You know, even thought I read your comment before seeing it, I wasn't expecting a full on Weird Scam in a Can't! And I thank you for not spoiling the punchline!
I'm fascinated by how differently people describe the taste. It absolutely tastes like oreo to me. I like it personally. It's like cream soda, or vanilla coke.
@@tsurugizaki yeah, oreo cream soda sounds about right, but i think i had my fill of any cream soda for a long time after it was my only soda for a while lol
Oh, what great feeling that RUclips apperantly just decided to not have all notifications on for Atomic Shrimp. Oh, what great feeling to have a bunch new content to bingewatch.
I saw some kind of *coffee cappuchino Coke* in my local Walmart "neighborhood market" I'm not even sure how they pulled that off because I tried mixing coffee and Coke in a Starbucks (the barista was fascinated by this experiment and all in) and it just fizzed up like crazy and in the end just tasted like ... Coke with coffee in.
@@alexcarter8807 I was a big fan of the coke with coffee in it (at least the stuff that was just coke mixed with plain coffee) until covid completely changed how cola tasted to me.
As an underpaid cashier, one of my few pleasures is trying out all the weird and unusual collaboration and event drinks, brands come up with. Oreo Coke could have been so much less boring. it just tastes like taking a bite of an Oreo and drinking a sip of coke
I mean, that's what it's supposed to taste like. What could be more spot-on for "A Coke that tastes like Oreos" than "A Coke that tastes like you just ate an Oreo"?
@@The3Storms There was a weird Collab between a Berlin Kebab store, and a no name soda maker, producing a lemon soda and a pomegranate soda. They were both completely missing the mark, with the pomegranate soda tasting like bubblegum, and the lemon one tasting like Hibiscus Tea. The Lemon one tastes very similar to a very fancy eco-friendly lemonade called "Bionade" which my aunt always buys, so I quite liked it.
That can opener you used takes me back to camping trips in South Wales in the late 1960s and cans of Carnation milk. Something I haven't though about for a long time.
What a coincidence, I have actually tried coca cola flavored Oreo cookie recently, I believe it must be a collaboration of both brands, can't believe you tried the other end. The taste is not for everyone but it's really surprising
Its just a oreo with a weak as hell generic cola flavor, and doesn't even taste like coca cola it tastes like RC cola or some off brand cola flavor to me.
Love that you nailed why drinking something directly from a can is very different to drinking it after it's been poured out into some vessel. The nose goes into play with the latter, whereas it's very limited when imbibing from a can. Sometimes this is a good thing, particularly with some (but not all of) the cheap mass-produced beers I like to drink from time to time. If I'm having a nice beer, it's going into a glass so I can smell it for the full experience, every time -- and even with some of the cheapo beers, going for a glass makes them better, but with others -- very not so.
I think we are seeing so many of these sort of flavor mashups because of FOMO (fear of missing out). The taste doesn't have to be good, but marketing has certainly created this feeling of missing out if you don't try something. It doesn't help that these are heavily marketed as limited time only.
I tried it. It's not bad tasting. Wouldn't be mad about it, it's not that amazing, but it is nice enough. I'd be happy to drink it again, wouldn't be upset if I never have it again.
@@Boogie_the_cat lets be adults and understand that different parts of the world spell things differently. They are both correct spellings and historically the British also used to spell it flavor.
After much searching, this was the only regulation on caffeine I could find (from the UK government website): Caffeine You must label drinks that contain more than 150 milligrams per litre of caffeine with the words ‘High caffeine content. Not recommended for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women’. This also applies to concentrated or dried drinks that will contain more than 150 milligrams per litre of caffeine when reconstituted. It does not apply to tea and coffee drinks if ‘tea’ or ‘coffee’ are in the name of the food. Where caffeine has been added to a food product (other than a drink) for a physiological purpose, you must put the words ‘Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children or pregnant women’ on the label. You must put these warnings in the same field of vision as the name of the food and include the caffeine content in milligrams per 100 grams or per 100 millilitres in brackets after the warning. Specifically, the requirement to put warnings about the caffeine content only applies over a certain amount of caffeine (which soft drink are legally required to be under anyway), and the requirement to warn about caffeine regardless of quantity (that might lead a company to claim it's only for flavour) specifically exempts drinks. I can find no reason to specifically say "caffeine flavouring" over just "caffeine" in the ingredients. While I was writing this I found something interesting: The labelling legislation (assimilated Regulation (EU) 1169/2011) requires that where caffeine is used as a flavouring, the term ‘caffeine’ must appear after the word ‘flavouring(s)’ in the list of ingredients. You might have seen on ingredients lists "flavourings (caffeine)" or similar. This is because of that regulation. So, the specific wording of the ingredients might actually be in breach of that labelling regulation.
Recently Coke discontinued vanilla Coke zero. I think that is because the Oreo is a direct replacement. The flavours taste nearly identical with just a slightly chocolatey aftertaste with the Oreo one.
Honestly most Coca Cola variants are unpleasant. The only flavoured one I've really enjoyed is Orange, which is a pain to get in the UK (Used to drink tons of Mezzo Mix when I lived in Austria, which is basically the same thing).
My son bought a can of this and we all tried it. My first impression is that it takes like a cheap unbranded cola, almost as bad as the cheapest cola syrup I used to buy and dilute with tap water when I was a poor student and needed cheap caffeine.
Mondelez International has bought our beloved Cadbury and also owns Oreo so that is why we see a lot of Oreo/Cadbury crossovers, they must have also done a deal with Coca-Cola or maybe Mondelez owns a lot of shares in Coca-Cola company. Also it explains why cadbury doesnt taste as good as it used to as they changed the recipe to cheaper ingredients.
You had me at Oreo and I tossed my cookies at "zero sugar" Don't get me wrong, all the carbonated beverages I drink are zero sugar, but I don't think a zero sugar Oreo (let alone Oreo cola beverage) would tickle my pundit at all.
I've always found coke from a glass bottle tastes the best if you can find them these days as that takes me back to being a kid, coke out of plastic bottles or cans just don't taste the same to me.
I have actually tried this recently. In my opinion it was rather sweet, but not unbearable with a mild oreo taste. For some reason i found it "dry", i know that sounds weird but i've got no other way of describing it.
One thing I've heard before (from a glass manufacturer) is that if you drink from a can the liquid will be funnelled down the middle of your tongue, whereas if you drink from a wide-mouthed glass it spreads over the whole of the tongue, and this explains some of the differences in sensory perception.
I don’t drink coke much, but I tried this Oreo Coke just for fun the other day. I actually really enjoyed it. There’s some kind of creamy flavor (maybe sort of a vanilla flavor you described) that really brightened the flavor and then the darker cocoa flavor sort of cuts through and balances it out. It’s not like I would drink it all the time, but it’s still a fun experience when people get experimental and mix up flavors in a different way.
when the threats of nuclear war arise, i'm buying several cans of every WSIAC to keep in my bunker. The weirdness will undoubtedly be appreciated many years into the bunker life
When you decant a soda, you're letting more of the carbonation out. That's the primary reason the can tastes "tangier," and one of the reasons fountain drinks have more carbonation in the default mix.
CO2 gets dissolved into water by turning into carbonic acid, which then in turn converts back into CO2 gas and more water. This is also why flat sodas taste so different to fresh ones. I find that carbonated beverages are always more carbonated when they're canned, so they're also more acidic. This is likely why people are always complaining that you're not tasting it from the can, since it holds onto so much more carbonation than in a big wide open glass.
I feel the same way about Oreo. I'm barely aware I'm eating a biscuit. Much rather have a bourbon, or even the wibbly-edge chocolate sandwich biscuit that comes in the selection tins.
I recently found the canned version of this and found that it has a much muted flavor compared to the plastic bottle version. It's weird, it still has all the same tastes, Coke on the front end, Oreo on the back end, but it's like someone just added water to it and made it less flavorful. The canned one also didn't seem to be as fizzy as the bottled version. The thing I do like about it is that the cocoa isn't overpowering, that would have truly ruined it.
I REALLY enjoyed the Coca Cola Starlight flavor, the full sugar version had a deep spice to it and an almost gingerbread-esque aftertaste. To me it was like an alternate regular coke recipe with enhanced spice and sweetness. I could imagine coca cola fresh from a fountain drink stand back in the day, and the worker threw in an extra dash of this and that to get this flavor, like tweaked ratios. They should have made that one permanent.
I literally tried this today, alongside the Coke flavoured Oreos a week or more ago. The drink tastes kinda vanilla-y, just as you stated. A friend also said creaming soda-esque. For me, as with most like drinks, the Zero Sugar/sweetener aftertaste was as always unpleasant. The oreos were odd. Both of my friends couldn't eat more than one. I ate them once I ignored the weird taste, but would definitely not go out and buy them.
Honestly, I do enjoy weird novelties like this; if I see one in store, I often do pick it up just to try it - which, I suppose, is essentially the marketing tactic used. If I end up liking it, then good - well worth the impulse buy. If it's just _meh_ or bad, then hey, at least I tried it. No big loss.
I love your church key can opener, which was very nostalgic for me. I suspect young people might not have seen one these days let alone know to puncture the can twice to allow the fluid to flow out smoothly. Thank you for the meticulous and entertaining review!
For me it starts with the taste and feel of vanilla coke (weirdly the sugar version and not the zero variant even though this is zero) and then when all of it is almost completely down my throat there‘s a light oreo cookie flavour as if you‘d drank the last sip of milk with cookie crumbles at the bottom.
Just the other day an aquaintance was raving about Coca Cola Oreo and passing it around. I declined as, to me, Sugar Free Drinks taste extremely bitter and make me really thirsty. Everyone wanted me to try it, as I have the reputation of having a really good sense of taste but, having heard you opinion of it, Mr Shrimp, I'm so glad I didn't as you seem to like the same type of things that I do (with the exception of almonds which, disappointingly, I cannot enjoy). So, Thank you for your review. Also, does anyone remember Caffine Free Coke in the 1980s. We used to call it Flavour Free Coke. Someone way back in the comments mentioned Black Coke which had a coffee flavour. This sounds delicious. I wish there were more coffee flavoured sweets, coffee flavoured Areo would be fandabbydoozy! Gillywoggles signing out!
Because of the nature of cross-promotional products, there are also Coca-Cola flavored Oreos. If you find a pack, see who you can share them with. It should come with off-brand Pop Rocks mixed into the frosting.
Funny that you should encounter a can that failed to open, I have just had the same problem this evening, solved using a screwdriver (4.0mm flat blade, in case it's of any relevance).
Aah I love Brixham! I hope you had a lovely time down there! I am sure you did but I hope you went to the battery gardens as that seems like something you would find interesting! Also, completely random but you might find interesting, probably about 7 or so years ago, on the way back from holiday, me and my family stopped off in Brixham to say goodbye to the sea. It was during a storm and it was so bad, the breakwater beach had almost entirely been washed away! I hope it has recovered from that?
The Oreo cola just tastes like coke. They decided to combine a strong flavour with a weak one, meaning all you actually taste is the strong one. If you swill it around your mouth a little you might catch the merest hint of Oreo, then it's completely gone. It's like trying to sniff a flower next to a tyre fire.
I had the same issue with the can not opening and I'm living on another continent. I guess maybe something went a bit wrong with the production of these cans.
I think it's just coke zero, it has a way of just sucking the flavour out of everything. It's like a homeopathic drink and the flavour is someone who kind of remembers drinking coke in their youth and has a terrible memory
I tried this recently and to me it was very strongly oreo-flavoured! It was so weird, it really tasted like I'd taken a bite of oreo and a sip of coke at the same time. I drank it from the can at room temperature.
An American here, cookies including Oreos scream for either a cup of hot tea or a glass of milk (preferably skim). Adding sweet to sweet is rather nauseating 🤢. And I just read that Coca-Cola is getting rid of the Raspberry Coke BUT is keeping the Oreo Coke. Not a good decision I think.
I saw a can of this stuff a week ago and i had one. I tried it and its a weird flavour but i like it. It kind of reminds me of a cream soda flavour with a slight oreo aftertaste
I've tried this, personally i didn't like it at all, i don't often have either but do enjoy both. To me it tasted like someone had taken stale oreo and flat coke then stuck them in a blender, sieved the bits out and re canned it haha
they actually just a few days ago had a stand of these at my uni. i didn't try, but maybe i should take a look. i should have probably gone down there to do my own review.
I've been seeing the adverts for the Coke flavoured Oreos frequently for weeks, so yeah, they're doing both. I dislike Oreos but for me that's not unexpected since there are so few such treats that I don't find unappealing at best. I still like fig newtons.
Good afternoon, Sir! My partner and I were looking at Brixham for a week away next year. The view looked stunning! Any chance of knowing what hotel that was? I enjoyed the Oreo Coke Zero mildly. I found it was better at a somewhat ambient temperature than it was fridge cold.
Our tasting notes are similar- to me it mostly tasted of slight vanilla and some mingling remnants of cocoa mixed with diluted coke. The fundamental problem is that they are two complete flavor profiles that don't need to be mixed- coca cola has it's own entire profile, as does an Oreo. Mashing them together just cancels out and mutes what makes both flavors unique. It wasn't -bad- tasting, but it was just kinda...well, I'd rather have a vanilla coke.
Mr Shrimp the way you opened that second can gave you a sniff opening, I wonder if it would have tasted any different straight out of the can with the extra anti-vacuum, olfaction aperture TM opening?
oh nice I just saw a sign at the dairy advertising this and thought hell naw ill never try that. and now I get to watch one of my favourite youtubers give it a shot
I kinda liked this stuff. It's flavor kind of reminded me of Coca-Cola Black, which was a coffee flavored promotional flavor coke they had for a time that they no longer sell
I truly appreciate you filming this video because I have been debating trying this but I feel like Coke is just tricking me into buying more poison just because I NEED to know what this new silly version tastes like. So based on this review I will decide whether or not to try it.
I mean, interesting that you mentioned the vanilla flavour since I do like vanilla flavoured softdrinks. I already prefer the regular Vanilla Coke but don't think I will drink the Oreo so much. I want to try this, though! 👍
Coke may taste different drinking straight from the can because of the metal, I think there have been some studies showing food tastes different using cutlery made from different materials and the only inert material was gold that didn’t affect taste. Possibly?
All coke cans are lined in plastic to make them inert to the acid, so I doubt there's any chemical difference. However, the thermal properties of the can will be different to the plastic bottle, and this might have an effect when drinking directly. In my experience the canned product seems cooler when the drink is at room temperature.
@@user-ut9vp9ph4m Maybe. but I still think it's the thermal properties and other physical properties of the materials that dominate, with the chemical properties being less important.
Hi Atomic Shrimp, If you find the Coke oreos maybe combine thim into an episode with Sainsbury's "Twists" they have release Gingerbread flavour custard creams, Blackforest flavour Bourbons and Caramel flavour Bourbons. Id like to see what you think off them. Keep up the great content 😁 👍
The American version has the sugar still in I believe, keeping an eye out for that here in the UK in the regular USA drinks haunts … I didn’t mind it, agree the Oreo flavour is on the back note but the lack of sugar makes it a bit boring :(
No idea why they went 0 sugar. I feel if they did the sugar edition, it would taste a lot more like oreos. The oreo flavor is very strong as an after taste. I drunk the bottled version.
Yeah, agreed. I hate that a lot of (new) stuff only comes in zero sugar - even if it wouldn't upset my stomach, it just has that disgusting aftertaste (it's also particularly bad with energy drinks imo)
The second one that wouldn't open appears to be a Weird Stuff in a Can't!
A real life can of Can't
You know, even thought I read your comment before seeing it, I wasn't expecting a full on Weird Scam in a Can't!
And I thank you for not spoiling the punchline!
Weird stuff STAYS in a can
Don't scan that QR code, folks. I did and now the Coca Cola CEO is crashing on my couch and won't leave.
Just offer him a can of Pepsi.
@@AtheistOrphanGayest profile i’ve seen in a while. Get well soon 🙏😔
@@AntiCommunistCrusader - Reported to RUclips for abuse. (But you should be proud that you’re gay and celebrate your sexuality, no need to be angry).
Well, you are besties now
It's a weird feeling seeing you sat within line of sight of my childhood home.
Same here. Also recognised it from the thumbnail
3:48 pretty sure the rounded edges come from the shape of the oreo
No, it comes from the round can
"I suppose that does taste of Oreos because it doesn't really taste of much."
The perfect description of the oreo cookie Co.
its biggest positive is it actually tastes like oreo. its biggest negative is it actually tastes like oreo (and is fizzy)
Personally I just thought it tasted like normal coke and couldn’t tell any difference
I'm fascinated by how differently people describe the taste. It absolutely tastes like oreo to me. I like it personally. It's like cream soda, or vanilla coke.
@@tsurugizaki yeah, oreo cream soda sounds about right, but i think i had my fill of any cream soda for a long time after it was my only soda for a while lol
Oh, what great feeling that RUclips apperantly just decided to not have all notifications on for Atomic Shrimp.
Oh, what great feeling to have a bunch new content to bingewatch.
The latest in a long list of products nobody wanted.
I saw some kind of *coffee cappuchino Coke* in my local Walmart "neighborhood market" I'm not even sure how they pulled that off because I tried mixing coffee and Coke in a Starbucks (the barista was fascinated by this experiment and all in) and it just fizzed up like crazy and in the end just tasted like ... Coke with coffee in.
@@alexcarter8807 I was a big fan of the coke with coffee in it (at least the stuff that was just coke mixed with plain coffee) until covid completely changed how cola tasted to me.
As an underpaid cashier, one of my few pleasures is trying out all the weird and unusual collaboration and event drinks, brands come up with.
Oreo Coke could have been so much less boring. it just tastes like taking a bite of an Oreo and drinking a sip of coke
What are some of your favorites?
I mean, that's what it's supposed to taste like. What could be more spot-on for "A Coke that tastes like Oreos" than "A Coke that tastes like you just ate an Oreo"?
@@The3Storms There was a weird Collab between a Berlin Kebab store, and a no name soda maker, producing a lemon soda and a pomegranate soda. They were both completely missing the mark, with the pomegranate soda tasting like bubblegum, and the lemon one tasting like Hibiscus Tea.
The Lemon one tastes very similar to a very fancy eco-friendly lemonade called "Bionade" which my aunt always buys, so I quite liked it.
what about double-stuff oreo coke zero
@@gigi9301 probably tastes like two bites of an Oreo and drinking a sip of coke
‘Weird Opening of a Can’ edition.
That can opener you used takes me back to camping trips in South Wales in the late 1960s and cans of Carnation milk. Something I haven't though about for a long time.
Reminding people of things they’ve forgotten or don’t think of often seems to be a special skill of his :)
Love the title "Zero Oreo Flavour" I feel like that's on purpose
"A little disappointing" sums up Oreo in a nutshell
Never seen the fascination with them, crap.
So true
What a coincidence, I have actually tried coca cola flavored Oreo cookie recently, I believe it must be a collaboration of both brands, can't believe you tried the other end. The taste is not for everyone but it's really surprising
@@randangbalado It doesn't? That was a poor choice. I would have tried it if they had. Missed opportunity, that.
The soda is waay better than the cookie
Same, the smell was spot on and I quite liked it.
The cookies smell like coke but they are darn awful
Its just a oreo with a weak as hell generic cola flavor, and doesn't even taste like coca cola it tastes like RC cola or some off brand cola flavor to me.
Love that you nailed why drinking something directly from a can is very different to drinking it after it's been poured out into some vessel. The nose goes into play with the latter, whereas it's very limited when imbibing from a can. Sometimes this is a good thing, particularly with some (but not all of) the cheap mass-produced beers I like to drink from time to time. If I'm having a nice beer, it's going into a glass so I can smell it for the full experience, every time -- and even with some of the cheapo beers, going for a glass makes them better, but with others -- very not so.
I think we are seeing so many of these sort of flavor mashups because of FOMO (fear of missing out). The taste doesn't have to be good, but marketing has certainly created this feeling of missing out if you don't try something. It doesn't help that these are heavily marketed as limited time only.
It's just like those special edition Mountain Dews.
I'm very happy to miss out on all of these flavoUrs.
I tried it. It's not bad tasting. Wouldn't be mad about it, it's not that amazing, but it is nice enough. I'd be happy to drink it again, wouldn't be upset if I never have it again.
@@Boogie_the_cat lets be adults and understand that different parts of the world spell things differently. They are both correct spellings and historically the British also used to spell it flavor.
Just say no kids
@@GeraldEatsSoupdrug PSA reference
You know, because Coke lmao
I did, and here I am now 63 years old and childless.
No kids. Way ahead of you and I'm keeping it that way.
I have always said: No kids! 😂
Apparently the "caffeine flavor" is a loophole for caffeine regulations, by saying it's a flavor requirement it gets exempted or something?
After much searching, this was the only regulation on caffeine I could find (from the UK government website):
You must label drinks that contain more than 150 milligrams per litre of caffeine with the words ‘High caffeine content. Not recommended for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women’.
This also applies to concentrated or dried drinks that will contain more than 150 milligrams per litre of caffeine when reconstituted. It does not apply to tea and coffee drinks if ‘tea’ or ‘coffee’ are in the name of the food.
Where caffeine has been added to a food product (other than a drink) for a physiological purpose, you must put the words ‘Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children or pregnant women’ on the label.
You must put these warnings in the same field of vision as the name of the food and include the caffeine content in milligrams per 100 grams or per 100 millilitres in brackets after the warning.
Specifically, the requirement to put warnings about the caffeine content only applies over a certain amount of caffeine (which soft drink are legally required to be under anyway), and the requirement to warn about caffeine regardless of quantity (that might lead a company to claim it's only for flavour) specifically exempts drinks. I can find no reason to specifically say "caffeine flavouring" over just "caffeine" in the ingredients.
While I was writing this I found something interesting:
The labelling legislation (assimilated Regulation (EU) 1169/2011) requires that where caffeine is used as a flavouring, the term ‘caffeine’ must appear after the word ‘flavouring(s)’ in the list of ingredients.
You might have seen on ingredients lists "flavourings (caffeine)" or similar. This is because of that regulation. So, the specific wording of the ingredients might actually be in breach of that labelling regulation.
"You can see the nutritional info" All zeros... yep, that tracks.
Recently Coke discontinued vanilla Coke zero. I think that is because the Oreo is a direct replacement. The flavours taste nearly identical with just a slightly chocolatey aftertaste with the Oreo one.
Honestly most Coca Cola variants are unpleasant. The only flavoured one I've really enjoyed is Orange, which is a pain to get in the UK (Used to drink tons of Mezzo Mix when I lived in Austria, which is basically the same thing).
I've never enjoyed a flavoured one.
Omg I used to live near a corner shop that sold orange vanilla coca cola, it was so good!
@@enoughabouteve I only saw that one was my favorite variant. I miss it haha
mezzo is so good, i go nuts everytime im in germany.
Have you tried the mango flavour pepsi? It can be found in several UK supermarkets
My son bought a can of this and we all tried it. My first impression is that it takes like a cheap unbranded cola, almost as bad as the cheapest cola syrup I used to buy and dilute with tap water when I was a poor student and needed cheap caffeine.
Mondelez International has bought our beloved Cadbury and also owns Oreo so that is why we see a lot of Oreo/Cadbury crossovers, they must have also done a deal with Coca-Cola or maybe Mondelez owns a lot of shares in Coca-Cola company. Also it explains why cadbury doesnt taste as good as it used to as they changed the recipe to cheaper ingredients.
I've also experienced the tap not properly opening the can recently! I think this design might be saving on materials
You had me at Oreo and I tossed my cookies at "zero sugar"
Don't get me wrong, all the carbonated beverages I drink are zero sugar, but I don't think a zero sugar Oreo (let alone Oreo cola beverage) would tickle my pundit at all.
I've always found coke from a glass bottle tastes the best if you can find them these days as that takes me back to being a kid, coke out of plastic bottles or cans just don't taste the same to me.
The glass bottles usually use real sugar cane vs processed sugar.
Both Coke & Pepsi come out with these oddball flavors, and they soon disappear, never to be seen again.
I have actually tried this recently. In my opinion it was rather sweet, but not unbearable with a mild oreo taste. For some reason i found it "dry", i know that sounds weird but i've got no other way of describing it.
I think the coke flavored oreo cookies are the much more interesting of the two. They definitely seemed to put more effort into their end.
Look at this beautiful, historic, picturesque harbor view behind me!
Anyway back to the weird soda can I found
One thing I've heard before (from a glass manufacturer) is that if you drink from a can the liquid will be funnelled down the middle of your tongue, whereas if you drink from a wide-mouthed glass it spreads over the whole of the tongue, and this explains some of the differences in sensory perception.
That's interesting! Which was it, Corning or Schott or Ball? Those are the three biggies.
I don’t drink coke much, but I tried this Oreo Coke just for fun the other day. I actually really enjoyed it. There’s some kind of creamy flavor (maybe sort of a vanilla flavor you described) that really brightened the flavor and then the darker cocoa flavor sort of cuts through and balances it out. It’s not like I would drink it all the time, but it’s still a fun experience when people get experimental and mix up flavors in a different way.
when the threats of nuclear war arise, i'm buying several cans of every WSIAC to keep in my bunker. The weirdness will undoubtedly be appreciated many years into the bunker life
I’m seeing the coke flavored Oreos everywhere and I just can’t imagine why.
I think you should try to find the Beetlejuice themed 'Haunted Apple' by Fanta.
what a gorgeous view from that balcony. love it.
The money I save not buying into these Weird Scams in a Can is, well, mine!
When you decant a soda, you're letting more of the carbonation out. That's the primary reason the can tastes "tangier," and one of the reasons fountain drinks have more carbonation in the default mix.
CO2 gets dissolved into water by turning into carbonic acid, which then in turn converts back into CO2 gas and more water. This is also why flat sodas taste so different to fresh ones.
I find that carbonated beverages are always more carbonated when they're canned, so they're also more acidic. This is likely why people are always complaining that you're not tasting it from the can, since it holds onto so much more carbonation than in a big wide open glass.
I think it's the sugar free aspect that adds to the lack of intensity.
I'd like to try a sugar version of this.
They needed all 3 artificial sweeteners 😂
Too much of any one of them is disgusting, apparently.
I feel the same way about Oreo. I'm barely aware I'm eating a biscuit. Much rather have a bourbon, or even the wibbly-edge chocolate sandwich biscuit that comes in the selection tins.
Im addicted to Oreos and I'll eat the whole thing and feel sick afterwards
Supermarket own brand bourbons.
wibbly-edge is a great description.
Most over hyped underwhelming biscuits I have ever had.
I was just thinking how a bourbon is infinitely superior to an Oreo
I recently found the canned version of this and found that it has a much muted flavor compared to the plastic bottle version. It's weird, it still has all the same tastes, Coke on the front end, Oreo on the back end, but it's like someone just added water to it and made it less flavorful. The canned one also didn't seem to be as fizzy as the bottled version.
The thing I do like about it is that the cocoa isn't overpowering, that would have truly ruined it.
Quoting Dom DeLuise, "not thrilling, but nice".
The counterpart promotional item (the Coke-flavored Oreos) also do taste like what they intend to.
With that old-time "church key" you've got to make a smaller opening opposite the one you pour from. It pours much better that way.
I REALLY enjoyed the Coca Cola Starlight flavor, the full sugar version had a deep spice to it and an almost gingerbread-esque aftertaste. To me it was like an alternate regular coke recipe with enhanced spice and sweetness. I could imagine coca cola fresh from a fountain drink stand back in the day, and the worker threw in an extra dash of this and that to get this flavor, like tweaked ratios. They should have made that one permanent.
I literally tried this today, alongside the Coke flavoured Oreos a week or more ago.
The drink tastes kinda vanilla-y, just as you stated. A friend also said creaming soda-esque. For me, as with most like drinks, the Zero Sugar/sweetener aftertaste was as always unpleasant.
The oreos were odd. Both of my friends couldn't eat more than one. I ate them once I ignored the weird taste, but would definitely not go out and buy them.
"I don't think [Oreos are the] best chocolate sandwich biscuit that exists." Yeah, biscuit bourbons for the win!
I bought one of these cans recently. It tastes like Vanilla Coke with a little Oreo aftertaste.
Honestly, I do enjoy weird novelties like this; if I see one in store, I often do pick it up just to try it - which, I suppose, is essentially the marketing tactic used.
If I end up liking it, then good - well worth the impulse buy. If it's just _meh_ or bad, then hey, at least I tried it. No big loss.
I love your church key can opener, which was very nostalgic for me. I suspect young people might not have seen one these days let alone know to puncture the can twice to allow the fluid to flow out smoothly. Thank you for the meticulous and entertaining review!
Whilst in Thailand and Malaysia, I noticed that a local company did Oreo copies at about half the price, but twice the taste.
For me it starts with the taste and feel of vanilla coke (weirdly the sugar version and not the zero variant even though this is zero) and then when all of it is almost completely down my throat there‘s a light oreo cookie flavour as if you‘d drank the last sip of milk with cookie crumbles at the bottom.
Just the other day an aquaintance was raving about Coca Cola Oreo and passing it around. I declined as, to me, Sugar Free Drinks taste extremely bitter and make me really thirsty. Everyone wanted me to try it, as I have the reputation of having a really good sense of taste but, having heard you opinion of it, Mr Shrimp, I'm so glad I didn't as you seem to like the same type of things that I do (with the exception of almonds which, disappointingly, I cannot enjoy). So, Thank you for your review.
Also, does anyone remember Caffine Free Coke in the 1980s. We used to call it Flavour Free Coke. Someone way back in the comments mentioned Black Coke which had a coffee flavour. This sounds delicious. I wish there were more coffee flavoured sweets, coffee flavoured Areo would be fandabbydoozy! Gillywoggles signing out!
Because of the nature of cross-promotional products, there are also Coca-Cola flavored Oreos.
If you find a pack, see who you can share them with. It should come with off-brand Pop Rocks mixed into the frosting.
Funny that you should encounter a can that failed to open, I have just had the same problem this evening, solved using a screwdriver (4.0mm flat blade, in case it's of any relevance).
I'm hooked on that stuff. I bought a case of it knowing it's just for a limited time.
Aah I love Brixham! I hope you had a lovely time down there! I am sure you did but I hope you went to the battery gardens as that seems like something you would find interesting!
Also, completely random but you might find interesting, probably about 7 or so years ago, on the way back from holiday, me and my family stopped off in Brixham to say goodbye to the sea. It was during a storm and it was so bad, the breakwater beach had almost entirely been washed away! I hope it has recovered from that?
The Oreo cola just tastes like coke. They decided to combine a strong flavour with a weak one, meaning all you actually taste is the strong one. If you swill it around your mouth a little you might catch the merest hint of Oreo, then it's completely gone. It's like trying to sniff a flower next to a tyre fire.
I love that analogy
@@AtomicShrimp I probably use an excessive number of analogies. It's like if-- No, wait...
I’ve had a couple and I like it. I find it to be more like a cream soda kind of taste (maybe from the Oreo cream).
I had the same issue with the can not opening and I'm living on another continent. I guess maybe something went a bit wrong with the production of these cans.
I think it's just coke zero, it has a way of just sucking the flavour out of everything.
It's like a homeopathic drink and the flavour is someone who kind of remembers drinking coke in their youth and has a terrible memory
What a beautiful spot to enjoy your soda and vacation with Mrs. Shrimp.
I tried this recently and to me it was very strongly oreo-flavoured! It was so weird, it really tasted like I'd taken a bite of oreo and a sip of coke at the same time. I drank it from the can at room temperature.
I've got a butterfly tin opener with a pointy end like that and I had no idea what it was meant for
An American here, cookies including Oreos scream for either a cup of hot tea or a glass of milk (preferably skim). Adding sweet to sweet is rather nauseating 🤢.
And I just read that Coca-Cola is getting rid of the Raspberry Coke BUT is keeping the Oreo Coke. Not a good decision I think.
I saw a can of this stuff a week ago and i had one. I tried it and its a weird flavour but i like it. It kind of reminds me of a cream soda flavour with a slight oreo aftertaste
I remember the bisquit of an Oreo being slightly salty, which would explain salt listed as an ingredient.
"Today I've got two cans for you." My mind immedeatly goes to the birds 😅
In Brazil we have a similar limited edition, but in reverse: Coca-Cola flavored Oreos
I've tried this, personally i didn't like it at all, i don't often have either but do enjoy both. To me it tasted like someone had taken stale oreo and flat coke then stuck them in a blender, sieved the bits out and re canned it haha
You should use your drinks can opener to open all drinks cans, whether they have a ring pull or not; 'as is your preference' :P
I also tried this recently, not a fan of it either but I did wonder how it’d do in a Coke Float/Milkshake type drink.
"Best sandwich biscuit".... That belongs to Bourbons....
Best chocolate sandwich biscuit, absolutely. Best overall sandwich biscuit is obviously the custard cream.
I've always found Bourbons to be incredibly dull
(Custard) Cream is king.
@@A-se2ur jammy dodgers has a claim to the title too.
I feel like the empire biscuit is the true true king
But that's not a standard biscuit
they actually just a few days ago had a stand of these at my uni. i didn't try, but maybe i should take a look. i should have probably gone down there to do my own review.
I've been seeing the adverts for the Coke flavoured Oreos frequently for weeks, so yeah, they're doing both. I dislike Oreos but for me that's not unexpected since there are so few such treats that I don't find unappealing at best. I still like fig newtons.
I found one last week and gave it a try and was sadly disappointed... tasted like I ate an oreo then later washed it down with a swig of coke.
You were in Brixham, that's just down the road from me, in paignton 😁
A friend of mine brought me coca-cola flavored oreos from the states. Feels wrong, but tastes quite nice.
Good afternoon, Sir! My partner and I were looking at Brixham for a week away next year. The view looked stunning! Any chance of knowing what hotel that was? I enjoyed the Oreo Coke Zero mildly. I found it was better at a somewhat ambient temperature than it was fridge cold.
I tried this the other day and loved it. Best 90p ever spent. Regreted not buying more than one can.
Our tasting notes are similar- to me it mostly tasted of slight vanilla and some mingling remnants of cocoa mixed with diluted coke.
The fundamental problem is that they are two complete flavor profiles that don't need to be mixed- coca cola has it's own entire profile, as does an Oreo. Mashing them together just cancels out and mutes what makes both flavors unique.
It wasn't -bad- tasting, but it was just kinda...well, I'd rather have a vanilla coke.
Mr Shrimp the way you opened that second can gave you a sniff opening, I wonder if it would have tasted any different straight out of the can with the extra anti-vacuum, olfaction aperture TM opening?
I tried it. My assessment was that it tasted of artificial sweetener and not much else. Not impressed.
oh nice I just saw a sign at the dairy advertising this and thought hell naw ill never try that. and now I get to watch one of my favourite youtubers give it a shot
I kinda liked this stuff. It's flavor kind of reminded me of Coca-Cola Black, which was a coffee flavored promotional flavor coke they had for a time that they no longer sell
Nice Party 7 opener. Haven't seen one of them in years.
I had one in Wales the other day - tasted like fizzy protein powder!
I truly appreciate you filming this video because I have been debating trying this but I feel like Coke is just tricking me into buying more poison just because I NEED to know what this new silly version tastes like. So based on this review I will decide whether or not to try it.
based on your review I won't bother trying it. I am glad to have saved my pennies and stomach for something better.
Glad you tried this, so I didn't have to. I saw this in Dollar General, and I just kept walking.
I mean, interesting that you mentioned the vanilla flavour since I do like vanilla flavoured softdrinks. I already prefer the regular Vanilla Coke but don't think I will drink the Oreo so much. I want to try this, though! 👍
Coke may taste different drinking straight from the can because of the metal, I think there have been some studies showing food tastes different using cutlery made from different materials and the only inert material was gold that didn’t affect taste. Possibly?
All coke cans are lined in plastic to make them inert to the acid, so I doubt there's any chemical difference. However, the thermal properties of the can will be different to the plastic bottle, and this might have an effect when drinking directly. In my experience the canned product seems cooler when the drink is at room temperature.
@@martineyles yes but your mouth and tongue touches the outside of the can
@@user-ut9vp9ph4m Maybe. but I still think it's the thermal properties and other physical properties of the materials that dominate, with the chemical properties being less important.
Fond memories of having a ‘Coke float’ at Butlins when I was a nipper.
Hi Atomic Shrimp, If you find the Coke oreos maybe combine thim into an episode with Sainsbury's "Twists" they have release Gingerbread flavour custard creams, Blackforest flavour Bourbons and Caramel flavour Bourbons. Id like to see what you think off them.
Keep up the great content 😁 👍
I actually liked the Coke and Coffee flavor that was out for a while. It's good to try strange combinations.
The American version has the sugar still in I believe, keeping an eye out for that here in the UK in the regular USA drinks haunts … I didn’t mind it, agree the Oreo flavour is on the back note but the lack of sugar makes it a bit boring :(
Could not figure out the horizon for a few moments, then saw the glass in back makes it look like a photograph or poster in back.
Tried this a few weeks ago, thought it sounded revolting and it didn't disappoint 😂
No idea why they went 0 sugar. I feel if they did the sugar edition, it would taste a lot more like oreos. The oreo flavor is very strong as an after taste. I drunk the bottled version.
This would taste better if it was not sugar free TBH
It would taste better if it actually had any Oreo flavour to
@CricketEngland it has a little on after taste atleast in America
To me it tastes just like washing an oreo down with a coke, and I love it.
Hits that cookie need without the calories :)
Yeah, agreed. I hate that a lot of (new) stuff only comes in zero sugar - even if it wouldn't upset my stomach, it just has that disgusting aftertaste (it's also particularly bad with energy drinks imo)