is fine.
The more the national and international press hits bolsonaro. The more it grows before the Brazilian nation.
Bolsonaro and India's Modi are very similar!
Bad reporting starting from the title. You guys want the curruption to comeback, 14 years of PT wasnt enough?
Since we all love binary thinking, Brazilian politics is that in practice. Corrupt left wing vs corrupt right wing - you can't win, and you're forced to vote
a politica q nao apoia bolsonaro esta contra tudo q é bom pra vida saudadavel e um brasil amistoso e feliz
Hola amigo ⤴️Gracias por tu comentario. Envíame un mensaje, quiero presentarte algo más rentable 📥✅
Preferem um governo de bandidos, que só teve corrupção. Inacreditável!!! Bolsonaro 22
sim, bolsonaro é a pessoa mais amistosa do planeta terra
the worst thing in Brazil is that we must to choose between those two presidents...
Bolsonaro is our thoroughbred horse that represents the extreme right of Brazil. We are capitalist and not socialist. Bolsonar makes our indignation at the system that manipulates Brazilian politics reach the three powers. general about bolsonaro. Bolsonaro gave rise to Brazilian patriotism. The only one who achieved this was Airton Senna from Brazil. we have different worldviews than the rest of the world.
Falou tudo
@@FellipeRodrigues89 Os tres poderes viviam em harmonia antes do bolsonaro kkkk
@@FellipeRodrigues89 Se o bolsonaro ganhar o sistema vai cair e a esquerda (socialismo) vai desaparecer do mapa.A esquerda da uma de socialista e vive o capitalismo entre eles kkkkk.Isso caiu por terra com a extrema direita se apresentando nas eleiçoes desde 2018 e revelando quem eles são...
Bolsonaro! Brazil is with you . Only a Brazilian can give an opinion on this matter, only we know what we have endured at PT’s hands. Bolsonaro is far from being the perfect candidate, abut it’s what we’ve got!
This is not a choice. You might as well be in the Soviet Union in the 1980's
O que vc sofreu nas mãos do PT? KKKKKKK Nem vc sabe.
@@andrealp.79 16 anos de roubo que ainda nos afeta ainda hoje, com varias leis protegendo vagabundo e prevenindo a economia de ir pra frente
Chupa meozovo
Well, let's choose the far-right and racist politician who loves dictatorships and uses fascist propaganda tactics. The only reason to support him is that you don't know enough about history.
It seens that it's not enough embarassing youself in portuguese, now do you want to embarass youself internationallly.
Bolsonaro is the best for BRAZILIANS...
kkkkk não
Bolsonaro is not the best candidate, however he is much better than Lula.
As a Brazilian I can promise you, Lula is a much much bigger threat.
Quick tip: never trust any Bozo supporter, they have no sense of reality, like the leader BolsoCaligula.
A threat to unregulated capitalism maybe, maybe the only man that can save planet earth, by stopping all deforestation of the Amazon..the Amazon is everyone on earth's business..the lungs of the planet is our only hope, and science..but we all know how despots hate science..just too much truth in it.
No way
I believe you
Isso mesmo, Lula foi só corrupção, roubou trilhões!!!
I hope the best to Brazil, but the people, unfortunately don't know how to behave in peace in society. They want to force the others... Every extremism is bad!
Until the people learn how to vote i don´t see something changing
The best president ever, the midia will never show the true about him...
if it showed... the bolsominios wouldn't believe it lol
The way the economist supports lula makes me think that corruption probably is not considered a crime outside Brazil... or maybe they consider corruption to be just part of brazilian culture, so not worth it for us to fight against it. It is sad that many Brazilians agree with this last explanation.
The reality is that both Lula and Bolsonaro are not ideal…
And the worst part is, in Brazil you HAVE to vote...
Threat of Lula you guys mean…
Already a bad thing having biased local media covering the matter from a wrong perspective, now international media also doing terrible for brazil’s future
Any candidate who won't show humility when they lose an election is a threat.
You think The freaking Economist is biased against Bolsonaro?
Tip: Milton Ribeiro.
Bolsonaro, the best president! Go Mith! Bolsonaro 2022!!
BOLSONARO 22 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Bem tendenciosa essa matéria sobre a pessoa e o governo Bolsonaro!
The resemblance to what's going on in India is uncanny. Except the gun laws.
lol no... don't exaggerate it uncessarily.
The Economist, I'm sure you don't know what DEMOCRACY is, real democracy. And not the DEMOCRACY that socialists and communists promote. search.
Vai trouxa… Brasil vai virar ditadura com esse genocida no poder.
kkkkkkkkkk 48 a 43, o datapovo é Lula. Acabou o roubo e trafico de minérios em tem indígenas. Mineradoras vão ter que trabalhar na lei como todo mundo. Quem cometeu crime serão criminalizados, mt crimes como assassinatos de indígenas, invasão de terras indígenas. Achou errado otário, achou q ladrão Bolsonaro que deu 58 bilhões pro ceentrão roubar recursos do povo. Agora vai ter que pagar a justiça o que vocês devem. Lula cresceu 4 % em media, Bozó 1% de crescimento de PIB. O risco do Brasil virar a Venezuela é com Bolsonaro, que quer colocar 16 ministros no STF. Acabou o rouba, agora vai ter que trabalhar perante a lei, acabou o roubo e assassinato de indígenas.
Bolsonaro for the win!
O melhor presidente que o Brasil já teve, valoriza bons princípios e fez uma limpeza na política podre do Brasil, não ao comunismo.
para você pode ser, mas se governa para maioria. bolsonaro governou pro seus, deu o orçamento de 58 bilhões pro centrão roubar. educação: num criou nehuma universidade, de 5 péssimos ministros um preso por corrupção. saúde: Com menos de 3% da população mundial, o país tem 10,3 das mortes de covid mundial, acreditou erroneamente que imunidade de rebanho e cloroquina negou o quanto pode as vacinas e em dezembro de 2020 cortou o auxilio emergencial quando começou a haver 4 mil mortes dia. economia: desmantelou programas de combate a fome, hj são mais de 33 milhões passando fome; a inflação sobre alimentos foi de 60%, não soube lidar principalmente com preço do diesel q chegou a 7,7 em vez de reduzir preferiu reduzir gasolina em 5 meses somente ja q depois da eleição ja aumenta, talvez maior aumento da história. segurança publica: diminui homicídios, q era uma tendencia já q Jungmann tinha feito bom trabalho com Temer, armar a população não é solução de crime. Para mim, Bolsonaro, Collor e Dilma tem as piores gestões não diferencio-os.
Fez uma limpeza distribuindo grana pro centrão? que limpeza ein....
A única limpeza que ele fez foi no cofre Tesouro Nacional
O cara só fez bosta em quatro anos. Teve nada de bom no governo dele.
@@gamespuppet pra nos né, pra pastor e bilionários bilhões de benesses
Unbelievable this video! Only lies!
I will vote for bolsonaro again,he is the best 🇧🇷2️⃣2️⃣
Clearly there is a problem with Brazil’s education system
Ainda dá tempo de repensar pra não se arrepender depois! Ditadura ou democracia?
@@isabelcristinamaitan5812 ou mais escândalo de corrupção, muita coragem votar em um l4drão
If Bolsonaro wins, he will be able to govern the country better due to having more representation (perhaps) in Congress. I want to remind you that many say they support Bolsonaro in order to win votes. After they manage to get reelected, they take off their masks.
Poor people never fail to vote against their own interests...
Poor people vote for Lula. Educated/high-mid class for Bolsonora
The best!! Bolsonarooo
the enduring threat of Lula
The economist as much as I do enjoy some of their content, one must be careful as they are one of the most biased publications out there. They have nothing positive to say about anyone leaning right. Thus, I would take any of their political analysis with a grain of salt.
Congratulations! Cadle
You give the man too much credit, the international oligarchs who fund this movements are easy to trace.
@Sir Karl ϟϟ vsf nazista de merda, aparece na rua pra tu ver
“He painted lula as a corrupt communist “
But he is tho
What a "choice" - a corrupt communist or a flamboyant fascist...
I wish lula as a communist
B22 🇧🇷
LULA 13 ❤️
@@isabelcristinamaitan5812 chega de l4drão!!! Para roubar mais o nosso país.
I'm for president Bolsonaro.
all authoritarians appeal to people with childhood neglect
Bolsonaro 🇧🇷🇧🇷 22
Naturally we can see that this people has a side, I don’t believe in any of them but this canal loves one side, by then we cannot trust you.
Lula is a bad thing I can tell you.