Survival mode was shit and mechanics just didn’t work. Although I was sad with its removal since one of the bandaids they use to encourage people to play in survival mode was survival legendary weapons and some of those weapons were pretty good, so I was sad too lose them but survival as a game mode was rubbish. Imagine your running back to a train station because that has a stash and a workbench and your over encumbered and then you across a players camp, great you might thing that will have a stash a workbench right, well yes but it will also have turrets and as your permanent flagged as hostile those turrets are going to targeting you and you can’t fire back because the anti grieffing mechanics means you can’t destroy their base unless you engage in PvP with them. Most often than not it meant loosing your shit which made the mode un-fun to play.
It’s not Bethesda’s fault that YOU and all these other HATERS don’t like Fallout 76! They made a fully functional, open world game and you and your friends just FAILED to make your own fun! Seriously though, I tried this game for about 25 minutes before I stopped. My son and I were playing our new PS5 and we were trying new stuff. We ran into a player and talked with them a bit, but I saw nothing about interacting anywhere
1:01:07 I dunno man, sounds pretty BASED to me lol. On a serious note tho; your content is absolutely top notch brother! Long form essay style content is my favorite and you always manage to knock it out of the park! Thanks for all the hours of entertainment you've provided us!
our entire first point is something i agree with and is why fallout 76 among honestly, almost ALL 'mmos' out there, i dont consider to be mmos at least. like the term in its entirity is MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE or in other words, its supposed to have a HEAVY focus on mutiplayer in all aspects unlike the genere multiplayer where its simply a thing that exists. i already mentioned under your comment in the last part why fallout 76 isnt a rpg and that you were right that it wasnt because there was no human npcs but that simply put, not only was there a questing role playing choice but even on a combat level, it didnt even hit the 'hey you can specialize into low normal dmg silenced pistols that do high crit dmg with good crit chance and take advantage of headshots massively increased crit chance multiplier or you could instead use a big gun with high base dmg with a slow fire rate and low crit chance and dmg boosts relying on its pure dmg which with the sneaky headshotting silenced pistol build at least is useful to have to break through enemy armor doing MASSIVE dmg with the guy with the big gun clearing out the hordes that would overwhelm the pistol person seen as the hordes have low hp and armor to deal with the base dmg of their big gun.
A very very basic problem that happens in all of Bethesda's work is "Bethesda has zero idea how to write for the passage of time."/"Bethesda doesn't understand time passing."
@@luclin92 In F76 the patches do progress the world and story. The return of survivors is actually considered taking place months after reclimation day - vault 76 life support never failed, and the robots changed their lines to sarcasm. You can go into vault 51 now to see how Nuclear Winter actually ended. You can see the Foundation expanding into previously abandoned areas, and upgrading their fort. The passage of time is slow, but its there.
@@Wolf_ManJack I fail to see how it is any different from World of Warcraft updates. Where they outright replaced older maps with newer ones. You play the game, you do stuff, stuff changes over time whether you were there or not. Do you want the world to change greatly because you finished a quest? Then how does it work on other players? Do they see the same thing? Can they still do that quest? What will their reward be if you already unlocked the effect on the map? This is why repetitive events and quests exist, and your reward only stays there for a day. Nobody likes that.
At least you're having some fun and potentially creating a unique experience for others. People that scout the internet for hours looking for people criticizing F76 or some other dumpsterfire production just to defend it? Way worse.
Another reason not being able to kill Rose is a weird choice is the Raiders were literally the single biggest reason that everyone else is dead. The Responders, BoS, and Free States were all in the early stages of working together to protect everyone from the Scorched plague, and installing the Uplink was one of the final and most vital parts of that plan. So the raiders killing Hank and keeping the uplink totally destroyed that plan, leading to everyone dying to the plague. They literally fucked EVERYTHING up for everyone including themselves.
I also find it intensely weird that part of wastelanders is that you NEED to get the new raiders the nuka scorched cure. Why not make the Raiders hideout a load in area and respect the option that players may want to give everyone in there a 12 gauge shot. Instead they act like, as mentioned, the raiders are jist cooly harmless larpers and raiding is a totally cool alternative lifestyle for the apocalypse. I want to turn crater into death valley not be on good terms with them.
@Gabrielofcreosha It's even weirder since the last thing they made before this game was Nuka World. A DLC all about playing the villain that actively acknowledged how horrible raiders are as people. To the point the game doesn't let you be General of the Minute Men and Overboss of Nuka World at the same time. Now raiders the people who steal, murder, and enslave are "misunderstood" yeah right.
@@zenoblues7787 hell I am so confused in trying to figure out why you would ever side with the raiders. And kinda why they are called the raiders, since the closest I have seen them be raiders, is that they steal sometimes from the settlers otherwise they pretty much feel like a antagonistic version of the settlers.
@luclin92 That's because to properly be raiders, they'd have to raid settlements. Which runs the risk of PvP, which Bethesda avoids like the plague. Joining them is an artifact of the original story where Bethesda were expecting players to role-play being the factions. That's why you have to join every faction in the original story. Naturally, that mostly failed because players didn't engage in PvP. Bethesda still needs to let you join the faction since you had to in the main quest. So because there's no attempt to do PvP, they are just rude settlers.
Bethesda accidentally making good social commentary about the world today. I can totally think of a couple of groups of horrible people that corporations have been shielding (on behalf of gov't) that are infamous of Burning, Looting, and Murdering. I guess Bethesda just happens to be one of those companies.
That little PvP trick where that player placed a base next to the building you guys were looting to initiate PvP was amazing. Not because it was a good thing but because it was a known bug in Fallout 4 settlement system that they didn't even bother to patch for 76.
@@Bladezeromus That sucks for you. Meanwhile I'm turning all my surplus 40mm grenades from Daily Ops into ammo converter points to turn them into practically unlimited missiles and mininukes.
Explosive Double Shot shotguns were just braindead PvP meta in the first 3 months and made PvE rather trivial. They could 1-2 shot you through damage reduction when you dont engage in PvP and insta kill when you engaged PvP and it didnt matter if you were in power armor or not Ive been griefed several times by them ~1 month after launch, some would just stand in front of me and block trying to initiate PvP or hit everyone doing event in hope some AoE would hit them and initiate PvP The best one you could get was Combat Shotgun with those rolls and after snooping around site that sold duped legendaries as i was curious to see why people done it i seen couple that sold for +700USD It was kinda stupid looking when 2 people with that roll shotguns started to fight each other, it mostly boiled down who was first to get a shot off in the effective distance They later nerfed them pretty hard but at that point i gave up on the game as they done other changes i didnt agree with and my friends all dropped the game for similar reasons
The funny thing about there being no good coop content which required multiple people, like flicking switches, is that they removed this content. Vault 94 raids were similar to exactly what you were asking for
Yeah I touch on it very briefly in part 3, especially how that whole update got deleted due to V94 and Nuclear Winter getting the axe. Unsurprisingly, the problem with Vault 94 is that Bethesda never got around to addressing the lag issues, which would fail people's mission.
@@vexile1239 may I ask what spots you're referring to? The only thing I can possibly think of is the seismic event, but that's moreso a server wide event that a group event. Imposter sheepsquatch depends on your build, but I've soloed it multiple times when initially grinding legendary cores
@@MaticTheProtoyeah our goverment sucks so does englands so does frances so does venezuelas so does germanys so does every nation on the earth today sadly so i think its a pretty global statement
“Fallout 76 is not a game where you meet new friends, so much as a game where you convince your existing friends to come play with you” This hit hard 😂
To be fair, these are different times. I suspect the closest many of the writers have gotten to military service is seeing the hippies burn their draft cards in Hair, if that's still hip with the kids these days.
The audio log pauses around 19:00 were 100% made with INTENT to put in sounds of a fight, so I wonder what happened? Did they forget, not care, or somehow lose access to the resources normally used for such things?
By the way, if i recall correctly, pre-wastelanders, Rose was still there and functioned more or less the same, except you didn't have "dialog" with her. You "activated" her and she talked at you like a holotape. I don't remember how the rest of the quest developed back then, but I'm pretty sure the Yao Guai part was the same.
Correct, there was NO dialog options before wastelanders. She and MODUS just read out their lines in a row, gave you only one job and that was it. Roses raider quest is still the exact same. And you could only join the new human raider faction only after finishing these quests first. With the Pit expansion you can join the Raiders without doing Roses quests at all.
The Scorchbeast queen used to be way, way worse, Im pretty sure theres a cap on it now but she used to scale health based on the level of the player who launched the nuke, so if a no life no job level 1000 happened to start the event, even a dozen busted builds could barely chip away at her health in those 20 or so minutes you have
Wow, as somebody who never completed the game, the enclave story actually seems like it had potential and Bethesda actually utilized a nice majority of it. A faction that destroyed other factions simply due to their hatred of China, who also most likely were trying to rebuild. It’s almost poetic, rather than save what little was left of their nation and try to restore it, they destroyed it all just to try and get revenge on the nation who for all we know is also “extinct” if Bethesda put this much effort into the other factions we might’ve actually had something.
Are you on drugs? Fallout 76 Enclave story looks like a shitty fanfic, makes no sense. Its a tool for the writters to justify everything: oh commie robots? The Enclave did It , scorched? The Enclave. The re-skined dragons from Skyrim? Enclave.
The entire game had potential but flushed down the drain when they decided to put it into a multiplayer game. As someone who plays now everyone just ignores the story and just rushes the content for the new gear.
Basically, the Brotherhood on the East Coast made contact with the Brotherhood on the West Coast - but lost contact shortly before the rise of the Scorch Plague. Leaving them enough time to forge a bond and establish the central tenants of their beliefs - but not long enough to prevent any of the heresies that would be introduced by people who aren't specieist psychos and would become a reoccurring theme with the Brotherhood in most of Bethesda's versions of the Brotherhood Which explains how the West Coast Brotherhood *knew* that there even *was* 'civilizations' to find along the East Coast - explaining why Lyons and his team were dispatched to explore that territory - and helps explain Bethesda's way-off canon introduction of the Brotherhood in Fallout 3 because *why* would the California chapter *bother* with something on the opposite *friggin end* of the continent :P ... ... ... Except it *doesn't* because their *original* retcon was that the Brotherhood on the East Coast formed after an accident that stranded their founders *in* the East Coast - they *didn't* know where they were going - *or* what they were looking for (hence their survival problems when they encountered areas like the pit) and nobody knew they survived until *way after the fact* Which was how Lyons was able to become such a heretic and break from so many Brotherhood traditons :P Long story short - Bethesda is now retconning it's own retconning and then *breaking it* in the process :P xD
Eh, but there was no "Brotherhood" in the east; Maxson and his group BECAME the BoS after the war, after they relocated to an abandoned bunker and decided to form some kind of organization. So that's bullshit. And the orders Lyons had were to secure the Pentagon, under the assumption that all of the most dangerous shit would be there or nearby. They weren't looking for civilizations, in fact they explicitly don't give a shit (well, until Lyons changed that mentality). There was no accident stranding them, they simply changed their purpose.
1:09:08 i feel like this perfectly encapsulates how much they care about the lore. A weapon made by 1 overseer of 1 vault in fallout 4 after 76 dropped casually by a enemy with a funny legendary effect added to it with no regard for thw lore.
These are the same people who put the Brotherhood on the east coast, saying that the damn near irrelevant Fallout 2 BoS somehow built whole ass airships similar to the Prydwen to accomplish this. Bethesda never cared about Fallout’s lore or story, they seemingly bought it just for the name and aesthetics.
Huh? The Syrim video is completely finished. 2 parts only it says right in the thumbnail it's a 20 hr analysis. Morrowind and Oblivion were both 1 part full analysis. I would be very surprised if there was another elder scrolls video before years past ES6 launch.
What's extra funny about not targeting West Virginia is back when we where still relevant over here, I'm confident that the Soviets where expecting to hit this state during the Cold War. We where at one point pretty big deal in terms of chemistry.
@@DIEGhostfish I'll never understand this. They don't sound that alike unless they're both saying singular words at the same time. They have a difference in cadence and way of speaking, and they don't even sound 'that' similar to each other when they're just talking. Is it a "Everyone from the flyover states sounds the same to me" thing that people in costal US do?
Wait, I was under the assumption we got 1/4, then we'd get 2/4 a week or so later, didn't realize these were coming out sooner than that. This is great, really love the content, thanks for the effort/hard work it's appreciated.
I wonder if he had this series already half-finished when he posted the first part and just split them up so there would be content in the meantime while he finished the second half.
@@fleebogazeezig6642 he elaborated in the first video this is a defensive measure since skyrim pt 2 got clapped, also he advertised in the discord that the full vid is available to patreons so you are correct
@@Hammers_Peace Hes also advertised it so many times in these video to a point where these Fo76 videos are gonna be my only content I watch from this dude. There are other alternatives than forcing patreon down your viewers' throats
@LordTourettes Yeah who cares whether or not his videos are good or not? He dared to even suggest that people could support his work, so fuck em. Totally rational mindset.
Trying to play PVP in FO76 is like a puzzle game to see if you can anticipate who broke the game more. In all my time playing I never saw a PVP battle which wasn't an exploit or one-shot. If you don't participate in the exploits, you can't win the battles. Would have preferred if the game was made up of factions who are locked into alliances or war with eachother. Then you can select a pacifist faction if you want that, but still have to deal with bandits, who perhaps have some kind of damage or equipment penalty to deter trolls. But this approach would have required Bethesda to design their game, which they decided not to do.
And they even have it built into the Raider and Foundation reputation. Where some chaises on their daily quests do make you loose reputation with a faction.
another thing that’s just awful is the player economy, nothing is ever traded that isn’t some bullshit 10 star legendary “double pants shitting explosive bloody handmade rifle” and you can’t start “trading” until you reach some absurd amount of caps and a very high level
Trading is basically worthless. Now that you can roll legendaries, it’s insanely easy to get really strong weapons in this already very easy game. The trading community was strongest when finding great weapons actually mattered(before all the damage became additive, and shit like bloodied didn’t just give you like 40 extra damage
I've seen Berry mentats being sold for 8k each and stimpacks for 5k each in play vendors and I've seen serums sold for 40k each... you can only 40k caps
@@JohnRollercoasterJr With the next update (unless this all gets scrapped before release or soon after), players will be able to selectively modify each legendary star on items using legendary mod boxes (recipe for the mod box got from scrapping legendaries → required modules + another item to craft) and scrip. This makes getting the best "roll" on a weapon infinitely easier. Currently on the PTS, it's 15+30+60 modules to craft the 1*,2*,3* mod boxes. 105 modules to max out a weapon, which takes 10.5 days of converting scrip to modules (scrip price increased from 50 → 100) However, you now get modules with completing public events (eg 5 for Encryptid) Text Chat mod will be exponentially more useful... The first mod box applied to an item costs 10 scrip, then 15, 25, 45... which is minimal.видео.html
Your PVP experience was basically identical to mine; I accidentally hit a bit of player owned housing with a stray shot, got a bounty, then 10 minutes later a vastly higher level player just jogged up to me and murdered me in one hit. They didn't even take anything. I respawed 50m away, ran up to my body, picked up the junk I dropped, waved at them, and carried on with what I was doing while they just stared.
This made me think of a better premise for a multiplayer fallout game. Hawaii has contacted the mainland in the far future and some of the larger forces make way in refit old naval ships for the islands. You have the classic enclave remnants, brotherhood, NCR, maybe some others. You also have the chinese who may have areas set up on the islands already from the war. As well you have the locals who just want to live their lives outside of the influence of the major powers. Each server gets to fight a la planetside for control of the islands, with raids and points which overtime convert areas to whichever faction. A sort of experience where you can do the normal fallout gameplay or you can insert yourself into an active war rather than the passive one of all the fallout games other than like 1
Doubt the Chinese would be in the game in any meaningful and lore friendly capacity - the US forces were already at the outskirts of Beijing when the nukes dropped afaik
I remember a stupid alt history novel about aliens invading during WW2 that I read the plot of on wikipedia actually had something close to what you're talking about. Before the aliens invaded they set off an enormous EMP device in orbit that was supposed to fry all electronics on the planet to make the conquest much easier. Instead they found out that in the 40s people used vacuum tubes instead of circuit boards. Very inefficient, but immune to emps. I always thought that a cool post apocalyptic factions would basically be some people who got a hold of the USS Missouri or some other battleship that wasn't completely fried by nuclear weapons, and they were able to conquer the seas since... its a battleship, in the post apocalypse thats overkill. Granted Fallout has fat mans and orbital space lasers so maybe its not a great idea, but it would be a cool faction.
I was gonna get F76 on release, but knew enough about preordering to simply not. I waited a week to see reviews come in, and man, Am I glad that I did.
I just want a Bethesda-style RPG experience where, instead of a NPC companion following me around, it's my buddy making parallel progress in his world. Is that too much to ask?
According to the noclip documentary on F76, and straight from the lips of the Almighty Todd himself, that was *exactly* what F76 was supposed to be. It started development as nothing more than a coop mode for F4. Reading between the lines of what God Howard said in that interview, the decision to go full multiplayer in it's own live service game was made after the newly acquired Battlecry studios had it's own live service game canceled. So the publisher was sitting on a recently acquired studio with nothing to do... and they just gave them to Todd as "Bethesda: Austin" and ordered them to make a Fallout live service to replace the cancelled battle royal game. I still don't like F4, but with the full scope of mods and the coop framework given to us by BGS... Weep for what should have been.
I hope a good game studio takes a crack at this whole No-NPCs storytelling (without cheating with robots of course), it would be a fascinating experience if done properly
I haven't played it yet but Unpacking is told through subtext from what I understand. I assume there are a lot more but I have very little to no interest in a narrative like that.
@@johnjsneed7591 It actually does, but it's time-sensitive. Within the first two weeks of in-game time, the story is pretty much over since all the news stations have gone down. But before that point, there's actually a fair bit to unpack.
The fact the Morrowind allowed you to build a support character for no reason shows just how good of an RPG it was, and highlights how the more recent Bethesda games aren’t really RPGs at all
In over 30 YEARS of gaming, Fallout 76 is easily the worst game I bought. I even conviced two friends to buy it on release. One got lucky and managed to get a refund, the other didnt and is still mad at me. Never again spending a dime with Bethesda. Your critic on the audio logs (and pretty much everything in your videos) is spot on. As someone that doenst have english as their main language it was hellish to deal with the audio logs.
I've done some playing around with EQ while listening to you (I listen to you a fair bit!) I think your microphone/Room setup gets quite boomy around 90-110Hz, I've filtered this out with a software EQ and you sound a lot more clear. I'm not sure if it's just me who has this issue. Keep up the great work, my friend!
That awkward pause between the dialogue lines reminds me of another Bethesda practice common in amatuer plays, where instead of a character being interrupted by another, the first character will simply cut themselves off mid-sentence, and the second person will start talking a second or two after.
1:43 This is the exact same thing I felt / feel when playing NMS, it always have been this kind of weird "co-op singleplayer" when it feels like my friend and I both play a singleplayer game, but in the same world (don't really know how to describe it in better words). We had a few moments where we were thinking "well, there's not really any co-op appart from us being able to see each others". In this kind of games the multiplayer aspect feel forced upon the game rather than the game being designed around it.
21:45 "Imagine doing so poorly that *fandom* is the preferable alternative" you said that like it was your first time experiencing this 😭 (worst part is idk if i envy you or not)
50:07 I don't know about other states, but the DMV in North Carolina has gotten much worse in recent years. I went to one office near where I live to renew my driver license. I arrived about 11AM and was immediately told that there was no chance that I would be seen. It seems that in many offices, it's necessary to either arrive before opening or schedule an appointment months in advance. I did manage to get my license renewed in an office located in a more rural area by driving an hour and waiting for three hours.
Yeah, the DMV varies per state. Some states have gone online, others are breaking down. There are simply too many things they are expected to do, considering every American outside of a select few urban cores are expected to own motor vehicles.
the eternal problem with "always on" pvp is that it will IMMEDIATELY attract griefers and trolls, who will proceed to ruin the experience for everyone else. thats ALWAYS been the problem with games focused around keeping pvp on. people who engage with it in an honest way are IMMEDIATELY overrun by trolls, cheaters, and people who find griefing funny for no other reason than the joy they feel lording it over everyone else. like the player base being used to claim in-world containers just to tag someone with a bounty so you can kill them and laugh because you "made someone mad". i don't hate pvp. However, unstructured pvp centered around being "on" all the time with the only barrier being the idea of people generally wanting to work together doesn't work. ESPECIALLY with the long running proof that trolls flock to games where pvp trolling is absurdly easy. "Always on" PVP is a system that creates entire portions of the playerbase who have a singular goal- ruining the fun for everyone else who has the misfortune to be in their vicinity. And THAT is what causes PVP focused games to have massive drops in playerbase, or causes public lobbies to be suprisingly vacant, with people retreating into private lobbies, or leaving the game entirely.
With how cartoonishly OP weapons are in 76, always on PVP would've just been old players wrecking anyone new or who just had bad RNG. The real problem is that balancing PVP would've taken effort and "effort" is heresy to the developers working at Bethesda.
@@Mirthful_Midori Even if they balanced it, it wouldn't change the fact that high-level, well-equipped players can steamroll newbies, and would do so all the time, for fun.
As an imbecile who played this on ps4 for many hundreds of hours, the battle royale was by far the most balanced and fun instance of PVP that kept me coming back (more than any other BR come to think of it) but it felt like it was good by them accidentally achieving a faster-than-normal TTK, and by virtue of its very simple perk system, which actually allowed for specializing in different weapons; so long as you had the super jump mutation Super jumping with the Explosives perk and a grenade launcher was so fun
This is by far the best youtuber I have found when it comes to IN DEPTH videos. Only other youtuber that comes close imo is Internet Historians video on No Man's Sky.
Thanks for doing the mind-numbing legwork to demonstrate the most fun you can have with Fallout 76 is observing the absolute state of it from outside. Also, damn RUclips really going after use of the term "fascist"... that's fairly bleak.
45:32 The Brotherhood of Fallout 3 is, by the time the Lone Wanderer finds them, no longer a part of the Brotherhood of Steel. Elder Lyons literally tells you that they've been exiled, and all communication with the west coast was cut off. There were also the Brotherhood Outcasts, who left Lyons' splinter group because they disagreed with his approach and were more aligned with the original, west-coast BoS.
And who were attempting to re-establish contact with the West Coast. Still, it's ridiculous to think the Brotherhood could possibly have spread that far east.
@@BWMagus I mean, the Tactics BoS DID figure out how to fix vehicles, which, given how there's some everywhere all over the place waiting to explode in your face in Bugthesda's fallout roads, is fair enough. Technically Bethesda, by introducing that much cars still in rough working order, engine asides, and by picking THOSE car models in particular, basically somehow made all the things that didn't make sense with FOT work with their idea of canon. (my dad worked on cars and trucks from that era, it's amazing the frankensteining they'll take, he welded a car cab and a bombardier snow bus' caterpillar threads into some monstrous ATV DIY pickup THING and it somehow handled like a dream.)
The paper-thin lore excuse this game gives is that there's a West-Tek facility in Virginia that somehow also has the FEV for experimentation. I know, this doesn't explain at all how super mutants came to be without the Master's fine-tuning of the virus; but clearly Bethesda didn't think beyond West-Tek building = FEV presence either.
@@grayman4951if I remember correctly they got it from the military or something back in Cali. The master just made it better whereas West tek couldn’t perfect it so that’s why the ones in Virginia are dumb whereas the masters were smarter/intelligible. Personally I feel like the issue is that they all look and act just like every other mutant in the east coast😩 at least in the west they’re split into different Gens.
"Accessibility in games" was always just a weird woke dogwhistle for making everything easy. Nobody cares about controllers for cripples, or epileptics and the colourblind for that matter. Damping of flashing lights and colourblind adjustment should be OS standard features.
I really wished fallout 76 wouldve been a rust like experience. Loot, create and raid with a character in each different server and a emphasis on the hardcore aspect of the wasteland
@@KopperNeoman yeah for sure but I could easily see a developer going "restoration is only cast on self you don't want to heal enemies or really need to heal npcs" but intentionally or not they allowed for it
Playing this game before the Wastelanders update was some of Bethesda's greatest writing for the series imo. The total bleakness of the wasteland, knowing that every voice you hear is from someone long dead, and the Enclave reveal, are some of the best work they've done. It actually felt like the apocalypse had happened. Now all of it is undercut by the generic NPCs dotting the land and even the "story" ones not really providing anything. Unfortunate for any new players.
For what it's worth; With the Ski Resort being the first 'Living Voice' in the wasteland, it was very exciting, when there were no humans in the wasteland. All the people you saw, were a result of updates and DLC. I still think adding NPCs was a mistake.
It was more than that. Did you play it at launch? The worlds were deader than a real nuclear apocalypse. Considering our choices of interacting with things were either A) shoot it or B) read it, it did not make for an enjoyable experience. Which millions of other players who preordered also felt, which is why the vast majority never came back. Don't forget, that's AFTER the betrayal of those bags and whatever other loot they were offering for preorders. And the trailers which were nothing like the game (still waiting for the 20+ player groups for the "fan-made-factions" they were talking about pre-launch) @@daveshif2514
I need you to discuss just how frustrating it is that the responders were so incompetent. I swear melody Larkin was intentionally sabotaging the fire breathers. She literally sent all those recruits to die.
I played about 6 hours of this game with 3 of my friends and you nailed on the head my feelings on this game in the first 2 minutes. This game really feels like i am playing single player fallout with live updates from other people. The whole time playing this game i just thought... this would be more fun in SP... and the thing is i play mostly multiplayer/co-op games.
I never played Fallout 76, so it came to me as a shock that your progression in a team isn't synced. I remember it being a point of contest for me and my buddy a few years ago. We played early build of Skyrim online, which didn't have quest sync, so everything had to be done twice. And we were so done with it after just a few hours. Skyrim online was and still is a fanmade mod, mind you. I can't believe how painful it is to not have the same progression in a cooperative game, especially one that markets itself as a form of MMO.
Bruh this unlocked some memories. I absolutely stopped doing the main quest when I reached that point. Avoided Charleston for like a month. Absolutely infuriating quest.
26:16 This is a broader problem with society, more prominently showing in the western society but not exclusive to it. People see people that are different from themselves as more stupid by default. You could argue for hours what is the source behind it, be it growing in a bubble, innate narcissism or prevalent hero complex. City folk think of country folk as dumb, country folk see city folk as dumb. There is a thing called 'specialization' that people refuse to account for. A high paid writer thinks himself better than a farmer, but if they had to grow their own food to survive they'd die quickly. A farmer can grow their own food, but if they'd have to write for a living to earn money they'd live on the street not earning the cash. Thing with Fallout is that within this universe it's not the writers that would be better off survival-chance-wise, yet at the same time the Beth writers are not good enough to account for that, and especially not as skilled as they think they are when evaluating themselves against other people.
I know this isn't a popular opinion in many places, but I actually like that in a lot of games you can find random text dumps about completely irrelevant stuff. I know to many players its boring because it doesn't actually interact with the game in any way, but I find its just nice to know that the entire universe doesn't revolve around me. Some poor bloke had to sit down at a computer and log the various weights of containers and his dull logs just happened to survive. Its just nice to be able to glimpse the mundanity of the world on occasion, really puts everything else into perspective.
'Some poor bloke' = 'Dude who got paid to mess around with a video game and write story stuff' My goodness what is with peoples imaginary sympathizer bs...
Indeed. Too many games only have two kinds of text/dialogue; stuff directly related to the plot, the current quest, the party members, etc, or just filler dialogue for NPCs that are basically "Nice weather today!" Actually making the world seem like, you know, people live in it, and people have been living in it, is great.
As someone who played an Explosives build in the small time I played this, being outright declared a griefer because I'm doing what I do hurts. Those explosives break limbs on the Scorch Queen which can indefinitely ground her and break her scripting. Its those explosions that make her a punching bag, instead of an extremely annoying, nearly impossible to hit punch bag that you need half the server to even kill.
25:00 Native West Virginian and Fallout 76 non-fan here. I'd like to give some context to and (broadly) agree with the point you're making here. Someone would say what was said on the tape, they just wouldn't say it like that. I don't think it's a fair assumption that assimilation into an administrative body meaningfully impacts culture. Consider WV has changed national governments four times since the 1700s and its status as a backwater, systemic poverty, and lack of education have remained constant throughout. Admin is an issue, but it isn't "the issue." WV's big problem is culture. So there's a few Appalachian social assumptions at work here. First is that if you do right by other people, they're socially obligated to do right in return. There's also a huge emphasis on community contribution; you're only as valuable as what you can provide for your in-group (family, neighbors, coworkers, church). There's an unspoken contract that if you work yourself to death (even if this means actively choosing to make a job harder for no additional gain), then you are owed respect and are to be trusted. Telling someone what to do is just not done. Quietly ostracizing people who resist tradition is fine, but you do not tell people in your in-group how to live and you especially don't tell people how to treat their property. An extension of this is that you conduct yourself to the cadence of whoever's property you're on at the time. Lastly, there's a culture of "not getting too big for your raising." That roughly translates to "don't do so well in life that you shame your parents by comparison or start getting ideas that conflict with the established definition of community." Example: you work in a mine. The foreman brings in a drill to up production. You know this drill will do the work of multiple men. You don't say anything because you've been working hard and contributing to the company-- you're owed your job and everyone understands it's not their place to put it to the foreman that this could put someone out of work. It's his mine, he can do what he wants and while you're in his mine you operate at his cadence. No one says this, but you all know it. You all also understand that he's in your community, so doing anything against your interests is just not done. He must think the drill is a net positive for everyone-- that's the social contract as you understand it. You do right by him, he does right by you. No social issue short of the total breakdown of Appalachian society is considered worthy of intervention. This social inertia means it's really easy for a bunch of little things (like a drill that takes jobs) to compound until a community isn't recognizable anymore, and because this culture discourages the pursuit of new ideas everyone either doubles down hard on everything being fine or just kind of...shuts down. Appalachian culture does not have coping mechanisms for change because its dogmas exist to guide community members to self-select for social stasis. There is absolutely a culture in West Virginia (which is NOT everyone) of systemically helpless individuals that have bonkers beliefs because their entire culture is built around resisting change, and when change happens they go crazy or become hopeless trying to rationalize incompatible ideas. I absolutely believe someone would have the opinion expressed on that tape, but it would be phrased as some foreman doubling down on how they need to trust and do right by each other and how everyone's earned this big break because they've all worked so hard for so long. Dishonesty in WV (and the US South as a whole) is insidious, not blatant. It's slow, looks innocuous to anyone outside, and isn't questioned by the community because of the above-mentioned social dogmas. So yeah. Someone would say that, just not using those words. 76 does a terrible job of capturing Appalachian culture, but it does fail upward just enough to pretend like it has something to say to someone who wasn't hatched in it.
It's just factually not true that "natural drops" have better stats than crafted ones. You probably have better attachments on your "natural drop". But you can add those attachments yourself on a crafted weapon. If anything, crafted weapons are better, because if you stack intelligence before you craft, you'll get higher max durability on that weapon
Yeah if that was the case, ‘natural’ drops would be worth significantly more as even slight differences in base damage drastically alter the value of weapons in the fo76 market.
@@Patrician did you check the attachments on your "natural" gun? Did your crafted gun also have an explosive effect (it shows up as part of the damage)? I believe that you've tested it, but I know that you didn't test it properly, because your conclusion is wrong P.S. Explosive legendary effect does 20% of the base weapon damage as an additional AOE damage. 20%....those exact 20%. It's on wiki
My fallout franchise hot take is that "raiders" as a category make no sense except as hunter-gatherer tribes who maybe steal stuff sometimes but don't shoot most people on sight. You could make an interesting story about settled agriculture vs hunter-gatherers but that would involve not having an endless horde of people to kill, so not a Bethesda fallout game.
In places with little to no rule of law, like a nuclear wasteland, there are always going to be people taking advantage of others (not that it doesn't happen elsewhere anyway). Eventually that can get organized. It did in real life in places like the American frontier, and organized crime still very much exists today, albeit with a lot less outright bandits. I don't think that there would be enough wastelander civilization to really sustain large parasitic/predatory populations of people as early as 76 is, though. I also don't think that a well run raider gang would kill random people on sight, but plenty of raiders are on something or other if their loot is anything to go by, so expecting rational behavior is wishful. There are also some that are just violent cults.
@@GleebyDeebyEeby The thing is, when natural disasters hit, you see an increase in random acts of violence and a vast decrease in organized violence (leading to, on average, less interpersonal violence) regardless of how the "rule of law" is enforced. organized gangs who make their living primarily off of killing and looting from others implies there are enough people making ends meet on their own to fuel them. Thus, there are less dangerous ways to survive and raiding would not be a popular choice.
Back when this first released my game was so laggy I basically teleported around in the eyes of anyone else. This basically meant I could one shot someone with a black powder rifle, and if not, take out half their health, then teleport somewhere entirely different while reloading only to hit them again.
Rose is probably the high water mark for the main story (which isn't saying much). Once I started uncovering what happened with the Brotherhood and the origins of the Scorched Beast I felt my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
i am SO glad i on a whim got back into fallout right as this video series started, i only caught the details of prerelease and initial thoughts before it dropped off my radar, so its been interesting hearing not only what the detailed flaws were with the game, but also how bethesda has attempted to salvage the game
I hated that you couldn't just shoot the raider robot and hack its terminal and that you can't just kill the raider faction. And I kill raiders on sight, them being neutral just makes it easier. That and every forced encounter with the raider faction ends with me never siding with them and them getting mad yet Bethesda keeps forcing the interactions.
I wish YT premiere didn't stutter out so much. hard to keep a coherent line with it roll backing so much, aside from that though excellent video as always.
as someone who speced into lock picking it was only ever a "hey can you equip and share your lvl 3 lock picking skill i found something". i was not the expert lock picker i just enabled others to be. wow much satisfaction
@@lunarluxe9832 He wants to spread out the videos so each can get hopefully the same amount of cash revenue instead of having it just be one video. If it was one long 7 hour video it would still get lots of views but it's let's than 7 one hour videos
In regards to the PvP, from a story and mechanic perspective, at best it makes very little sense, but realistically it makes no sense whatsoever. On the story side of things, by all indications, you and the rest of the players have spent years inside of Vault 76, and we're expected to believe that suddenly, outside of the vault, it becomes a free for all, and murder is the solution to every crime between you. I could see people developing grudges in the vault and wanting to kill someone to get away with it, except for the fact that the vault was supposedly the best and brightest, and that usually doesn't make for a bunch of mass murderers. The concept completely falls apart mechanically as well, you have instanced loot, so the example you give there, PrivateSession's is getting his own generated loot from that safe, so how is that stealing in the first place? Further than that, even if he were stealing, we're suddenly supposed to believe that people who came out of the vault, where they have had some semblance of law and order for all these years go full on murderous vigilante when someone steals a box of sugar bombs from a fridge? It makes no sense, period.
Who even pays the bounty? Who saw the crime happen? It's like a vengeful but fun-loving god is watching and fucking with you. Or that asshole who blows you up in Ultima 8 if you steal too much.
19:54 for a couple frames you can see this text: "(Sound of a single gunshot and then a body dropping to the ground)". Looks like the game just skips log segments with non-voice sounds; that might be where longs pauses come from.
The terminals and audio logs being so bad is precisely why so many people had problems with the lack of NPCs in the game. It's entirely possible to make an RPG with no dialogue work, if you handle it correctly. Bethesda did not come anywhere close to handling it correctly. Unfortunately, Wastelanders wasn't exactly handled any better, either.
You know what's depressing? Putting others down for the things they enjoy, just because you or I don't like it doesn't mean we should talk shit about those who do.
My hottest take will be that I enjoyed this game more than fallout 4. The world felt way more varied and the enemies/weapons were so diverse. I honestly wish we got a purely solo mode one day that didn't constantly bring up multiplayer. The issue with this game was always divided between single and multiplayer and kinda doing both mediocre.
I sincerelly hope that even after the server go down, bethesda will let player load in their local without the need for connections, if not, at least it wll let the modders on that. the world works, if not being just serviceable, and just doing relaxing play session is alway nice.
@@AdamOwenBrowning with the server down, there would be no monetization in the first place, while they could still sell an underpriced 'single player' experience
Private Session's video -видео.html
Survival mode was shit and mechanics just didn’t work. Although I was sad with its removal since one of the bandaids they use to encourage people to play in survival mode was survival legendary weapons and some of those weapons were pretty good, so I was sad too lose them but survival as a game mode was rubbish. Imagine your running back to a train station because that has a stash and a workbench and your over encumbered and then you across a players camp, great you might thing that will have a stash a workbench right, well yes but it will also have turrets and as your permanent flagged as hostile those turrets are going to targeting you and you can’t fire back because the anti grieffing mechanics means you can’t destroy their base unless you engage in PvP with them. Most often than not it meant loosing your shit which made the mode un-fun to play.
It’s not Bethesda’s fault that YOU and all these other HATERS don’t like Fallout 76! They made a fully functional, open world game and you and your friends just FAILED to make your own fun!
Seriously though, I tried this game for about 25 minutes before I stopped. My son and I were playing our new PS5 and we were trying new stuff. We ran into a player and talked with them a bit, but I saw nothing about interacting anywhere
1:01:07 I dunno man, sounds pretty BASED to me lol. On a serious note tho; your content is absolutely top notch brother! Long form essay style content is my favorite and you always manage to knock it out of the park! Thanks for all the hours of entertainment you've provided us!
our entire first point is something i agree with and is why fallout 76 among honestly, almost ALL 'mmos' out there, i dont consider to be mmos at least. like the term in its entirity is MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE or in other words, its supposed to have a HEAVY focus on mutiplayer in all aspects unlike the genere multiplayer where its simply a thing that exists. i already mentioned under your comment in the last part why fallout 76 isnt a rpg and that you were right that it wasnt because there was no human npcs but that simply put, not only was there a questing role playing choice but even on a combat level, it didnt even hit the 'hey you can specialize into low normal dmg silenced pistols that do high crit dmg with good crit chance and take advantage of headshots massively increased crit chance multiplier or you could instead use a big gun with high base dmg with a slow fire rate and low crit chance and dmg boosts relying on its pure dmg which with the sneaky headshotting silenced pistol build at least is useful to have to break through enemy armor doing MASSIVE dmg with the guy with the big gun clearing out the hordes that would overwhelm the pistol person seen as the hordes have low hp and armor to deal with the base dmg of their big gun.
A very very basic problem that happens in all of Bethesda's work is "Bethesda has zero idea how to write for the passage of time."/"Bethesda doesn't understand time passing."
That reminds me too much that they always tells you time passes, but often enough you don't really see anything that indicates that
@@luclin92 In F76 the patches do progress the world and story.
The return of survivors is actually considered taking place months after reclimation day - vault 76 life support never failed, and the robots changed their lines to sarcasm.
You can go into vault 51 now to see how Nuclear Winter actually ended.
You can see the Foundation expanding into previously abandoned areas, and upgrading their fort.
The passage of time is slow, but its there.
Its a hard concept for todd since he's an immortal being
The list of things that Bethesda doesn't understand could fill a book thicker than the bible.
@@Wolf_ManJack I fail to see how it is any different from World of Warcraft updates. Where they outright replaced older maps with newer ones. You play the game, you do stuff, stuff changes over time whether you were there or not.
Do you want the world to change greatly because you finished a quest? Then how does it work on other players? Do they see the same thing? Can they still do that quest? What will their reward be if you already unlocked the effect on the map? This is why repetitive events and quests exist, and your reward only stays there for a day. Nobody likes that.
I can't think of a more depressing use of time than actively being a Fallout 76 pvp griefer.
Alternatively, being a hero we need but don't deserve
Burn the people playing out on this shit and hope they try out a better game
@@EmilyAliceTempest Ah yes, being an asshole while having a messiah complex. Where have I heard that one before?
@@EmilyAliceTempest Inquisitors lol
Good thing is i don’t think it’s that common when you can repair everything with like 15 wood what’s the point you don’t even get a reaction
At least you're having some fun and potentially creating a unique experience for others. People that scout the internet for hours looking for people criticizing F76 or some other dumpsterfire production just to defend it? Way worse.
Another reason not being able to kill Rose is a weird choice is the Raiders were literally the single biggest reason that everyone else is dead. The Responders, BoS, and Free States were all in the early stages of working together to protect everyone from the Scorched plague, and installing the Uplink was one of the final and most vital parts of that plan.
So the raiders killing Hank and keeping the uplink totally destroyed that plan, leading to everyone dying to the plague.
They literally fucked EVERYTHING up for everyone including themselves.
I also find it intensely weird that part of wastelanders is that you NEED to get the new raiders the nuka scorched cure. Why not make the Raiders hideout a load in area and respect the option that players may want to give everyone in there a 12 gauge shot. Instead they act like, as mentioned, the raiders are jist cooly harmless larpers and raiding is a totally cool alternative lifestyle for the apocalypse. I want to turn crater into death valley not be on good terms with them.
@Gabrielofcreosha It's even weirder since the last thing they made before this game was Nuka World. A DLC all about playing the villain that actively acknowledged how horrible raiders are as people. To the point the game doesn't let you be General of the Minute Men and Overboss of Nuka World at the same time. Now raiders the people who steal, murder, and enslave are "misunderstood" yeah right.
@@zenoblues7787 hell I am so confused in trying to figure out why you would ever side with the raiders. And kinda why they are called the raiders, since the closest I have seen them be raiders, is that they steal sometimes from the settlers otherwise they pretty much feel like a antagonistic version of the settlers.
@luclin92 That's because to properly be raiders, they'd have to raid settlements. Which runs the risk of PvP, which Bethesda avoids like the plague.
Joining them is an artifact of the original story where Bethesda were expecting players to role-play being the factions. That's why you have to join every faction in the original story.
Naturally, that mostly failed because players didn't engage in PvP. Bethesda still needs to let you join the faction since you had to in the main quest. So because there's no attempt to do PvP, they are just rude settlers.
Bethesda accidentally making good social commentary about the world today. I can totally think of a couple of groups of horrible people that corporations have been shielding (on behalf of gov't) that are infamous of Burning, Looting, and Murdering.
I guess Bethesda just happens to be one of those companies.
The fact fallout 76 came out around 5 years ago is wild
2020 till 2022 really were a black hole.
big Whitelight energy. _Fallout 76 6 years later._
The fact that ES6 is still 3-4 years away is crazy
@@Wolf_Larsenthe fabric of time was torn during this period
@@ChrisRust11 at least 💀
That little PvP trick where that player placed a base next to the building you guys were looting to initiate PvP was amazing. Not because it was a good thing but because it was a known bug in Fallout 4 settlement system that they didn't even bother to patch for 76.
Every bug for fusion cores in power armour and as ammo joined the chat.
@@PlebNC The wendigo-man stretching entering power armor bug as well. Can't forget that timeless classic.
@@PlebNC That is gone already I think
Not allowed to farm fusion cores, but allowed to grief. Okay Bethesda.
@@Bladezeromus That sucks for you. Meanwhile I'm turning all my surplus 40mm grenades from Daily Ops into ammo converter points to turn them into practically unlimited missiles and mininukes.
I found an explosive double barrel in Fallout 4 at level 12, and I literally never found anything better at level 90. That mod is no joke on shotguns.
Which is why the shotguns were nerfed early in F76 lifecycle.
@@greggreg2027 The Cold Shoulder is the new OP shotgun. I wouldn't be surprised to see it nerfed in the future.
Explosive Double Shot shotguns were just braindead PvP meta in the first 3 months and made PvE rather trivial.
They could 1-2 shot you through damage reduction when you dont engage in PvP and insta kill when you engaged PvP and it didnt matter if you were in power armor or not
Ive been griefed several times by them ~1 month after launch, some would just stand in front of me and block trying to initiate PvP or hit everyone doing event in hope some AoE would hit them and initiate PvP
The best one you could get was Combat Shotgun with those rolls and after snooping around site that sold duped legendaries as i was curious to see why people done it i seen couple that sold for +700USD
It was kinda stupid looking when 2 people with that roll shotguns started to fight each other, it mostly boiled down who was first to get a shot off in the effective distance
They later nerfed them pretty hard but at that point i gave up on the game as they done other changes i didnt agree with and my friends all dropped the game for similar reasons
I found a Double Shot Gauss Rifle on my first and only playthrough of Fallout 4 before I even found sturdy combat armor.
Or any full auto weapon. The mods in FO4 were so fucked.
The funny thing about there being no good coop content which required multiple people, like flicking switches, is that they removed this content. Vault 94 raids were similar to exactly what you were asking for
Yeah I touch on it very briefly in part 3, especially how that whole update got deleted due to V94 and Nuclear Winter getting the axe. Unsurprisingly, the problem with Vault 94 is that Bethesda never got around to addressing the lag issues, which would fail people's mission.
Not really there is one or two spots that actually require at least 2 people, with one being in the Ash heap
@@vexile1239 may I ask what spots you're referring to? The only thing I can possibly think of is the seismic event, but that's moreso a server wide event that a group event. Imposter sheepsquatch depends on your build, but I've soloed it multiple times when initially grinding legendary cores
@@LowKeyBrit36 if memory serves, the one in the Ash heap is a strike breaker small event, the second one is to an unregistered quest
"The Feds enjoy meddling and have never historically needed a reason to do so" - best line in the series so far
Especially considering the current issues with gamers and "consultancy" groups with their mainstream media attack mutts
Timestamp 41:40
A pretty American statement
@@MaticTheProtoyeah our goverment sucks so does englands so does frances so does venezuelas so does germanys so does every nation on the earth today sadly so i think its a pretty global statement
“Fallout 76 is not a game where you meet new friends, so much as a game where you convince your existing friends to come play with you”
This hit hard 😂
If someone convinces you to play Fallout 76 then they are NOT your friend.
I repeat... They are NOT your friend.
Anyone who thinks the DMV is more frustrating than joining the military has never been to MEPS.
Or has never been in the military in general
@@maestro56777 I got out of the Army 12 years ago and I still cant stand waiting in line
To be fair, these are different times. I suspect the closest many of the writers have gotten to military service is seeing the hippies burn their draft cards in Hair, if that's still hip with the kids these days.
@@fredrogers838 Hurry up and wait!
@@MrVeps1 alright magnus calm down, i could feel your blood pressure spike typing out the word hippie through the screen
The audio log pauses around 19:00 were 100% made with INTENT to put in sounds of a fight, so I wonder what happened? Did they forget, not care, or somehow lose access to the resources normally used for such things?
Now that you say it… omg
Its like the voice actors sent it over to the sfx team and then they just, didnt...
By the way, if i recall correctly, pre-wastelanders, Rose was still there and functioned more or less the same, except you didn't have "dialog" with her. You "activated" her and she talked at you like a holotape. I don't remember how the rest of the quest developed back then, but I'm pretty sure the Yao Guai part was the same.
Nah, she was almost exactly the same.
Correct, there was NO dialog options before wastelanders. She and MODUS just read out their lines in a row, gave you only one job and that was it. Roses raider quest is still the exact same. And you could only join the new human raider faction only after finishing these quests first. With the Pit expansion you can join the Raiders without doing Roses quests at all.
The Scorchbeast queen used to be way, way worse, Im pretty sure theres a cap on it now but she used to scale health based on the level of the player who launched the nuke, so if a no life no job level 1000 happened to start the event, even a dozen busted builds could barely chip away at her health in those 20 or so minutes you have
I don’t remember at all it being like that
... and then you realise bug builds, that allow you to kill the queen in 20 seconds in 1vs1 melee...
@@faru4182 yeah those are insane
@@manuelmoralez2257I remember it. The only people who made any progress were the legacy weapon users.
Wow, as somebody who never completed the game, the enclave story actually seems like it had potential and Bethesda actually utilized a nice majority of it. A faction that destroyed other factions simply due to their hatred of China, who also most likely were trying to rebuild. It’s almost poetic, rather than save what little was left of their nation and try to restore it, they destroyed it all just to try and get revenge on the nation who for all we know is also “extinct” if Bethesda put this much effort into the other factions we might’ve actually had something.
That's probably because Bethesda didn't create the Enclave, but I get what you mean.
Are you on drugs? Fallout 76 Enclave story looks like a shitty fanfic, makes no sense.
Its a tool for the writters to justify everything: oh commie robots? The Enclave did It , scorched? The Enclave. The re-skined dragons from Skyrim? Enclave.
The entire game had potential but flushed down the drain when they decided to put it into a multiplayer game. As someone who plays now everyone just ignores the story and just rushes the content for the new gear.
Basically, the Brotherhood on the East Coast made contact with the Brotherhood on the West Coast - but lost contact shortly before the rise of the Scorch Plague. Leaving them enough time to forge a bond and establish the central tenants of their beliefs - but not long enough to prevent any of the heresies that would be introduced by people who aren't specieist psychos and would become a reoccurring theme with the Brotherhood in most of Bethesda's versions of the Brotherhood
Which explains how the West Coast Brotherhood *knew* that there even *was* 'civilizations' to find along the East Coast - explaining why Lyons and his team were dispatched to explore that territory - and helps explain Bethesda's way-off canon introduction of the Brotherhood in Fallout 3 because *why* would the California chapter *bother* with something on the opposite *friggin end* of the continent :P ... ... ...
Except it *doesn't* because their *original* retcon was that the Brotherhood on the East Coast formed after an accident that stranded their founders *in* the East Coast - they *didn't* know where they were going - *or* what they were looking for (hence their survival problems when they encountered areas like the pit) and nobody knew they survived until *way after the fact*
Which was how Lyons was able to become such a heretic and break from so many Brotherhood traditons :P
Long story short - Bethesda is now retconning it's own retconning and then *breaking it* in the process :P xD
Eh, but there was no "Brotherhood" in the east; Maxson and his group BECAME the BoS after the war, after they relocated to an abandoned bunker and decided to form some kind of organization. So that's bullshit. And the orders Lyons had were to secure the Pentagon, under the assumption that all of the most dangerous shit would be there or nearby. They weren't looking for civilizations, in fact they explicitly don't give a shit (well, until Lyons changed that mentality). There was no accident stranding them, they simply changed their purpose.
"I don't want to join another faction" I felt that
How about you join the "stop giving money to people violating the gaming industry" faction?
How about that?
1:09:08 i feel like this perfectly encapsulates how much they care about the lore. A weapon made by 1 overseer of 1 vault in fallout 4 after 76 dropped casually by a enemy with a funny legendary effect added to it with no regard for thw lore.
Or Nuka weapons that are locked away in Nuka World.
These are the same people who put the Brotherhood on the east coast, saying that the damn near irrelevant Fallout 2 BoS somehow built whole ass airships similar to the Prydwen to accomplish this. Bethesda never cared about Fallout’s lore or story, they seemingly bought it just for the name and aesthetics.
@@Slender_Man_186 That was his point. And what about Jet?
@@BWMagus the Cryolator and Jet issues are more recent, I’m talking about how the BoS shouldn’t have even been in Fallout 3 to begin with.
@Slender_Man_186 I thought the East Coast Brotherhood walked and the airships were for Fallout Tactics?
32:17 I was not expecting Mumei. But holy shit, that fits too well
A surprise but a welcome one.
Man, she really does sound so much like gura. Thats crazy.
Glad someone else brought this up it was definitely jarring but fits well.
@@hisaceinthehole3426 genuinely i was momentarily like "wait is that gura?"
@@hisaceinthehole3426 I know, right? It took me a second to realize it was Mumei and not Gura.
Patrician is the goat for not taking forever to post part 3 of his Witcher analysis
Oh sorry I mean his elder scrolls analysis
Huh? The Syrim video is completely finished. 2 parts only it says right in the thumbnail it's a 20 hr analysis. Morrowind and Oblivion were both 1 part full analysis. I would be very surprised if there was another elder scrolls video before years past ES6 launch.
@@ollieanon4341 You daft or something?
@@ollieanon4341 This is a reference to youtuber Joseph Anderson
@@minerman60101 RUclipsr? You surely mean streamer.
Love the running gag of Esbern and Delphine, always funny whenever I hear them mentioned
What's extra funny about not targeting West Virginia is back when we where still relevant over here, I'm confident that the Soviets where expecting to hit this state during the Cold War. We where at one point pretty big deal in terms of chemistry.
Hearing mumei just out of nowhere genuinely startled me
I was playing with the video in te background and was really confused for a moment. Like "I did not put a Mumei clip on queue wtf"
I miss fauna
I was trying to tell if that was her or Gura.
@@DIEGhostfish I'll never understand this. They don't sound that alike unless they're both saying singular words at the same time. They have a difference in cadence and way of speaking, and they don't even sound 'that' similar to each other when they're just talking.
Is it a "Everyone from the flyover states sounds the same to me" thing that people in costal US do?
Wait, I was under the assumption we got 1/4, then we'd get 2/4 a week or so later, didn't realize these were coming out sooner than that. This is great, really love the content, thanks for the effort/hard work it's appreciated.
I wonder if he had this series already half-finished when he posted the first part and just split them up so there would be content in the meantime while he finished the second half.
@@fleebogazeezig6642 he elaborated in the first video this is a defensive measure since skyrim pt 2 got clapped, also he advertised in the discord that the full vid is available to patreons so you are correct
@@Hammers_Peace Hes also advertised it so many times in these video to a point where these Fo76 videos are gonna be my only content I watch from this dude. There are other alternatives than forcing patreon down your viewers' throats
Yeah who cares whether or not his videos are good or not? He dared to even suggest that people could support his work, so fuck em. Totally rational mindset.
@@Vanished584 don't you think there are bigger hills to die on?
Trying to play PVP in FO76 is like a puzzle game to see if you can anticipate who broke the game more. In all my time playing I never saw a PVP battle which wasn't an exploit or one-shot. If you don't participate in the exploits, you can't win the battles.
Would have preferred if the game was made up of factions who are locked into alliances or war with eachother. Then you can select a pacifist faction if you want that, but still have to deal with bandits, who perhaps have some kind of damage or equipment penalty to deter trolls. But this approach would have required Bethesda to design their game, which they decided not to do.
And they even have it built into the Raider and Foundation reputation. Where some chaises on their daily quests do make you loose reputation with a faction.
another thing that’s just awful is the player economy, nothing is ever traded that isn’t some bullshit 10 star legendary “double pants shitting explosive bloody handmade rifle” and you can’t start “trading” until you reach some absurd amount of caps and a very high level
Trading is basically worthless. Now that you can roll legendaries, it’s insanely easy to get really strong weapons in this already very easy game. The trading community was strongest when finding great weapons actually mattered(before all the damage became additive, and shit like bloodied didn’t just give you like 40 extra damage
I've seen Berry mentats being sold for 8k each and stimpacks for 5k each in play vendors and I've seen serums sold for 40k each... you can only 40k caps
@@JohnRollercoasterJr With the next update (unless this all gets scrapped before release or soon after), players will be able to selectively modify each legendary star on items using legendary mod boxes (recipe for the mod box got from scrapping legendaries → required modules + another item to craft) and scrip.
This makes getting the best "roll" on a weapon infinitely easier.
Currently on the PTS, it's 15+30+60 modules to craft the 1*,2*,3* mod boxes.
105 modules to max out a weapon, which takes 10.5 days of converting scrip to modules (scrip price increased from 50 → 100)
However, you now get modules with completing public events (eg 5 for Encryptid)
Text Chat mod will be exponentially more useful...
The first mod box applied to an item costs 10 scrip, then 15, 25, 45... which is minimal.видео.html
54:15 Gotta love it when the most dangerous enemy in the game is over-encumbrance.
I'll give it to you, that Mumei clip was perfect.
Muums is such an adorbabirb and meme
Your PVP experience was basically identical to mine; I accidentally hit a bit of player owned housing with a stray shot, got a bounty, then 10 minutes later a vastly higher level player just jogged up to me and murdered me in one hit. They didn't even take anything. I respawed 50m away, ran up to my body, picked up the junk I dropped, waved at them, and carried on with what I was doing while they just stared.
I did something like that because there is a trophy for killing a wanted player
The Clonedsheeple thing was the scariest thing I've ever seen in Fallout.
Why would the playerbase scare you?
SS13 is a social experience on a busy highway, sometimes you play as a highway worker, and someones job is to make the biggest wreck possible.
And sometimes you play the guy who drives over the highway worker.
sometimes you even play as highway
Sometimes you get eated x3
@Hyperlink1337 I think you're... revealing your power level, lets put it that way.
Someone told me I was USED in this video. Thank you for using me
Thanks for recording and editing it, good footage of Fallout 13 was hard to come by.
This made me think of a better premise for a multiplayer fallout game. Hawaii has contacted the mainland in the far future and some of the larger forces make way in refit old naval ships for the islands. You have the classic enclave remnants, brotherhood, NCR, maybe some others. You also have the chinese who may have areas set up on the islands already from the war. As well you have the locals who just want to live their lives outside of the influence of the major powers. Each server gets to fight a la planetside for control of the islands, with raids and points which overtime convert areas to whichever faction. A sort of experience where you can do the normal fallout gameplay or you can insert yourself into an active war rather than the passive one of all the fallout games other than like 1
Would also create interesting ways for free agents to affect the PVP war, like they are paid in game to sabotage or delivery resources.
Sounds like a slightly more chaotic version of Foxhole with fallout flavoring.
Doubt the Chinese would be in the game in any meaningful and lore friendly capacity - the US forces were already at the outskirts of Beijing when the nukes dropped afaik
I remember a stupid alt history novel about aliens invading during WW2 that I read the plot of on wikipedia actually had something close to what you're talking about. Before the aliens invaded they set off an enormous EMP device in orbit that was supposed to fry all electronics on the planet to make the conquest much easier. Instead they found out that in the 40s people used vacuum tubes instead of circuit boards. Very inefficient, but immune to emps. I always thought that a cool post apocalyptic factions would basically be some people who got a hold of the USS Missouri or some other battleship that wasn't completely fried by nuclear weapons, and they were able to conquer the seas since... its a battleship, in the post apocalypse thats overkill. Granted Fallout has fat mans and orbital space lasers so maybe its not a great idea, but it would be a cool faction.
Pretty good premise. They realistically could've modeled all of Hawaii, too, since it's only 11k square miles.
As a Fallout 13 and Space Station 13 player, hearing them mentioned by Patrician is really nice. Great video!
I was gonna get F76 on release, but knew enough about preordering to simply not. I waited a week to see reviews come in, and man,
Am I glad that I did.
I just want a Bethesda-style RPG experience where, instead of a NPC companion following me around, it's my buddy making parallel progress in his world. Is that too much to ask?
According to the noclip documentary on F76, and straight from the lips of the Almighty Todd himself, that was *exactly* what F76 was supposed to be. It started development as nothing more than a coop mode for F4. Reading between the lines of what God Howard said in that interview, the decision to go full multiplayer in it's own live service game was made after the newly acquired Battlecry studios had it's own live service game canceled. So the publisher was sitting on a recently acquired studio with nothing to do... and they just gave them to Todd as "Bethesda: Austin" and ordered them to make a Fallout live service to replace the cancelled battle royal game.
I still don't like F4, but with the full scope of mods and the coop framework given to us by BGS... Weep for what should have been.
Yes, it is too much to ask
Not gonna lie,, PatricianTV was the last place I thought I'd ever hear a Nanashi Mumei voice clip.
Players: Wouldn't it be great to play Fallout in Coop?
Bethesda: I hear ya, here's an MMO
"I spoke to a self-confessed Fallout 4 fan..."
Ha, brutal.
I hope a good game studio takes a crack at this whole No-NPCs storytelling (without cheating with robots of course), it would be a fascinating experience if done properly
Probably not what you're looking for but Project Zomboid doesn't yet have NPCs.
@@KeeganYF12 from what I understand it also doesn't have much in the way of story
I haven't played it yet but Unpacking is told through subtext from what I understand. I assume there are a lot more but I have very little to no interest in a narrative like that.
@@johnjsneed7591 It actually does, but it's time-sensitive. Within the first two weeks of in-game time, the story is pretty much over since all the news stations have gone down. But before that point, there's actually a fair bit to unpack.
Currently it's mostly indie/smaller scale games that dominate that niche. Limbo, Little Nightmares, that kind of thing.
We can all agree that all of these long format video essays are peak
This is like a full on PhD dissertation
The fact the Morrowind allowed you to build a support character for no reason shows just how good of an RPG it was, and highlights how the more recent Bethesda games aren’t really RPGs at all
In over 30 YEARS of gaming, Fallout 76 is easily the worst game I bought. I even conviced two friends to buy it on release. One got lucky and managed to get a refund, the other didnt and is still mad at me. Never again spending a dime with Bethesda.
Your critic on the audio logs (and pretty much everything in your videos) is spot on. As someone that doenst have english as their main language it was hellish to deal with the audio logs.
Hearing Mumei talk about hurting people in your video is NOT something that i expected
I've done some playing around with EQ while listening to you (I listen to you a fair bit!) I think your microphone/Room setup gets quite boomy around 90-110Hz, I've filtered this out with a software EQ and you sound a lot more clear. I'm not sure if it's just me who has this issue. Keep up the great work, my friend!
That awkward pause between the dialogue lines reminds me of another Bethesda practice common in amatuer plays, where instead of a character being interrupted by another, the first character will simply cut themselves off mid-sentence, and the second person will start talking a second or two after.
1:43 This is the exact same thing I felt / feel when playing NMS, it always have been this kind of weird "co-op singleplayer" when it feels like my friend and I both play a singleplayer game, but in the same world (don't really know how to describe it in better words). We had a few moments where we were thinking "well, there's not really any co-op appart from us being able to see each others". In this kind of games the multiplayer aspect feel forced upon the game rather than the game being designed around it.
21:45 "Imagine doing so poorly that *fandom* is the preferable alternative" you said that like it was your first time experiencing this 😭 (worst part is idk if i envy you or not)
I think a Quick Retrospective on MGSV would be really dope. I love hearing people talk about that game.
I hope this goes into details on how SHIT the Coop experience is
You're in luck
Every time I've had a good experience in a coop situation, the server D/Cs 😅 so, I stopped playing
he went through it a lot in the first video.
It's so bad. It's like the game desperately wants to give you a solo narrative within a multiplayer game. Feels disjointed.
lmao hearing Mumei out of nowhere threw me off
The amount of sass you were able to pack into that “part 2” opening is admirable lol.
50:07 I don't know about other states, but the DMV in North Carolina has gotten much worse in recent years. I went to one office near where I live to renew my driver license. I arrived about 11AM and was immediately told that there was no chance that I would be seen. It seems that in many offices, it's necessary to either arrive before opening or schedule an appointment months in advance. I did manage to get my license renewed in an office located in a more rural area by driving an hour and waiting for three hours.
Yeah, the DMV varies per state. Some states have gone online, others are breaking down. There are simply too many things they are expected to do, considering every American outside of a select few urban cores are expected to own motor vehicles.
@@Patrician Colorado split them into separate departments, so you don't go to the DMV for your license, just for registering your car. Really helps.
the eternal problem with "always on" pvp is that it will IMMEDIATELY attract griefers and trolls, who will proceed to ruin the experience for everyone else.
thats ALWAYS been the problem with games focused around keeping pvp on. people who engage with it in an honest way are IMMEDIATELY overrun by trolls, cheaters, and people who find griefing funny for no other reason than the joy they feel lording it over everyone else.
like the player base being used to claim in-world containers just to tag someone with a bounty so you can kill them and laugh because you "made someone mad".
i don't hate pvp.
However, unstructured pvp centered around being "on" all the time with the only barrier being the idea of people generally wanting to work together doesn't work.
ESPECIALLY with the long running proof that trolls flock to games where pvp trolling is absurdly easy.
"Always on" PVP is a system that creates entire portions of the playerbase who have a singular goal- ruining the fun for everyone else who has the misfortune to be in their vicinity.
And THAT is what causes PVP focused games to have massive drops in playerbase, or causes public lobbies to be suprisingly vacant, with people retreating into private lobbies, or leaving the game entirely.
With how cartoonishly OP weapons are in 76, always on PVP would've just been old players wrecking anyone new or who just had bad RNG. The real problem is that balancing PVP would've taken effort and "effort" is heresy to the developers working at Bethesda.
@@Mirthful_Midori Even if they balanced it, it wouldn't change the fact that high-level, well-equipped players can steamroll newbies, and would do so all the time, for fun.
As an imbecile who played this on ps4 for many hundreds of hours, the battle royale was by far the most balanced and fun instance of PVP that kept me coming back (more than any other BR come to think of it) but it felt like it was good by them accidentally achieving a faster-than-normal TTK, and by virtue of its very simple perk system, which actually allowed for specializing in different weapons; so long as you had the super jump mutation
Super jumping with the Explosives perk and a grenade launcher was so fun
The sound of the orange loot chests and briefcase are forever ingrained into my mind.
Same Man Melle kills Felt so rewarding Lol one played that chi 😂
100% agree. i played near launch for like 500 hours or so. the day they removed nuclear winter i uninstalled
This is by far the best youtuber I have found when it comes to IN DEPTH videos. Only other youtuber that comes close imo is Internet Historians video on No Man's Sky.
Thanks for doing the mind-numbing legwork to demonstrate the most fun you can have with Fallout 76 is observing the absolute state of it from outside.
Also, damn RUclips really going after use of the term "fascist"... that's fairly bleak.
45:32 The Brotherhood of Fallout 3 is, by the time the Lone Wanderer finds them, no longer a part of the Brotherhood of Steel. Elder Lyons literally tells you that they've been exiled, and all communication with the west coast was cut off. There were also the Brotherhood Outcasts, who left Lyons' splinter group because they disagreed with his approach and were more aligned with the original, west-coast BoS.
And who were attempting to re-establish contact with the West Coast. Still, it's ridiculous to think the Brotherhood could possibly have spread that far east.
@@BWMagus I mean, the Tactics BoS DID figure out how to fix vehicles, which, given how there's some everywhere all over the place waiting to explode in your face in Bugthesda's fallout roads, is fair enough.
Technically Bethesda, by introducing that much cars still in rough working order, engine asides, and by picking THOSE car models in particular, basically somehow made all the things that didn't make sense with FOT work with their idea of canon.
(my dad worked on cars and trucks from that era, it's amazing the frankensteining they'll take, he welded a car cab and a bombardier snow bus' caterpillar threads into some monstrous ATV DIY pickup THING and it somehow handled like a dream.)
If Fallout 76's events are taking place some 20 years after the nukes fell, how come there are super mutants already?
The paper-thin lore excuse this game gives is that there's a West-Tek facility in Virginia that somehow also has the FEV for experimentation. I know, this doesn't explain at all how super mutants came to be without the Master's fine-tuning of the virus; but clearly Bethesda didn't think beyond West-Tek building = FEV presence either.
@@grayman4951if I remember correctly they got it from the military or something back in Cali. The master just made it better whereas West tek couldn’t perfect it so that’s why the ones in Virginia are dumb whereas the masters were smarter/intelligible. Personally I feel like the issue is that they all look and act just like every other mutant in the east coast😩 at least in the west they’re split into different Gens.
I’m quickly learning this is especially unfriendly to epileptics and to have to install a mod against griefing involving them is extra sad
Wait till you play it - some keys are hardcoded.
My only tip: you can place construction items hitting remapped SPACE or ENTER.
"Accessibility in games" was always just a weird woke dogwhistle for making everything easy.
Nobody cares about controllers for cripples, or epileptics and the colourblind for that matter.
Damping of flashing lights and colourblind adjustment should be OS standard features.
@@KopperNeoman ? People care what are you talking about, your even responding to someone who cares with this comment
@@KopperNeoman Looks like someone caught a bad case of the anti-woke mind virus lmao
@@KopperNeoman Are you clinically insane? Genuine question.
Holy crap being a support character in morrowind would be amazing.
I really wished fallout 76 wouldve been a rust like experience. Loot, create and raid with a character in each different server and a emphasis on the hardcore aspect of the wasteland
...Why not just play Rust then?
That sounds terrible
I freaking love that morrowind has functionality for buffing others despite being a single player game.
A simple consequence of how Morrowind's spells are Self, Touch, or Projectile.
@@KopperNeoman yeah for sure but I could easily see a developer going "restoration is only cast on self you don't want to heal enemies or really need to heal npcs" but intentionally or not they allowed for it
the audio isn't NORMALIZED?
32:18 ah, a fellow Mumei Enjoyed. Very nice :)
Absolutely hated Rose's questline and my inability to just scrap it after I've gotten information out of it
The worst part of this game is how much potential it had. In better hands from the start, this game could have been great
Playing this game before the Wastelanders update was some of Bethesda's greatest writing for the series imo. The total bleakness of the wasteland, knowing that every voice you hear is from someone long dead, and the Enclave reveal, are some of the best work they've done. It actually felt like the apocalypse had happened. Now all of it is undercut by the generic NPCs dotting the land and even the "story" ones not really providing anything. Unfortunate for any new players.
I used to play Fallout 76 exclusively for the PvP... namely nuclear winter. I enjoyed that battle royale so much more than any other I've played.
For what it's worth;
With the Ski Resort being the first 'Living Voice' in the wasteland, it was very exciting, when there were no humans in the wasteland. All the people you saw, were a result of updates and DLC.
I still think adding NPCs was a mistake.
I think making the game was a mistake
I think not having them in the first place than adding them later was a mistake
the devs caved to the mindless drone of voices of ppl who never played the game saying npcs were needed (for no reason)
for good reason@@daveshif2514
It was more than that. Did you play it at launch? The worlds were deader than a real nuclear apocalypse. Considering our choices of interacting with things were either A) shoot it or B) read it, it did not make for an enjoyable experience. Which millions of other players who preordered also felt, which is why the vast majority never came back. Don't forget, that's AFTER the betrayal of those bags and whatever other loot they were offering for preorders. And the trailers which were nothing like the game (still waiting for the 20+ player groups for the "fan-made-factions" they were talking about pre-launch) @@daveshif2514
I need you to discuss just how frustrating it is that the responders were so incompetent. I swear melody Larkin was intentionally sabotaging the fire breathers. She literally sent all those recruits to die.
If someone asks you to play Fallout 76, they are not your friend.
I played about 6 hours of this game with 3 of my friends and you nailed on the head my feelings on this game in the first 2 minutes. This game really feels like i am playing single player fallout with live updates from other people. The whole time playing this game i just thought... this would be more fun in SP... and the thing is i play mostly multiplayer/co-op games.
I never played Fallout 76, so it came to me as a shock that your progression in a team isn't synced. I remember it being a point of contest for me and my buddy a few years ago. We played early build of Skyrim online, which didn't have quest sync, so everything had to be done twice. And we were so done with it after just a few hours.
Skyrim online was and still is a fanmade mod, mind you. I can't believe how painful it is to not have the same progression in a cooperative game, especially one that markets itself as a form of MMO.
45:18 New school: New Vegas
Old school: Fallout 2
Ancient Gamer: Fallout 1
Now that's the real Fallout gamers right here
32:17 I was not expecting to just randomly hear Mumei in a Fallout 76 video. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
Oh, jesus... That DMV quest is just horrifically dull. It outstays its welcome insanely quickly, but just keeps dragging on, and on, and on, and on...
Much like the DMV!
Bruh this unlocked some memories. I absolutely stopped doing the main quest when I reached that point. Avoided Charleston for like a month. Absolutely infuriating quest.
26:16 This is a broader problem with society, more prominently showing in the western society but not exclusive to it.
People see people that are different from themselves as more stupid by default. You could argue for hours what is the source behind it, be it growing in a bubble, innate narcissism or prevalent hero complex. City folk think of country folk as dumb, country folk see city folk as dumb. There is a thing called 'specialization' that people refuse to account for.
A high paid writer thinks himself better than a farmer, but if they had to grow their own food to survive they'd die quickly.
A farmer can grow their own food, but if they'd have to write for a living to earn money they'd live on the street not earning the cash.
Thing with Fallout is that within this universe it's not the writers that would be better off survival-chance-wise, yet at the same time the Beth writers are not good enough to account for that, and especially not as skilled as they think they are when evaluating themselves against other people.
I know this isn't a popular opinion in many places, but I actually like that in a lot of games you can find random text dumps about completely irrelevant stuff. I know to many players its boring because it doesn't actually interact with the game in any way, but I find its just nice to know that the entire universe doesn't revolve around me. Some poor bloke had to sit down at a computer and log the various weights of containers and his dull logs just happened to survive. Its just nice to be able to glimpse the mundanity of the world on occasion, really puts everything else into perspective.
I personally don't mind in a single player game but in multiplayer when people can be waiting on you it can be a problem
That's just good world building, really.
'Some poor bloke' = 'Dude who got paid to mess around with a video game and write story stuff'
My goodness what is with peoples imaginary sympathizer bs...
@@wireycoyote3544 ...The character in the game, not the game creators?
Indeed. Too many games only have two kinds of text/dialogue; stuff directly related to the plot, the current quest, the party members, etc, or just filler dialogue for NPCs that are basically "Nice weather today!" Actually making the world seem like, you know, people live in it, and people have been living in it, is great.
As someone who played an Explosives build in the small time I played this, being outright declared a griefer because I'm doing what I do hurts. Those explosives break limbs on the Scorch Queen which can indefinitely ground her and break her scripting. Its those explosions that make her a punching bag, instead of an extremely annoying, nearly impossible to hit punch bag that you need half the server to even kill.
25:00 Native West Virginian and Fallout 76 non-fan here. I'd like to give some context to and (broadly) agree with the point you're making here. Someone would say what was said on the tape, they just wouldn't say it like that. I don't think it's a fair assumption that assimilation into an administrative body meaningfully impacts culture. Consider WV has changed national governments four times since the 1700s and its status as a backwater, systemic poverty, and lack of education have remained constant throughout. Admin is an issue, but it isn't "the issue." WV's big problem is culture.
So there's a few Appalachian social assumptions at work here. First is that if you do right by other people, they're socially obligated to do right in return. There's also a huge emphasis on community contribution; you're only as valuable as what you can provide for your in-group (family, neighbors, coworkers, church). There's an unspoken contract that if you work yourself to death (even if this means actively choosing to make a job harder for no additional gain), then you are owed respect and are to be trusted. Telling someone what to do is just not done. Quietly ostracizing people who resist tradition is fine, but you do not tell people in your in-group how to live and you especially don't tell people how to treat their property. An extension of this is that you conduct yourself to the cadence of whoever's property you're on at the time. Lastly, there's a culture of "not getting too big for your raising." That roughly translates to "don't do so well in life that you shame your parents by comparison or start getting ideas that conflict with the established definition of community."
Example: you work in a mine. The foreman brings in a drill to up production. You know this drill will do the work of multiple men. You don't say anything because you've been working hard and contributing to the company-- you're owed your job and everyone understands it's not their place to put it to the foreman that this could put someone out of work. It's his mine, he can do what he wants and while you're in his mine you operate at his cadence. No one says this, but you all know it. You all also understand that he's in your community, so doing anything against your interests is just not done. He must think the drill is a net positive for everyone-- that's the social contract as you understand it. You do right by him, he does right by you.
No social issue short of the total breakdown of Appalachian society is considered worthy of intervention. This social inertia means it's really easy for a bunch of little things (like a drill that takes jobs) to compound until a community isn't recognizable anymore, and because this culture discourages the pursuit of new ideas everyone either doubles down hard on everything being fine or just kind of...shuts down. Appalachian culture does not have coping mechanisms for change because its dogmas exist to guide community members to self-select for social stasis.
There is absolutely a culture in West Virginia (which is NOT everyone) of systemically helpless individuals that have bonkers beliefs because their entire culture is built around resisting change, and when change happens they go crazy or become hopeless trying to rationalize incompatible ideas. I absolutely believe someone would have the opinion expressed on that tape, but it would be phrased as some foreman doubling down on how they need to trust and do right by each other and how everyone's earned this big break because they've all worked so hard for so long. Dishonesty in WV (and the US South as a whole) is insidious, not blatant. It's slow, looks innocuous to anyone outside, and isn't questioned by the community because of the above-mentioned social dogmas.
So yeah. Someone would say that, just not using those words. 76 does a terrible job of capturing Appalachian culture, but it does fail upward just enough to pretend like it has something to say to someone who wasn't hatched in it.
Phoenix is a large city and has nuclear reactor, army bases , and an airbase. Itd actually an attractive target
It's just factually not true that "natural drops" have better stats than crafted ones. You probably have better attachments on your "natural drop". But you can add those attachments yourself on a crafted weapon.
If anything, crafted weapons are better, because if you stack intelligence before you craft, you'll get higher max durability on that weapon
I said that I tested it. A 'natural' legendary combat rifle did 50 damage, a crafted combat rifle does 42.
@@Patrician Did you ACTUALLY craft the gun? I just crafted a handmade, it does the same damage as my quad handmade.
@@obsurdety we can't judge him for not knowing. Sometimes he gets things right but also gets things wrong
Yeah if that was the case, ‘natural’ drops would be worth significantly more as even slight differences in base damage drastically alter the value of weapons in the fo76 market.
@@Patrician did you check the attachments on your "natural" gun? Did your crafted gun also have an explosive effect (it shows up as part of the damage)?
I believe that you've tested it, but I know that you didn't test it properly, because your conclusion is wrong
P.S. Explosive legendary effect does 20% of the base weapon damage as an additional AOE damage.
20%....those exact 20%. It's on wiki
Post-War Appalachia is truly a land of abundance. Food, fresh water and magical weapons that drop from walking piñatas
My fallout franchise hot take is that "raiders" as a category make no sense except as hunter-gatherer tribes who maybe steal stuff sometimes but don't shoot most people on sight. You could make an interesting story about settled agriculture vs hunter-gatherers but that would involve not having an endless horde of people to kill, so not a Bethesda fallout game.
In places with little to no rule of law, like a nuclear wasteland, there are always going to be people taking advantage of others (not that it doesn't happen elsewhere anyway). Eventually that can get organized. It did in real life in places like the American frontier, and organized crime still very much exists today, albeit with a lot less outright bandits.
I don't think that there would be enough wastelander civilization to really sustain large parasitic/predatory populations of people as early as 76 is, though. I also don't think that a well run raider gang would kill random people on sight, but plenty of raiders are on something or other if their loot is anything to go by, so expecting rational behavior is wishful. There are also some that are just violent cults.
@@GleebyDeebyEeby The thing is, when natural disasters hit, you see an increase in random acts of violence and a vast decrease in organized violence (leading to, on average, less interpersonal violence) regardless of how the "rule of law" is enforced. organized gangs who make their living primarily off of killing and looting from others implies there are enough people making ends meet on their own to fuel them. Thus, there are less dangerous ways to survive and raiding would not be a popular choice.
Hoping this is the one that drops as a 76 hour video.
Back when this first released my game was so laggy I basically teleported around in the eyes of anyone else. This basically meant I could one shot someone with a black powder rifle, and if not, take out half their health, then teleport somewhere entirely different while reloading only to hit them again.
Rose is probably the high water mark for the main story (which isn't saying much). Once I started uncovering what happened with the Brotherhood and the origins of the Scorched Beast I felt my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
Theres something hypnotic about the boneless tumbling of Super Mutant Behemoth corpses.
i am SO glad i on a whim got back into fallout right as this video series started, i only caught the details of prerelease and initial thoughts before it dropped off my radar, so its been interesting hearing not only what the detailed flaws were with the game, but also how bethesda has attempted to salvage the game
I hated that you couldn't just shoot the raider robot and hack its terminal and that you can't just kill the raider faction.
And I kill raiders on sight, them being neutral just makes it easier. That and every forced encounter with the raider faction ends with me never siding with them and them getting mad yet Bethesda keeps forcing the interactions.
I especially hated that raider faction in 4, the one with the Fort and the hats. Nice laser guns though.
Bethesda makes all bandits/raiders in their games cartoonishly evil...then wants to make you work with them. I don't get it.
I wish YT premiere didn't stutter out so much. hard to keep a coherent line with it roll backing so much, aside from that though excellent video as always.
as someone who speced into lock picking it was only ever a "hey can you equip and share your lvl 3 lock picking skill i found something". i was not the expert lock picker i just enabled others to be. wow much satisfaction
I really like that you're releasing these in parts. I like the anticipation.
I don't
dripfeed 🤤 but i understand the need for manipulating the algorithm
@@lunarluxe9832 He wants to spread out the videos so each can get hopefully the same amount of cash revenue instead of having it just be one video. If it was one long 7 hour video it would still get lots of views but it's let's than 7 one hour videos
In regards to the PvP, from a story and mechanic perspective, at best it makes very little sense, but realistically it makes no sense whatsoever. On the story side of things, by all indications, you and the rest of the players have spent years inside of Vault 76, and we're expected to believe that suddenly, outside of the vault, it becomes a free for all, and murder is the solution to every crime between you. I could see people developing grudges in the vault and wanting to kill someone to get away with it, except for the fact that the vault was supposedly the best and brightest, and that usually doesn't make for a bunch of mass murderers. The concept completely falls apart mechanically as well, you have instanced loot, so the example you give there, PrivateSession's is getting his own generated loot from that safe, so how is that stealing in the first place? Further than that, even if he were stealing, we're suddenly supposed to believe that people who came out of the vault, where they have had some semblance of law and order for all these years go full on murderous vigilante when someone steals a box of sugar bombs from a fridge? It makes no sense, period.
Who even pays the bounty? Who saw the crime happen? It's like a vengeful but fun-loving god is watching and fucking with you. Or that asshole who blows you up in Ultima 8 if you steal too much.
19:54 for a couple frames you can see this text: "(Sound of a single gunshot and then a body dropping to the ground)". Looks like the game just skips log segments with non-voice sounds; that might be where longs pauses come from.
The terminals and audio logs being so bad is precisely why so many people had problems with the lack of NPCs in the game. It's entirely possible to make an RPG with no dialogue work, if you handle it correctly.
Bethesda did not come anywhere close to handling it correctly. Unfortunately, Wastelanders wasn't exactly handled any better, either.
Can’t think of a more depressing use of time than playing Fallout 76.
You know what's depressing? Putting others down for the things they enjoy, just because you or I don't like it doesn't mean we should talk shit about those who do.
@@MelStaub They are financially and socially supporting a tumor on the industry.
Pvp in this game is just “let me use the meta strategy that took me two hours to optimize. The payoff is that I am literally invincible.”
My hottest take will be that I enjoyed this game more than fallout 4. The world felt way more varied and the enemies/weapons were so diverse. I honestly wish we got a purely solo mode one day that didn't constantly bring up multiplayer. The issue with this game was always divided between single and multiplayer and kinda doing both mediocre.
I sincerelly hope that even after the server go down, bethesda will let player load in their local without the need for connections, if not, at least it wll let the modders on that. the world works, if not being just serviceable, and just doing relaxing play session is alway nice.
@@serPomiz there's no way to monetize this, so I doubt it will happen.
@@AdamOwenBrowning with the server down, there would be no monetization in the first place, while they could still sell an underpriced 'single player' experience
Well, yeah; they took Fallout 4 and added a boatload of more stuff. If that's all you care about, that's what you get.