Thanks!!! As an electronic repair business, I found my mobile EMP device to be absolutely essential in helping my business thrive. While mine is much larger than yours and runs off it's own generator and is the size of a horse trailer, it is essentially the same!! I just drive from neighborhood to neighborhood, and wait for the calls to come in. Thanks so much!
Trick from 1982: When I was a kid at the arcade just hanging out, because I'd already spent my allowance on Space Invaders and Defender, there usually were some kids in a dark corner with a gutted piezo lighter offering free games. They just held the arching wire close to the slot face plate and a few clicks with it made the credit counter increase. I presume it was the coin counting mechanism that misstook these pulses as a coin insert. However it worked only on some machines, so even back then the trick was known in the industry.
We used to rum our shoes on the carpet holding a paper clip and touch the machine to shock it. The owners of the restaurant caught us and would just walk by and touch us to discharge us. I just thought about that.
@@joschmo6020 Oh, yes, also remember the old creeps hanging out at the Arcade sometimes. They were easily dismissed though. Free roaming kids! Of course, anybody suggesting kids should be monitored was a fascist.
If you want to improve this do 2 things: 1. Get a Gaussmeter to measure how big the pulse is. 2. Think more about your coil. More turns doesn't necessarily help you get a bigger pulse because the extra turns increase your inductance, reducing the current which reduces your pulse. A large battery, a large capacitor and a few turns of heavy wire would produce a big pulse.
Info unlimited has/had a design in their second evil genius book and it's a single inductor coil emp made using a 1" wide strip of copper. Spark gap was made with tool steel or titanium. Making a nondescript 10KV power supply isn't difficult. Unless you can find a wide flat "slapper" capacitor, unfortunately, I don't know if you can get quite the same results it purported. Caps were 5-10 KV. Width reduced the inductance and allowed higher current discharge, faster. If you can find anything low ESR, that might do, but you'd need metal bracket strips which might affect portability. IU seems to have closed shop for good now that Bob Iannini died in April this year (2023). But it's worth noting even their design was a questionable prototype at best. They probably didn't elaborate because of the implications of this type of device. Now we'll never know, perhaps.
Also before you post about the camera not being effected read this, the range of the EMP shown is short ( approx 1ft ) as it is mainly made for demonstration purposes , the camera also has electro magnetic shielding inside of it that further prevent the EMP from harming it, most higher end cameras have this because if studio lightning overloads, then an EMP is created, so this way the camera remains safe, so yeah :D
How do you measure and extend the range of the EMP? Theoretically speaking, what if I wanted to cover an area with EMP nodes, how would you approach that?
now can you make it into a grenade form?? its a good experiment but its hardly portable or use in any practical way. the only way i can think of its to make it into a grenade set a trap in case someone try to access my computer.
The range is determined by the size of the coil. the bigger and thicker, the stronger the wave/range. To measure it you'd honestly have to do trials with different size coils and see how far you can get it by making them bigger and bigger. Nodes, would be difficult, you'd need to create a remote to set off each of the charges opposed to a button, but you'd also have to make sure each node is far enough away from each other that they don't effect one another. Also it just a guess on this part but once the remote is used I'm assuming it's a one-off.
Keystone Science it was one of the first thing I thinking about, before I read this :-D Cool video! Need something like that with some friends of me. Later on, my old friends :-D
@Spirit of Vlad the Impaler no, it's very american to ask questions and to be skeptical. What's not american is banning civilians from having arms. Why? Because it goes against why the 2nd amendment, and the entire bill of rights, was created in first place. Also under the u.s. constitution, laws restricting or infringing civilian ownership of arms, being ANY weapon of offense or armor of defense, are null and void, because they contradict the second amendment. Please learn some human history and understand the objective truth behind governments' abuse of power.
😂 I can laugh about it now but you helped me to accidentally fry my $1200 cell! But you unlocked my inner "what if" childhood state of mind... it's amazing how simple and cheap these things are to make... I want to build one at least 100 times bigger.
Wompa Gompa Google isbn number 0812966600 "The Radioactive Boy Scout". It's a great read. Yes, a 17 year old kid made a nuclear reactor model using radioactive materials. While it never went critical, it did get quite hot radioactively.
*Suspecting that how that circuit ACTUALLY functions is that the cap fills up to a high enough voltage to jump that spark gap and it discharges through that the inductor’s field collapses mostly and that repeats*
Seems like many in this comment section think knowledge is a bad thing. The reality is, knowledge is power, therefore having knowledge is the best defense against those that would use it unwisely. Better to know what you opponent knows than be ignorant and defense challenged. Too, personal responsibility is key here. Hold individuates accountable for their actions. Depriving the many for actions of the few is just plain dumb.
having knowledge about EMPs capable of damaging valuable electronics and computers readily available for fools who want to cause havoc is definitely not a good thing.
I like how you explain things on your videos. It's not complicated with terms people who aren't experienced with electronic wouldn't know, it's just simple and straight to the point. Great video
I was honestly just curious how feasible it was to make one. Just watched the newest episode of McGyver and in the show he made one using the magnetron from a microwave. I tend to like looking up the science side of things when I see stuff like that I don't fully understand. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and learning.
Mark Curry The magnetron/ transformer in a microwave is pretty much the same as the 2 components combined that he used. A transformer is basically a big version of the spark generator he used but it uses an AC input in stead of DC so it is way more powerful. So if you had some pretty high gauge wire you could use one for an emp. They are pretty easy to make if you have the right parts.
you just earned yourself a new subscriber kept me intrigued thru the entire video never realized how much I missed science class until I watched your video
Skypcharge Plays Well that has been tried but no that will just kill the port you are using and even that if ports are not protected against attacks. Neither this or a killer USB will kill a hybrid or electric car
to all your subsequent replies.... lmao. to your question, yes and no. for the tiny bit of energy release by the one in this video to do any damage, you would have to locate the main control box and get pretty much right up against it. At the very least, it would erase the prom or eprom memory in the control box, resulting in costly repairs.
An EMP's power is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. AKA it's power decreases very quickly when you go away from it, and the camera was probably a meter away. And if that guy made an EMP with an effective range of 1+ meter in his shack/garage/whatever (no offense :p) i'd be worried.
As always, for the FBI agent looking at my computer right now: please remember that I'm a writer and I'm watching this strictly as research for my novel.
There's a limit to how many people one creepy do-gooder can snoop on. I doubt they have time to bug your house for watching a video about stuff that's been common knowledge since before anybody alive today was born.
If you want to be technical, chemistry is one field of physics, just like kinematics or quantum. They separate them because it is the broadest field that is useful to understand for non-physicists.
I literally searched the internet for this back at the turn of the century when I was in college and couldn't find anything. It is probably just as well too. I had nefarious ideas on some loud music going through my apartment complex late at night. :))
You should have just used a punch to the music players face. Tried and tested technique that's been around since the beginning of time and the best's free
The strength of the electromagnetic field is reduced by the square of the distance, so like spencer said, it needs to be close to work, otherwise it will be too weak.
Okay I actually had the same question. Didn't realize it was already asked and answered. So your saying he just zoomed in out the ass on his camera to keep it outta range of the EMP?
I don't think you would even have to do that. He had the coil placed directly on the multimeter, and the pocket one placed next to it, so the camera would have to be really close for it to be affected. At least, that's just my assumption.
Likely because the camera was far away enough to not be affected, he most likely zoomed the camera in so you could still see it work, but have it far enough away to avoid being affected by the ionized air being generated by the EMP.
remusomega great idea! Let's use a device that if powerful enough would knock out the device used for recording video, mind you could just place the recording apparatus out of range obviously. But it's still a risk.... I know your trolling but it's for others clarification.
Did he say to use it on the camera...? No. He said a device. I was waiting for the same thing. To use it on a light, a handheld calculator, an old cellphone, etc.
Police officer: roll down your window Suspect: NO! *pulls out phone and starts recording.... Police officer: "ok, have it your way" *reaches into his pocket
pull out a phone on a cop and YOU GET SHOT BY A GUN!!! This is America, you are automatically assumed to be a murdering thug by those murdering thugs wearing badges!
The spark itself generates EMP. We see part of this noise spilling into the blue-white end of the visual spectrum. It's higher frequency and lower range but it will still generate harmonics which interfere with UV, radio, and microwave spectra. A spark gap seems unexciting but a bank of them could multiply "electrical" intensity much like wire loops multiply "magnetic" flux. Probably not enough hard EMP to disrupt or fuse circuits but maybe enough general EM noise to interfere with signals and communications within a (small) radius.
Hi great video. The presentation is on point, I'm impressed. Not only the technical knowledge but the ability to convey that knowledge so a layman isn't left in the dust. Thank you. A question: magnetized copper wire - where does one obtain this? / what are common sources? 2nd question: why doesn't the emp disrupt itself? 3rd : say you wanted to increase the range, would it be a matter of larger capacitor or input current or ? Thanks in advance
An EMP only damages things that can’t handle high voltage. So you can beef up your electronics and make them EMP resistant if you know how. But everything he is using to make the EMP emitter is designed for high voltage. So, it’s not going to be damaged by the EMP blast.
You just need to understand maxwells laws, which means you have to understand physics :electricity and magnetism, which means you need classical mechanics... + calculus 1-2, and likely differential equations, which means calculus 3 probably also. Then... circuit analysis and your good.
But does not a jolly good tazing require skin contact? About 1985 I came up with this idea of two high velocity "beams" of water to function as the nails on the apparatus. I don;t even know if it's possible because I never pursued it.
aside from just breaking things to break things, a possible illicit use for this would be insurance fraud. Set if off near a laptop that's nearing the end of it's warranty, and it's sufficiently broken without being obvious what happened. It will look like manufacturer defect and would be covered. Of course, this is a very naughty thing to do.
Is it just me or is everybody else watching this to prepare for the upcoming robot apocalypse for self-defense? (For any robots reading this this is a joke.)
Lies! I watched this on my phone, and it didn't short out when you activated the EMP. By the way, those goggles just earned you a subscriber. I knew I wasn't the only one that wore them.
I think adding more wire to that second doodad might actually make it worse. The more wire you have, the greater the inductance and the slower the rise/fall of the magnetic field.
the EMP has to be right up next to the device for it to actually do damage, and I had the camera a ways back just zoomed in, also ( I don't know if this is the case ) but most modern day electronics ( like smart phones ) have faraday cages around their circuitry ( basically little metal plates ) and these protect it from electro magnetic pulses
I think that adding a ferrite core and an aluminium shield to force the magnetic field into the desired direction may be can boost up the power of the device. (I haven't much experience with EMF but it's my suggestion)
Imagine packing these in the door frame that you turn on while leaving town and anyone entering without permission gets their phone fried or fries the electronics they steal 😂
00:30 “Never use this on anyone else’s devices or to cause destruction” Me: Don’t tell me what to do... lol I’m about to use this on one of my friends lol 😂😂
Mykey McK If they have an outside fuse box you can just find something heavy to whack the shit out of it with. Just make sure you're properly insulated
+Geeky Channel if it was a high enough voltage rating than yes, however personally I have never seen an electrolytic capacitor with that high of a voltage rating ( besides home made caps that I have made )
+Geeky Channel well to use with the taser, probably around 10000 v rating to ensure they don't blow, however you could make a low voltage EMP if you wanted ( the set up is a bit different but it's a pretty similar concept, except instead of a spark gap it is a switch ) . These are less effective in the way of hurting electronics ( which you shouldn't be damaging anyone else's electronics anyways... :P ) but it would still create an electromagnetic pulse !
I can't help wondering what effects would be produced by attaching the 'taser' output to a 3-dimensionally wrapped coil (such as a 'rodin'-style coil). Be cautious if you try it... wouldn't want to see you fry everything in your lab. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm looking into the simplest methods available to neutralize environmental nanotech fibers.
This is so cool. I remember watching one of the Christopher Nolan batman movies and Bruce Wayne had a pocket device that shut down all the paparazzi’s cameras. I’ve always wondered if something like that was possible
Hey 😅 there. Good to see your watching too. How about a mobile ones to solve the mystery drones that are invading our Air space? You could mount them in drones and literally Zap them out of the air. ALSO maybe create fences that can be momentarily turned on if your drones enter the perimeter. Now you need Faraday cages around some of your equipment... to protect it from EMP discharges. Doesn't seem like rocket science needed to me. Ps study Electrogravitics too as a hobby. Most of your car size drones are not using batteries. To come up to speed study Tom Bearden, M.IT. or Tom Valone, or Salvatore Pais who is a Space Force employee. He can definitely bring you up to speed on that technology. For myself, simply a hobby. I find this fascinating.
Electrogravitics is simply using high Voltage electromagnetic fields to generate power. This is why EMP may bring drones down unless they were smart enough to shield it from a pulsed discharge. It's not that difficult. I suggest Jefferson Labs here in Newport News enters these projects too.
lmao. airport security is a joke. I snuck the insides of a small alarm clock, a long thin capacitor that looked like a blasting cap and a rectangular block of molding clay that could have easily been mistaken for c4 or some other explosive onto a plane in my carry on luggage. went through the scanner w/ no questions asked. I even assembled it covertly to look like a bomb on the plane before my transfer flight. right through security again. TSA is a waste of tax dollars.
Doesn't work on iphones, probably wouldn't work on most apple laptops either (though I wouldn't know for sure). iphones are EM-shielded. Besides, if you want to destroy electronics you can use a hammer. It's easier.
Choose one: Big EMP which will probably disable most electronics Hammer which will destroy anything but with cost of concealment Small EMP which will disable old electronics in range of 10 cm's
Toxi Quartz This kid, smart kid, very hardworking but kinda a dick had just finished the 100 amp project. He started boasting and talking smack, so tomorrow I'm gonna disable it before he can get it checked off.
It's not close enough to the camera,when he shut off the multi-meter it was sitting on top of it. These take a lot of power and need more power for objects further away.
Thanks!!! As an electronic repair business, I found my mobile EMP device to be absolutely essential in helping my business thrive. While mine is much larger than yours and runs off it's own generator and is the size of a horse trailer, it is essentially the same!! I just drive from neighborhood to neighborhood, and wait for the calls to come in.
Thanks so much!
+SoGladUCame hahaha xD
This comment made my day
"Don't use this to cause destruction" i clicked this strictly for educational purposes like everyone else
@@frankienovello6539 its only one tiny piece of that puzzle
Totally not to fuck up my brother's phone
@@JugalSingh totally not to fuck others computer for study in my class
Yess.... edukashun, right you are comrade... *laughs in communist* lol
Trick from 1982: When I was a kid at the arcade just hanging out, because I'd already spent my allowance on Space Invaders and Defender, there usually were some kids in a dark corner with a gutted piezo lighter offering free games. They just held the arching wire close to the slot face plate and a few clicks with it made the credit counter increase. I presume it was the coin counting mechanism that misstook these pulses as a coin insert. However it worked only on some machines, so even back then the trick was known in the industry.
Ooh~ Same method kids using on our local. They use these 'cricket' lighter mechanism to 'hack' these credits to the machine.
On the Lock Picking Lawyer channel he showed using a homemade pocket EMP device to open an electronic lock.
We used to rum our shoes on the carpet holding a paper clip and touch the machine to shock it. The owners of the restaurant caught us and would just walk by and touch us to discharge us. I just thought about that.
@@joschmo6020 Oh, yes, also remember the old creeps hanging out at the Arcade sometimes. They were easily dismissed though. Free roaming kids! Of course, anybody suggesting kids should be monitored was a fascist.
Wish I knew about this hack to conquer Defender instead of using cash like a dummy. 😂 LOVE that game!
I miss the days when youtube was filled with all this type of educational videos 😢
My grandad loved this so much he’s dancing on the floor with joy 😁😁😁
Oh boy
Is your grandad starting to catch on fire?
@@feminico2613 you go to sun you old orange
Who's going to tell him his grandpa is a robot?
ex service?
finally somebody who made a RUclips video that explains what he's doing and why this is so important for education.
good job Keystone science
Can't wait for his next videos: "How to enrich uranium in your kitchen" and "How to make anthrax in 5 easy steps".
lol yes
It's not that difficult to cultivate the anthrax bacteria. Now it IS more difficult to "weaponize" it.
Next video: How to refine fossil fuel 5 easy steps
Dear FBI, this was on my recommended and I clicked for entertainment purposes.
dear FBI.
Get fucked. 🥱
If you want to improve this do 2 things:
1. Get a Gaussmeter to measure how big the pulse is.
2. Think more about your coil. More turns doesn't necessarily help you get a bigger pulse because the extra turns increase your inductance, reducing the current which reduces your pulse. A large battery, a large capacitor and a few turns of heavy wire would produce a big pulse.
How many turns would you recommend?
@@fireice88283 to 5 imo
@@fireice88283 to 5 imo
Info unlimited has/had a design in their second evil genius book and it's a single inductor coil emp made using a 1" wide strip of copper. Spark gap was made with tool steel or titanium.
Making a nondescript 10KV power supply isn't difficult.
Unless you can find a wide flat "slapper" capacitor, unfortunately, I don't know if you can get quite the same results it purported. Caps were 5-10 KV. Width reduced the inductance and allowed higher current discharge, faster. If you can find anything low ESR, that might do, but you'd need metal bracket strips which might affect portability.
IU seems to have closed shop for good now that Bob Iannini died in April this year (2023). But it's worth noting even their design was a questionable prototype at best. They probably didn't elaborate because of the implications of this type of device.
Now we'll never know, perhaps.
Good information, thanks!
For educational purposes I mean, obviously.
Also before you post about the camera not being effected read this, the range of the EMP shown is short ( approx 1ft ) as it is mainly made for demonstration purposes , the camera also has electro magnetic shielding inside of it that further prevent the EMP from harming it, most higher end cameras have this because if studio lightning overloads, then an EMP is created, so this way the camera remains safe, so yeah :D
Keystone Science First reply
How do you measure and extend the range of the EMP? Theoretically speaking, what if I wanted to cover an area with EMP nodes, how would you approach that?
now can you make it into a grenade form?? its a good experiment but its hardly portable or use in any practical way. the only way i can think of its to make it into a grenade set a trap in case someone try to access my computer.
The range is determined by the size of the coil. the bigger and thicker, the stronger the wave/range. To measure it you'd honestly have to do trials with different size coils and see how far you can get it by making them bigger and bigger.
Nodes, would be difficult, you'd need to create a remote to set off each of the charges opposed to a button, but you'd also have to make sure each node is far enough away from each other that they don't effect one another.
Also it just a guess on this part but once the remote is used I'm assuming it's a one-off.
Keystone Science it was one of the first thing I thinking about, before I read this :-D
Cool video! Need something like that with some friends of me.
Later on, my old friends :-D
welcome to the CIA watchlist
Been here for a while.
kingtrey2x “This ain’t my first rodeo”
As if thats hard these times...
pulls cigarette
Finally a creative mind that is useful in a SHTF scenario.
"I just think the pocket EMP is a pretty cool attachment for the pocket tazer"
*5000% ILLEGAL*
Illegality Intensifies
>100% Illegal.
10,000% HILARIOUS.
Is defending yourself illegal now?
@Spirit of Vlad the Impaler no, it's very american to ask questions and to be skeptical. What's not american is banning civilians from having arms. Why? Because it goes against why the 2nd amendment, and the entire bill of rights, was created in first place.
Also under the u.s. constitution, laws restricting or infringing civilian ownership of arms, being ANY weapon of offense or armor of defense, are null and void, because they contradict the second amendment.
Please learn some human history and understand the objective truth behind governments' abuse of power.
Question, where are all of you seeing this video from? It randomly got tons of views today, and I'm super curious o_o
Keystone Science it came up on my recommended list and it looked good so I clicked on it
recommended tab youtube just switched up it algorithm and your work payed off ride the wave and get dem views/subs
It was raccomended
yea just popped up in recommended vids. I thought it was talking about emp's like u can get from a nuke.
it was in the recommended list when i was done watching a video about nitrogen frost burn
Dad: Why is a swat team here?
@@NaCl1252 jokeeeeeeee
Oh please, even the swat teams know we are too lazy to do anything with this information.
@@Opsdead woooosh
O, i'm just making an *EMP*
😂 I can laugh about it now but you helped me to accidentally fry my $1200 cell! But you unlocked my inner "what if" childhood state of mind... it's amazing how simple and cheap these things are to make... I want to build one at least 100 times bigger.
FBI open up
Hell yaa now im just waiting for the pocket nuke.
Lunessia you forget the sirenalarm
Wompa Gompa Google isbn number 0812966600 "The Radioactive Boy Scout". It's a great read. Yes, a 17 year old kid made a nuclear reactor model using radioactive materials. While it never went critical, it did get quite hot radioactively.
jonnda Umm what?
+jonnda really thats awesome
my favorite part is when he says "legal" with air quotes, true mad scientist vibes
Nice! I can EMP a dudes phone, then taser him, and take his wallet! THANKS SCIENCE!
+Twizler1000 anytime twizler, anytime...
wow a hole
Damn this is funny. Lmao
*Suspecting that how that circuit ACTUALLY functions is that the cap fills up to a high enough voltage to jump that spark gap and it discharges through that the inductor’s field collapses mostly and that repeats*
This channel deserves way more recognition
That means a lot to me! Thank you !!! :D
Thx, now i'll use it to the closest apple store while screaming: "¡Apagando las luces!"
GamerDashboard No one will miss Apple. #pcmasterrace
Daniel Do but apple makes pc too :D
Really, really bad ones.
no you need a purple suit and then say that
Rotmg kid
And I should change my sex too if we want to be realistic, but I have my limits. lol
Seems like many in this comment section think knowledge is a bad thing. The reality is, knowledge is power, therefore having knowledge is the best defense against those that would use it unwisely. Better to know what you opponent knows than be ignorant and defense challenged. Too, personal responsibility is key here. Hold individuates accountable for their actions. Depriving the many for actions of the few is just plain dumb.
*Scientia potentia est* , indeed
Tony Bell for pres.
What a load of nonsense, you can't justify the spread of potentially dangerous information by citing individual responsibility.
@@Rich.Newell basically all information is potentially dangerous
having knowledge about EMPs capable of damaging valuable electronics and computers readily available for fools who want to cause havoc is definitely not a good thing.
Legend says these type of devices are gonna be one of the most feared weapons AI "skynet" used against robot armies.
Strangely, I watched this for that purpose too.
I like how you explain things on your videos. It's not complicated with terms people who aren't experienced with electronic wouldn't know, it's just simple and straight to the point. Great video
RUclips: Wanna learn how to make a pocket EMP?
I was honestly just curious how feasible it was to make one. Just watched the newest episode of McGyver and in the show he made one using the magnetron from a microwave. I tend to like looking up the science side of things when I see stuff like that I don't fully understand. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and learning.
Mark Curry
The magnetron/ transformer in a microwave is pretty much the same as the 2 components combined that he used. A transformer is basically a big version of the spark generator he used but it uses an AC input in stead of DC so it is way more powerful. So if you had some pretty high gauge wire you could use one for an emp. They are pretty easy to make if you have the right parts.
Are you a time traveler or am I?
You're aware McGyver isn't a science documentary, right?
It's about as real as Rick and Morty.
Don’t think I’ve ever subbed a page so fast… intro on point 👍
you just earned yourself a new subscriber kept me intrigued thru the entire video never realized how much I missed science class until I watched your video
About time RUclips had a supervillain channel :)
+Von Neely muhahahahaha
@@KeystoneScience I must shut off nanotech BMI rnm mk. help
You can disable an electronic ignition car or fully electric car with one of these. The potential for destruction is insane.
It's like watch dogs in this bitch
I’m pretty sure a battery that size can’t disable a fucking car 😂
InstrumentalistTurtle not necessarily true, if you have a fairly powerful USB killer, you can disable a hybrid/electric car
Skypcharge Plays Well that has been tried but no that will just kill the port you are using and even that if ports are not protected against attacks. Neither this or a killer USB will kill a hybrid or electric car
to all your subsequent replies.... lmao.
to your question, yes and no. for the tiny bit of energy release by the one in this video to do any damage, you would have to locate the main control box and get pretty much right up against it. At the very least, it would erase the prom or eprom memory in the control box, resulting in costly repairs.
This is really helpful for homeschooling stuff. We learned a lot about electric fields and electronics! 😊
You're watching Keystone Science, and in today's video, we're going to show you how to get on the NSA's watchlist.
+John Q. Sample hahahahahahahhahaha xD
John Q. Sample it's like Oprah handing out Felonies!
you get a felony! you get a felony! you get a felony!
You do know that tazers are available in stores?
can you make a throwable emp grenade to short out zombie cyborg death machines?
instead of a button you'd use a switch or some sort of timer that closes the circuit. So yes, you could...
Charles Thompson III or even a button but one that starts a timer delay...
asking for a friend
Troll Luhluh I already have 2 weeks. thanks but no thanks
why didn't it affect your camera if it's an emp?
Daniel Hong idk good question
he prob has a camera strong enough or just a camera that he bought that is good enough maybe he just gave it armor :3
An EMP's power is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. AKA it's power decreases very quickly when you go away from it, and the camera was probably a meter away. And if that guy made an EMP with an effective range of 1+ meter in his shack/garage/whatever (no offense :p) i'd be worried.
4nto418 oh, ok
Faraday cage, perhaps? though, not mentioned if he did. also, could have been zoomed in from a great distance.
As always, for the FBI agent looking at my computer right now: please remember that I'm a writer and I'm watching this strictly as research for my novel.
Is there a way to scale up to city?? Asking for a friend
Big ass battery. Big ass capacitor. Big ass coil. Happy your friend hahahaha
Also inform your friend that if he/she groups up with a bunch of people and rent uhals it would be hella affective
Duh easy, just reverse the polarity flow of the neutrons dungus.
Send me a friend
Place your electronic equipments in a cavity before using it
keystone the type to have failed science class Lmfao
+NihkzMods hahaha... What?
Keystone Science I mean like some like really famous scientists etc actually failed their science exams or classes Lmfao
+NihkzMods oh hahaha I get it xD
Keystone Science xD
no, science classes failed him :)
Watching this high I literally thought your emp would destroy my phone lmao
Wow, I am literally watching a genius on fast forward. I love the taser, that is awesome!
I think I'm in the FBI watchlist now...
relax most important tech military at less is EMP harden, knowing this is the same as knowing how to start fires. Really basic.
If thats really your wish try to find out how to make a bomb. Thats your first step buddy.
why i just hate smart phone's, not people. XD
There's a limit to how many people one creepy do-gooder can snoop on. I doubt they have time to bug your house for watching a video about stuff that's been common knowledge since before anybody alive today was born.
Andrew Bowers watch list doesn't mean anything. dont be afraid.
Did you just make a tazer out of 9 volt battery? I am impressed.
You learn about transformers and coils at age 16, it's rudimentary
I hate school physics... It's so simplified for us 'kids'. I feel like physics and chemistry is a one big piece and you cant just split it up.
If you want to be technical, chemistry is one field of physics, just like kinematics or quantum. They separate them because it is the broadest field that is useful to understand for non-physicists.
If you want to be even more technical, physics is just applied mathematics
mathematics is just applied numbers
Wonder how many lists I just put myself on lmfao
I literally searched the internet for this back at the turn of the century when I was in college and couldn't find anything. It is probably just as well too. I had nefarious ideas on some loud music going through my apartment complex late at night. :))
You should have just used a punch to the music players face.
Tried and tested technique that's been around since the beginning of time and the best's free
how come it didn't mess up the camera?
King Cletus magnetic fields greatly reduce over distance they must be very close in order to work
The strength of the electromagnetic field is reduced by the square of the distance, so like spencer said, it needs to be close to work, otherwise it will be too weak.
Okay I actually had the same question. Didn't realize it was already asked and answered. So your saying he just zoomed in out the ass on his camera to keep it outta range of the EMP?
I don't think you would even have to do that. He had the coil placed directly on the multimeter, and the pocket one placed next to it, so the camera would have to be really close for it to be affected. At least, that's just my assumption.
I've only seen this video from you, and I've already subscribed
the potato mafia same
the potato mafia 30 seconds into the video and I'm subbed
why did it not kill the camera?
Likely because the camera was far away enough to not be affected, he most likely zoomed the camera in so you could still see it work, but have it far enough away to avoid being affected by the ionized air being generated by the EMP.
also many high end camera are designed to be emp resistant do to how easy it is to over load a studio
To have a significant ranged emp, you'd probably need to carry around a car battery.
or if you REALLY want one that's actually effective, you have to detonate a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere.
Head Trip FPV thats what I wondered
Anyone else watching this so they can protect themselves from robots in 2045?
You should have demonstrated the EMP on a device
remusomega great idea! Let's use a device that if powerful enough would knock out the device used for recording video, mind you could just place the recording apparatus out of range obviously. But it's still a risk.... I know your trolling but it's for others clarification.
Did he say to use it on the camera...? No. He said a device. I was waiting for the same thing. To use it on a light, a handheld calculator, an old cellphone, etc.
Rick Houston
Obviously, you can place the recorder at a safe distance. For your family's sake, I hope you are trolling
He should try it on a pacemaker
"Don't use it around any expensive equipment" *discharges it inches from nice video camera*
David Collins noooooo not the camera!!!
David Collins Or a brand new iPhone
Gixerkid100 I'd care less about an iPhone.
the camera could be sitting a good distance & zoomed in
not an Iphone, but it's the samsung you gotta worry about. it might get upset and burst into flames.
Police officer: roll down your window
Suspect: NO! *pulls out phone and starts recording....
Police officer: "ok, have it your way" *reaches into his pocket
Colton Campbell this is Gold 😂
pull out a phone on a cop and YOU GET SHOT BY A GUN!!! This is America, you are automatically assumed to be a murdering thug by those murdering thugs wearing badges!
@@ihatesignupsgrrrrrrr praxis
That time is probably closer than we might think...
"Scuce me Sir, but only customers can use the restroom."
It Worked like wonders.
The spark itself generates EMP. We see part of this noise spilling into the blue-white end of the visual spectrum. It's higher frequency and lower range but it will still generate harmonics which interfere with UV, radio, and microwave spectra. A spark gap seems unexciting but a bank of them could multiply "electrical" intensity much like wire loops multiply "magnetic" flux. Probably not enough hard EMP to disrupt or fuse circuits but maybe enough general EM noise to interfere with signals and communications within a (small) radius.
Hi great video. The presentation is on point, I'm impressed. Not only the technical knowledge but the ability to convey that knowledge so a layman isn't left in the dust. Thank you. A question: magnetized copper wire - where does one obtain this? / what are common sources? 2nd question: why doesn't the emp disrupt itself? 3rd : say you wanted to increase the range, would it be a matter of larger capacitor or input current or ? Thanks in advance
An EMP only damages things that can’t handle high voltage. So you can beef up your electronics and make them EMP resistant if you know how. But everything he is using to make the EMP emitter is designed for high voltage. So, it’s not going to be damaged by the EMP blast.
I need a tutor just to understand this video
Dylan Benoit my tutor needs a tutor
Dylan Benoit my video need a tutor to understand this
This was all pretty basic terminology and easy to follow what
You just need to understand maxwells laws, which means you have to understand physics :electricity and magnetism, which means you need classical mechanics... + calculus 1-2, and likely differential equations, which means calculus 3 probably also.
Then... circuit analysis and your good.
I prefer keeping the pointy ends of the nails toward the assailant.
+CazzoPORTICO Scimmie yes, but then it wouldn't arc at the top. And you know , *presentation* :D
But does not a jolly good tazing require skin contact? About 1985 I came up with this idea of two high velocity "beams" of water to function as the nails on the apparatus. I don;t even know if it's possible because I never pursued it.
+CazzoPORTICO Scimmie huh that's a pretty interesting idea, it sounds like it would work ( especially a water/electrolyte solution )
I told my mechanic friend my idea. He said that I was going to kill somebody. Probably why I never pursued it.
I have a lot of interesting ideas. Thanks for your fine work.
That's real science right there 😂
aside from just breaking things to break things, a possible illicit use for this would be insurance fraud. Set if off near a laptop that's nearing the end of it's warranty, and it's sufficiently broken without being obvious what happened. It will look like manufacturer defect and would be covered. Of course, this is a very naughty thing to do.
Squat251 Gaming I like the way you think ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Squat251 Gaming 😂 I'm using that
You must have a much bigger microwave than me, my laptop would never fit.
Squat251 Gaming or a smaller laptop
This is the only thing you could think of?😂😈
Is it just me or is everybody else watching this to prepare for the upcoming robot apocalypse for self-defense? (For any robots reading this this is a joke.)
Lies! I watched this on my phone, and it didn't short out when you activated the EMP.
By the way, those goggles just earned you a subscriber. I knew I wasn't the only one that wore them.
Well I assure you that you and your channel are on a watchlist. Keep your head on a swivel..
Droidz tech True, but hey fuck em all! We the people hold the true power.
we don't :( Government holds the power. Military holds the power.
BigBlackClocks Then you not know the power of the people..
#Miltia #2ndAmedment
BigBlackClocks BigBlackClocks Then you not know the power of the people..
#Miltia #2ndAmedment
ThachosenJuan21 Military has much more firepower then us
This is great! I just ordered some larger pockets!
"i'm not sure what it is but it should work fine" i wanna hear a star trek character say this within proximity of a vulcan character
I think adding more wire to that second doodad might actually make it worse.
The more wire you have, the greater the inductance and the slower the rise/fall of the magnetic field.
“With all that in mind Let’s go ahead and build this” hahaha, love it
2.6M people have been welcome to the FBI watchlist
It was in my recommended and now I just joined the list
Doubt this would trigger a watch list. Manufacturing c4 maybe.
@@nathancoleman6060 r/woooosh
Bruh I've been on the FBI watchlist for 7 years ever since I cut power to a hospital.
Mate your explanations are so clean and simple even i understood😂Keep up the good work bud
Your video appeared in the feed on my RUclips home page. This must be very weak because your camera never glitched once.
Cory Gunter-Smith Same thought here.
Cory Gunter-Smith or he protected the camera in a housing or something similar. he wears a tin foil hat too
the EMP has to be right up next to the device for it to actually do damage, and I had the camera a ways back just zoomed in, also ( I don't know if this is the case ) but most modern day electronics ( like smart phones ) have faraday cages around their circuitry ( basically little metal plates ) and these protect it from electro magnetic pulses
Applehead1234 ???
Applehead1234 You're damaged...
I think that adding a ferrite core and an aluminium shield to force the magnetic field into the desired direction may be can boost up the power of the device. (I haven't much experience with EMF but it's my suggestion)
Are you proposing an emp saber
Saving this for when AI takes over
Good point!! Let's hope they are not shielded!!!
Imagine packing these in the door frame that you turn on while leaving town and anyone entering without permission gets their phone fried or fries the electronics they steal 😂
Another way to make a EMP is detonate a nuclear fission bomb in the sky, the blast will create a lot of free electron and will hit the ground
Lancelot V I'll go get the one I have in my back yard finally I have a use for it
Lancelot V ok I'll just grab my pocket nuclear fission bomb and blow it up over my city no problemo
Lancelot V sounds much more easy than grabbing some wire coils and capacitors and putting them together. Will try!
Madafakas McGato thanks!
I like how straight forward and easy to build your plan is.
00:30 “Never use this on anyone else’s devices or to cause destruction”
Me: Don’t tell me what to do... lol I’m about to use this on one of my friends lol 😂😂
Dear FBI Agent, I hereby delcare i will not use this tutorial to cause mass power outages
Alright guys this is how to build your very own nuclear weapon now check your local laws but let's dive in how to make it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I have a neighbor who play loud music all day and late at night I would surly used this if I can get it to reach at least 50ft
Mykey McK If they have an outside fuse box you can just find something heavy to whack the shit out of it with. Just make sure you're properly insulated
Just get a microphone and a guitar amp then plugin it near the loud music it will make there music said like shit when echoing back at them
Would an electrolytic capacitor work? Or are they too delicate?
+Geeky Channel if it was a high enough voltage rating than yes, however personally I have never seen an electrolytic capacitor with that high of a voltage rating ( besides home made caps that I have made )
Keystone Science how high a voltage do you need? I've got 2 that go up to 75.
As for the lengthened coil did you try ferite rod inside of it?
+Geeky Channel well to use with the taser, probably around 10000 v rating to ensure they don't blow, however you could make a low voltage EMP if you wanted ( the set up is a bit different but it's a pretty similar concept, except instead of a spark gap it is a switch ) . These are less effective in the way of hurting electronics ( which you shouldn't be damaging anyone else's electronics anyways... :P ) but it would still create an electromagnetic pulse !
Keystone Science My microwave capacitor doesn't even go that high...
God bless, this mans giving us a fighting chance against Skynet.
I can't help wondering what effects would be produced by attaching the 'taser' output to a 3-dimensionally wrapped coil (such as a 'rodin'-style coil). Be cautious if you try it... wouldn't want to see you fry everything in your lab. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm looking into the simplest methods available to neutralize environmental nanotech fibers.
Ditto…i would love to have a device to knock out any spy devices being used without my knowledge
Keystone Science question why do you need the spark gap
+Charlie Marten because the capacitors need to discharge after they charge up enough to jump the gap, this generates a stronger electrical pulse
Keystone Science ok thx
+Charlie Marten no problem :D
Nice Video.
Oh hello FBI.
Sweet, I wonder what movies they will show us on their watch list.
+RaVicZ o_o
Dude, I just found your channel today and DAMN. I subbed. Great work!!
welcome to the NSA watchlist
The NSA does not have a list. They watch everyone.
Thank you
And the CIA? And the FBI? They feel left out, lol
Welcome to every watchlist.
The emp harms electronic devises but how is the camera still working?!?🤔
I dont worry about watching videos like these because I'm already on an FBI watch list
This is so cool. I remember watching one of the Christopher Nolan batman movies and Bruce Wayne had a pocket device that shut down all the paparazzi’s cameras. I’ve always wondered if something like that was possible
Watching for educational purposes are we?
Hey 😅 there. Good to see your watching too. How about a mobile ones to solve the mystery drones that are invading our Air space? You could mount them in drones and literally Zap them out of the air. ALSO maybe create fences that can be momentarily turned on if your drones enter the perimeter.
Now you need Faraday cages around some of your equipment... to protect it from EMP discharges.
Doesn't seem like rocket science needed to me.
Ps study Electrogravitics too as a hobby. Most of your car size drones are not using batteries. To come up to speed study Tom Bearden, M.IT. or Tom Valone, or Salvatore Pais who is a Space Force employee. He can definitely bring you up to speed on that technology. For myself, simply a hobby. I find this fascinating.
Electrogravitics is simply using high Voltage electromagnetic fields to generate power. This is why EMP may bring drones down unless they were smart enough to shield it from a pulsed discharge. It's not that difficult. I suggest Jefferson Labs here in Newport News enters these projects too.
USA #1 nice invention can I bounce a couple ideas off you about frequency X?
nah I am trying to deactivate the home security system of a house that I am going to break and enter
I did the pulse in the airplane and we landed on the ocean. It was a fun trip!
If you managed to sneak an emp onto an airplane idk what you do for a living, you need to switch careers
lmao. airport security is a joke. I snuck the insides of a small alarm clock, a long thin capacitor that looked like a blasting cap and a rectangular block of molding clay that could have easily been mistaken for c4 or some other explosive onto a plane in my carry on luggage. went through the scanner w/ no questions asked. I even assembled it covertly to look like a bomb on the plane before my transfer flight. right through security again. TSA is a waste of tax dollars.
@@timothyhaug2060Oh dude you’re so high up on every list that you just don’t care.
Imagine if someone took this into an Apple Store
Goldendevil 18 riiiiip
POLO MARCO Why specifically a Tesla dealership? All modern cars have some form of on-board computer, and won't start without them.
Doesn't work on iphones, probably wouldn't work on most apple laptops either (though I wouldn't know for sure). iphones are EM-shielded. Besides, if you want to destroy electronics you can use a hammer. It's easier.
Choose one:
Big EMP which will probably disable most electronics
Hammer which will destroy anything but with cost of concealment
Small EMP which will disable old electronics in range of 10 cm's
a hero will be born
I watched this, went to Home Depot, and now I have a pocket EMP I keep in my shed.
Is it just me? Or did his electrical map look an awful lot like Dilbert...
GonzoSarge haha I thought the same thing.
nah, hes just Indian. i guess he didnt fulfill his daily quota of microsoft computer repair scam calls.
Yeah he also explained it the wrong way.
I was literally thinking that!!!!
GonzoSarge my thoughts exactly
im gonna use this thing in school
I go to a Vocational school in a electrical program. :D bout' to fuck up they're projects amirite
+Ollie A their
areronium Sorry, do you need therapy now?
you take that emp and go through you class bags
R.I.P. phones
Toxi Quartz This kid, smart kid, very hardworking but kinda a dick had just finished the 100 amp project. He started boasting and talking smack, so tomorrow I'm gonna disable it before he can get it checked off.
how is it that your camera didn't fuck up
about to say that
It's not close enough to the camera,when he shut off the multi-meter it was sitting on top of it. These take a lot of power and need more power for objects further away.
Anthony Cardona Just about to write that :D faaake
its a diy, not a nuclear warhead erupting a few thousand feet over nebraska
George lmao
By far the best use of your time. Sincerely. This is ADHD at its finest. I am going back to watch all of the videos from the beginning. 😂🎉ty
Won't be the first time I've been in federal prison.
This guy is like electroboom, but without the boom.
"this is for school project, i swear. "
Yep to burn schools electronic and make it bankrupt heheh
[sees you using a Pilot Metropolitan Fountain Pen] "I see you are a man of culture as well"