Bad Start To New Treatment ( Amivantamab ) Targeted Therapy for Stage 4 Lung Cancer

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • P.O. Box
    Jenny Appleford
    7211 Haven Ave, Unit E-407
    Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701
    Kyle’s Channel:
    / @kyleapple9702
    INSTAGRAM: jenny_appleford
    FACEBOOK: Our Brave Jenny
    For business inquiries:
    March 19th, 2021 Stage IIIA Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (Non-Smoking)
    February 2022 Stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (spreading to Brain, and other parts of lung and lymph nodes)
    Gene Mutation EGFR with Exon 20 Insertion
    TREATMENTS: Received or currently Receiving
    2021: 8 Rounds of Chemotherapy (Carboplatin and Paclitaxel) with 30 concurrent radiation treatments to chest and lung
    Failed Immunotherapy directly after Chemo and Radiation (Durvalumab, 1 round)
    2022: Chemotherapy
    10 rounds of Chemotherapy (Carboplatin, Alimta, and Avastin)
    6 with Carboplatin, 4 without
    Targeted Brain Radiation (Completed)
    I am on a clinical trial for my specific gene mutation
    Our GoFundMe Link:
    The purpose of my channel is to document my cancer journey to look back on, and/or help anyone else going through anything similar. It is also to potentially help loved ones supporting those who are in this fight as well. This is also an easy way to update a lot of people at once. My main goal is to have footage of this journey for my husband and children to look back on. I originally created this channel as a sort of video diary for my
    Thank you so much for following along on this journey. Your love and support help me so much.

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @MegaCj65
    @MegaCj65 Год назад +168

    Jenny and Kyle, I reached out to K&J Trucking after watching your video. They will be praying for you at their company prayer session. You have an army behind you as you continue to battle this awful disease. Much love to you and your family!

  • @teresayoung8578
    @teresayoung8578 Год назад +11

    Ashley is the best sister she is such a blessing

  • @precioushopeatchison
    @precioushopeatchison 11 месяцев назад +12

    So good to watch these videos after Jenny has left us. Remembering is a wonderful gift of love.

  • @shellybuttrum8869
    @shellybuttrum8869 Год назад +68

    This is the first time ive ever seen kyle look sad and scared. It almost looks like hes been crying. He loves jenny so much. I necer met them but adore this couple And pray things work out 🙏

    • @LucilleVerreault-is6ko
      @LucilleVerreault-is6ko Год назад +1

      God bless you Jenny ,you got a wonderful husband and I hope you gonna true with that. And I pray foryou .❤❤❤

    • @ElkeLange-s2o
      @ElkeLange-s2o 8 месяцев назад +1

      Auf deutsch uebersetzen

  • @marycarroll-uf4jj
    @marycarroll-uf4jj Год назад +105

    I am worried about Kyle. He looks so sad and scared. Glad her sister was with her for this stressful day. Jenny is my hero. She is so brave and always tries to be positive. God bless these two. Such an amazing couple. Why do they have to be going through this??

    • @kenzierocks1240
      @kenzierocks1240 Год назад +3

      Mary Carroll…you beg a question that so many ask. It’s encouraging to know that we all, no matter our sufferings, have an appropriate answer. One of hope, to be fulfilled by God’s promises. But firstly, it behooves us to know that God does not pick and choose or show partiality to selected individuals that he, in some way, deems more necessary to suffer over that of others. He is the ALL LOVING and almighty Sovereign of the universe. Psalm 135:7 tells us that God is Sovereign over ALL things. God is the creator of all living things. When he created the earth, it was for the purpose of mankind to enjoy, inhabit, and live forever upon, in peace and harmony. If we begin at Genesis 1:1, it says: In the beginning God created the heavens AND the earth. It tells us he created the light, darkness, the waters/seas. He called the dry land Earth. He created the seasons, sea creatures, flying creatures, domestic animals, creeping animals, and wild animals. Verse 27 says: And God went on to create man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them Verse 28: Further, God blessed them, and God said to them “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it.”
      When we say the Lord’s Prayer at Matthew 6:9-13 we ask for your kingdom come, your will be done, on EARTH as it is in heaven. It’s import to note that the theme of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God’s kingdom (government)
      All of this can be beyond our comprehension but Revelation 11:18 assures us that God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth. He has PROMISED that he is going to restore this earth back to his original purpose, from what Adam’s and Eve’s blatant disregard/disobedience lost for all mankind, a global paradise, and give all of His faithful servants the opportunity to live in PERFECTION, FOREVER, upon this restored earth, 23:19 says: God is not a mere man who tells lies, nor a son of man who changes his mind. When he says something, will he not do it? When he speaks, will he not carry it out? Hebrews 6:18 backs this scripture up and tells us that it is impossible for God to lie.
      With those things said, it takes us back to the beginning, our original parent’s, Adam and Eve. They disobeyed God, resulting in sin and the loss of perfection. So, we all inherit sin and imperfection. We will continue to until God restores our imperfect conditions. It took a perfect man, Jesus, God’s son, to die, as a ransom sacrifice, on behalf of all mankind, in order to buy back what perfect man, Adam, lost. Luke 19:10 says: For the Son of man (Jesus) came to seek and to save what was lost. It’s because of what Adam lost, that we continue to endure various trials and tribulations. None of us are exempt from this, as Ecclesiastes 9:11 tells us: Time and unforeseen occurrences befalls all mankind, which leads to, why?
      The Bible clearly teaches us that God does not cause us to suffer. For example, the Bible says that when we go thru trials, it would be a mistake to say “I am being tried by God” Why? Because James 1:13 says: With evil things, God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone” - In other words, God never causes the trials we face or the suffering that follows. To do so would be wicked. Job 34:12 tells us that God does not act wickedly.
      If God does not cause us to suffer then who or what does? Sadly, humans are often victimized by other imperfect humans. Ecclesiastes 8:9 says: All of this I have seen , and I applied my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, during the time that man has dominated man to his injury. We see this happening in the world on a daily basis and getting worse, each day. But God is only going to allow this but for so long. He’s not going to let his human race die out. Revelation 7:9 speaks of a great crowd that no man is able to number that will enter into his promised new world/restored earth. Additionally, we will, no doubt, at some point, face unexpected calamities, such as sickness and much more. Many “unexpected events” can happen simply because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Which takes you back to Ecclesiastes 9:11 at the very beginning of this comment where, again, it says that time and unforeseen occurrences befalls all mankind. None of us are excluded from this or specifically chosen by God to suffer, while others might not.
      The Bible teaches us that ultimately the “ruler of this world,” Satan the Devil , is responsible for human suffering. John 5:19 says: We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. So, it is Satan-not God-who causes people to suffer. Additionally, God helps us to bear our suffering.
      Some think that God is indifferent to our trials. For example, one writer cites what he calls God’s “apparent lack of mercy or pity in reaction to our suffering.” This writer argues that if God exists, he must view humans with “pitiless indifference.” Many have found comfort in the truth alone-the thought that God is aware of everything we suffer, even the trials that others may not be aware of or fully understand. Proverbs 14:10 says: The heart knows it’s own bitterness and no outsider can share in its joy. Psalm 31:7 says: I will rejoice greatly in your (God’s) loyal love, for you have seen my affliction; you are aware of my deep distress.
      God is not only aware of our human suffering but deeply affected by it and, although God is vastly superior to humans, he feels empathy for those who suffer-as if his pain were in his heart! Indeed, God is very compassionate and merciful.
      According to the Bible, God will bring an end to the suffering of every human on the planet. By means of his heavenly kingdom, He will drastically change the human condition-for the better, as mentioned above. Regarding that time, the Bible promises at Revelation 21:3,4: Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them Verse.4: And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.
      What about those who have already fallen asleep in death? We have such a wonderful hope. Something to greatly look forward to. God will bring them back so that they too can enjoy life here on earth without suffering. Will anyone be plagued by painful memories of past suffering? No, for Jehovah promises at at Isaiah 65:17: For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, nor will they come up into the heart.
      Psalm 37:10,11 says: Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more. You will look at where they were, and they will not be there. Verse 11: But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
      Psalm 72:7 says: In his days the righteous will flourish and peace will abound until the moon is no more.
      Referencing that peace will abound until the moon is no more, meaning the moon is forever.
      We are living in very tumultuous times. 2 Timothy 3:1 says: But know this, critical times hard to deal with will be here (I encourage you to look this scripture up in your personal Bible and read verses 2-5 as it describes the times we’re living in)
      Luke 21: 10, 11 says: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (governments) Verse 11: There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences Verse 18, 19 says: But not even a hair on your heads will perish. By your endurance you will preserve your lives.
      1 Corinthians 10:13 says: But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
      Jesus is the greatest man, the greatest teacher to ever live and walk this earth. Again, he died on our behalf. He understands our earthly sufferings. He tells us at Matthew 11:28-30 where he compassionately tells us: Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you Verse 29: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves Verse 30: For my yoke is kindly, and my load is light.
      Matthew 6:34 says: Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have it’s own anxieties. Each day has enough of it’s own troubles.
      It sums up what we all endure daily, on some level; hence the advice, no matter what each of us is facing on a daily basis. Our troubles are our troubles, no matter what they might be. Personally, I think it’s the best advice/admonition that Jesus ever gave and, thru difficult times, we will do well to TRY practicing it.

    • @debrahalbert6578
      @debrahalbert6578 Год назад +2

      ❤❤❤😥😥 God Bless them both. So strong & loving ❤️ ❤❤

    • @ninaappelt9001
      @ninaappelt9001 6 месяцев назад +2

      It's okay for Kyle to be scared and sad. Who wouldn't be?

  • @et1016
    @et1016 Год назад +198

    Kyle looks very worried. I hope he’s continuing with his therapy. God bless.

    • @juanitawhite7486
      @juanitawhite7486 Год назад +39

      Yes I agree. You could see the worry in his eyes and I know he’s exhausted as so is Jenny. He has the look of desperation in his eyes for his wife. Praying for a complete healing in her body and strength for Kyle. 💜🥰

    • @jennyapple4704
      @jennyapple4704  Год назад +62

      I know 😔 I see it him today too. He still see his therapist.

    • @suzyq4982
      @suzyq4982 Год назад +11

      I actually thought he also looked upset - aw lovely man stay strong x

    • @lunita.1111
      @lunita.1111 Год назад +19

      I actually think he is just looking at Jenny with absolute love and appreciation of the beautiful being and soul she is. His heart must be breaking ++ xxxxxx

    • @sherribrawn3757
      @sherribrawn3757 Год назад +5

      I thought so too....😢

  • @barbarakirsch2538
    @barbarakirsch2538 Год назад +100

    Jenny. I am a licensed psychiatric nurse practitioner. Do whatever you have to do to take care of your mental health- whatever that means. The mind and body are connected as one. You will have a better outcome from your treatment!! We are in your corner. Sending healing energy throughout the universe to you! 🙏🙏💕

    • @LP-hs6yz
      @LP-hs6yz Год назад +1

      Me too. Hello, Barbara!

    • @kibeast
      @kibeast Год назад +1

      Mind and body, especially your gut. Get your gut health in prime condition it can help your mental health and really boost your immune system! Start with eating organic whole foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics! Then probably eliminate a lot of the foods you currently eat lol. Food is medicine!

    • @cerorchid
      @cerorchid Год назад +3

      ​@@kibeast She is vegan. What should she cut out??

    • @jennyapple4704
      @jennyapple4704  Год назад +9

      I think it’s so important too. I’m actively trying so hard 💗 thank you

    • @Bombabingbong66
      @Bombabingbong66 Год назад +1

      ​@@cerorchid Sugar n Carbs.

  • @crimenexdor
    @crimenexdor 11 месяцев назад +5

    Prayers to to you Jenny, I know your with the lord now. May you rest in the arms of his angels we miss you. ❤❤❤❤

  • @Lesleymehnert
    @Lesleymehnert Год назад +44

    Kyle’s heartbroken and trying his hardest not to show it.. don’t give up, this is only the beginning. There will be more trials Jen. X

  • @CarolWRN
    @CarolWRN Год назад +73

    I listened to Whitney Houston “The Greatest Love of all” just for you, Jenny. I’m an RN who used to work in oncology. You are a very strong person. Keep positive!! You’re doing great!! 🙏❤️

    • @AnnKing-j8v
      @AnnKing-j8v Год назад +4

      Hi Jenny and Kyle.what a beautiful couple you are.and amazing children Winnie and Ellis.keep strong dear Jenny.❤

    • @jennyapple4704
      @jennyapple4704  Год назад +4

      Thank you 💗

    • @monarchkind69
      @monarchkind69 Год назад +2

      My God you are a beautiful Family im tearing ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @angelajones-4872
    @angelajones-4872 Год назад +64

    Signs everywhere!! I love it!! Keep being positive and know that God has a plan! Love and prayers always!!

  • @rebeccam6128
    @rebeccam6128 Год назад +44

    You and Kyle have touched so many lives out here. We love you and are in your corner. Sending prayers your way! I recently finished a series of chemo and radiation treatments. I am humbled by how helpless I felt and how my family was there for me. My baby sister drove me 2 hours each way, 5 days a week for 5 weeks to get radiation. I got to see her in a new light as she reached out to me. I feel really bonded. My husband and kids have been amazing too.
    Know that you are surrounded supporters and love! ❤

  • @toryisawesomeable
    @toryisawesomeable Год назад +39

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Jenny. Cancer is such a terrible thing. Currently, my mom has "terminal" brain cancer at age 56, my mother in law has breast cancer, and my cousin has stage 3 colorectal cancer. I went from never having had first hand experience with cancer to all of that in the span of a year. Watching your journey has been helpful for me to know we're not alone. You're so strong and doing great. All the love

  • @ramonakent356
    @ramonakent356 Год назад +189

    I love you so much Jenny keep on fighting! My mama died at the age of 53 with breast cancer because the doctors in those days back in the 70s diagnosed her with bursitis. She had so much cancer in her body when they did the operation, and when they finally found it, they said they pulled the original mast out. The rest of it was so long it came from inside her fingertips like an octopus. She suffered so much and died at the age of 53. With the technology that they have today, I believe you will survive this. Always fight for yourself with the doctors and if you think they are not doing enough or they’re missing some thing you have to fight for yourself don’t forget.

    • @psrwhite
      @psrwhite Год назад +24

      I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I had breast cancer in 2006. I still get the brush off from doctors regarding my concerns and worry about recurrence. They will say "oh you are 5 years out, ( now they say 10 years out)! It is so frustrating. Be diligent about your own health as the chance of getting cancer is high since your mom had it. Sending hugs and love.❤❤

    • @sandrahunt4436
      @sandrahunt4436 Год назад +12

      I’m so sorry Ramona.

    • @heatherme7535
      @heatherme7535 Год назад +10

      I'm sorry Ramona I can relate because my mom died of breast cancer too at 54. Sending love ur way.

    • @karenclement4518
      @karenclement4518 Год назад +12

      Jenny, don't be discouraged, I have echos done every 3 months, and even have my port where yours is. When they give you that med pk. With benadryl and steroids, I start to doze during infusion. But my doctor says, there are so many meds, so I hold on to that. hang in there sister.....

    • @louern123
      @louern123 Год назад +3


  • @milleka3504
    @milleka3504 Год назад +69

    You don’t know me but I felt compelled to leave you a message today. Stay strong Jenny. You have got this. A half treatment is better than none. I’ll keep you in my prayers and support from here in the U.K. the best I can. God has a plan for us all. Look to him for your strength when you need it most. he won’t fail you. God bless you and your fab family. Heaart❤

    • @zhaviyah84
      @zhaviyah84 Год назад +3

      So kind of god to give her cancer hey 👏🏽🙄

    • @diligent_seeker
      @diligent_seeker Год назад +15

      @@zhaviyah84 That's silly; God did not give her cancer. We live in a fallen, sin cursed world in which there is suffering.

    • @SharonWard-dx1sv
      @SharonWard-dx1sv Год назад +2

      ​@@diligent_seeker Amen ☁️🎺👼💒🙏🌹✨

    • @Lunachic0711
      @Lunachic0711 Год назад +3

      @Zhaviyah the enemy makes us sick but God heals us.if we never went through any bad things,how could we grow personally and spiritually?

    • @jacquelinemcgrath3168
      @jacquelinemcgrath3168 Год назад +3

      Sending love and hugs to you Jenny ❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @rosemarygonyaw9673
    @rosemarygonyaw9673 Год назад +40

    I find myself praying for you and Kyle and the kids often throughout the week. I feel led to keep you in my prayers. You are so strong and I believe God is using this journey of yours for his glory. You keep fighting the good fight. Focus on Jesus!

    • @zhaviyah84
      @zhaviyah84 Год назад

      You Christian’s are nuts. Lead to prey. Why not do something actually helpful. Fkn ridiculous

  • @janeschmidt9611
    @janeschmidt9611 Год назад +68

    Thank you to Ashley for taking such good care of your sister and to Jenny’s doctors and nurses who are helping Jenny become cancer free! 🥰🦋

    • @Sedgies
      @Sedgies Год назад +12

      Yes. You’ve been such a good sister. Thanks from all of us.

    • @jennyapple4704
      @jennyapple4704  Год назад +7

      They were all so great 💗

  • @Unashamed832
    @Unashamed832 Год назад +8

    You are so brave. Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. God loves you. Thank you for sharing your precious family. You guys are such a blessing. ❤

  • @sharondurivage401
    @sharondurivage401 Год назад +40

    Love that you had a Sister Day!! Nothing like the love between sisters. So sorry you had a rough treatment day, Jen! I am praying for you.

  • @cvlink1218
    @cvlink1218 5 месяцев назад +1

    What a cancer warrior Jenny was. I am fighting cancer too and I truly feel God's plan was for Jenny to teach us to realize how important we are and how to be a cancer warrior. RIP Jenny!

  • @joancahill4446
    @joancahill4446 Год назад +34

    Jenny as a nurse as a mother as someone who has many family members who had cancer , i am sure i speak for everyone , i wanted to jump into the Tv and give you , kyle , family a big hug , we all just absolutely love you all , i have a routine , when you are going for test , treatment , i sit back and i concentrate , on my prayers and i remove courage and healing from my body to yours , i know you can do this , as you have a circle of love ❤️ around you all ( love from Melbourne Australia 🇦🇺 xx

  • @CoffeeisLife2
    @CoffeeisLife2 Год назад +49

    I also believe in signs, Jenny. I believe there are no coincidences, only divine intervention. As you said, you need to stay positive and believe things will get better. You got this, Jenny! ❤💪🏻

    • @ryanblanchard2508
      @ryanblanchard2508 10 месяцев назад +1

      Unfortunately she didn’t make it

    • @ninaappelt9001
      @ninaappelt9001 6 месяцев назад

      Sadly, there were no miracle cures for Jenny. RIP, sweet lady.

  • @MadamePopova
    @MadamePopova Год назад +28

    Crying along with you, Jenny. You are right in saying that we have to trust the plan. You got this, Jenny.

  • @glendamock2041
    @glendamock2041 Год назад +10

    My husband and I pray for you every morning. We pray for your complete recovery and peace of mind.

  • @jazzhamster4168
    @jazzhamster4168 Год назад +38

    Please imagine you see Jenny healthy and happy she won the battle, imagine it as hard as possible! Love you guys! x

  • @KarenMartin-d2j
    @KarenMartin-d2j Год назад +8

    Kyle dont feel guilty, you totally deserve a wee day, yourmental health needs to just chill when it can, sending massive hugs to you guys.❤ 25:50

  • @carollisenbee4568
    @carollisenbee4568 Год назад +1

    Love you all watching from Denver Colorado I'm a retired💝 nurse✨ and am praying for you all, God Bless you Kyle💔 and Jen, Ellis and Winnie❤❤❤❤🎉 ❤ love 🌹you so very✝️ sorry you're going through this tough time. ✨Jesus be with the Apple 🌹 family.... 🙏✝️

  • @jodiemorgan8063
    @jodiemorgan8063 Год назад +3

    Hi, I’m in a clinical trial for a medication as I have non-alcoholic cirrhosis and I honestly believe that all clinical trial nurses are secretly Disney prince and princesses. This is because they are the sweetest and kindest people on Earth. They go above and beyond to take care of you. I just adore each and every one of mine.
    Also your sister is gorgeous. Your so lucky to have such a beautiful family.
    Take care from Jodie in Melbourne Australia ❤️💐🐨

  • @JillyBean1968
    @JillyBean1968 6 месяцев назад +1

    Here I am….re watching your channel. Miss you so much Angel…you fought the good fight!!❤

  • @cynthiacatherinehoward8615
    @cynthiacatherinehoward8615 Год назад +4

    Hi Jenny, Flower has certainly stolen the show and won our hearts! My Yorkshire terrier Walter likes watching Flower on your videos. It’s wonderful that you have such a sweet smart sister to be there with you through your cancer treatments when Kyle isn’t able to go with you. Please remember your always close in my heart, thoughts, and prayers sweetheart. We Love ❤️ you!

  • @shannonf.5350
    @shannonf.5350 Год назад +2

    I never comment but I wanted to tell you & Kyle what an inspiration you 2 are. Trusting in God, full heartedly on this terrible journey says so much about you. May God comfort both of you mentally and physically

  • @kkmhj
    @kkmhj Год назад +24

    We all know what the key words are for your precious furbaby 😂 Jenny, you are a rockstar continuing to take each day as it comes -cancer is ugly but you take it with such grace. I tell you this a lot, but you have the BEST of families♥️you got this…😊

  • @xkiaradanielle
    @xkiaradanielle Год назад +2

    I don’t know you Jenny, but I pray for you and your family often. You’re someone who I can feel the good energy and the positive soul through the screen. You have such a beautiful family, I hope you know you got a RUclips society family on here that adores you and you continue to inspire! 🤍🤍🤍🤍

  • @StudioLifeWithMel
    @StudioLifeWithMel Год назад +5

    I'm sorry you had a rough day. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. The love between you and Kyle is so sweet and refreshing to see. It is rare nowadays. Flower is so precious.💖

  • @unomex3x
    @unomex3x Год назад +27

    I like that you are wearing your hair in the ponytails now jenny it's a playful cheerful way to cope with the in-between stage and it looks cute 😀 so glad your sister could spend the day with you she is a good support system and loves you so much and I know she is a comfort to you especially on a day like this when you don't quite know what to expect. Love from the ATL❤edit: also try not to think of it as one treatment option down when something doesn't work out try to tell yourself instead "I'm one step closer to where I really need to be now" I know it's hard, but try. 🤗

  • @gaylefw5072
    @gaylefw5072 Год назад +55

    Your entire family is always in my prayers. You go through so much pain and sadness, Jenny. I am so overjoyed when I see that huge smile on your face and hear your laughter. You know it's ok to go from Chemo Cute to Chemo Comfort, right?! Through hard times there can be goodness and you always remind me of that. Sending love to my favorite family of four ❤❤❤❤

    • @sdd123
      @sdd123 Год назад +4

      Sending prayers and lots of positive thoughts and energy your way. One day at a time. I get infusions and they want to switch and is normal for anyone to be anxious when switching a medication. I am scared to switch but need to get better. ❤❤❤

    • @donnaperales371
      @donnaperales371 Год назад +4

      Pray Jesus 🙏 heals you totally 🙏🕊️ love you 💞

    • @Lockz5789
      @Lockz5789 Год назад +2

      Love Flower

    • @Lockz5789
      @Lockz5789 Год назад +3

      Prayers for you and your caring family you are so blessed

  • @Fighting.Butterflies
    @Fighting.Butterflies Год назад

    Omg! I was just reading your info with the PO Box address and all…I can’t believe that your hometown is MY hometown! I’ve been watching you for ages! Since you go to City of Hope, I figured we were from the same area, but I had no idea we were from THAT close together.

  • @Me_1983-
    @Me_1983- Год назад +10

    First, I'm so sorry you had a tough time. Second, the best thing you can do mentally is allow yourself to fall apart without feeling any guilt when needed. Say this sucks, cuss about it, holler about it, scream into a pillow, cry about it, literally anything that can take any extra simulations and anxieties out of those moments and just get it out, get it all out. Then keep going and don't feel the need to apologize or feel any less than, you got this and you got this strong girl 💪

  • @elizabethgibbens
    @elizabethgibbens Год назад +56

    Hi Jenny, I love how strong you were today even though the medicine gave you a reaction. I agree with you to trust the plan. Think positive,Jenny. God loves you as we do!🦋🐞🦋🐞🦋🕊

  • @janewilding1345
    @janewilding1345 Год назад +13

    How lovely to see your sister with you today Jenny, like you she’s very special ☺️. I also have a wonderful sister who is always in my corner like Ashley is for you 🥰. We’re blessed to have them in our lives.
    Sending love 💕, prayers 🙏 and hugs 🤗 from across the pond 🇬🇧 xx

  • @susanzelisko6845
    @susanzelisko6845 Год назад +3

    Omg flower is so adorable. I love those expressions

  • @ktpoll8238
    @ktpoll8238 Год назад +6

    Hang in there and keep fighting! You are so strong! Oh and
    My 3 dogs went crazy when you started talking about treats.

  • @essexitagermeng5504
    @essexitagermeng5504 5 месяцев назад

    Jenny is the definition of health beauty and love. May she and her family be blessed forever. I pray God make them feel their eternal, strong and deep connection based on Love beyond this physical dimension

  • @donsheilaalways4875
    @donsheilaalways4875 Год назад +4

    God is faithful to watch over his own. Love you and your family and pray for you daily. Love in Christ

  • @laurievillotta7935
    @laurievillotta7935 Год назад +7

    This video made me cry. The pictures of you during your infusion brought to my knee’s. Jenny you have been so brave and continue to fight so hard. We love you and continue to pray for you.

  • @cindym3340
    @cindym3340 Год назад +24

    Love seeing you and your sweet sister. Praying for your complete healing. You got this Jenny.💕🤗🙏🏻

    • @jennyapple4704
      @jennyapple4704  Год назад +1

      Love you Cindy 💗

    • @MadSceintist
      @MadSceintist Год назадвидео.html

    • @cindym3340
      @cindym3340 Год назад

      @@jennyapple4704 Love you too sweet girl.💟

  • @kerrypapworth1526
    @kerrypapworth1526 Год назад

    You are both the most beautiful, amazing people. God bless you and your gorgeous babies. Keep strong and yes love yourself. 💕💕
    Much love from Australia. 💕💕

  • @1CuteRN
    @1CuteRN Год назад +6

    Jenny, I’m telling you the light in your eyes is so bright and beautiful! I commented on it on your last video and it hasn’t dimmed a bit. It’s so wonderful to see the peace you’ve finally allowed yourself. Keep fighting! You’ve got this! ❤

  • @lindathompson9334
    @lindathompson9334 Год назад +13

    Thanks for the update and sharing your thoughts. Kyles eyes sure got big when you said 80 percent had negative reaction to the treatment. I pray that the treatment gets better and does the trick to work on your cancer. I'm glad your family takes such great care of you.

  • @coleengoodell7523
    @coleengoodell7523 Год назад +28

    Thank you for the update. Praying that this treatment gets easier and is THE one that gives you the victory over this battle. Along with the Lord of course. Your family is absolutely amazing! Love what your sister's shirt said.
    Hope you have a peaceful and pain free Memorial day weekend. May God be with you and yours always.

  • @Gigi-kr6ek
    @Gigi-kr6ek Год назад +12

    Flower's face was hilarious when y'all were saying all those "trigger doggy words" ...🤣.
    Prayers for you Jenny & the whole family. ✝️🧡

  • @willimina362
    @willimina362 Год назад +17

    Thank you sooo much for sharing your journey and the real sides of fighting cancer. Whether it’s smiles or tears, we are here for you, too. Hugs to you and your lovely family. 💙

  • @TheGaredbug
    @TheGaredbug Год назад +9

    Just feel what you feel. Allow yourself to feel it. Its ok to complain . This is all about you, Jenny. I have you in my prayers. God's got this and so do you.

  • @Timsgal777
    @Timsgal777 Год назад +21

    Praying for the absolute best for this trial, your eyes look especially sunshiney today. Much love to you and your whole family.

  • @marcialogsdon2586
    @marcialogsdon2586 Год назад +17

    I've had you in my prayers Jeni, Kyle and the kiddos. God is with you my dear!Love you all !❤❤❤

  • @ladonnamorse1019
    @ladonnamorse1019 Год назад +8

    I love your videos. You are so honest. I am an Infusion nurse and it is so fascinating to hear you as a patient share your experience with cancer treatment.❤

    • @cerorchid
      @cerorchid Год назад

      I, too, have worked as an infusion nurse. 😊

  • @helenmoniz1474
    @helenmoniz1474 Год назад +16

    I just recently starting following you on your journey and you are a inspiration of strength. I went through breast cancer and the fear is overwhelming but the love we receive helps the soul try to cope .

    • @pamelahancock5679
      @pamelahancock5679 Год назад

      Wow your 2d treatment

    • @zhaviyah84
      @zhaviyah84 Год назад

      Not really. She has an incredible support system. In life you fight. What’s she meant to do ? K*ll herself ? It’s just survival of the fittest.

  • @annecarrick8168
    @annecarrick8168 Год назад +11

    Jenny you are a warrior, so lovely to see your sister with you. As ever hugs and prayers for you all.❤

  • @yanniegrannie
    @yanniegrannie Год назад +18

    You're so brave and I'm so happy someone was able to make you feel like you were truly seen. You so deserve that. Kyle is amazing to, I see his worry and his strength 🩷 love to you all

    • @francesmcwilliams1729
      @francesmcwilliams1729 Год назад

      Kyle, you are strong but i see the intense hurt and love inside you. Jenny will forever love you and her beautiful children. Take one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other.
      Jenny you are so strong and it has been amazing to see you struggle on a daily basis and going and going. You and your family are all loved so much and take one day at a time. May God Richly Bless you all

  • @barbc.3093
    @barbc.3093 Год назад +10

    It's great to see you have your sister with you for support and especially ❤! I just lost my sister 2 weeks ago, very sudden and unexpectedly. God Bless you Jenny and will continue to pray for you, Kyle and the kids. Much love from Michigan 🤗❤

    • @cathythomas298
      @cathythomas298 Год назад +3

      So sorry for your loss 🙏. Sisters are extremely important and special.

    • @GlassOdessey025
      @GlassOdessey025 Год назад +3

      The sudden death of a loved one has to be tuff. I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine the pain you must feel. Just take it day by day and week by week. Keep all your memories of your sister close. I'm sure she's watching over you every step of the way. 🙏🙏

    • @susanfleming496
      @susanfleming496 Год назад +2

      I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. 💗

  • @kathygillman5450
    @kathygillman5450 Год назад +13

    Youvare so blessed to have such an amazing family! I cant imagine having all that family support. They always do EKG abd Echos before and after new treatnents or starting a new one. I always bring a fuzzy comforting blanket to relax me! Youve got this!!!

  • @barrbuff
    @barrbuff Год назад +3

    Great seeing more of your sister, more up close and personal. I have a younger sister (3 years) helping me through my cancer journey. Nothing like the bond of sisters IMO. Love.

  • @anniebee854
    @anniebee854 Год назад +3

    I'm so glad your team is so good to you! I am sure they adore you! It's good to hear the reaction is normal so let's all pray the next one goes great! Praying for you and Kyle daily!

  • @gigiknowsbest7391
    @gigiknowsbest7391 Год назад +7

    I'm so comforted by the sounds and sightings of Flower. I love your updates and feel encouraged. ❤

  • @dianevioletta1408
    @dianevioletta1408 Год назад +5

    Aww Jenny, yes God has a plan. All we can do is ask for guidance to get through the plan. You are for sure such an inspiration to so many people. You are such a bright light in a dark storm 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @lisasargent2841
    @lisasargent2841 Год назад +3

    Everytime, you said TREATS (which was quite a few), Flowers cute eyes just got bigger and bigger, her little body stiffened up like a bird dog waiting to retrieve or receive something great. She loved your attention & kisses. You're a great human being, Kyle.

  • @marty3711
    @marty3711 Год назад +3

    She is a great person. Loved. Praying for you always Jen❤❤🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🖤💚💛

  • @NEGAN_310
    @NEGAN_310 Год назад +7

    You are so strong, Jenny.❤
    Never stop fighting!
    Love from Larisa-Jane in Sydney Australia ❤

  • @milescumminski8077
    @milescumminski8077 Год назад +19

    I am sorry you are constantly being tested with so many challenges, but I am glad you have such a wonderful sister and terrific husband supporting you. It also sounds like the City of Hope has some amazing employees. I am always wishing you and your family the best. Sending positive vibes. I can always see the pure love Kyle has for you in his eyes in every video. That is an amazing thing.

  • @chanaminerich9579
    @chanaminerich9579 Год назад +3

    I'm glad you are doing better from the reaction. I'm on an oral targeted therapy for my leukemia and my body had to get used to it. I been on it for 5 years. I'm always praying for you. I love you all.❤❤❤❤❤

  • @cindr78
    @cindr78 Год назад +8

    You made me smile at the end with Flower!! Prayers for comfort and healing Jen!! 🕊️❤️🕯️

  • @sddrunner
    @sddrunner Год назад +7

    Jenny you have beautiful teeth 😄 Just sat down and was surprised there you two were on your way 🙏 You’ve got this 😘

  • @virginiadavis2933
    @virginiadavis2933 Год назад +7

    Jenny, you are such an inspiration, I am just so sorry you and your family are going through this. It was nice to meet your sister. Jenny you have a lot of people who loves you. Kyle love to you and Jenny is so fortunate to have you

  • @Nope-NotToday
    @Nope-NotToday Год назад +4

    We love you here in Denmark. We are all praying for you, every day.
    Remember that it's okay, not to be okay and being sad and worried.
    You are a wonderfull and very strong woman and Kyle is nothing less than a amazing and fantastic husband.
    God bless you.
    Its the first time I see Kyle sad and worried, looks like he is tearing up inside
    Hope his therapy will help him.
    Kiss & hugs from us in Denmark ❤️❤️❤️

  • @creatingalifeworthliving2727
    @creatingalifeworthliving2727 Год назад +7

    Love your sister’s jumper Jen! How sweet is she?! 🙂 I love to see the support you have around you. Stay positive xx

  • @kakiesigman6581
    @kakiesigman6581 Год назад +21

    I get so much inspiration from you. I love how open you are and the support from Kyle. My cancer journey has just begun, 5 rounds of chemo, and to see what you have done gives me strength to accept that I can do this. God does have a plan for each of us and I don’t question. My faith keeps me grounded and positive. Sending prayers your way.

    • @jennyapple4704
      @jennyapple4704  Год назад +5

      I feel the same as you. I’m sorry you have to deal with cancer as well, sending you prayers 💗

    • @Woodsyintroverts
      @Woodsyintroverts Год назад

      Hi Jenny…I’ve been following your journey for awhile now. You are so strong and your family is so wonderful. Kyle is a rock for sure. Your children are beautiful. You Jenny are so strong and such an inspiration for people also on this journey. I am a cancer survivor and I understand some of what you are experiencing. God does have a plan and you are right just trust that plan. No matter what happens all will be well. Your Angel was there with you holding you strong. Sending you and your family so much healing energy. 💜💐

    • @janarledge4428
      @janarledge4428 Год назад +4

      Praying for you sweetie

    • @jacquitirone
      @jacquitirone Год назад +3

      Prayers for you Katie🙏😇

  • @eh6454
    @eh6454 Год назад +6

    Thank you for the wonderful reminder, Jenny, that this (whatever this is for any one of us) is God’s plan 🤗 Plus, your sister is a lovely lady and she took great photos of you both 😊Enjoy the rest of your weekend with your adorable family! Much love to you all ❤

  • @deniseconnors8124
    @deniseconnors8124 Год назад +4

    You encountered so many positive signs today- it has to be meaningful to you! How fortunate you are to be surrounded by so many loving, caring people. Stay strong! Sending love and prayers 🙏🌸💕

  • @FSmith123
    @FSmith123 Год назад +14

    Wishing you all the best. I think you are amazing, brave and such a lovely person. You handle everything with such grace. I’m pulling for you!

  • @2069Cal
    @2069Cal Год назад +3

    Jenny you got this! The Greatest Love of All by our beloved Whitney Houston is one of my favorites from her. Keep singing girl! Hi to Kyle and the kiddos!!

  • @sdd123
    @sdd123 Год назад +3

    I know how scary it is to switch medication s but you are going to find the best one for you. Prayers and positive thoughts are with you.

  • @mlstroh7
    @mlstroh7 Год назад +5

    You are in my prayers , your family also 🙏🏻 You look great for all you've been through Jenny , so amazingly strong for your family! Your husband rocks for being supportive !!! Bless your sister for going with you 💜 Hope you finally got some good sleep ... I love you lady, you are so inspiring ...🤗

  • @gingermcintosh6545
    @gingermcintosh6545 Год назад +3

    Jenny I love you and your optimistic attitude even when things don’t work. And you are so funny, bringing Flower in and teasing her. Love Kyle too; he is so patient and kind. 💙💙💙 oh and I have lung issues and often have tons of steroids and hate them. I feel for you.

  • @tayloralexander7597
    @tayloralexander7597 Год назад +4

    Sharon here.... prayers for you Jenny. You and your family are in my thoughts, I look for the latest update and pray all goes well and pray when things not so good. You are an inspiration for us all, even if we're not going through difficult times, you give us a bright light of sincere goodness and love and hope. God is with you always. Hugs ❤☺

  • @joanwiuff3230
    @joanwiuff3230 Год назад +3

    When my son was told he would be paralyzed from the neck down. I dove head first into the Bible and every healing scripture, tapes day and night. Proverbs 4:pay attention to my words and be willing to learn;Open your ears to my sayings21Do not let them escape from your sight;Keep them in the center of your heart22For they are life to those who find them,And healing and health to all their flesh. Long story but my son walks out of that ICU walking. He is now married with a 6 year old boy. God's word is greater than any doctor's!!

  • @sandrahunt4436
    @sandrahunt4436 Год назад +4

    Jenny my pug and chiwinnie sit and bark to Flower. It is so cute. I’m sorry for your bad treatment day. Praying that your next treatment will go much better and you can keep with this treatment. Know that we love and care for you and your family ❤❤❤

  • @janecoffey3330
    @janecoffey3330 Год назад +12

    I have been thinking about you and continued prayers for you and the family. Hope it goes well, jenny❤

  • @KellyLoague
    @KellyLoague Год назад +7

    Thinking about you and your family everyday, Jenny. I’ve noticed this video and 1-2 others that you are looking more vibrant and positive. It gives so much HOPE ❤. One of the things I’ve been wanting to ask in a very respectful manner is when you seem out of breath ( & you may not be ) is it from the, Pain, Fluid, just the fact of it being, Lung Cancer or just a combination of all it? I’m so sorry that reaction happened. Continuing with prayers! God bless!! 😊

    • @zhaviyah84
      @zhaviyah84 Год назад

      She’s said before deep breaths hurt so it may appear she’s out of breath talking due to having to take more breaths instead of full ones. As someone in chronic pain it helps to take short breaths when it becomes high level. It almost becomes second nature. I’d say that it’s a combo but maybe she will reply and say for sure. It’s obviously not easy to breath with a lung full of fluid

  • @terriann7804
    @terriann7804 Год назад +8

    Thank you for the update. It was good to see you guys. Sorry you had a reaction. Thank you for being honest when things are hard, you are teaching and preparing so many of us. ❤️🙏

  • @cindys6683
    @cindys6683 Год назад +7

    Sorry it didn't go as planned. Hoping the next session will be better. Enjoy your family time this weekend. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Sending love.

  • @charlottemiller961
    @charlottemiller961 Год назад +3

    Jenny, I am so glad that you had such good care today. I know how hard it is to go through this. I am praying for you and Kyle and Elis and Winnie. Take care this weekend!

  • @lubryce1971
    @lubryce1971 Год назад +4

    Just keep fighting the good fight. We are right there with you and for you. Love your updates and your whole family.

  • @threeqtrtime
    @threeqtrtime Год назад +3

    Slow and steady wins the race, next treatment will be a win. You and God have got this Jen. All your prayer warriors are here for you 🙏❤️ hugs n love 💕

  • @Alexandra-dy2ns
    @Alexandra-dy2ns Год назад +12

    Dear Jenny, I'm watching your video fighting my fifth upper airways infection this year, being annoyed and pitying myself. And then there is YOU - having severe health problems, being brave with seemingly more energy than I have and giving me the reality check I obviously needed. So I'm thinking of you now, praying for your treatment to work, sending you strength and love to your whole family. Never give up! Miracles do happen! My dad was a survivor!I'm sending positive thoughts and healing energy your way.

  • @terishumaker7461
    @terishumaker7461 Год назад +3

    You two are so great together! Much love to you both. Jenny, you are amazing!❤

  • @blueomega2853
    @blueomega2853 Год назад +4

    You are so brave Jenny, keep on going, you have the strength to do it, we believe in you

  • @nitahamilton4270
    @nitahamilton4270 Год назад +13

    Praying for good results!!!❤❤

    • @nitahamilton4270
      @nitahamilton4270 Год назад

      I love your little family! You and Kyle make every minute count. I live in Oklahoma you know where the wind comes sweeping down the plans? You are so Brave! I know you will beat this terrible disease!!!

  • @sandradalessandro2935
    @sandradalessandro2935 Год назад +6

    So. You. Are amazing. N. Listen. I had very bad reaction. To similar drug. For my lymphoma. Called. Rituximab. So. They will give it to you over like 8 or 9 hours really slow that’s what they did with me pumped up other meds. N then the next time 6 hR. Then 4 hrs. You. Are getting cutting edge technology with that class of drug. I am proud of you. Waiting right now to see if I get into my clinical trial. Otherwise I have three months left to live. This week in order to apply clinical trial I had. Brain. M r I. Ct. Chest. Pet. Scan. Labs. Breathing tests. N echo ekg n heart test. Called. Muga. What. A week Praying for u. N for me. You. Are a gorgeous soul. Remember that. I send you luv 💪💜🔮🙏🏻💪💜🔮🙏🏻💪💪😘

  • @tracyspencer4845
    @tracyspencer4845 Год назад +2

    Sending prayers for you at my local church, Joni and Friends, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (Pastor Jack Hibbs), and many, many more!! I love you and your family even though we have never met! I will not stop praying for healing, comfort, peace, mercy, grace, joy and HOPE!! Never give up on HOPE...JESUS IS OUR ONLY HOPE!!! I Peter 5:7 "Casting ALL your care upon Him, for He cares for you." I have been through this with my tears are your tears I share with you...

  • @nonnadeb1982
    @nonnadeb1982 Год назад +6

    Continued prayers!! You have such a great support team!! Hope all goes well next time💜🤗