[HD] Final Fantasy XII - All Espers

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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    - Belias "Lo Stregone" (Costellazione dell'Ariete): Guardiano dei territori sacri, nato per volere degli dei come potente alterazione delle tenebre. Risulta contrapposto all'Allogrifo trascendente, alterazione della luce. L'appellativo "stregone" è dovuto alle sue componenti, una umana e magica, e una mostruosa. Fra le tante alterazioni create, è considerato un errore e per questo non svolge il compito originario. Adirato, lo Stregone ha tentato di ribellarsi contro gli dei, ma è stato sconfitto. In seguito al patto stipulato con il Re dinasta, è stato nominato protettore della tomba reale.
    - Mateus "l'Immorale" (Costellazione dei Pesci): Alterazione delle forze oscure, governa e protegge tutti gli esseri di questo mondo. Si contrappone a Lahaver, il gran sacerdote dell'abisso, alterazione della luce. Il suo compito lo ha reso vittima dell'ingordigia e l'anima gli è stata rubata dall'Oscuro, causando la sua trasformazione in un dio maligno. Sfidando gli dei ha compiuto atti amorali, quali il rapimento della dea che presiede al mondo dei ghiacci per utilizzarla come scudo vivente. Sconfitto dall'immensa forza divina, con penose sofferenze fu scaraventato nei profondi abissi infernali.
    - Shemhazai "il Traditore" (Costellazione del Sagittario): alterazione umana ed equina contrapposta a Igheolm il Martire, alterazione della luce. E' in grado di manipolare a piacere le anime dell'Oltremondo e di dare loro la libertà. Incaricato di fare da scorta agli dei, quando Ultima l'Angelo ha pianificato la rivolta si è mutato in spia, svelando tutti i punti deboli divini. Mai perdonato, Shemhazai è finito sulla Terra, dove ha diffuso tra gli uomini gli insegnamenti della distruzione e della dissolutezza. Per questo è stato sconfitto e sottoposto a sigillo degli dei.
    - Hashmal "l'Ordinatore" (Costellazione del Leone): Alterazione che dispone a suo piacimento delle leggi che un tempo, per la sua forza sacra, era al servizio degli dei come guida per gli uomini. Si contrappone a Fadhaniel, il Protettore, alterazione della luce. Per il desiderio di forza assoluta che soggioga ogni cosa, si è ribellato agli dei demiurghi insieme a Ultima l'Angelo. Nella millenaria guerra divina si è sacrificato per gli angeli sacri che hanno osato volgere lo sguardo ai loro signori, per poi essere gettato, esausto, tra le fiamme incandescenti dell'inferno.
    - Famfrit "il Nembo" (Costellazione dell'Acquario): contrapposto a Emerolars, la Regina sacra alterazione della luce. A causa del suo spaventoso aspetto di nembo è stato preso di mira persino dagli dei che l'hanno creato, Per questo, dopo la sua sconfitta, è stato rinchiuso e poi sigillato in una resistente corazza. Nemmeno un raggio di sole vi può penetrare e all'oscurità senza fine in cui si trova si deve il nome di "Nembo". La pioggia che fuoriesce dal suo grande acquario viene temuta e rispettata dagli uomini in quanto foriera di disastri e caos.
    - Adrammelech "l'Irato" (Costellazione del Capricorno): Sovrano delle alterazioni che con un colpo d'ira restituisce ogni cosa al nulla. Si contrappone a Dudalphon, il Vicario della pietà, alterazione della luce. Creato dagli dei perché dominasse gli esseri magici dell'Oltremondo, la sua spropositata forza e il suo aspetto malefico hanno infine attirato queste creature. traditi gli dei, Adrammelech ha cominciato a regnare dall'alto dell'Oltremondo e, con il nome "l'Irato". ha osato sfidarli per poi essere annientato.
    - Cuchulainn "l'Impuro" (Costellazione dello Scorpione): alterazione nata per purificare questo mondo, è una creatura impura che inghiotte ogni forma di laidume. Si contrappone a Napriales il Maestoso, alterazione della luce. Il mondo conteneva tanta più lordura di quanto gli dei avessero immaginato e chi l'ha ripulito ingurgitandola si è mutato nel ripugnante Impuro, ribellandosi contro gli dei. Un suo gesto può trasformare la terra in sostanza impura.
    - Zalera il "Mortifero" (Costellazione dei Gemelli): Alterazione eretica che soggioga il mondo con la sua forza oscura e si impadronisce di ogni anima vivente. Si contrappone a Emetoserk, Angelo della verità e alterazione della luce. In origine era stato creato dagli dei affinché giudicasse gli uomini dopo la morte, ma da quando la sua anima è stata contaminata dal male, si è ribellato e ha preso in ostaggio una giovane sacerdotessa. Ancora oggi, seppur sconfitto dagli dei e prigioniero di un sigillo, la tiene tra le braccia e grazie alla sua agonia richiama le anime oscure.

Комментарии • 277

  • @Androly_San
    @Androly_San 10 лет назад +2

    I'd forgotten how awesomely weird these were, thanks for the video!! Hopefully they release an HD version we can go for Platinum on :)

  • @balthier-leadingman3782
    @balthier-leadingman3782 10 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the upload! I love ff12 & the esper's are epic -especially zodiark! Looks like a harmless, flying fish-thing but has an epic transformation when using his ultimate attack, the thing is reborn it doesn't get more epic than that

  • @Itri_Vega
    @Itri_Vega 11 лет назад +2

    I love both the old summons (Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut, etc.) and those of XII. What Square Enix did in 12 was wayyyy better than transforming Shiva into a motorcycle. I mean, Adrammelech is a flying Tesla coil - how cool is that?! When I play a FF, I want to see mindblowing aeons/espers and enjoy a great story in a huge world. And Square met my expectations with FF 12.

  • @Netsaver
    @Netsaver 9 лет назад +25

    A bit corny but I feel that if the Espers could talk during their final attacks these would be what they say.
    Belial: “Burn with the fires of hell!”
    Mateus: “Freeze in an eternal winter!”
    Adrammelech: “Disintegrate under the wrath of lightning!
    Zalera: “Die from the screams of the dead!”
    Shemhazai: “Your soul is forever broken!”
    Hashmal: “Shatter under the fury of the earth!”
    Cúchulainn: “Forever grovel under the curse of poison and filth!”
    Zeromus: “Suffer under the unlimited weight of Gravity!”
    Exodus: “Face the endless weight of your sins!”
    FamFrit: “Drown in the eternal Deluge!”
    Chaos: “Rip part from the furious winds!”
    Ultima: “Be engulfed by blinding light!”
    Zodark: “The final hour is here, oblivion is all that awaits you!”

    • @dreadpirateninjafox
      @dreadpirateninjafox 9 лет назад +6

      Oh wow! That is EPIC. I'm not being sarcastic or anything like that, those lines are awesome. I could see why they might not put something like that in the game though because unless the voice actors got the tone of voice just right it might sound kinda corney, but those lines themselves are awesome.

    • @Timesmanify
      @Timesmanify 9 лет назад +6

      "a bit corny"
      Understatement of the year.

    • @Kafuinga
      @Kafuinga 9 лет назад

      Netsaver Yes! Like how there used to be incantations in FFT!

    • @ronmercado5905
      @ronmercado5905 8 лет назад


    • @mewmew9807
      @mewmew9807 8 лет назад

      nice :D

  • @nodatags8697
    @nodatags8697 8 лет назад +1

    By the way, the man with a scale that attacks with a huge meteor is Exdeath from Final Fantasy 5 - Main Antagonist

  • @audzediigrrvlanc6429
    @audzediigrrvlanc6429 11 лет назад +3

    Chaos: “First I wave, and then I draw... THEN I OBLIVERATE YOU WITH A GIANT TORNADO!!”
    Zeromus: "Fire the bass cannon!"
    Exodus: "Oh! Let me show you my pebble collection..!”
    Ultima: “I’m a little tea cup, short and stout. Here’s my handle and here’s my GIANT LASER CANNON!!”
    Zodiark: “I feel pretty, oh so pretty, let me kill you with my Cosmic-Sized Explosion of Prettiness!”

  • @jurrasic
    @jurrasic 8 лет назад +10

    Man! Did FFXII ever wring out every last drop of awesome from the PS2's Emotion Engine, eh?

    • @JillALPHAteam
      @JillALPHAteam  8 лет назад

      +Jurrasic Park Yep, I remember it was graphically amazing years ago and it still is !

    • @Siberianhusky89
      @Siberianhusky89 8 лет назад

      +Jurrasic Park
      Game blows. MMOs should stay where they belong.

    • @CactuarJack007
      @CactuarJack007 8 лет назад

      +Lamar Namou not an mmo. learn the definition of terms before you throw them around. The game is a JRPG, but in no way is this an online game.

    • @Siberianhusky89
      @Siberianhusky89 8 лет назад

      Still doesn't make the game good. I mean AUTO ATTACKS?! They shouldn't be in my JRPGs. I don't want to stand there at times doing NOTHING.

    • @CactuarJack007
      @CactuarJack007 8 лет назад

      +Lamar Namou I feel that. the game was good but it was right when square started going downhill with the FF 13 saga (lighting returns wasn't that bad actually) and the whole FF 14 (the first one not realm reborn) so some shitty ideas did get implemented into 12 with one of them being the auto attack feature. not a great game but it wasn't terrible.

  • @darkrogue161
    @darkrogue161 9 лет назад +5

    Great game though... Totally different storyline,interesting quests, mini games and the hunts. At the same, quiet a difficult game if characters weren't levelled up properly.

  • @ChaosTheGodofTreachery
    @ChaosTheGodofTreachery 5 лет назад +4

    9:29 u can hear Ultima say something I think it's, You Summoned I , As always

    • @Masamune364
      @Masamune364 4 года назад

      I thought she said something like You summoned light or something like that

  • @JillALPHAteam
    @JillALPHAteam  10 лет назад +2

    - Chaos "il Reincarnato" (Costellazione del Toro dorato): dio protettore del cristallo sacro fabbricato dagli dei all'epoca della creazione. Si contrappone a Mytron, il gran sacerdote maligno alterazione della luce. Giunto nel mondo terreno, è stato travolto dai vortici caotici che lo infestano e, dopo un continuo ciclo di morte e rinascita, è alla fine divenuto il Reincarnato, un dio malvagio che si è ribellato agli dei. Imponente sul suo trono di Une che riflette la confusione, dalle vette dell'imperturbabilità e del vuoto cancella ogni ragione e spirito legati all'ordine.
    - Exodus "l'Arbitro" (Costellazione della Bilancia): è l'alterazione più antica. Rsulta contrapposto a Halmart il Mediatore, alterazione della luce. Incaricato di osservare il mondo, aveva il potere di giudicare ogni cosa. L'adempimento della missione ha fatto sì che perdesse ogni legame e interesse per il concreto. Per restituire ogni cosa al nulla ha combattuto contro gli dei ma. sconfitto, è stato condannato a subire il sigillo.
    - Zeromus "il Despota" (Costellazione del grande Cancro): alterazione del più osservante guardiano della sacra legge che ha condannato un gran numero di colpevoli. Si contrappone a Beshtalot, il Cavaliere dell'Orsa, alterazione della luce.Odia profondamente chiunque violi la legge, e con la sua condanna muta i trasgressori in materia.nera e li sprofonda negli abissi. Questo atteggiamento l'ha portato a preferire la condanna piuttosto che il rispetto della legge e, in preda all'odio, si è ribellato agli dei. Il suo ottenebramento spiega perché proprio lui, guardiano della legge e rappresentante dell'austerità, viene chiamaton"il Despota".
    - Ultima "l'Angelo" (Costellazione della Vergine): Alterazione perfetta, è anche il capo della congiura contro gli dei che l'hanno creata. Fino al momento del tradimento aveva il compito di trasportare le anime al cielo e di favorirne la rinascita. E' stato chiamato "l'Angelo" per le sacre ali dorate e splendenti. Ma fu con ali di tenebra che Ultima diede inizio alla rivolta contro gli dei. L'inespressività acquisita in seguito alla caduta denota un animo insondabile.
    - Zodiark "il Legislatore" (Costellazione del Serpentario): la più potente delle alterazioni create dagli dei, è anche quella la cui crescita è stata bloccata, facendone un signore degli angeli bambino. La sua schiacciante forza prevale distruggendo ogni cosa. In grado di creare le leggi che guidano l'universo, può punire ogni essere vivente come vicario divino. Per questo viene chiamato "il Legislatore" e nessuno osa opporsi al suo volere.

  • @UntiltheDawnFilm
    @UntiltheDawnFilm 11 лет назад

    Most epic Summons in the history of Final Fantasy. Every one of these is insane. These and the quickenings were some of my favorite parts of discovering the game on the first playthrough.

  • @ChaosTheGodofTreachery
    @ChaosTheGodofTreachery 8 лет назад +3

    ultima says something i think its (you summoned i , As always)? what u guys think

  • @TsuchiGamer06
    @TsuchiGamer06 11 лет назад

    Oh my gosh! thank you sooooo much for this explaination, just got the game recently(had to dig a bit to find it) and will be sure to check on the Espers...again, gracias!

  • @Etherspear
    @Etherspear 11 лет назад

    You are welcome ^^. The "library" is a bestiary with entries/bio about every monsters that you fight or meet. If remember right the library is consultable in the option.

  • @SuperFanFiction
    @SuperFanFiction 11 лет назад

    I like it how the music suddenly dies in the middle of Zodiark's Attack.

  • @FabrizioStrino
    @FabrizioStrino 12 лет назад

    Complimenti per il video! Bel montaggio :)

  • @Etherspear
    @Etherspear 11 лет назад

    "Scion of darkness ruling and protecting those who live in the underworld. In the course of his rule, he submitted to avarice, and the darkness took his heart, transforming him until he was both evil and corrupt. Then in his cowardice did he bind a Goddess of the Demesne of Ice, and using her as a living shield, he challenged the gods. Defeated before their might, he fell screaming into the depths of hell, there to be imprisoned for eternity.

  • @vawewa
    @vawewa 12 лет назад

    I remember you have to ride on a chocobo through a path that they can only get through. It's the path to the area with the word peak in the name.

  • @leandromiguel4481
    @leandromiguel4481 8 лет назад +3

    i dont know why but Zeromus looks like Bellzemon from Digimon

  • @jonnymcmurphy
    @jonnymcmurphy 10 лет назад

    Oh I still have this somewhere in a cupboard, I'll need to look it out, I used to spend hours leveling with those black skeletons in the mine for hours

    • @etherealmayhem8652
      @etherealmayhem8652 8 лет назад

      I thought I was the only one!? just auto everyone to spam phoenix downs or life and watch the experience pile up.

  • @FreshMetal80
    @FreshMetal80 11 лет назад

    I loved that the summons in this game were the Luvaci from Final Fantasy Tactics (at least a handful of them were)

  • @ElementalGemini
    @ElementalGemini 11 лет назад

    Yes, but how you earn them is a challenge in itself.
    In order to gain an Esper, you first have to defeat it. It counts as a Boss Fight. Once defeated, you'll receive the Esper's sigil, but in order to call it to the battlefield, you must purchase its License. Its a one-time only License, like Quickenings. It also requires a Mist Charge to summon and each Esper requires a certain number of Mist Charges to do so.

  • @MoonDisast
    @MoonDisast 11 лет назад

    What I like about these sequences the most are the sound effects.

  • @naruchiha21
    @naruchiha21 12 лет назад

    Epoch is right, each of the espers have a specific way their final attack is activated. For Zodiark's to activate, the summoner has to be hit with the break spell, slowly petrifying them. It's extremely easy to do, just cast it on yourself before you summon him. Easy 50,000 damage. Ultima's otherwise, don't bother. Her's is hard to start, and it caps at 9,999 damage. As for KoR, Horse-lady's does more damage based on how many KoR you use on enemies from the last time she was summoned.

  • @Etherspear
    @Etherspear 11 лет назад

    Yes. There is a kind of library which explain the nature of the Espers.

  • @vodazz
    @vodazz 7 лет назад +2

    This is what they should have done with FFXV summons - just make them use a cinematic and let us summon them at will. But now they just appear randomly when it's possible for them to appear - biggest let down of FFXV

    • @higglybiggly1174
      @higglybiggly1174 7 лет назад

      eVodas wouldn't work with how the combat is. You'd just spam summons...

    • @vodazz
      @vodazz 7 лет назад

      Let them be used only once per battle, put them on cooldown, make it so they eat up all of your MP (and even HP) at once, simply make them less powerful not to be overpowered, have a separate resource for summoning (which wouldn't be necessary if they had just made a normal magic system instead of grenades) - there were lots of options for them to take but they took the easiest route IMO. Yes they are epic when you first see them and you really feel a sense of wonder, but after playing some more I really started to miss the old summon mechanics (although even XV lack of mechanics were better when XIII summons).

  • @PsychoDragonfly
    @PsychoDragonfly 12 лет назад

    Mosphoran Highwwaste is the name of the main area. the hidden path is called Skyreach Ridge, I believe :)

  • @FinalFantasyXLP
    @FinalFantasyXLP 10 лет назад +12

    How about a FFXII HD-Remaster?

    • @balthier-leadingman3782
      @balthier-leadingman3782 10 лет назад

      I could die happy if they made that! An HD remake with the extra stuff from the Japanese version such as every character has their own job & abilities instead of being identical to each other! Ff12 is probably my favourite game ever but once you complete each party members licence board they are practically identical except from slightly different stats. Square-enix: MAKE. IT. HAPPEN.

    • @Kafuinga
      @Kafuinga 9 лет назад


    • @LG1204
      @LG1204 8 лет назад

      I'm a bit late + you might've heard about it already but I'll say it anyway: Zodiac Age, a IZJS remaster is coming out next year.

    • @darren2585
      @darren2585 7 лет назад

      only few weeks left to wait

  • @immachulate
    @immachulate 11 лет назад

    I finished this game like 4 times - 5 times o_o most addictive ff games ever

  • @DJMcSpooky
    @DJMcSpooky 11 лет назад

    1) Belias- Aries
    2) Mateus - Pisces
    3) Shemhazai - Sagittarius
    4) Hashmal - Leo
    5) Famfrit - Aquarius
    6) Adrammelech - Capricorn
    7) Cúchulainn - Scorpio
    8) Zalera - Gemini
    9) Chaos - Taurus
    10) Zeromus - Cancer
    11) Exodus - Libra
    12) Ultima - Virgo
    13) Zodiark - Ophiuchus
    Finest FF summons of all time.

  • @Freezeblow
    @Freezeblow 7 лет назад +1

    Im kinda sad the actual summon scenes arent in TZA, they were one of the few things I was looking forward to (that and the intro) but neither made it into the remaster.

  • @SilverMoonlight268
    @SilverMoonlight268 12 лет назад

    yeah so true. when i first played the game i was like the espers are like tearing up the universe with their magick attacks O_O ...

  • @hurricanekioken3685
    @hurricanekioken3685 11 лет назад

    For zalera's condemnation to work. The one who summons it must have the HP Critical status. To use exodus's meteor, the caster musr have the immobile status. Meaning the caster must already be immobilized for it to trigger.

  • @Drytchnath
    @Drytchnath 11 лет назад

    In the International version all of the espers got some pretty good power boosts and were able to pierce resistances.

  • @moe25man
    @moe25man 12 лет назад

    the greatness of the ps2 era...

  • @audzediigrrvlanc6429
    @audzediigrrvlanc6429 11 лет назад +3

    Belias: "Let me show you the dance of my people..!"
    Mateus: “WAS aiming for that shark, but you’ll do...”
    Shemhazai: “A shot here, a shot there… That’ll do..!”
    Hashmal: “How do you even use these things..?!”
    Famfrit: “Don’t worry; this jar weird’s me out too...”
    Adrammelech: “I AM A LION--- err, goat.. Oh just here me roar..!”
    Cuchulain: “Say hello to my little friend!!”
    Zalera: “Oh great, the in-laws are here…”

  • @darkfury71
    @darkfury71 12 лет назад

    They're much harder to use in FF12 in comparison to the other FF's. But they were definitely useful in certain situations like using Zalera to pass thru the Nechrol of Nabudis(what a headache that was!)

  • @juliocesararrietadiaz9352
    @juliocesararrietadiaz9352 10 лет назад

    Joder final fantasy 12. Que juegazo. Gracias por el video estuvo excelente.

  • @steelersespn
    @steelersespn 11 лет назад

    Zodiark's move... blow up the universe... holy crap!

  • @hurricanekioken3685
    @hurricanekioken3685 11 лет назад

    To trigger ultima's eschaton. Not just whoever summons it must have the HP Critical status, but Ultima herself must have the HP Critical status as well.

  • @okonfuziionz
    @okonfuziionz 11 лет назад

    all time fave final fantasy

  • @TheAmazingCake
    @TheAmazingCake 11 лет назад

    Well I hope to god that Square decides to work on a XII HD release after they finish up with FFX / X-2. They took the time to release the international versions of each of those. I really hope they give XII the same treatment.
    Here's hoping.

  • @davidalonso1
    @davidalonso1 12 лет назад

    in the mountains... difficult to get in the zone.....

  • @naruchiha21
    @naruchiha21 12 лет назад

    They're meant to look demonic or twisted. Each of them are supposed to be opposites to the Scions from that universes "heaven" you could say. They were cast away for opposing the gods and most given twisted forms.

  • @noctissama3146
    @noctissama3146 8 лет назад +11

    My god this game almost had ps3 graphics

    • @Alex-jd2yx
      @Alex-jd2yx 8 лет назад

      +Noctis Sama never heard these summons b4!?

    • @noctissama3146
      @noctissama3146 8 лет назад

      rex trex i had finish the game when it came out but i forgot how beautiful it was

    • @brianlaudrupchannel
      @brianlaudrupchannel 3 года назад

      It really didn't. It was quit fuzzy

  • @Magisking122
    @Magisking122 12 лет назад

    If an Esper is in Combat while it has no time left, it will use this.

  • @ilyb.6461
    @ilyb.6461 7 лет назад +1


  • @mightyactionx9391
    @mightyactionx9391 11 лет назад

    Actually, some of them were based from previous FF bosses, like Mateus, Mateus was the name of the main antagonist and the final boss of FF2.

  • @DrioAkuma
    @DrioAkuma 13 лет назад

    Non mi ha preso molto come capitolo ma nei movimenti quando tiravi magie e evocazioni erano ben realizzate X3

  • @ClampInMotion
    @ClampInMotion 11 лет назад

    I remember my PS2 fan humming so loud while playing FFXII.

  • @juliashenandoah3965
    @juliashenandoah3965 7 лет назад

    Jill, run for that house! :D

  • @naruchiha21
    @naruchiha21 12 лет назад

    Espers are extremely useful early in the game as a tank and source of good damage. Honestly, the only Esper even near worth using late in the game is Zodiark. He can spit out some really good damage if you keep him alive, and his final attack does a nice 50,000 damage and is easy to activate. Honestly, their best use in the game is just to tank an enemy's really powerful attack. See the attack coming, just hurry and summon them and let them take it.

  • @aGingerCarrot
    @aGingerCarrot 12 лет назад

    @JillALPHAteam i love this game to bits and yet i have never seen those finishing moves ever!! :O how did you activate them??!?!?!

  • @hurricanekioken3685
    @hurricanekioken3685 11 лет назад

    Back to Zodiark. If the caster is petrified before it is summoned, Final Eclipse is triggered the moment it enters battle.

  • @logosloki
    @logosloki 11 лет назад

    That was a good vid. Mostly because the only time I used summons was when I was required to to advance the plot.

  • @naruchiha21
    @naruchiha21 12 лет назад

    Horse-lady's (never cared to remember her name, because she sucks lol) can do 60,000 max damage, but her damage resets each time after use. So...all-in-all, it's useless. After you get with Zodiark, don't ever worry about the other's attacks. Most of the lesser espers use theirs when their timer runs low so it's easy to do. Except for a few.

  • @sethmosley128
    @sethmosley128 11 лет назад

    Ahh zalera my absolute favorite esper he kill just about everything in his path even though he's really hard to get

  • @cyndeepharr2939
    @cyndeepharr2939 8 лет назад +3

    I miss ffxii

  • @applepen1636
    @applepen1636 5 лет назад

    I just have a 3 espers .. And then my ps2 stuck ..... That CD too many scratch .. so tq for share every espers here

  • @mkadoza
    @mkadoza 11 лет назад

    Zodiark is some freakish cross between Phoenix Force from X Men and the Juubi from Naruto.

  • @JillALPHAteam
    @JillALPHAteam  12 лет назад

    Graaaazie mille =)

  • @FabrizioStrino
    @FabrizioStrino 12 лет назад

    Una domanda: che arco hai equipaggiato a Penelo in questo video?

  • @ilBuonVecchioTizza
    @ilBuonVecchioTizza 13 лет назад

    Adoravo gli esper, gli altri li sottovalutavano ma alcuni erano veramente utili.

  • @kristianvergara8924
    @kristianvergara8924 7 лет назад

    Watching this clip made me regret when me and my brother finished this game never once calling an esper... Cause we never really understood how to fully use a single esper.

  • @Otnixin
    @Otnixin 12 лет назад

    That!! Well, I knew it was a hidden path, but still it is at Mosphoran Highwhateveritiscalled. :3

  • @Jay_Mustang
    @Jay_Mustang 11 лет назад

    I never seen such a flashy transformation

  • @Squallyboo
    @Squallyboo 11 лет назад

    HD version is so awesooome~

  • @kniiteskyye73
    @kniiteskyye73 11 лет назад

    @tshucigamer06 yeah it said in the strategy guide the he was cursed and the girl on him was his body form i guess is how you would say it

  • @OmfgDef
    @OmfgDef 12 лет назад

    I'm kind of ashamed that I never used Espers in the main storyline or even any marks beyond it. Just never felt that using 1/3 to all of your MP was worthwhile for replacing 2 characters. :L

  • @OfficeThug
    @OfficeThug 11 лет назад

    Chaos does kungfu, spinning swords, and fuckoff tornados I mean Come On!

  • @JillALPHAteam
    @JillALPHAteam  13 лет назад

    @DrioAkuma Allooooora, la storia non mi ha preso per niente, come personaggi ho gradito solo Balthier, Fran e Gabranth... insomma non mi è piaciuto molto ma ci ho speso su 200 ore >_

  • @levelmaster2
    @levelmaster2 11 лет назад

    3:27 the best Esper ever! I love it.

  • @TsuchiGamer06
    @TsuchiGamer06 11 лет назад

    Mateus has a random nearly toppless lady infront of him.....throughout the game is there any background on all the Eidolons explaining whyyyyyyy she's there?

  • @VenganceAngel19
    @VenganceAngel19 12 лет назад

    ...ITS BEEN A YEAR!!!

  • @darkrogue161
    @darkrogue161 9 лет назад +3

    I really didn't like using the espers. Cause the y were always cornered and immediately killed -_____-

    • @Kafuinga
      @Kafuinga 9 лет назад +1

      PeacenLove Starseed They looked really pretty but I wish they were made more practical.

  • @itscloudyinside
    @itscloudyinside 8 лет назад +1

    11:17 oh my lord. rip with earphones

  • @zackdutaye977
    @zackdutaye977 12 лет назад

    Remind me. Where do you get the Esper at 08:25-09:15 ?

  • @DH3071
    @DH3071 11 лет назад +2

    Famfrit looks a wee bit like Exdeath no?

  • @hurricanekioken3685
    @hurricanekioken3685 11 лет назад

    Yes. But I know what conditions that must be met for hashmal, zodiark, Ultima, exodus, zalera.

  • @Anthrenz
    @Anthrenz 12 лет назад

    i dont know if its just me...or the fullscreen is really blurred? like its a 320 vid converted in higher resolution...

  • @kakashi0909
    @kakashi0909 12 лет назад

    hey isnt that zodiark that viera lady summon suppose to be moogle's guardian?

  • @acrosstheclouds
    @acrosstheclouds 12 лет назад

    good video !
    i think the espers are hard to defeat, but the are useless in fight, cause against a strong enemy, when your character dies, and he does cause he's alone, exepted the esper, the esper desapears too quickly. A mist hit is most efficient, what you think ?

  • @JillALPHAteam
    @JillALPHAteam  13 лет назад

    @Tizza4fun Alcuni esteticamente li trovo ispirati, altri invece sono cagate assurde XD
    Però ad essere sincera in battaglia non li ho usati quasi mai... figurati che alcuni li ho evocati solo una volta per vedere il colpo speciale e basta D:

  • @calipdis2
    @calipdis2 11 лет назад

    I really enjoy summoning :D

  • @azurephantom100
    @azurephantom100 12 лет назад

    @JillALPHAteam how did u trigger the finshers for each of the espers

  • @Mindonthemoon
    @Mindonthemoon 12 лет назад

    Nope the Moogle gardian is Famfrit, the one who throws a bucket of heavenly water xD

  • @hurricanekioken3685
    @hurricanekioken3685 11 лет назад

    Zodiark's Final Eclipse is simple. Whoever summons it. The caster must be petrified. If the caster is petrified after it is summoned, then Final Eclipse triggers.

  • @ThoraxetheImpaile100
    @ThoraxetheImpaile100 12 лет назад

    it really sucks that you can only use a handful of these guys. that and the fact that there has to be special requirements for you to use their special attacks.

  • @necroheartplucker
    @necroheartplucker 11 лет назад

    You mean their Limit Breaks (their special quickenings)?

  • @seanmalone1197
    @seanmalone1197 12 лет назад

    9:00 coolest one ever

  • @jefthereaper
    @jefthereaper 12 лет назад

    i dont even see what zodiac does, does it collide with the earth? solar system? or the entire galaxy altogether?

  • @InugamiTheHound
    @InugamiTheHound 11 лет назад

    I never really used my summons in this game took too much MP and they also very hard to get I got first 7 or 8 of them but after that they took much work to get them. I wish these summons weren't so useless. I used quickenings instead I was able to beat so many bosses.

  • @soahcftd1
    @soahcftd1 11 лет назад

    whats the theme that plays when you summon them?

  • @DanIzzUnity
    @DanIzzUnity 11 лет назад

    I like Matheus so much..coz it reminds me of "Nami-The Tide Caller" in League of Legends..hihihihih :D

  • @TheKurtzisa
    @TheKurtzisa 12 лет назад

    i dont know the meaning of over kill but i think that was it

  • @lune5289
    @lune5289 8 лет назад


  • @bella32189
    @bella32189 12 лет назад


  • @xxPokemon1PETition
    @xxPokemon1PETition 11 лет назад

    does anyone knows what Ultima says while being summoned?

  • @jerrysaen
    @jerrysaen 5 лет назад

    What does Ultima whisper at 9:18?

  • @santiagoarbizumdq
    @santiagoarbizumdq 12 лет назад

    how come I never got zodiark's final attack!? I rarely used him but when I did he just left without destroying the universe first. and the same goes for Ultima.