3 reasons why i don't live in Italy (SUB ITA)

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @gabrieleraso42
    @gabrieleraso42 4 года назад +837

    Find a job in italy its like find healty food in america. It simply HARD.

    • @sixit2493
      @sixit2493 4 года назад +52

      *finding a job in Italy is like finding healthy food in America: it's simply hard.

    • @gabrieleraso42
      @gabrieleraso42 4 года назад +3

      @@sixit2493 yeah your a genius your welcome

    • @JappoErmenegildo
      @JappoErmenegildo 4 года назад +50

      @@gabrieleraso42 *yeah, you are a genius, you are welcome

    • @gabrieleraso42
      @gabrieleraso42 4 года назад +10

      I love all of this

    • @aurorahezzernberges7220
      @aurorahezzernberges7220 4 года назад

      Gabriele Raso lmao bro am italian toi

  • @probablefrog
    @probablefrog 4 года назад +1130

    She looks so heartbroken in this video, probably because she loves Italy.

    • @probablefrog
      @probablefrog 4 года назад +21

      @@gianfalco8527 l'italiano è molto più difficile dell'inglese. Io sono italiana e so parlare bene l'inglese perché in italia si studia dalla 1° elementare, e anche perché guardo film, video, TV shows in inglese. Lei sta cercando di imparare questa lingua molto difficile guardando video, cantando... E sinceramente è migliorata molto.

    • @probablefrog
      @probablefrog 4 года назад +11

      @@gianfalco8527 Io invece non la penso così. Tu dici che se non ha imparato l'italiano, lui dovrebbe lasciarla. Dici che lui non è il fulcro del suo mondo, ma lei sta imparando una lingua per lui e ha un canale youtube insieme a lui. È la loro relazione non la nostra e quindi non ci dovremmo intromettere. Rispetto che tu abbia diverse opinioni, ma noi non abbiamo niente a che fare con loro, tranne guardare i loro video.

    • @vladsirbu5416
      @vladsirbu5416 4 года назад +3

      @Verda Non è vero.

    • @daniele5500
      @daniele5500 4 года назад +2

      @Verda Le leggi come sono scritte per la fonetica italiana. Per la fonetica inglese anche le parole inglesi le leggi come sono scritte e per loro l'italiano è terribilmente difficile (tipo per l'uso degli accenti o delle h, delle g e delle c che assumono un suono diverso a seconda di dove si trovino)

    • @stoicazoo7845
      @stoicazoo7845 3 года назад +2

      @@daniele5500 le parole inglesi non le leggi come sono scritte. Se ti inventi una parola o un suono un madrelingua inglese difficilmente ti sapraà dire come si scrive

  • @Rickynovantotto
    @Rickynovantotto 4 года назад +1428

    You perfectly described italy (where i was Born, live and study) in a single phrase: "italy seems like it doesn't want young and volenterous people"

    • @lauraleccese3999
      @lauraleccese3999 4 года назад +30

      It's absolutely true, and sad, and that's why leave...

    • @valentina_melethiel
      @valentina_melethiel 4 года назад +53

      Perché la generazione precedente è egoista da fare schifo!.
      I cinquantenni italiani odierni mi stanno proprio in culo!.

    • @valenesco45
      @valenesco45 4 года назад +10

      @Davide Lombardo Perché invece gli adulti over 50 che stanno mandando in scatafascio l'Italia come li definiresti?

    • @jimbojet993
      @jimbojet993 4 года назад +18

      Io non capisco perché bisogna denigrare il proprio paese,l'Italia è piena di eccellenze industriali,turismo culturale,paesaggistico e persino medico,Milano,Roma,Firenze,Verona,Torino sono stracolme di studenti stranieri ed è lo stesso di Lione o Dublino che conosco bene perché ci ho studiato alcuni anni,la differenza è solo culturale,anzi per molti aspetti l'Italia è più pulita e accogliente,non più accogliente di Dublino però😂,anche se gli altri sono più organizzati. I sogni è difficile realizzarli ovunque non siamo nel boschetto di babbo natale però bisogna darsi da fare punto.

    • @jimbojet993
      @jimbojet993 4 года назад +18

      @@valentina_melethiel Più che altro mi fanno innervosire tutti quelli che sono andati in pensione prestissimo come i dipendenti pubblici o tutti quelli che hanno lavorato in nero una vita ed ora hanno una pensione piena che corrisponde a neanche la metà di quello che hanno versato così noi oltre a ritrovarci un debito enorme dobbiamo anche beccarci extra tasse per mantenerli,tutti i loro privilegi sulle nostre spalle.

  • @SabbGamer64
    @SabbGamer64 4 года назад +1986

    I'm sorry. Our country is just not built for people with dreams. I wish it was.

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад +107

      È un paese che funziona come tutti gli altri, devi avere una famiglia che ti può sostenere. Gli americani hanno il mito del self made man e del sogno americano. Tutte BS, trump é figlio di un miliardario, se nasci nero hai bassissime probabilità di andare al college. Le ragazze dimenticano che il padre che le mantiene è un colletto blu e cercano colletti bianchi che sono 1/15 degli uomini disponibili. Crescono e invecchiano da sole, perché non capiscono che stare accanto al partner cementifica il rapporto e preferiscono fare dating e dare priorità ai loro dreams. Si ritrovano a 30 anni che cercano disperatamente una relazione che finisce subito in un divorzio.

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад

      @Bruce Ketta🤷‍♂️😉

    • @davidebiondani3062
      @davidebiondani3062 4 года назад +30

      quelodequelo Le famiglie più ricche di Firenze sono le stesse da 500 anni. Non stiamo parlando di come essere ricchi ti faciliti la vita (cosa ovvia) ma di mobilità sociale, della possibilità di una persona senza risorse in abbondanza di realizzare il proprio sogno. Negli Stati Uniti questa cosa non succede, il primato della scarsa mobilità sociale (nei paesi simili al nostro) lo abbiamo in Europa, soprattutto in Francia e Italia

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад +16

      @@davidebiondani3062 l'articolo sulle famiglie fiorentine l'ho linkato io, grazie per avermi letto. Non sto contestando quello che dici, anzi, lo confermo.
      Il punto è che quando ti trovi davanti un problema che non puoi risolvere, come la scadente mobilità sociale, devi lavorare per migliorare la tua condizione accettandone le difficoltà del caso.
      La società italiana non si è evoluta molto, persino le industrie sono feudi familiari
      Avere successo in Italia al di fuori di qualche eccezione, si traduce in instaurare buone relazioni tra famiglie bene, se non hai voglia di metterne su una, affidando le tue speranze nel fragile modello anglosassone del successo frutto del lavoro duro, ci sono buone probabilità che tu finisca sfruttato
      Siamo il paese di Machiavelli, non abbiamo il senso romantico del dovere come i tedeschi, né quello della morale bacchettone degli anglosassoni, e, diciamolo chiaramente, diamo un valore alle scorciatoie per indole e filosofia, altrimenti non saremmo campioni in aperitivi e comitive 🤷‍♂️

    • @dom2555
      @dom2555 4 года назад +27

      bullshit! it's easy to cry on each other shoulder rather than accept that there are realities like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Gucci, luxottica, all luxury brands, big pharma companies, Ferrero, big food companies etc. some of the richest people on earth are from Italy and is the 8th best economy in the world with one of the top welfare on the planet, you know how many people litteraly die to enter a place like Italy? what's your excuse? Also she wants to be a creative, well people from all over the world go to Italy for design, maybe not the type of creativity she's into, but still...

  • @emmaercolin811
    @emmaercolin811 4 года назад +637

    Carlo and Bailey: loving and respecting each other dreams, knowing that the distance does not chance what they are feelings and supporting each other career.
    Me, crying: is this relationship goal?

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад +8

      Probabilmente questo è il primo sintomo della fine della relazione.
      Carlo studia medicina e ci sono ancora donne ambiziose e ben piantate a terra, magari Sud-americane, che non vedono l'ora di accasarsi un bel ragazzo con una buona famiglia e credimi, gli "succhieranno" letteralmente via il ricordo della yankee coi capelli rosa (scusa la brutalità ma a me questo video da blaming princess mi fa salire la pasqua gesucrista)

    • @federicopiana2314
      @federicopiana2314 4 года назад +2

      yes it is, jesus. it's what everyone should be aspiring to. ma che cristo di commento scettico e disfattista ha fatto quel tizio, loooooool XD Io li adoro questi 2 :3

    • @gilpaspot9811
      @gilpaspot9811 3 года назад

      @@quelodequelo Sembra che tu non abbia mai provato l'amore. Mi dispiace e ti auguro di trovarlo un giorno.

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 3 года назад +2

      @@gilpaspot9811 sposato da 20 anni e ringrazio il cielo ci si bacia ogni giorno

    • @gilpaspot9811
      @gilpaspot9811 3 года назад

      @@quelodequelo e?

  • @Misterwhiters
    @Misterwhiters 4 года назад +1055

    Te lo scrivo in italiano perché ancora sto dormendo:
    Purtroppo fa parte della cultura Italiana (molto del sud, da cui provengo), specie di chi va dai 50 anni in su, ovvero "tu devi fare qualcosa, qualsiasi cosa, pur di mantenerti, devi farlo anche se vuol dire fare cose di cui non ti frega assolutamente nulla, perché la priorità è mantenerti". C'è questa cultura della rinuncia, rinunciare ai tuoi desideri lavorativi, ancor prima di provare a perseguirli (prima avevo scritto "sacrificio" ma non è stato molto chiaro), perché tu devi fare per forza qualcosa, anche se non ti piace, se no sei uno che non ha voglia di lavorare. Anche se quel lavoro volesse dire vivere male.

    • @TheRobinF
      @TheRobinF 4 года назад +28

      Si mette sullo stesso piano la cultura lavorativa di 2 paesi che più lontani non potrebbero essere. Pur avendo entrambi tanti difetti, i sacrifici non vengono ripagati in Italia cosa che in america non succede

    • @pacoxxi3302
      @pacoxxi3302 4 года назад +40

      @@TheRobinF chiamali sacrifici per me si chiamano inculature statali, con la scusa del sacrificio ti fanno spezzare la schiena per permettere ad un politico deficiente di fare la bella vita, di mettere contro una nazione e fare anche la ramanzina alla gente.STUDI E PAGHI LE TASSE UNIVERSITARIE COME UNO SCENZIATO PER UNA PAGA ED UN LAVORO DA CONTADINO , 15 EURO A CONTRATTO IN CALL CENTER AHAHAHAH POI SI LAMENTANO SE LA GENTE NON VUOLE FARE QUEL DETERMINATO LAVORO, VIENE ADDIDATA COME...... sfaticato, facile no? il sacrificio deve essere sempre ripagato nel modo giusto altrimenti non è sacrificio ma è farsi prendere per ...o, il tempo è denaro, senza soldi non si cantano messe, l acqua è poca è la papera non galleggia, pagare moneta dare cammello tutti questi modi dire sono validi per tutti non solo per chi vuole succhiare il sangue della gente, Ed questa Italia è VAMPIRA

    • @andromacha83
      @andromacha83 4 года назад +12

      @@pacoxxi3302 mah... veramente nella mia lunga carriera, ho lavorato part-time in un call center prendendo 650 euro al mese netti. Certo, questo succedeva 15 anni fa. Ma è stato il mio primo lavoro; anche in Italia ci sono aziende che premiano chi davvero merita. Io ho avuto la fortuna di trovarmi sempre con persone che hanno apprezzato le mie capacità. Anche vero che ho una laurea e un master quindi forse mi è stato più facile trovare lavoro, non so... io però non sputo nel piatto in cui mangio. Bisogna lottare per cambiare le cose, ma fintanto che si passano i sabati e le domeniche stravaccati sul divano a guardare il calcio e altre menate... forse forse non si sta così male, o no??

    • @paolods502
      @paolods502 4 года назад +33

      Cultura del sacrificio un par di ciufoli. Quella puoi attribuirla ai cinesi o ad altri popoli orientali, ma a noi italiani proprio no. Storicamente noi italiani abbiamo sempre dato il meglio di noi stessi sopratutto quando eravamo con le spalle al muro, e questo la dice tutta su quale sia il nostro reale spirito di sacrificio. Se tralasciamo i fasti del nostro ormai lontano passato culturale e artistico, ci siamo sempre impegnati poco in quello che facciamo e, per fare le cose seriamente, abbiamo sempre dovuto prendere delle sonore legnate o, addirittura, ritrovarci sull'orlo del baratro. Ci sono moltissimi esempi in merito, basta solo andare a vedere la nostra storia.
      La realtà è che qui in italia, almeno al giorno d'oggi, non viene premiato il "merito" come altrove, ma più la "furbizia" o la "fortuna", le quali spesso significano anche qualche slecchinata, raccomandazione o, addirittura, azione disonesta. Non a caso, i nostri politici, che sono l'emblema di queste tre cose, qui da noi fanno da decenni il bello e il cattivo tempo alla faccia nostra senza quasi mai pagarne le conseguenze!

    • @Misterwhiters
      @Misterwhiters 4 года назад +30

      @@paolods502 guarda che non ho detto quello che intendi tu e ho escluso i furbi dal discorso, io parlo di quelle persone, spesso di famiglia, che ti dicono "trova qualcosa perché devi lavorare" senza tenere conto delle tue inclinazioni, magari dicendoti "perché non provi a lavorare alle poste?" quando tu vuoi fare tutt'altro.
      Quella cultura che si accontenta di lavorare basta che sia lavoro, che se ne frega se vivi infelice "hai il lavoro quindi hai tutto, fai lo sforzo e sei felice perché economicamente indipendente". Questo però lo pensano loro, e per carità se loro così stanno bene io sono contento per loro, ma non sono questo. Io so di tanta gente che la pensa così, sta attorno a me (abito al sud), non ho detto che sia diffusa OVUNQUE né che siamo degli stacanovisti, non lo siamo, ma quando tu pensi di voler fare una cosa troppa gente ti smonta dicendoti "non andrai da nessuna parte così" e poi ti suggerisce di buttarti in un ufficio. Senza pensare a quanto questa cosa possa farti stare male, e perché? Perché non puoi fare sempre quello che vuoi, devi resistere ANZI devi tenerti stretto questo lavoro. Questo dico quando parlo di sacrificio, tu ti devi accontare anche se non è quello che vuoi, perché il lavoro è sacro (e qui al sud, lasciando stare i disonesti di cui la mia famiglia non fa parte, è considerato tale). Perché lavorare è più importante del tuo benessere a prescindere, se pensi al tuo benessere sei uno scansafatiche. Questo dico io.

  • @NicolaCaldo
    @NicolaCaldo 4 года назад +357

    Italy is not the place to try to start your dream career. Italy is the place to retire once your old. Right now, our country is a mess and it's getting worse

    • @elerroy
      @elerroy 4 года назад +10

      I'm really sorry to admit you're totally right.

    • @chinelostalksthejourney3380
      @chinelostalksthejourney3380 4 года назад +5

      I agree with you italy is a good place cheap and calm but if you aren’t care your dreams will die off it’s difficult getting people to believe in your dreams.

    • @alexsorrento1106
      @alexsorrento1106 3 года назад

      cosè la pensione

    • @AtlisDe
      @AtlisDe 3 года назад +1

      Probably still better than the never ending mess that is the US honestly.

  • @christinafilou4307
    @christinafilou4307 4 года назад +136

    Sweetie listen, we know you have been pushed a lot by your viewers and yourself mostly but you dont have to explain yourself and the reasons you are not there. Not wanting to give up on your dreams is enough for not moving to Italy and the only thing we want is for you to be happy with everything you do cause you're the sweetest cutest person E V E R. And remember that we love you a lot and we want the best for both of you, but you *don't have to explain or apologize for staying in Denver and following your heart*.
    Also sis you Italian is great and your english is great and you're awesome really

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад


  • @valeria50957
    @valeria50957 4 года назад +372

    Io ho fatto l'inverso, posso capirti non è facile. Il visto studenti per andare negli Stati Uniti richiede un deposito di $19.000, e paradossalmente, è il più "semplice" da ottenere. Ottenere un visto lavorativo è complicatissimo. La green card, neanche ne parliamo. Alla cittadinanza ancora non ci sono arrivata, vedremo fra un anno. A chi commenta parlando male dell'Italia vorrei dire, basta denigrare il nostro paese. La sanità e l'istruzione sono pressoché gratuite, e questa è una cosa enorme!

    • @liammocellin
      @liammocellin 4 года назад +24

      Va bene. Ma se i giovani scappano per l'assenza di lavoro prima o poi la sanità e l'istruzione gratuita saranno andate.

    • @lucadellalombardia9055
      @lucadellalombardia9055 4 года назад +27

      no, si pagano con le tasse, che sono molto alte rispetto al resto dell'occidente, la sanita' ha anche i ticket, se hai un minimo di reddito.

    • @robywine
      @robywine 4 года назад +2

      Stavo per scrivere la stessa identica cosa

    • @valeria50957
      @valeria50957 4 года назад +20

      Le tasse si pagano ovunque, che siano basse sono leggende metropolitane, quando mi pagano qui (Stati Uniti) e vedo quanto ho pagato di tasse, di certo non dico "oh così poco?forse dovrei mandare altri soldi per sicurezza!" 🤣

    • @davide727
      @davide727 4 года назад +1

      @Verda per non parlare dell’istruzione

  • @marcococcia2250
    @marcococcia2250 4 года назад +144

    The third point is such a difficult topic. I think about it a lot. Maybe one day I will decide to travel to chase my dreams, maybe I will decide to stay here, maybe one day I will look back and cry on the things I left, one case or another
    Such a painfull question

  • @MikaelaFox96
    @MikaelaFox96 4 года назад +214

    Young Italians know well how hard it is to find a job here so we tend to settle... but you don’t have to!! I’m sure if you follow what you wanna do you’ll have other opportunities in life to make both your work and love life work.
    People who judge you don’t understand what it’s their place

  • @chispioo
    @chispioo 4 года назад +313

    Stattene a casa, qua è un disastro

    • @aurorahezzernberges7220
      @aurorahezzernberges7220 4 года назад +10

      Figa sei proprio d’aiuto lol

    • @Tore1960
      @Tore1960 4 года назад +17

      A ben guardare se è veramente un disastro, è proprio perché c'è gente come te. Che parla come te; che pensa come te; ma soprattutto agisce di conseguenza

    • @jimbojet993
      @jimbojet993 4 года назад +6

      @@chispioo Ma se in Italia abbiamo il turismo medico ossia gente che viene da tutto il mondo per farsi curare qui chi non trova lavoro in Italia per campi specializzati lo capisco e come trovare lavoro nella moda o nel design in Germania,ma per il resto bisogna essere un po' dei falliti eh

    • @alessialessia566
      @alessialessia566 4 года назад

      @@jimbojet993 concordo perfettamente, qui si accettano solo eccellenze, i pivelli possono andare altrove.

    • @jimbojet993
      @jimbojet993 4 года назад +6

      @@alessialessia566 Si ma indubbiamente,inoltre il 60% di quelli che vanno all'estero vanno a fare camerieri o lavori umili che a questo punto te li puoi fare anche qui,capisco magari andare a Londra o NY per finanza,capisco la Svizzera o la Germania per il settore prettamente farmaceutico,ma anche a Milano e Verona abbiamo in misura minore le stesse imprese,denigrare un paese dove la sola Lombardia ha il pil dell'austria e che comunque resta l'ottava potenza economica mondiale con eccellenze in ogni dove è veramente da falliti,sono contento che ci sia qualcuno che la pensi come me🙏🙏

  • @andromacha83
    @andromacha83 4 года назад +193

    My husband is American, and we live in Torino (I am Italian of course). We got married when we were 23 and 24. That was the only way we could go about being together. Of course he finished studying and getting his master in America first. Once that was done, he moved here. We lived with my parents for a couple of months, I found a part-time job while I was still studying, and I was making 650 euros a month. It was enough for us to move to a tiny apartment that was already furnished. Meanwhile my husband was taking one-to-one courses to learn Italian better (he took some classes at university but it wasn't enough). So, long story short, we got married in July 2006, and by January 2007 he landed his first job. He is a computer scientist so for him finding a job was quite easy (also changing it... he did so three times in these 14 years), and from that moment forward our future was pretty much in the bag. In the meantime I finished my master degree and got a steady job as well. We have just purchased our very own apartment. All of this is to let you know that it can be done. You'll have to make sacrifices, but if your love is strong, you can definitely overcome it. And, from an Italian standpoint, I would never ever move to America to live there. I love the United States, I love going there for vacation, but life in Italy is ten thousand times better for multiple reasons. We sat down, had a talk, and we agreed that it was best for us to be in Turin. It's been almost 14 years, and we feel blessed. Marriage unfortunately is the only easy way to do this if your finances are "low". Once you're married, they cannot kick you out of the country; they are obliged to give you an indeterminate stay permit, and from there to citizenship it is a walk in the park really.

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад +2

      Signora, lei sa bene che quando due si amano non ci sono montagne alte abbastanza per tenerli separati. È inutile che le dica come stanno le cose
      Evidentemente anche a lei Carlo e B ricordano quei tempi mitici e avventurosi di come si affrontavano la vita e le difficoltà con determinata spensieratezza. Probabilmente ci dobbiamo rassegnare al fatto che sono due bravi attori o che Carlo è stato l'italiano da ricordare in durante i coachella prossimi venturi🖐️

    • @andromacha83
      @andromacha83 4 года назад +8

      @@quelodequelo Ehhh boh chi lo sa. Da una parte non è giusto rinunciare ai propri sogni però penso che forse non siano sufficientemente innamorati. Io ricordo abbastanza con orrore la nostra storia a distanza... ogni partenza era un dramma. Il primo giorno di lavoro di mio marito qui a Torino l'ho accompagnato alla fermata del tram... e niente quando è salito e il tram è partito sono scoppiata a piangere... ho avuto di nuovo quella sensazione orrenda dell'aeroporto. La sera anche lui mi ha detto che ha avuto la stessa sensazione. Per nulla al mondo avremmo potuto continuare in quel modo. Oltre al fatto che nel momento in cui uno si costruisce una carriera poi di certo sarebbe stupido a mollare tutto per andare in un altro paese. Inizialmente noi pensavamo di trasferirci in America perché io non trovavo un lavoro decente... Ma poi avevamo un affitto, mobili, una gatta e lui un buon lavoro. Si tiene duro, ci si impegna e con il tempo si ottiene tutto!!

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад +5

      @@andromacha83 magari lo sono, ma oggi c'è questo strano problema di sottovalutare il tempo trascorso insieme: se tiro su la mia casa e la mia carriera da solo, qualunque persona io ospiti nella mia vita, sarà sempre sostituibile con un modello più giovane, perché mi sono abituato alle uscite, alle feste, ai viaggi, alle emozioni frutto delle mie scelte e non ho bisogno che un estraneo mi limiti parlando i di bambini o sacrifici, mi basta cambiarlo con un altro disponibile per gli aperitivi.
      Mia moglie mi è stata accanto nei lutti, nei successi, quando ho costruito la prima culla, negli errori, nei giorni monotoni, in queste decadi che sono volate in un attimo, lei è famiglia, un battito di ciglia non mi impressiona.

    • @jimbojet993
      @jimbojet993 4 года назад +1

      Bella storia e buona fortuna per la continuazione,saluti dal Piemonte👋😄

    • @il_narratore
      @il_narratore 4 года назад +7

      Ricirdo che lui appena finito andrà in America...non vuole stare in Italia. Ricordo anche che non siano tutti uguali. Per alcuni il contatto e la connessione mentale è più importante di quella fisica

  • @lemondrizzlecake7766
    @lemondrizzlecake7766 4 года назад +27

    Mad respect girl. I find it so unfair that people are so quick to tell you how you should completely sacrifice your dreams and career so that you could move neatly into Carlo's life, and apparently nobody is considering that he could pick up and move to you just as well (to be clear: this is not AT ALL a critique on Carlo for not doing that; I don't know you guys personally, but from what I see you're both the sweetest. I just get a little belligerent at people telling women that our greatest ambition in life should be supporting our men).

  • @SusiOfficial
    @SusiOfficial 4 года назад +59

    Honestly, you ain't missing much by not living in Italy. I am Italian and my husband is American. When we were living in Italy, I had an awful job and my husband was unemployed most of the time (and he is awesome!). So we moved to Prague (because I have many sicknesses and American healthcare ain't an option for me) and we are both rocking it! You guys will find your path :-)

    • @natalie8119
      @natalie8119 3 года назад +1

      I hope you are having a great time in Prague!

  • @matteogalfano7203
    @matteogalfano7203 4 года назад +34

    I'm Italian and i live in Finland, i moved here 8 years ago cause of love for a girl, It's not Italy asking to have 5000e in your bank account but it's EUROPE, it has happened to me also 8 years ago when i moved and Finland ( like every country of Europe) will ask you to be financial indipendent, that doesn't mean you will not get any support after! Anyway what you say on point 2 and 3 is right, i sacrificed my self so much and while my girlfriend at the time was growing in her life i was always 2 steps behind cause of many difficulties (language barrier, different culture,work) even our life together was amazing it started to fade slowly till the point we sadly broke up, what i really suggest you if you really love each other don't think to move to US or ITALY, think about the all world as yours and have a bigger vision, if you really believe in what you have you can wait or eventually jump together, find a place that suits you where you can realize your dreams and Carlo can do to, and if sacrifices have to come you will do it as a couple together.

    • @il_narratore
      @il_narratore 4 года назад +1

      Così nonostante tu abbia rotto con lei e le difficoltà lavorative dei rimasto in Finlandia. Forse amavi la Finlandia in realtà?

    • @Picuasco
      @Picuasco 4 года назад +1

      Mi dispiace che quello che sognavi non si sia realizzato. Però non ti senti appagato per averci provato e non esserti accontentato di fidanzarti con la ragazza del quartiere?

    • @matteogalfano7203
      @matteogalfano7203 4 года назад

      @@il_narratore anche ad un certo punto

    • @matteogalfano7203
      @matteogalfano7203 4 года назад +1

      @@Picuasco Certo, ho fatto degli sforzi enormi ed essere rimasto qui su mille difficoltà è sicuramente una soddisfazione

  • @tdproduzioni
    @tdproduzioni 4 года назад +48

    It's so addictive, I mean.. I't's easy to find a solution for everything but It's more complicate to find a solution to the happiness. I understand that feeling, those conflicting feelings you feel when are thinking about Carlo. On one hand you want to stay with him, on the other hand you love your life (as you love his life) and both of you don't want to outshine the other.
    I love you, I love your couple because you are teaching me the true sense of love. Loving is not just loving other, at first you have to love yourself and then you can be able to love that person that make you happy. Thank you, I know that one day you will be togheter, forever.

    • @quelodequelo
      @quelodequelo 4 года назад

      "At first you have to love yourself" said my lonely aunt to cats
      You have to settle down and build a strong relationship before your 30s

  • @pacoxxi3302
    @pacoxxi3302 4 года назад +70

    The strengths and weaknesses of being in Italy.
    1) in Italy universities do not have megagalactic structures like in america but on the other hand the study of certain disciplines is much more detailed, if you look at the american statistics many graduates come from the italian university and help to create excellence in america or in other countries, doctors, engineers etc etc ..
    2) in Italy, once you graduate from university, you will hardly find a job that will satisfy your skills, your studied subject or specialization, and an adequate salary that will allow you to live the life you do in America. (I repeat several Italian graduates are forced to leave the country due to lack of work).
    3) Italy is a very expensive country with higher taxes than Europe and is a country in socio-financial crisis.
    If you want to go to Italy and study you must do it for yourself and not as a consequence of your love relationship. Studying in Italy will allow you to be more professional in your job but living in Italy is hell, unless you are called George Clooney or come from the highest classes.
    I am Italian precisely Neapolitan a few years ago I was in Cancun for the holidays, I made friends with an American family from Seattle they were entrepreneurs who most of the time manufactured pieces in Italy, Do you know the question of this American professional which was it? Do you live well in Italy?
    (me) ..... normal
    (HE) explain to me something how do you SURVIVE IN THAT COUNTRY?
    (me) ..... mmm%?! wtf: D
    you don't live, IN ITALY YOU SURVIVE.
    true true, making the comparison between mine and his professional job, I worked many hours more and earned less, he worked less and earned much more very very much much.
    PS I never forgot those words "in Italy you don't live, survive"

    • @ning____3
      @ning____3 4 года назад +2

      ahahahahahahaha si sopravvive lmao

    • @pacoxxi3302
      @pacoxxi3302 4 года назад

      @GamerFrancis TV no no era di pinocchio nel paese dei balocchi :D

    • @pacoxxi3302
      @pacoxxi3302 4 года назад

      @GamerFrancis TV aooo a pinocchio beccati questa www.marsicalive.it/in-italia-si-vive-bene-come-negli-stati-uniti-la-commovente-lettera-di-un-emigrante-blog/

    • @recyclespinning9839
      @recyclespinning9839 3 года назад +1

      Sad story about Italy and the " survive" mentality if true??!! I left Italy , Sicily as a young child 5 years old. I am older now 50+. My mom once said quote: we left Italy to make room for the others because life was hard and no jobs in 1970,💔💔
      and now they are letting all the other countries in??!!? There was a period in the 70s ,80,and early 90s where I think the Italians had it VERY good because of all the families that had left Italy in the 50s, and 60s coming to America , so jobs opened up in Italy . Unfortunately this created a vacuum for jobs Italians did not want , and Italy opened their doors to immigration . You are a small country and NEVER should have done that!!! Now finally at 50+ I know what my mom meant by her saying, " they left to make room in Italy, then Italy does this" . I guess my parents felt in a way "pushed out", and why is Italy letting all these people in , both legal and illegal ??
      Look around Italy and you will see , I think my mom was right.
      Love to Italy and I hope you " survive " , . Because I have heard that Italians have a kind heart ❤and to loose that , and to loose a country ,,>>that would be tragic .💔

    • @whateveruresolve2be
      @whateveruresolve2be 3 года назад

      Hahaha funny when Italians think Italy is expensive. Try to live in the Netherlands. And go do any kind of medical exam!

  • @gracemazh
    @gracemazh 4 года назад +50

    I understand you! I'm italian and my boyfriend is american, we both don't have money so really our only option to be together would be marriage

    • @kairiskywalker6679
      @kairiskywalker6679 4 года назад +1

      Us to have in the same situation! He wants to become an English teacher to be here

    • @markiekot
      @markiekot 4 года назад

      If you love each other then marriage shouldn't be a crazy option (you also don't need to make it a big event either)

    • @gracemazh
      @gracemazh 4 года назад +2

      @@markiekot oh i know i know it's just my family's reaction that would scare me, cause we've only seen each other two times

  • @Rondi1680
    @Rondi1680 4 года назад +143

    The third reason is the most important, you MUST not settle for something less that don't make you happy. Living in Italy is difficult even for italians and i didn't know about all the burocratic stuff to come here. Like you said, you will get there for sure and it's more important to be true to yourself first. I have kind of the same problem, all the society rules tell us that we have to do things in a certain way and at a certain time: bollocks! Enjoy what you are doing now and you will get there before you know! Love you Bailey :)

    • @donachille3351
      @donachille3351 3 года назад

      Would ot be easier to find a job there if you're graduated from an Italian university?

  • @sarahwhite7366
    @sarahwhite7366 4 года назад +64

    Moving to USA requires a looot of money on ur bank account as well. Plus, you cant directly ask for a Visa to live there, you gotta ask for a tourist one first, coming back to Italy and then ask for a Visa which makes u able to work there. I wanted to move to San Francisco years ago, but sadly I didnt find any fake fiance to marry 😂😂

    • @giuliamoraschetti8301
      @giuliamoraschetti8301 4 года назад +4

      I know someone who met an american when she was like 24 and married him. She divorced after 2 or 3 years but she's still living in Los Angeles. I guess she got lucky 😅

    • @Picuasco
      @Picuasco 4 года назад +1

      Fake fiance'? Wow...

  • @mariamarullo7181
    @mariamarullo7181 4 года назад +11

    I'm Italian and you made me think a lot. Unfortunately I can only give you reason, I am 17 years old and everyone expects me to choose a faculty in university that will ensure me a well-paid job. Everyday I feel the pressure of adults (my parents, my teachers) who tell me to study to the point of exhaustion and in some way Italy will repay me. I am exhausted, I would like to launch myself into the world of work knowing that I could do what I like best...

  • @elliebusylondoner
    @elliebusylondoner 4 года назад +11

    I have been living in the UK almost all my life and I get your point here. I know Italy very well, but I have also travelled a lot so I can compare Italy with other countries. It sucks. Nice for a holiday maybe, but living in italy means giving up yr dreams. Dont go. Here in the UK we have so many more options, we can get promoted if we work hard, we can do whatever!

    • @Picuasco
      @Picuasco 4 года назад +2

      You're right, my country is not the best to create a golden career.

    • @alessandrozigliani2615
      @alessandrozigliani2615 3 года назад +1

      Mmm. 40% of UK GDP is financial services. Italy can go bankrupt and still have food to eat and some industries. UK? Not so much. The next financial crisis will destroy the UK, just wait and see. Please pick another country.

  • @chiarablocicci
    @chiarablocicci 4 года назад +26

    You’re so mature and i agree with everything that you said. I wish you the best❤️❤️❤️❤️🌺

  • @francescor9277
    @francescor9277 4 года назад +23

    Bailey, I think you are doing the right thing! Both are very courageous choices to make! So, never give up on your dreams! I'm sure you and Carlo will find a way to be together! And if one day you find a way to move to Italy, we will welcome you with open arms. You are great!

  • @SilentKillerPrince
    @SilentKillerPrince 4 года назад +14

    I love how you often play dumb, often say to yourself "I'm too dumb for this", but when it comes to serious speak you're wiser than most people that consider themselves intelligent
    I like to say that you have to love as if your relationship should last forever but plan your life like it should end tomorrow.
    A broken heart will heal over time, a broken life could be broken forever
    From an other italian (so sorry if my english could a bit broken, I use to write often in english but it's been forever since I last studied proper grammar) , you have all my respect and approval and praise for every single word said in this video.

  • @Refixul
    @Refixul 4 года назад +14

    You took the mature and smart decision for yourself, and I'm talking about you as Bailey and you as Bailey and Carlo.

  • @ElianaIoio
    @ElianaIoio 4 года назад +47

    I totally understand you, Bailey. I'm in your position of "teaching english" right now, doing a job that I hate only because I don't have a degree and it's more safe have a stabile job than a freelance carreer. And I'm only 24 years old, I should make awesome things and take risks, learn things, be brave, instead I live a boring life as an adult with family and responsabilities. Keep going on your dreams, your sacrifice will be repaid soon.

    • @chiarablocicci
      @chiarablocicci 4 года назад +1

      Eliana Iorio if u hate your job you can’t do it good.. 💔

    • @Panino1987
      @Panino1987 4 года назад +9

      Everyone hate their job. People like me are forced to work 9 hours per day, 5 days per week, do multiple task and job duties. Lots of sacrifices for what? here in Italy all of this is "normal", and my boss if he could he would let me work for 16 hours per day with a broom up my ass so I even sweep the floor.
      Why am I doing this? family, my son, responsabilities. Honestly I feel like I'm doomed to explode one day or another.
      If you don't have family or responsabilities just flee from this fucking country.

    • @guagnelz
      @guagnelz 4 года назад

      I love my job (devops), I would do even for free.. 🤪

    • @angeloc1922
      @angeloc1922 4 года назад

      Panino1987 Stay strong man of course! But you are so right!

    • @benedettasgarbi
      @benedettasgarbi 3 года назад +1

      Mia madre a quasi 60 anni fala commessa/ragioniera. Non è quello che voleva fare nella vita, non odia il suo lavoro ma odia a morte il clima che si sta creando in negozio (sempre più lavoro e meno tempo per svolgerlo bene)e vede la pensione sempre più lontana, infatti dopo anni di sacrifici e ingratitudine da parte dei suoi capi probabilmente dovrà rinunciare ad anni di pensione perché non ce la fa più. Non voglio farti terrorismo psicologico ma a 24 anni sei giovane, c'è della gente che alla tua età sta ancora finendo di studiare… pensaci su bene e
      raccogli il coraggio, ma se vuoi ce la fai!

  • @robertoastolfi3729
    @robertoastolfi3729 4 года назад +3

    Ciao se im USA più possibilità di lavoro e meglio li, invece in Italia e un disastro pensa che io sono 10 anni che non trovo lavoro e ti consiglio di stare in USA e molto meglio . Ciao a tutti e Due

  • @Cat-jk5hw
    @Cat-jk5hw 4 года назад +21

    In America c'è meritocrazia, in Italia quasi mai, per non dire mai! Però gli usa hanno mille difetti che non cambierei mai con quelli della mia Italia!!!

    • @TheTribeitaly
      @TheTribeitaly 3 года назад

      questo e' un mito, se sei bravo qua trovi lavoro comunque, l'America e' grande piu' che l'Europa ed e' ovvio che ci sono piu' opportunita'

  • @haleighrice7984
    @haleighrice7984 4 года назад +7

    My husbands from Italy🇮🇹 Naples to be exact we’ve been together for five years working on getting him his green card right now it’s so exhausting sometimes I just want to go to Italy I feel like it would be easier but I know it would be a huge compromise for me we have a son name Luca and I would love for him to embrace his Italian heritage and get to see Nonna Nonno😩😓

  • @francescozaccaron
    @francescozaccaron 4 года назад +39

    This is not only a your problem... this is the problem of all Italians .... it’s hard to find a job and to achieve your purpose.

  • @lobstahrmccoy3962
    @lobstahrmccoy3962 4 года назад +29

    I think you made a good decision. You should not give up on your dreams for a job that wouldn't be satisfying for you. I think you're great at making videos and you should pursue your passion.
    I hope everything works best for you

  • @zedtrek
    @zedtrek 4 года назад +4

    I hope you will read my comment as this video really touched me. I'm British/Italian, I have lived and studied in Italy most of my life and I'm now back in the UK. I did exactly the opposite of you, followed my dreams in terms of my career and "social expectations" to end up 10 years later, regretting my choice. I guess in many ways our situations are different because the US and UK, beyond two blonds idiots as leaders and the English language, have very little in common, but you know, at some point of our life we start caring very much nothing about career and start focusing more on what really matters: love, food, friendship, culture. I will give everything to go back in time and change what I have done 10 years ago, but, sadly, I can't.

    • @zedtrek
      @zedtrek 3 года назад

      @@usuario-xo1iq I think that sometimes you are presented with an impossible choice.

  • @laurajay2546
    @laurajay2546 4 года назад +37

    Babygirl, not even Italians wants to live in Italy. It's difficult to find a job, and that's the sad true. Keep believing in yourself and your dreams. I know in my heart that Carlo is gonna graduate and after a while you guys are going to marry and he will eventually come in the States. Don't be sad🖤

    • @laurajay2546
      @laurajay2546 4 года назад +2

      @@al2069 yeah, I'm one of them. I'm Italian and I want to make Italy a better place but sometime it's hard.

    • @eleonorapatricolo2532
      @eleonorapatricolo2532 4 года назад +1

      Io non cambierei l'Italia per niente al mondo onestamente 😂
      Capisco che il commento sia fatto in modo un po' generico... Però non svendiamo il nostro paese come se fosse una merda 😂
      Comunque, le sue ragioni sono giustissime e mi dispiace un sacco che lei sia stata impossibilitata dal raggiungere qui il suo ragazzo!

    • @eleonorapatricolo2532
      @eleonorapatricolo2532 4 года назад

      @Francesca Buonanno in alcuni campi è vero, per alcune persone è vero. Non mi sento di contraddirti, ma non per questo andrei via

    • @chinelostalksthejourney3380
      @chinelostalksthejourney3380 4 года назад

      Laura Jay I know it’s hard but you can start from somewhere

  • @isoladellerosetv
    @isoladellerosetv 4 года назад +5

    even though you are both following your job-dreams, at one point one of you has to sacrifice something in order to be together. I tell you even something more negative: after you both fulfill your job dreams, it will be even harder to make the step to be together.

  • @mrpetro1202
    @mrpetro1202 3 года назад +5

    Ahhh.. L'Italia, posto dove per vivere è necessario abbandonare i propri sogni e non inseguirli

    • @TomBombadil87
      @TomBombadil87 3 года назад

      Del tipo lasciate ogni speranza o voi che entrate.... Adesso capisco Dante

  • @frankjaeger2565
    @frankjaeger2565 4 года назад +10

    Chi vuole un crossover fra Bailey e Briller?

    • @Picuasco
      @Picuasco 4 года назад +1

      Magari un bicchiere di Baileys.

  • @barbara4670
    @barbara4670 3 года назад +3

    Italy is great, if you already have 💵.

  • @ricoamero2316
    @ricoamero2316 4 года назад +6

    I can’t imagine going to high school for 5 years of my life plus going to school on Saturday oh dudes I’m sorry I couldn’t do it

  • @mprone
    @mprone 4 года назад +5

    Famous quote from a famous Italian movie:
    "Italy is a country to be destroyed (rebuilt from the ground in terms of burocracy, laws, ideas - Ed. ) . It's nothing but a beautiful but useless place. [...] I hope an apocalypse occurs before or after, so we must rebuild everything. Trust me, leave Italy. Only dinosaurs live here"
    I love this country, its history, traditions and so on, I feel a strong patriotic spirit dwelling in my soul and I'm so proud of people in the world loving Italy this much. Nevertheless, I'm sick of this country. In the last 20 years its economical power almost disappeared and year by year plenty of students leave to find a job elsewhere. I heard plenty of times "Universities in Italy are among the best in the world". Maybe they are right, but what's the purpose of educating people to be good engineers, doctors, architects, computer scientists and so on if they won't serve the country?
    Italy had an incredible growth after World War II, it was like the 2nd European strongest country after Germany (in terms of industrial production and economy). Maybe we need to bottom out again to raise again, but at the moment we are in deadlock: definitely not on the bottom, not on top either .

    • @Seedlinux
      @Seedlinux 4 года назад

      I remember this, completely agree. What was the movie?

    • @mprone
      @mprone 4 года назад +1

      @@Seedlinux "La meglio gioventù"

  • @lucmanzoni6265
    @lucmanzoni6265 4 года назад +1

    I like to problematise things. Let us put it this way... If you want to make money, have a career, a big house etc, 99% your best shot is the USA. But those are not the only important things in life. You can have a good career in Italy being an engineer or an MD with less money, but you might be happier. What do I base my thesis on? Take a look at the suicide rate in the world; well, the suicide rate every 100.000 persons (not the total) in the USA is more than twice the one in Italy - 13.7 vs 5.5!! (data from the WHO)... this must mean something, I guess.

  • @dom2555
    @dom2555 4 года назад +3

    1st reason) the difference is that in italy (europe in general) they don't get you credit as easy like in US, but is better and more ethical, you can have credit in USA and look at the student loans disaster, you end in depth and inside the circle for life.
    2nd reason) visa, you know how harder is to receive a visa in US compared to EU countries? welcome to being an immigrant
    3rd reason) welcome to adulthood, you think in the 80s all youth were not trying to be the next top creative/artist of the world? guess what? life can be hard and many switched to everyday job. stop bitching about it

  • @giannottister
    @giannottister 4 года назад +7

    Wise decision. Most young Italians want to escape Italy, a country without future.

  • @noriyori9249
    @noriyori9249 4 года назад +8

    I admire you so much. I can just immagine how hard can be trying so hard to fulfil your dream and being with the boy you love.
    We all can see how much you two care about eachother, and actually no one should say sh*t about someone else's life.
    Life your life girl. Do what's best for you, at the end everything will turn out perfect 💜

  • @TorenTerlouw
    @TorenTerlouw 3 года назад +2

    I’ve been talking to a man who lives in Turin Italy for 3 months now. I’m from California.. this video kinda opened my eyes maaan I was feeling impulsive as hell and was like IM GOING TO MOVE TO ITALY!! you’re right about everything

  • @barbaramarton3608
    @barbaramarton3608 4 года назад +4

    In Italy there are very few young people that aspire to follow their dreams, you are very lucky. As someone said once, “Italy is amazing, only for the holidays”. Living here is like living in hell, I’m 22 and I lost my job after 2 years, and like me other 500 people in the company where I used to work. I stayed 8-9 hours on my feet, it gave me sciatica problems that I still have.
    Don’t even think of living here, you are living in a country where you can still be kind of happy.

    • @Picuasco
      @Picuasco 4 года назад

      Sì, fondamentalmente d'accordo.

  • @silmuffin86
    @silmuffin86 3 года назад +1

    I'm an Italian married to an American and I'm the one who moved. My career took a big step back, but my husband and now our kids come first. And slowly my career will be back where it should, but no job will be there waiting for you at home at the end of the day. I'm not saying that's the right choice for everyone, but a relationship can't be maintained with so much distance forever, and the younger you are the easier it is to adapt to a new life. Also, if Carlo ever wants to move to the US, make him check the stats on how many foreign graduates are accepted in a residency program... Spoiler alert, not many at all

  • @TheItsGab
    @TheItsGab 4 года назад +5

    This video made me emotional lol, you are so humble and honest 💚

  • @clavdia
    @clavdia 3 года назад +1

    Wow y’all’s story is almost exactly like mine, the only difference is I’ve wanted to live in Italy since I was a kid so we got married and I moved here. It’s rough but my dream, I would’ve never done it if I didn’t wanna move here despite my relationship. You are doing the right thing!

  • @federica6906
    @federica6906 4 года назад +3

    I totally understand and agree with you. Don't shrink yourself for something you hate doing, because you'll end up feeling like shit. I've experienced that just to please my parents and I'm totally stuck with my life right now. Keep looking for opportunities that fit you. Fight for yourself and your dreams. That doesn't mean being egoistic, it just means that you know what you want and you want to get it! Don't listen to people who tell you that it's impossible, especially in Italy. FIGHT! And prove them wrong. You're brilliant and capable, so don't give up.

  • @angelp.3924
    @angelp.3924 3 года назад +1

    Minute 2:13
    " sembra che l'italia non voglia giovani ambiziosi".
    Purtroppo è vero, il tuo ragazzo potrà confermare.
    Non so se tu ti sia trasferita in Italia, ma da noi non c'è una bella situazione lavorativa e molte opportunità.
    Inoltre siamo fra i paesi europei con più disoccupazione giovanile.
    Ti auguro il meglio ❤

  • @chantelasic4530
    @chantelasic4530 4 года назад +20

    girl living in Italy is so hard I moved here for my boyfriend ( now husband ) last year from Australia because my family did not accept our relationship. I gave up my job, my business for him and I do regret that part of it . Do not get me wrong I love my husband so much and moved here for us but losing that has not made me happy, I cannot find a job, I was a english nanny for a couple months but then left that. living here is difficult especially when you cannot speak fluent Italian. for the people that say to you that you are not trying hard enough or that you are not doing all that you can do not listen to that bullshit. I am first hand evidence that living in italy does not get you places and it involves so much money. I love Italy it is an amazing country but not economically. You have the perfect mindset lovely, life is crazy and love makes you do crazy things but everything will fall together at the right time do not sacrafice your entire career because even though you will be happy with the one you love you still feel that bit of emptiness inside like something is missing.

  • @graziellascassillo4728
    @graziellascassillo4728 3 года назад +1

    Wow I had literally the same exact issues but in the opposite case.. I was moving from Italy to USA

  • @nereidenene7731
    @nereidenene7731 4 года назад +12

    Italy doesn't even inspire Italian young people... soooo... I feel your pain

  • @micheledejana7849
    @micheledejana7849 3 года назад +1

    We DoNt nEeD ItaLiAnS sUbTiTlEs oUr eNgLiSh iS vErY gOoD

  • @Brigister
    @Brigister 4 года назад +5

    Bailey, I've been through the exact same thing. I had to choose between moving to a different country to be with my (now ex, for other reasons) girlfriend or keep on going on my own path to achieve a career that I am comfortable and happy with, long-term. And I made the same decision as you did, because if you decide to sacrifice your passions to be with a person, once a certain amount of time has gone by, you'll inevitably start to resent them for being the reason you gave up on your dream. So, I think even for the sake of your relationship, you're doing the right thing. The only thing that matters is that you guys know you'll eventually find the right moment in time to meet somewhere and finally live together. Wishing all the best to you two.

  • @Red_dy_
    @Red_dy_ 3 года назад +1

    L’Italia non è un buon posto per chi vuole vivere una buona vita, con i propri sogni un buon lavoro ecc ecc
    In Italia ormai non si vive più ma si sopravvive (e lo dico da italiana di 20 anni)
    Saluti da Torino

  • @edeciccos135
    @edeciccos135 4 года назад +3

    I'm Italian, I live in Scotland. My country is not made for people with dreams. I had to go away to chase my dreams.

  • @EnricoCirulli
    @EnricoCirulli 4 года назад +2

    One of your best video. Deep, honest and what a beatiful camera frame and focus! You and Carlo inspire me everyday. My dream is to study in the USA one day and might find a girl with the same mentality as u! Your relationship is amazing, because you two respect each other 'dreams'. For the time being, I'm moving to the UK in September for studying Psychology. Can't wait for it, but I will never forget about USA. I'll realise my dream. Thank u for sharing ur passion to us!

  • @nicolegentilini12
    @nicolegentilini12 4 года назад +3

    Well done Bailey. I totally agree with you and I totally understand the third point. I'm happy you found such a great boyfriend who understands and supports you. You are both great

  • @Alex-8181
    @Alex-8181 4 года назад +1

    Scusami un appunto, ma se non parli Italiano è normale che non potrai mai lavorare in Italia... per il resto mica è vero che qui tu non possa inseguire i tuoi sogni, a meno che non siano sogni che escludano lo stare in Italia...!!! Se vai in Giappone devi imparare il giapponese e così in ogni paese... non esiste solo l'inglese e per molti paesi è solo una seconda lingua, per altri come l'Italia è parlato da pochi, soprattutto i giovani che studiano e viaggiano di più.
    Carlo ti ha detto di insegnare inglese perché essendo tu madrelingua avresti potuto farlo fin da subito e sarebbe stato un'ingresso facile mentre studi e cerchi la tua strada. Non poteva di certo proporti di fare il dentista o altro che richieda prima uno studio...se non sei ricco, qualcosa dovrai pur fare per mantenerti o no?
    Se poi pensi che possiate avere più possibilità vivendo in America e siete d'accordo, non vedo proprio il problema di doversi trasferire in Italia, ci verrete in vacanza e basta.

  • @salvodeus2450
    @salvodeus2450 4 года назад +3

    Ironico detto da una cittadina del paese in cui è possibile portare armi in giro senza problemi e trasformare una scuola in una mappa di call of duty. Qualsiasi paese ha i suoi pro ed i contro.

  • @Emmanueladimariaillustrator
    @Emmanueladimariaillustrator 4 года назад +2

    Hi Bailey, I wish I had seen this video back in 2016, when I left my job that I loved (not my dream job, but that is my "falt" non having done it) to come back in my home town to stay with my EX boyfriend that left me after 1 month I was back (after 10 years of being toghether). I lost my job and myself as well. I started I job I didn't like at all and spent all my days crying and the worse was that I didn't cry for him, but bcause I missed my job and my friends I left in Rome (I am from Naples) and, most of all, my life. I have fought 8 months to be able to find the same job in another Company in Bologna and now I am happy and I also have found a bf that totally support me and my dreams. So, after also having read a lot of messages saying you not to come in Italy because it sucks (and actually I think there are places worse), I say you to come when you will be sure to pursue your dreams in the same time. You can have all of it. You can have Carlo and your dreams (or you can be together in US or everywhere else) but yes, be sure to have your dreams accomplished first or to be able to work on them wherever you will be :) love love

  • @sherlockstrange9911
    @sherlockstrange9911 4 года назад +4

    you are a strong woman Bailey, i really admire you ❤️

  • @saratc4604
    @saratc4604 4 года назад +1

    I'm Italian and I moved to Germany to live together with my boyfriend. For 2 years we had a distance relationship - then it was the time to take a decision: together in the same country or break up. I have left everything in Italy and started a new life in Germany. At the beginning it was very difficult to find a job and to have a "normal" life. After 8 years I can tell you that it was the right decision. Now I have a job that I like and many friends who are my family. Sometimes you only need to be brave and try - if it fails, you can go back home everytime.

  • @vincenzoruoccoo
    @vincenzoruoccoo 4 года назад +3

    Completely agree with each of all the three reasons. I'm studying nursing in Italy and my LDR is studying law in Colombia, both at the last year of our university studies. We are going to meet again in December on Christmas vacations but what about later? Love for sure is one of our priorities but also our work and financial situations. For sure we could find a solution for the future, I could be a nurse everywhere in the world and she can't with a law degree but also she don't want to live in her country 'cause it isn't so financially stable (as Italy, but here is better). So I'm agree with you to find first of all a financial strability prioritizing our person and dreams and then find the way to be close forever. I think that the idea of Carlo is to do his specialization there or in general to settle there in USA, no? If it's real love it can wait even if is always harder and harder. For me there isn't a "but": if it is meant to be, it will!

  • @rosarose2559
    @rosarose2559 4 года назад +1

    Pure briller è di Denver e vive a Roma. Collaborate insieme sarebbe carino. La moglie è italiana.

  • @quelodequelo
    @quelodequelo 4 года назад +3

    Ci sono così tanti 'My career, my dreams, my my my my" che inizio seriamente a pensare che sia meglio per Carlo trovare una donna migliore

  • @superluca7711
    @superluca7711 3 года назад +2

    I'm Italian. Please, make a video on how living in Denver is.

  • @walentiina_
    @walentiina_ 4 года назад +3

    Segui sempre i tuoi sogni, Bailey ❤️

  • @JenniferScalzo
    @JenniferScalzo 3 года назад +1

    Bailey, hai descritto la vita di tutti noi giovani italiani non ricchi. 😔

  • @matteoaloisi278
    @matteoaloisi278 4 года назад +3

    In my opinion if you really love a person you would do everything for him/her...even working as a dustman.
    (I am talking about the third reason why u don’t live in Italy)

    • @adamkadmon88
      @adamkadmon88 4 года назад +3

      Sounds like something someone who never had a relationship or a career would say lul

    • @matteoaloisi278
      @matteoaloisi278 4 года назад +3

      Adam Kadmon ok boomer

    • @adamkadmon88
      @adamkadmon88 4 года назад +1

      Thank you for confirming ur 12 rofl

  • @giadamessina9137
    @giadamessina9137 4 года назад +1

    Ciao Bailey ! sono Giada. i try to write in English, I wanted to tell you thanks and to Carlo. I'm learning English that I can compare with Italian. thank you so much again

  • @Brii0708
    @Brii0708 4 года назад +2

    You are the example of a perfectly healthy relationship. I think the things you discussed about are totally reasonable and well-thought. As a girl especially, I support and understand your position. Following dreams is definitely a priority, you're not taking anything from anyone by choosing not to live in Italy, and you shouldn't take anything away from you either. It's your right. I know that today's society makes you feel like you're not trying hard enough, but you really are trying hard to find a balance and we can all see the effort. What a woman! All my respect😁💕

  • @m.teresa370
    @m.teresa370 4 года назад +1

    you don’t have to justify yourself bailey, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Chase your dreams, you smart glowing girl. Carlo will always by your side, and the time will come when you guys will eventually be reunited.

    • @Picuasco
      @Picuasco 4 года назад

      Diciamo pure che uno dei due dovrebbe definitivamente rinunciare al suo paese e il partner farsi carico di questa rinuncia. Glowing girl? Carino.

  • @enricoginelli3405
    @enricoginelli3405 4 года назад +1

    I had a look at your channel, guys. You've been together for several years now, congrats! Gotta tell you something anyway, just a little bit of advice. I'm Italian, 29 now, and I've been through two 3+ years LDRs. It simply doesn't work this way, guys. Time passes by, affection increases but attraction lowers naturally and slowly. Following dreams is cool, career is great, money is necessary. BUT. Plans need to be there (1) and they need to be based on the other person as a priority (2). There's nothing wrong in giving up things for love, for family. I hate the rhetoric of "I will be happy ONLY if I chase my career first because I'm strong blah blah..." because maybe simply not everyone is like that, right? (and it's just my opinion here) It feels like you are getting somehow distant, detached. Your tone in this video is pretty self-explanatory. The humor involved, the way you described your alternatives in life. I don't know Carlo and I don't know you so I could be wrong but, are you two your respective priority? It doesn't seem like so, even though I hope to be wrong for you. Older dude last words "certi treni passano solo una volta nella vita".

  • @commonwarrior
    @commonwarrior 3 года назад +2

    Idea: what about taking a seasonal job? Send your application to big hotels, they can hire you and give you a good opportunity to restyle such some old style platforms...

  • @dandymas
    @dandymas 4 года назад +1

    Come on, stop complaining: you can teach English for few times, and search for a better career during this. It’s easy.

  • @Francesco_Monardo
    @Francesco_Monardo 3 года назад +1

    io in Italia🇮🇹 me la passo malissimo per vari motivi.

  • @Veronica-xt8tw
    @Veronica-xt8tw 4 года назад +1

    Exactly, I totally feel you !! I am Italian but fortunately I`ve got a different attitude , that is not italian at all hahah. My country doesn`t allow you to pursue your dreams, you`re just pushed into having some financial stability and settle for anything pays you some euros. I`m definitely planning on moving abroad, because thankfully my dream path is travelling 😆

  • @baughbsandersguy
    @baughbsandersguy 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for making this video. I'm in Denver too and I tried the same thing for a guy I loved and it was just too hard. Money, didn't want to teach English, and giving up on my job to start anew at a university there at age 30. It was tough to say no to a life of health, healthcare, and retirement, no student debt... but it's just not the time for me. We separated because I lived there for a summer and was so dependent on him that we fell apart. Thank you for this video. I felt like a failure before I watched it, and now I feel like I really tried and that I'm stronger for the experience that I got while I tried life there.

  • @robertoandreozzi350
    @robertoandreozzi350 4 года назад +2

    I live in Italy, and now more than ever I try to escape from here ... I love Italy, a little less who governs it. however, you always live only according to your needs, you need to be happy with yourself first! ❤️

  • @emmanueledallavecchia8516
    @emmanueledallavecchia8516 4 года назад +2

    Bailey you’re absolutely right, you can’t imagine how many young people here in Italy are forced to give up their dreams because of the struggle of finding a job that fits who you are and gives you enough money to be stable

  • @sofi2adler
    @sofi2adler 4 года назад +2

    You're doing amazing and I fully support your choice, Bailey! 💖 living in Italy isn't easy at all, and you're absolutely right when you say that this place seems like not wanting young people to work or express themselves. Italy is such a beautiful place but ruled by the wrong people

  • @imjess3827
    @imjess3827 4 года назад +1

    You described Italy perfectly. I'm Italian and yes, Italy is beautiful, for culture, food, art etc but there is no work. You can't make your dreams come true and often we guys full of dreams are forced to settle for a job that we don't like , just to be able to live in a dignified way with a pay that is always very little. That's why I'd like to move to the United States. There are many more possibilities thanlitalia, but I have your own problem, I don't have enough money to realize my dream.

  • @aliceg23
    @aliceg23 3 года назад +1

    I’m British (20) and my boyfriend is Italian (21) and we’ve been together for about 14 months. I’ve already been to Italy 3/4 times and spent Christmas there with his family. I live Italy but it’s difficult to imagine moving my life there. I’m studying at university and I’m not sure how my degree would translate there (criminology). I try my best but I’m not great at speaking the language only understanding. I don’t really want to teach English nor do I want to be financially dependent on anyone but myself. This video was super insightful. Thank you for making me feel like it’s not a horrible thing to not want to give up my life here to live there.

    • @lifeinitaly9983
      @lifeinitaly9983 3 года назад

      Take your time! I live in Italy from UK. Keep visiting for holidays and become fluet in the language.

  • @EasySchool-tv
    @EasySchool-tv 4 года назад +1

    You teach me english in every video! LOL

  • @liveyourlifetothetop
    @liveyourlifetothetop 4 года назад

    Didn't you guys consider marriage or like some sort of civil union? I know it's a big step but it doesn't have to mean what you don't want it to mean.

  • @alessioulian9860
    @alessioulian9860 4 года назад +1

    I’m 37 now, and I had a relationship with an American girl for a little over 2 years, about 10 years ago. That’s when I’ve felt the most in love with a person and the most alive in the whole time I spent on this planet. I know, I saw the video where you explained you guys overcame the distance dispite the fact that the first few years heve been really tough in that matter. Was the same for us, and we didn’t make it through, unfortunately. We both started tinking about what we would be missing if we left our countries in that particular moment of our lives, careerwise, and that eventually led us to split-over. Despite the fact that we felt each other as the best thing that ever happened to each other, we had to break-up. It’s been so heartbreaking to say goodbye, and I wish you never have to go through that process.
    That being said, and after realizing what the true loss was for us, the only advice I have to give you, is: if you’re truly-madly-deeply in love with this young man, and he is reciprocating the same feelings, give youself a chance. You may not find the job of your dreams in Turin right away, or he might struggle finding something to do in the US for a while, that’s going to happen for sure. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be forever! Give yourself a chance, support each other financially, in every way possible, and life may surprise you. Fortune favors the brave, you must know that’s true.
    My best wishes to you and Carlo, sweetheart. I love your channel because your stories remind me the true love I once had, and all the rare, unforgettable moments spent together. Don’t be like me, life deserves to be lived at its max. You may regret the choices that may seem rational and safer, in just a few years.

  • @ReactiveDogDiaries
    @ReactiveDogDiaries 3 года назад +1

    I believe in you, you have good morals. If something was meant to be you’ll find it at your lowest point.

  • @ez6729
    @ez6729 4 года назад +1

    ‘’Sembra che l’Italia non voglia giovani ambiziosi’’ quanto hai ragione cada Bailey😥

  • @colonelgoodstep
    @colonelgoodstep 3 года назад

    Italy is Awesome and Great !!! Im Italian.... here is The Eldorado ...Just 2 things
    you have to be born Rich and everytime there is a Problem Yell Scream and Talk Louder!!!
    ah................. Be Selfish and Be A Piece of Sh** Helps too.....

  • @better_call_joe
    @better_call_joe 4 года назад

    Have you guys think to get married? lol
    I know it’s not that easy but then you can chose where you want to live without any problem. And you both get USA and EU passport... I mean it’s like the 2 passport that you want to get in this world lol

  • @lelio83
    @lelio83 4 года назад +2

    Never give up on your dreams! This would kill also your relationships...

  • @m.t.5571
    @m.t.5571 3 года назад +1

    Very strange. In Italy, during last years, many illegal migrants arrive and have arrived here.
    i hope you, Bailey, could live here in Italy, one day. I think you deserve it because you love and *respect* our culture, not like illegals, who come here because they know that they get *their* ways by doing that: once they are here in Italy without previously have committed their questionnaires compiled for 'our' valuation in the opportune hub/embassis in the World, it is difficult to get rid of them, that is repatriate them. Especially with some politicians and, that is worst, judges close to PD.
    Do you know about advertise panels about immigration and "welcome," where you read the label "Magistratura democratica" :(? Poor Italy.
    And so nearly 700.000 immigrants have arrive here during last few years with Governs supported by PD party. Many arrived from Africa, without school, and that's ok, without documents so you don't know who they are, from wars or not, but, geez, they have smartphones! A lot of them get food and a bed here that are paid by decisions made by politician men and it weights on italian people shoulders. You are lucky to have Trump in USA.

  • @dsir358
    @dsir358 4 года назад +1

    I live in italy,in this years most of the young people move in another country, because no matter if you went to university or have a professional certification, most of the people still don't find a job,and the bills are increasing, and the government don't care,you have chosen well

    • @recyclespinning9839
      @recyclespinning9839 3 года назад

      You should have not let all these foreigners in, pushing out the Italians from the south of Italy to move else where. Now the Italians were replaced by foreigners who are desperate . Italy has created this with your class system and looking down on the terrone.. My parents were from the south and were forced to move to America in the 70s , only to have Italy over run by none Italians. This is a theory but I am going off of facts told to me by my mom who is from Sicily and moved to the USA , in the late 60s , almost 70s. Sorry to here about what has happened , but as you see this started many years ago. I believe had Italy not allowed immigration , Italy would be a power today. You were 5th economic power in the 80s ,, probably because of all the Italians that had left to America and jobs were plentiful for a period. Letting other ethnic groups in because of jobs you would not do , and pushing Italians to move in the 1950s and 1960s has proven to be a BIG mistake on Italy's part !!

  • @sofiadidonna3655
    @sofiadidonna3655 4 года назад +1

    This is so sad. It Is sad to see how my country Is becoming a close Cage. Your 3rd point Is SO REAL. All of us, italian young people, are living this. We are asked to sacrifice everything for something Is not even our dream. We all deserve to be Happy. I Wish you the best!

  • @robertofalgiano1846
    @robertofalgiano1846 4 года назад +1

    Hi bailey.
    First,i want to say that i love you,Carlo and your videos.(The editing is amazing,and the number of memes and vines that you know scare me).
    Than i want to say that i saw all your videos but this is the first time i felt like i had to comment absolutly.
    I had the feeling that you had to find an "excuse" for not living in Italy with Carlo, maybe because people are always asking you: "why dont you come in Italy?"
    "Have you considered being a teacher?" and stuff like that...
    If it's so,i would like to apologize to you for them.(and also for my bad English).
    You have to do what makes you happy, what you feel you are brought for, that you think is your way.If a person loves you,you could never ask her to leave her life to start one from scratch,because you love her and you only want the best and only the best for that person,even if you know this means staying away(obviously I understood that this is also the thought of Carlo for you).
    You love each other, you care about each other, and for this you want the other to not give up the possibilities that life offers him.Having such a person in your life is really rare and the most beautiful thing that exists.I believe that a love like yours can go beyond space and time.Nobody knows what the future holds for us(maybe Shrek will conquer the world,maybe not,maybe we gonna eat Galatine for the rest of our lifes), but we know that no matter what,there will always be that person. I believe this is love.
    Scusa ancora per il mio inglese,vi mando un saluto,un grande in bocca al lupo e tutto il nostro supporto. Ciao 🙌

  • @a.js.r2331
    @a.js.r2331 3 года назад

    Ciao! Me chiamo Alejo, sono un Ragazzo Argentino che abita a Bologna, love your videos by the way. I would recommend you to Study in Argentina, where you only pay for your books And the university cost like $0.00 ( yup, all) and where the Dollar or Euro is highly stronger as change value.... anyhow I wish you to considerate visiting the page of the UNC (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CORDOBA), if you already speaks Italian our kind of Spanish will be very easy to learn (it's a mix between Italian and Spanish, because of the massive migration) also, with any language you learn it becomes easier to learn others. Fun fact: after "Spanish", Italian and English are the following 2 languages most spoken in Argentina, you can get a job as well with them. Good luck!