Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree in Mark 11?

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 254

  • @djm1256
    @djm1256 2 года назад +7

    Thank you so much! Finally a genuine explanation of a scripture that has troubled me for years!

  • @MicMurphy1981
    @MicMurphy1981 3 года назад +4

    If you let the spirit lead you you would know this when you read bcuz the spirit will help you with understanding if you ask. Thanks for confirmation for all who didn't know and for clarity.God Bless you!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!! Whoa!!!!!!!

  • @kenishalewis6333
    @kenishalewis6333 2 года назад +3

    I believe that Jesus was teaching us about how powerful faith is and the power of the tongue

  • @renibumpas2087
    @renibumpas2087 3 года назад +10

    This is so helpful!! And the context of what Jesus says to the fig tree there also helps me understand what Jesus meant about praying for the mountain to be lifted up and thrown into the heart of the sea. We can pray believing that God will overthrow appearances of godliness so that the light of His Kingdom will shine in its true beauty.

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 4 года назад +10

    Knowing a bit about fig trees, they take special care to let the figs grow..One can not take from a tree that is not grown. I pray and bind all that bears no fruit will be cursed and loosened from my life and the body of Christ in accordance with mark 11, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 and this whole message. God bless, in the name and by the blood of Christ, under the feet of Christ. Amen.

    • @LineupLegend
      @LineupLegend Год назад

      I pray all that bears no fruit will learn to open their heart for a seed to be planted and new fruit will grow. 🙏

  • @tri_neshalashon
    @tri_neshalashon 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for this.This definitely gave me a better understanding. Glory to God!!!! God bless you for taking your time to break this down.

  • @monarchymouth
    @monarchymouth 3 года назад +3

    This makes me just want to cry, thank you for this.

  • @anthonythomas19767
    @anthonythomas19767 Год назад

    Wow praise the Lord and I am lucky to get clarified on what Jesus really meant to show his disciples about cursing the Fig Tree. Thank you sir🙏🙏🤗💯

  • @soldiers4god353
    @soldiers4god353 Год назад +3

    Awesome brother you really help me understand that verse Thnk you 🙏❤️

  • @heaven33957
    @heaven33957 Год назад +1

    None mentioned this until I did yrs ago! For me it was because it was under the fig tree Adam & Eve became naked. So when Christ was being tested and came across this fig tree which beared no fruit! He cursed it because He knew that He came to fix what Adam broke by disobeying. So in a way we age n sin because of Adams disobedience & lack of trust in Yah but Christ came to redeem us from it with life and forgiveness of sins. Yah bless our forefather Adam💖

  • @StevenSmith-cx1sq
    @StevenSmith-cx1sq 6 лет назад +27

    Very interesting information. The fig tree also represents the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil in Jewish teachings. Notice when Adam and Eve's eyes were open to their sin at the garden, they reached up and grabbed fig leaves. Messiah was Jewish and would of understood this to be the Tree of Good and Evil
    Gen 3:6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, and she took of its fruit and ate. And she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.
    Gen 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves.
    I loved the information on the first fruits of a fig tree. Well done guys. Enjoyed this quite a lot!!! Will definately add what I learned here to my sharing of these scriptures,
    May you always be open for new truths when Messiah leads us to them.

    • @4alicia
      @4alicia 5 лет назад +3

      Thank you! I really thought they were going to speak on the same thing. The tree of life was an olive tree and the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a fig tree.

    • @reinepoaty6747
      @reinepoaty6747 5 лет назад +2

      I didn't know that! Thank you!

    • @RandolphTheWhite1
      @RandolphTheWhite1 4 года назад +5

      I wasn't aware that the tree types were specified in the 3rd chapter of Genesis, although I do know that the fig leaves, sewn by Adam and Eve, were insufficient to clothe them and God ultimately had to cover their nakedness. That's where the self righteousness theme comes in; where I try to make myself look Christian by changing my outward behavior and make it seem like I love others. The reality is that I don't and can't. Only God can clothe me sufficiently.

    • @jesusitaperez174
      @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад

      Don't read to much into it... gotdamit...

    • @jesusitaperez174
      @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад

      Just command infirmities back to hell where they come from in Jesus name.amen.

  • @falloutman565
    @falloutman565 6 лет назад +29

    Loved the explanation. I've read it and understood before but the knowledge of why He cursed the fig tree left me. Merely saying you're a Christian or acting like one but not truly repenting and living a life that is in service to Jesus we are cursed bc we bear no good fruit. Thanks for this

    • @1dayfree
      @1dayfree 4 года назад

      Nope, you still don't get it...

    • @benkempton6293
      @benkempton6293 4 года назад

      Christian apologists always try to defend the indefensible and horrible verses of the bible by claiming that they are all hyperbole or "parables". Now let's see what Mark 11:12 really says, it clearly says that biblical Jesus was "HUNGRY". This verse itself proves that this verse was literal. It's quite funny that Christians misinterpret this verse and claim that the fig tree here is "Jews", "Spiritual Tree", "Non-Believers", etc. Furthermore in Mark 11:20, it clearly says that Peter saw the fig tree withered from it's root. The Christian claim that this verse is a parable is absolute Non-sense and a misinterpretation of their own cult book. The verse of Luke 13:6 has nothing to do with Mark 11:12. This is because Luke 13:6 suggests that this particular verse was a parable whereas Mark 11:12 says nothing like that and no such word like "Parable" or "Example" can be found in Mark 11:12. What's quite interesting is that even in the parable of Luke 13:1-9 the bible author says it is OK to harm a tree simply because it does not produce fruit. If we believe that each and every verse of the Bible that is associated with a fig tree is a "Parable", then this creates another problem for apologists because Fig tree is also mentioned in literal sense in the bible where the bible author says that farmer who grows fig tree can eat fig tree fruit. (See Proverbs 27:18 and 2 Timothy 2:6). To summarize this all I can say is that the verse in Mark 11:12 is literal because it clearly says that biblical Jesus was HUNGRY so he cursed the Fig Tree for not giving fruit. Interestingly, bible in Romans 12:14 and James 3:10 condemns cursing. These are some of many bible contradictions.

    • @lynette4412
      @lynette4412 4 года назад

      I'm a believer in and follower Jesus...Thanks for the Bible references. God Bless you in Jesus name.

    • @DaveGIS123
      @DaveGIS123 4 года назад

      @@benkempton6293 With respect, the tree represents the Lord's people. Elsewhere Israel and Judah are represented by a tree which would be destroyed because didn't give good fruit (see Jeremiah 11: 16-17). As for Jesus, he was making a statement that he wanted spiritual fruit, not just food to eat. Cursing the fig tree and seeing it wither was the kind of sign an OT prophet would do to make a spiritual point, as when Ezekiel acted-out the fall of Jerusalem (see Ezekiel 4).
      As well, the prophet Isaiah used similar imagery when he wrote about the impending destruction of Jerusalem:
      I will sing for the one I love
      a song about his vineyard:
      My loved one had a vineyard
      on a fertile hillside.
      He dug it up and cleared it of stones
      and planted it with the choicest vines.
      He built a watchtower in it
      and cut out a winepress as well.
      Then he looked for a crop of good grapes,
      but it yielded only bad fruit...
      ...I will make it a wasteland,
      neither pruned nor cultivated,
      and briers and thorns will grow there.
      I will command the clouds
      not to rain on it.”
      The vineyard of the Lord Almighty
      is the nation of Israel,
      and the people of Judah
      are the vines he delighted in.
      And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed;
      for righteousness, but heard cries of distress. (Isaiah 5: 1-2, 6-7)

    • @benkempton6293
      @benkempton6293 4 года назад

      @@DaveGIS123 @ The Buybull in Isaiah 5: 1-2, 6-7 says nothing about cursing the fig tree or fig tree being a symbol of some sort of parable. You are just misinterpreting your own buybull. I don't think it was a parable as the passage itself says that Biblical Jesus was HUNGRY so he cursed the tree and it withered immediately.

  • @DV77737
    @DV77737 4 года назад +3

    Lots of nuggets for me in this teaching. God bless

  • @mamaylovepapay
    @mamaylovepapay 4 года назад +2

    Thanks God for this enlightenment

  • @catherinesikazwe86
    @catherinesikazwe86 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you Jesus now I have the idea.Hallelujah.

  • @glendajtanner6715
    @glendajtanner6715 4 года назад +6

    I have a fig tree and it never has this small “early fruit.” I’m not sure that the answer is so easy. It’s a difficult text.

    • @jasonrobert851
      @jasonrobert851 3 года назад

      Some fig trees do

    • @luizcalheiros4674
      @luizcalheiros4674 3 года назад

      ➤“THE BEST TRANSLATION” of THE PARABLE of THE FIG TREE [Rev.12:1-2; Matt.24:32-35; Mk.13:28-31; Lk.21:29-33; Ps.90:10b; Dan.9:27a]:
      THE PARABLE of the FIG TREE: |10a, 1948/2017AD.; 10b; 2018/2027AD.; and 10c; 2023/2027AD.|
      |10| The yamim of shnoteinu (our years, life) are THREESCORE SHANAH AND TEN [1948/2017AD]; and if by reason of gevurot they are FOURSCORE SHANAH [2018/2027AD.], yet is their boast amal (trouble, toil) and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. [2023/2027AD.]
      ➤DANIEL’s LAST WEEK: (IYAR 05, 2021AD.) through (IYAR 04, 2028AD.): (SATURDAY, 04/17/2021AD.) through (SUNDAY, 05/30/2028AD.) [Rev.12:1-2; Matt.24:32-35; Mk.13:28-31; Lk.21:29-33; Ps.90:10b; Dan.9:27a];
      ➤THE GREAT SIGN of REVELATION 12 APPEARED in 2017 [18AD. + 2000 Yrs. = 2017AD.]:
      From 09/23/2017AD through 03/20/2021AD is the period of Timefrime referred to by DANIEL as “a time, and times, and half a time”], = 3 Solar Cycles and a half Solar Cycle [Rev.12:6-7; Rev.12:13-14];
      ➤“THE BEST TRANSLATION” of THE PARABLE of THE FIG TREE [Rev.12:1-2; Matt.24:32-35; Mk.13:28-31; Lk.21:29-33; Ps.90:10b; Dan.9:27a]:
      (01) DANIYEL/ DANIEL (דָּנִיּאֵל) - CHAPTER 9:24-26, 9:27b [THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA; Fourth Edition]
      |24| SHIVI'IM HEPTADS is decreed upon thy PEOPLE and upon thy IR KODESH [Holy City], to restrain the peysha [transgression], and to make an end of chattat [sin], and to make kapporah for avon, and to bring in Tzedek Olamim [Everlasting Righteousness], and to seal up the chazon and navi, and to anoint THE KODESH HaKODASHIM.
      (a) Decreed Prophecy: Dan.9:24; Ex.25:8; Ex.29:45; Lev.26:11-12; Ezek.43:7; Ezek.61:10; Joel.3:17; Zech.2:10; Isa.12:6; Isa.54:1; Zeph.3:14;
      (b) Revealed Prophecy: Lk.7:36-Lk.8:3; 2Cor.6:16; John.1:14; John.14:17-23;
      (c) Fulfilled Prophecy: Zech.14:16-19; Is.60:12; Rev.7:15; Rev.21:3]
      |25| Have da'as, therefore, and get seichel, that from the going forth of the decree to restore and to rebuild Yerushalayim [Dan.9:1-2; Zech.1:1; Hag.2:1; Ezra.6:14; Anno Mundi 3474AM] unto MOSHIACH NAGID shall be SHIVAH HEPTADS [3474/3523AM = 467BCE./418BCE.], and THREESCORE AND TWO HEPTADS [3524/3958AM = 417BCE./18AD.]; the rechov shall be built again, and the charutz, even in troublous times.
      |26| And after THREESCORE AND TWO HEPTADS [3524/3958AM = 417BCE./18AD.], yikaret [will be cut off] MOSHIACH [YESHAYAH 53:8], but not for himself [YESHAYAH 53:4-6,8]; and the troops of the coming NAGID shall destroy the Ir and the KODESH [Beis Hamikdash, i.e., 70.C.E.]; and the end thereof shall come with a flood [The Battle Of Armagedom (30 Days) = (THURSDAY, 03/11/2027) through (WEDNESDAY, 03/31/2027) = 21 Days; Matt.24:20], and unto the end there shall be WAR [The Battle Armagedom’s Plague: (04/01/2027) through (04/07/2027) = 7 Days]. Desolations are determined.
      DANIYEL/ DANIEL (דָּנִיּאֵל) - CHAPTER 9 [BÍBLIA HEBRAICA - por David Gorodovits e Jairo Fridlin]
      “O GRANDE SINAL DO APOCALIPSE 12 de 2017”; (“70th Jubileu da Travessia do Mar Vermelho”)
      |27a| Por UM PERÍODO ele [THE MONARCA/ THE NAGIG/ THE SAR] FORJARÁ [To confirm/ Confirmará] PACTOS [= A BRIT/ COVENANT/ ACORDO: 2017/2023AD] consistentes com os poderosos, e MEIO PERÍODO [2023/2027AD.] ele [THE MONARCA/ THE NAGIG/ THE SAR] abolirá sacrifícios e oblações [The Noon Hebrew Earthquake: 03/09/2027 at 12:00am (ADAR I 30, 5787)].
      THE LAST WEEK: (IYAR 05, 5781) through (IYAR 04, 5788); [(05/17/2021) à (04/30/2028)]
      |27b| Even until THE COMPLETE DESTRUCTION [The Noon Hebrew Earthquake: 03/09/2027 at 12:00am (ADAR I 30, 5787)], a destruction that is decreed [The Great Tribulation: (SABBATH, 10/14/2023) through (TUESDAY, 03/09/2027) = 42 Lunar Cycles = 1243 Days; Matt.24:20], shall be poured out upon THE SHOMEM [Desolator (Abbadon = Perdition), Destroyer (Apollyon)]. [The Battle Armagedom (30 Days) = (THUESDAY, 03/11/2027) through (WEDNESDAY, 03/31/2027) = 21 Days; Matt.24:20; The Battle Armagedom’s Plague: (04/01/2027) through (04/07/2027) = 7 Days; The Satan’s Prision Day; 04/08/2027]
      DANIYEL/ DANIEL (דָּנִיּאֵל) - KAPITEL 9:27 [LUTH1545]
      [THE MONARCA/ THE NAGIG/ THE SAR (He) “To confirm/ confirmará” = STÄRKEN]
      |27| Er wird aber vielen den Bund STÄRKEN EINE WOCHE LANG. UND MITTEN in der WOCHE wird das Opfer und Speisopfer aufhören. Und bei den Flügeln werden stehen Greuel der VERWÜSTUNG, bis das Verderben, welches beschlossen ist, sich über die VERWÜSTUNG ergießen wird. [DIE VERWÜSTUNG/ THE SHOMEM: Desolator (Abbadon = Perdition), Destroyer (Apollyon)]

  • @koyyasudarshanreddy4880
    @koyyasudarshanreddy4880 5 лет назад +8

    Revelation 6:13 indicates fig tree bearing untimely figs.

  • @yolemejockey3664
    @yolemejockey3664 4 года назад +2

    Your explanation is very helpful. Thank you and God bless you.

  • @sennewam
    @sennewam 3 года назад +2

    Excellent commentary, thank you

  • @jer-bear2353
    @jer-bear2353 5 лет назад +3

    We're the fig tree, Jesus said a parable one time at 3 was given a certain amount of money and the good master went away four season. When he came back to see what the fig tree had produced there was nothing there. So when we ask God for something do not let it lay around and mold. But take what he has given and produce more or he will take away what was given . Amen

    • @sammyo2583
      @sammyo2583 5 лет назад +1

      Jammin Jerry no we are not. Go to your concordance and look up fig tree, and read the passages in the OT, especially the one in the Song of Solomon

  • @glorytothealmightycreator
    @glorytothealmightycreator 4 года назад +2

    Not bearing fruits = no-one changed, no life changed, no discipleship, no cast out demons, no healings. And it's not always the person's fault.

  • @laideoropo
    @laideoropo 3 года назад +2

    THANK YOU!!!!!

  • @CindySugaRusH
    @CindySugaRusH 6 лет назад +8

    Thank You Holy Spirit when I meditated on this by Your Spirit Abba through Your Son Yeshua I thought it was a representation of the self proclaimed Godly tht in actuality bear & have no spiritual fruit. Ultimately being condemned for it. Thank You Yeshua 🙌🏽🙏🏽📖💞🕊🔥🌱🌈🦁💪🏽

  • @christianityinadifferentle3124
    @christianityinadifferentle3124 4 года назад +2

    Very interesting....praise God !!

  • @deborah5212
    @deborah5212 6 лет назад +4

    I love you guys ! God bless you !🙏

  • @emangamador6433
    @emangamador6433 3 года назад +2


  • @chrisstanfill9983
    @chrisstanfill9983 2 года назад +1

    Remember, the fig tree always represents Israel. Jesus told the parable about the owner of the land who saw the fig tree was not bearing fruit, the gardener said to the master please give me a little more time and I will cut around it and fertilize the soil. So the fig tree represents Israel, fruit always represents good things, or righteousness. Teaching replacement theology is very dangerous. Israel is and always will be God‘s chosen people. When Jesus cursed the fig tree he was saying that Israel will never bear fruit again. Meaning Israel will not produce Christ followers. Later when Jesus is weeping over Israel he clearly says that they will not see him again until they call out blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. A study in revelation clearly shows that in the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation the Israelites will flee to the mountains and at a point call out to Jesus as the Messiah. Then and only then he will return.

  • @garystorm6251
    @garystorm6251 2 года назад

    Please share the Love of the Son of God, He spoke Truth Forever. Please write His Words in your Heart, and share them. Please Forgive, and Pray for everyone. Immanuel, God with us...

  • @jfox71
    @jfox71 3 года назад +1

    I understand the interpretation of the curse of the fig tree. Then Christ tells the parable in Luke chapter 13 that the fig tree that had not grown figs in several years that it shouldn't be cut down but fertilized and cared for and if it doesn't bare fruit later then it should be cut down. Both have their moral. It is strange how the fig tree is used in each story.

  • @janemidnight
    @janemidnight 3 года назад +4

    I think this was amazing because I laughed when I read it because Jesus was so mad at the tree. But there was more to this.

  • @joshuaeze6180
    @joshuaeze6180 4 года назад +1

    The Bible said that it was not the season for the fig tree to produce fruits

  • @huhehuhehuhe
    @huhehuhehuhe 4 года назад +7

    Great explanation that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, God bless you.

  • @josephnnodim
    @josephnnodim 4 года назад +1

    It's also interesting how the fig tree was most likely the same sort of tree that Adam & Eve ate from. Which is why God prepared covering from fig leaves for them.. Plus Jesus went on to curse it saying "May no one ever eat from you again.." just like Adam & Eve did.

    • @lynette4412
      @lynette4412 4 года назад

      So you think Jesus cursing the fig tree was figurative/ symbolic of his cursing the forbidden fruit (or the root of Sin) that led man into spiritual death/perpetual barrenness or infertility?

  • @Omequa1
    @Omequa1 6 лет назад +17

    Very excellent explanation! Love my pastor!

  • @gabesantamaria3805
    @gabesantamaria3805 4 года назад +9

    This is what I imagined when I read it, but I needed confirmation 😂

  • @Gwanmei
    @Gwanmei 6 лет назад +2

    Looking for breba figs doesn't make sense either. "... He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs."

  • @silvaterese6052
    @silvaterese6052 5 лет назад +3

    Excellent. I learned something today about the fruit.

  • @joshuahernandez5490
    @joshuahernandez5490 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you it's funny I was watching bible project and this just poped in my head about the fig tree

  • @fenderguitars6050
    @fenderguitars6050 2 года назад +1

    A lot of people believe that the fig tree incident may have been one of those sarcasm moments where Jesus was being funny ,..and they took it serious ,.

  • @johnwarley
    @johnwarley 5 лет назад

    I like this because A lot of Pastor’s get you caught up on the Fig tree, but it’s what comes after in the scripture that matter and the tree was used to represent the Church and fake holy people that use the word for profit, when someone goes to them hungry for the word or a relationship with God they say all the good things and show all the bling but they received and they give off the image that they are blessed but in reality they proved no substanence, “human shall not live by bread alone”

  • @kevinbennett5301
    @kevinbennett5301 4 года назад +3

    Love this explanation.....

  • @brandonj3606
    @brandonj3606 3 года назад +2

    Great explanation! 🙏

  • @brianringham9745
    @brianringham9745 2 месяца назад

    Rabbi’s believe the tree of good and evil was a fig tree, when Jesus says may never anyone ever eat of you again, he for tells his paying the ransom on the cross, that will free us from the curse of death , which happened in Eden when Adam and Eve ate from the tree (fig)

  • @Tigerworksinc
    @Tigerworksinc 3 года назад

    Imagine yourself as a born again Christian and you are comfortable with your belief in Christ that you have secured eternal salvation in Heaven. However, you stop there and are content in your salvation vs. seeking out ways to show others the way to Jesus. If so you have become the fig tree with no intention of bearing the fruit that you have knowledge of, smugly secure in your personal foundation, having no intent of sharing your fruit (message of Christ) with others so that they too may know Jesus as eternal salvation.

  • @lanabowers5332
    @lanabowers5332 Год назад

    Here is the correct historical meaning of the event. There were 2 political parties then. One was called the 'Figtree' & the other was called the 'Vineyard'. The Figtree party wanted war with Rome, & the Vineyard wanted peace. In addition to the missions of the Essenes & the ruling Herods there was another mission in Rome. This was the one called the Figtree. From 4BC, the disputes about the Herodian succession that had been fought out in Rome between the brothers Archaelaus & Antipas had led to a splitting of Herodian loyalties. Antipas must have established another house, & the mission that continued from his house continued to be hostile to the ruling Herods. This mission which looked to the Therapeutes of Egypt rather than to Palestinian Essenes for its ascetic discipline was called the 'Figtree' because Therapeutes did not drink wine & were skilled in the medical arts. The Vineyard & the Figtree were associated but had separate organizations. As a parable in Luke says, 'A figtree was planted in a vineyard'. Simon Magus was a subsequent leader of the Zealot Figtree mission, closely associated with tetrarch Antipas. On Monday, March 2, 33 AD Jesus went to the t3mple treasury (in Qumran) at the time for money collection. No fulfillment has occurred for those expecting a Restoration at SS3969 ( 1st position, Samaritan 31st). Jesus says it is because of the financial corruption & overturns the furniture for the banking system. The next day was March 3. When there was no fulfillment at the regular 31st, Jesus attacks the Herodian form of mission, including that of the tetrarach, the 'Figtree'. When he 'cursed the figtree', he was condemning their financial exploitations, zealot ambitions & their methods which were compromising the mission, & he expelled them.

  • @mrmariobarroso
    @mrmariobarroso 4 года назад

    Was the fig tree like Luke 13:6.. 6 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’
    8 “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”
    THE FIG TREE REPRESENTS ISRAEL, 4000 BEFORE CHRIST CAME, Israel was not producing fruit for 3000 years, then it was to be cut down BUT God gave ISRAEL ANOTHER 1000 YEARS. There was still no fruit when CHRIST CAME and died on the cross and rose again. Like MARK 11, ISRAEL HAD ITS CHANCE TO BEAR FRUIT, BUT IT DID NOT SO AFTER THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF CHRIST, ISRAEL WAS COMPLETELY CUT DOWN FROM ITS ROOTS IN 70 AD.
    Your comments would be appreciated

  • @ivonnelopez8203
    @ivonnelopez8203 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much! This was really helpful.
    “Why are you pretending to be something you’re not?” - I think I’d be upset at that too.

  • @andrewsmith3344
    @andrewsmith3344 3 года назад +1

    I thought the fig tree represented Isreal in the bible?

  • @xchannel1583
    @xchannel1583 4 года назад +1

    but he was hungry when he approached the fig tree which means he wanted to eat ..and how come a God doesn't know that it doesn't have fruit on it or a God getting hungry which doesn't make sense... come on why explain things out of context your response is unacceptable ^^

  • @ahmadsamir5866
    @ahmadsamir5866 4 года назад +1

    This is not an attitude of a Man who knew that there was a God within him! That's really absurd.

  • @newperspective1318
    @newperspective1318 4 года назад

    If someone or a church has been cursed by God like that fig tree for not producing coverts aka "fruit" are they cursed forever? Is there hope Jesus will fertilize that fig tree if it repents of all known sin and then bless it?

  • @monaxter
    @monaxter 4 года назад

    maybe a look on Dr brant pitre's video in RUclips (10+min) on why our Lord curses the fig tree will give us a different perspective.

  • @ClariceAust
    @ClariceAust 4 года назад

    That's very interesting. So by the small 'indicator' fruit not being present to indicate later true fig fruit, and just the leaves being abundant, that was like the outer trappings of religosity being present in Jerusalem, but not the real fruit of loving their Creator. The temple was full of greed and manipulation of the poor and not the love of fellow human beings and caring for the less fortunate, which is the true fruit of loving God.

  • @jesusitaperez174
    @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад +1

    She had faith that what she would say would happen.....

  • @JP11
    @JP11 4 года назад +4

    The fig tree was cursed forever!

  • @Qwazier3
    @Qwazier3 6 лет назад +12

    Awesome explanation. When I read that I found it odd too. But now I know. Thanks!!!

    • @flyingdoor8
      @flyingdoor8 6 лет назад

      Qwazier3 Jesus is cursed according to David Wood, so God is cursed now??

    • @benkuki5473
      @benkuki5473 6 лет назад

      Jesus spoke in parables talking about the Jews and gentiles not worshiping God and they would not listen so jesus cursed them leading them to be taken over from the Roman's which is how the Jews spread around the world. For there punishment they will not inherit any land for approx 1500 years which they will get there land back in 1948

  • @cristoff3
    @cristoff3 5 лет назад +12

    Not a clear explanation. Too much going off on a tangent. Please try to stick to the point and make it brief

    • @ClariceAust
      @ClariceAust 4 года назад +5

      I just watched an a different video on the same topic and thought how clear this one was!

    • @Ago7339
      @Ago7339 4 года назад

      Everyone wants quick and easy answers. Sometimes you can’t get those. Be patient and listen

    • @benkempton6293
      @benkempton6293 4 года назад

      @@ClariceAust @ Christian apologists always try to defend the indefensible and horrible verses of the bible by claiming that they are all hyperbole or "parables". Now let's see what Mark 11:12 really says, it clearly says that biblical Jesus was "HUNGRY". This verse itself proves that this verse was literal. It's quite funny that Christians misinterpret this verse and claim that the fig tree here is "Jews", "Spiritual Tree", "Non-Believers", etc. Furthermore in Mark 11:20, it clearly says that Peter saw the fig tree withered from it's root. The Christian claim that this verse is a parable is absolute Non-sense and a misinterpretation of their own cult book. The verse of Luke 13:6 has nothing to do with Mark 11:12. This is because Luke 13:6 suggests that this particular verse was a parable whereas Mark 11:12 says nothing like that and no such word like "Parable" or "Example" can be found in Mark 11:12. What's quite interesting is that even in the parable of Luke 13:1-9 the bible author says it is OK to harm a tree simply because it does not produce fruit. If we believe that each and every verse of the Bible that is associated with a fig tree is a "Parable", then this creates another problem for apologists because Fig tree is also mentioned in literal sense in the bible where the bible author says that farmer who grows fig tree can eat fig tree fruit. (See Proverbs 27:18 and 2 Timothy 2:6). To summarize this all I can say is that the verse in Mark 11:12 is literal because it clearly says that biblical Jesus was HUNGRY so he cursed the Fig Tree for not giving fruit. Interestingly, bible in Romans 12:14 and James 3:10 condemns cursing. These are some of many bible contradictions.

    • @ClariceAust
      @ClariceAust 4 года назад

      @@benkempton6293 Jesus was divine AND human. He was due to be crucified the next day, wasn't he; and then he sees the fig tree without fruit. The fig tree represents the Jewish nation. All His sacrifice; all that pain, and no fruit from the Jews. He was sent to "the lost sheep of Israel", who turn out to be the Christians - the lost tribes who were scattered amongst the nations. Read the bible with the prophets meaning of 'Israel', post the 722 bc scattering, meaning 'the Christians'. They later became the Christians. I've read it this way and it makes way more sense. Everything in the bible is symbolic and meaningful; it is a metaphysical book and I've come from having little appreciation for the Old Testament to having the deepest respect for both testaments.

    • @benkempton6293
      @benkempton6293 4 года назад

      @@ClariceAust@ Keep living in delusion, cultist. Christianity is nothing but a deception used by people. I already proved from the bible itself that the fig tree was literally a fig tree, not any "Jewish Nation" as you Christian misinterpret your own cult book.. The claim that the cursed fig refers to Jewish nation is absolute trash. Bible is a very filthy book that commands believers to raipe war captives, slay innocent infants, women, children, and execute anyone who does not worship the God of the bible.

  • @sarahlewis2293
    @sarahlewis2293 6 лет назад +3

    Wrong. Read Judges 9:10-11 (moreso read the entire chapter).

    • @lynette4412
      @lynette4412 4 года назад

      O.K. I will read it. Thanks!!! God Bless You.

  • @benkempton6293
    @benkempton6293 4 года назад

    Christian apologists always try to defend the indefensible and horrible verses of the bible by claiming that they are all hyperbole or "parables". Now let's see what Mark 11:12 really says, it clearly says that biblical Jesus was "HUNGRY". This verse itself proves that this verse was literal. It's quite funny that Christians misinterpret this verse and claim that the fig tree here is "Jews", "Spiritual Tree", "Non-Believers", etc. Furthermore in Mark 11:20, it clearly says that Peter saw the fig tree withered from it's root. The Christian claim that this verse is a parable is absolute Non-sense and a misinterpretation of their own cult book. The verse of Luke 13:6 has nothing to do with Mark 11:12. This is because Luke 13:6 suggests that this particular verse was a parable whereas Mark 11:12 says nothing like that and no such word like "Parable" or "Example" can be found in Mark 11:12. What's quite interesting is that even in the parable of Luke 13:1-9 the bible author says it is OK to harm a tree simply because it does not produce fruit. If we believe that each and every verse of the Bible that is associated with a fig tree is a "Parable", then this creates another problem for apologists because Fig tree is also mentioned in literal sense in the bible where the bible author says that farmer who grows fig tree can eat fig tree fruit. (See Proverbs 27:18 and 2 Timothy 2:6). To summarize this all I can say is that the verse in Mark 11:12 is literal because it clearly says that biblical Jesus was HUNGRY so he cursed the Fig Tree for not giving fruit. Interestingly, bible in Romans 12:14 and James 3:10 condemns cursing. These are some of many bible contradictions.

  • @scottpelletier6846
    @scottpelletier6846 6 лет назад

    why did you mention that Mathew and marks stories don't line up, but then never answered that. one says the tree withered immediately the other says the next day. not only that one says it happens before the cleansing of the temple and the other says after. i have an answer to this and i really wanted to see what you had to say but you never said. i just wanted to know if what we have lines up

  • @jesusitaperez174
    @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад +1

    If people were to curse the infirmities of the world 🌎🌏🌍🕊️💖👍🇺🇸🏌️‍♂️👹

  • @waltpicca33
    @waltpicca33 4 года назад +1

    Todd Wagner does not correctly explain why Jesus cursed the fig tree.

  • @Goggles48
    @Goggles48 3 года назад

    Do you think Jesus could tell if a cow had mad cow disease, making its meat inedible to people, and he would curse that cow to death because it doesn’t benefit people anymore?

  • @Mahdi_abdul
    @Mahdi_abdul 5 лет назад +3

    If Jesus was perfect how can he curse?

    • @allieyi
      @allieyi 5 лет назад +2

      Hello! You have an interesting question! May I attempt to give you an answer? I am no priest, but I try to serve Milord well, so I will try to tell you what I believe...
      First, if He is the perfect King, why should NOT Milord bare punishment to his unruly servants? We, his servants, are imperfect and need correction. This punishment is a means of rectification.
      Now, let us think of those who would defy their king, those who have been warned and punished yet still resist. What then would you expect? Execution, yes? Our Lord is merciful - the Father of millions of second chances (with proper repentance), but to resist Him and deny Him and never truly repent leads only to the final judgement - the curse.
      Curse may not be the best word. Instead, let us use condemnation. This tree is a metaphor for the priests of that church in this chapter of the scripture. Milord used it as a message to His servants - the disciples (and you and I later if you do serve Him). He condemns those who pervert His word, dishonor His teachings, manipulate His image for their own gain, and with no repentance, the final judgement is their curse - eternal death. The tree is withered like the soul without BOTH the Word and the Holy Spirit - dead. They have the Word they say but truly lack the Holy Spirit.
      So then, why should not the Most High have the power to declare those against Him to death? It is well within perfection to curse, and He does so fairly against the corrupt for He is perfect, and His way is righteous and flawless. This is why our King can do so.
      I hope I have answered you well; forgive me if my explanation is lacking. I recommend reading scripture and self-meditation and prayer for a better answer, I lack the complete understanding of Milord.

    • @peteri9973
      @peteri9973 5 лет назад

      @@allieyi So if he curses those who pervert his image for their own gain, does that mean all the people who promote a white and blonde haired Jesus or a overly blackened Jesus are in trouble?

    • @missanitamichelle7157
      @missanitamichelle7157 4 года назад

      Jesus looks at the heart of people not outward appearances.

  • @inlovewithjesus1445
    @inlovewithjesus1445 4 года назад +1

    We should be the "fruitful tree" which should be continually bearing fruit .
    If we don't bear fruit , we will be cut off .
    Jesus said " remain in me & I will remain in you .

  • @danielanzalone9370
    @danielanzalone9370 4 года назад +5

    No no no...this explanation is just the surface

    • @werringertonney7489
      @werringertonney7489 4 года назад

      Very surface

    • @Eben_Haezer
      @Eben_Haezer 4 года назад

      @@sayuken14 have you heard the answer? please come to Christ or you'll suffer for your sins.
      BTW Allah is not God of jews. Allah is not a father . He don't have a son. He don't know anything about love. Please take time and find out about history of Quran and how islam came into being and how trustworthy are they. you'll come to Jesus . May God the Father of Jesus Christ open your eyes.

    • @fearchronicles849
      @fearchronicles849 3 года назад

      @@sayuken14 if Jesus was a prophet then how was he wrong? Prophets prophesy blasphemy... he was either the messiah or he simply wasn’t he can’t JUST be a prophet though bc then he lied. Does that make sense? It’s contradicting for Muslims to believe Jesus was JUST a prophet when his whole prophecy was to fulfill him being the messiah and saving us all.

  • @alphasuperior100
    @alphasuperior100 4 года назад

    Wow, I grew up in a household with people like this it made me sick to my stomach every time so much hypocrisy. I still wish them heaven but I don't think I want to know them that much there.

    • @daddada2984
      @daddada2984 3 года назад

      Dont loss hope bro.. we still need to love them.

    • @paulakinsella2359
      @paulakinsella2359 2 года назад

      We are no better . Do not judge

    • @jackieann5494
      @jackieann5494 Год назад

      Our Lord can heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon your heart. He went through just that sort of thing .
      God bless you !

  • @clarkacuin7737
    @clarkacuin7737 3 года назад

    The true meaning of the parable is about the false Preachers or Prophets that Jesus met when he began to preach in Jerusalem, False preachers who taught the most learned of the people, changed the true teaching of Christ. Jesus is reasonable and will not look for fig fruits if it wasn't its season. The parable took place while Jesus was with his disciples, Jesus gave an example to His disciples of what to do with the False Preachers, those false preachers are barren that they don't bear fruit, it was a demonstration revealed in a parable through the fig tree. In the bible, a faithful Preacher is likened to a tree >> Psalm 1: 3
    And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. >> The parable shows that Jesus expects His disciples to be Friutful Preachers, whether if its within their season or not. That fruit are the souls that will be saved by teaching ONLY the pure doctrines of Christ.. no more, no less Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that is wise stirreth up souls.
    Proverbs 3: 17-18
    17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
    18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.
    Mark 13: 28-31 Lesson of the Fig Tree
    28 “Understand the lesson from the fig tree: When its branches have withered away, and the leaves have sprouted, you know that summer is near. 29 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, Christ is even at the door. 30 I assure you that this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
    Here are the verses about the Preachers who are corrupt and do not really teach the doctrine of Christ like the priest speaking in this video:
    Jude 1: 10-13
    10 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
    11 Woe to them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
    12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; clouds without water, carried along by winds; trees in the winter without fruit, twice dead, uprooted;
    13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
    Matthew 7:15
    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

  • @outtakes69
    @outtakes69 6 месяцев назад

    Not all fig trees have these buds.They are probably just particular to Jerusalem. Over 1000 varieties of fig trees these days.,

  • @meanie2914
    @meanie2914 2 года назад

    Jesus was referring to the Israelites, because he was disappointed with them and their self centered ways.

  • @misha-elministries5246
    @misha-elministries5246 6 лет назад +4

    This teaching is Truth.

  • @garyedwards3269
    @garyedwards3269 2 года назад

    Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
    God floods the entire Earth.
    God destroys wicked cities.
    God punishes sin up to the fourth generation.
    Jesus cursed a fig tree and it withered in a day.
    Jesus called the Sanhedrin a "nest of serpents".
    Jesus took a whip to the Moneychangers in the Temple.
    Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin.

  • @jesusitaperez174
    @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад +1

    Gotta go back to work.
    No weapon formed...it is written: with a promise.
    And God's people said...

  • @fpoil376
    @fpoil376 5 лет назад

    Thank u that cleared it all up for me God bless u

    • @Mo-gg8ts
      @Mo-gg8ts 4 года назад

      A god that is hungry , curses a tree cause it didn’t produce the fruit he wanted. Same god that created everything including the seasons and fruits.
      Doesn’t add up . Jesus doesn’t have god attributes or mind .

    • @lynette4412
      @lynette4412 4 года назад

      G-o-d. Huh!!!

  • @fisayoadegoke2887
    @fisayoadegoke2887 4 года назад

    This can interpreted to mean absolutely anything......as is evident in the different interpretations

  • @hey.hombre
    @hey.hombre 4 года назад

    Okay so Jesus cursed the fig tree because it didn't have the tiny fruit it was supposed to have. If the tree was a good fig tree it would have had those tiny fruit prior to producing figs. So it was not a fruit bearing tree at all. It that correct?

  • @angelaw886
    @angelaw886 6 лет назад +16

    I always wondered about this.

  • @jesusitaperez174
    @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад +1

    For those who believe...🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @tubebantam
    @tubebantam 3 года назад

    May the fig trees of all Trump's enemies be CURSED, in Jesus name!!!

  • @ahmedfalahy9337
    @ahmedfalahy9337 6 лет назад

    What if the tree was already harvested by someone else before Jesus examined it...that could explain why there are no figs left.

    • @vvnseryl
      @vvnseryl 5 лет назад

      Ahmed Falahy w

    • @moroccanluv8810
      @moroccanluv8810 4 года назад

      and if so, i think Jesus is still teaching us we need to be fruitful and not fake christians. in this passage Jesus is showing us an example, , and if we truly love God ways we should be fruitful,. because being a fake christian GOD will cut you off , you never belonged if there's no change in you walk you truly never really belonged to God to begin with.

  • @fancimcguffin2227
    @fancimcguffin2227 6 лет назад +1

    I’m not sure how to pass along questions.
    But I have one.
    How do we merge Jesus with what happened with Achan in the book of Joshua?
    He is an awesome God.

  • @tinac5468
    @tinac5468 4 года назад

    Thank you that's very interesting and nice to know

  • @ericaquesada5270
    @ericaquesada5270 4 года назад


  • @swansea77man43
    @swansea77man43 5 лет назад +6

    You didn’t answer the question why did jesus cursed the fig tree

    • @lenarddurand9833
      @lenarddurand9833 4 года назад

      He just doesn't know, that is why. You see the church has become more like the world than the world itself. People think they can teach the Almighty now in their cursed humanistic rubbish.

    • @benkuki5473
      @benkuki5473 4 года назад +1

      Because the people (jews or gentiles) of Israel did not care about the teachings of jesus, in saying that they bore bad fruit. So he curse the jews that they will lose there land until the time was right to get their land back, that's why the jews were scattered all over the world(Bible Prophecy). Even in the bible it has the exact calculations of when they're get their land back. 1948

    • @werringertonney7489
      @werringertonney7489 4 года назад


  • @johnhasse3995
    @johnhasse3995 6 лет назад +4

    The Savior, YAHUSHA, presents total truth, and rejects lies. (There was no "J" anywhere until about 1500 AD, so there is no way a proper transliteration of His name has a "J" in it.)

  • @elizabeths4371
    @elizabeths4371 Год назад

    The fig tree which JESUS cursed is symbolic and prophetic re: the impending destruction of the Mosaic law and Talmudic/Temple system in 70 A.D. because according to John the baptist, Israel wasn't "bearing fruits worthy of Repentance".
    Matthew 3:10 "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."
    Luke 13:6-9 JESUS tells the parable of the fig tree that for THREE YEARS (JESUS' earthly ministry) the Owner couldn't find any fruit so the husbandman says: ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’ ”
    40 years later GOD did exactly that.
    It's a repeat scenario of the historic destruction of Solomon's temple by Nebuchadnezzar for exactly the same reasons as outlined in Jeremiah 24:1-10 were 2 baskets of figs represent Israel prior to the curse of GOD's impending Judgement.

  • @jesusitaperez174
    @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад

    If she'd combine that with a positive response..
    She could move mountains 🏌️‍♂️👹

  • @NikkiJayArtistry
    @NikkiJayArtistry Год назад

    Really good makes sense

  • @yeukaimukogo6315
    @yeukaimukogo6315 4 года назад

    thank you

  • @aprillmt3230
    @aprillmt3230 2 года назад

    It felt like he could have made this point another way that didn't seem petty. I mean, who curses a tree? I didn't think Jesus would. Doesn't sound like something Jesus would do, just saying.

  • @RandolphTheWhite1
    @RandolphTheWhite1 4 года назад

    I thought I was hating all the right people? This is bulls***!!!

  • @Ayyyyyrae
    @Ayyyyyrae 2 года назад

    It’s simple and direct. It showed Jesus wasn’t God. Or he didn’t have no power unless God willed it. Plus he didn’t know the time of harvest seasons. He was unaware.

  • @terryleblanc6868
    @terryleblanc6868 6 лет назад

    Gosh,, good vid ,,,, but,, there are many varieties of figs,, some fig tree make breba figs , first figs produced on last year wood, usually in May or June in a warm climate and are larger than main crop figs produced on new wood.. it was not the season for figs? Some fig trees have several crops thru the summer, some only one crop for two weeks.. I think this variety tree was not supposed to have any figs, whatever time of year could this be,, late summer, fall? I'm still wondering why he cursed it.

    • @TOPGGcontent
      @TOPGGcontent 3 года назад

      You have more than 60 different bibles and they were all wrote by different humans who came years after Jesus so it is not the words of god

  • @LewWhite10
    @LewWhite10 Год назад

    Why you should be concerned that Yahusha is not the "J-man" everyone keeps calling Him: He's the real Creator! The "J-man" is a fake and only a figment of the imagination.
    Obedience is the fruit Yahusha is looking for that He did not detect coming from the fig tree
    Yahusha's Natsarim are wearing a sign of His fruit (obedience to His Word).
    TSITSITH (blossoms). #yahusha #natsarim

  • @atarahchomah1463
    @atarahchomah1463 4 года назад

    Could it be possible that Yeshua cursed the fig tree because that is the tree He will be crucified on? Think about it. The fig tree, being the tree of knowledge of good and evil would be the very tree that’s caused sin into man would be the tree he hung on with all of our sins. Just a thought. 🤔

  • @millball
    @millball 5 лет назад +2

    I thought the fig tree represented Israel. Was it not a foreshadowing of the desolation?

  • @kdandaj1789
    @kdandaj1789 4 года назад +2

    Most gigs are dioecious, this guys doesn’t know what he’s taking about.

  • @jesusitaperez174
    @jesusitaperez174 4 года назад

    I'd say right back at you 7 fold

  • @turkishbatman6901
    @turkishbatman6901 3 года назад +1

    One of the most hilarious chapters of the Bibel. 😂😂😂

  • @cguns9893
    @cguns9893 6 лет назад +3

    What an awesome​ channel. Thanks for existing lol