UPDATE: I finally bit the proverbial bullet and wrote a long-winded but personable note to my neighbour, who still remains nameless. To avoid conflict, I addressed it from the whole floor (as opposed to just me), basically explaining that whilst we don’t mind a bit of noise, screaming bloody murder at 4am is a little disturbing. I then waited until he was mid-gaming session to blu-tack the note to his door, and in an out-of-character act of pure courage and adrenaline, I knocked on his door and bolted down the corridor to the shower (as our rooms are right beside each other, I could not return to my room immediately because he would hear my door shut straight after the knocking, which would blow my cover). After a very nervy shower, I crept down the hallway to see the message taken down (presumably he took it into his room) and since then, he has (amazingly) shut up! I still hear him gaming, but the yelling has dramatically decreased to next to nothing. He has also stopped bringing his phone to the toilet, which I forgot to include on the note, but I’ll take that as extra win. I haven’t divulged my little stunt to the rest of the floor, mainly because I don’t want to embarrass my neighbour, or myself for not having the guts to speak to him face to face, which is a shame, because I genuinely felt like I was in a spy movie flawlessly delivering the message without a trace. (Also, thank you! I enjoy writing, but often get lost in esoteric vocabulary and run-on sentences. It’s a massive (albeit unneeded) ego-boost to feature in a video. I adore the collaborative-reactionary format of the Story series. Here’s to many more wild tales!)
@@ruckuslike … I’d be keeping a defibrillator, an ambulance (on speed dial) & a priest on standby if we had to play that game as my stomach would have to be pumped with a vacuum cleaner (literally) 🥴🤢🤮
When my sister was in collage for nursing, her roommate dropped out of med school and left in the middle of the night and moved from Savannah, Georgia to Vancouver, British Columbia. And she didn’t know about it. Two weeks later my sister revived a post card in the mail from her roommate that said sorry for leaving like that. And that he decided to quit med school off a whim and become a photographer, and videographer. Never heard from him again, and this was 5 years ago.
I missed contributing to this one! In the same house, within 6 months, I witnessed a roommates boyfriend get stabbed by their cousin, weeks later the roommates boyfriend broke her arm and threatened my life when I called the cops. The other roommate met a psycho at a bush doof and he ate all our food, he was an acid fiend, then when he got dumped he stripped nude and ran around the street. That same woman worked on a phone sex line from her bedroom, and it was shit trying to watch Neighbours to see what that rascal Paul Robinson was up to and hearing that shit. Oh yeah one time the second roommates ex showed up after robbing his parents house and he got arrested in the living room after smoking so much leaf he couldn't see straight 😂
Brianne… You asked for possible future ideas for videos like this one. I’ve had a think (🤔) & was wondering if these may help: 1) - What NOT to say to people preparing food or drinks for you 2) - The best practical joke you’ve ever seen or been a part of 3) - Worst in-flight incidents 4) - Best holiday ever 5) - Most memorable animal encounters 6) - Worst hangover experiences 7) - What men SHOULDN’T say to their pregnant partners or wives 8) - Best ways you’ve ever gotten out of trouble with the law, your partner or parents 9) - Engagement proposals gone wrong 10) - Worst movie theatre experiences 11) - Worst restaurant experiences (especially foreign) 12) - Housemate “red flags” (& how to spot & raise them) 13) - How do you address the housemate red flags 14) - Worst hangover remedy fails 15) - Have you ever lied to the police to get out of trouble (& succeeded). 16) - Best ways you’ve escaped from dates you KNEW weren’t going to go well. ….I have some more in mind but thought I’d leave it at these to hopefully stir your creative juices 🤔👍. Thankyou for brightening up what was an otherwise crappy day for me ♥️🤗♥️
@@marcus_ds_44697 … Brother, I would be more than happy to help out our beloved anti-motivational Queen if she wanted me to 👍😄. I had at least a dozen more ideas in the memory bank but will keep them on hold for now. Hopefully she can put her own creative spin on any of these ideas ✌️😎
When my best friend’s sister was in med school. She told me a story about Her roommate (23 male at the time) who got into a highly physical, and near life ending fist fight with a person they had beef with. The roommate got stabbed but won the fist fight even with a 2.5 inch blade in his appendix. He had appendix removal surgery and suffered multiple broken bones from ribs to knuckles. That happened 3 years ago, the scars are still super apparent and look fucking batshit insane
I saw someone else here suggest another retail stories one, and I gotta agree! I work in retail and have some very cooked stories about customers AND coworkers lmao
Some of these stories are crazy but enjoyed this video a lot and also enjoyed your reactions to them as well. Wow thank you so much for sharing this crazy video
Please do another one of these. I got a story: we were all the crazy roommate. So it first started out with a lot of partying and some of their friends decided it would be funny to run through our closed screen door. When I realized what happened the next day I tried getting the people's number who broke our door and they aggressively said no, and said that I had to pay for it. So I left it broken (even though it drove me crazy). I ended up going to rehab and getting sober, when I came back they would barely talk to me and never would let me hang out with them. Because I was sober. They also NEVER cleaned up after themselves, which made me start building resentments, and they never changed their ways after I talked to them a million times. One out of the two of them was also very suicidal and I would find her overdosing in the living room and had to deal with that many of times. The thing that caused me to leave was they had a kitten that I loved, but they would keep her locked in their closet for most of the day and all of the night. So what did I do about that? Ask if I could take her half time when I moved out. They of course said no, so I stole the cat. When they called the cops I returned the cat and decided I was so ashamed that I lived in my car. The house I lived in after was almost as bad...
Wish I had have seen this community post, in the last three weeks I had to move out of the house I shared with my roommate because after not talking to us at all (dead serious not a word, even for bills) for two months he came in one night, screamed and tried to kick both my dogs in the head while wearing steel caps 🙃
if you wanna do this more anonymously maybe you could leave a link to a google doc in the comments/description of a future vid!! or make a community post for it :) anyways these stories were all unhinged as hell 10/10 great vid
Bro, my ex roommate had her boyfriend accuse her of sleeping with me and my fiancee. I told her she needed to leave him bc he's unhinged, and after him blowing up at us in front of our small kids, she moved out with him. The whole time they kept playing the victim which was crazy to me. Our lives improved so much after they left i hope they get therapy bc that evolves into domestic violence.
First day moving into this new place, finished unpacking, went to go take a shower. In the shower was a stack of dirty dishes and the drain was clogged with food. I almost threw up.
My former "roommate from hell" had tried to kill me with a sledgehammer. All the cuts were on the right side of my head, so the left swelled & knocked my jaw out of place. I could barely open my mouth, hsd ringing in the ears, migraines, etc until after a tear, I got the TMJ surgery I needed. I later found out she'd been released from a mentsl institution & legally changed her name. She spent a year in jail, two in a mental institution tgen released to relatives in New York. At least it was far away. I'm in CA. But she should have been charged with attempted murder. Instead she was charged with assult with a deadly weapon & serious bodily injury. It's the State, not you against the attacker & they plea bargained even though they promised me they wouldn't as they had all the evidence they needed.
I was the weird one in this story. So I had my own place and I was doing an experiment on a fleshlight. I put it in the freezer because I wanted to know if it would freeze solid. I was curious about the material. So a week goes by and I forgot all about it. I get a new roommate and he goes to put food in the freezer. He sees it and has a confused look on his face but doesn't say anything. I told him I was doing an experiment. I took it out and we never spoke about it again.
So happy I never had a roommate... other than my older brother, who actively tried to murder me for 19 years straight... I'm an adult with PTSD now, so thanks, bro!
My ex roommate in college attempted to murder my boyfriend over a pile of laundry. She threatened to get him arrested for harassment as she strangled him... She got arrested. My laundry was in the hallway next to the washing machine by my room. I thought she already left for break. She started panicking because she had to do so much before leaving the next day but had to work that evening (i thought she was already gone). She really didn't have to do anything but she was super ocd clean freak to the point that she would take cups out of my HAND i was literally drinking from to put them in the dishwasher because she didn't think i would clean them fast enough (since i was still actively drinking them). I told her that i had one load in the washer that should be done in ten minutes and she could use it the rest of the night or i could do her laundry for her while she was at work. She proceeded to freak out saying it was getting in the way of everything she needed to do. i asked what and she said vacuuming the hallway so i told her i'd do it then she started listing things it had no impact on like taking the trash out and moping the kitchen. My boyfriend at the time said "it's okay *her name* we love you. it's okay calm down." as she started strangling him and threatened to call the cops on him. Then she tried to go to the apartment manager to get me kicked out because she worked there for a couple weeks. Despite that i didn't do anything wrong and she assaulted my boyfriend (who she wanted me to invite over that she was trying to steal from me at the time). Long story short she went to jail and both my roommates moved out since our other roommate was her best friend.
I had a roommate that stole from me. He stole clothes, money and some devil's lettuce. He denied doing it but then I caught him out in public wearing my clothes. So I went into his room when he was out and took all his clothes and stuff out on to the front yard and set it all on fire then had the locks changed.
Hii Brianne, Amazing Video n Commentary. Keep Up The Great Work, These Stories Were Insane n Just Shows How This World Can Be. Stay Safe Everyone, This World Be On Some Stuff At Times. Got Me Thinking Of A Few Stories.., 1, When I Was Around Ten Years Old Living In A Rare Colonial House, Was There For About Several Years. So It Wasn't Till I Was Around Ten Years Old Where Ghost Phenomena Starting Happening (The Background Story Is Insane) Which Honestly I'll Tell Here n Now. So This Home (The House We Used To Live In) Was Built In 1924, And During The Years I've Lived There "Maybe 5yrs In" Ghost Things Happened For Awhile Then Stopped. There Was Really Heavy Attic Footsteps, Sounds Of Dogs Scratching The Basement Door, Some Odd Red Lights That Where Honestly Too Large n Way Outta Of A Visual Clarity (Like Looking At 180p On An 1080p HD Tv Screen) And It Moved Around. When You Look Into The Home From The Front Door, The Up Stairs Was On The Back Wall That Was Apart Of The Living Room "Big Room" To The Left In The Front From Walking In The Dining Room Was Directly To The Left n Behind That Was The Kitchen That Also Lead Outside To The Backyard And The Garage, The Kitchen Also Lead Through A Door To The Basement n Just Before Was A Small Bathroom. Now Upstairs Had These Three Rooms n The Bigger Bathroom, The Main bedroom Was At The End Of This Medium Hallway n To The Left Was The Medium Bedroom n Across From The Bathroom Was The Smallest Bedroom. So In The Bigger Bathroom Was The Way Up To The Attic (Idk Why They Set It Up The Way But Yeah) The Attic Was Always Super Hot Like 100plus Degrees n The Basement Was Usually Very Cold. When The "Hauntings" Started It Was The Attic First You'd Hear Heavy Footsteps Coming Down The Stairs n Would Stop Just Before The Door n Every Now n Then You'd Hear Some Walking Around The Attic n At Times Down The Stairs, n One Day We Heard The Footsteps n We Looked Everywhere Then Outta Nowhere This Red Outta Color Light Is Coming From The First Floor Aimed Up The Stairs To The Second Floor, And It Moved Across The Hall Going Down The Hall, We All Upstairs Watching This Thing Move Closer To Us n Vanish. None Of Us Had A Low Red Light n It's Movements Were Odd. As Far As The Dog Parts Go It'd Be A Bit Graphic So Idk If Anyone Wanna Read Bout That Part But Story Short, There Was Dogs Trapped In The Basement n (Graphic Parts Removed)... Cops Showed Up To Remove The Dogs The Ones That Were Alive n One (Can't Say) Welt The True Ending is Not Known But If You Truly Wanna Hear About The Removed Parts Let Me Know n I'll Comment It. Almost In Tears But It's An Insane Story But Yeah, I Absolutely Love You n Your Channel Brianne, Keep Up The Absolutely Amazing Work.
This may not count, but I do live at my family home when not at college, but my dad loves to clean if he has nothing to do because he can’t sit still. Anyway, he polishes the door frame AND THE FLOOR at the entrance to my bedroom. It would be fine if he ever warned me. He doesn’t. So I walk on it in full speed and nearly wipe out because it’s like a patch of black ice. I would think that he was trying to kill me if it were not for the fact that he is a great dad. 😂
I missed out on adding to the stories but I have one right here. So technically she isn’t ex yet, moving in two months, but after knowing her in less than a week she told me she has a boyfriend in America. This boyfriend has killed people, age 5, and 13. She said it was self defence but once she said but if anyone does me wrong he’ll add their name to a list to hunt down while laughing. I don’t think it was self defence if he has a list. I found out that after meeting me after the first day she had a grudge against me and told all my roommates to watch me.. I’m friends with everyone know but I have a feeling I was on the list. What makes it worst and actually scary is she’s 20 and he’s 32 and they would FaceTime, he was left in the kitchen watching us cooking many times so he knows what I look like too. They planned for her to move over seas with him, but he can’t yet as he’s still with his parents and they only were dating for 4 months, to top it off she said the only reason she wants to go over there is to “pop out babies to his satisfaction” while he works full time (he works at Maccas). Moral of the story once someone says their muderous boyfriends has a list of people to hunt after meeting them after a few days, don’t let him see you on FaceTime in the kitchen
I once had my ankle broken I was playing NFL with my friends and this guy Mike Jones was a defensive line backer put me in the dirt and I don't know what his problem with me was but he lifted his leg and stamped on my ankle broke my ankle and he put me out for 14 games he was in the game I came back for and I was going to go hit him but my coach coach Thomas told me to sit down then while we were on the pitch he tried the same thing only difference was I rolled out of the way flipped up and punched him so I got fined and suspended for 4 games
I used to live in an actual drug house where everyone in the other 3 rooms and even the guys out in a bungalow at the back were all doing at least weed (so were my crazy ex and I) but there was also casual heroine and crack going on too we legit called the cops on two of them because they were a) banging the walls and making their hands bleeds in doing so and b) screaming and yelling all night and rapping randomly at 3am to wake us all up the guys in the bungalow were the chillest there besides the cat guy across from me ex and I at least out bedroom door had a lock on it thank fuck because otherwise we probably would have been attacked in our sleep ah well memes 🤷♀️😎
Hey there it's me again ... I have a little question If you would freeze a fish for like idk 24 hours and then melt it again and do a little CPR, would the fish be alive again? It sounds kinda dumb ik but has anyone tried this yet?
Most of the people who had roomate who did nasty thing personally to them seem kinda sus to me. Most likely they did something and ended up doing something to them in return.
People with a relatively high IQ find it very difficult to find a partner and struggle with relationships..Brianne your only hope is try and become "asexual " ....🥴
I’ve had many messed up room mates but now, being a married man with a child (& a guard dog)… It’s MUCH less of a problem. Long live the highly acclaimed low budget shit show 🫵😆👍. Bri… As for anonymity… F**K IT!!! I say go for it 👍😂♥️
Save 40% on your first Native Body Wash Pack - normally $27, you’ll get it for $17! Click here bit.ly/nativebrianne14 and use my code BRIANNE14 #AD
get the bank girl !!!
Am in Kenya and really want Ur products on rift is that possible
From now on, I am gauging my anger based on whether or not I'd mow the lawn about it.
As you should
Yeah. I'll start doing that
"yeah I was hella annoyed but like, I wouldn't mow the lawn about it"
@@evy-8509 😆
A very precise indicator.
I finally bit the proverbial bullet and wrote a long-winded but personable note to my neighbour, who still remains nameless. To avoid conflict, I addressed it from the whole floor (as opposed to just me), basically explaining that whilst we don’t mind a bit of noise, screaming bloody murder at 4am is a little disturbing. I then waited until he was mid-gaming session to blu-tack the note to his door, and in an out-of-character act of pure courage and adrenaline, I knocked on his door and bolted down the corridor to the shower (as our rooms are right beside each other, I could not return to my room immediately because he would hear my door shut straight after the knocking, which would blow my cover). After a very nervy shower, I crept down the hallway to see the message taken down (presumably he took it into his room) and since then, he has (amazingly) shut up! I still hear him gaming, but the yelling has dramatically decreased to next to nothing. He has also stopped bringing his phone to the toilet, which I forgot to include on the note, but I’ll take that as extra win.
I haven’t divulged my little stunt to the rest of the floor, mainly because I don’t want to embarrass my neighbour, or myself for not having the guts to speak to him face to face, which is a shame, because I genuinely felt like I was in a spy movie flawlessly delivering the message without a trace.
(Also, thank you! I enjoy writing, but often get lost in esoteric vocabulary and run-on sentences. It’s a massive (albeit unneeded) ego-boost to feature in a video. I adore the collaborative-reactionary format of the Story series. Here’s to many more wild tales!)
PLEASE write a book. or like a collection of short stories or something. i love your lil writing style it feels like i'm chatting with a friend
Your sneaky, covert operation to get the point across is like something out of a Jason Bourne movie. I won’t tell anyone 😁😁🤫🤫
Let's just hope that this guy doesn't also happen to watch Brianne Worth 😂
@Larissa Pienaar … It was like story time with Aunty Bri but with a comical twist 👍😂
take a shot every time Brianne gets shocked by how messed up people are
We’d all be fucked
@@ruckuslike … I’d be keeping a defibrillator, an ambulance (on speed dial) & a priest on standby if we had to play that game as my stomach would have to be pumped with a vacuum cleaner (literally) 🥴🤢🤮
I already have enough liver damage.
When my sister was in collage for nursing, her roommate dropped out of med school and left in the middle of the night and moved from Savannah, Georgia to Vancouver, British Columbia. And she didn’t know about it. Two weeks later my sister revived a post card in the mail from her roommate that said sorry for leaving like that. And that he decided to quit med school off a whim and become a photographer, and videographer. Never heard from him again, and this was 5 years ago.
Thankyou for reading my story . It is extreme and true but I've surprisingly not had nightmares or needs to go to therapy . Love your videos ❤️
I missed contributing to this one! In the same house, within 6 months, I witnessed a roommates boyfriend get stabbed by their cousin, weeks later the roommates boyfriend broke her arm and threatened my life when I called the cops. The other roommate met a psycho at a bush doof and he ate all our food, he was an acid fiend, then when he got dumped he stripped nude and ran around the street. That same woman worked on a phone sex line from her bedroom, and it was shit trying to watch Neighbours to see what that rascal Paul Robinson was up to and hearing that shit. Oh yeah one time the second roommates ex showed up after robbing his parents house and he got arrested in the living room after smoking so much leaf he couldn't see straight 😂
"I'm goanna leave this on the weed story before it gets weird again"
Mate, that ship sailed long ago 🤣
Imagine thinking I’M SO ANGRY, I’M GOING TO MOW THE LAWN!!!!!!!!! 😅
@@ruckuslike give her a line, get her angry and she’ll build a gazebo 🤣
Brianne… You asked for possible future ideas for videos like this one. I’ve had a think (🤔) & was wondering if these may help:
1) - What NOT to say to people preparing food or drinks for you
2) - The best practical joke you’ve ever seen or been a part of
3) - Worst in-flight incidents
4) - Best holiday ever
5) - Most memorable animal encounters
6) - Worst hangover experiences
7) - What men SHOULDN’T say to their pregnant partners or wives
8) - Best ways you’ve ever gotten out of trouble with the law, your partner or parents
9) - Engagement proposals gone wrong
10) - Worst movie theatre experiences
11) - Worst restaurant experiences (especially foreign)
12) - Housemate “red flags” (& how to spot & raise them)
13) - How do you address the housemate red flags
14) - Worst hangover remedy fails
15) - Have you ever lied to the police to get out of trouble (& succeeded).
16) - Best ways you’ve escaped from dates you KNEW weren’t going to go well.
….I have some more in mind but thought I’d leave it at these to hopefully stir your creative juices 🤔👍. Thankyou for brightening up what was an otherwise crappy day for me ♥️🤗♥️
You could be Brianne’s head of creative
@@marcus_ds_44697 … Brother, I would be more than happy to help out our beloved anti-motivational Queen if she wanted me to 👍😄. I had at least a dozen more ideas in the memory bank but will keep them on hold for now. Hopefully she can put her own creative spin on any of these ideas ✌️😎
@@marcus_ds_44697 … If she does some more anti-motivation quotes videos, I have some absolute rippers to back them up 👍😜
When my best friend’s sister was in med school. She told me a story about Her roommate (23 male at the time) who got into a highly physical, and near life ending fist fight with a person they had beef with. The roommate got stabbed but won the fist fight even with a 2.5 inch blade in his appendix. He had appendix removal surgery and suffered multiple broken bones from ribs to knuckles. That happened 3 years ago, the scars are still super apparent and look fucking batshit insane
I saw someone else here suggest another retail stories one, and I gotta agree! I work in retail and have some very cooked stories about customers AND coworkers lmao
And we are back with dyslexia and nervous laughs ❤️
Used to work in hotel industry for over 20years. Man when guests check in they really check their brains out.
why are their lives so much more exciting
@ 5:12… Brianne breaks down the age-old myth of you not being able to be in 2 places at once ☝️😁. Our girl smashed the shit out of that myth!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Some of these stories are crazy but enjoyed this video a lot and also enjoyed your reactions to them as well. Wow thank you so much for sharing this crazy video
you could totally make a google form, have a submission spot and then be able to go through them at your leisure
Please do another one of these. I got a story: we were all the crazy roommate. So it first started out with a lot of partying and some of their friends decided it would be funny to run through our closed screen door. When I realized what happened the next day I tried getting the people's number who broke our door and they aggressively said no, and said that I had to pay for it. So I left it broken (even though it drove me crazy). I ended up going to rehab and getting sober, when I came back they would barely talk to me and never would let me hang out with them. Because I was sober. They also NEVER cleaned up after themselves, which made me start building resentments, and they never changed their ways after I talked to them a million times. One out of the two of them was also very suicidal and I would find her overdosing in the living room and had to deal with that many of times. The thing that caused me to leave was they had a kitten that I loved, but they would keep her locked in their closet for most of the day and all of the night. So what did I do about that? Ask if I could take her half time when I moved out. They of course said no, so I stole the cat. When they called the cops I returned the cat and decided I was so ashamed that I lived in my car.
The house I lived in after was almost as bad...
Wish I had have seen this community post, in the last three weeks I had to move out of the house I shared with my roommate because after not talking to us at all (dead serious not a word, even for bills) for two months he came in one night, screamed and tried to kick both my dogs in the head while wearing steel caps 🙃
if you wanna do this more anonymously maybe you could leave a link to a google doc in the comments/description of a future vid!! or make a community post for it :)
anyways these stories were all unhinged as hell 10/10 great vid
Ooooh that’s a good idea!
Bro, my ex roommate had her boyfriend accuse her of sleeping with me and my fiancee. I told her she needed to leave him bc he's unhinged, and after him blowing up at us in front of our small kids, she moved out with him. The whole time they kept playing the victim which was crazy to me. Our lives improved so much after they left i hope they get therapy bc that evolves into domestic violence.
Bro that outro was totally a Brianne thing to do ❤❤
"mow the lawn about it" definitely sounds like Aussie slang lol
First day moving into this new place, finished unpacking, went to go take a shower. In the shower was a stack of dirty dishes and the drain was clogged with food. I almost threw up.
You're right, I should've eaten that pizza
Damn can’t believe I missed this one, the story about my roommate calling me racist when I asked him to stop using my toothpaste is a solid one
"cause we've all been there...maybe not 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚...but"
My former "roommate from hell" had tried to kill me with a sledgehammer. All the cuts were on the right side of my head, so the left swelled & knocked my jaw out of place. I could barely open my mouth, hsd ringing in the ears, migraines, etc until after a tear, I got the TMJ surgery I needed. I later found out she'd been released from a mentsl institution & legally changed her name. She spent a year in jail, two in a mental institution tgen released to relatives in New York. At least it was far away. I'm in CA. But she should have been charged with attempted murder. Instead she was charged with assult with a deadly weapon & serious bodily injury. It's the State, not you against the attacker & they plea bargained even though they promised me they wouldn't as they had all the evidence they needed.
11:50 If they don't shower/clean I reckon they are fair game. Advocating open season on ferals.
you could make a google form like everyone else w those secret videos, luv haha
I love this shitshow thank u and some of these are crazy af but I feel like that's the world we live in tbh have a great rest of you're week 💓
As a Virgo, I'm not offended just disappointed for us.
girl should make content every time she is angry lol
I was the weird one in this story. So I had my own place and I was doing an experiment on a fleshlight. I put it in the freezer because I wanted to know if it would freeze solid. I was curious about the material. So a week goes by and I forgot all about it. I get a new roommate and he goes to put food in the freezer. He sees it and has a confused look on his face but doesn't say anything. I told him I was doing an experiment. I took it out and we never spoke about it again.
Also I want a part 2 please
Brianne's Back 😂
Never left!
So happy I never had a roommate... other than my older brother, who actively tried to murder me for 19 years straight... I'm an adult with PTSD now, so thanks, bro!
Here early, Love your videos
My ex roommate in college attempted to murder my boyfriend over a pile of laundry. She threatened to get him arrested for harassment as she strangled him... She got arrested. My laundry was in the hallway next to the washing machine by my room. I thought she already left for break. She started panicking because she had to do so much before leaving the next day but had to work that evening (i thought she was already gone). She really didn't have to do anything but she was super ocd clean freak to the point that she would take cups out of my HAND i was literally drinking from to put them in the dishwasher because she didn't think i would clean them fast enough (since i was still actively drinking them). I told her that i had one load in the washer that should be done in ten minutes and she could use it the rest of the night or i could do her laundry for her while she was at work. She proceeded to freak out saying it was getting in the way of everything she needed to do. i asked what and she said vacuuming the hallway so i told her i'd do it then she started listing things it had no impact on like taking the trash out and moping the kitchen. My boyfriend at the time said "it's okay *her name* we love you. it's okay calm down." as she started strangling him and threatened to call the cops on him. Then she tried to go to the apartment manager to get me kicked out because she worked there for a couple weeks. Despite that i didn't do anything wrong and she assaulted my boyfriend (who she wanted me to invite over that she was trying to steal from me at the time). Long story short she went to jail and both my roommates moved out since our other roommate was her best friend.
I KID YOU NOT. I was literally putting on my coconut vanilla deodorant when you started talking abt it.
I had a roommate that stole from me. He stole clothes, money and some devil's lettuce. He denied doing it but then I caught him out in public wearing my clothes. So I went into his room when he was out and took all his clothes and stuff out on to the front yard and set it all on fire then had the locks changed.
Yo where can get that cute sapphic shirt?
Lovers and drifters!
@@ruckuslike Struth!
Hii Brianne, Amazing Video n Commentary. Keep Up The Great Work, These Stories Were Insane n Just Shows How This World Can Be. Stay Safe Everyone, This World Be On Some Stuff At Times. Got Me Thinking Of A Few Stories..,
1, When I Was Around Ten Years Old Living In A Rare Colonial House, Was There For About Several Years. So It Wasn't Till I Was Around Ten Years Old Where Ghost Phenomena Starting Happening (The Background Story Is Insane) Which Honestly I'll Tell Here n Now. So This Home (The House We Used To Live In) Was Built In 1924, And During The Years I've Lived There "Maybe 5yrs In" Ghost Things Happened For Awhile Then Stopped. There Was Really Heavy Attic Footsteps, Sounds Of Dogs Scratching The Basement Door, Some Odd Red Lights That Where Honestly Too Large n Way Outta Of A Visual Clarity (Like Looking At 180p On An 1080p HD Tv Screen) And It Moved Around. When You Look Into The Home From The Front Door, The Up Stairs Was On The Back Wall That Was Apart Of The Living Room "Big Room" To The Left In The Front From Walking In The Dining Room Was Directly To The Left n Behind That Was The Kitchen That Also Lead Outside To The Backyard And The Garage, The Kitchen Also Lead Through A Door To The Basement n Just Before Was A Small Bathroom. Now Upstairs Had These Three Rooms n The Bigger Bathroom, The Main bedroom Was At The End Of This Medium Hallway n To The Left Was The Medium Bedroom n Across From The Bathroom Was The Smallest Bedroom. So In The Bigger Bathroom Was The Way Up To The Attic (Idk Why They Set It Up The Way But Yeah) The Attic Was Always Super Hot Like 100plus Degrees n The Basement Was Usually Very Cold. When The "Hauntings" Started It Was The Attic First You'd Hear Heavy Footsteps Coming Down The Stairs n Would Stop Just Before The Door n Every Now n Then You'd Hear Some Walking Around The Attic n At Times Down The Stairs, n One Day We Heard The Footsteps n We Looked Everywhere Then Outta Nowhere This Red Outta Color Light Is Coming From The First Floor Aimed Up The Stairs To The Second Floor, And It Moved Across The Hall Going Down The Hall, We All Upstairs Watching This Thing Move Closer To Us n Vanish. None Of Us Had A Low Red Light n It's Movements Were Odd. As Far As The Dog Parts Go It'd Be A Bit Graphic So Idk If Anyone Wanna Read Bout That Part But Story Short, There Was Dogs Trapped In The Basement n (Graphic Parts Removed)... Cops Showed Up To Remove The Dogs The Ones That Were Alive n One (Can't Say) Welt The True Ending is Not Known But If You Truly Wanna Hear About The Removed Parts Let Me Know n I'll Comment It. Almost In Tears But It's An Insane Story But Yeah, I Absolutely Love You n Your Channel Brianne, Keep Up The Absolutely Amazing Work.
I love ur videos!
Thank you!!
Idea: reacting to crazy weed trip stories (inspired by the last story😂)
well that was a great start to the video 🤣
This may not count, but I do live at my family home when not at college, but my dad loves to clean if he has nothing to do because he can’t sit still. Anyway, he polishes the door frame AND THE FLOOR at the entrance to my bedroom. It would be fine if he ever warned me. He doesn’t. So I walk on it in full speed and nearly wipe out because it’s like a patch of black ice. I would think that he was trying to kill me if it were not for the fact that he is a great dad. 😂
I have some great retail stories, do a part 2 or 3?
Yes!! Me too
I had a housemate move out who left a bag of trash from her room in my kitchen.
It contained unsanitary sanitary items 😢
i love these so much ahaha
They’re my fav
My flat mates are very nice, tidy and polite. I wish they were just a bit more exciting, but I can’t complain 😅
Pretty sure James Hunt wore a shirt saying the same thing.
this video is v much a slay
another day another slay
@@ruckuslike indeed
An idea I thought maybe: worst group projects, cos God knows I've had my share of experiences
these are so cooked they’re burnt
Burning til they turn to charcoal?
I love this
Wait I freeze my salmon when I buy them.. is that what Brianne calling weird? I freeze them so that they don’t go bad quickly
No our actual pet fish is what he froze
@@ruckuslike okay, yeah that’s odd and psychopathic.
Love your videos as usual! x
look if this was anonymous I had the most cooked roommate in history
Just love your videos and take care 😘
I’m about to go to uni and now I’m worried…
Me too
I missed out on adding to the stories but I have one right here.
So technically she isn’t ex yet, moving in two months, but after knowing her in less than a week she told me she has a boyfriend in America. This boyfriend has killed people, age 5, and 13. She said it was self defence but once she said but if anyone does me wrong he’ll add their name to a list to hunt down while laughing. I don’t think it was self defence if he has a list. I found out that after meeting me after the first day she had a grudge against me and told all my roommates to watch me.. I’m friends with everyone know but I have a feeling I was on the list. What makes it worst and actually scary is she’s 20 and he’s 32 and they would FaceTime, he was left in the kitchen watching us cooking many times so he knows what I look like too. They planned for her to move over seas with him, but he can’t yet as he’s still with his parents and they only were dating for 4 months, to top it off she said the only reason she wants to go over there is to “pop out babies to his satisfaction” while he works full time (he works at Maccas). Moral of the story once someone says their muderous boyfriends has a list of people to hunt after meeting them after a few days, don’t let him see you on FaceTime in the kitchen
I once had my ankle broken I was playing NFL with my friends and this guy Mike Jones was a defensive line backer put me in the dirt and I don't know what his problem with me was but he lifted his leg and stamped on my ankle broke my ankle and he put me out for 14 games he was in the game I came back for and I was going to go hit him but my coach coach Thomas told me to sit down then while we were on the pitch he tried the same thing only difference was I rolled out of the way flipped up and punched him so I got fined and suspended for 4 games
I used to live in an actual drug house where everyone in the other 3 rooms and even the guys out in a bungalow at the back were all doing at least weed (so were my crazy ex and I) but there was also casual heroine and crack going on too we legit called the cops on two of them because they were a) banging the walls and making their hands bleeds in doing so and b) screaming and yelling all night and rapping randomly at 3am to wake us all up the guys in the bungalow were the chillest there besides the cat guy across from me ex and I at least out bedroom door had a lock on it thank fuck because otherwise we probably would have been attacked in our sleep ah well memes 🤷♀️😎
Greetings, hope you are having a good day 🐩
Thank you! You too!
How tf do people find these roommates?
A question we all have
This is why i dont do roommates
this almost makes me feel better about my shitty ex-roommate
Hi Brianne :)
Living with other people in the same room is very much an American thing. It's not the best, but it's alright most of the time Lol
Yeah nah with a bit of perspective the broccoli wasn't that bad lmao
Could be worse
How about some REVENGE video reactions?
i clicked so fast
Hear Me Out!!! Best/Worst/Craziest FAMILY REUNION/TRIP STORIES 😂
I am sorry Brianne, but I am only looking at your really cool tee thb
Well now that you adressed it in the video I feel stupid to have mentioned it
Hey there it's me again ...
I have a little question
If you would freeze a fish for like idk 24 hours and then melt it again and do a little CPR, would the fish be alive again?
It sounds kinda dumb ik but has anyone tried this yet?
Worst coming out stories ?
Most of the people who had roomate who did nasty thing personally to them seem kinda sus to me.
Most likely they did something and ended up doing something to them in return.
This person is an imposter, not only is the real Brianne in Bali, I know sex shirt Brianne is fake because....... She didn't drop a phone!!!
People with a relatively high IQ find it very difficult to find a partner and struggle with relationships..Brianne your only hope is try and become "asexual " ....🥴
Entitled parents stories
Ask for confessions on insta story but don't post the user names.
i really do question if any of us have anything close to a normal life
It's not looking good bruv
No such thing as normal
Are you Australian
What gave it away
@@ruckuslike 😂...You must try harder for us, hopeless, not to be infatuated with that....
I’ve had many messed up room mates but now, being a married man with a child (& a guard dog)… It’s MUCH less of a problem. Long live the highly acclaimed low budget shit show 🫵😆👍. Bri… As for anonymity… F**K IT!!! I say go for it 👍😂♥️