8 Surprisingly CHEAP things in France!

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 766

  • @camembertdalembert6323
    @camembertdalembert6323 5 лет назад +440

    people consider taxes are huge in France, until they have a cancer or any serious desease. A cancer can cost hundred of thousands euros, it is more than all the taxes you will pay in your life. In a country like USA, there are families who go to bankruptcy because of that. In France it can't happen. My mother had a breast cancer and our family paid nothing, we had the possibility to focus ourselves 100% on her wellness.

    • @Pyriak
      @Pyriak 5 лет назад +22

      @@NotEvenFrench and actually it's not really "tax" it's "cotisations" through your salary. People with low wage don't have to pay for healthcare but can be cured for free.

    • @greenLimeila
      @greenLimeila 5 лет назад +4

      @@Pyriak It's exactly what tax means

    • @CaptainDangeax
      @CaptainDangeax 5 лет назад +20

      How true. My father, retired with a private health care, had a cancer too. Grand total the full course of care costed him 18 euros. He said that to a friend of him from Jersey who answered "Bernard, if you weren't my friend since 30 years, I would say you're telling bullshit". Jersey is one hour away from France by boat...

    • @camembertdalembert6323
      @camembertdalembert6323 5 лет назад +10

      @@NotEvenFrench Rosie, my mum is going well now. She fully recovered. thanks.

    • @jellybee68
      @jellybee68 5 лет назад +3

      @@Pyriak Is that the same as a "levy"? Here in Australia our healthcare is not part of our tax, yet it is paid through our taxes...its called a levy. I think it was separated so that we know exactly how much goes into healthcare and the government cannot use it for other things .....where taxes are generalized...for example I have no idea how much of my taxes go into infrastructure or welfare...whereas with levies we know exactly how much is put where it was designed to go.

  • @YouWedge
    @YouWedge 5 лет назад +190

    Tap water is far cheaper than bottles of water and it's high quality in France

    • @Amalgamer
      @Amalgamer 5 лет назад +6

      L'eau du robinet est peut-être potable mais il faut bien avouer qu'elle a un goût infâme de chlore ! ( même après 1h au réfrigérateur )

    • @celin8395
      @celin8395 5 лет назад +20

      tout dépend de l'endroit où tu habite, alors parfois elle est dégueulasse mais pas pendant très longtemps et c'est plus une question de goût que de qualité

    • @DC2022
      @DC2022 5 лет назад +7

      C'est non seulement tributaire de l'endroit, mais aussi des canalisations autour et dans l'habitation. Pour boire une eau décente même dans des coins où elle a - au mieux - le goût de chlore, un filtre peut changer la vie (mais alors ça ajoute le coût du filtre dans la balance.)
      Personnellement je ne peux pas boire l'eau chez moi. le goût de détergent est un peu trop fort à mon goût donc je jongle entre plusieurs eaux minérales.

    • @clement790
      @clement790 5 лет назад +3

      Je suis pour mes études à Strasbourg et c'est horrible pour moi comparé à l'eau que j'ai dans mon village, elle est puisé à quelques kilomètres sous la colline. Je me plaignais avant de l'eau du robinet de mon village, mais ça a radicalement changé depuis que je suis à Strasbourg, le goût de chlore et le calcaire c'est abusé, tu fais 5 fois des pâtes et ta casserole est toute blanche au fond

    • @thaleis
      @thaleis 5 лет назад +3

      @Clément Le calcaire est endémique partout en France... c’est la charge en minéraux qui veux ça... d’un autre côté, les carafes à filtres du type « Brita » sont fortement déconseillées : elle ne filtrent pas que le calcaire mais aussi tous les apports en oligo-éléments naturels de l’eau...

  • @Kaindaty
    @Kaindaty 5 лет назад +180

    5:27 the water is cheap because for the main part of the brands you can find in the supermarket the water came from French territory :p

    • @antoinegontier482
      @antoinegontier482 5 лет назад +13

      Also because the TVA has a reduced rate of 5.5% instead of normal 20%.

    • @Kaindaty
      @Kaindaty 5 лет назад +3

      @Rémi Papoin Yes same in China, it's almost 10 times more expensive, once again it's because Evian is imported, has the prestigious of a French brand (for us in France it's just water) and it's a real spring water while in China there are cheap filtered waters.

    • @xanthuumnihyr5319
      @xanthuumnihyr5319 5 лет назад +1

      @@antoinegontier482 0,80€ vs 0,90€ with full TVA isn't that much of a deal.

    • @lovepoem7753
      @lovepoem7753 4 года назад

      Water is so cheap because it cost 2 euros in Bathroom.

  • @shiveshlal13
    @shiveshlal13 5 лет назад +149

    Yes! Would love to see the expensive version!

    • @tatu_edm
      @tatu_edm 5 лет назад


    • @s3lfFish
      @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +1

      I would guess clothes, but then go to a second hand shop, way better clothes for a cheaper price.
      or anything related to cars and parking... cuz, why would you even own a car in paris..

    • @lol1number
      @lol1number 5 лет назад +2

      Gas hahahaha

    • @mathiasmercier9229
      @mathiasmercier9229 5 лет назад +1

      taxes :p

  • @marie-bellemarcha8819
    @marie-bellemarcha8819 5 лет назад +146

    When I was in Paris, I was paying 5 euro for unlimited text, calls and 15gb data!!!...in NZ I’m paying $40 and I don’t even have unlimited calls 🙄

    • @bal-duredt2190
      @bal-duredt2190 5 лет назад

      Our country is expensive we know,the local population is also sick of that.And Paris is the worst place if for want to buy something.
      If you visit another city of France (For instance Brest, Strasbourg, Bordeaux..)
      the price will be more small. 👍

    • @ViquelOoste
      @ViquelOoste 5 лет назад +12

      @@bal-duredt2190 euh, 5 euros pour un forfait appels et SMS illimités avec 15 go de données mobiles tu trouves ça cher ?

    • @tatu_edm
      @tatu_edm 5 лет назад +19

      Thanks ''Free'' the company who destroyed the phone market, they have literally breaked prices :)
      And today, all of others companies must practice the same price if they want to stay alive XD

    • @bal-duredt2190
      @bal-duredt2190 5 лет назад

      @@ViquelOoste Ça dépend d'où tu gagne ton argent

    • @bal-duredt2190
      @bal-duredt2190 5 лет назад

      @@ViquelOoste Si tu viens d'un pays où l'argent gagné est faible et que tu achète en France ça sera chère.
      Et pour des SMS illimités et des données mobiles 5€ c'est chère, ça peut s'offrir à 2€ quelques fois ça

  • @lucienaras8009
    @lucienaras8009 5 лет назад +382

    heureusement tu n'as pas osé dire l'essence xD

    • @tatu_edm
      @tatu_edm 5 лет назад +2

      Mdr 😂

    • @s3lfFish
      @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +20

      le fait est que ce n'est pas l'essence le vrai probleme, mais tous ces services dont tu parles qui sont en train d'être démanteler par le présent gouvernement et son président. Accouplé à la disparité des régions, et la déconnection totale des élites avec la majorité des citoyens français.
      Cette colère des gilets jaunes est compréhensible.
      Si tu n'as pas d'argent, et que tu n'as pas d'alternative, et que tes impots ne te donne pas droits ... aux meme droits que les autres citoyens, tandis que total ne paye pas d'impot, que les ceux qui ont des yacht ou des jets n'en pairont pas sur l'essence non plus, et qu'il y a un gros probleme d'évasion fiscale aidé par le gouvernement, qui en plus fais prends aux pauvres pour donner aux riches....
      Il y a un vrai probleme démocratique.
      Cela fais 40-50 ans que ces problemes on démarrés et se sont aggravés.
      Mais le coup de force avec lequel Marcon et son gouvernement assène le coup de grâce à notre modèle sociale
      est d'une brutalité sans nom.
      Cela ne peut qu'augmenter les tensions à venir, si une issue démocratique n'est pas vite trouver.

    • @ghakorp2552
      @ghakorp2552 5 лет назад

      @@s3lfFish Grâce aux gilets jaunes et les manifestations on gagne pour le moment (meme si c temporaire) En tt cas chez moi le prix de l'essence a diminuer apres avoir ete augmente

    • @s3lfFish
      @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +8

      @@ghakorp2552 heu... tu as lu ce que j'ai écris ?
      tu as écouter les revendications de la plupars des gens ?
      le prix de l'essence à servi de catalyseur,
      mais c'est pas le principal probleme.
      Le principal probleme, ce sont les coupes budgétaires dans nos services publics, la santé, l'éducation, les infrastructures, l'absence dans les régions rurales, la csg qui augmentent pour les retraités,... pendant que l'on sers des millions voir des milliards aux plus aisés.
      C'est ça le coeur du problème.
      Le prix à la pompe augmentera forcément parceque c'est une energie fossile limité qui disparaitra.
      Il faut donc en sortir et proposer des alternatives, soit le contraire de ce qui est fait puisque le gouvernement ce sers de la tax carbone, pour que des entreprises comme total par exemple n'en paye pas... tout en éliminant tout alternative en dégommant la SNCF dont au moins 1/3 des lignes vont disparaitrent tandis que le prix des autres augmentera...
      C'est ça le vrai probleme.
      Tant que tout ça n'est pas regler,
      L'injustice et la colere resteront.

    • @ghakorp2552
      @ghakorp2552 5 лет назад

      @@s3lfFish oui j'ai bien lu. C'est juste que c'est très compliqué de gérer tout ça à la fois. En voulait construire quelque chose on en perd une autre. Et l'histoire par rapport aux personnes aisées, la plupart l'ont méritées et se sont battues durement pour reussir leur vie. Mais il est vrai qu'il y a des injustices , On aura jamais cette "égalité" de notre devise.

  • @Parentillages
    @Parentillages 5 лет назад +445

    Cette vidéo devrait être visionnée par tous les français éternels insatisfaits, pour qu'ils puissent voir les choses d'un point de vue extérieur et réaliser qu'il y a quand même plusieurs points cruciaux sur lesquels on a une chance dingue.

    • @AlexD-dh2vr
      @AlexD-dh2vr 5 лет назад +27

      tellement, quand j'entends les parisiens se plaindre du prix des transports, j'ai envie de les claquer. Quelle ingratitude

    • @Britin71
      @Britin71 5 лет назад +21

      Parentillages Vous me redonnez foi en l humanité. A écouter les français en ce moment, ils ne font que payer et n ont rien en retour. Qu ils aillent voir comment ça se passe à travers le monde, peut-être que la France retrouverait grâce à leurs yeux...

    • @s3lfFish
      @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +20

      ou pas
      c'est à force de .. oui mais regarde c'esst pire ailleurs
      qu'on a laisser s'empirer la situation ici
      Donc sous pretexte qu'il y a des cul de jatte dans le monde, t'es pret à t'emputer une jambe parceque c'est mieux ?
      On va pas aller loin (à cloche pied) avec ce type de réflexion (si s'en est une)

    • @s3lfFish
      @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +27

      Tu devrais aussi faire un tour en france et voir que beaucoup de te concitoyens sont dans la merde
      et qu'ils ont bien raison de dire stop.
      perso j'ai fais un tour du monde, et je suis revenu encore plus engagé, et avec plus de force pour défendre notre systeme actuellement démantelé de maniere violente par le gouvernement.

    • @s3lfFish
      @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +12

      @@Britin71 je sais pas renseigne toi sur les lois qui sont voter... et lis les, tu apprendras peut être des choses
      Le gouvernement actuel (comme ses prédécesseurs mais avec beaucoup plus de virulences) est en train d'attaquer notre systeme de santé, notre éducation, nos reseaux ferrés, nos infrastructures etc...
      Je n'ai ajmais dis de ne pas payer d'impot, c'est justement parceque certains (et les seuls qui peuvent d'ailleurs) s'en abstenir le font, si le gouvernment fait en sorte de baisser l'isf et de rajouter le double de financement au CICE qui n'a produit quasiment aucun réel résultat si ce n'est de payer les actionnaires, alors il y a un probleme, si mr tout le monde doit payer le gazoile, mais celui qui à un yacht ou un jet et encore moin Total, alors il y a vria porbleme pour financer ce systeme qui est dans les lois en train d'être démanteler (suppressions de postes, d'infrastructures, d'aides, de lignes ferrovieres, de materiels, privatisation du bien commun, etc..) l'éducation par exemple va être augmenter à 1000, 2000 euros par année, du jamais vu en France.. tandis que l'on ne renouvelle pas les postes et en supprime d'autres et que l'on coupe dans le budget de l'éducation et qu'on le rend plus inégalitaire, de meme pour la santé...
      Le systeme ils sont justement en train de le changer vers un modele anglo saxon, et on va pleurer
      je crois que tu à un probleme de lecture puisque j'ai dis tout le contraire en fait...
      Du coup, bonne lecture ?

  • @Queen4evernalways
    @Queen4evernalways 5 лет назад +13

    Even as a German with a similar kind of "West-European country" healthcare system I have found the healthcare system cheaper/better in France. Medicine is subsidized and simple things like cough syrup cost half the price than in Germany. I also paid half of what I would have had paid in Germany for a medical fitness certificate and I got a ophtamologist appointment within a week. Their medicine students also get an insane amount of practical training in their studies :D Vive la France.

  • @krsone19
    @krsone19 5 лет назад +9

    Rosie, yes please do make the "Surprisingly Expensive things in France" video - I love your videos your knowledge and understanding of the French culture is equal to that of a local Parisian, I love the way you explain the quirks and characteristics of the French. Keep it up - love you!!!

  • @mgrlenx
    @mgrlenx 5 лет назад +19

    Hi Rosie, I work in IT and I would like to give few informations to your kiwi co-citizens.
    France is the second most connected country after South Korea.
    In the 2000s there was a trade war in IT, telephony and TV.
    I write this for foreigners coming to France.
    The companies that provide TV, Internet and Telephone are the same.
    That's why they created the "tri-play" offer.
    The provider is renting you a "box" that allows you to have TV, Internet and unlimited phone. The price varies depending on the service: after-sales, TV channels, etc.
    These are the same companies that propose mobile phone. That's why prices are low.
    Today almost the entire French population has a computer and Internet. And the French do not hesitate to change provider, given the technical ease to do it (same outlet, obligation of the law).
    the 4 main providers in France are: Orange, Bouygues, SFR, Free.
    Another thing, dear friends who are not French:
    The French are not grouchy: They want to understand.
    The French are not arrogants: they like to argue.
    Example when I was 17 years old, in my French class: The men who wear the mustache are they nice or bad? (Chaplin, Hitler, Freddie Mercury, Groucho Marx, Stalin, etc.)
    French, tell me if I'm wrong.
    Bonjour Rosie, je travaille dans l'informatique et je voudrais donner quelques informations à tes concitoyens kiwis.
    La France est le deuxième pays le plus connecté après la Corée du Sud.
    Dans les années 2000, il y a eu une guerre commerciale entre l'IT, la téléphonie et la télévision.
    J'écris ceci pour les étrangers venant en France.
    Les entreprises qui fournissent la télévision, Internet et le téléphone sont les mêmes.
    C'est pourquoi ils ont créé l'offre "tri-play".
    Le fournisseur vous loue une "box" qui vous permet d’avoir la télévision, Internet et un téléphone illimité. Le prix varie en fonction du service: après-vente, chaînes de télévision, etc.
    Ce sont les mêmes entreprises qui proposent un téléphone mobile. C'est pourquoi les prix sont bas.
    Aujourd'hui, la quasi-totalité de la population française dispose d'un ordinateur et d'Internet. Et les Français n'hésitent pas à changer de fournisseur, compte tenu de la facilité technique à le faire (même débouché, obligation de la loi).
    Les 4 principaux fournisseurs en France sont: Orange, Bouygues, SFR, Free.
    Autre chose, chers amis qui ne sont pas français:
    Les Français ne sont pas grognons: ils veulent comprendre.
    Les Français ne sont pas des arrogants: ils aiment argumenter.
    Exemple quand j'avais 17 ans dans ma classe de français: Les hommes qui portent la moustache sont-ils gentils ou méchants? (Chaplin, Hitler, Freddie Mercury, Groucho Marx, Staline, etc.)
    Françaises, Français, corrigez-moi si je me trompe.
    Le canari (l'oiseau) chante ses couleurs sur la France et les Champs Élysées..

    • @TheMetrored
      @TheMetrored 5 лет назад +1

      I studied in Paris for a year 14 years ago and even then I was shocked at the speed and price of the internet. US providers also offer triple-play options but whole industry has been taken over by the big cable providers who operate in regional monopolies. As a result they routinely charge 2-3 times as much for their services as their French equivalents do. France should be almost as proud of their telephony landscape as they are of the TGV. I live in a state of constant envy in the US.

  • @camembertdalembert6323
    @camembertdalembert6323 5 лет назад +5

    the brand "Evian" refers to the french city of Evian-les-bains in Haute-Savoie. the water in the bottles comes from a water source nearby Evian. It is more expensive in other countries because of the transportation costs.

  • @SuperRtek
    @SuperRtek 5 лет назад +4

    Regarding the university fees, they are even calculated based on your parents' income. If their income is very low, you end up paying nothing for college AND you get a "bourse", i.e. a small fee to help you with your current expenses as a student. Having lived in the US as well, I find it wonderful 😊
    Love your channel, keep up the good work 😙

    • @pujamandal6640
      @pujamandal6640 2 года назад

      Is it for master's degrees even @SuperRtek

  • @Vaelios3292
    @Vaelios3292 5 лет назад +7

    "Private insurance" ("Complémentaire santé" or "Mutuelle") is not expensive because the cost is split between employees and companies. Some companies pay 100% of the cost. That why it's more expensive for retired people. Also, "Mutuelle" are not profit-based (not like private insurance).

    • @Tagadarealty
      @Tagadarealty 5 лет назад

      It's expensive for retired people because of the age.
      I pay 35€ without any participation from enterprise...

  • @melissahouse1296
    @melissahouse1296 5 лет назад +2

    I am just lovvvving your channel such an honest & well presented wealth of information!! xx

  • @swicheroo1
    @swicheroo1 5 лет назад +3

    I spent a month in Paris during the Great Recession when the dollar was dismally low. It was a work trip, as I was a researcher, paid by university funds. I was amazed by prices for bread, wine, cheese. I rarely used public transport, so I did not buy a card. What was shocking was the price of eating out at a bistro. Many Parisians told me that they could only afford to go out to a bistro for dinner once a month.

  • @cesarruiz7990
    @cesarruiz7990 5 лет назад +15

    Me not moving to Paris, France:
    Also me: *binge watches these videos

  • @audrey9557
    @audrey9557 5 лет назад +7

    As a Kiwi I thought you might be interested/surprised by this- In Grenoble, there is a New-Zealand themed cafe! I'm an Aussie living near Grenoble and I was really surprised to find it. They have 'typical NZ' food (not sure how true that is as I'm not from NZ), and they sell things like pineapple lumps. It's called Kai-Iwi :)

    • @AlexD-dh2vr
      @AlexD-dh2vr 5 лет назад +1

      yes very good place, but always crowded. Hope you enjoy Grenoble :)

  • @CindyFavorites
    @CindyFavorites Год назад

    Yes! Please do a video on surprisingly expensive things in France! That sounds very interesting.

  • @martavillena2709
    @martavillena2709 5 лет назад +10

    In Madrid if we are under 26 we pay 20€/month unlimited transportation in every publig transport within the whole region of Madrid and 3 other regions ❤️

    • @meloudibiza3445
      @meloudibiza3445 5 лет назад +1

      She didn't talk about student card. It's about half the price

    • @martavillena2709
      @martavillena2709 5 лет назад +2

      Mélou Dibiza i was just sharing information and it isn't an student card, it's the price for anyone under 26 😊

    • @meloudibiza3445
      @meloudibiza3445 5 лет назад +2

      @@martavillena2709 yes me too, it was just informative 😊

  • @wpl6661
    @wpl6661 5 лет назад +1

    France. University costs 400 to 600 euros a year. In New Zealand it costs 4,000 to 6,000 euros a year. For the US for an average public university in state tuition and fees cost 10,000 to 11,000 dollars a year. Or 8,700 to 9,600 euros a year. At the University of Michigan (arguably the best public university in the state) it costs 14,800 dollars a year for tuition and fees and another another 11,000 in room and board. Books and supplies add on another 3,500 dollars a year. Grand total is 29,000 a year. Easy to see why student debt is a big problem in the US but nowhere else in the world.

  • @Lucio38320
    @Lucio38320 5 лет назад +77

    Je vais faire mon rabat joue mais l’eau du robinet coute entre 3 et 5€ les 1000 Litres, du coup c’est beaucoup moins chère et meilleur pour la planète 😁

    • @p4olo537
      @p4olo537 5 лет назад +4

      Sauf qu'elle n'est pas tout le temps potable partout, dans certaines villes ça arrive même assez souvent qu'il y ait des soucis.

    • @Lucio38320
      @Lucio38320 5 лет назад +20

      P4olo ça peux arriver dans des petits villages (et en général quand c’est une pollution ponctuelle c’est rapidement pris en charge) mais sur la totalité du territoire c’est rare, la majorité des français peuvent tout a fait la boire sans aucun problème. Le peu d’eau non potable en France ne justifie absolument pas l’achat massif d’eau en bouteille

    • @193819441974
      @193819441974 5 лет назад

      Il n'y a que chez moi que les mille litres d'eau du robinet me coûtent le prix de mille litres d'eau en bouteille. Merci l'inégalité entre les gens dans un immeuble avec l'eau collectivisée et payée sans pondération, qu'on soit seul ou à huit) et la gabegie du bailleur que je soupçonne d'utiliser l'eau à d'autre fins (ce qui était le cas au début où j'étais là). Alors oui, l'eau ne me coûtait rien il y a quelques années. Aujourd'hui, j'en suis à 4000€ d'eau depuis mon arrivée. Les politiques fuient ma question car reconnaitre, c'est remettre en question le principe, et...des milliards devraient être remboursés.

    • @Tagadarealty
      @Tagadarealty 5 лет назад

      @@Lucio38320 C'est l'inverse, t'as plus de chance d'avoir des problèmes de "plomberie" à Bordeaux qu'en campagne...

    • @xanthuumnihyr5319
      @xanthuumnihyr5319 5 лет назад

      @@p4olo537 Hein ??

  • @greenLimeila
    @greenLimeila 5 лет назад +25

    About "mutuelles" (private health insurance), have you tried and see if you could extend yours to your partner? It's a really common option

    • @193819441974
      @193819441974 5 лет назад +2

      c'est une option injuste face à ceux qui n'ont que le minimum. Je me bats pour supprimer ce système et en fait un système mutualiste: tout le monde aura la même chose et chaque société cotisera selon sa taille car aujourd'hui, les salariés de grosse boîtes coûtent de l'argent aux autres qui n'ont pas les mêmes avantages. D'ailleurs, il est insensé que pour un célibataire, le salariat ouvre droit à une part et, pour un couple avec ou sans enfant, une seule cotisation couvre toute la famille soit sur le régime de la sécu ou de la mutuelle privée (ou dans ce cas, une cotisation un peu supérieure mais pas proportionnelle), car les familles touchent des aides considérables (CAF et FISC, tarifs familiaux, Comités d'entreprise et le coût à deux est 40% moins cher...). Les solos ne sont pas des vaches à lait et subissent plutôt leur état civil qu'ils ne le souhaitent.

    • @kurohebie3161
      @kurohebie3161 5 лет назад +2

      Les grosses boites ont des réductions car elles apportent plus de contisants, c'est un effet de masse. Les petites boites pourraient s'associer pour négocier. Ensuite, cela coute moins cher aux salariés car dans le cadre des négociations salariales, l'entreprise peut prendre une partie des contisations à sa charge. Ensuite encore, le CE peut choisir d'en financer une partie. Le tout fait que dans certaine boite on paye moins que dans d'autres. Mais c'est comme pour beaucoup d'autres avantages. Dans mon entreprise, le forfait solo ou famille n'est pas le meme avec notre nouvelle mutuelle. avant c'était pas juste pour moi qui payait le meme prix en solo que mes colègues en famille. ca dépend des négociations.

    • @greenLimeila
      @greenLimeila 5 лет назад

      Oui dans les boites où j'ai bossé le forfait famille était différent du forfait solo

    • @Tagadarealty
      @Tagadarealty 5 лет назад +5

      @@193819441974 Wé soyons tous dans la merde ensemble, comme ça pas de jaloux, ca c'est une mentalité de gagnant !
      Sinon tirer les gens vers le haut plutôt que d'assister vers le bas ?

  • @Imn0tHereForLol
    @Imn0tHereForLol 5 лет назад +53

    Si tu n'as pas de mutuelle, la sécurité sociale te rembourse 6 euros maximum sur les lunettes. Le reste relève de la mutuelle.

    • @fanny1587
      @fanny1587 5 лет назад +2

      La mutuelle c la vie j'ai deux paires de lunettes de repos de vue que j'ai payé environ 200€ et je n'ai eu à vraiment payer que 17 €..

  • @celineheinesch9474
    @celineheinesch9474 5 лет назад +3

    Unfortunatly internet and phone fees are not the same all around Europe like you seem to think... Belgium is a small market where there is an agreement between the compagnies to keep the prices very high. Prices for Internet access are the same as in New Zealand and it piss belgians off as their French neighbours pays 3-4 times less !

  • @CallieMasters5000
    @CallieMasters5000 4 года назад +1

    In the city of Evian, you can go to the spring to get water for free. You just have to bring your own bottle.

  • @dominic20
    @dominic20 5 лет назад +75

    I would love a "suprisingly expensive" video because I need to know if its not just me thats shocked by the price of chocolate in this country.

    • @pathallam986
      @pathallam986 5 лет назад +17

      But you get what you pay for and French people eat one or two squares or chocs at a time, not a whole bar.

    • @dominic20
      @dominic20 5 лет назад +3

      @@pathallam986 I'm not even talking about luxury chocolates. Just the same brands sold in the rest of Europe and America (Kinder, Cadbury, Milka etc.) seem to be marked up in French grocery stores. On the other hand this might just be the grocery stores in my neighbourhood in Paris. I can't speak for the whole country.

    • @antonypinto6937
      @antonypinto6937 5 лет назад

      Dominic dont go for grocery for cheap prices lol

    • @dominic20
      @dominic20 5 лет назад +1

      @@antonypinto6937 Really?? Then where should I go? I know fruit and such I can get in the little markets, but things like chocolate? I would think other alternatives would only be pricier, but I don't know.

    • @aeline1932
      @aeline1932 5 лет назад +4

      Go to supermarkets :)

  • @oliviaglick7032
    @oliviaglick7032 5 лет назад +1

    This was super interesting - I definitely want to hear what’s expensive in comparison!! Cause hearing this list I’m set to move immediately

  • @victorzosim6148
    @victorzosim6148 5 лет назад +1

    Try more like 180 euros per undergraduate year or about 260 euros for a master year. And now, you don't pay basic health insurance as a student. And if you are coming from a low-income family, you get a scholarship and in this case you do not pay your tuition fees. And you are eligible for higher aid from the government for your appartement (CAF), and in many cities your transportation fees will be covered as much as 90% (in Strasbourg, instead of paying 46 euros per month, I pay 3.20...). You get a free nationall library card, a carte de culture which gives you the right to visit museums with no charge and get tickets in the national theaters and at the movies for very very cheap (you can go to the opera for 7,50 euros instead of 30 euros...). And on the top of that, being a uni student, you get access to ALL the scientific journals the university pays for. And you get Office suite for free. The cherry on the top is that if your computer is broken and you don't have any money, the governement will pay up to 300 euros for you to buy a new one, same for books.

  • @Baamthe25th
    @Baamthe25th 5 лет назад +44

    7:23 I know I'm openning a can of worm, but I have to say it : Nuclear energy doesn't produce as much CO2 as other alternative..
    It's definitely not a renewable energy source (our stock are limited), but it's nowhere as bad as burning coal, oil, or "biomass"" (whichj is a typical green sounding BS initiative that's not helping at all).
    The way you said it kinda implies New Zealand made greener choice than France/is more eco friendly and conscious, but not really ? It's more than New Zealand can do 80% renewable easily, while France cannot. New zealand has abudant wind ressources, and the other big 2 are hydro power and geothermal energy. Not really an option for France :
    Hydro power has basically already been maxed out for a while. What's left is "la petite hydroelectrique" (basically, hydropower on the small water streams instead of the big ones, ie, no big barrage in the alps) and marine power (which isn't there yet, but has problems too)
    Wind power isn't nearly as abundant, and basically a terrible idea in France : jancovici.com/en/energy-transition/renewables/how-many-windmills-to-produce-all-french-electricity/ (edited when I saw he wrote the article in english too)
    And we have no geothermal goldmines laying around.
    The last big one remaining is Solar. Which has a battery problem, due to the day/night cycle problem, seasonal cycle (ie we consume more energy in winter when the sun isn't here.)and well, our latitude isn't ideal.
    Furthermore, New Zealand has a small population compared to France. (15people per km vs 122person per km). Overall, and not to mock your country's effort, it is pretty easy here. And that doesn't stop NewZealander of having a higher footprint per capita that the french ! (5 for the french, 7 for the new zealander : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita)
    So yeah, Nuclear is mostly a good thing here, imho, and not just for the prices. If we want to reduce our CO2 emissions (and listen to GIEC scientists, instead of the dumb greepeace activists) anyway...
    Also, nuclear energy is a case of "we pay for it" too. The state is so much behind it, it's not state run, but it's not private eitheir.

    • @Redgethechemist
      @Redgethechemist 5 лет назад +11

      That's kind of true, if ecologists really wanted to reduce CO2 emissions, they would support nuclear power. Right now, it's the only source of abundant energy that doesn't produce CO2. Solar energy is a big lie, the production of solar panels requires ultrapure silicon that produces so much CO2 that a solar panel should work at least 20 years in good conditions to compensate this initial production cost. But their lifetime is between 15 and 20 years. And you can't store energy for the needs of a full country. And concerning wind energy production, ecologists are also against this, every wind farm project is subject to public debate and ecologists are always against. Since Germany stopped nuclear energy, in periods of high demand, they buy a lot of electricity to France as they can't produce as much with their coal plants. And they have increased a lot their production of CO2 since they closed their last nuclear power plant. Until we don't master nuclear fusion, nuclear fission is the only way to have cheap electricity and reduce CO2 emissions.

    • @johannes914
      @johannes914 5 лет назад +3

      @@Redgethechemist More Jancovici adepts here ?... You are both right.

    • @itcouldbenice
      @itcouldbenice 5 лет назад +1

      nuclear centrales just can explote in your head, and touch others countries around... just that risk... it's nothing...

    • @Baamthe25th
      @Baamthe25th 5 лет назад +12

      I dunno what "explote in your head" means, the powerplants aren't in our heads at all, and I do not see the metaphor.
      Anyway, the nuclear fuel cannot actually explode, and there's no example of "nuclear explosion" outside of military uses. That's because you have to go to great length to make such a chain reaction, and the fissible material in central is both less enriched, and has control rod installed in it.
      What happened at Tchernobyl was an human error where they followed none of the protocol, and the security system where even turned off, leading to a *vapor explosion* and the subsequent fire. It's mostly due to Soviet incompetence
      What happened at Fukushima was a vapor explosion too, but after it was hit by a TSUNAMI that killed 18000 people. Fukushima is actually a footnote compared to that (but all of you anti-nuclear people don't give a fuck about that, nor fact or figures. Gee, the plastic that ended up in the ocean is probably bigger of a problem., but hey, the only thing that matters is that you're scared) Thoses catastrophes are the exceptions.

    • @gabrielmayoud4374
      @gabrielmayoud4374 5 лет назад +3

      @@Baamthe25th D'accord sur tout, sauf la biomasse : pourquoi dis-tu que ça n'aide pas ? Bien sûr on ne fera pas 100% de notre énergie avec la biomasse, et c'est compliqué d'approvisionner les villes, mais à la campagne c'est idéal ! La ressource est locale, renouvelable, l'opération est neutre en CO2, tu peux fabriquer ton propre four facilement et sans ressources rares, et si tu l'as bien conçu pour que la combustion soit complète, il n'y a aucune pollution ! Tu peux chauffer ta maison, ton eau et ta bouffe toute l'année et pour toute la famille avec 2 stères de bois coupé au fond du jardin ! Une petite éolienne low-tech, un petit panneau solaire et une batterie de récup pour l'électricité, de la sobriété dans ta consommation, et ta maison est complètement autonome, même pas besoin de la connecter au réseau ! Du nucléaire en complément pour alimenter les villes, l'industrie et les trains (moins de voiture, plus de trains) en électricité, et on peut progressivement essayer de s'affranchir des énergies carbonées.

  • @hilaltopal6106
    @hilaltopal6106 5 лет назад +15

    For education, doesn't a new law about non-Eu students pay around 3800€ per year as tuition fee in the force now? I guess it was announced by Macron last week.

    • @oscartesian
      @oscartesian 5 лет назад +1

      Geez I hope it will never happen...

    • @williammartin3502
      @williammartin3502 5 лет назад +3

      It will happen and it will make our educationnal system more competitive and release slightly French taxpayers (actually this cost is way much more than 3 800 euros) from this financial cost ;)

    • @erintreez
      @erintreez 5 лет назад +2

      Compared to the tuition for many colleges in the U.S., that's reasonable...and no student loan!!!

    • @14sakuya26
      @14sakuya26 5 лет назад +1

      Ha! I'm American and would be happy to pay that much!

  • @s3lfFish
    @s3lfFish 5 лет назад +14

    @notevenfrench : Universities 400-600 € / year ?
    It's 170 / year for the 1st year
    243 up to master degree
    380 for a doctorat
    The only exceptions are special engeenring public school are more expensive 600
    But before it was around 150 for each year, and I remember paying 150 / year
    Or none, cuz I got a grant for a few years.
    So it did went up, but not as dramatically
    Still let's fights for completly free education !

  • @n00bLokumi
    @n00bLokumi 5 лет назад +8

    Litle note on why our telecom is so cheap, until 2012 we had 3 main operator who monopolized the market and they made (illegal) deal between themselves to not lower price, then there is guy who some year earliers broke the price of internet, and then decided to do the same for the mobile market, and he destroyed the price (easily 3 times cheaper). Without this guy we would have one of the most pricey telecom of Europe.

    • @tesseract2144
      @tesseract2144 5 лет назад +2

      And he had to fight many lawsuits from those 3 because of "concurrence deloyale"

    • @sc6155
      @sc6155 4 года назад

      What's this guy's name?

    • @n00bLokumi
      @n00bLokumi 4 года назад +1

      @@sc6155 Xavier Niel

    • @sc6155
      @sc6155 4 года назад +1

      @@n00bLokumi Thank you, Louis.

  • @ClaraCB5
    @ClaraCB5 5 лет назад +2

    THANK YOU for mentioning education. When I was still studying in France I was lucky enough to have a grant that covered my tuition fees and gave me a huge amount of money each month (that I didn't really need haha), and my friends were always complaining because they did not get it - the French state deemed their families wealthy enough to provide for them. I then went to study in Scotland, and I was lucky to only have to pay £4,000 for my Master's degree (which is very cheap), even though I still needed to work on the side because my family couldn't provide for me and I would not have had any other income. I still heard French people complaining because they had to pay 500€ a year, and it drove me mad...

      @IRACEMABABU 4 года назад

      We designed the system for free tuition for the students, then we fight against this rampant negation of the system. Lot of people forget or doesn't know how we get all this commodities : standing for our rights ! What drive us mad is to see the sheep mentality of a lot of people over the world, accepting without a simple word nonsense-arbitrary rules

  • @PpAirO5
    @PpAirO5 4 года назад +4

    I don't get why people buy bottled water 🤨 it's expensive, execive use of plastic, and you can get just as clean water from the tap 💧

  • @rachelcarey9369
    @rachelcarey9369 3 года назад

    We heat 1800sq ft, plus basement heated floors for $125/monthly in USA. I've always said it's cheap and people still complain!

  • @ChatonQuiMiaule
    @ChatonQuiMiaule 11 месяцев назад

    As far as I understand, the economics of gym membership in France is based on many people subscribing out of guilt, then going there only a few times and giving up while actually paying the subscription. So they sell a lot more subscriptions that then could possibly host.

  • @thomaseskenazi2013
    @thomaseskenazi2013 5 лет назад +26

    I am definitely up for the expensive stuff !
    By the way, I was surprised that you and your partner are having different mutuelles, because the law in France allows couples to choose the best mutuelle of the two and share it to the other ( and including children if any) with only one of the partners paying. So, of you wish it of course, you cold both have the same one and pay only once !

    • @n00bLokumi
      @n00bLokumi 5 лет назад

      Don't they need to be married to be able to get this advantage ?

    • @thaleis
      @thaleis 5 лет назад +1

      They are married since August or September... she’s done a video about iti.

    • @thomaseskenazi2013
      @thomaseskenazi2013 5 лет назад +2

      @@n00bLokumi Actually they don't (though they are ^^). A "Déclaration sur l'honneur" that they are a couple is enough !

    • @n00bLokumi
      @n00bLokumi 5 лет назад

      @@thomaseskenazi2013 Oh thanks, didn't knew about that. That's pretty cool.

    • @antoinec1097
      @antoinec1097 5 лет назад

      Sometimes you have to pay a little bit more to add a person, but it's still cheaper than having 2 mutuelles.

  • @SnowcrashB
    @SnowcrashB 5 лет назад +1

    For the price of water in bottle, I may see 2 main reasons for the cheap prices:
    1. France is one of the biggest producers (and exporters) of mineral water withe many brands so the competition is quite important between the different brands and groups.
    2. Many french use to drink tap water so if the price of water in bottle was too expensive, french wouldn't buy it.

  • @PicsouTheSpy
    @PicsouTheSpy 5 лет назад +3

    I once paid 0.17€ for 2L of water when in vacations in the south of France !

  • @crumblerecipe1794
    @crumblerecipe1794 5 лет назад +1

    Les 400€/an d'inscription à l'université c'est seulement pour les élèves non boursiers, environ 40% des élèves n'ont pas à les payer.

  • @stellawangui588
    @stellawangui588 5 лет назад +6

    Public University tuition fees for non-Europeans has been reviewed. Its way more expensive now.

    • @nkf3476
      @nkf3476 5 лет назад +3

      "Way more" even with the new prices its still cheap compared to others countries !

    • @delphzouzou4520
      @delphzouzou4520 5 лет назад +1

      Yes, it's really unfair. Macron wants to make money on the back of foreign students.

    • @delphzouzou4520
      @delphzouzou4520 5 лет назад +1

      @@Heliorhodonite Everywhere there is a way to make money, he will be there; him or his friends...

    • @fgdh2460
      @fgdh2460 5 лет назад +2

      @@delphzouzou4520 what a joke, they want to pay 0 but the cost is not 0 for the french, of course they have to pay, if they are not happy they can study somewhere else...

    • @delphzouzou4520
      @delphzouzou4520 5 лет назад

      @@fgdh2460You"re an idiot. They should simply pay the same amount than french or UE students. Theres is no reason for this kind of discrimination.

  • @sossalemaire
    @sossalemaire 5 лет назад +20

    Wines are cheap because we're the ones making them, they don't have to travel half the world to reach us! I think you're aware that many of these cheap things are just paid differently (through taxes mostly), for example the real cost of the navigo pass is 5 times the price the user pays, the rest is paid through taxes and by companies; taxes for companies in Ile de France are really, really higher compared to other regions in France because of the transportation tax. Some of those cheap things are due to good choices, like the low price of telecommunications coming from the fact that there are a lot of providers. I'd really like to see the expensive version, I have some ideas and I'd like to know whether I'm right or not...

    • @tesseract2144
      @tesseract2144 5 лет назад

      Well, the low price of telecommunications was because Free didn't decide to maintaining unjustified high prices like the 3 previous one who decided to agree on artificially maintaining high prices to make more money. Btw Free had to fight many lawsuits from these 3 compagnies

  • @Chisei1000
    @Chisei1000 5 лет назад +7

    Yeah, i paid 25€ for my whole 5 years of studies at la sorbonne... it's good

    • @Chisei1000
      @Chisei1000 5 лет назад +5

      @@NotEvenFrench je suis élève boursière, donc ça explique le prix. Mais j'ai l'impression que la moitié des étudiants sont boursiers. It's really something we should be proud of, instead of, you know, STOP IT BECAUSE THERES TOO MANY AFRICANS APPARENTLY god I hate our politicians

    • @commentsandlikes9509
      @commentsandlikes9509 5 лет назад +1

      you are proud of the fact that other people pay for your education...wtf.
      join the army and get 4 years of free college, thats the way it should fucking work

      @IRACEMABABU 4 года назад +3

      @@commentsandlikes9509 You clearly don't get how we french think. He his proud to get his education payed by other people AND he will be proud to pay for the education of other youngers. WE are proud of our system who allows everybody having access to education, without money consideration. It is called solidarity, and in this case solidarity between the generations , and it works very well, like it or not !

  • @dmsjt5181
    @dmsjt5181 4 года назад +1

    I feel like the French have no idea how bad healthcare is in the US. For instance, you pay several hundred dollars a month. Then on top of that, you have a deductible you need to meet before insurance actually starts covering everything. For many people it can be 2000-3000$. If you get cancer, prepare to bankrupt your family and have to sell your house. Then sometimes it doesn’t even cover dental or vision. The insurance we have is considered really good and dental is covered, but I got a cavity and AFTER insurance I had to pay 400$ for one single cavity. Our son swallowed a quarter and we had to take him to the emergency room to get it removed. We had to pay 1200$ AFTER insurance. It makes you terrified to have to go to the hospital or doctor when anything is wrong. I worked in the ER (emergency room) at a hospital and there were people who badly needed an ambulance but had someone drive them in and risked their lives because they were too afraid of how much the ambulance would cost. I’ve seen people charged multiple thousands of dollars for ambulance rides, after their insurance.

  • @matteoguillemard2917
    @matteoguillemard2917 5 лет назад +50

    L'eau en bouteille ça me parait cher 2€30 pour 6 bouteilles, la cristaline 1€20 le pack de 6 et l'éco + 90 centimes les 6 bouteilles de 1,5 L

    • @mercuredeparis
      @mercuredeparis 5 лет назад +5

      Oui mais l'Evian est une des meilleures (à mon goût), mais c'est vrai qu'elle est plus chère.

    • @matteoguillemard2917
      @matteoguillemard2917 5 лет назад +10

      @@mercuredeparis en vrai ça reste de l'eau c un peu toutes les mm

    • @garigreo2273
      @garigreo2273 5 лет назад +2

      C'est aussi ce que j'allais dire mais je préférais voir si cela n'avait pas déjà été relevé, effectivement on trouve le pack de 6x1.5L pour juste plus d'un euro ce qui rend vraiment le prix extrêmement bas quand on vois qu'en Thaïlande où l'eau du robinet n'est pas potable et donc obligatoirement obligé de l'acheter, elle est bien plus cher que ça
      Par contre non les eaux ne se ressemblent pas les une et les autres suffit de goûter de la contrex de l'evian et de la Cristaline et on a trois goût bien différent, mais après j'avoue personnellement que je me fiche de quelle marque c'est ( sortie de contrex et hepare)

    • @matteoguillemard2917
      @matteoguillemard2917 5 лет назад +3

      @@garigreo2273 Ouais après oui mais l'eau qu'on boit tt les jours genre la cristaline et les marque distributeur ça se rapproche beaucoup après c'est sur que les eaux genre contrex et hepare c'est des eaux spécial donc c'est différent oui

    • @mercuredeparis
      @mercuredeparis 5 лет назад +1

      A la maison nous préférons tous l'Evian, elle fait l'unanimité. Par contre nous n'achetons jamais de Volvic qui elle aussi fait l'unanimité, mais pour le contraire.@@garigreo2273

  • @k.monteil...asalon9357
    @k.monteil...asalon9357 5 лет назад +1

    Yes, please do a video about the surprisingly expensive things in France. Please can you compare City/rural, or semi rural? My French hubby and I are poised to move to the South, about an hour NE of Avignon, to a semi-rural community. Thanks in advance

  • @sopheco3432
    @sopheco3432 5 лет назад +8

    My zone 1-5 London travelcard is over £200 a month 😭😭😭

  • @yolysantana7525
    @yolysantana7525 5 лет назад +4

    Omg 😩😩😩college (4 year public) in the us can average 25000 per year .... private colleges and graduate programs are ever crazier!

    • @Merisa_dance_covers
      @Merisa_dance_covers 5 лет назад

      I've always wondered why it is so expensive in other countries and/or why it is so cheap in France (even though it is already difficult to some French people to pay for university fees + student rent and so on)

    • @Laurent69ftm
      @Laurent69ftm 5 лет назад +2

      Because it is subsidized :)

  • @jackschauztern3113
    @jackschauztern3113 5 лет назад

    Actually you can even find cheaper water. Maybe not in Paris but in smaller town for sure I already paid around 0,18€ for 1,5L :)

  • @walidmkw
    @walidmkw 4 года назад

    Legally it’s not allowed to sell water in France.
    You can sell the bottle, how it’s presented and how it’s brought to the user, but not the water itself.
    So it makes the water a lot cheaper.

  • @KBinturong
    @KBinturong 5 лет назад +1

    No you're right even if we pay taxes to get covered by la secu, if we someone doesn't have it, the price he would pay is very cheap compare to other places. For example, to give birth, it's 3000€ while in the US it's more about 32000€. Sometimes I wonder why there isn't a pregnancy travel for US citizen to deliver in France... with the airplane ticket, it's still cheaper!

  • @nikitabosenko9351
    @nikitabosenko9351 5 лет назад

    In Russia we pay 10 euros per month for mobile internet + home internet, both are unlimited and highspeed

  • @nanarania2620
    @nanarania2620 5 лет назад +8

    Cristalline une bouteille c'est 20 centimes

  • @tanjir8582
    @tanjir8582 3 года назад

    The cheapest and most needed thing is transport. I'm not sure about the gym. I pay 30€ for only membership in fitness park and it's perhaps the cheapest also very crowded everywhere.

  • @diannewi
    @diannewi 5 лет назад

    I regularly visit a friend who retired to SW France, every 18 months or so. He has a "Zoe" electric car and his own charging station in his garage/barn. Just plug in the car and it charges at night during low rates hours. He says he pays €50 per YEAR to run his car. There are phone apps that map every charging station everywhere. I saw one in Paris right by Notre Dame, free parking while you charge your electric car. Another "cheap" item in France are some of the famous skincare products that are sold in pharmacies, brands like Caudalie and La Roche-Posay. And I always stock up on Yves Rocher brand skincare, body washes, and makeup when in France.

  • @pommedapie8450
    @pommedapie8450 3 года назад

    also a lot of students have those 400-600 € fee paid for by the state if your household earns below a certain amount, and this also enables you to get state help each month for studying :)

  • @touptiboudchou
    @touptiboudchou 5 лет назад +1

    I was waiting for the wine !! That the first thing that crossed my mind, especially from a foreigner POV I guess !

  • @KSNeo
    @KSNeo 5 лет назад +1

    Yes do the expensive ones too please :) it's very helpful also for French people to really measure how "lucky and Unlucky" we really are on those things. we have to insist on the fact that taxes are everywhere and quite big though.

  • @hannahmcdonald6608
    @hannahmcdonald6608 5 лет назад +1

    Would love to see a video on what is surprisingly expensive in France. :)
    P.s. Love your videos. Keep it up!
    -Hannah, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

  • @Tym17Aero
    @Tym17Aero 5 лет назад

    Depending on what brand of water you buy, you can get the bottle for about 18 cents or less :) and depending on the region you can get good wine bottles for about 3euros as well. Those same bottles costed about 20euros when I saw them in Ireland

  • @destineos8038
    @destineos8038 5 лет назад +3

    Le pack de 6 bouteilles cristallines c’est pas 1€ ?

  • @RoamingwithJasmina
    @RoamingwithJasmina 3 года назад +3

    USA: hold my beer New Zeland, our University per year is $48,510!!!! 😭

  • @2Travelis2Live
    @2Travelis2Live 5 лет назад

    Education and Insurance in the USA are so expensive. The price of health insurance in the US just keeps getting more and more expensive. I pay 40 dollars per doctors visit with my health insurance. Yes, taxes are low, but both corporations and individuals struggle because of the growing cost of health care. Of course, education is free from kindergarten to 12th grade, but college is outrageous. People walk out with debts of 60,000 dollars. I walked away with my masters degree for 20,000, but that's because I paid for part of it as I went.

  • @LittlePinkPiggy1
    @LittlePinkPiggy1 5 лет назад

    We have a holiday home in northern France and what amazes me most is the cost of food - especially fresh fruit and vegetables, also meat. (I live in the UK.)

  • @shihancheng
    @shihancheng 3 года назад

    I am 53 years old and retired. I pay US$485 a month for health insurance in USA. Doesn’t even cover dental and vision. $8,000 out of pocket annual deductible. I say FRANCE is awesome.

  • @vizender
    @vizender 3 года назад

    So about phone calls and internet, it’s mostly only in France that you’ll find such cheap subscriptions. Go to the neighboring countries like Belgium, Germany... and you’ll pay 3 time the cost for 3 times less.
    But all of that is not that old, it happened in the early 2010s, the the government gave huge money and force the biggest company (Orange) to help an other one (Free) to develop their own network, and we went from 80-120€ a month for all unlimited to 15-20€ a month.
    So that’s just because the French government decided to break the (illegal) monopoly that the former only four companies had agreed (illegally) to stay on.

  • @jovanigittens3079
    @jovanigittens3079 4 года назад

    In barbados we can go anywhere for $3.50 and school students go everywhere free on school days

  • @dejanromih7913
    @dejanromih7913 5 лет назад

    Great video, very educational, interesting as well as funny 😂

  • @paulasettle8808
    @paulasettle8808 5 лет назад

    Yes, please do a video on the most expensive things. Very interesting to know these thing.

  • @heathilea
    @heathilea 5 лет назад +1

    The phone plans! It was so hard to get back to being used to only having 1. 5gb of data in NZ after having unlimited data in Europe.

  • @JosiahDavidCarroll
    @JosiahDavidCarroll 5 лет назад

    Yes!!!!! Moved here from Sydney and I can find so many parallels! Love to see your thoughts on the plus cher aussi!

  • @nikitabosenko9351
    @nikitabosenko9351 5 лет назад

    A video about surprisingly expensive things will be much appreciated

  • @browngirlreading
    @browngirlreading 5 лет назад +3

    France has loads of water sources!

  • @NewYorkPrincess22
    @NewYorkPrincess22 5 лет назад

    I visited Paris this summer and went to a franprix and bought 6 large bottles of water for a little over 2€. I was pleasantly surprised, we didn’t need to buy water for the entire time we were there. And then we went to Nice and bought wine for our beach days and spent about 6 to 7€ for a good decent bottle of Rosé at the monoprix

  • @Jetfuture737
    @Jetfuture737 4 года назад

    The difference in price for transportation, water, cell phones, electricity, gym memberships, and wine don't matter to me when I pay $38,000 per year for my daughter to attend university in the United States. And this is with a $12,000 annual scholarship she received. Surprised? This is about $25,000 less per year than the most expensive universities in the United States. We saved for her college fund for 15 years. There were some months where I saved about 35% of my net salary! Oh, and another $1,500 for her health insurance while in college per year.

  • @olympiquedemarseille4150
    @olympiquedemarseille4150 5 лет назад +1

    Most of public universities are about €150/€200 not €500

    • @zxszert573hg46
      @zxszert573hg46 5 лет назад

      500 euros c'est le tarif moyen pour une inscription en master, 200 euros c'est en licence.

  • @TheHarcole
    @TheHarcole 5 лет назад

    Super vidéo as always, keep it up ! :D

  • @Paul-lo7mz
    @Paul-lo7mz 5 лет назад +8

    40€ pour un abonnement internet et mobile ??! On peut facilement trouver un forfait mobile 50Go à moins de 5€ et un abonnement internet avec la fibre beaucoup moins cher mais ça dépend de l'endroit

    • @h264hd
      @h264hd 5 лет назад

      Oui si on change de forfait chaque année avec les offres spécial, ce que je fais.

    • @eunosnurb4123
      @eunosnurb4123 5 лет назад +1

      Pas forcément besoin de changer tous les ans, là j'ai BandYou 20Go 5€ à vie et il y a souvent des offres RED 50Go 5€ à vie (reseau un peu moins bien).
      Free 1€ pour 100Go je n'en parle pas, testé 1semaine réseau pourri.

    • @rominet471
      @rominet471 5 лет назад

      Deja elle parlent pour deux personnes. Une box deja c'est environ 20-40 euros selons les options. Et l'apel gratuit vers la NZ c'est en général pas de base.

    • @irov5884
      @irov5884 5 лет назад

      @@eunosnurb4123 Perso j'ai jamais eu aucun problème de réseau avec Free, mais avec Bouygues si. Je suppose que ça dépend d'où on vit.

    • @eunosnurb4123
      @eunosnurb4123 5 лет назад

      @@irov5884 En effet, ça dépend si tu habites près d'une antenne et que tu ne bouges pas trop. Mais je me déplace beaucoup et globalement Bouygues à part certains coins paumés ça capte plutôt bien. Avec Free j'avais un téléphone inutilisable en plein cœur de grandes villes sensées être au top...

  • @MrLTD1100
    @MrLTD1100 5 лет назад

    No Road Tax on your Car. No specific TV licence to be paid for as it's included in your local taxes, which are way cheaper than the UK anyway. The electricity is so plentiful that they can supply the UK with a third of their total consumption. Wine from our friendly producer is a maximum of 1.75 euros a litre. Oh and we're in the Deux Sevres. Love your channel so much I subscribed.

  • @PawFromTheBroons
    @PawFromTheBroons 5 лет назад +7

    Bottled water comes cheap in France because we’re basically sitting on top of gigantic water sources.
    It's comes the cheer number of groundwater and all those, from our multiple mountain ranges.

    • @melancholica999
      @melancholica999 5 лет назад

      So do we, here in Bosnia where I live, but the water we have in out taps is also good enough to drink so people don't have to purchase. Granted we're not as rich, our economy is underdeveloped etc., so to us purchasing a bottled water is sort of a "luxury" even though it's cheap. However tap water there in Paris particularly is amazing for hair. I think it may be a bit of the french girl hair secret.

  • @elizabethgarcia7982
    @elizabethgarcia7982 4 года назад

    Wow! thats cheap that transport card! In the Netherlands cost me around 220 Eu monthly.

  • @jda4887
    @jda4887 5 лет назад +2

    Bottled Water is cheap because most french are suspicious of tap water (thanks to ads in the 80's convincing them to buy bottled water). Tap water quality in France is top notch but the bias remains.

  • @soheston
    @soheston 5 лет назад

    Gyms in France r expensive, they r cheap in Spain. 25€ where where Jesús lost his sandal, so far that u need to travel 2h to train and then 2h and come back

  • @TheFiown
    @TheFiown 3 года назад

    I pay 80 euros for unlimited mobile and landline phones, plus internet and hundreds of TV channels and I can even have a second mobile phone for a few euros more. I add on 10 euros for Netflix and 10 for Premium that's a good deal.

  • @johnlewis1078
    @johnlewis1078 5 лет назад

    Love your videos, Ms Rosie!

  • @johanagamaz4538
    @johanagamaz4538 5 лет назад +3

    Super cette vidéo ! Continue ce que tu fais, j'adore! J'habite à la frontière suisse et ici les salles de fitness sont super chères (aux alentours de 600 francs suisses minimum par an pour avoir juste accès à la salle) mais la plupart des salles coûte 1200 francs suisses. Sinon je voulais juste dire que l'eau en bouteille en France, je trouve ça super cher, même avec le prix que tu dis je ne trouve pas normal haha.
    Enfin ! Continue bisous.

  • @dolteki
    @dolteki 5 лет назад +17

    Petit bémol sur le remboursement des lunettes : c'est bien l'assurance privée qui rembourse potentiellement plusieurs centaines d'€. La Sécurité Sociale rembourse genre 5 €.
    Et c'est assez scandaleux.

    • @manel9046
      @manel9046 5 лет назад

      dolteki oui mais contrairement à d’autre pays nos assurance et mutuelles reste abordables. Dans certains pays c’est juste impensable de souscrire à une mutuelle tellement c’est cher.

    • @mathildes8583
      @mathildes8583 5 лет назад +1

      Oui ça reste un peu scandaleux parce que nos lunettes coûtent 3 à 4 fois plus cher que dans quasi tous les autres pays du monde, donc 5€ remboursés c'est du délire. Les lunettes coûtent à peu près 7 fois moins cher en Angleterre au point où je ne vois pas d'intérêt à payer une mutuelle pour ça parce que... c'est le prix de la mutuelle, donc imagine !

    • @bofurii5725
      @bofurii5725 5 лет назад

      Oui mais en général on a une mutuelle imposée par l'entreprise qui en prends une partie. Et si on a pas de travail et peu de revenus, avec la CMU-C les lunettes coûtent moins de 10€ chez certains opticiens...

    • @jarnak7948
      @jarnak7948 5 лет назад

      @@mathildes8583 Les lunettes ne coutent pas cher en France de base, à moins que tu prennes des montures de qualité et des verres affinés (les verres de base sont plus épais mais beaucoup moins cher)

    • @maello0
      @maello0 5 лет назад

      @@mathildes8583 normal si tu porte des gucci viens pas te plaindre wesh va a afflelou t'en a a 50 balles c'est bon

  • @aimidesu235
    @aimidesu235 5 лет назад

    In Brunei the healthcare basically costs us $1 BND and thats probably just the cost of bottled water in UK and yes this includes medicines too

  • @MrMegadeathbauru
    @MrMegadeathbauru 4 года назад

    Don’t think the water is cheap.. in Brazil they cost $0,2 per bottle

  • @catherinefrancoisgarelli
    @catherinefrancoisgarelli 5 лет назад

    Okay ... Don’t want to bother you but here in Toulouse we pay 150€ a year for illimited transport and 10€ a month for students ... so yes for me Paris is very expensive

  • @stephanlavigne9105
    @stephanlavigne9105 5 лет назад

    Pour 1,20€ tu as 6 bouteilles de 2 litres chacune. Et en plus quand tu vis à Paris tu as accès à trois fontaines d'eau gratuite ou pas mal de parisiens viennent s'approvisionner. C'est 3 puits artésiens avec une eau naturellement riche en fer et protégée de la pollution. C'est les fontaines de l'Albien. Il y en a une dans le 13eme une dans le 18eme et une autre dans le 16eme.

  • @steve77able1
    @steve77able1 5 лет назад

    Love your channel!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤

  • @7saany
    @7saany 5 лет назад +1

    8:48 😂🤣 Cant wait to have this same reaction when I go.
    Lol Yesss please surprisingly expensive things in france

  • @yevduyun1135
    @yevduyun1135 5 лет назад +6

    Hello. I think you forgot to say that the normal salary in Australia and New Zealand is 3 times higher than in France :)

    • @supermarco2012
      @supermarco2012 5 лет назад

      Not realy: Google it, u will find a différence about 35 to 50%. Far from 200 or 300%

  • @bobby-belgian2053
    @bobby-belgian2053 5 лет назад

    In Belgium you don't get the small prizes for the phone plans. But otherwise it's quite similar. Cheese and bread are usually really cheap and french travellers tend to be really upset about it when they travel outside the country.

  • @Lila.T
    @Lila.T 5 лет назад

    The bottle water is cheaper may because most people drink tap water.

  • @LauraMorland
    @LauraMorland 5 лет назад

    Love the video (and agree with your points), but I kept wishing I could block out the background music. Honestly, Rosie -- YOU are fascinating to listen to... you don't need the distraction!

  • @eskka4853
    @eskka4853 3 года назад

    Un truc qui me choque régulièrement quand je regarde des séries ou des films US c'est que les gens partent de leur logement sans éteindre les lumières. Je me suis toujours demandée si c'était juste à la télé car honnêtement c'est pas super intéressant de filmer la personne faire le tour de la pièce pour tout éteindre (d'ailleurs il y a toujours plein de lampes allumées dans une même pièce) ou si c'était réellement une habitude là-bas, genre partir au boulot en laissant les lumières allumées.
    Si quelqu'un a la réponse, je la veux bien :)

  • @EmpereurdesBalignon
    @EmpereurdesBalignon 5 лет назад

    In the "expensive things" list, you may want to ad university cost for foreign student, they decided to rise the price up to 3.5k€ depending on the university. The bill isn't voted yet, but it may be a thing sooner or later

  • @CABerlitz
    @CABerlitz 5 лет назад

    You may want to rethink the education being cheap, mainly for non-EU, since starting in 2019 it will be €3770,- per year for Master and Doctorate and €2770 ,- a year for License. An increase of around 1600% of what it is currently being charged.