Who Wrote the "Ve-hu Rahum" (He is Merciful) Prayer?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 34

  • @ArchieCastle
    @ArchieCastle 9 месяцев назад +5

    I've been trying to get more knowledge on Jewish wedding rings. Good to see some info on this. I'm captivated by the medieval wedding (or engagement?) rings that have a temple or synagogue on them. These seem impractical to wear since they're so big.

    • @HenryAbramsonPhD
      @HenryAbramsonPhD  9 месяцев назад +4

      Yes, I’m curious too. I have a feeling they were ceremonial in nature, not worn all the time.

  • @ArchieCastle
    @ArchieCastle 9 месяцев назад +3

    Nice fleur-de-lys tie! Very French!!!

  • @TefilahUnpacked
    @TefilahUnpacked 9 месяцев назад +1

    The earliest version of this story appears in Aramaic in Orchos Chaim from R' Aaron of Lunel vol. 1 p. 47, IIRC. Zunz believes that this story just reflects oppression of the Jews by the Franks or the Goths. The Geonim were not familiar with this prayer as far as we know, and it first appears (chronologically) in the works of Rashi's school (Pardes and Mahzor Vitri), lending many to believe that it's of an early French or Italian tradition.

  • @MitzvosGolem1
    @MitzvosGolem1 9 месяцев назад +3

    תודה רבה שלום 👍

  • @Tamar-sz8ox
    @Tamar-sz8ox 9 месяцев назад +1

    Wouldn’t these historical events make amazing big screen movies ? Ester’s ring and the road from Bordeaux to Jerusalem
    I’d be in the front row ! 🍿

  • @MenachemWeinstein
    @MenachemWeinstein 9 месяцев назад +1

    Would you consider doing a series on "History of the Siddur"?

  • @יצחקריץ
    @יצחקריץ 9 месяцев назад +1

    I would love to know if there is a bio on Rav Yakov deKorial on the channel. If not, please consider. Amazing story that must be told.
    יצחק מנר המזרח שבאטלנטה ג'יורג'יה. נמצא בקרית שמואל בחיפה. עם ישראל חי.

  • @daughteroftheMostHighGod519
    @daughteroftheMostHighGod519 9 месяцев назад +1

    WOW wish I could go. I will be looking forward to your lessons. Thank you so much for sharing.❤

  • @marcusindc
    @marcusindc 8 месяцев назад +1

    Fascinating! Such engaging lectures.

  • @yehudahecht1520
    @yehudahecht1520 8 месяцев назад

    A more contextually accurate translation of the words "vehu rachum" would be "And He, _Who_ is merciful..."

  • @lsmart
    @lsmart 8 месяцев назад

    I am surprised that this scholar cites this explanation of Vehu Rachum from some unknown manuscript and author, when the Peirush Seder Hatefilah L'Roke'ach, Vol. 2 (available in many big shul Otzars) relates this precise story, and notes that he found it in a Teshuvas HaGaonim. A very different version of the story (whose only similarity is that it occurred to Jerusalem exiles on a boat) is cited by another one of the great Rishonim, the Raavan (in Sefer HaManhig, Hilchos Tefilah, No. 69), and re-quoted in Kol Bo and Abudraham.

  • @jfjoubertquebec
    @jfjoubertquebec 7 месяцев назад

    I'm in! Bravo!
    3:31 I struggle sometimes with the frustrating habit of some scholars from my ancestral homeland, to not be very specific about their reasoning and justifications. 😀

  • @zafirjoe18
    @zafirjoe18 8 месяцев назад

    Fascinating, so the pilgrim of Bordeaux might’ve been Jewish!

  • @elmcityale4641
    @elmcityale4641 8 месяцев назад

    That prayer section, which starts the extended version of Supplications in the Ashkenazi rites and comes towards the end in the Sephardic rites, is composed of quotations from various psalms, starting with 78. There is some variation across the rites in terms of the exact components and order. So, when we say, "wrote", we really mean who compiled that section using various quotations (like many other sections)?

  • @denizalgazi
    @denizalgazi 9 месяцев назад

    Fascinating! Merci beaucoup! 👍

  • @zafirjoe18
    @zafirjoe18 8 месяцев назад

    The Judeans who knew the art of winemaking better than anyone brought their expertise with them to France . Who knows maybe even their grapes. Today these vineyards are being cultivated again at home to make the best wine in the world.

    • @HenryAbramsonPhD
      @HenryAbramsonPhD  8 месяцев назад

      Interesting! Do you have some sources?

    • @zafirjoe18
      @zafirjoe18 8 месяцев назад

      @@HenryAbramsonPhD I read this in a book about Judean wines in the Cramim hotel out of Jerusalem.
      The Romans loved the Judean wine and exported it across their empire. It was the Gatorade of ancient times. Just about the time of the destruction of the temple we find the Romans introducing viticulture to places around the Rhone . They probably used the expertise of the Judeans whose wine they fancied. This wine became superior as is alluded to in the Talmud.
      אָמַר רַב נַחְמָן (בַּר יִצְחָק): בַּתְּחִלָּה כְּשֶׁהָיוּ מְבִיאִין נְסָכִים מִיְּהוּדָה, לֹא הָיָה יֵינָם שֶׁל יְהוּדָה מַחְמִיץ, עַד שֶׁנּוֹתְנִין לְתוֹכָן שְׂעוֹרִין. וְהָיוּ קוֹרִין אוֹתוֹ חוֹמֶץ סְתָם.
      וְעַכְשָׁיו אֵין יֵינָם שֶׁל אֲדוֹמִיִּים מַחְמִיץ עַד שֶׁנּוֹתְנִין לְתוֹכָן שְׂעוֹרִין, וְקוֹרִין אוֹתוֹ חוֹמֶץ הָאֲדוֹמִי, לְקַיֵּים מַה שֶּׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״אִמָּלְאָה הָחֳרָבָה״, אִם מְלֵאָה זוֹ - חֲרֵבָה זוֹ, וְאִם מְלֵאָה זוֹ - חֲרֵבָה זוֹ. רַב נַחְמָן בַּר יִצְחָק
      אָמַר, מֵהָכָא: ״וּלְאֹם מִלְּאֹם יֶאֱמָץ״.
      (Pesachim 42b)
      Rashi and the jews owned and operated the champagne winery. Another indication that the Jews maintained the know how in this trade.

    • @zafirjoe18
      @zafirjoe18 7 месяцев назад

      אָמַר רַב יְהוּדָה אָמַר רַב: אַנְשֵׁי יְרוּשָׁלַיִם אַנְשֵׁי שַׁחַץ הָיוּ. אָדָם אוֹמֵר לַחֲבֵרוֹ: בַּמֶּה סָעַדְתָּ הַיּוֹם? בְּפַת עֲמִילָה, אוֹ בְּפַת שֶׁאֵינָהּ עֲמִילָה? בְּיַיִן בְּיַיִן חַרְדָּלִי?
      גּוֹרְדָּלִי, אוֹ
      עיין רש״׳ ייו חרדלי יין לבן יין גרדלי יין שחור