Setuju. gw sebagai followers IG nya akbar aji gw tau pegangan dia bukan ibanez tapi Yamaha Pacifica. kelihatan dia grogi karena belum terbiasa pakai ibanez dan merasa canggung di tonton banyak gitaris lain. gw pasti juga akan merasa sama. tapi si akbar ajie bagi gw salah satu the best gitaris yg Indonesia miliki.
taufikridwanvai Tapi karena dia mengikuti lomba ini, mau atau gak dia harus makai merk Ibanez, btw cara dia main sudah bagus-bagus saja. Setiap orang punya selera gitarnya masing-masing kok....
Wuih. Main LIVE ga gampang lho. Apalagi kalo single tanpa band. Alone... Diliatin sama gitaris laen. Trus tau kalo direkam 1x take. Untuk di upload. Pasti maen dibawah tekanan. Coba aja sendiri.. Segini sih udah keren abis. Layak lah jadi juara 👍👍👍✨
Michael Adam bg.... coba liat yg juara taon kmaren.... lebih rapi bg...... cek multinugraha..... Aq sih cuma pendengar aja, maen gak bisa..... tapi kalau ini juara kita, kalah nya di penataan efek dan kerapian suara...... Skill mantab....
dont care who said what about this solo. i am continiously listenening to it since yesterday. This Solo touched my heart and felt something which i cannot explain. Love from Bangladesh
saya bukan pemain yg hebat tp saya penikmat musik,ini klo juara 1 tp koq rasanya sound nya ngk bikin saya melayang ya,trus ada miss2 nya jg.hrs nya klo juara 1 sudah harus sempurna tdk ada kata "mendekati",makasi.
This title should have been Indonesian guy playing guitar beautifully.. I'm a very beginner guitarist and I liked this.. You're masters of the guitar so you didn't like it.. But why do you have to bash the guy instead of applauding how far he has come.. Right now I dream of becoming as good as him.. Don't break that down..
He's good yeah but for expert players who might not even get the chance to perform in places like this (due to financial status or location etc.) it's frustrating to see a simple lead piece win a proper ibanez competition, he miss played at least 10 or so notes and his technique wasn't really fully developed. This isn't to say you shouldn't want to be able to play like him because he is certainly a good player. People bash him because he shouldn't have won a high level competition with a rushed piece like that
Narendra ,These so called Masters talk down this kid but you dont see them entering any compititions.They should put their money where their mouths are or they should shut up.
mas adjie tolong di bikin baru lagi dong gila ini mah saya udah tonton berratus kali enak bgt sedih bgt sumpah ini soul kren bgt,penuh emosi,gila abis ,,plissssssssssssssss mas adjie tapi jangan ada yang di rubah di perpanjangt boleh
Hadeh, yg komen negatif itu sampah.. 1. Emng lu bisa main kaya dia? 2. Ilmu lu uda cukup tentang live performances dgn instrument, pedal, ampli, mic/ DI dll? 3. Lu uda pernah belom ngerasain suasana main di tonton para guitarist2 hebat lainnya? 4. Ketika lu main trus di kata2in lu bisa trima nggak? 5. Kampungan lu
I like the fact that he isn't your typical shredder. He isn't perfectly playing 100 notes per minute. He isn't just running scales without end. Every note he plays has emotion in it. I'll take an emotional well thought out, meaningful solo over a boring perfect gunslinger any day. I enjoyed this.
Fantastic solo in my opinion. Extremely melodic and beautifully constructed. Mistakes here and there, nothing no one else wouldn't make. Well deserved win my friend. Great solo.
Very well written song, and awesome delivery. He has a unique technique and very lyrical style. I don't think he could hear the backing music properly, still he pulled it together really well.
LOVE your style. Not perfect, but I'll take your emotion over mindless speed any day. Your slurring reminds me of Vai a bit--you are not a clone or rip off artist, but I can hear the influence. GREAT JOB from the U. S. Guitar has no national boundaries.
ini masukan juga utk kedepan khususnya panitia Ibanez Flying dan para juri.Tidak banyak gitaris sekarang khususnya yang muda muda bisa main lepas dan berimprovisasi,kenapa demikian?karena mereka belajar gitar kebanyakan instant method.Mereka belajar merakit skill yang mereka punya dengan melihat bukan dengan belajar.Ini sangat penting bagi kelangsungan seorang gitaris terlebih dia di tuntut serba bisa karena image seorang juara dianggap sudah superior maennya,padahal ketika dia maen bebas dan lepas dengan one chord atau apalah maka dia akan kehabisan attack dan pattern skillnya karena methode belajar yang instant tadi.Mereka kebanyakan tidak mengenal Blue Not.mereka kebanyakan jga lemah di picking teknique..ini jujur bkan merendahkan tapi masukan positip kedepan..mungkin kedepannya juga ketika penilaian utk pemenangnya perlu mereka di suruh dulu maen life biar tau kualitas yang sebenarnya..karena ketika dia memainkan lagunya sendiri yang dia tulis utk kompetisi,ditelingan dan dimata kita seakan kelihatan sempurna dan itu wajar karena lagu tsb sudah dia latih puluhan kali bahkan ratusan kalli di latih jadi akurat dan memukau..tapi ketika dia maen life dan berimprovisasi maka kelihatanlah mana yang gitaris instant mana yang gitaris sesungguhnya..memang tiada manusia yang sempurna...sesempurna sempurna seorang Yngwie Malmsteen masih jga ada kelemahannya..Yngwie tidak pernah atau jarang atau mungkin jgua lemah di alternate picking tapi ya itu tadi..manusia ada keterbatasan.Maka alangkah bagusnya 10 besar IFF kedepan khususnya utk 2018 ..semuanya di uji dengan maen life dengan instrumen yang standar dan cukup one chord saja sudah bisa kita menilai kualitas seorang gitaris ...Hal ini demi menjaga Kredibilitas IFF sendiri..jangan sampai jebolannya di remehkan dan tidak pantas sebagai juara....thats it.
coba ente baca komen komen di bawah sono gih...pada menghinakan?..terus coba ente baca komen ente?apakah menghina?gak kan..hanya kasih masukkan..menghina dan memberi masukan itu sama bagi orang Indonesia kah?...tentu saja tidak nona...
Ini komennya ga relevan dan ga koheren. Pertama dibilang klu gitaris sekarang "belajar merakit skill yang mereka punya dengan melihat", lalu disambung dengan "bukan belajar". Ini gimanong, mas? mereka belajar atau ga belajar? Lalu, bukankah melihat itu salah satu cara belajar? Selanjutnya, apakah mas udh melakukan penelitian yg cukup tentang hipotesis mas yg mengklaim bahwa 'gitaris sekarang, khususnya yg muda' itu (1) tidak banyak yg bisa maen lepas (2) belajarnya secara instan? Pengen tau nih, apa itu gitaris instan dan belajar jadi gitaris instan itu dimana ya? Kayaknya untuk mencapai skill permainan gitar seperti yang ada di dalam video ini ga mungkin instan. Saya yakin klu gitaris ini sudah mendedikasikan ratusan jam supaya bsa mencapai skill dengan tingkat level ini. Lalu, kompetisi ini kan fokusnya ke 'komposisi' bukan 'improvisasi'. Video entry-nya kan hanya komposisi, jadi ga mungkinlah jurinya nebak2 kemampuan improvisasi pesertanya melalui video entry tsb. BTW, FYI, skill improvisasi, walaupun sangat berguna dalam aktivitas komposisi, tidak memiliki hubungan kausal dengan skill komposisi. Selanjutnya, apa sih gitaris yang sesungguhnya itu? Apakah The Edge, Jack White, atau Kurt Cobain (yang skill improvisasinya dan teknik bermainnya mungkin bisa dikalahkan secara mudah oleh gitaris yg ada di dalam video ini) bukan gitaris yang sesungguhnya? Apakah mereka cuma gitaris jadi-jadian atau instan, gitu? Apakah gitaris itu harus rata kayak Yngwie, Vai, Gilbert, Govan, etc? Bukannya saya ga suka mereka, tapi klu semua gitaris obsesinya cuma mau jadi yang tercepat, terapi, dan "terlepas", musik jadi miskin, ga ada variasinya. ..... Yang terakhir, banyak faktor yang menjadikan gitaris ini tidak sempurna permainannya...grogi, gitar yang dipakai tidak cocok, tidak banyak pengalaman manggung, backing tracknya tidak terdengar secara jelas di panggung, dll. Lagian, menurut saya, kesalahannya ga terlalu banyak, Petrucci aja pernah lupa kira2 16 bar dari salah satu lagu Liquid Tension Experiment.
betul bro..melihat juga merupakan metode belajar tapi yang saya maksud instant itu adalah yang gak tau tangga nada tapi dia maen..dia ngambil phrase,etude atau apalah sehingga dia jadi keliatan gitaris..gak jadi2an jjuga tapi dia maennya ngapal..yang udah dia ambil tadi..pengalaman saya ngajar banyak anak muda mereka di test blue note banyak yang gak standar dan gak ngerti ,mungkin notasinya dianggap jadul kali..hehe..maen bluess misalnya..banyak yang tidak ngerti tangga nada..tapi attacknya bisa ..ya itu tadi dia ambil jadi..termasuk phrase2 dari gitaris kekinian kayak petruci,govan...saya setuju dengan anda bahwa gitaris obsesi harus luas ,komprehensiflah kayaknya..tapi belajar tangga nada dorian,lydian,lydian dominant,phyrgiant,minor harmonic dan banyak lagi tangga2 yang harus di kuasai oleh seorang gitaris ..begitu dia sudah menguasai itu semua maka bisa dikatakan dia permulaan gitaris dan tidak instant..setelah itu dia bisa mengembangkan sendiri dengan attack yang standar di pake gitaris dunia..menghabiskan waktu dengan menghapal tidak menjadikan dia terlepas dari gelar gitaris apalan tau instant..gitu mas..itu menurut saya..cobalah renungkan..dikala Petrucci belum ada..permaianan gitar rock kiblatnya kan cuma Eddie ,Satriani dan Yngwie...nah...ini yang saya sebut penguasaan tangga nada dan attack .Petrucci dengan segala ilmunya menghasilkan sesuatu yang baru di dunia gitar..dia memberikan pola permainan yang sedikit berbeda dengan gitaris dunia lainnya..gitaris dunia mereka berlomba lomba mencari karakter bukan berlomba lomba menjiplak style gitaris lainnya..yang muncul ke permukaan adalah mereka yang sekuat tenaga menjadi original ..paling tidak berbeda dengan pendahulunya...di video Akbar Ajie maen IFF..salut saya luar biasa...sempurna anak ini maen..wajar kalo Paul Gilber memenangkannya..tapi berbanding terbalik ketika dia maen improvisasi..makanya saya sarankan kalo maen komposisi apalan dengan improvisasi itu jauh beda..bagaimanapun yang jago maen improvisasi lebih baik dan unggul menurut saya..karena dia bisa mangayakan permainannya baik itu live atau recording.
Ibanez is the guitar to have right now i recently got my own its a very versitile guitar its known that if you turn the volume on the guitar down you can recreate the entire fender feel on their budget guitars it actualy feels and sounds like a fender play around with the tones and different textures also if u are a beginner make sure to triple knot the strings as ive seen begginers string up without leaving any slack wich is a dissaster for a floating tremolo type guitar as the string has no slack and pulls the bridge up not to mention it will nearly always be out of tune at every bend,the ibanez gsa60 is a famouse victim to begginers who create so much tension in the string the saddle bridge lifts to remedy this triple knot the string and it will never go out of tune and the tremolo will work exelent
Lol anyone who's ripping on his lack of technical proficiency with complete unawareness of how complex (not "hard" to play, but complex) this composition is should really spend more time trying to listen to music from an unbiased perspective. Just for the record i want to agitate people with my next statement because it might help someone out. Imagine this guy continues to practice what he is doing for the same amount of time you are practicing running up and down the scales and becoming a proficient guitarist. You will be faster, you will make less mistakes, but try to compose a piece like this. Oh shit, you should have practiced that too. I can guarantee you the impact of a proficiently played piece comparable to that in this video will have a musical WOW factor that makes people physically react due to the complexity of emotions being conveyed. I mean if the guy in this video is already playing with more conviction than i've seen most average shredders ever develop. And he's maintained his own sound while developing skills like rhythmic subdivisions, harmonic intervals and a sense of virtuosity and touch unique to his hands and frame. So if anyone disagrees with this pick. Let me ask who you would rather be, this guy in 5 years, or an up and coming shredder in 5 years. Just imagine this piece without mistakes, it's fucking amazing kudos to him i hope he keeps doing what he's doing because it will be fucking amazing in a couple of years.
Molo mono I love people who think that slow = emotional, or that players who play fast, or utilize a wider variety of techniques have no soul or feeling.
Totally agree. Watched a lot of these contests, and this solo had emotions, others had the technique better but it was boring as fuck. This is a very good composition.
@@tangjepret7647 baca deskripsi gan:) , + maybe akbar ajie belom cocok ama gitarnya , sebagian orang emang kalau nggak cocok ama gitarnya ya ancur mainnya
Bagi gua belum mantp ni nada nya masih kurng cocok dia gabungin nya.. Seperti main asal asalan cuman dia tau not nya. Kalau abim pingerstaily itu jago nya buat istromen gitar..
@@sintiyaanggraini5298Lah ini main live lho, pake gitar yg belum pernah dipegang, sound nya ngasal. Ya jelas beda kalo pake gitar sendiri, set up sendiri, sama rekam sendiri. Moodnya udah jelas beda
menurut saya ini gak ada masalah sama sekali kok, asik2 aja mainnya.kalo masalah enak/gak itu relatif sih, sedikit bagi cerita dan pengalaman karena saya dulu sempet fokus main gitar klasik dan sempet resital juga pengalaman yg saya dapat," main musik solo itu pressure/tekanan nya lebih berat dibanding musik grup/ansambel,apalagi gitar lho" yg lumayan sulit 😊😊😊 for me, he still the best one! sukses terus mas akbar ajie!
Setuju bro gw juga gitaris hehe!!! Tapi lebih susah aliran guitar yg gw dalamin!! Yaitu gitar klasik style nya tommy emanuel richard smith paco the lucia!!! Maen gitar tanpa pick wkwkkw
banyak yg bully orang bule, meskipun aslinya dia jago kaya gimanapun, tapi dgn penampilan seperti ini emang patut dipertanyakan kenapa juara 1, apakah peserta yg lain ga ada yg lebih baik? namanya show udah sepaket ama mental dan penyesuaian gear, kalo kerasa ga enak dilihat ya jujur aja sih, ibanez keliatan lucu deh, winner jepang aja sangar banget mainnya, pantes aja ini disorot
Ppl come on....everyone is harping on shredders like it’s still the 80’s...I know kids that can out shine this guy and still dazzle u with taste and emotion. I assure u if this is 2017’s winner, then it’s merely due to lack of choice. Kinda like who makes the best burger in the world, but McDonald’s and burger king are ur only being where he’s from and sticking with something that probably isn’t very popular over there, that, I will commend him for. But it’s entirely to early to tell how talented he MAY be one day. Cuz as of today, in comparison to most of the world , he’d be a distant memory to a bar player on Saturday night buck a beer.
He is playing second song which has slow tempo. What's wrong? Look at his IFF entry and open your mind!! Please stop bullying him, find out more about him on the channel and instagram..
Can anybody told me what kind of procedure i have to follow for joining this contest....i m guy frm india nd playing guitar for 4 years....nd i wanna know more about this contest ...If anybody know pls reply my coment guys...I really wanna know this
How did this guy win 1st place??? I don't get it. Are the judges smoking crack with earplugs in? He's not terrible but he's not very good either. I can find ten guys better than this at my local guitar center any given day.
Merritt Mussorgsky. Gonna be honest dude, yeah if you're into Tech stuff he's far under par. But if you're like me and into Intervals and Plini this guy is pretty damn good. Got to find the balance of technicality and soul. This guy is just more soul than most. Idk how he won but if he had an album I would probably buy it.
Did no one watch his entry video? Very impressive, he's probably nervous and playing on a guitar/setup that is not his.видео.html
Hes fuckin good and better than you. Give me a link showing u play better. This is the first video ive watched this guy. Hes far better than most amateur. And he seems to know his shit. Great tone. Great timing. Great melody. Fuck u
Man this fella is playing really intense and tremendeus, you cant give ''the feeling'' just with hard work, it comes from inside, but without work you cant achieve anything too, this fella has both, most soulfull solo and correct technic, if someone would ask me
Paul Oesterle Oesterle Upload a video. Id love to see you play. If you play for the real reason then I thin you wouldnt have this kind of attitude then.
walaupun aku penggemar Fender. kali ini ibanez gak akan malu-maluin kalo playernya bgini terus,.... Generasi satriani terus mengalir.... jaya terus ibanez !!!!
kayaknya bukan gitar pegangannya bro... gogi lah.. gw pernah ikutan ibanez competition buseng mending competisi band lah bs ngumpet dibalik pemain lain.. kalo solo live lo cobain dah pada...
Not bad. But I think, there are missing techniques in his beautiful solo such as sweeping, string skipping, tapping and whammy bar. Overall, a talented guitar player.
I don't like this comment, it's almost like you are creating a checklist for an underachieving player. It's not about the techniques, or the flourishes, or the showmanship. It's about the notes, everything else falls into place if you have the notes. Techniques like these were discovered to hit the right notes out of necessity, they are not a list of accomplishments or qualifications.
Keren banget nih mas akbar 😍 Kita aja main live di IG atau FB udah salahnya fatal, kadang lupa, kadang jari berat banget 😂 padahal udah latihan dan fingerin yang cukup 😂 apalagi kalo main live terus diliatin sama temen2 gitaris yang luar biasa juga hebatnya 😍 pengen lagunya dijadiin 1 menit aja durasinya 😂
Also the slide at 2:03, the bend at 2:09 and the bend at 2:17..... he needs lessons in sliding and bending. The bend at 2:17 had his damn fingers touching other strings. 1st place, ROFL
Wah juara 1 nya kok jd loyo gini... grogi kah ? Too many missed...Tpi ttp semangat broh...maklum di liatin Ama mastah2 yg lain disini...ibarat manggung di pelototin Ama Pevita Pearce ....wkwkwk...
Yang pertama, gitarnya baru saja di kasi bro belum kenal karakternya, yg kedua efek dan gitar masih cari settingan yg betul2 masuk, yg ketiga nih paling parah, soundnya gak bagus, makanya event ini gak sebagus tahun lalu ... tp saya salut sama usaha mas Aji tetap Profesional, Show Must go on ...
Begini man teman semua, sepertiny seolah olah ane kok menghina dia yah??..hmm gak sama sekali...ane respect kok Ama semua peserta, karena berani ikut event ini,sesama penggiat seni harus saling support dong,lagian ane jg gak jago jd ga pantes menghina ..,ane Uda liat video Akbar kok yg 1st..keren pertanyaan ane kok dimari dia bnyk missed n soulny ga dapet gitu... apa mungkin Krn di tonton bnyk2 mastah2 jd grogi gitu atau di liatin cewek cakep??? wokoko...begonooo...
rackt rakuto Komentar paling keren banget nih 😍😂 Bener mas, yang nyinyir itu mungkin iri karna ndak bisa main di panggung itu 😂 Mereka mungkin belum pernah nyobain ikutan kompetisi yang one take mas 😂 Take di depan kamera aja, hampir gila aja groginya 😂😂😂
Redra Ramadhan91 hehehe iya mas terkadang kesal rasanya... hal kecil gini aja dibesar besarin coba ambil sisi positifnya.. maklumin kita manusia masih banyak salah.. tapi mungkin yg nyinyir gak jelas itu udah merasa gak pernah salah.. hehehe
Redra Ramadhan91 amin ya robbal'alamin semoga saja.. dan mereka masih diberikan kesehatan.. biar tau gimana rasanya berjuang mati2an tapi masih di bully
love the notes and composition,its flying fingers and it sounds like sweet smooth flying up in the clouds.if paul gilbert says its good then its definitely good
Loved his soloing. Whether it was enough to win depends on the competition. The description is making lame excuses though and actually diminishes this guy’s effort
I had the pleasure of playing this guitar at guitar center and let me tell you I played it through a ID10 from blackstar and this guitar rips and shreds phenomenally, amazing guitar and amp.... can't beat it for the money either or....bad ass!
Not gonna lie I expected somebody just sweep picking the whole time but man that solo has so much emotion!!!
Edgar Cabada and so many mistakes too
Samer Hamod- true and i dont have headphones just cell but guitar sounds a bit off tune. Overall not bad at all.
he is a great guitar player but the bends are wrong..
skill isn't the only thing that makes a song great. Emotion also does
Edgar Cabada yea good ears on the judges .. write something don’t play something!
Stop the hate! It’s guitar brothers!!! We all love and adore it.
Im not really good at playing guitars but this one of my favorite solos of all time. Aside from my own bands lead guitarist of course
that whole build up with the big bend at the end.. that is some powerful guitar emotion.
He can actually play. Not just 3000 scales per second. Soulful.
Setuju. gw sebagai followers IG nya akbar aji gw tau pegangan dia bukan ibanez tapi Yamaha Pacifica.
kelihatan dia grogi karena belum terbiasa pakai ibanez dan merasa canggung di tonton banyak gitaris lain. gw pasti juga akan merasa sama. tapi si akbar ajie bagi gw salah satu the best gitaris yg Indonesia miliki.
taufikridwanvai Tapi karena dia mengikuti lomba ini, mau atau gak dia harus makai merk Ibanez, btw cara dia main sudah bagus-bagus saja. Setiap orang punya selera gitarnya masing-masing kok....
Om ini nama lagunya apaan ya?
Dia biasanya make gitar apa?
Setidaknya jauh lebih baik kalo dibandingin ama JPI bro 😂
ini judul backing tracknya apa ya bang?
Wuih. Main LIVE ga gampang lho. Apalagi kalo single tanpa band. Alone... Diliatin sama gitaris laen. Trus tau kalo direkam 1x take. Untuk di upload. Pasti maen dibawah tekanan. Coba aja sendiri.. Segini sih udah keren abis. Layak lah jadi juara 👍👍👍✨
betul sekali bro, permainan live di video ini patut diacung jempol
Indonesia bro, emang hebat
Michael Adam bg.... coba liat yg juara taon kmaren.... lebih rapi bg...... cek multinugraha.....
Aq sih cuma pendengar aja, maen gak bisa..... tapi kalau ini juara kita, kalah nya di penataan efek dan kerapian suara......
Skill mantab....
great job! paul knows what good for the ears and you sir have that goodness in your playing!!! keep up the feels!
It's amazing how many people don't read the description.
KX5Kat no one reads in this beautiful country
No 320bpm endless up-down scales and sweeps. Finally a good solo. Very well deserved first place, ma dude.
This absolutely drips with feeling. Beautiful playing.
dont care who said what about this solo. i am continiously listenening to it since yesterday. This Solo touched my heart and felt something which i cannot explain. Love from Bangladesh
Really great voicing, touching playing. Love it. Soulful! Respect!
Esko Carl well said!
saya bukan pemain yg hebat tp saya penikmat musik,ini klo juara 1 tp koq rasanya sound nya ngk bikin saya melayang ya,trus ada miss2 nya jg.hrs nya klo juara 1 sudah harus sempurna tdk ada kata "mendekati",makasi.
gosh, heard him playing and that solo like ripped all my soul , no need tricky sweeping tech , just let emotion flows through his dancing fingers
So beautiful!! have literally watched this 100 times your right hand is amazing, you make it look so easy big thumbs up.
This title should have been Indonesian guy playing guitar beautifully.. I'm a very beginner guitarist and I liked this.. You're masters of the guitar so you didn't like it.. But why do you have to bash the guy instead of applauding how far he has come.. Right now I dream of becoming as good as him.. Don't break that down..
Narendra nath Chatterjee they don't like it because they can't even play shit.
Narendra nath Chatterjee Those haters only can play DJ machine
I'm not certain but I think he's a beginner also. Darn good if so.
He's good yeah but for expert players who might not even get the chance to perform in places like this (due to financial status or location etc.) it's frustrating to see a simple lead piece win a proper ibanez competition, he miss played at least 10 or so notes and his technique wasn't really fully developed. This isn't to say you shouldn't want to be able to play like him because he is certainly a good player. People bash him because he shouldn't have won a high level competition with a rushed piece like that
Narendra ,These so called Masters talk down this kid but you dont see them entering any compititions.They should put their money where their mouths are or they should shut up.
mas adjie tolong di bikin baru lagi dong gila ini mah saya udah tonton berratus kali enak bgt sedih bgt sumpah ini soul kren bgt,penuh emosi,gila abis ,,plissssssssssssssss mas adjie tapi jangan ada yang di rubah di perpanjangt boleh
Setuju... Gw udah DM bbrapa kali ke ig nya langsung minta buat bikin kya gn.. Tp blm juga d bikin 😢😢😢😢
Komen di channelnya dia rame2 yok, biar bkin lgi
just an english comment passing by
eduardo torres u just made me chuckle 😄
Amazing solo. Thanks for this post.
Best regards here from Brazil.
LIVE solo diliatin gini kalo ga rasa mau pingsan, rasa mau boker ama blank. sekalinya ada salah sampe taon depan keinget terus
Bener banget mas
Paul Gilbert choose him as a first winner FFI really nice i want to meet u Mr Akbar Adjie for sharing
so awesome. like i can feel the emotion. you're the man!!!
ini gitaris rock profesional, wajar jadi juara 1, pick, scale, sweep, bend, tap, musicnya rapi dan melodius
Hadeh, yg komen negatif itu sampah..
1. Emng lu bisa main kaya dia?
2. Ilmu lu uda cukup tentang live performances dgn instrument, pedal, ampli, mic/ DI dll?
3. Lu uda pernah belom ngerasain suasana main di tonton para guitarist2 hebat lainnya?
4. Ketika lu main trus di kata2in lu bisa trima nggak?
5. Kampungan lu
I like the fact that he isn't your typical shredder. He isn't perfectly playing 100 notes per minute. He isn't just running scales without end. Every note he plays has emotion in it. I'll take an emotional well thought out, meaningful solo over a boring perfect gunslinger any day. I enjoyed this.
Saya yakin dia jago, cuma memang dia tertekan, dia gabisa enjoy. Tapi good job bang, keren lur.
Asik solonya, keren abis apalagi kali tau baru dibuat 1 malam sblmnya.. sukses lanjut terus ya!
2:56 may be he played a wrong note but bent it correctly.Hatts off for that brother
Fantastic solo in my opinion. Extremely melodic and beautifully constructed. Mistakes here and there, nothing no one else wouldn't make. Well deserved win my friend. Great solo.
Very well written song, and awesome delivery. He has a unique technique and very lyrical style. I don't think he could hear the backing music properly, still he pulled it together really well.
Está realmente incomodo, ojalá pongan un vídeo donde esté más suelto.
LOVE your style. Not perfect, but I'll take your emotion over mindless speed any day. Your slurring reminds me of Vai a bit--you are not a clone or rip off artist, but I can hear the influence. GREAT JOB from the U. S. Guitar has no national boundaries.
Been listening to this gem for years...
Anyone know of a cleaned up version?
3:16 that bend is magical
ini masukan juga utk kedepan khususnya panitia Ibanez Flying dan para juri.Tidak banyak gitaris sekarang khususnya yang muda muda bisa main lepas dan berimprovisasi,kenapa demikian?karena mereka belajar gitar kebanyakan instant method.Mereka belajar merakit skill yang mereka punya dengan melihat bukan dengan belajar.Ini sangat penting bagi kelangsungan seorang gitaris terlebih dia di tuntut serba bisa karena image seorang juara dianggap sudah superior maennya,padahal ketika dia maen bebas dan lepas dengan one chord atau apalah maka dia akan kehabisan attack dan pattern skillnya karena methode belajar yang instant tadi.Mereka kebanyakan tidak mengenal Blue Not.mereka kebanyakan jga lemah di picking teknique..ini jujur bkan merendahkan tapi masukan positip kedepan..mungkin kedepannya juga ketika penilaian utk pemenangnya perlu mereka di suruh dulu maen life biar tau kualitas yang sebenarnya..karena ketika dia memainkan lagunya sendiri yang dia tulis utk kompetisi,ditelingan dan dimata kita seakan kelihatan sempurna dan itu wajar karena lagu tsb sudah dia latih puluhan kali bahkan ratusan kalli di latih jadi akurat dan memukau..tapi ketika dia maen life dan berimprovisasi maka kelihatanlah mana yang gitaris instant mana yang gitaris sesungguhnya..memang tiada manusia yang sempurna...sesempurna sempurna seorang Yngwie Malmsteen masih jga ada kelemahannya..Yngwie tidak pernah atau jarang atau mungkin jgua lemah di alternate picking tapi ya itu tadi..manusia ada keterbatasan.Maka alangkah bagusnya 10 besar IFF kedepan khususnya utk 2018 ..semuanya di uji dengan maen life dengan instrumen yang standar dan cukup one chord saja sudah bisa kita menilai kualitas seorang gitaris ...Hal ini demi menjaga Kredibilitas IFF sendiri..jangan sampai jebolannya di remehkan dan tidak pantas sebagai juara....thats it.
sip bos ditunggu partisipasinya di IFF tahun depan, sepertinya teknik main sudah level dewa. sukses
coba ente baca komen komen di bawah sono gih...pada menghinakan?..terus coba ente baca komen ente?apakah menghina?gak kan..hanya kasih masukkan..menghina dan memberi masukan itu sama bagi orang Indonesia kah?...tentu saja tidak nona...
Ini komennya ga relevan dan ga koheren. Pertama dibilang klu gitaris sekarang "belajar merakit skill yang mereka punya dengan melihat", lalu disambung dengan "bukan belajar". Ini gimanong, mas? mereka belajar atau ga belajar? Lalu, bukankah melihat itu salah satu cara belajar?
Selanjutnya, apakah mas udh melakukan penelitian yg cukup tentang hipotesis mas yg mengklaim bahwa 'gitaris sekarang, khususnya yg muda' itu (1) tidak banyak yg bisa maen lepas (2) belajarnya secara instan?
Pengen tau nih, apa itu gitaris instan dan belajar jadi gitaris instan itu dimana ya? Kayaknya untuk mencapai skill permainan gitar seperti yang ada di dalam video ini ga mungkin instan. Saya yakin klu gitaris ini sudah mendedikasikan ratusan jam supaya bsa mencapai skill dengan tingkat level ini.
Lalu, kompetisi ini kan fokusnya ke 'komposisi' bukan 'improvisasi'. Video entry-nya kan hanya komposisi, jadi ga mungkinlah jurinya nebak2 kemampuan improvisasi pesertanya melalui video entry tsb.
BTW, FYI, skill improvisasi, walaupun sangat berguna dalam aktivitas komposisi, tidak memiliki hubungan kausal dengan skill komposisi.
Selanjutnya, apa sih gitaris yang sesungguhnya itu? Apakah The Edge, Jack White, atau Kurt Cobain (yang skill improvisasinya dan teknik bermainnya mungkin bisa dikalahkan secara mudah oleh gitaris yg ada di dalam video ini) bukan gitaris yang sesungguhnya? Apakah mereka cuma gitaris jadi-jadian atau instan, gitu?
Apakah gitaris itu harus rata kayak Yngwie, Vai, Gilbert, Govan, etc? Bukannya saya ga suka mereka, tapi klu semua gitaris obsesinya cuma mau jadi yang tercepat, terapi, dan "terlepas", musik jadi miskin, ga ada variasinya.
Yang terakhir, banyak faktor yang menjadikan gitaris ini tidak sempurna permainannya...grogi, gitar yang dipakai tidak cocok, tidak banyak pengalaman manggung, backing tracknya tidak terdengar secara jelas di panggung, dll. Lagian, menurut saya, kesalahannya ga terlalu banyak, Petrucci aja pernah lupa kira2 16 bar dari salah satu lagu Liquid Tension Experiment.
betul bro..melihat juga merupakan metode belajar tapi yang saya maksud instant itu adalah yang gak tau tangga nada tapi dia maen..dia ngambil phrase,etude atau apalah sehingga dia jadi keliatan gitaris..gak jadi2an jjuga tapi dia maennya ngapal..yang udah dia ambil tadi..pengalaman saya ngajar banyak anak muda mereka di test blue note banyak yang gak standar dan gak ngerti ,mungkin notasinya dianggap jadul kali..hehe..maen bluess misalnya..banyak yang tidak ngerti tangga nada..tapi attacknya bisa ..ya itu tadi dia ambil jadi..termasuk phrase2 dari gitaris kekinian kayak petruci,govan...saya setuju dengan anda bahwa gitaris obsesi harus luas ,komprehensiflah kayaknya..tapi belajar tangga nada dorian,lydian,lydian dominant,phyrgiant,minor harmonic dan banyak lagi tangga2 yang harus di kuasai oleh seorang gitaris ..begitu dia sudah menguasai itu semua maka bisa dikatakan dia permulaan gitaris dan tidak instant..setelah itu dia bisa mengembangkan sendiri dengan attack yang standar di pake gitaris dunia..menghabiskan waktu dengan menghapal tidak menjadikan dia terlepas dari gelar gitaris apalan tau instant..gitu mas..itu menurut saya..cobalah renungkan..dikala Petrucci belum ada..permaianan gitar rock kiblatnya kan cuma Eddie ,Satriani dan Yngwie...nah...ini yang saya sebut penguasaan tangga nada dan attack .Petrucci dengan segala ilmunya menghasilkan sesuatu yang baru di dunia gitar..dia memberikan pola permainan yang sedikit berbeda dengan gitaris dunia lainnya..gitaris dunia mereka berlomba lomba mencari karakter bukan berlomba lomba menjiplak style gitaris lainnya..yang muncul ke permukaan adalah mereka yang sekuat tenaga menjadi original ..paling tidak berbeda dengan pendahulunya...di video Akbar Ajie maen IFF..salut saya luar biasa...sempurna anak ini maen..wajar kalo Paul Gilber memenangkannya..tapi berbanding terbalik ketika dia maen improvisasi..makanya saya sarankan kalo maen komposisi apalan dengan improvisasi itu jauh beda..bagaimanapun yang jago maen improvisasi lebih baik dan unggul menurut saya..karena dia bisa mangayakan permainannya baik itu live atau recording.
gaya main nya emang ngebosenin, tapi touching nya bagus, power touch nya kena bgt (y)
Tumben gk ada yang bales😅
Ibanez is the guitar to have right now i recently got my own its a very versitile guitar its known that if you turn the volume on the guitar down you can recreate the entire fender feel on their budget guitars it actualy feels and sounds like a fender play around with the tones and different textures also if u are a beginner make sure to triple knot the strings as ive seen begginers string up without leaving any slack wich is a dissaster for a floating tremolo type guitar as the string has no slack and pulls the bridge up not to mention it will nearly always be out of tune at every bend,the ibanez gsa60 is a famouse victim to begginers who create so much tension in the string the saddle bridge lifts to remedy this triple knot the string and it will never go out of tune and the tremolo will work exelent
Lol anyone who's ripping on his lack of technical proficiency with complete unawareness of how complex (not "hard" to play, but complex) this composition is should really spend more time trying to listen to music from an unbiased perspective.
Just for the record i want to agitate people with my next statement because it might help someone out. Imagine this guy continues to practice what he is doing for the same amount of time you are practicing running up and down the scales and becoming a proficient guitarist. You will be faster, you will make less mistakes, but try to compose a piece like this. Oh shit, you should have practiced that too. I can guarantee you the impact of a proficiently played piece comparable to that in this video will have a musical WOW factor that makes people physically react due to the complexity of emotions being conveyed. I mean if the guy in this video is already playing with more conviction than i've seen most average shredders ever develop. And he's maintained his own sound while developing skills like rhythmic subdivisions, harmonic intervals and a sense of virtuosity and touch unique to his hands and frame.
So if anyone disagrees with this pick. Let me ask who you would rather be, this guy in 5 years, or an up and coming shredder in 5 years. Just imagine this piece without mistakes, it's fucking amazing kudos to him i hope he keeps doing what he's doing because it will be fucking amazing in a couple of years.
Molo mono I love people who think that slow = emotional, or that players who play fast, or utilize a wider variety of techniques have no soul or feeling.
Totally agree. Watched a lot of these contests, and this solo had emotions, others had the technique better but it was boring as fuck. This is a very good composition.
It's not all or nothing dude
Dude playing in Indonesia, on a guitar made in Japan? I have the exact Ibanez RG652AHN. I love it. Plays like a dream
1 member = 1 winner = 1 st Place )). Am I wrong??
Backingtracknya bisa di download gak ya? Adakah yg punya link nya?
ini nih yang ngancurin mood guitarist, gitarnya bukan bawaan sendiri, soundnya ngga di set juga, jadinya ancur deh. kasihan masnya
Kan udah menang
Juara 1 kok banyak fals nya yaa ?
@@tangjepret7647 baca deskripsi gan:) , + maybe akbar ajie belom cocok ama gitarnya , sebagian orang emang kalau nggak cocok ama gitarnya ya ancur mainnya
Bagi gua belum mantp ni nada nya masih kurng cocok dia gabungin nya.. Seperti main asal asalan cuman dia tau not nya. Kalau abim pingerstaily itu jago nya buat istromen gitar..
@@sintiyaanggraini5298Lah ini main live lho, pake gitar yg belum pernah dipegang, sound nya ngasal. Ya jelas beda kalo pake gitar sendiri, set up sendiri, sama rekam sendiri. Moodnya udah jelas beda
menurut saya ini gak ada masalah sama sekali kok, asik2 aja mainnya.kalo masalah enak/gak itu relatif sih, sedikit bagi cerita dan pengalaman karena saya dulu sempet fokus main gitar klasik dan sempet resital juga pengalaman yg saya dapat," main musik solo itu pressure/tekanan nya lebih berat dibanding musik grup/ansambel,apalagi gitar lho" yg lumayan sulit 😊😊😊 for me, he still the best one! sukses terus mas akbar ajie!
yg komen negatif kebanyakan makan bumbu cireng pasti?!!!
susah lo biar bisa gini bray,
Setuju bro gw juga gitaris hehe!!!
Tapi lebih susah aliran guitar yg gw dalamin!! Yaitu gitar klasik style nya tommy emanuel richard smith paco the lucia!!! Maen gitar tanpa pick wkwkkw
Mantabb..terus berkarya..lagu ini judulnya apa ya?
I don´t understand why guitarist having an amazing floyrose tremolo, don`t used it
not a floyd rose trem is ibanez no? :o
Because he doesn't have tremolo stick/bar
Yes I see, often of most guitarrist don´t use the stick/bar and have a great tremolo!
because he feels the bends with his fingers. probably feels more control than using his hand and wasting time on the bar.
Probably for it's tuning stability
Can anyone tell me whats the title of this backsound... please? ☺️
yang komen negatif, emang lu bisa?
yang bisa pasti banyak
yang bisa memberikan emosi sebagus ini? kayaknya enggak ada
Orang Amerika emang suka kritik ya, tanpa ada hal/saran yang membangun
Jay Circle bukan bisa atau nggak,
jika benar pemenangnya hebat,kenapa ade komen negatif?
bisa...bisa komen haha
frans alexander ah orang kita juga sama aja
banyak yg bully orang bule, meskipun aslinya dia jago kaya gimanapun, tapi dgn penampilan seperti ini emang patut dipertanyakan kenapa juara 1, apakah peserta yg lain ga ada yg lebih baik? namanya show udah sepaket ama mental dan penyesuaian gear, kalo kerasa ga enak dilihat ya jujur aja sih, ibanez keliatan lucu deh, winner jepang aja sangar banget mainnya, pantes aja ini disorot
He won, because he only 3 fingers.
Bubble Vest he won cuse of skills no 3 fingers
Bubble Vest what a stupid ass comment
I won a sarcasm contest!!
You know you checked to see if he had 3 fingers.
Aris Ismar lol
He throws a pinky in there from time to time.
That's what she said
mas boleh gak unduh BT ciptaannya? enak banget dengerin nya
Riyan Dancoel BT on youtube Emotive Rock in G#
Bnyak faktor..apa gerogi? Krn main beridiri??atau bukan pKe gitar yg biasa di pake?😀
lebih enak main tengkurep ya mas? hahaha
Ppl come on....everyone is harping on shredders like it’s still the 80’s...I know kids that can out shine this guy and still dazzle u with taste and emotion. I assure u if this is 2017’s winner, then it’s merely due to lack of choice. Kinda like who makes the best burger in the world, but McDonald’s and burger king are ur only being where he’s from and sticking with something that probably isn’t very popular over there, that, I will commend him for. But it’s entirely to early to tell how talented he MAY be one day. Cuz as of today, in comparison to most of the world , he’d be a distant memory to a bar player on Saturday night buck a beer.
That ibanez not for him actually.give him yamaha,the neck is more comfort for asian guy
Yngwie Malmsteen smart...its true
he has more soul and emotion more then Yngwie will ever have.
You better ask him,why his face expression show that something is not right with his setting.
zachary piasentin i see a bit sloppy playing too
Well Ibanez is an Asian guitar made by Asian Japanese from Asia Japan. So what are you babbling about?
skillful is not always the way to win,soulful is a more universal way to describe emotion
He is playing second song which has slow tempo. What's wrong? Look at his IFF entry and open your mind!! Please stop bullying him, find out more about him on the channel and instagram..
Haha udah bang mereka gk bakalan ngerti.
Btw abang yg ikut di kompetisi Jared Dines kan?
Can anybody told me what kind of procedure i have to follow for joining this contest....i m guy frm india nd playing guitar for 4 years....nd i wanna know more about this contest ...If anybody know pls reply my coment guys...I really wanna know this
Don't get me wrong.....he's ok....but not impressed. Too many mistakes.
Josh Carter where’s your video? Your skills?
Where can we listen to the complete version? He played really well and it sounds phenomenal.
How did this guy win 1st place??? I don't get it. Are the judges smoking crack with earplugs in? He's not terrible but he's not very good either. I can find ten guys better than this at my local guitar center any given day.
Merritt Mussorgsky not trying to be mean, not saying this guy isn't good. But this is shit lol
Merritt Mussorgsky 10 ?
Merritt Mussorgsky. Gonna be honest dude, yeah if you're into Tech stuff he's far under par. But if you're like me and into Intervals and Plini this guy is pretty damn good. Got to find the balance of technicality and soul. This guy is just more soul than most. Idk how he won but if he had an album I would probably buy it.
Did no one watch his entry video? Very impressive, he's probably nervous and playing on a guitar/setup that is not his.видео.html
Hes fuckin good and better than you. Give me a link showing u play better. This is the first video ive watched this guy. Hes far better than most amateur. And he seems to know his shit. Great tone. Great timing. Great melody. Fuck u
Man this fella is playing really intense and tremendeus, you cant give ''the feeling'' just with hard work, it comes from inside, but without work you cant achieve anything too, this fella has both, most soulfull solo and correct technic, if someone would ask me
625AHM 😎
Master.. Tp ini yg buat gw jarang pegang gitar skrg.. Nothing new, its not fun anymore.. Fun is what made me started plying guitar
Seperti nya gitar nya belum di setting sesuai karakter si master
pegangan aslinya yamaha pacifica bro
Whats the title of the song ?
Style nya dhalif ali
wow nice effort ....kip it up.... its complicated i know but you make it sound nice...good vibes
Maaf master. Ko' Sptinya ada yg kesrimpet2 fals ya..ato kuping saya aja yg slah gk peka...hehe
Nah... Bener banget yang mas hilman bilang, atmosfir dan butuh waktu untuk membiasakan diri dengan gitar baru 😍 Belum lagi ngroginya
mas...minta backing track ini dong...aku suka bgt..teknik slide nya...bgus laguny
Udah dapet backingbtracknya om?
flying fingers you should have won first place for hitting a shitload of wrong notes
mans prolly nervusвидео.html
Thats why he won
sweeps and Hammer ons boring
Paul Oesterle Oesterle Id love to see you play then.
I play for the real reasons not for stupid ass contests
Paul Oesterle Oesterle Upload a video. Id love to see you play. If you play for the real reason then I thin you wouldnt have this kind of attitude then.
walaupun aku penggemar Fender. kali ini ibanez gak akan malu-maluin kalo playernya bgini terus,.... Generasi satriani terus mengalir.... jaya terus ibanez !!!!
kayaknya bukan gitar pegangannya bro... gogi lah.. gw pernah ikutan ibanez competition buseng mending competisi band lah bs ngumpet dibalik pemain lain.. kalo solo live lo cobain dah pada...
Abang Satriani ah ngomong apa lu!! Ngomong apa kumur2 sih!!
Cuci kakik cuci tangan ganti popok tidur molor aja sono
Abang Satriani klo ngomong kaya kentut
makanya baca deskripsi sebelum komentar.. 😴😪
goblok !
Abang Satriani ahhh lu aja itu ngga tuhhh....
I love when fast phrases incorporate feeling. 2:00 mark Well done!
cuma pentatonic dan speed aja... tone nya jg JS bgt... ga muncul karakter yg mau dijual
protelindo dwimp coba deh liat2 video bang Akbar Ajie di Instagram
protelindo dwimp so iye lu
sdh liat beberapa mas, makanya sy komen saran... sekarang org cari tune creative bukan lg pentatonic, makanya bnyk rocker padam....
Yudhi Reges bukan sok iye mas.... sy dg mas kan beda jaman, lebih dulu sy, jd sy ga punya minat pd pembunuhan karakter mas
protelindo dwimp benar sekali mas saya setuju, tapi bisa dilatih kok mas . Bangga kita sebagai warga indonesia :)
I want to know the guitar model as i want to buy it can anyone please tell me which model is this guitar?
Not bad. But I think, there are missing techniques in his beautiful solo such as sweeping, string skipping, tapping and whammy bar. Overall, a talented guitar player.
monizag lol
Hah. You dont need to do any fancy technique to sounds beautiful
monizag I think string skipping and tapping would make a fine addition indeed!
Since when was string skipping a technique lol
I don't like this comment, it's almost like you are creating a checklist for an underachieving player. It's not about the techniques, or the flourishes, or the showmanship. It's about the notes, everything else falls into place if you have the notes. Techniques like these were discovered to hit the right notes out of necessity, they are not a list of accomplishments or qualifications.
Keren banget nih mas akbar 😍
Kita aja main live di IG atau FB udah salahnya fatal, kadang lupa, kadang jari berat banget 😂 padahal udah latihan dan fingerin yang cukup 😂 apalagi kalo main live terus diliatin sama temen2 gitaris yang luar biasa juga hebatnya 😍 pengen lagunya dijadiin 1 menit aja durasinya 😂
bener2 beban mental buat gitaris yg jam terbang livenya kurang ya, beratnya karena yg nonton finalis semua awowok
Smells like polyphia
Wisnu Dwi Wibowo I knww righttt??
A lot of guys are sounding like that theses days. You nailed it Bro
This guy must learn More And then Insheallah This guy will become Are Good Guitarist Give Power Go To Amerika Ore Europe
Join With Good guitarist Band dont Stay in indonesia Only I Wish you Good Luck
2:57 Your "1st Place Winner"...LMAO..
Jonathan Pyngrope Hahaha! Exactly.... he should take beginner lessons in bending to the correct note first
+Ananya Chakravorty damn..he fucks up more.. at 3:07 and 3:11 ..hahahah..1st Place Winner my Ass
Also the slide at 2:03, the bend at 2:09 and the bend at 2:17..... he needs lessons in sliding and bending. The bend at 2:17 had his damn fingers touching other strings. 1st place, ROFL
Jonathan Pyngrope you like a bitch..
Ananya Chakravorty Fuck you stranger, we even don't see your skill dumbass...
Greatest Akbar Adjie, best player from Indonesia
i never knew ricegum played guitar
this guy has x100000 more talent than ricegum... wait that would admit that ricegum actually has any talent which is false lol
That looks nothing like Ricegum?
Vow of Volition love your channel bro
Vow of Volition lol
David Nwokoye he doesn't. Ricegum doesn't have talent or an actual skill.
What is the model name of his guitar, does anyone knows ?
Wah juara 1 nya kok jd loyo gini... grogi kah ? Too many missed...Tpi ttp semangat broh...maklum di liatin Ama mastah2 yg lain disini...ibarat manggung di pelototin Ama Pevita Pearce ....wkwkwk...
Feliexz Music ini rekaman nya aja yg jelek
Yang pertama, gitarnya baru saja di kasi bro belum kenal karakternya, yg kedua efek dan gitar masih cari settingan yg betul2 masuk, yg ketiga nih paling parah, soundnya gak bagus, makanya event ini gak sebagus tahun lalu ...
tp saya salut sama usaha mas Aji tetap Profesional, Show Must go on ...
Toni Onceng ok..skrng gw tanya Ama lo..menurut definisi lu nada itu apa ?
Begini man teman semua, sepertiny seolah olah ane kok menghina dia yah??..hmm gak sama sekali...ane respect kok Ama semua peserta, karena berani ikut event ini,sesama penggiat seni harus saling support dong,lagian ane jg gak jago jd ga pantes menghina ..,ane Uda liat video Akbar kok yg 1st..keren pertanyaan ane kok dimari dia bnyk missed n soulny ga dapet gitu... apa mungkin Krn di tonton bnyk2 mastah2 jd grogi gitu atau di liatin cewek cakep??? wokoko...begonooo...
Feliexz Music sulit bro live one take ,diliatin mastah juga kwkwk
I believe one day he will win Ibanex Flying Finger Competition
indonesia 😂 banyak komentar miring dibanding mendukung 😂
coba gih ikut yg kayak ginian.. syukur2 bisa 10besar 😂 viewer terbanyak juga kagak..
rackt rakuto Komentar paling keren banget nih 😍😂
Bener mas, yang nyinyir itu mungkin iri karna ndak bisa main di panggung itu 😂
Mereka mungkin belum pernah nyobain ikutan kompetisi yang one take mas 😂
Take di depan kamera aja, hampir gila aja groginya 😂😂😂
Redra Ramadhan91 hehehe iya mas terkadang kesal rasanya... hal kecil gini aja dibesar besarin coba ambil sisi positifnya.. maklumin kita manusia masih banyak salah..
tapi mungkin yg nyinyir gak jelas itu udah merasa gak pernah salah.. hehehe
Mudah2an mereka yang nyinyir itu coba ikutan IFF 2018 nanti mas, pengen liat seperti apa mereka mas 😂 ngomongnya sesuai kenyataan apa ndak 😂😂😂
Redra Ramadhan91 amin ya robbal'alamin semoga saja.. dan mereka masih diberikan kesehatan.. biar tau gimana rasanya berjuang mati2an tapi masih di bully
Chandra Purnama iya nih benar banget mas.. ngomongnya pinter tapi buktinya nol..
The only issue with this video that its too short... Amazing melody and great skills
I just know that you are great, musically and technically mature... 👏🙏🏻
love the notes and composition,its flying fingers and it sounds like sweet smooth flying up in the clouds.if paul gilbert says its good then its definitely good
Loved his soloing. Whether it was enough to win depends on the competition. The description is making lame excuses though and actually diminishes this guy’s effort
mantab berkarya terus
Your attack on the fret board is amazing. Well done sir
Memang Berat y ujian ketika terpilih menjadi juara. Haters dan likers, tak usah pedulikan mereka. Ambil yg positif aja bro. Maju terus
Dr pemenang 2017bsm 2018.. Keliatan.. Yg diutamakan Ibanez bukan speed atau skill.. Tapi harmonisasi nada..
Itu buat kisi2 tahun2 berikutmya
I had the pleasure of playing this guitar at guitar center and let me tell you I played it through a ID10 from blackstar and this guitar rips and shreds phenomenally, amazing guitar and amp.... can't beat it for the money either or....bad ass!
Is this the RG421?
what is the model of his guitar? please!!
Mantap bro... Superb licks emotions... Terbaik bro
Do you know where i could find the backing track?
Did you find the backingtrack title?
@@bagus_reparasi_elektronik Yes
@@alejandropadilla926 thankyou very much sir..
this is actually a really soulful, moving solo, not sure who's bitching, is it the most technical? no, but it's damn good.