To the sports commentators trying to do the math in their heads: a kick line of 48 plus 5 commanding officers equals 53 talented young women altogether.
Great job, ladies! Too bad ESPN had to sabotage another New Year's tradition by preempting your usual half-time show in favor of boring statistics that (let's face it) really only matter to bookies and compulsive gamblers.
The originals . These ladies are fierce . They came out long before DCC . This is where the jump split and high kick came from .
To the sports commentators trying to do the math in their heads: a kick line of 48 plus 5 commanding officers equals 53 talented young women altogether.
With all that technology and money, and they still can't get rid of the horizontal lines on the big screen.
Great job, ladies! Too bad ESPN had to sabotage another New Year's tradition by preempting your usual half-time show in favor of boring statistics that (let's face it) really only matter to bookies and compulsive gamblers.