Turrican II 2 intro (Atari ST)

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • This is the intro for the Atari ST game Turrican II.
    Coding: Thomas Engel
    Graphics: Sven Meier
    Game Design: Manfred Trenz /Andreas Escher / Holger Schmidt /Julian Eggebrecht
    Music: Chris Hülsbeck / Jochen Hippel
    #atarist #ym2149 #atarigames #atari

Комментарии • 73

  • @vjrei
    @vjrei 14 лет назад +4

    Early days of techno/electronic music. I really loved that sort of intros, sometimes they are better than the actual game.

  • @ParalHAXX
    @ParalHAXX 13 лет назад +5

    ST can play really easily .mod musics, it just take a lot of CPU time on it, and thats why those musics was only used for intros and such, not ingame.
    But please people, stop thinking the ST cannot play sampled musics, cause i was playing the Desert Dreams tunes and other Amiga musics on my "poor" 520 STF, and lot of musics was done on Protracker on it lol

  • @chriselden1352
    @chriselden1352 10 лет назад +6

    a legendary music from Chris Huelsbeck for a legendary game!

  • @zeusgb
    @zeusgb  11 лет назад +3

    This is the Atari ST version.

  • @ricochetpig
    @ricochetpig 5 лет назад +2

    The Amiga version of the music is obviously much cleaner but I feel like this has got more character.

  • @BlahBleeBlahBlah
    @BlahBleeBlahBlah 3 года назад

    Hardware limitations inspire creative solutions, doing as much as possible with what is available really drove developers to battle it out and prove their coding skills.
    Nowadays we have an incredible amount of processing power - there’s little incentive to really optimise to get the most out of the hardware. We also have a huge variety of hardware to target so high level languages and abstraction is used.

  • @Foebane72
    @Foebane72 12 лет назад +1

    I'm not surprised that the ST can recreate this music, but I am surprised it's not recreating it 100% exactly, except for the quality of course.
    The ST CAN play music mods just like the Amiga - I speak from experience.
    Seek out the Jengrove STampede disks online, the intros 4 to 7 are sampled music modules.
    And the ST could even play samples DURING a game, too - check out E-Motion and Vaxine from The Assembly Line, all with sampled music mods and FX IN-GAME.

  • @pedobearD
    @pedobearD 17 лет назад +1

    Loved this game, one of my all time faves for the ST

  • @telboy007
    @telboy007 13 лет назад

    You can tell this is the Atari version because of the "water" effect at the bottom of the screen. This is the one I played and loved, you can hear the difference between the Amiga and the Atari music as well, the Atari is slightly messy and not as crisp. Still they did a bloody good job on the ST version. I love this game!!!

  • @khaoliang
    @khaoliang 13 лет назад

    @ipodsock Simple. The Atari ST Sound chip was intended for usage in a Synthesizer. The only thing it was bad at was sampling. So, what you usually heard in games was one big sample that was compressed so that loading it into RAM didn't take so much time, and that sounded bad of course. If you wanted to do REAL magic with the ST, you took a midi Keyboard&sampler and hooked'em up to the Atari. Then, you loaded up a program that was specifically made for that and BOOM - awesome music could be made.

  • @myoukochou
    @myoukochou 15 лет назад +1

    Given The Alien's presence on the high-score table, yep, that's a PP release.
    Automation had a tendency to botch their releases or not test them; which they got teased about constantly. They were, however, incredibly prolific as a result...

  • @NapoleonBlownapartMMA
    @NapoleonBlownapartMMA 13 лет назад +1

    Anyone whot hinks the Atari had shit sound hasnt got a clue what theyre talking about. People still use the Atari ST in music production til this day. I was in a sound engineering college back in 2000 and it had a room full of Atari ST's.

  • @thenate5367
    @thenate5367 4 года назад

    I noticed an extra line was added that wasn't present in the Amiga version:
    "The nightmares of the past must not be allowed to re-assert themselves."

  • @Amiga1200Mark
    @Amiga1200Mark 15 лет назад +1

    Great game!! As an Amiga and Atari fan growing up the comments on here with regard to the amiga version are boring to say the least. Is there anyone out there who does not know that the Amiga was more capable than the Atari??? Tell us something we don't know. I had an STE for years and enjoyed every minute on it then and I still do now. I also have 3 Amigas and enjoy them equally. I'd still rather play on my 16bit machines than play on the endless churned out sequals of today. Fifa 15 anyone??

  • @nikamota
    @nikamota 15 лет назад +1

    Its the Atari ST FM playing this right? With the FM version of the AY8910 or 8912 sound chip.
    The Spectrum 128's had the AY8910 could be wrong.
    The Amiga version of this crackin tune is wonderful.
    I heard the ST singing Starglider once,blew me away that.
    8Bit and16-Bit composers worked with what they had and pushed the sound chips to their limit.This Chris Huelsbeck tune is a great example,the ST version works but the Amiga version,Huelsbeck knew what he could make the Amiga do and its ACE!

  • @birphborph
    @birphborph 13 лет назад

    yeah one of the best tracker tunes for an Atari ST game.
    It is not a fake, 100% real, you hear the low sample noise, due to the fact, that the mono tracker on the Atari sound could not be filtered in software as it was possible on the Amiga using the built in hardware.

  • @gurujoe75
    @gurujoe75 Год назад

    Atari ST has a simple 3 channel PSG audio system, so it is not 4x8bit sampled channels like Amiga.
    But also YAMAHA in Atari ST can use 4 bit samples on its PSG and almost all CPU power for sampling and mixing samples. The result is actually a mod player for Amiga music. However, this cannot be used during gameplay, because it uses a significant part of the Atari ST's CPU power.

  • @leerees
    @leerees 14 лет назад

    This is not fake, you can hear the harmonic distortion which was a by product of software mixing at the time (interpolation wasn't used back then). Any synth chip can produce multichannel sampled music in software, the spectrum, commodore, even the PC beeper could do it. Of course back then software mixing required a large percentage of available processing power, the Amiga had a hardware chip that took on this role.

  • @OverCoat
    @OverCoat 14 лет назад

    @ipodsock if you listen carefully between this and the amiga version, the sound quality is much lower here, I believe the reason no one else had ever done anything like this on the ST is that they sampled the amiga song, and then ran it through the PCM [raw audio] channel, which, like the C64's, is rather limited in terms of bit depth and frequency.

  • @zeusgb
    @zeusgb  14 лет назад

    This is the Atari ST intro for Turrican II and the recording wasn't altered in any way.

  • @zeusgb
    @zeusgb  14 лет назад

    I suggest you reread the credits.
    The credits also say original music by Chris Huelsbeck, ST music and soundeffects by Jochen Hippel and ST graphics by Sven Meier.
    This is the Atari ST intro for Turrican II and the recording wasn't altered in any way.

  • @csg8501
    @csg8501 14 лет назад

    It's actually an YM2149 (Yamaha's AY-3-8910 derivative), and they're actually combining all 3 channels into a single D/A here (which then consequently has more than 4 bits of resolution).... the rest is correct...

  • @Soundgardener80
    @Soundgardener80 14 лет назад

    Awesome intro music for those days

  • @SlightlyDeath
    @SlightlyDeath 14 лет назад

    Well, I used to have an Amiga, and I loved this game. But fpr the ST, this is a really good conversion, I think! The sound is incredible for this soundchip and the gfx almost look the same - so I would have played it on an ST as well (without any complaint!). There were quite a few cool sound-gurus who really knew how to handle the ST correctly! Great work!

  • @lohnicky
    @lohnicky 17 лет назад

    This game was something..... crying a nostalgy tears

  • @macdeath69
    @macdeath69 12 лет назад

    While Atari ST soundchip was basically the same as on Amstrad or Speccy, it ran faster and got a Bigger CPU and RAM to support it, hence quite good possibilities while not during game (As it eat much CPU or RAM to get those sampled music...)

  • @trip2themoon
    @trip2themoon 12 лет назад

    I've never played this on the Amiga but my mate had his ST hooked up to a hifi and we'd load this up just to hear the music, this is deffo the ST version. Years later I downloaded an MP3 of the Amiga Turrican 1 and 2 music and there is a definite difference between the two. I have no particular love for one system or the other but I'd also say the Amiga music was a little better. Turrican 1's music also sounded great on the ST.

  • @RobotsEverywhereVideos
    @RobotsEverywhereVideos 14 лет назад

    Wow, they got Turrican to play like this on a ST? Praise the coders!

  • @arklif
    @arklif 14 лет назад

    le fait de jouer une musique à un tel niveau de qualité mettait à genoux le CPU et était incapable de faire autre chose. c'est même étonnant qu'ils aient réussi à faire un aussi beau slidshow.

  • @ChinoSisouphanh
    @ChinoSisouphanh 11 лет назад +1

    One of the best track ever heard from my childhood even on amiga or atari.
    Sound is better on amiga, but I prefer Atari version. I don't know why.... ( I think it is a matter of habit... )

  • @Aofex
    @Aofex 16 лет назад

    Man, one of my favorite intro music on the ST (the other is Wings of Death).
    It's just great.
    So many good memories. I never finished it though, there was a bug in my copy, and could never pass a specific stage. I will serch for it and finish it on steem.

  • @ukaszuch
    @ukaszuch 13 лет назад

    The intro is the same on ST and amiga. But I had an Atari 1040STE and music durring the game was much much better than amiga-cut-sounds, belive me.

  • @cloud9backpacker
    @cloud9backpacker 14 лет назад

    Used to love the Turrican intro, but was always baffle by the Rainbow Arts log at the start that seems to partially draw a frame then just cut to the Turrican logo. always seemd incomplete somehow...

  • @nicholasthetaylor
    @nicholasthetaylor 14 лет назад

    @pumpum800 No need to get upset matey. Different people have different nostalgias. I personally prefer the Amiga version too, but then I have only recently got my hands on an STFM, and its an ace machine

  • @Cythrawl102
    @Cythrawl102 14 лет назад

    I suggest clicking on the Amiga 500 version on the right instead, to hear the music how it was SUPPOSED to sound... far far superior...

  • @AGWhiteman
    @AGWhiteman 11 лет назад

    There is HEXTRACKER also that replays 16 channel MOD's on a vanilla ST

  • @Foebane72
    @Foebane72 12 лет назад

    I am assuming, as well, that the ST samples sound poor because they are basically 4-bit, rather than the 8-bit of the Amiga? I may be wrong, but I doubt it.

  • @ipodsock
    @ipodsock 14 лет назад

    i stand corrected zeusgb... but HOW?!?! the Atari ST sound chip was (for want of a better word)... SHIT, basically a Speccy chip! How come no-one else achieved that level of quality?!?

  • @Ascyltos
    @Ascyltos 17 лет назад

    Ack, I had the Automation crack and the intro seemed to be missing...

  • @DehnusNorder
    @DehnusNorder 17 лет назад

    Was this the actual sound chip of the ST? Or was this done by using the Midi ports so it would play on a Keyboard. If not and used the normal ST's music chip, then Kudos to the ppl who did it:).

  • @Chrischzz
    @Chrischzz 14 лет назад

    The Atari ST could play digital music and sfx. Personally The ST had more variation on that matter I think.. Demo's on the Amiga all had tracker music and went boring at a certain point.. ST had chip music most of the time.. Some could create awesome tracks with that.. Too bad most games were plain and rushed Amiga conversions with crappy music. ST's chip wasn't shit.. just different.. ;)

  • @Abrimaal
    @Abrimaal 15 лет назад

    this music played by a standard Atari ST with YM soundchip? I don't believe.

  • @zeusgb
    @zeusgb  14 лет назад

    Read some of the comments lower down for the specifics.

  • @zeusgb
    @zeusgb  17 лет назад

    Please rate and comment!

  • @mos6581com
    @mos6581com 13 лет назад

    Indeed, even the C64 can play back sampled music.
    So, since the sound chip is shit on the ST, does it offload it to the CPU instead?

  • @arklif
    @arklif 14 лет назад

    allume un vrai ST et met lui Turrican 2 tu tu sera surpris d'entendre cette musique avec cette qualité :) car c'est vrai ! This is truth ! this is really sound track played on STf or STe :)

  • @critanimeuk
    @critanimeuk 15 лет назад

    I like the Amiga version better I am sorry to say. This is good but I just think the Amiga sounds a little better.

  • @thoughtless47
    @thoughtless47 17 лет назад

    I loved this game, if anyone knows where i can download the ROM or a PC equivelent. message me!!!
    I'm glad im old enough to remember the retro beginnings

  • @djatarox
    @djatarox 13 лет назад

    this is real.. i have a st. and i have turrican 2.. :-) cool game

  • @arklif
    @arklif 14 лет назад

    Ipodsock, il suffit d'avoir de très bon codeur assembleur 68k, et je penses aussi utiliser un Atari STe 1Mo minimum. Et Enjoy ! ;)

  • @pumpum800
    @pumpum800 14 лет назад

    St version the best ??? have you ever play on an Amiga ??

  • @ipodsock
    @ipodsock 14 лет назад

    amiga version, says so on credits, spazzed up to look and sound like ST, the ST could NEVER do that shit!

    • @MrAsrgr
      @MrAsrgr 4 года назад

      That's the ST version, not the Amiga

  • @AGWhiteman
    @AGWhiteman 11 лет назад

    It's a shame the STe support in Final Fight was virtually non existant

  • @zeusgb
    @zeusgb  17 лет назад

    Probably. :D

  • @ParalHAXX
    @ParalHAXX 16 лет назад

    Its a MOD track, not soundchip.

  • @superturbo2
    @superturbo2 16 лет назад

    hey, the intro music sounds good, why didn't the use the other amiga soundtracks in the rest of the game??

    • @camulodunon
      @camulodunon 3 года назад

      Because playing PCM samples on the ST's limited sound chip takes up a lot of CPU power. Trying to pull this off while running the game would likey result in a disaster.

    • @superturbo2
      @superturbo2 3 года назад

      @@camulodunon so the ST does not have a separate CPU for the sound unlike the Amiga?

    • @camulodunon
      @camulodunon 3 года назад

      @@superturbo2 yes, the ST has no sound DMA, no hardware scrolling, and no hardware sprites. Most of the stuff happening in an ST game is being performed by the main CPU.

  • @katakisLives
    @katakisLives 15 лет назад

    Not as good as the Amiga version! not bad but if you are a huge fan of the soundtrack that woolly sound really annoys you, I got an Atari st a few years ago and played this hoping it would be as good as the Amiga, I didn't have a working copy of turrican 2 on the Amiga at the time so it had to do.

  • @djatarox
    @djatarox 13 лет назад


  • @LDGextra
    @LDGextra 12 лет назад

    well it still sounds shite compared to amiga, but its quite well done. Lets just say its cause Chris is the greatest musician of all time.

  • @ipodsock
    @ipodsock 11 лет назад +1

    ST.... eek! the AIDS of the 16bit era

  • @TranceParadise
    @TranceParadise 14 лет назад

    It is not possible to play music like that on Atari ST. It's a fake move....

  • @xsanchezz
    @xsanchezz 11 лет назад

    This is AMIGA version. It`s not ST version...