
  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • *Please put on your headphones.*
    *All scenes in this video are shot from a first-person perspective, aiming to give viewers an immersive experience through the lens.*
    "Are you happy today?" This appears to be a simple question, but it's difficult to answer. When someone is dealing with severe emotional issues, it feels like entering a hole with no exit and no way back, trapped forever. The only way out of this hole is... In this context, social media is playing a significant role. It can make you happy or let you down. People often post to express their emotions, not just with photos and videos but also accompanied by a series of #hashtags to articulate their thoughts.
    When someone has suicidal thoughts, his/her mind struggles and wanders between darkness and light; only love and mutual support can make us strong. The film will also feature many common #hashtags, hoping to resonate with everyone.
    After watching this video, love the people around you more.
    「你今天快樂嗎?」這是一個看似簡單,但很難解答的問題。當一個人有嚴重情緒問題時,感覺就像走入了一個沒有出口、亦沒有回頭路的洞,永永遠遠困在裡面。要離開這個洞,唯一的方法是。。。在這個議題上,社交媒體正在扮演一個重要的角色。它能夠令你快樂,也能令你失望。人們常常會發帖表達自己的情緒,除相片及視頻以外,也會伴隨著一系列的#hastags 說明自己的想法。
    「你今天快乐吗?」这是一个看似简单,但很难解答的问题。当一个人有严重情绪问题时,感觉就像走入了一个没有出口、也没有回头路的洞,永永远远困在里面。要离开这个洞,唯一的方法是...在这个议题上,社交媒体正在扮演一个重要的角色。它能够令你快乐,也能令你失望。人们常常会发帖表达自己的情绪,除相片及视频以外,也会伴随着一系列的#hashtags 说明自己的想法。
    This film explores complex and sensitive themes, including discussions and depictions of suicide. Viewer discretion is advised. We understand these topics can be distressing. If you or someone you know is struggling, we urge you to reach out to a trusted individual or professional for support. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available. For immediate support, please contact 9-8-8: Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Free - 24/7
    這部影片探討了複雜和敏感的主題,包括自殺的討論和描繪。建議觀眾謹慎觀看。我們明白這些話題可能會引起不適。如果您或您認識的人正在經歷困難,我們敦促您聯繫可信賴的個人或專業人士尋求支持。記住,您並不孤單,幫助就在身邊。如需立即支持,請聯繫 9-8-8:自殺與危機生命線,免費24/7服務。
    这部影片探讨了复杂和敏感的主题,包括自杀的讨论和描绘。建议观众谨慎观看。我们明白这些话题可能会引起不适。如果您或您认识的人正在经历困难,我们敦促您联系可信赖的个人或专业人士寻求支持。记住,您并不孤单,帮助就在身边。如需立即支持,请联系 9-8-8:自杀与危机生命线,免费24/7服务。
    #love #mentalhealth #depression

Комментарии • 2

  • @christinelee2503
    @christinelee2503 6 месяцев назад

    "Nothing last forever, including suffer"

  • @unwisel3864
    @unwisel3864 5 месяцев назад

    I'm here for cls.