After a long time Mother has replied me through you of the question i have been searching for. I think you are the Mother's bounty to us. Whenever i listen to your speech a gladness feels my heart. I feel very close to you. I am grateful to Mother for sending Her voice through your lips. My love and deep respect.
After a long time Mother has replied me through you of the question i have been searching for. I think you are the Mother's bounty to us. Whenever i listen to your speech a gladness feels my heart. I feel very close to you. I am grateful to Mother for sending Her voice through your lips. My love and deep respect.
True I agree with you.
Very true Alokda, indeed grateful to The Psychic Being and the explanation given by you🔥🙏 thank you
Such beautiful analogy ... Thank You Alok Da
Wonderful speech Alok ji. Eternal gratitude 🙏
Beautiful Dr Pandey. You seem to have scholarly knowledge as well as intuitive knowledge about the various aspects of the psychic being. Thank you
Thank you for the explanation On
The emergence of the psychic being.
Om Na.o Bhagwate Maa Shree
Thy Unceasing Care and Love is My Protection .In All Moments of Life
Love u Alokda🙏
Namaste Maa Sri AUROBINDO 🙏🏻♥️🌹🌸
Deep respect sir!!🙏🙏🙏
Thank you... 🙏
👏 wonderful Sir
OM Maa Sri Aravinda 👏🙏💐🌄🎆
Thank you Sir for the DIVINE truth
Regarding the psychic being.
May I Transcend All Self Limitation Pride and Egotism