Hi!, I am not familiar with what brands have service centers in India, as I don't live in there, but here are some good projectors from Amazon India XGIMI HALO+ www.amazon.in/XGIMI-LED-Powered-Hyper-Focused-Portable-Projector/dp/B077PM12HL/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=ALSVLFRPYM6J&keywords=projector+for+home+fhd&qid=1702392362&refinements=p_36%3A1318507031%2Cp_89%3AXGIMI&rnid=3837712031&s=electronics&sprefix=projector+for+home+fh%2Caps%2C167&sr=1-3 XGIMI Elfin www.amazon.in/Elfin-Projector-Portable-Supported-Speakers/dp/B098WT6DW2/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=ALSVLFRPYM6J&keywords=projector+for+home+fhd&qid=1702392362&refinements=p_36%3A1318507031%2Cp_89%3AXGIMI&rnid=3837712031&s=electronics&sprefix=projector+for+home+fh%2Caps%2C167&sr=1-5 XGIMI MoGo 2 www.amazon.in/XGIMI-Portable-Projector-Bluetooth-Avoidance/dp/B0BWQBDVTN/ref=mp_s_a_1_15_sspa?crid=2HPJ49LV6JLWJ&keywords=projector+fhd&qid=1702392918&sprefix=projector+for+home+fhd%2Caps%2C614&sr=8-15-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1 I hope this is helpful information. They are smart projectors but don't have an official Netfix app. The best that I recommend for a home cinema as is has the highest brightness and official Netfix app is Epson CO-FH02, but it is a little more expensive www.amazon.in/Epson-CO-FH02-Full-lumens-Projector/dp/B0BTDQF8CT/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2VSUUVOE25OAV&keywords=epson+co+fh-02+projector&qid=1702393318&sprefix=epson+c%2Caps%2C187&sr=8-2
XGIMI Horizon Ultra has Dolby Vision only for the content that supports it, so it is automatic and can't be turned off and on by the user. In picture modes like Standard, Movie, TV, etc, it has HDR option for customization (Auto, On, Off) but I am not sure if it is HDR10+ or just HDR10. I don't think it is HDR10+ anyway.
Bro can you suggest me a projector under 70k for home theatre setup.
Please tell me a brand with service centre in india.
Hi!, I am not familiar with what brands have service centers in India, as I don't live in there, but here are some good projectors from Amazon India
I hope this is helpful information.
They are smart projectors but don't have an official Netfix app.
The best that I recommend for a home cinema as is has the highest brightness and official Netfix app is Epson CO-FH02, but it is a little more expensive
Is there any Projector, which supports DOLBY VISION and HDR10+ Both?
XGIMI Horizon Ultra has Dolby Vision only for the content that supports it, so it is automatic and can't be turned off and on by the user.
In picture modes like Standard, Movie, TV, etc, it has HDR option for customization (Auto, On, Off) but I am not sure if it is HDR10+ or just HDR10. I don't think it is HDR10+ anyway.
@@GameMode12 sad. DV must be custom. And must be available widely in many projectorz
Какая задержка по hdmi?
У меня нет возможности измерить это значение, но оно похоже на другие топовые проекторы, например 35 мс. Порт дисплея USB-C выглядит таким же хорошим.