So I just got an AGM battery last week but was thinking of adding a LiFePO4 for a second battery. How many AH do you recommend for the secondary battery. I have the CX360.4 and the CX400.1 but plan on swapping out the CX400.1 for a CX800.1 next payday. So I figured I probably need a second battery since the CX800.1 does a 1000 watts by itself.
@@TRONMAGNUM2099 if you're adding the 800.1, I'm guessing it's going to draw at most 100 amps, but that's on a resistive load. Realistically, playing it would honestly draw around 50 amps, so I'd look for batteries somewhere in the range of at least 50-60 AH, preferably something around 75 wouldn't be out of the question. Eventually if you did your big 3 and added a HO alt with those 2 batteries, you'd have very stable voltage. Considering your system demands would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 amps total, even with additional load demands like AC in your car, you'd be golden.
You know a lot of people have told me that there's no way I can put a Retro 30ah Limitless Lithium under the my hood . This battery is heat resistant I'm good to go
Only reason I’m weary on those is because I’ve seen them pop Any lithium ran within its parameters will last as long as the build quality is on par as well Any battery under the hood has a shorter lifespan than on that isn’t 👊🏼
Look at the manual and max temperature. It's 140 degrees . Sadly car audio has no regulation and nobody to tell them what they can and can't put on batteries so they can put under the hood safe under the premise that you have and under the hood safe compartment for your lithium that is cooled. Which is a very very very very very very very insignificant amount of cars
I have a headway (lithium iron phosphate) in my trunk and XS AGM under the hood. All connected together. No issues so far. Fingers crossed.
You will probably never have an issue
Yeah I was looking at those headway cells a few years ago. You could get them for a good price if you waited.
Should be fine in the long run - I’ve done that for most of my lithium days 🙃
Hi mate how is the system going any trouble
You ever hear of a kicker solo x 18 with a psi rebuild?
I delete my battery under the hood and just run my batteries in my trunk. I thicken all factory wire. Lithium and heat doesn't well
So I just got an AGM battery last week but was thinking of adding a LiFePO4 for a second battery. How many AH do you recommend for the secondary battery. I have the CX360.4 and the CX400.1 but plan on swapping out the CX400.1 for a CX800.1 next payday. So I figured I probably need a second battery since the CX800.1 does a 1000 watts by itself.
@@TRONMAGNUM2099 current is current no matter which type of battery you're using. Just add up your system needs for that answer.
@@TRONMAGNUM2099 if you're adding the 800.1, I'm guessing it's going to draw at most 100 amps, but that's on a resistive load. Realistically, playing it would honestly draw around 50 amps, so I'd look for batteries somewhere in the range of at least 50-60 AH, preferably something around 75 wouldn't be out of the question. Eventually if you did your big 3 and added a HO alt with those 2 batteries, you'd have very stable voltage. Considering your system demands would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 amps total, even with additional load demands like AC in your car, you'd be golden.
You know a lot of people have told me that there's no way I can put a Retro 30ah Limitless Lithium under the my hood . This battery is heat resistant I'm good to go
Only reason I’m weary on those is because I’ve seen them pop
Any lithium ran within its parameters will last as long as the build quality is on par as well
Any battery under the hood has a shorter lifespan than on that isn’t 👊🏼
@@LivinLoudwithAndy My idea was to run my 30ah Limitless Lithium battery in conjunction with my 45ah Limitless Lithium battery in the back
Look at the manual and max temperature. It's 140 degrees . Sadly car audio has no regulation and nobody to tell them what they can and can't put on batteries so they can put under the hood safe under the premise that you have and under the hood safe compartment for your lithium that is cooled. Which is a very very very very very very very insignificant amount of cars