What Do Graphic Designers Actually Do?

  • Опубликовано: 2 янв 2025

Комментарии • 225

  • @FramesByDan
    @FramesByDan 5 лет назад +152

    My man has a sword art online wallpaper. loving it bro

    • @ketankharadi8324
      @ketankharadi8324 4 года назад +2

      Sao sucks

    • @hsbsbjdbn6288
      @hsbsbjdbn6288 4 года назад +4

      @@ketankharadi8324 You suck

    • @MrCageCat
      @MrCageCat 4 года назад +1

      @@ketankharadi8324 That's just mean and uncalled for man 👎

    • @ketankharadi8324
      @ketankharadi8324 4 года назад +1

      @@MrCageCat I've seen Sao, didn't enjoyed it

    • @irachnids
      @irachnids 3 года назад

      @@ketankharadi8324 i mean youre not wrong

  • @Panda-ch3lz
    @Panda-ch3lz 7 лет назад +154

    This was extremely helpful. but in the future, it would be cool to have visual along side with your explainations.

    • @livelovelaugh473
      @livelovelaugh473 4 года назад +1


    • @MrCageCat
      @MrCageCat 4 года назад +1

      Yeah, I was expecting some visual pop ups eg. 1. In-House Designer, 2. Freelance Designer, etc. to pop up on the screen while he was talking.

    • @wandererrrrrr
      @wandererrrrrr 3 года назад

      lol right

  • @SaltedHQ
    @SaltedHQ 8 лет назад +77

    As a college student getting a major in graphic design I can say that a lot of what he is saying is true. To work for companies you need a lot of experience, whereas a freelancer can be picky about what areas they work in.

    • @videopremium243
      @videopremium243 5 лет назад

      Salted Sir how long it takes to be a graphic designer degree?

  • @maddiefluffyunicornsworld1924
    @maddiefluffyunicornsworld1924 6 лет назад +45

    Lol he kept a straight face 😐 the whole time

  • @cjay864
    @cjay864 8 лет назад +124

    i need help, i dont know what i really want to do in my life, im not the brightest in my class but i really want to do something creative and fun, any recommendations for jobs?

    • @MaZEEZaM
      @MaZEEZaM 7 лет назад +9

      Autopilot Late reply but really you want to find a career in an area you are most interested in and seek out what is required for that career.

    • @chieyang8529
      @chieyang8529 6 лет назад +10


    • @blackmap3963
      @blackmap3963 6 лет назад +7

      Autopilot did you ever find somthing?

    • @ThatGuy33121
      @ThatGuy33121 6 лет назад +12

      Autopilot hey did you find something. If yes what is it .? I’m in the same situation as you right now . Please reply

    • @nonononova
      @nonononova 5 лет назад +1

      santosh srinivas late reply but how graphic designer get succesful. also do they get rich?

  • @cinderhunter4829
    @cinderhunter4829 3 года назад +1

    I'm really interested in Graphic Design but don't know where to start. For sure going to do more research on it, thanks you for this helpful video.

  • @pennytaylor2206
    @pennytaylor2206 8 лет назад +2

    Thank you, as a parent ( I have limited computer skills and knowledge) you helped me to explain to my son why he should take that College course, He is an amazing artist and he loves computers. I finally understand what you do, wow! That sounds totally amazing! In the 80's my school had 5 computers and 25 students to use 10 min a week each, so I avoided technology, I didn't learn basic computer skills until 10 years ago when I went back to school in my 30's, and now everything has changed again out there. My 21 year old son needs a Course like you took, I am hoping that one day I see his video on You tube like yours and he is happy! Thank you so much for your honest and detailed explanation. You helped us out a lot. You are wonderful :)

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  8 лет назад +1

      Sure, not a problem!

    • @betterlatethannever4529
      @betterlatethannever4529 8 лет назад

      +Roberto Blake thanks for the video. I'm trying to decide which class I was going to take when I start college this year and this video helped explain a bit more about graphic design. My other option was to take a class in animation and game art design, but I think that the latter can wait until another time.

  • @christinalim2320
    @christinalim2320 6 лет назад +7

    Any tips of how to start my graphic design journey as a 13 year old like how i should learn for to create a design or learn basics bc i want to get an early start so that it will benefit me in the future

  • @kinginkeno3430
    @kinginkeno3430 8 лет назад +11

    really appreciate this I have a lot to consider but due to the explanation in this video. I believe I found my career path

  • @justsomeguywithacupoftea9699
    @justsomeguywithacupoftea9699 4 года назад +4

    Im thinking of dumping 1 year of hotel experience and becoming a graphic designer.. i even got a job at summer and im waiting for pay to get delivered to me through school

  • @MrCageCat
    @MrCageCat 4 года назад +1

    Im currently an in-house graphic designer for a print shop, designing a multitude of things including logos, business cards, flyers, birthday invitations, funeral programmes, letterheads, email signatures, menus, posters, banners, car magnets, wine labels, package labels, booklets (to name but many of the things I do). My main software I work in is Coreldraw, although I also work in Microsoft Word, and will do a bit of touch up work in PhotoShop now and then. Been considering to go freelance for years now, but I'm worried about it being too difficult, about the self discipline I'd need, that I'm never guaranteed of the same salary month to month. Any advice, please?

  • @harshbrownes
    @harshbrownes 6 лет назад +1

    I just landed my dream job and won two Gold Stevies with my team. If you want to work as a designer you have to practice everyday. Also, I only did things I liked not what was trending. Animations, tshirts and video production I've found work for me. I tried my hand at coding, web development and branding but I don't get excited about it. I did what I liked, set some morals, and followed that into things like Instructional Design and video games. Do what you like you'll find what you like.

  • @patriciamanriquez6059
    @patriciamanriquez6059 2 года назад

    Thank you for the explanation. Very few videos really explain it as u do.

  • @gamejuse6591
    @gamejuse6591 4 года назад +1

    Super I got all my answers about graphics designers

  • @gordonstuddards5662
    @gordonstuddards5662 9 лет назад +9

    nice sword art online! I'm thinking of changing my major to graphic design. you have a lot of good info

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  9 лет назад +4


    • @aishak2448
      @aishak2448 8 лет назад +1

      +Roberto Blake can we become a environment artist for games

  • @thejacksonyear254
    @thejacksonyear254 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for the information.

  • @theneuroticnerd
    @theneuroticnerd 2 года назад

    I Love SAO! and great video man, I appreciate you. I'll be watching more.

  • @repu8765
    @repu8765 4 года назад +12

    Ah, I see. You're a man of culture as well...

  • @sarabnj7865
    @sarabnj7865 10 лет назад +3

    Thanks for making this video, it was really interesting, and helpful!

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад

      Your welcome, I'm glad it helped you, don't forget to share it with others!

  • @hannahgonzalez3791
    @hannahgonzalez3791 3 года назад

    luv the sao wallpaper on the computer

  • @cranke99
    @cranke99 4 года назад

    Thanks for the info. I'm 48 and considering a 2nd supplementary career along with my day job. Now I'm gonna start questioning the schooling ill be needing to get started with this.

  • @ent2881
    @ent2881 5 лет назад +2

    THIS is Detailed. I Subscribed, Really Helped me Understand.

  • @porhourly644
    @porhourly644 10 лет назад +3

    awesome video thank you.. i am a sophomore majoring in Digital Arts and Design.. love your channel.. it helps a lot

  • @samsarachakraviyu
    @samsarachakraviyu 2 года назад +1

    What type of portfolio i should make to get admission in university? I know it's hard but i will try my best

  • @elmert.5304
    @elmert.5304 7 лет назад

    thank you Rob for making this video. very helpful man!

  • @tsinaabrillo6478
    @tsinaabrillo6478 6 лет назад +2

    I’m not really good into drawing, but I really enjoy making layouts, presentations, photo and video editing. Is graphic design right for me?

  • @joshuaravasco
    @joshuaravasco 8 лет назад +9


    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  8 лет назад

      +joshuaravasco thanks.

    • @themodof1
      @themodof1 7 лет назад

      What are some Forums/Groups that are about graphic design that you would say are good?

  • @MommyForThree
    @MommyForThree 5 лет назад +1

    Well done Sir. I really appreciated the clarity you provided on a very broad and detailed area of work. As a mother browsing RUclips for guidance for students, I'm very impressed with your professionalism in communicating. Thank you.

  • @amandalakeshia5
    @amandalakeshia5 8 лет назад +2

    thank you this really helped.

  • @Alex-tf8fr
    @Alex-tf8fr 5 лет назад

    This is an incredible explanation of the topic you're talking about! Some visual explanations would help but either way, this is amazing.

  • @MrKudawuda
    @MrKudawuda 8 лет назад

    thanks man, very informative

  • @yaseradventures
    @yaseradventures 9 лет назад

    Thank You For The Great Video!!

  • @auroraastarr
    @auroraastarr 4 года назад +10

    Me:Hey!!!That's sword art online wallpaper on his desktop😂

  • @VICknox
    @VICknox 7 лет назад

    this awesome video answers all my questions. thank you man

  • @eddieleeinhd33
    @eddieleeinhd33 8 лет назад

    great video and explanation..

  • @mothertheresasworld9082
    @mothertheresasworld9082 4 года назад

    Thanks! This help me today

  • @elmert.5304
    @elmert.5304 7 лет назад +1

    hi. thank you for making this video. i am actually in the middle of changing careers now. I have been doing GD as a hobby before at 99designs and now i have decided i really want to pursue Graphic designing. do you usually need to have your own studio set up? i am more into the field of infographic designing and data visualization. thanks for some advice

    @WARRIORXZs 4 года назад

    Yow bro.....your explaination is really help me....tq

  • @shkhan84
    @shkhan84 10 лет назад +4

    nice video! especially like how you drew a distinction according to where one works in the field. I wanted to know how different is information design and communication design from Graphic Design? Are there graphic design skills that overlap in the other two? Thanks

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад +4

      I may have to do a video on this. But ultimately it comes down to the goals. Information Design has to do with presenting data, think infographics. Communication Design is really more like what we may refer to as Modern Marketing, or at least how a Designer would approach Marketing since it focuses on only the design aesthetic and messaging but also the means of delivery. Graphic Design focuses on the visual presentation and aesthetic values and how to use them to best reinforce the message. I hope that clears it up for you.

    • @shkhan84
      @shkhan84 10 лет назад +2

      Roberto Blake Hey! hope you do make a video about these in detail, but Thanks a lot for clarifying above. It makes more sense to me now.

  • @yvonned.2193
    @yvonned.2193 4 года назад

    Do you work for fashion illustrators?

  • @chefdarianbryan9558
    @chefdarianbryan9558 5 лет назад

    Thank you so much! You answered my question..

  • @martinsimphiwewilliams5260
    @martinsimphiwewilliams5260 5 лет назад

    Thanks,, this was extremely helpful :D

  • @TheSpikeArts
    @TheSpikeArts 10 лет назад +4

    nice video man i guess its all about practise dont you think

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад +2

      Practice is a huge part of it! You need to do also have a real understanding of what you want to do and what part of the field you want to work in as well as what industry.

    • @TheSpikeArts
      @TheSpikeArts 10 лет назад +2

      Hopefully im gonna get into illustration that looks fun

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад +1

      Maybe I will do a video on illustration and modeling things to consider about working in that part of the industry.

  • @pencilluver6d997
    @pencilluver6d997 9 лет назад

    I am a sophomore in high school and it is time to start thinking about what i wanna do after high school. I have always loved art but i am not to good with pencils so i took a computer graphics class. I loved it, i am thinking about working toward a career in it but i would like to know all the work i need to put in to set myself up for success.

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  9 лет назад

      I recommend taking a look at my How To Become a Graphic Designer and the Career Expectations for Graphic Designers video.

  • @leyladallakyan9757
    @leyladallakyan9757 3 года назад

    Does the graphic designer have art education skills from the art school?

  • @chryssdale5747
    @chryssdale5747 5 лет назад +20


  • @uknowme_art
    @uknowme_art 4 года назад +1

    Who else is here in 2020

  • @Chesh444
    @Chesh444 3 года назад

    I'm interested in the field, any advice

  • @vintagesnowruto6990
    @vintagesnowruto6990 5 лет назад +1

    I just found this video and I appreciate it I really want to do something with graphic designing and you broke it down for me 💙💯

  • @chrisrongey3065
    @chrisrongey3065 9 лет назад +1

    I am thinking about being an interior designer thanks for uploading this video!

  • @Salamaleikum80
    @Salamaleikum80 8 лет назад

    At what point do i stop specializing on my first space and switch to another narrow space to specialize on?

  • @iBustAzz2
    @iBustAzz2 10 лет назад +1

    I like the aspect that a graphic designer can be used in many different ways makes you feel more vaulable, But i also like motion graphics too

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад

      Motion graphics can be a lot of fun, but they an also be very time consuming and require a significant amount of investment in making sure your hardware can handle it.

    • @iBustAzz2
      @iBustAzz2 10 лет назад

      True cause I sometimes use Cinema 4D my laptop now can't really handle the program but I will continue practicing once I get one with higher specs which I learned by watching your video for the best laptops for graphic design and the PC vs Mac

  • @capricornmagic63
    @capricornmagic63 7 лет назад +5

    He says he's answering the question of someone who is considering becoming a Graphic Designer. What I want to know is how can one consider becoming a Graphic Designer when one doesnt actually knows what they do? Kinda silly.

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  7 лет назад

      +capricornmagic63 not really of a parent or teacher suggest it, it's kinda common...

    • @bluewolf3508
      @bluewolf3508 6 лет назад +1

      capricornmagic63 I know my reply its late, but I've seen people who heard of what graphic designers do and they are interested but with so many things you can do as a graphic designer they get confused or lost.
      I myself didnt know how much there was for being a graphic designer, im interested in it tbh, my goal always was general drawing (be it digital or on paper) but as a graphic designer there is so much more

  • @albinfrancis5417
    @albinfrancis5417 7 лет назад

    Great man 💖

  • @serenabooth7884
    @serenabooth7884 10 лет назад +2

    That's the same sword art online wallpaper I use for my laptop
    That was an excellent explanation

  • @Fredmelott
    @Fredmelott 8 лет назад

    cool video man. What kind of business would have a GD? Say a big company a fortune 500 and how many would they have?

  • @lenewhitley-putz4796
    @lenewhitley-putz4796 4 года назад

    Can I caption this for you? We think the video is great, and would like our students to see it, but it needs to be captioned. If you turn on community captioning (before Google gets rid of it later this month!) I'm happy to caption it!

  • @allisallaboutthedog6103
    @allisallaboutthedog6103 7 лет назад

    so if I needed someone to design an intro and logo for my youtube channel would I hire a graphic designer

  • @MaZEEZaM
    @MaZEEZaM 7 лет назад

    Thanks for this 🐸

  • @jamessaunders1359
    @jamessaunders1359 7 лет назад


  • @karanicole11
    @karanicole11 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for uploading this video. I'm going into grade 10 and I am considering becoming a graphic designer.

    • @yomawm
      @yomawm 5 лет назад

      Hope your senior year is going well 😊

  • @valeria82963
    @valeria82963 7 лет назад

    i study graphic design and in my university the graphic design career have the subjects "audiovisual production" and "photography". I research and audiovisual production is a part of the cine and television world, video edition, production, cameras and more. My question is: a graphic designer work in the audiovisual industry? (like movies, animation or television It's so confused to me. Sorry if my question is stupid.

  • @mariselagonzalez3921
    @mariselagonzalez3921 10 лет назад +1

    Do you know if they work weekends or calls..?
    Or is it mostly like Monday to Friday.?

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад

      marisela Gonzalez It is different for everyone. I still will take calls on weekends. But some don't. And depending on their culture they may take Jewish, Christian or Muslim holidays off entirely. Even some agencies do that. I take Christmas, New Years and my Birthday off. When I'm married I will likely take my anniversaries and kids' birthdays off as well.

    • @mariselagonzalez3921
      @mariselagonzalez3921 10 лет назад +1

      Ok thank u..

  • @mttolayo8898
    @mttolayo8898 4 года назад

    My man's explanation of what a graphic designer does left me with more questions than answers 🙄

  • @swanauto47
    @swanauto47 7 лет назад

    Thank you for the advice, you seem really intelligent and interesting. I am considering this as a possible career option. Thank you for the details.

  • @bryanplumberapprentice9363
    @bryanplumberapprentice9363 10 лет назад

    Make a video of the outlook of graphic designer thanks and great video's.

  • @yeseniayanez9127
    @yeseniayanez9127 7 лет назад +1

    Hi! I am interested in becoming a graphic designer, I just graduated High school so whats my next step? I don't want a long term university.

    • @Ashiqueozhukur
      @Ashiqueozhukur 3 года назад

      First : just learn photoshop
      and work a small printing shop (like flex print etc) as a graphic design trainer.
      dont expect more money as a trainer
      second step : After studying more from there you will be in another company You can work for a good salary
      Thank you

  • @nelsonvalente4625
    @nelsonvalente4625 6 лет назад

    Hi, First of all thank you for all the Videos that you post on RUclips,
    I don’t know if I can make myself understand, three years ago why smash my head against the wall ,What I mean by that is that I have wake up for other possibilities. my question is if you can point me to books to learn graphic design,marketing, self performance, There is a lot of info on the Internet,I am just trying to see if I can get right at that point
    Thank you very much

  • @Chesh444
    @Chesh444 3 года назад

    The sword art wallpaper😁

  • @benhurpatrickrosales5041
    @benhurpatrickrosales5041 4 года назад

    Thanks to your bro, i tell you straight! Due to covid bro i want to learn a graphic design to start a freelance to have a income because the business here in philippines so. By the way i am a computer and cctv's trading. How to start bro and what material software will i prepare and where site can i apply. Cheers brother thanks for your respond. God bless

  • @dimitoricudou3554
    @dimitoricudou3554 5 лет назад

    thank you

  • @djefardeur7958
    @djefardeur7958 6 лет назад

    thanks for your explanation but i get one more question...What if you wanna be deeply involved in animation ( i mean mangas, cartoons and stuff like that ), what kind of graphic designer you may want to be?

  • @mattludlam2194
    @mattludlam2194 7 лет назад

    So to me it sounds like freelance is the dream job. However, obviously in order to be established you need experience and you need a portfolio, so I suppose there are various routes you could go down.

  • @HaqNawaz-bl5sf
    @HaqNawaz-bl5sf 6 лет назад

    How is the scope of graphics designer in the USA?
    Which kind of designer is important in USA?PLEASE

  • @dharmendrakumarkoli3632
    @dharmendrakumarkoli3632 9 лет назад +1

    very nice vedio i want to become a graphic designer and your vedio helping alot to staRT my career

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  9 лет назад

      +DHARMENDRAKUMAR KOLI Glad to hear it!

    • @bluewolf3508
      @bluewolf3508 6 лет назад

      Roberto Blake as a graphic designer you can also work for the making of games as well? There is so much that im a bit lost haha, designing characters or enviroments also fit in the graphic design category?

  • @DohaAlAkoury
    @DohaAlAkoury 8 лет назад

    i'm a fresh graduate graphic designer, and i'm confused what i wanna really be!! i love web design and animation, but it's so confusing !!!

  • @XxKaBooM
    @XxKaBooM 10 лет назад +1

    Nice video. Thanks.
    How much does it matter in the business of a Graphic Designer by getting an education through a tech school (straight graphic design courses) or a degree through a University?
    I hope I asked that correctly.

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад

      I actually touch on this in several videos on my channel goo.gl/1yqkNK but it can have as much as a 20% impact on your salary. You getting a job will mostly depend on your portfolio, networking skills, presentation skills and personality. Technical school is still an Associates degree which is usually enough for most people in this field if you interview well and have a good portfolio.

    • @XxKaBooM
      @XxKaBooM 10 лет назад +1

      Thanks for the response. I'm just started perusing this career and like to be reassured. I recently subscribed to you and did get bits and pieces off other videos. I've learned alot from you so far. Thanks.

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  10 лет назад +1

      Edd B no problem, you and people like you are the reason I do my channel and respond to almost every comment

  • @DylanStone93
    @DylanStone93 7 лет назад

    Do graphic designers do mobile app design is that called ui designer or ux designer?

    • @krateproductions4872
      @krateproductions4872 7 лет назад

      Dylan Stone I think mobile app designing is under web designing

  • @24Zaid24
    @24Zaid24 7 лет назад +2

    how to do a graphic of a fire ball from a person?

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  7 лет назад +1

      +mohammed zaid find a tutorial

    • @themodof1
      @themodof1 7 лет назад

      What program are you using...

  • @cueniverse
    @cueniverse 8 лет назад

    If I want to create my own clipart, it that apart of graphic design?

    • @bncrfts
      @bncrfts 8 лет назад

      cueniverse yes

  • @rhythmiccamp7680
    @rhythmiccamp7680 4 года назад

    Man you look like Patrick Beverly. Btw your video is so helpful. Thanks.

  • @tandalekishor85
    @tandalekishor85 4 года назад

    i'm a 12 year guy.. i want to do something creative and funny in my life.. graphic design is good option?
    please help...
    Actually I'm 25 year guy.. I wanted to ask this question when i was 12. but could't.. completed electrical engineering and now thinking about graphic designing.. is there any way?

  • @Mindofslim
    @Mindofslim 10 лет назад

    I am going to school for web development but im thinking of changing to graphic design. I am not really into drawing but would like to design magazine covers. Am I looking to change into the right career?

  • @junitacs9185
    @junitacs9185 6 лет назад

    What’s more important: Qualifications or experience?

  • @itzzzmusa1324
    @itzzzmusa1324 5 лет назад

    thank you so much I've decided to become a freelance designer

  • @aymen1262
    @aymen1262 8 лет назад

    does making intros or short after effect videos considered as graphic design?
    please reply

  • @compoundinterestinsights
    @compoundinterestinsights 5 лет назад +2

    Could I be a graphic designer and an architect by the age of 26?

    • @roskstar342
      @roskstar342 5 лет назад

      You can take short courses of Graphic designing along with your architecture degree. Or vise versa

  • @miahratreleaven5577
    @miahratreleaven5577 8 лет назад

    I'm going to college in a month and i'm interested in graphic design is it bad that i dont have previous learning in graphic design ?

    • @awakenedgraphics4023
      @awakenedgraphics4023 8 лет назад

      I'd suggest at least gaining some experience in it before you decide to base your entire life off of it. You're going to be competing with people who have been designing for a long time.

  • @MultiBarry24
    @MultiBarry24 8 лет назад

    What if you make like sports graphics or sports designs what type of designer would I be and what type of company would I work for

    • @bncrfts
      @bncrfts 8 лет назад

      Elite.Dezignzz You'd probably be a print designer, the companies that would hire you for this would likely be sport magazines and publishers of sport materials.

  • @teamvampirebarbie2227
    @teamvampirebarbie2227 9 лет назад +2

    To be a graphic designer do you have to draw? Or can you just edit images and stuff like if its for a poster, website, or album cover.

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  9 лет назад +1

      You don't have to be be able to draw but it certainly does help. You should at least be able to sketch layouts.

  • @rehel6477
    @rehel6477 9 лет назад

    I'm 13 years old and I would like to be an InHouse graphics designer. What should I study or learn to do so? By the way, Great video man!

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  9 лет назад

      +reHel Mostly focus on learning design principles and read design books and blogs and focus on your school work for the time being.

    • @rehel6477
      @rehel6477 9 лет назад

      +Roberto Blake thank you so much! :)

  • @gabrielmanassehamevor8012
    @gabrielmanassehamevor8012 7 лет назад

    Am from GHANA and I like this your tutorial. It's actually helpful to me. Thanks, and I wont more.........

  • @DohaAlAkoury
    @DohaAlAkoury 8 лет назад

    if i wanna be a web designer i have to be coder too??

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  8 лет назад +1

      +Doha Al Akoury if you want a company to hire you

    • @themodof1
      @themodof1 7 лет назад

      "Web design" is about visual and function, as he said in the video you might be hired independently or in small teams...But this is something that does require a diverse skill-set...

  • @dylanheredia9006
    @dylanheredia9006 7 лет назад

    I wanna create movie posters and album covers

  • @Matterzz
    @Matterzz 9 лет назад +1

    Im considering looking into this career. it seems very fun and free.Im hesitant because Im not a good drawer at all. it seems like every graphic designer is amazing at drawing. i know its not all drawing, but does this negate my ability to become a successful GD?

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  9 лет назад +1

      Matterz Not every graphic designer is and it depends on your speciality. If you want to do logos, drawing is very helpful. If you want to do layouts you need basic sketch skills for boxes etc.

  • @ruleaus7664
    @ruleaus7664 7 лет назад

    How necessary is it to get a college degree to become a graphic designer?

    • @RobertoBlake
      @RobertoBlake  7 лет назад

      +Rick Schmidt it's not... but I've covered this in other videos

  • @victorzhao6438
    @victorzhao6438 7 лет назад

    does creating character model for a game consider graphic design ?

  • @deepankarrawal8454
    @deepankarrawal8454 8 лет назад

    hey bro can you give some brief on game designing

    • @themodof1
      @themodof1 7 лет назад +1

      Well let's start with basics..."Visual", "Code", "Audio", "Writing", "Code" AND "Marketing"...Where should I go from there?

  • @julianamarieponpon7368
    @julianamarieponpon7368 4 года назад

    Anyone help me about choosing what course is suitable for me. I can draw, I want to be an architect or designer but Idk why I'm interested im EDUCATION? WHAT SHOULD I TAKE? WAAHHH

  • @videopremium243
    @videopremium243 5 лет назад

    Can some1 tell me how long it takes to be a graphic designer?

    • @Rushil_333
      @Rushil_333 4 года назад

      To get a degree in it, I think it's 4 years