"White Cleanser", huh? OK...gotcha, Barry! :) I wish they had more interviews with them speaking English. He and the rest of the band sound like pretty mellow guys.
he's saying that they were playing with another band some night and that they took some speed and just went totally nuts and there was a show with many naked women and they all got kind of crazy and they played twice as fast and the women schook her boobs twice as fast. this sounds kind of weird but he really said it
One of the greatest rocksters alive today!!!
What an amazing man/musician/singer!!!!..
"White Cleanser", huh? OK...gotcha, Barry! :) I wish they had more interviews with them speaking English. He and the rest of the band sound like pretty mellow guys.
Luv u! Dont know what you're saying?
he's saying that they were playing with another band some night and that they took some speed and just went totally nuts and there was a show with many naked women and they all got kind of crazy and they played twice as fast and the women schook her boobs twice as fast. this sounds kind of weird but he really said it
Hij lijkt als Rutger Hauer
The older he gets, the more tattoos he gets!
His father was English. Does that mean he knew the language better than his bandmates?