@@danielkiu6104 片中所講嘅"Packageinstallerunlocked.apk" 就係解放咗車機直接安裝APPS 嘅功能,俾你車機上用任何方法,包括APPS 內更新、沙發管家、BYD STORE 等等,只要有個APK 就可以直接安裝或升級,唔洗再搞咁多嘢 (正常是會彈出因第三方軟件乜乜風險,禁止進行安裝,而亦因為2403 無得用手指 third party apps folder 方法安裝,所以無任何法方再裝APPS)
hi thank you so much for your guide, ive successfully downgrade and install package unlock and wireless adb. do you mind uploading a guide to connect windows device to wireless adb on byd seal and by any chance you have firmware so that i can upgrade back to this firmware. again great guide thank you appreciate your work cheers
@@christian.d.08 after you have successfully downgarded, installed adb switch and packageinstallerunlocked, you just use the same method to upgrade back to 2403, recently I dont have firmware 2407 of seal, you can search it from google or you just simply push the ypgrade button in the car setting -> frmware -> upgrade, and then wait for donload from BYD official server
@@jsir hi thank you for your feedback, ive done upgrading to 2403, and i can still sideload app by package installer unlock yeayyyy thank you. a quick question, ive tried installing gmaps and netflix with package installer unlock. gmap cant be open and also netflix. by any chance you have a guide for it?
@@christian.d.08 due to the service blocked by china android serivce , you cant open google apps directly in byd system, but you still can try to use gbox apk to open any goolge apps
@@jsir yes i tried that too installed gbox from gboxlab, opened the app it shows no recomended apps and when i try to look arround the app it does not do anything. did i miss a step do you have a guide for gbox apk on firmware 2403
Every good update information and very detailed
大義! 造福人群
請問有冇智能守衛同魔法管理器apk 條link?唔該晒
兩個 folder “BYDUpdatePackage\msm8953_64” 全部copy去同一隻手指最出位置, 還是分別copy到兩隻奉指?
do you have firmware 2407 byd seal, atto, dolphin & M6?
J Sir 你好, 想問一下,為什麼downgrade去了2307後,carplay用唔到?
因為2307是插線使用的,你喺2307 最主要只係開番ADB WIRELESS SWITCH 同埋 PACKAGEINSTALLERUNLOCKED,你裝好只要直接升番上去到2403 就會用得番
马来西亚车主,目前成功依照您的教程降级及升级至2307/2403. 尝试安装智能守卫,魔法管理器等等。b站博主们教程都要求有关应用设置关闭“禁止自启动” 及 打开 ”系统加速/极速模式白名单“ 以便让该应用在熄火时运行,列如:哨兵模式,但2307 及 2403 版本里 只能设置”禁止自启动“ 一直 找不到 ”系统加速/极速模式白名单“,C 兄是否有头绪? 感激!大马这里刚提车数月,希望这可以帮到新车主提升驾驶体验 =)
@@Maccc1112 香港的Atto3 和馬來西亞的應該是一樣,我們在車輛設置內有「禁止自啟動」 把魔法管理器和智能守衛都點灰便可,但極速模式和白名單應該沒有呢,但沒有也不影響智能守衛的操作呢💪🏻
@@jsir 感谢c兄及时回复,目前我降至2307,装上魔法管理+智能守卫,观望中,希望可以实现哨兵模式,感应周围异常并录制。之前用2403似乎不行,我再尝试看看,小弟目前版本是右驾海豹!祝拥车愉快!
@@Maccc1112 如果是第一次打開魔法管理器是有點小麻煩的,如果是黑或灰或白畫面一直不能進入的話,可以先強制結束、再關掉abd 開關再打開,便可以
@@jsir 哨兵模式的“亮屏提醒” 是否成功?自带的那张提醒图熄火触发哨兵模式时一直不会显示图片。求解🙏
多謝分享! 想請問可唔可以share智能守卫同魔法管理器呢兩個apk,就今上網search個D驚唔穩陣,謝謝!
@@RayWu-o9k 好的,稍後增加
@@RayWu-o9k 你可以先喺微信找「熊貓車机」 入面就係有得直接下載魔法管理器同智能守衛了☝🏻
我想問 係 一個File入邊裝晒upgrade同downgrade嘅zip? 定係兩隻手指裝兩個? 定係一隻手指兩個File ?
請問做左downgrade upgrade後返廠會唔會破保架?
你好師兄,我跟你的方法成功downgrade 再 Upgrade, 可以裝到apps , 非常感謝🙏。 不過只有Gbox既google apps 同埋嘟嘟桌面裝完可以用到, 其他我係APKpure 上面download既 apps 如 Waze, Netflix裝完會彈。請問是咪只有國內既apps先可以裝到用到?
Google 同中國鬧翻咗大家都知啊、 所以google service 嘅嘢無得直接安裝、但我睇youtube就用muzoo player 或者Opera browser, google 嘢就gbox, 但聽聞俾晒account data gbox 有危險, 再加上食資源所以不用啊
@@jsir 唔該師兄,原來咁大鑊用gbox 會有危險,我仲login 左 google account 同Apple Music account..
@@jsir 但係要用google野就一定要gbox? 同埋上網搵到既apk file, 多數裝完都彈app XD
@@patricklam6688 係,google 嘢就要用gbox 做「模擬器」 去行呢堆apps, 但因為咁就會好食資源,所以建議諗下有無必要喺車用佢google 嘢☝🏻 我地個車機雖然裝到apps, 但又真係好雞😆
@@jsir 收到🫡
J sir 我想問update2403之後變咗係2403嘅10.1
@@andrewtang6616 尾數唔洗理佢亦唔重要啊,如果車尾有版本覺得更適合嘅會喺OTA 通知你更新的👌🏼
Just wondering, will it work for Australia as well
I know there is an firmware version specific for AU, you may find the firmware and try it😊
如果2307直接到2403, 不会有问题吗? 不用经过2310、2312。
@@crazy.story.420.69 香港車機都係叫國際版,當你downgrade 後會暫時用唔到byd apps, 但升番2403後就可以了
想問一下車機downgrade完 裝完啲Apps upgrade返2403車機後係咪已經冇得再裝Apps?還是我步驟錯咗?
@@likkei 你 downgrade 去2307後 有無裝 "packageinstallerunlocked.apk" 呢個apk 先?裝咗呢個之後上番2403 先可以直接裝嘢啊
这个对于Pen Drive有要求的吗?例如一定要Flash Drive等等
how about the car warranty after sideload this? how you ask BYD about this?
@@ahzhe there is no warranty problem , and if you worry about it you can reset your system before go back for routine check or repair
師兄, 請問能否SHARE埋片尾最後介紹裝既APPS?怕DL啲唔岩既VERSION.
這些都會有機會時常更新,所以SHARE 出來好快會變舊版,那些都可以自行喺GOOGLE 找到,加個 apk 尾便可以找到了
@@brianfreya 你2307時一定漏咗安裝packageinstallerunlocked
師兄依照你教學方法。download 咗你提供的firmware .但插入手指未有彈出更新画面,未知那一部分出錯!求指点😊
有機會手指唔係用Exfat format, 又或者轉另一款手指試,有試過某特定嘅手指係無反應,我家中就有一隻,還有請仔細檢查好folder 名同 file 名
唔該師兄,已经知道邊度出錯!原来係個zip file 多咗extension .del 咗就可以!多謝你!
如何 download firmware 新舊
@@ringochung2406 請看詳解欄👍🏻
想問下 就甘用d app系會話冇上網 要自己放WiFi 甘樣系咪正常
可唔可以型容得仔細啲?你意思係已經裝好APPS,但全部都要上網先用到? 講下你做咗啲乜嘢,同埋用乜嘢APPS
@@jsir都系高德果d 我意思系d apps五可以用車機本身個上網?而系要自己放WiFi熱點先上到網?
@@Leaguefootball1 香港車機係掩晒其他apps 用數據功能嘅,所以一定要自己share 熱點去用,稍後我都會再拍一條片教人用iphone 時點樣自己著車連wifi
@@jsir 好 五該曬你
因睇完外國降級教學後,HK BYD APP連唔到車,但再睇完師兄套片再升級後話冇問題。
其實我地2403 都叫做國際版,不過唔洗理乜版,2403 DOWNGRADE 去 2307 就會斷APPS,呢個係一定會發生嘅,但只要你搞好咗之後上番2403 就會鰔魚翻生無乜問題,放心^^
@@jsir 謝謝師兄
@@danielkiu6104 片中所講嘅"Packageinstallerunlocked.apk" 就係解放咗車機直接安裝APPS 嘅功能,俾你車機上用任何方法,包括APPS 內更新、沙發管家、BYD STORE 等等,只要有個APK 就可以直接安裝或升級,唔洗再搞咁多嘢
(正常是會彈出因第三方軟件乜乜風險,禁止進行安裝,而亦因為2403 無得用手指 third party apps folder 方法安裝,所以無任何法方再裝APPS)
請問邊度可以download 到 2307 同 2403?
@@terryman2396 上面註釋有link
請問2307 入面個UpdateFull.aaa係點用法? 定唔需要理, 用返UpdateFull.zip1就可以?THANKS~
@@howanglai8563 改名,因為google drive 如果.zip 尾有人一下載就會自動解壓好麻煩,所以你試下download 落嚟改番個名就可以,另外小心改完名會有2個.zip ,昈係UpdateFull.zip.zip 因為有機會windows 果啲會一早隠藏唔顯示你嘅.zip 尾
@@jsir 我明你意思, 不過因為我見FOLDER 入面有兩個FILE, 一個係UpdateFull.aaa, 另一個係UpdateFull.zip1, 所以想問係需要DOWNLOAD 邊一個黎改做.ZIP? 定其實兩個都需要?THANKS~~~
@@howanglai8563 2個都係一樣FILE,是但要一個^^
@@howanglai8563 我剷走aaa,咁應該易啲,不過真係㗎,如果落咗車機無反應,喺車機文件管理器睇一睇個FILE 會唔會係2個.zip 呀,如果係,直接車機上改番名,再抆一抆,插一插就OK
明白~ 收到晒, 感謝教學
搞好後 2403 都裝到apps ?
係,因為安裝令到車機可以裝app的app, 所以要先降回2307
我是新手,未拿車(2024atto 3)
睇左你條片,內容講downgrade 完,裝完app,就可以upgrade 返,手機app就可以正常運作
正確,如無意外你收車嘅VERSION 都係2403, DOWNLOAD 番去舊車機VERSION 2307 就可以安裝APPS,搞好咗之後就可以上番去正常使用
@@jsir 謝謝你
@@ringochung2406 2307 係最後可使用password 的version, GHY0613byd
hi thank you so much for your guide, ive successfully downgrade and install package unlock and wireless adb. do you mind uploading a guide to connect windows device to wireless adb on byd seal and by any chance you have firmware so that i can upgrade back to this firmware. again great guide thank you appreciate your work cheers
@@christian.d.08 after you have successfully downgarded, installed adb switch and packageinstallerunlocked, you just use the same method to upgrade back to 2403, recently I dont have firmware 2407 of seal, you can search it from google or you just simply push the ypgrade button in the car setting -> frmware -> upgrade, and then wait for donload from BYD official server
@@jsir hi thank you for your feedback, ive done upgrading to 2403, and i can still sideload app by package installer unlock yeayyyy thank you. a quick question, ive tried installing gmaps and netflix with package installer unlock. gmap cant be open and also netflix. by any chance you have a guide for it?
@@christian.d.08 due to the service blocked by china android serivce , you cant open google apps directly in byd system, but you still can try to use gbox apk to open any goolge apps
@@jsir yes i tried that too installed gbox from gboxlab, opened the app it shows no recomended apps and when i try to look arround the app it does not do anything. did i miss a step do you have a guide for gbox apk on firmware 2403
@@christian.d.08 sorry that I have never try to use google apps on the byd system🙇🏻♂️
@@jackalwongjackalwong5729 怎樣檔案不全?其他人都下載到?可唔可以講邊個型號的同埋你點見到佢不全?👌🏼
@jsir 師兄搞到,原來係唔可以用同一隻手指,如果要用同一隻手指up上2403要格式化先裝到
@jsir 感謝
@@jackalwongjackalwong5729 其實可以嘅,車機個機制係folder, file 名大細草名字要完全一模一樣先會認到,否則就唔會生效,所以你可以UpdateFull.zip 個名字改下佢、加下其他嘢萿去就已經認唔到👌🏼
@J sir我搵唔到firmware可幫忙嗎
@@wafuyeung1054 請看註解欄
Need to buy a package of BYD diagnostic equipment contact me
方法是仼球一樣,Global 版OTA. FIRMWARE 也應該一樣的,但不知馬來西亞有沒有其他特別,反正我們香港車機用的也不是特別註明香港,是外地下載的Global 版
太蠢 搞唔掂😩