Taking Hoodwink's Treebounce Trickshot facet over a facet that's literally called "Go Nuts" because you think the name is more badass got me thinking here for 5 minutes.
If anyone is seriously wondering - go nuts is the facet to go for. attack and cast range is just good of a buff compared to situational fraction of a skill savings.
You didn't mention that most of Hoodwink's abilities provide vision. Acorn Shot's projectile (including bouncing) and tree provide vision, Bushwhack's net provides flying vision at its landing destination and both Sharpshooter's and Boomerang's projectiles have non-lingering vision as they travel. When you add Scurry's tree-walking, this makes juking in the jungle against her much harder. It also lets her scout uphill or spot wards more easily.
The funky thing I've found is that you can kinda make anything work as a pos 4 given the right conditions. While drinking and screwing around with friends I decided to pick up pos 4 sniper, a hero I barely ever played, and build 4 wraith bands on him, only to discover it was weirdly effective. Had a similar thing happen when running pos 4 QoP. Pos 4's job and role in the team is especially nebulous and flexible, and even classic pos 4s, like tusk, tend to be very situational, so a lot of off meta jank can look amazing if you can identify the right scenario/meta for it. This isn't just me talking about mid tier pubs either. Just look at the old days of pos 4 clinkz, or how pos 4 MK and pos 4 weaver keep coming back, not to mention a bunch of other weird heroes that were meta pos 4s for a patch because the conditions were right for them. Hell, I still remember a team running pos 4 Terrorblade in the upper bracket finals of TI qualifiers and absolutely owning with it. While I definitely wouldn't recommend new players start off pos 4 by picking weird shit, I will at least advocate for experimenting with heroes in the role. There's a good chance you can find some weird pick that, even if its not broadly viable, is at least fun to play with niche effectiveness. Oh, and something to note with Enchantress: Impetus actually does damage based on the distance between ench and the enemy at the moment of impact. That's why, if you are just throwing out one for harass and not chasing, you actually want to walk away from the target while the projectile is in the air. And her heal is anything but meh, since, when maxed out, some teams will be utterly unable to kill her while it's active. If you build a bit of tank this will remain true until quite late unless the enemy invests a lot in healing reduction. You'll sometimes see the value of it in pro games where a support ench will charge into the enemy team, drawing fire and giving vision, while being deceptively hard to kill thanks to the heals.
Sniper 4 was meta for a while, but yeah the pos4 is kinda shady with a lot of heroes that can make or break a game. Even the most meta pos4 can feel like shit and the troll pick just mvps. But I really am curious with that 4 band build on sniper, it is a lot of bands even for a pos2, just keep me wondering if your pos1 was that weak or pos3 was that good or the enemy team was that bad. TBH nothing can beat a drunk duo lane with a maniac pos4 and a psychotic pos3 committing on emotional damage on the enemy pos1 like they deserve
@@doriangrayest The band build was actually semi inspired by Topson's 3 band mid sniper build. After playing into it, and finding out how annoying it could be early, I thought "This is really gold efficient, why don't I try committing to it even harder on a support?" The full build was 4 bands, treads, shard, aghs, usually maxing Q first with 2 points in W before taking E for maximum lane damage and kill potential. The maxed shrapnel also lets you farm fairly well if there is any down time. I've played like 10-15 games with it since and it almost always has high impact, even in games it loses. You do a lot of damage early, scale quite well, and are deceptively tanky. The best games for it are actually into high physical damage lineups with committal dive heroes, which normally counter sniper. You can tank a lot of physical damage with all the wraith band armor (and now the take aim armor too) and bait the enemy team into massively over committing for a pos 4. The early shard helps too. However, it's flexible enough that you can adapt the build to suit the situation, like farming up a mage slayer to deal with a magic heavy team. Most important is just having a good 3 to combo with, preferably a tanky stunner who can go in for you and tend to make for pretty potent lane duos. Kills in lane accelerate the build and, importantly, make the enemies more likely to target you, so you can get them to overcommit onto just a pos 4 and lose the teamfight in the process.
Man, I love your stuff. As someone who played/plays Dota, League and HotS at various points in life (I believe in HotS supremacy, fight me), your content is right up my alley. Seeing someone talking about these games with passion an touching on various less talked about points fills me with joy. I binged your whole channel in a day, and still want more. Keem 'em coming!
Earth Spirit spammer here. I've found stepping stone to be more geared towards support ES. You can just skirt the outside of fights and keep refreshing magnetize from a distance perpetually since remnants have a shorter CD than the the duration of magnetize with this facet. I found this works better as support bc you're not as tanky without items so you don't wanna be in the middle of the action doing combos and right clicking ppl anyways.
Hoodwink's scepter allows her to cancel Jug's omni slash if used during his ult while there are no friendly targets or invis detection nearby, if there are friendly creeps or heroes nearby he will continue bouncing to nearby units, This is in my opinion its best use case. It can be used to disjoint projectiles though they wont activate the stun, which gives away your decoy. Certain spells with delayed damage and no disjoint mechanics, such as Lion's finger or Lina's laguna blade, will still hit you, even without detection, if you cast decoy before the damage is dealt, giving away your decoy while also not activating the stun. If a hero presses a spell on you while not being within cast range, which essentially queues an order for that spell to be used when in range, using decoy will cancel the order, as the target is no longer on the map, which gives away your decoy so its best to decoy after they are within range if they are chasing you, assuming they don't have instant CC. If a hero has a link ability, such as Death Prophet's spirit syphon, the link will not break though the enemies won't be able to interact with you, they cannot see you but they will know where you are due to the link. Weirdly enough Razor's static link activates the stun while no other link does. If you are being leashed or rooted you will continue to be upon using decoy as it does not apply any form of dispel though they will still need detection to interact with you further, because it doesn't dispel I would recommend against buying it as an escape tool against heroes with leash or roots as it might save you once but they will just buy dust if it does. Overall, as a grand master tier Hoodwink :D, I would only recommend buying scepter against high burst low CC team compositions, the fact that it doesn't dispel you makes it a very situational item and when you use it once the enemies will know to bring dust if they aren't already doing so. It's honestly way too expensive for what it is, if you are buying it for the extra damage there is way better options within the same price range and if you are buying it for the escape force staff is more often than not just better. Its biggest weakness is instant CC and it is absolutely countered by Glipnier due to it being able to hit invis units and not activating the stun from your decoy.
Ahh, Kotl (which sounds almost like cauldron in Russian), an old pervert, creator of light and creepy grandpa who still wants to use his other staff on pretty girls.
enchantress AGHS is sleeper crazy good, actually, because it's an UNDISPELLABLE instant root. watch the enemy phantom lancer PANIC as he realizes he can't MANTA his way out of this one. also if you build bloodthorn and catch an enemy out in the middle of two creepwaves or near a stacked jungle camp, they're SO FUCKING DEAD. it really is a good item, it's just that you have other priority timings most of the time.
True and instead of saying q is her laning tool it should be enchant, even though it doesnt deal dmg anymore its much better for laning. Heck sometimes I dont even skill her q until level 7 or higher. With 70% winning lanes on my games. Shes also my most played hero
1.19:24 in phisical/hybrid build only, in caster build(in past -7. 29 this build was meta because boomerang had 450 damage+reduce status resistance and talent 25-to pierce bkb and PURE FUCKING DAMAGE.) Main source of damage-ultimate. After cast you have been get about 5.6k damage. All pos 4 hoodwinks do that in 7.29-7.30b patches. 2. Most useless ability in hoodwink setup. In past decoy was, a shard and you get a copy of hero.... And in that time you may control it. Now ability one of the useless aghanimes. 3. Spectre one of hoodwink counters. Dont pick hoodwink into spectre and spirit breaker-and you will be fine. 1.3k games on hoodwink -58.7% winrate. Divine 1.
nah aghs expensive but you can combo it with other aoe stun/ lockdown heroes like tide, treant, mars, or straightup combo by yourself using chain acorn> bushwhack into gleipner. Just click decoy, then chain stun and channel your ult onto the same target decoy is firing at.
Duuuude shhhh. Don't tell them about ET. Most the time people don't know about how hard titan can hit in lane and they don't expect getting 4 shot. Don't raise awareness
ET's F2 is also pretty busted. I now pick it over the F1 since it gives Titan the one thing he wants most, which is a stupid amount of attack speed. I'm going to regret this. Use the twin gate with your spirit and hit the opponents safe lane with your spirit. Position yourself for when it comes back to the lane so it hits the offlane. You win.
@@rmac0101 yeah but the TP channeling is pretty long so cast it right on top and yeah it comes back across the whole map with crazy dmg if you position well
i'm sad you didn't mention how elder titan's ult actually implodes after e (2.7182) seconds rather than exactly 3, it's actually incredibly important lore-wise or something
BH's through and through facet is actually really good. It gives BH a way to clear waves and jungle camps on a hero that was not able to do so beforehand. This facet pushed his winrate to almost 55% as a core, mostly played on mid. It's good enough that supports also take it for the oocasional wave clear they need to do. For hoodwink, treebounce trickshot is the only reason the hero is better than alternatives, so always pick that. It lets hoodwink win lanes, which is the most important job of supports at the moment.
Im loving these keep them up. I played League for about 6 Years until I eventually quit. Then I started watching Dota during the international a few years back. I have only played a few games but watch it quite a bit. This has helped me get a grip on shards and Ags for each hero as well as a general playstyle. For me Dota is just better designed than League in some ways. I have come to dislike how in League the average carry can die in about 2 seconds if someone bursts them. Hell even tanks can solo carrys during some metas. And it starts to feel really bad, that the ADC can die in two attcks from a Rengar. Or cant even get away from some tanks while doing a lower percent of dmg than the tanks are doing to you. It started to feel like I spent a good portion of team fights straight up running from everything, because if I stopped for more that 3 autos on the closest target. There would be a Zed, Akali, or Yasuo one shotting me. The mobility creep on newer champs, made playing squishy champs with subpar movement feel like a fools effort. Your videos have made me want to actually download Dota and try to play again. As alot of the pos 4 or 5 heros fit on of my favorite archtypes of control mage.
For BH, if your team lacks waveclear, the Through and Through talent helps a lot. Also means you can rat and push sidelanes if your team needs that too
The cooldown facet for earth spirit is equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot and then cutting your other arm off and maybe even putting a blindfold on
Sand King is good as a pos 4 as well, an initiator elusive one like a an earthshaker and puck. I also recommend Magnus as an all rounder that is good in all positions!
One key different between DotA that i like and League that i don't is how a Hard character display: -Case for League: Hard champion just basically ask you to have a higher skill ceiling and skill floor, they bearly deman you to do anything too odds, they only ask you to have a view of how the champs malfunction in the game and throu patchs by patchs Riot just either buff the shit out of them or change how their kit malfunction which actually make most of Hard champs easier to play which completely butcher the concept of Difficulty(i'm looking at you K'Sante and S12 Lethal Tempo Yasuo) -Case of DotA: They are extremely high demanding and ask you to change your view about how the game malfunction around them, bascially you change how you approach the game and the reward are high when you nailed it I do have a bias on this but that's just how i felt for both games
I have 350 ET games SPIT YO FACTS KING TALK YOUR SHIT RIGHTCLICK TITAN SUPREMACY 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯 EDIT: I watched more of the video that scene is from JoJo Part 5 not 4 BOOOOOOOOOOOO 👎👎👎☹☹☹
@@Acex2ron such a based chad take on Elder TItan...most people dont know what he does, even less realize the powerhouse he is PROTIP: The Astral Titan can take the Roshan TP on Sidelanes to travel a whole map and reunite with Titan amounts of damage and surprise factor
Earthshakers going for aghs first was one of the worst trends when they changed the aghs effect for ES. Like please, just go for blink first so we can get guaranteed teamfights or ganks to give you more money for aghs.
I'd like to throw in a fun pos 4 (not a primary role of hers by any means) with Naga Siren. You have super high base agi so you come into lane with more armor than most are pretty slippery with passive. Naga requires a slight bit more advanced knowledge of pos 4/micro. She shines in messing with the enemy pos 5's stacks/pulls, she is really good if you set a few keybindings for easier micro - then you can multitask. She requires some farm, nothing super crazy for pos 4, but is actually pretty flexible as a catch option/big teamfight ult. Think of it like Enigma black hole - only a giant aoe that freezes enemies in place that not disable immune, heals all allies in the aoe (for potentially mana too with Aghs shard) and lasts 7 seconds (2/4/6% max hp/s for a total of 14%/28%/ 42% max hp), and has a great catch tool with W that once maxed has insane range. Ensnre (her second ability) and Deluge (third ability with facet) work really well together in locking down enemies. Ensnare interrupts the target and traps them in place, preventing movement or blinking. lasts up to 5 seconds at max lvl (starts at 2.5). -20% status resistance off a Deluge proc means ensnare will last 20% longer ideally on a target with no status resistance - effectively adding a full second to a max rank Ensnare. If you manage to farm up an aghs, your ensnare will cut through debuff immunity as well allowing for picks that normally would run away after popping bkb. Some last things to note. Naga IS usually a pos 1 for a reason, she can farm super fast with stats/illusions and can be a monster when shes allowed to get items - and this is NOT that. You CANNOT play like a core as naga support. Her entire identity changes from farm for 30 min then show up for teamfight into roam with team and get pickoffs - having a huge saving grace/teamfight heal/escape. Pos 4 Naga is a meme-ish pick that might get you flamed, but I have had some good success with it and its still one of my pocket picks to this day. Effectively, playing a core in the support role usually disproportionally makes you a target. Enemies see Naga and go "nope, cant let her farm" and may try to be aggressive, leading to a rough learning curve. Well worth it though for those games where you want to play a non-traditional support that wont entirely troll your team.
Just an advice regarding your amazing content. Could you chat ge the weather from snow to something else? It's known to destroy the bitrate and it looks off for players who've never encountered Dota. It almost looks like a bug. Maybe you could change the weather every video. Otherwise, amazing work as always! 😊
Yeah and Firefly is unfortunately just temporary, unlike Singed's smoke which is a toggle. He needs about 15 seconds of prep time to stack up his napalm to deal decent damage. He's really played more around his ult, which is almost exactly like Old Skarner, and it's the best catching tool in the game, but it's been overnerfed and he's just not in a good spot right now
Bat is a bit like Singed + Skarner with gragas ult thrown in for good measure, but to say he does no damage is absolutely incorrect. With just a bit of napalm stacking bat will start to melt your hp bar. It's more of a ramping damage than singed, and less item dependent, but both do best playing extended fights where they go in and cause problems, reposition some people, but never overdive and die.
one of the best dota/LOL content creator right now, and yes I'll also go broke on Firefly next week, and I think you live in a country in super hard mode LOL (bilipins)
As a new player I immediately got addicted to earth spirit due to his design and gameplay If you’re coming from league I strongly recommend him, that being said, he really doesn’t feel like a dota hero
its quite good the stepping stone, but u need to adjust, cos usually, after u initiate, wether u stunt someone or just got near them, u want to magnetize them, and u have option between remnant+sillence, and then kick toward enemy, or Remnant+kick, and then sillence, and then a Lot of scenario between those 2 combo, there's always a Gap when the enemy not affected by magnetize, and u just need to remnant near magnetized target and them, so u can amplify the sillence and or slow, but with stepping stone, u have to wait 4 sec, cos waiting remnant cd with this facet is quite long, and the only way to get stone, is by rolling, so yeah, its about stone management, but me personally prefer the other facet, cos when u magnetize, usually u got Blademail, and when u trade hit with enemy, its increase decent amount of right click
bro can you make a video on dota2 items, im about to get into the game and i think this is what is keeping me apprehensive. btw your videos are goated with the sauce pinoy pride
Well shaker's cleave is useless on pos 4 shaker but on a pos 2/3 shaker it's his first item since it makes his clear insane, in addition to the mobility it gives him. ET's ult also pulls enemies to the middle, you showed it but said it slows not pulls. I used to be a KOTL sup main back when he was a support and had mana leak. I really miss that ability, his blinding light is alright but mana leak was insane, even when they paired it up in one ability with chakra magic and made you choose between giving mana and draining mana. Anyway, now I play him mid and I gotta say, he's really satisfying when you blow up somone with his W Q combo while in ult. He's really fun and a hero I always love playing but sadly he falls off a cliff lategame, when the enemy builds enough magic resistance and bkbs. Then again you're so strong early to midgame that if the 4 other people on your team aren't actively feeding and griefing you're gonna be winning the game by 35 minutes if you play him correctly. And by that I mean drop mid at 6 and terrorize the sidelanes.
Would add Terrorblade to KOTL ally, I know thats more of 5, but spamming illusions and metamorph is what kotl was made for. Also Gyro/Weaver, are they 4s or are they draft flex?
Slipped my mind, but yeah! Terrorblade is one of his most synergistic teammates because of a lower CD on Meta and TB illusions (which aren't as good anymore sadly, I hate his new innate.) Gyro and Weaver traditionally are played as cores, but can be played as supports now. Though because of the nature of this series, I won't be covering them as such because you need more experience and game knowledge to play them off-role.
awesome vid but think you got just one thing wrong. earthshaker aghs isn't about initiation, it is mainly bought so early because it helps fill out a couple needs. for 1) the cleave is nothing to scoff at. you can use it to farm faster and use the jump to navigate the jungle faster. 2) it's other main use is mid fight mobility, chase, and escape. you have no built in "uh oh gotta get outta here" and not only does aghs help with this, it works through dots which can hard lock your blink. if you go aghs first, its with the knowledge of going jungle to quickly grab your blink next and then the rest of your items. that being said, if your offlane is a strong jungler then yea, probably better to do blink first.
Nah, I disagree. Aghs is great in a long fight yea, but with a blink dagger you can land a good echo off-rip and win the fight before it even really starts. It's also 2000 gold cheaper, which you should not discredit as a support, because you should still not be taking farm from your offlaner. The lower cost means coming online a lot earlier and being able to play around echo ASAP in the early game when it's strongest. The reason why it makes sense to delay the aghs to 2nd or 3rd item is because that's when your echo starts to fall off when enemies start to tank up and you can no longer delete them just by blinking in when they're standing in a creep wave. Like why would you rush a 4200 gold item, on a hero that doesn't farm particularly fast, for the purpose of jungling and clearing camps faster (which takes farm from your actual cores) when Shaker can make some of the most impactful early game ganks in the game? I'm not saying it's bad, far from it, but I'm saying getting Aghs first is a trap and I hate seeing my Support Shakers do it
how to tell me you are below archon without telling me: Shaker aghs is good but it costs 2x a Blink Dagger and before both items you have no farm tool whatsoever. You can farm just as quickly being active in fights and initiating after a Blink and get even more useful items than Aghanims. Going Aghs first delays your timing A LOT and going for a blink after is just more delay
I actually agree with you both and probably did a crap job explaining myself. mainly was trying to say why its done in certain situations as the situations it is good in just don't have anything to do with initiation. you both are definitely right though that like 90% of the time it is better to go blink first and 99% of the time better to go blink first if you are support. If you need what I am saying above though, then aghs first makes sense IMO. very limited yes, but still useful.
There's certain pos 4 player that play carry heroes as support, like PA, TA, Drow, Troll, Antimage, and TB (before it was popular) and he played that on rank 500-600 immortal EU, he's also the only person i know who consistently abuse tranquil boots (i've only seen torontotokyo doing it once, and he+his viewer said boxy also did it but i have not see it myself) . Sadly he dislike recent patches and then he play way less dota If you know which person im talking about, you're on the truer path AYAYA
so you are low rank...Ench is good but as a 5 she has no stun no reliable disable and a situational tankiness that any Ogre Magi would do better. I am a fellow micro unit only player and Dota just hates us. The impact your best Ench game had could be outperformed by an Ogre Magi with half the effor t and brain power
Every time the hero voicelines play they only play on the left side (Same for previous videos in the series). Is this intentional or an oversight? Also loved the section on Elder Titan lmao. Just walk up and hit em with your big briefcase.
For enchantress if you can get bloodthorn in a long game then your "little friends" Spell will demolish the shit out of the enemy as every hit will do CONFIRMED 50 magic dmg, I believe this does not get dispelled by bkb either(will test when I wake up)
The 2nd Facet for Earth Spirit is pretty bad. The whole point of the hero is comboing with his remnants... which he can't really do well with the fixed cooldown. Ephey said on a livecast that whoever designed that facet as never played Earth Spirit.
I swear batrider is the most average looking character in this whole game. We got ghost admirals werewolves God itself Skeleton kings and then A guy with a bat
Earthshaker is a Support ? No wonder my mates told me I was trolling, I was playing him Offlane ._. I'm new so I still don't know shit about characters build and positions
He works as offlane too, he like a pos 4 with more income so you can get your blink+aghs somewhat consistently. After that, any item you can get is a added bonus
chances are your team was trolling even harder with their picks and lanes and you were just the blame goat if you are new then your team would never ´flame an offlane Shaker...it is a 7/10 offlane hero among all the freaks and weird crap low rank dota picks in the offlane
Bro has no idea the insane utility the 1 sec slow shuriken has. Assuming you're not rich with agha yet, The +30 jinada damage isnt gonna do much. Bh isnt a frontliner anymore that meta passed. He can sustain or be tanky a lil, but not a front Bh Talents revolves around his playstyle for the specific game. Left for greedy Sp destroyer. Right for utility assassin. Even though assassin you have no damage trust me bro any right talent picker will 95% get alot of sp items, health and aura. this is just a general guide. Theres games where Talent tree go 2 1 1 2 or 1 2 2 1. it depends on the matchup and who you can exploit. When you mentioned the box check for all the teams i refer it to the 5Ds 1 war Disable, Duration, Damage, Displace, Dispel, War
30 jhinada damage does a lot since your aghanim makes your Q apply jinada and bounces, so it can easily be +120 dmg on your Q and can impact semi early skirmishes, not saying the slow talent is not good, it is very good, but jinada damage is also pretty decent.
Out of curiosity, why do you choose to deliver your script at 100 miles per hour? Maybe it's personal preference, but slowing down a little would make your video a lot more comfortable to listen to. (And I'm pretty sure you were slower in the first part.)
I chose to pick up the pacing on these last two videos and probably for the rest of the series because I feel it fits the nature of the video more, which is to be a crash course on the characters rather than an in-depth guide. From a number’s perspective, it actually surprised me to learn that the faster speaking increased the retention of this and the last video. Probably because it’s more engaging for a general audience to watch, especially given how long these are. And on a personal note, I just tend to have a really fast speaking voice and it’s a lot more natural for me to just speak fast than to slow down. So all in all it just makes sense. No matter what I do, I’m not gonna be able to please everyone so I might as well make things easier for myself from a creative standpoint
@@Acex2ron Increased retention probably because people have to pay more attention or else they miss too much info. Personally, I like that better. I turn up most of my videos to 2x speed, but I know that I'm the outlier. But if I can turn my vids up to 2x speed, it shouldn't be hard for others to turn theirs down to 0.5x speed.
@@vnwolffe2737 Sure man, it's on my channel and the last vid updated in part 3 (the one witjh Pudge on the Thumbnail) and I talk about him towards the end because he starts with U. I hope I do him justice in your eyes!
Taking Hoodwink's Treebounce Trickshot facet over a facet that's literally called "Go Nuts" because you think the name is more badass got me thinking here for 5 minutes.
Hey I’m a sucker for a good alliteration
It’s why I choose to be “Insensitive” as Troll Warlord instead of the one that helps allies
You guys nuts 😅
Hoodwink needs a facet called "Deez" asap
If anyone is seriously wondering - go nuts is the facet to go for. attack and cast range is just good of a buff compared to situational fraction of a skill savings.
"Channels the power of No Nut November"
That's not Keeper of the Light, that's keeper of the mason jar 💀
You didn't mention that most of Hoodwink's abilities provide vision. Acorn Shot's projectile (including bouncing) and tree provide vision, Bushwhack's net provides flying vision at its landing destination and both Sharpshooter's and Boomerang's projectiles have non-lingering vision as they travel. When you add Scurry's tree-walking, this makes juking in the jungle against her much harder. It also lets her scout uphill or spot wards more easily.
In past hoodwink ulti provides vision while cast, but in next major patch valve erased this.
Bong revilla meme killed this video😂
The funky thing I've found is that you can kinda make anything work as a pos 4 given the right conditions. While drinking and screwing around with friends I decided to pick up pos 4 sniper, a hero I barely ever played, and build 4 wraith bands on him, only to discover it was weirdly effective. Had a similar thing happen when running pos 4 QoP. Pos 4's job and role in the team is especially nebulous and flexible, and even classic pos 4s, like tusk, tend to be very situational, so a lot of off meta jank can look amazing if you can identify the right scenario/meta for it. This isn't just me talking about mid tier pubs either. Just look at the old days of pos 4 clinkz, or how pos 4 MK and pos 4 weaver keep coming back, not to mention a bunch of other weird heroes that were meta pos 4s for a patch because the conditions were right for them. Hell, I still remember a team running pos 4 Terrorblade in the upper bracket finals of TI qualifiers and absolutely owning with it.
While I definitely wouldn't recommend new players start off pos 4 by picking weird shit, I will at least advocate for experimenting with heroes in the role. There's a good chance you can find some weird pick that, even if its not broadly viable, is at least fun to play with niche effectiveness.
Oh, and something to note with Enchantress: Impetus actually does damage based on the distance between ench and the enemy at the moment of impact. That's why, if you are just throwing out one for harass and not chasing, you actually want to walk away from the target while the projectile is in the air. And her heal is anything but meh, since, when maxed out, some teams will be utterly unable to kill her while it's active. If you build a bit of tank this will remain true until quite late unless the enemy invests a lot in healing reduction. You'll sometimes see the value of it in pro games where a support ench will charge into the enemy team, drawing fire and giving vision, while being deceptively hard to kill thanks to the heals.
Sniper 4 was meta for a while, but yeah the pos4 is kinda shady with a lot of heroes that can make or break a game. Even the most meta pos4 can feel like shit and the troll pick just mvps. But I really am curious with that 4 band build on sniper, it is a lot of bands even for a pos2, just keep me wondering if your pos1 was that weak or pos3 was that good or the enemy team was that bad. TBH nothing can beat a drunk duo lane with a maniac pos4 and a psychotic pos3 committing on emotional damage on the enemy pos1 like they deserve
@@doriangrayest The band build was actually semi inspired by Topson's 3 band mid sniper build. After playing into it, and finding out how annoying it could be early, I thought "This is really gold efficient, why don't I try committing to it even harder on a support?" The full build was 4 bands, treads, shard, aghs, usually maxing Q first with 2 points in W before taking E for maximum lane damage and kill potential. The maxed shrapnel also lets you farm fairly well if there is any down time.
I've played like 10-15 games with it since and it almost always has high impact, even in games it loses. You do a lot of damage early, scale quite well, and are deceptively tanky. The best games for it are actually into high physical damage lineups with committal dive heroes, which normally counter sniper. You can tank a lot of physical damage with all the wraith band armor (and now the take aim armor too) and bait the enemy team into massively over committing for a pos 4. The early shard helps too. However, it's flexible enough that you can adapt the build to suit the situation, like farming up a mage slayer to deal with a magic heavy team. Most important is just having a good 3 to combo with, preferably a tanky stunner who can go in for you and tend to make for pretty potent lane duos. Kills in lane accelerate the build and, importantly, make the enemies more likely to target you, so you can get them to overcommit onto just a pos 4 and lose the teamfight in the process.
Man, I love your stuff. As someone who played/plays Dota, League and HotS at various points in life (I believe in HotS supremacy, fight me), your content is right up my alley. Seeing someone talking about these games with passion an touching on various less talked about points fills me with joy. I binged your whole channel in a day, and still want more. Keem 'em coming!
Earth Spirit spammer here. I've found stepping stone to be more geared towards support ES. You can just skirt the outside of fights and keep refreshing magnetize from a distance perpetually since remnants have a shorter CD than the the duration of magnetize with this facet. I found this works better as support bc you're not as tanky without items so you don't wanna be in the middle of the action doing combos and right clicking ppl anyways.
They're HP bar go BYE BYE was the cutest thing I've heard all day
I'm sorry i have to be that guy but "their"
Super underrated videos
Entertaining, informative, comprehensive while also being succinct
Ahhh Batrider, my beloved
15:00 even back in DotA 1, nobody was picking Tauren Chieftain in pubs; he was very very OP on release though
Hoodwink's scepter allows her to cancel Jug's omni slash if used during his ult while there are no friendly targets or invis detection nearby, if there are friendly creeps or heroes nearby he will continue bouncing to nearby units, This is in my opinion its best use case.
It can be used to disjoint projectiles though they wont activate the stun, which gives away your decoy. Certain spells with delayed damage and no disjoint mechanics, such as Lion's finger or Lina's laguna blade, will still hit you, even without detection, if you cast decoy before the damage is dealt, giving away your decoy while also not activating the stun.
If a hero presses a spell on you while not being within cast range, which essentially queues an order for that spell to be used when in range, using decoy will cancel the order, as the target is no longer on the map, which gives away your decoy so its best to decoy after they are within range if they are chasing you, assuming they don't have instant CC.
If a hero has a link ability, such as Death Prophet's spirit syphon, the link will not break though the enemies won't be able to interact with you, they cannot see you but they will know where you are due to the link. Weirdly enough Razor's static link activates the stun while no other link does.
If you are being leashed or rooted you will continue to be upon using decoy as it does not apply any form of dispel though they will still need detection to interact with you further, because it doesn't dispel I would recommend against buying it as an escape tool against heroes with leash or roots as it might save you once but they will just buy dust if it does.
Overall, as a grand master tier Hoodwink :D, I would only recommend buying scepter against high burst low CC team compositions, the fact that it doesn't dispel you makes it a very situational item and when you use it once the enemies will know to bring dust if they aren't already doing so. It's honestly way too expensive for what it is, if you are buying it for the extra damage there is way better options within the same price range and if you are buying it for the escape force staff is more often than not just better. Its biggest weakness is instant CC and it is absolutely countered by Glipnier due to it being able to hit invis units and not activating the stun from your decoy.
Ahh, Kotl (which sounds almost like cauldron in Russian), an old pervert, creator of light and creepy grandpa who still wants to use his other staff on pretty girls.
enchantress AGHS is sleeper crazy good, actually, because it's an UNDISPELLABLE instant root. watch the enemy phantom lancer PANIC as he realizes he can't MANTA his way out of this one. also if you build bloodthorn and catch an enemy out in the middle of two creepwaves or near a stacked jungle camp, they're SO FUCKING DEAD. it really is a good item, it's just that you have other priority timings most of the time.
True and instead of saying q is her laning tool it should be enchant, even though it doesnt deal dmg anymore its much better for laning. Heck sometimes I dont even skill her q until level 7 or higher. With 70% winning lanes on my games. Shes also my most played hero
1.19:24 in phisical/hybrid build only, in caster build(in past -7. 29 this build was meta because boomerang had 450 damage+reduce status resistance and talent 25-to pierce bkb and PURE FUCKING DAMAGE.) Main source of damage-ultimate. After cast you have been get about 5.6k damage. All pos 4 hoodwinks do that in 7.29-7.30b patches.
2. Most useless ability in hoodwink setup. In past decoy was, a shard and you get a copy of hero.... And in that time you may control it.
Now ability one of the useless aghanimes.
3. Spectre one of hoodwink counters. Dont pick hoodwink into spectre and spirit breaker-and you will be fine.
1.3k games on hoodwink -58.7% winrate. Divine 1.
nah aghs expensive but you can combo it with other aoe stun/ lockdown heroes like tide, treant, mars, or straightup combo by yourself using chain acorn> bushwhack into gleipner. Just click decoy, then chain stun and channel your ult onto the same target decoy is firing at.
Duuuude shhhh. Don't tell them about ET. Most the time people don't know about how hard titan can hit in lane and they don't expect getting 4 shot. Don't raise awareness
I'm sorry brother, but the world must know
core ET + undying combo in lane
ET's F2 is also pretty busted. I now pick it over the F1 since it gives Titan the one thing he wants most, which is a stupid amount of attack speed.
I'm going to regret this. Use the twin gate with your spirit and hit the opponents safe lane with your spirit. Position yourself for when it comes back to the lane so it hits the offlane. You win.
@@rmac0101 yeah but the TP channeling is pretty long so cast it right on top and yeah it comes back across the whole map with crazy dmg if you position well
The algorithm shall heed my call!
i'm sad you didn't mention how elder titan's ult actually implodes after e (2.7182) seconds rather than exactly 3, it's actually incredibly important lore-wise or something
BH's through and through facet is actually really good. It gives BH a way to clear waves and jungle camps on a hero that was not able to do so beforehand. This facet pushed his winrate to almost 55% as a core, mostly played on mid.
It's good enough that supports also take it for the oocasional wave clear they need to do.
For hoodwink, treebounce trickshot is the only reason the hero is better than alternatives, so always pick that. It lets hoodwink win lanes, which is the most important job of supports at the moment.
Been waiting for this, thank you! Did not know BH second facet stacks pretty well late
I really hope you do more or even all the characters! Im learning so much from you. Gonna get out of herald at this rate!
Thank you for your videos, now i can make my hero pull larger and have more fun
Im loving these keep them up. I played League for about 6 Years until I eventually quit. Then I started watching Dota during the international a few years back. I have only played a few games but watch it quite a bit. This has helped me get a grip on shards and Ags for each hero as well as a general playstyle. For me Dota is just better designed than League in some ways. I have come to dislike how in League the average carry can die in about 2 seconds if someone bursts them. Hell even tanks can solo carrys during some metas. And it starts to feel really bad, that the ADC can die in two attcks from a Rengar. Or cant even get away from some tanks while doing a lower percent of dmg than the tanks are doing to you. It started to feel like I spent a good portion of team fights straight up running from everything, because if I stopped for more that 3 autos on the closest target. There would be a Zed, Akali, or Yasuo one shotting me. The mobility creep on newer champs, made playing squishy champs with subpar movement feel like a fools effort. Your videos have made me want to actually download Dota and try to play again. As alot of the pos 4 or 5 heros fit on of my favorite archtypes of control mage.
For BH, if your team lacks waveclear, the Through and Through talent helps a lot. Also means you can rat and push sidelanes if your team needs that too
evne tho you dont play es , you nailed every point of it , es one trick here
Thank you for the tip on elder there is few video guides for this game and I stumbled upon your vid
Will rush phase boots on et now 😂😂😂
I like how everyone considers that Earth Spirit is literally Mechanical Lee-Shin.
Awesome video as always
The cooldown facet for earth spirit is equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot and then cutting your other arm off and maybe even putting a blindfold on
i literally never play dota, but i love hearing about the heroes
Keep doing what ur doing bro, looking forward to part 5
Sand King is good as a pos 4 as well, an initiator elusive one like a an earthshaker and puck. I also recommend Magnus as an all rounder that is good in all positions!
Love your videos, bro❤
One key different between DotA that i like and League that i don't is how a Hard character display:
-Case for League: Hard champion just basically ask you to have a higher skill ceiling and skill floor, they bearly deman you to do anything too odds, they only ask you to have a view of how the champs malfunction in the game and throu patchs by patchs Riot just either buff the shit out of them or change how their kit malfunction which actually make most of Hard champs easier to play which completely butcher the concept of Difficulty(i'm looking at you K'Sante and S12 Lethal Tempo Yasuo)
-Case of DotA: They are extremely high demanding and ask you to change your view about how the game malfunction around them, bascially you change how you approach the game and the reward are high when you nailed it
I do have a bias on this but that's just how i felt for both games
EDIT: I watched more of the video that scene is from JoJo Part 5 not 4 BOOOOOOOOOOOO 👎👎👎☹☹☹
I been exposed T.T but glad you liked that ET part!
Too many people play him in the backline and play around stomp spam and ult
@@Acex2ron such a based chad take on Elder TItan...most people dont know what he does, even less realize the powerhouse he is
PROTIP: The Astral Titan can take the Roshan TP on Sidelanes to travel a whole map and reunite with Titan amounts of damage and surprise factor
ET MoM is not a joke. I watched one pro match where pos5 ET bought MoM and solo killed sniper in the PRO SCENE.
Earthshakers going for aghs first was one of the worst trends when they changed the aghs effect for ES. Like please, just go for blink first so we can get guaranteed teamfights or ganks to give you more money for aghs.
Both of titan's facets are cool. Momentum doesn't really have a downside as you will barely ever fight without buffing yourself
Can't wait for my boy Spirit Breaker and Rubick
I'd like to throw in a fun pos 4 (not a primary role of hers by any means) with Naga Siren. You have super high base agi so you come into lane with more armor than most are pretty slippery with passive. Naga requires a slight bit more advanced knowledge of pos 4/micro. She shines in messing with the enemy pos 5's stacks/pulls, she is really good if you set a few keybindings for easier micro - then you can multitask. She requires some farm, nothing super crazy for pos 4, but is actually pretty flexible as a catch option/big teamfight ult. Think of it like Enigma black hole - only a giant aoe that freezes enemies in place that not disable immune, heals all allies in the aoe (for potentially mana too with Aghs shard) and lasts 7 seconds (2/4/6% max hp/s for a total of 14%/28%/ 42% max hp), and has a great catch tool with W that once maxed has insane range.
Ensnre (her second ability) and Deluge (third ability with facet) work really well together in locking down enemies. Ensnare interrupts the target and traps them in place, preventing movement or blinking. lasts up to 5 seconds at max lvl (starts at 2.5). -20% status resistance off a Deluge proc means ensnare will last 20% longer ideally on a target with no status resistance - effectively adding a full second to a max rank Ensnare. If you manage to farm up an aghs, your ensnare will cut through debuff immunity as well allowing for picks that normally would run away after popping bkb.
Some last things to note. Naga IS usually a pos 1 for a reason, she can farm super fast with stats/illusions and can be a monster when shes allowed to get items - and this is NOT that. You CANNOT play like a core as naga support. Her entire identity changes from farm for 30 min then show up for teamfight into roam with team and get pickoffs - having a huge saving grace/teamfight heal/escape. Pos 4 Naga is a meme-ish pick that might get you flamed, but I have had some good success with it and its still one of my pocket picks to this day. Effectively, playing a core in the support role usually disproportionally makes you a target. Enemies see Naga and go "nope, cant let her farm" and may try to be aggressive, leading to a rough learning curve. Well worth it though for those games where you want to play a non-traditional support that wont entirely troll your team.
Just an advice regarding your amazing content.
Could you chat ge the weather from snow to something else? It's known to destroy the bitrate and it looks off for players who've never encountered Dota. It almost looks like a bug. Maybe you could change the weather every video.
Otherwise, amazing work as always! 😊
coming from league, batrider just feels like singed but does no damage.
More like singed if he was a kidnapper.
Yeah and Firefly is unfortunately just temporary, unlike Singed's smoke which is a toggle. He needs about 15 seconds of prep time to stack up his napalm to deal decent damage.
He's really played more around his ult, which is almost exactly like Old Skarner, and it's the best catching tool in the game, but it's been overnerfed and he's just not in a good spot right now
Rare instance of LoL being OP
Id say in gameplay Singed is more comparable to Bristleback and Batrider more to (old) Skarner
Bat is a bit like Singed + Skarner with gragas ult thrown in for good measure, but to say he does no damage is absolutely incorrect. With just a bit of napalm stacking bat will start to melt your hp bar. It's more of a ramping damage than singed, and less item dependent, but both do best playing extended fights where they go in and cause problems, reposition some people, but never overdive and die.
im so confused about items and itemization, can u make a vid on it ? maybe just for supports for now
5:16 This man is a genius memer
Every time i see a BH supp hovered or already picked i mentally check out out of the game
one of the best dota/LOL content creator right now, and yes I'll also go broke on Firefly next week, and I think you live in a country in super hard mode LOL (bilipins)
Unfortunately these content creators don't get the views they deserve.
you work fast, fren
Inspiration and love of the game certainly play a role!
@@Acex2ron as a beginner in dota I really appreciate these videos and am looking forward for the next ones. Good stuff bro
As a new player I immediately got addicted to earth spirit due to his design and gameplay
If you’re coming from league I strongly recommend him, that being said, he really doesn’t feel like a dota hero
All the four Spirit brothers play uniquely and different from most of other heroes.
The other 3 brothers are played almost exclusively at mid tho.
3:20 so Batrider's the Zed of DotA
How your videos dont have more views yet is criminal
its quite good the stepping stone, but u need to adjust, cos usually, after u initiate, wether u stunt someone or just got near them, u want to magnetize them, and u have option between remnant+sillence, and then kick toward enemy, or Remnant+kick, and then sillence, and then a Lot of scenario between those 2 combo, there's always a Gap when the enemy not affected by magnetize, and u just need to remnant near magnetized target and them, so u can amplify the sillence and or slow, but with stepping stone, u have to wait 4 sec, cos waiting remnant cd with this facet is quite long, and the only way to get stone, is by rolling, so yeah, its about stone management, but me personally prefer the other facet, cos when u magnetize, usually u got Blademail, and when u trade hit with enemy, its increase decent amount of right click
Reject Firefly, embrace Jade
bro can you make a video on dota2 items, im about to get into the game and i think this is what is keeping me apprehensive. btw your videos are goated with the sauce pinoy pride
Great videos really like them
Elder Titan Right Click Supremacy
I choked at the *_stapler_* 💀
Well shaker's cleave is useless on pos 4 shaker but on a pos 2/3 shaker it's his first item since it makes his clear insane, in addition to the mobility it gives him.
ET's ult also pulls enemies to the middle, you showed it but said it slows not pulls.
I used to be a KOTL sup main back when he was a support and had mana leak. I really miss that ability, his blinding light is alright but mana leak was insane, even when they paired it up in one ability with chakra magic and made you choose between giving mana and draining mana. Anyway, now I play him mid and I gotta say, he's really satisfying when you blow up somone with his W Q combo while in ult. He's really fun and a hero I always love playing but sadly he falls off a cliff lategame, when the enemy builds enough magic resistance and bkbs. Then again you're so strong early to midgame that if the 4 other people on your team aren't actively feeding and griefing you're gonna be winning the game by 35 minutes if you play him correctly. And by that I mean drop mid at 6 and terrorize the sidelanes.
22:40-22:45 25:25 freaky Kotl
KoTL used to be my fave until they ruin his Aghs buff. I miss the unli Ult 😢
Would add Terrorblade to KOTL ally, I know thats more of 5, but spamming illusions and metamorph is what kotl was made for.
Also Gyro/Weaver, are they 4s or are they draft flex?
Slipped my mind, but yeah! Terrorblade is one of his most synergistic teammates because of a lower CD on Meta and TB illusions (which aren't as good anymore sadly, I hate his new innate.)
Gyro and Weaver traditionally are played as cores, but can be played as supports now. Though because of the nature of this series, I won't be covering them as such because you need more experience and game knowledge to play them off-role.
awesome vid but think you got just one thing wrong. earthshaker aghs isn't about initiation, it is mainly bought so early because it helps fill out a couple needs. for 1) the cleave is nothing to scoff at. you can use it to farm faster and use the jump to navigate the jungle faster. 2) it's other main use is mid fight mobility, chase, and escape. you have no built in "uh oh gotta get outta here" and not only does aghs help with this, it works through dots which can hard lock your blink. if you go aghs first, its with the knowledge of going jungle to quickly grab your blink next and then the rest of your items. that being said, if your offlane is a strong jungler then yea, probably better to do blink first.
Nah, I disagree. Aghs is great in a long fight yea, but with a blink dagger you can land a good echo off-rip and win the fight before it even really starts. It's also 2000 gold cheaper, which you should not discredit as a support, because you should still not be taking farm from your offlaner. The lower cost means coming online a lot earlier and being able to play around echo ASAP in the early game when it's strongest. The reason why it makes sense to delay the aghs to 2nd or 3rd item is because that's when your echo starts to fall off when enemies start to tank up and you can no longer delete them just by blinking in when they're standing in a creep wave.
Like why would you rush a 4200 gold item, on a hero that doesn't farm particularly fast, for the purpose of jungling and clearing camps faster (which takes farm from your actual cores) when Shaker can make some of the most impactful early game ganks in the game?
I'm not saying it's bad, far from it, but I'm saying getting Aghs first is a trap and I hate seeing my Support Shakers do it
how to tell me you are below archon without telling me:
Shaker aghs is good but it costs 2x a Blink Dagger and before both items you have no farm tool whatsoever. You can farm just as quickly being active in fights and initiating after a Blink and get even more useful items than Aghanims. Going Aghs first delays your timing A LOT and going for a blink after is just more delay
I actually agree with you both and probably did a crap job explaining myself. mainly was trying to say why its done in certain situations as the situations it is good in just don't have anything to do with initiation. you both are definitely right though that like 90% of the time it is better to go blink first and 99% of the time better to go blink first if you are support. If you need what I am saying above though, then aghs first makes sense IMO. very limited yes, but still useful.
love the contents ❤
is that bong revilla the one with plunder and prok barrel scam @ 4:08 ?
I picked earth spirit as my first character because i thaught he would be simple from his design
And you should keep picking him because when played well, he takes over the game!
There's certain pos 4 player that play carry heroes as support, like PA, TA, Drow, Troll, Antimage, and TB (before it was popular) and he played that on rank 500-600 immortal EU, he's also the only person i know who consistently abuse tranquil boots (i've only seen torontotokyo doing it once, and he+his viewer said boxy also did it but i have not see it myself) . Sadly he dislike recent patches and then he play way less dota
If you know which person im talking about, you're on the truer path AYAYA
as a pos5 main and ench player I gotta say shes way better as a 5 because you deny enemys hard camp
so you are low rank...Ench is good but as a 5 she has no stun no reliable disable and a situational tankiness that any Ogre Magi would do better. I am a fellow micro unit only player and Dota just hates us. The impact your best Ench game had could be outperformed by an Ogre Magi with half the effor t and brain power
Every time the hero voicelines play they only play on the left side (Same for previous videos in the series). Is this intentional or an oversight?
Also loved the section on Elder Titan lmao. Just walk up and hit em with your big briefcase.
For enchantress if you can get bloodthorn in a long game then your "little friends" Spell will demolish the shit out of the enemy as every hit will do CONFIRMED 50 magic dmg, I believe this does not get dispelled by bkb either(will test when I wake up)
It is dispelled by BKB, same as Orchid.
day 1701: I'm still scared of kotl mana leak making a return
Man i want firefly so bad man
Bounty Hunter should change his name with those facets lol
The 2nd Facet for Earth Spirit is pretty bad. The whole point of the hero is comboing with his remnants... which he can't really do well with the fixed cooldown. Ephey said on a livecast that whoever designed that facet as never played Earth Spirit.
As an earth spirit player I agree stepping stone is trash
maybe whoever designed that facet was targeting people that never played Earth Spirit and wouldnt have any Remnant management
Wow didn't know you're from the philippines, boy budots reference haha
I swear batrider is the most average looking character in this whole game.
We got ghost admirals
God itself
Skeleton kings
and then
A guy with a bat
the best role 👊
eldert titan better to play as 5 imo, because how hard he hit to the offlane for trade, make pos 1 comfort on lane
2 melees on the safelane usually sucks and Elder Titan stun is too slow to react or initiate but has a gank potential::best as a 4
1:01 where did you see the most played role for each heroes?
Dota 2 Pro Tracker!
No pos 4 Gyro
Sees bong revilla*
Me: Philippines!!!!
This Honkai refference to Firefly... Please, make a video with your pulls
As an Acheron simp, I’m saving for Jiaoqiu!
Bro really wants us to use Titan
Earthshaker is a Support ?
No wonder my mates told me I was trolling, I was playing him Offlane ._.
I'm new so I still don't know shit about characters build and positions
He can be played as an Offlaner if need be, but these days I would say he’s more of a 4 because he’s on the squishy side and doesn’t scale as well
Yes but it was also a offl and mid. I dont know mid but you can still make off work depending on draft. But if youre new, stick to basics.
He works as offlane too, he like a pos 4 with more income so you can get your blink+aghs somewhat consistently. After that, any item you can get is a added bonus
chances are your team was trolling even harder with their picks and lanes and you were just the blame goat
if you are new then your team would never ´flame an offlane Shaker...it is a 7/10 offlane hero among all the freaks and weird crap low rank dota picks in the offlane
Bro has no idea the insane utility the 1 sec slow shuriken has. Assuming you're not rich with agha yet, The +30 jinada damage isnt gonna do much.
Bh isnt a frontliner anymore that meta passed. He can sustain or be tanky a lil, but not a front
Bh Talents revolves around his playstyle for the specific game. Left for greedy Sp destroyer. Right for utility assassin. Even though assassin you have no damage trust me bro any right talent picker will 95% get alot of sp items, health and aura. this is just a general guide. Theres games where Talent tree go 2 1 1 2 or 1 2 2 1. it depends on the matchup and who you can exploit.
When you mentioned the box check for all the teams i refer it to the 5Ds 1 war
Disable, Duration, Damage, Displace, Dispel, War
30 jhinada damage does a lot since your aghanim makes your Q apply jinada and bounces, so it can easily be +120 dmg on your Q and can impact semi early skirmishes, not saying the slow talent is not good, it is very good, but jinada damage is also pretty decent.
I can't take both recall and solar blind? T_T I want both.
Out of curiosity, why do you choose to deliver your script at 100 miles per hour? Maybe it's personal preference, but slowing down a little would make your video a lot more comfortable to listen to. (And I'm pretty sure you were slower in the first part.)
I chose to pick up the pacing on these last two videos and probably for the rest of the series because I feel it fits the nature of the video more, which is to be a crash course on the characters rather than an in-depth guide.
From a number’s perspective, it actually surprised me to learn that the faster speaking increased the retention of this and the last video. Probably because it’s more engaging for a general audience to watch, especially given how long these are.
And on a personal note, I just tend to have a really fast speaking voice and it’s a lot more natural for me to just speak fast than to slow down. So all in all it just makes sense. No matter what I do, I’m not gonna be able to please everyone so I might as well make things easier for myself from a creative standpoint
I like the faster pace, good when I’m on the treadmill at the gym
@@Acex2ron Hey, fair enough. Not my preference, but I'm glad it's bumping your numbers up.
@@Acex2ronyou should relax
@@Acex2ron Increased retention probably because people have to pay more attention or else they miss too much info. Personally, I like that better. I turn up most of my videos to 2x speed, but I know that I'm the outlier. But if I can turn my vids up to 2x speed, it shouldn't be hard for others to turn theirs down to 0.5x speed.
thank you for doing all that so we don't need to 😅
"Shaker is gonna make a goddamn Impact"
Sigh..... Take your upvote.....
In case you wonder, Faker & Impact are teamates in League.
I'm too high and drunk to understand anything in the vid, just a bit stuck in the head. but let's watch it anyway.
Is enigma not played as a supporting or something
Support Enigma's still viable, but he's really more of a 3 these days
Pugna is normaly a pos 5??
He's picked more as a 4 tho if you check the stats sites
Man where my undying pos 5 :(
Did you miss the last video?
@@Acex2ron Hmm i didn't see and watch it can you show me where ? Thank you.
@@vnwolffe2737 Sure man, it's on my channel and the last vid updated in part 3 (the one witjh Pudge on the Thumbnail) and I talk about him towards the end because he starts with U. I hope I do him justice in your eyes!
@@Acex2ron thank you sir, and sorry for not watching your part 3.
@@vnwolffe2737 hey man no worries! Hope you enjoy
Bro that pic of you know who? You filipino my guy?
Fuck supporting in building right click items on ET