On a wire-antenna like you were using, would having the ends close to the shed and house cause deadening type issues, especially if there's metal siding in the construction? Do the signals come from the ends of the wire when transmitting, and if so then metal in buildings might be blocking them? Still much to learn on my end. Thank you for all the ham-related videos.
In a wire antenna, the whole wire radiates. The only metal near me was the aluminum roof and it may or may not interact. I think a lot of the issues were caused by poor propagation. But it’s a learning process for everyone. Thanks for watching and 73.
113 degrees killed field day down here. Went out and did an early morning SOTA, home by 10. Field day from home ;( At least you gave it the ol' college try Greg. 73!
-50C uffda
Coldest I’ve seen was -32F, had to work outside all night long that night :(
On a wire-antenna like you were using, would having the ends close to the shed and house cause deadening type issues, especially if there's metal siding in the construction? Do the signals come from the ends of the wire when transmitting, and if so then metal in buildings might be blocking them? Still much to learn on my end. Thank you for all the ham-related videos.
In a wire antenna, the whole wire radiates. The only metal near me was the aluminum roof and it may or may not interact. I think a lot of the issues were caused by poor propagation. But it’s a learning process for everyone. Thanks for watching and 73.
@@gregmve6gcm Thank you.
113 degrees killed field day down here. Went out and did an early morning SOTA, home by 10.
Field day from home ;(
At least you gave it the ol' college try Greg. 73!
Yeah, it was in the 30’s Celsius here and was hot. Thanks for watching and 73!
@@gregmve6gcm By the way, cool gettin' a contact with you on field day Greg!