I’m a man and I get mansplained all the time…just because I don’t like football or beer, and I quite enjoy sowing as a mental health activity, doesn’t mean I can’t figure out how to plug in an Apple TV thanks!
You do you, man. I personally like watching romcoms as a way to relax sometimes, like Happiest Season or Love, Simon (I’m a man as well). Or I think of something funny to calm me down. Or the color pink, which is my favorite
the fact that so many of these are about periods, and that every women probably has a similar story, proves the point that we should all be taught about periods in school and not just the girls!
In Australia the whole class (girls and boys) learn about both female and male reproductive organs, I guess the boys are just too busy laughing and making jokes to pay attention
Yeah, I think most of us can agree that the content sucks, but the classmates are worse, and I’m talking both boys and girls here, both did their fair share of laughing and freaking out in my experience, though I’m certain I wasn’t the only one internally screaming “Come on guys, let’s just get this over with!” The worst part is when we were split into random groups and asked to talk about certain things with people who might not necessarily be our friends. Like, just give me a website and a document with some questions, no one wants this. I can assure you that nothing was achieved in those group discussions. The teacher would literally have to walk around to every group and ask them each question to get so much as a mumble and a nod.
@@corysmith3447 mansplaining is a problem that stems from toxic masculinity, womensplaining isn’t a thing because there are toxic things that men do that women do not.
I accidentally mansplained my professor once. I was reading a novel about a local Hindu folklore while waiting for a class, she noticed the title of the book I guess and asked if the story was any different than what kids learned from children books. So I proceeded to mansplain how the caste system worked and how that became a ground for interclass conflicts, and that the book put more emphasis on class struggle issue rather than the mithological element of the folklore like children books did. She was just smiling at me the whole time and thanked me after I finished, and then left. And some time later I remembered that she was Hindu.
Lmao, if it makes you feel any better Hindu culture and mythology is very vast and advanced so not all of us (hindus) know a lot about them. But it's nice that you realised what you were doing accidentally, nice to see some non toxic masculinity on the internet :)
I dont think people sometime understand the difference between mansplain and just discussing topics....people label just every sentence and dont analyse if they overthink certain topics overdramatic. Would you call it mansplain if you hold a speech to a engineer about mechanics not knowing he has a degree in it? People make things so overcomplicated without winning anything from it. If you were arrogant about it and correct her own thoughts it would be a whole other story and you would get a positive impuls to be more aware of the person before you and not thinking to highly you know everything better - that is a lesson that bring you something. But thats just my opinion.
@@nikolah.8472 tbh i kinda wanted to make a good impression so i tried to tell her everything i knew. In retrospect, it did sound like i assumed she didnt know anything about hinduism. I mean anyone who has gone outside once knows what caste is lets be real. And I also kinda forgot for a moment that i was talking to a person who has a phd in neurolinguistics lol
@@purpletoad4599 yeah it's nothing to worry about. Just good story :) The way she takes it is purely a reflection on her. And as someone who is a professor in neurology I would expect a level of self awareness, she would probably just be glad that these topics are gaining some traction.
Can confirm. Jokes aside. I think it might be sexual dimophism of the serotonin system. #mansplained #WithoutMyHighSeritoninLevelsIWouldntHaveThisAudacity
As a tradie myself, the number of people who have ASSURED me that they know how to use X product/service/item in their home, and who have then proceeded to destroy whatever I just installed, is truly mind blowing. It's always better to explain anyway. You do need to preface the explanation with "I'm glad to hear that, my boss requires me to run through a few basics just to cover our liability." Usually a few sentences in you can tell if they actually know what's going on or not. Sounds like one of two things has happened to this electrician. A) Probable, he's a dickhead B) Someone completely took apart a n electrical board once and fried themselves and he's terrified of it happening again. Always explain to everyone. Man, woman, young, old, explain. The mantra of the tradie, "Assume the homeowner is a moron."
@@zachhawkins5225 but see, that’s just it, what if they do know and you still choose to run them through it. You could take the approach of, can you show me or paraphrase it for me? We do have to ensure you’re aware of the dangers due to liability concerns, but I’m cool with avoiding my full explanation.
This dude in the story was for sure a moron. He explained what a room is. I've experienced a similar thing. I used to guide quad bike tours and I'd always feel a bit like a dickhead for making people do laps of the practice track and squeeze the breaks over and over. But you really have to train the reflex otherwise people pull the break and the throttle at the same time. People would constantly crash (pretty safely) in the practice track doing less than 5km/h. Much better than crashing doing 20 when you can roll the bike and cause serious injury and death. It was literally a legal obligation aswell so that was good.
One the reproductive story I had a guy when I was in high school, so basically you should know surely by then where babies come from. Anyway this dude tried to explain to the entire class, majority of them female that babies are growing in the stomach, no not the uterus, the actual stomach 🤦🤦 when the educated people in the class tried to explain anatomy to him and how babies are made another guy had the audacity to agree with him and argue back against us. WE WERE IN OUR YEAR 10 ENGLISH CLASS!!!! Our teacher couldn’t believe his idiocy, so she spent the entire time laughing quietly at them
Guys just need better reproductive education in general, my brothers friend thought that chicken crap and eggs were the same. Came in while I was cooking eggs and threw up asking why I was cooking chicken crap...
So you had a discussion in Class and find out you had two idiots in class that are uneducated in anatomy? Are you a woman only class and these guys were the only 2 men? I think mansplaining is well defined, otherwise I should label every conversation with a woman that talks BS womansplaining now? Im confused.
I'm a trans person, i once had a cis man try to mansplain to me what transphobia was and wasn't, and i just sat there so uncomfortable like... i literally told him something he said was transphobic, but he refused to listen and kept going off. didnt help that the room was filled with other cis men who agreed with him :/
I can not believe there were so many! How about that guy who thought period blood came straight from your veins hahaha 😅 beyond belief. How do you have that much confidence while clear having not ever read an anatomy book or taken a lecture or watched a RUclips video. Or anything. It's nuts!
I wouldnt 100% label that as mansplaining. I had a music/ german language teacher that will pronounce every name exactly as written, not because he mansplains just because he loves Grammar and language and HATES people that give their children names that are clearly misswritten/misspronounced but complain it has to be spoken that...I dont pity him because he had a point. He just was a man of pronounce equality.
I once had a straight guy at a party try to explain to me, a gay man, how docking is the most common way gay men sexually interact and very few actually have anal sex. When I looked him in the eye and told him I have never 'docked' before he proceeded to say that I haven't actually had gay sex then. I just smiled and walked away.
Reminds me of when my mom's husband tries to mansplain my mental illness to me only to then proceed to try and gaslight me into thinking that procrastination is not a symptom of that and that I'm just lazy lmao
I'm sorry, but the whole thing about explaining periods had me laughing bcs I remember I had a conversation with a guy in my class about the same thing, I legit asked him if he could stop a b0n3r from happening, he said no ofc not and acted like I was an idiot.... But I love your videos!!!! Thank You!!!!
Not my personal experience with mansplaining but the most ridiculous mansplaining I came across was that of a bartender, she makes tiktoks showing people how to make cocktails at home. Some dude told her to up her garnish game and called her an amateur. She’s a globally recognized bartender and was the world’s best.
@ 7:01… “The marriage of retail & mans-plaining is just… Too difficult to ponder” 😂😂😂. That’s almost like the “marriage” of truth & honesty in politics 😱😱😱. The guy trying to explain how women’s periods work… THAT IS THE ULTIMATE “WTF” MOMENT!!! 😱😱😆😆
im a huge marvel fan and i was talking about it and he goes "oh you watch marvel? well then..." and proceeds to quiz me on the MCU. After answering all the questions right (obviously) i asked why he felt the need to quiz me to which he responded "just to make sure you actually knew what it was". like no youre right i just started talking about how excited i am for thor to come out and about how ragnarok was so good because i had no idea what it was.
The person who mansplained how to stop a period… I would have loved to play completely dumb, and just keep asking questions as if I honestly wanted him to teach me, see just how much he got wrong about female anatomy, and then when he’s done explain the ACTUAL anatomy to him
some of us do have the upgrade to hold in a period using pelvic floor skillz, i think it was the 2.2 upgrade but it only works occasionally and laughter or sneezing make it super buggy
I had my very first therapist mansplain to me that I don't have depression because I was doing well in school and have a good relationship with my parents 🙃. 2 years later I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist.... an actual doctor lol
I was speaking in public and was interrupted by this well dressed gentleman who pulled me aside to explain to me that my speaker audio was off. I stopped, worrying that he was serious. Then he explained that if I wanted him to, he would adjust it for me. It turned out that he was approaching my area from the opposite direction of where my speakers were PURPOSEFULLY projecting. I explained that it was a conscious decision with consultation from the event organisers. (I have been doing this for over 10 years mind you). He wouldn't relent and im trying to be nice but he insists that he's put a few home audio set ups in his house (??!!) and knows what he's talking about and that "sometimes things can be a little technical for some people (women?!) and its no trouble for him to twiddle with the equaliser. In the end I stopped being nice and smiling and looked him straight in the eyes and told him "If you touch ANY of my equipment I will call security" and got back to my job. Oh and yeah, my husband was an ACTUAL AUDIO ENGINEER and I had spent many years helping him set up in major venues. I know the physics behind audio waves.
I had my Aircon die in the middle of WA summer just gone my air con guy also mansplained how I should turn on my Aircon I've had for 13 years and yes the power button says on / off and how it's evap and needs water to flow to cool I rang him because the water was not flowing and it's literally why he was there 🙄🙄
The workout ones are a mood, I do a bunch of non-conventional stuff due to my disability and it used to make me so insecure. Though working out at the same gym as my physical therapist has kinda made me stop the self-doubt since he's observed his own recommendations getting mansplained a few times and then kindly correct the well-intended gym-bro. The usual ones like 'too heavy' eh, goes up just fine and repping out the first 7-9 without issue is always nice. Wish I had the confidence to mansplain but the sense to hold it in.
I'm just saying, as someone who works in trade, that electrician probably has had the dumbest customers so now he just assumes everyone's an idiot, and over-explain, it saves time.
Not an entirely negative experience, but once a guy tried to mansplain deer to me and my friends. We were stopped in the car at a gate and a deer ran in front of us. One of my friends said, "oh look a deer!" Then the guy friend said something like, "it's actually a doe." And proceeded to mansplain the difference between deer and does to us. We argued with him for a bit and it wound up with him saying we could call him whatever we wanted, so now we call him Beatrice.
In grade 1 I had this classmate (he was in grade 2) and we were learning about natural disasters and the word Tsunami come up and I pronounced it correctly like with a silent T and he was CONVINCED that I said it wrong and the whole time was telling to it was pronounced "tu-sunami" and then proceeded to say "if you didn't need to pronounce the T then they wouldn't have put it in the word"
Hahaha 😆🤦🏻♀️ I just can’t anymore. Ohhh the mansplaining, I’m gonna lose it at the next man who even tries. Thanks for this awesome video Brianne, loved it 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼💜💜💜🇦🇺👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The video that auto played after this was your video “watch tiktoks that are actually good with me” and omg… perfect timing! 1min into it, explains why the guy thought women cut something during their period 😂😂
The amount of men I have met who mansplain epilepsy (my chronic neurological condition) to me is astounding! I have been called diseased!!! I'm not. If I cough on you you won't catch it. There are many different types of epilepsy, it's not often talked about, which is sad but I don't need another person without a medical degree (at that, specialising in epilepsy) telling me what the next steps are safest. But thanks to the many men who have called me sick, diseased or the R word. I'm doing better than you!
If Brianne had to try this as a “try not to laugh” challenge & take a shot of sippy-sip juice every time she laughed, she would’ve been pretty plastered by I’m guessing the halfway point of this video 🥃☝️🤤🥃
@@ruckuslike … Oh man, BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES & STAND BACK!!! ✋️😆. If it ends up like your epic drunken Chernobyl video, I would happily pay TEN TIMES the maximum “Super Thanks” amount if I could ✊️😁❤️. I’m stoked that I also got my membership restored to your channel after discovering the insane reason why it was stopped previously ☝️😁👍
I told a guy I *was* friends with that I was going through a depression phase, then he said "There comes a time in every woman's life where they start their period." Then tried to mansplain periods to me. I shut him down quick..
When I was like 8 this guy was all pissy that the boys lost a gym game against the girls and saying boys were smarter and asking girls what 100 divided by 100 was and calling them stupid when they didnt know. I asked him what it was he said it was 300.
Tbh, the amount of calls us electricians get saying they know how to use a switchboard and when we get there they’ve turned it off themselves. Guys and girls doesn’t matter
I was curious about how many people in the world are bilingual, or multilingual, as I live in a bilingual country(Canada). And as mentioned, Google is our friend, I looked it up. It turns out that around 43% of the world's population speaks 2 or more languages. So, you're correct, most people only speak 1 language.
what I enjoy is my wife explaining to me why she's not lying when I catch her in a lie. I'm glad we barely talk anymore. Somehow she is always in the kitchen when I need to use something, and always in front of the sink when I need water, and she doesn't even do dishes very much and rarely cooks. How TF is she always in my way? I've openly told her that I hate her. Do I have to bring it up every day? I don't enjoy doing it.
Actually it IS possible to control your bleeding kind of like when you're peeing. It is called "free bleeding". I have never tried it, but a friend of mine does it. But it takes quite some training for the pelvic floor muscles and all the structures involved. Cheers from Germany.
I’m a pansexual she/they & the amount of times I’ve been told that ‘No you’re now straight girl!’ by straight men when I happen to be in a in a relationship with a man is mind boggling! Like, my orientation or gender identity, etc doesn’t change just because I happen to be in a relationship with a guy, even if the relationship happens to be monogamous! I also use a ladder in public places for work. I have my working at height qualifications. I am frequently told, only by a men, that what I’m doing is wrong & the unsolicited advice is always different! Had a male partner [no medical qualifications or any kind] try to tell me that my knee injury [slip & fall on an escalator while shopping, with witnesses] was psychosomatic because his friends knees injury was. My radiology results say otherwise. He also accused of not looking after it properly because I haven’t had surgery yet. Due to my underlying medical conditions, how young I am, my job & the fact that the knee is still mostly still functional, my doctors & I collectively decided that it would too risky to take a surgical route. Thank you for the therapy session 💜
This video had great timing for me, cus last week i had an interview for my new job (fortunatly i got it yay) and the interviewer (my new manager) was explaining karate to me. I am a purple belt (2 before black, about 4-5 years of practice now). Wanna know how much time he practiced karate in his life? None.
I literally just clicked off a video about sex Ed for wlw and now I see this! I get it universe! The Sahara is all dried up! But can the algorithm chill out till I get a damn girlfriend
" Wound " . 🤣. Here's an Old Ditty . " Here's to the Wound that never Heals , The more you scratch it the better it Feels . There's more but you get the Idea . I have gad " Suits " try to tell me how my Job should be done before . I am a now Retired , Heavy Combination Vehicle Operator . And they just pulled up in a Daewoo . Can't even buy a Good Car . The number of times I said " OK , hop up and SHOW me " . Crickets ensue .
I had a conversation with this boy in my sisters year about why women go to get there hair cut and he went on to “explain” to me it’s completely different to when men do and for a different reason like mate it’s hair everyone cuts it for there preferences. His explaining of other things made we want to laugh so much but couldn’t
Can we get a flip side to this where someone is called out for mansplaining when they were, in fact, just explaining? E.g, As I was checking out at Coles one time, I had someone next to me ask for help with the self-checkout. Fair enough. I barely know how to work 'em, so it's not like I was about to judge. I proceeded to walk them through it, and they hit me with "Wow, mansplain much? Nevermind, I'll figure it out myself." Lol, okay. I had to wait for a friend to check out after me, and while I waited, I watched as a Coles employee did everything for this other person while they just scrolled through their phone the whole time. They didn't want to learn how to do it. They wanted it to be done for them. It fuckin' hurt to watch.
as a bloke the video sponsor is pretty useless to me but I'll be telling my girlfriend about it, shout out to you for having sponsorships that aren't just Raid shadow legends or whoever pays the most and actually having the integrity to advocate for things that are useful in bettering peoples lives
What 'reacting to your stories' topic should we cover next?!
Things you experienced in highschool
‘Dumbest person you’ve ever dated’ Stories would be cool
@@L.H_edits I absolutely love that please Brianne can we do that
Local ghost stories/mysteries/legends
coming out stories
I’m a man and I get mansplained all the time…just because I don’t like football or beer, and I quite enjoy sowing as a mental health activity, doesn’t mean I can’t figure out how to plug in an Apple TV thanks!
so its not mansplainng, women and men can manipulate or talk down to people, dont be a sexist pigg
Fuck those guys
What type of seeds do you sow,...?
You do you, man. I personally like watching romcoms as a way to relax sometimes, like Happiest Season or Love, Simon (I’m a man as well). Or I think of something funny to calm me down. Or the color pink, which is my favorite
the fact that so many of these are about periods, and that every women probably has a similar story, proves the point that we should all be taught about periods in school and not just the girls!
In Australia the whole class (girls and boys) learn about both female and male reproductive organs, I guess the boys are just too busy laughing and making jokes to pay attention
Yeah, I think most of us can agree that the content sucks, but the classmates are worse, and I’m talking both boys and girls here, both did their fair share of laughing and freaking out in my experience, though I’m certain I wasn’t the only one internally screaming “Come on guys, let’s just get this over with!” The worst part is when we were split into random groups and asked to talk about certain things with people who might not necessarily be our friends. Like, just give me a website and a document with some questions, no one wants this. I can assure you that nothing was achieved in those group discussions. The teacher would literally have to walk around to every group and ask them each question to get so much as a mumble and a nod.
sexist, imagine the word woman pslaining? double standard
Well im from germany and everyone of us had sex education together sooo...I think it seems it's a bigger problem in other countries.
@@corysmith3447 mansplaining is a problem that stems from toxic masculinity, womensplaining isn’t a thing because there are toxic things that men do that women do not.
I accidentally mansplained my professor once. I was reading a novel about a local Hindu folklore while waiting for a class, she noticed the title of the book I guess and asked if the story was any different than what kids learned from children books. So I proceeded to mansplain how the caste system worked and how that became a ground for interclass conflicts, and that the book put more emphasis on class struggle issue rather than the mithological element of the folklore like children books did. She was just smiling at me the whole time and thanked me after I finished, and then left. And some time later I remembered that she was Hindu.
Lmao, if it makes you feel any better Hindu culture and mythology is very vast and advanced so not all of us (hindus) know a lot about them. But it's nice that you realised what you were doing accidentally, nice to see some non toxic masculinity on the internet :)
I dont think people sometime understand the difference between mansplain and just discussing topics....people label just every sentence and dont analyse if they overthink certain topics overdramatic. Would you call it mansplain if you hold a speech to a engineer about mechanics not knowing he has a degree in it? People make things so overcomplicated without winning anything from it. If you were arrogant about it and correct her own thoughts it would be a whole other story and you would get a positive impuls to be more aware of the person before you and not thinking to highly you know everything better - that is a lesson that bring you something. But thats just my opinion.
@@nikolah.8472 tbh i kinda wanted to make a good impression so i tried to tell her everything i knew. In retrospect, it did sound like i assumed she didnt know anything about hinduism. I mean anyone who has gone outside once knows what caste is lets be real. And I also kinda forgot for a moment that i was talking to a person who has a phd in neurolinguistics lol
@@purpletoad4599 yeah it's nothing to worry about. Just good story :)
The way she takes it is purely a reflection on her. And as someone who is a professor in neurology I would expect a level of self awareness, she would probably just be glad that these topics are gaining some traction.
The audacity is stored in the balls
Gotta be
Can confirm.
Jokes aside.
I think it might be sexual dimophism of the serotonin system.
#mansplained #WithoutMyHighSeritoninLevelsIWouldntHaveThisAudacity
that explains alot actually lmfao
As a tradie myself, the number of people who have ASSURED me that they know how to use X product/service/item in their home, and who have then proceeded to destroy whatever I just installed, is truly mind blowing. It's always better to explain anyway. You do need to preface the explanation with "I'm glad to hear that, my boss requires me to run through a few basics just to cover our liability." Usually a few sentences in you can tell if they actually know what's going on or not. Sounds like one of two things has happened to this electrician.
A) Probable, he's a dickhead
B) Someone completely took apart a n electrical board once and fried themselves and he's terrified of it happening again.
Always explain to everyone. Man, woman, young, old, explain. The mantra of the tradie, "Assume the homeowner is a moron."
@Larissa Pienaar sorry about that, my boss requires it for our liability.
@@zachhawkins5225 but see, that’s just it, what if they do know and you still choose to run them through it. You could take the approach of, can you show me or paraphrase it for me? We do have to ensure you’re aware of the dangers due to liability concerns, but I’m cool with avoiding my full explanation.
This dude in the story was for sure a moron. He explained what a room is.
I've experienced a similar thing. I used to guide quad bike tours and I'd always feel a bit like a dickhead for making people do laps of the practice track and squeeze the breaks over and over. But you really have to train the reflex otherwise people pull the break and the throttle at the same time. People would constantly crash (pretty safely) in the practice track doing less than 5km/h. Much better than crashing doing 20 when you can roll the bike and cause serious injury and death.
It was literally a legal obligation aswell so that was good.
There was also a list of things we legally had to explain as well.
Are you required to inform grown adults how to operate a switch that's just like a light switch?
i love how you ended it with ‘mansplained mansplaining’ lmaoo
Icing on the cake 🤌🏽
One the reproductive story I had a guy when I was in high school, so basically you should know surely by then where babies come from. Anyway this dude tried to explain to the entire class, majority of them female that babies are growing in the stomach, no not the uterus, the actual stomach 🤦🤦 when the educated people in the class tried to explain anatomy to him and how babies are made another guy had the audacity to agree with him and argue back against us. WE WERE IN OUR YEAR 10 ENGLISH CLASS!!!!
Our teacher couldn’t believe his idiocy, so she spent the entire time laughing quietly at them
Bruh lol if the baby grew in the stomach, anyone pregnant would die. Heck, the fetus would because of the acid lol. Also, humanity wouldn’t exist
@@doopdoop6330 I know!! The dude had no logical thinking, I still wonder to this day how he could possibly think that!!
Guys just need better reproductive education in general, my brothers friend thought that chicken crap and eggs were the same. Came in while I was cooking eggs and threw up asking why I was cooking chicken crap...
So you had a discussion in Class and find out you had two idiots in class that are uneducated in anatomy? Are you a woman only class and these guys were the only 2 men? I think mansplaining is well defined, otherwise I should label every conversation with a woman that talks BS womansplaining now? Im confused.
As an electrician, I can say that the one marked as living room MAY have something to do with the living room but there is no guarantee...
No one can be sure 😌
I really love your videos. Your sense of humour is spot on every time. It's been pretty dreary at home lately so this lightens things up.
The weather has been super average here too! Glad to be of service :)
I'm a trans person, i once had a cis man try to mansplain to me what transphobia was and wasn't, and i just sat there so uncomfortable like... i literally told him something he said was transphobic, but he refused to listen and kept going off. didnt help that the room was filled with other cis men who agreed with him :/
This just seems to be the basic arrogant cis man way...so many of them...
I'm really sorry that you have to put up with so much bull crap from people regarding your own personal experience(s). ✌️from ❄️🇨🇦❄️
That story about girls just "using your core muscles" to keep in your period blood is hilarious. Just do lots of crunches and you can do it /s
I can not believe there were so many! How about that guy who thought period blood came straight from your veins hahaha 😅 beyond belief. How do you have that much confidence while clear having not ever read an anatomy book or taken a lecture or watched a RUclips video. Or anything. It's nuts!
One time I had a guy tell me the "correct" way to pronounce my last name.
Oh my god
I wouldnt 100% label that as mansplaining. I had a music/ german language teacher that will pronounce every name exactly as written, not because he mansplains just because he loves Grammar and language and HATES people that give their children names that are clearly misswritten/misspronounced but complain it has to be spoken that...I dont pity him because he had a point. He just was a man of pronounce equality.
"the link in the beloo" was truly icing on the cake
I once had a straight guy at a party try to explain to me, a gay man, how docking is the most common way gay men sexually interact and very few actually have anal sex. When I looked him in the eye and told him I have never 'docked' before he proceeded to say that I haven't actually had gay sex then. I just smiled and walked away.
Hahahaha 😂
I literally just laughed outloud.
The fuck 😂
I’m gay and I didn’t even know what docking was until I looked it up after reading this comment
"wrong about scissoring" cracked me up so much
Bc of course a man would know!!
@@ruckuslikeI love your videos so much.
Reminds me of when my mom's husband tries to mansplain my mental illness to me only to then proceed to try and gaslight me into thinking that procrastination is not a symptom of that and that I'm just lazy lmao
I'm sorry, but the whole thing about explaining periods had me laughing bcs I remember I had a conversation with a guy in my class about the same thing, I legit asked him if he could stop a b0n3r from happening, he said no ofc not and acted like I was an idiot.... But I love your videos!!!! Thank You!!!!
*The amount of audacity radiating off of these men has reached far beyond chernobyl level radiation*
Not my personal experience with mansplaining but the most ridiculous mansplaining I came across was that of a bartender, she makes tiktoks showing people how to make cocktails at home. Some dude told her to up her garnish game and called her an amateur. She’s a globally recognized bartender and was the world’s best.
@ 7:01… “The marriage of retail & mans-plaining is just… Too difficult to ponder” 😂😂😂. That’s almost like the “marriage” of truth & honesty in politics 😱😱😱. The guy trying to explain how women’s periods work… THAT IS THE ULTIMATE “WTF” MOMENT!!! 😱😱😆😆
Really love your videos!! These stories got me both cackling and mentally in pain all at the same time.
im a huge marvel fan and i was talking about it and he goes "oh you watch marvel? well then..." and proceeds to quiz me on the MCU. After answering all the questions right (obviously) i asked why he felt the need to quiz me to which he responded "just to make sure you actually knew what it was". like no youre right i just started talking about how excited i am for thor to come out and about how ragnarok was so good because i had no idea what it was.
I love your videos they are the thing I look forward to after a bad day, you are genuinely so funny and I love it
Thank you so much!!
i experienced a trauma and decided to make it everyone’s business. this video was fucking hilarious, seeing my god awful story in it made my day!
The person who mansplained how to stop a period… I would have loved to play completely dumb, and just keep asking questions as if I honestly wanted him to teach me, see just how much he got wrong about female anatomy, and then when he’s done explain the ACTUAL anatomy to him
How could anyone be as ignorant about women's anatomy as these guys!? Even when I was a little boy, I was less ignorant than them!
this was extremely entertaining, wouldn't mind seeing another one
We need a "bad date stories" video
Adding it to the list!
I think you should make a video of just you laughing. It's super infectious.
Normally reading mansplain stories makes me mad but this video and your reactions somehow made it entertaining 👌
I always look forward to your videos because they never fail to make me laugh. Thank you Brianne for all the happiness you bring to your viewers
You're the best!
some of us do have the upgrade to hold in a period using pelvic floor skillz, i think it was the 2.2 upgrade but it only works occasionally and laughter or sneezing make it super buggy
I'm not even a woman and I'm frustrated at these
Welcome to the torment :')
Talking about periods and men, I remember a guy in my school that asked if we could use period blood for blood transfusion during biology class
I had my very first therapist mansplain to me that I don't have depression because I was doing well in school and have a good relationship with my parents 🙃. 2 years later I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist.... an actual doctor lol
The fact that there are still non-psychologists being paid to spray crap is beyond belief. But there are heaps of them, everywhere!
I had a guy try to mansplain softball to me before a match with our colleagues. I have played competitive softball, he has not.
BAHAHAH the lesbians one physically hurt
I've been following your videos a lot lately.Great. I love the way you exposure to all content.
I was speaking in public and was interrupted by this well dressed gentleman who pulled me aside to explain to me that my speaker audio was off. I stopped, worrying that he was serious. Then he explained that if I wanted him to, he would adjust it for me. It turned out that he was approaching my area from the opposite direction of where my speakers were PURPOSEFULLY projecting. I explained that it was a conscious decision with consultation from the event organisers. (I have been doing this for over 10 years mind you). He wouldn't relent and im trying to be nice but he insists that he's put a few home audio set ups in his house (??!!) and knows what he's talking about and that "sometimes things can be a little technical for some people (women?!) and its no trouble for him to twiddle with the equaliser. In the end I stopped being nice and smiling and looked him straight in the eyes and told him "If you touch ANY of my equipment I will call security" and got back to my job.
Oh and yeah, my husband was an ACTUAL AUDIO ENGINEER and I had spent many years helping him set up in major venues. I know the physics behind audio waves.
Oh my lord the fact that men were explaining to LESBIANS how to scissor/have sex is incredible 🤦♀
I'm a straight dude myself and this kind of stupidity is killing me as well.
@@Seanlin2002 lmao
I had my Aircon die in the middle of WA summer just gone my air con guy also mansplained how I should turn on my Aircon I've had for 13 years and yes the power button says on / off and how it's evap and needs water to flow to cool I rang him because the water was not flowing and it's literally why he was there 🙄🙄
The workout ones are a mood, I do a bunch of non-conventional stuff due to my disability and it used to make me so insecure. Though working out at the same gym as my physical therapist has kinda made me stop the self-doubt since he's observed his own recommendations getting mansplained a few times and then kindly correct the well-intended gym-bro.
The usual ones like 'too heavy' eh, goes up just fine and repping out the first 7-9 without issue is always nice. Wish I had the confidence to mansplain but the sense to hold it in.
I'm just saying, as someone who works in trade, that electrician probably has had the dumbest customers so now he just assumes everyone's an idiot, and over-explain, it saves time.
Not an entirely negative experience, but once a guy tried to mansplain deer to me and my friends. We were stopped in the car at a gate and a deer ran in front of us. One of my friends said, "oh look a deer!" Then the guy friend said something like, "it's actually a doe." And proceeded to mansplain the difference between deer and does to us. We argued with him for a bit and it wound up with him saying we could call him whatever we wanted, so now we call him Beatrice.
i’m sorry how am i suppose to breath when you having me DYING for 13 minutes straight
love ya
Hahaha glad to be of service!
In grade 1 I had this classmate (he was in grade 2) and we were learning about natural disasters and the word Tsunami come up and I pronounced it correctly like with a silent T and he was CONVINCED that I said it wrong and the whole time was telling to it was pronounced "tu-sunami" and then proceeded to say "if you didn't need to pronounce the T then they wouldn't have put it in the word"
Sounds Ike your English teacher forgot the golden rule. English is extremely stupid and nothing is ever as it seems.
Stupid English takes a Japanese word, takes the Japanese phonetic spelling and decides to pronounce it non-phonetocally. 🤦♀️
Women decide when we get our periods? Why the hell wasn't I told this?!
right?? wish i'd known sooner so i could decide to never have them
No, I need a part two please
Hahaha 😆🤦🏻♀️ I just can’t anymore. Ohhh the mansplaining, I’m gonna lose it at the next man who even tries.
Thanks for this awesome video Brianne, loved it 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼💜💜💜🇦🇺👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The video that auto played after this was your video “watch tiktoks that are actually good with me” and omg… perfect timing! 1min into it, explains why the guy thought women cut something during their period 😂😂
The amount of men I have met who mansplain epilepsy (my chronic neurological condition) to me is astounding! I have been called diseased!!! I'm not. If I cough on you you won't catch it. There are many different types of epilepsy, it's not often talked about, which is sad but I don't need another person without a medical degree (at that, specialising in epilepsy) telling me what the next steps are safest. But thanks to the many men who have called me sick, diseased or the R word. I'm doing better than you!
"Come on, it's a simple Google search..."
You're assuming the boy's at least gonna be able to find one online...
Unlike IRL.
My boyfriend thoroughly directs me on how to use the remote every time we watch anything 😒 🙄 he probably wonders how I manage when he isn't there
I swear this is the last man I'm ever dating. I'm pan and women just don't talk to me this way unless it's a joke.
Good for him 👍
If Brianne had to try this as a “try not to laugh” challenge & take a shot of sippy-sip juice every time she laughed, she would’ve been pretty plastered by I’m guessing the halfway point of this video 🥃☝️🤤🥃
hahah might have to give it a go one day!
@@ruckuslike … Oh man, BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES & STAND BACK!!! ✋️😆. If it ends up like your epic drunken Chernobyl video, I would happily pay TEN TIMES the maximum “Super Thanks” amount if I could ✊️😁❤️. I’m stoked that I also got my membership restored to your channel after discovering the insane reason why it was stopped previously ☝️😁👍
Love your videos, always make me smile... or share your frustrations. Best wishes to ya hun
gotta love how it took a mere 3 minutes to “need a breather” from the mansplaining 💀
I told a guy I *was* friends with that I was going through a depression phase, then he said "There comes a time in every woman's life where they start their period." Then tried to mansplain periods to me. I shut him down quick..
my dad mansplained to me MY OWN MOVIE
Some people need to just think for once in their lives
When I was like 8 this guy was all pissy that the boys lost a gym game against the girls and saying boys were smarter and asking girls what 100 divided by 100 was and calling them stupid when they didnt know. I asked him what it was he said it was 300.
Omg please do painful breakup stories
Oooh that's a good one!
thank you for this video i laughed so hard!! you make my day
Tbh, the amount of calls us electricians get saying they know how to use a switchboard and when we get there they’ve turned it off themselves. Guys and girls doesn’t matter
it pains me to share the same planet w these people
I was curious about how many people in the world are bilingual, or multilingual, as I live in a bilingual country(Canada). And as mentioned, Google is our friend, I looked it up. It turns out that around 43% of the world's population speaks 2 or more languages. So, you're correct, most people only speak 1 language.
what I enjoy is my wife explaining to me why she's not lying when I catch her in a lie. I'm glad we barely talk anymore. Somehow she is always in the kitchen when I need to use something, and always in front of the sink when I need water, and she doesn't even do dishes very much and rarely cooks. How TF is she always in my way? I've openly told her that I hate her. Do I have to bring it up every day? I don't enjoy doing it.
Actually it IS possible to control your bleeding kind of like when you're peeing. It is called "free bleeding". I have never tried it, but a friend of mine does it. But it takes quite some training for the pelvic floor muscles and all the structures involved. Cheers from Germany.
I’m a pansexual she/they & the amount of times I’ve been told that ‘No you’re now straight girl!’ by straight men when I happen to be in a in a relationship with a man is mind boggling! Like, my orientation or gender identity, etc doesn’t change just because I happen to be in a relationship with a guy, even if the relationship happens to be monogamous!
I also use a ladder in public places for work. I have my working at height qualifications. I am frequently told, only by a men, that what I’m doing is wrong & the unsolicited advice is always different!
Had a male partner [no medical qualifications or any kind] try to tell me that my knee injury [slip & fall on an escalator while shopping, with witnesses] was psychosomatic because his friends knees injury was. My radiology results say otherwise. He also accused of not looking after it properly because I haven’t had surgery yet. Due to my underlying medical conditions, how young I am, my job & the fact that the knee is still mostly still functional, my doctors & I collectively decided that it would too risky to take a surgical route.
Thank you for the therapy session 💜
Once I had a guy mansplain to me what a sausage was…
This video had great timing for me, cus last week i had an interview for my new job (fortunatly i got it yay) and the interviewer (my new manager) was explaining karate to me. I am a purple belt (2 before black, about 4-5 years of practice now). Wanna know how much time he practiced karate in his life? None.
Haha RIP 🥲 I bet he watched Karate kid for his training. 'Wax on, wax off.'
I literally just clicked off a video about sex Ed for wlw and now I see this! I get it universe! The Sahara is all dried up! But can the algorithm chill out till I get a damn girlfriend
Only men know this!!
Great video wonderful Brianne!!! 👏
*the answer is NAUR* brianne worth, 2022
" Wound " . 🤣. Here's an Old Ditty .
" Here's to the Wound that never Heals , The more you scratch it the better it Feels . There's more but you get the Idea .
I have gad " Suits " try to tell me how my Job should be done before . I am a now Retired , Heavy Combination Vehicle Operator .
And they just pulled up in a Daewoo . Can't even buy a Good Car . The number of times I said " OK , hop up and SHOW me " . Crickets ensue .
Not me watching this in the vets waiting room with my dog waiting for the vet to get back. 🙃 (wait room is empty)
Omg hope your dog is okay!
@@ruckuslike thank you, I hope so too! Here for tests to try to figure out what's going on.
Turn the volume up, I guarantee the vet staff need a laugh. Hope your pup is okay!
@@BarnBaby100 they had left me sitting out there alone 😂 they went out back to help with something. Thank you I hope so too. Results next week 🤞
You could run the sock slogan on some shirts…
part 2 please
Brianne's reaction face to the scissoring story 👌
Sometimes if you don't laugh you'll cry
Love all your videos 📹
I had a conversation with this boy in my sisters year about why women go to get there hair cut and he went on to “explain” to me it’s completely different to when men do and for a different reason like mate it’s hair everyone cuts it for there preferences. His explaining of other things made we want to laugh so much but couldn’t
I find the term mansplaining ironic because the only person I know who does this is my auntie.
First time hearing this concept/word. I always thought it's not gender based, a person being rude and explaining something condescendingly.
I have a good one, I once had a man try to mansplain my culture to me........he was white💀
If mansplaining is a thing…
Wait, I think we already have…
Ka-Rants (when a Karen goes on a rant)
Wait, my gender is like this? Damn
Sadly quite common 🥲
Brianne Worth 🌈
Audacity is stored in the balls.
Can we get a flip side to this where someone is called out for mansplaining when they were, in fact, just explaining?
E.g, As I was checking out at Coles one time, I had someone next to me ask for help with the self-checkout. Fair enough. I barely know how to work 'em, so it's not like I was about to judge. I proceeded to walk them through it, and they hit me with "Wow, mansplain much? Nevermind, I'll figure it out myself." Lol, okay. I had to wait for a friend to check out after me, and while I waited, I watched as a Coles employee did everything for this other person while they just scrolled through their phone the whole time. They didn't want to learn how to do it. They wanted it to be done for them. It fuckin' hurt to watch.
Straight men act like the tutorial for controls in a game you have played 20 times
Good lord that was painful.
as a bloke the video sponsor is pretty useless to me but I'll be telling my girlfriend about it, shout out to you for having sponsorships that aren't just Raid shadow legends or whoever pays the most and actually having the integrity to advocate for things that are useful in bettering peoples lives
So I understand "mansplaining" is typical for male Karens ? And YES , I am German and you would of course hear it 😇😂
I support this
we become what we behold
, both ways
Had the notes bell on since...
Well having the notes bell on is when a viewer...
Just kidding.
Let's just for the sake of an argument say you could hold the flow, why in F's sake would you stop blood from leaving your body.
the men should just ✨ n o t ✨