am I falling out of love with reading?

  • Опубликовано: 19 ноя 2017
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Комментарии • 314

  • @helenejeppesen2133
    @helenejeppesen2133 6 лет назад +95

    I’ve felt this exact way for the past year and not wanted to publicly say that I didn’t like reading. BUT I’ve found that if I’m in a bad reading period in which I don’t feel like anything I read is good, I pick up a favourite of mine to reread which immediately sparks my joy for reading. I think that booktube makes us read so many books that we do become better at critiquing them, but also feel like a lot of what we read we’ve read before. Breaks from reading are important as well (even though I only end up needing a break of a few days). Anyway, this comment is all over the place but I’m kind of relieved to find out you feel the same way as I do!

    • @whatsfordinnerr
      @whatsfordinnerr 6 лет назад +3

      Helene Jeppesen I find that when I’m in a slump I read poetry. Short, pick me ups that are often get me back into novels.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +7

      Even though I’d obviously rather you hadn’t experienced this I’m glad it’s not just me 😅 I think about two weeks is my max and then I start to feel a bit lost without reading and like my life has lost a driving force. That sounds extreme but that’s how it feels! I’m definitely going to reread more and try to stop the channel from dictating my reading so much. Fingers crossed we both have a better reading year in 2018!

  • @cheryllovestoread
    @cheryllovestoread 6 лет назад +46

    Here area few words from the Mom in me.
    First, you just started back to work full time. This takes enormous amounts of mental energy, (esp if it’s not “the job” that you always saw yourself doing). And, unfortunately, it gets harder as we mature in life to stay mentally focused beyond a typical work day. It’s okay to just be tired and checked out of your normal routine for a while. Re-read a few things you love as I saw a spark of job when you spoke about it. Reading shouldn’t feel like work, so be okay with letting your expectations fall by the wayside. If you’re concerned about channel content (which you certainly don’t HAVE to be) give us your fav re-reads!
    Second, I get a sense of sadness or depression from you. Sorry if I’m butting in too much, but if you’re feeling down in other areas too, please get a physical. Something as simple as low iron or low Vit D can sap the enjoyment for normal things right out of you. Also world events are freaking depressing for lots of people these days and reading too much contextual info can add worry rather than just insight. So, just be sensitive to whether any book is sapping your joy in life and be okay with setting those aside for another time.
    Okay, Mom talk over, Now go re-read something fun!!

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +4

      Cheryl Holsonbake Hi Cheryl, thanks so much for your lovely, thoughtful comment. I think being back at work full time has certainly played its part. Work has been very stressful and I’ve been feeling a bit low in general so I think it’s all come to a head recently and resulted in a lack of enjoyment in the things I usually love. I’m hoping that next year will be an easier, brighter one and that my reading will be better as a response.
      I was reading a rather bleak memoir that I’ve put aside for now as I don’t think it’s the right time for me to read it. Instead I’m going to pick up a favourite and reread and hope the comfort and familiarity helps cheer me up ☺️ xx

    • @mybookishdelights4767
      @mybookishdelights4767 6 лет назад +4

      I love your mom talk! Those are good points about other life events taking their toll. I also agree about the reading. Rereading books always gets me out of a rut! But it should definitely be enjoyable, not work! :)

    • @anonymousetrap
      @anonymousetrap 6 лет назад +1

      Cheryl, you give the mum advice I always wish I had.

  • @ArielBissett
    @ArielBissett 6 лет назад +14

    I adore these chatty videos so much!!! I'm having a different problem (just physically not having time to read for pleasure versus reading for grad school) but I really found this relatable. I also don't want to read for the average ones, I want to find books that blow me away! If I were you I would give myself a break for the rest of the year, reading whatever you manage, and then jump on 2018 with a new invigoration!

  • @Darra123
    @Darra123 6 лет назад +1

    I had such a reading slump that lasted for a couple of years. I was thinking - "Well, I always thought of myself as a reader, but maybe I am not...". I was opening one book, after the other and was not able to get any enjoyment out of it. And then one day I got to a book that was everything I loved about books - magical, adventurous, well written - the full package. This little gem helped me realize that it definitely was the books. I was trying to read things that were recommended to me, must reads and all the wonderful literature out there that I have supposedly missed. Once I realized I was pushing myself to read things that were way off what I really enjoyed, I returned to choosing my TBR the old way - going to the bookstore and listening for the book that will speak to my heart. At the end constructed a TBR that was a nice mixture of what I really want to read and what is good to have read in your life, so I do not get to this stage of despair again. Do not give up, do not surrender - it is just a bad slump. And if you do not like the majority of the stuff you read it does not mean that there are not a bunch of wonderful things out there ;)

  • @april-janerowan
    @april-janerowan 6 лет назад +1

    I noticed The Fox Woman is on your TBR and I think you'd really enjoy it. It's one of my favourite reads from this year :)

  • @WhoaThereMama
    @WhoaThereMama 6 лет назад +1

    Slow down on reading if that's what will make you happier. Don't burn yourself out. The joy will come

  • @KendraWinchester
    @KendraWinchester 6 лет назад +4

    I really love Lala’s closet unhaul videos. I think it’s a fun way to get through books you’ve owned for awhile but haven’t read. Whenever I get stuck, I love getting excited about a new reading project. Sounds like you have a great plan! However you figure it all out, I hope you love reading again soon. Cheering for you from across the pond. 💕

  • @WillowHex169
    @WillowHex169 6 лет назад +1

    I had a crappy reading year too! When I think back I have read almost nothing that would make it onto my "2017-favorites"-list. I think I need to get better at focusing on the really promising books, and actually get rid of the mediocre-looking ones. I think your thoughts seem really reasonable, like reading the book while you're excited about it. I'll take that into account when assembling my reading goals for 2018. It's nice to hear someone else share this feeling! :)

  • @blevisky
    @blevisky 6 лет назад

    i feel the exact same about rereading at the minute. it's quite comforting knowing that you'll actually enjoy something for once lol.

  • @despk4308
    @despk4308 6 лет назад +42

    I blame the statistics driven lifestyle. You're not meant to fuss over how many books you own, or have read, or own and haven't read. Ok, the last one might require some restraint, buy only what you will read immediately while your tbr shelf is getting manageable. But you're not meant to fuss over statistics. That's for every once in a while when you want to refocus yourself. Just live, focus on picking up what you get excited about, read or unread, goodreads be d... At least that's where I am concluding about my own dismal reading situation lately. For starters I think I'll hide from my view my stressful, enormous, oh-i-wish-i-had-already-read-those. They are only stressing me out. And I want to read them and I don't.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +5

      Desp K I agree. I think so much of the stress comes from my hyper awareness of my reading stats through booktube and goodreads. I’m going to make a real effort to really chill my reading brain out and allow everything to feel much more organic. Fingers crossed I manage it! Thanks for your comment ☺️

    • @rosedalinevaletine6931
      @rosedalinevaletine6931 6 лет назад

      Desp K More like, buy books you HAVE read and enjoyed. The library is a great place to put that practice in use. Borrow books and if you love them, buy them. That's how I've been doing it.

    • @matthewmedley8532
      @matthewmedley8532 6 лет назад

      Desp K wholeheartedly agree. I am seriously thinking of forgetting tbr lists and read on how my mood is. It’s more spontaneous.

    • @despk4308
      @despk4308 6 лет назад +1

      rosedaline valetine I can tell this has been a trigger to some. I agree with getting books that you already love, however you had access to the text.
      But I was thinking about the self-conciousness of reading habits and how that spoils the reading itself.
      I don't have any answers. I just didn't have a good reading year either.

  • @daarskapen
    @daarskapen 6 лет назад +1

    I would recommend The Faster I Walk the Smaller I Am. It's short, dark and witty. I haven't read the translated version, but the original is beautiful. The follow-up Monsterhuman is recently translated to English, and its an autobiographical account of writing The Faster I Walk... and her experience with the illness ME, it's an astounding book.

  • @BobbiReads
    @BobbiReads 6 лет назад +1

    I’m right with you girl!! I’ve also had a horrible reading year! There is only one book I’ve read all year that has stuck with me. I DNF’d a lot of books this year, and spent most of the summer and in to the fall in a huge slump. You’re not alone!!!

  • @Gagging4Lit
    @Gagging4Lit 6 лет назад +11

    Oooh i love negative videos!! I find them so cathartic. I think it's good personally that you are more critical now. It probably means you won't waste as much time reading books you don't think are worth it. I don't care how many books you read in a month lol just as long as you are happy. Go and re-read as many books as you want if you'd rather do that. I love seeing people's thoughts after a re-read or just seeing that they've re-read something, let's me know they actually enjoyed that book or that there was something about it that makes them ponder over it and want to explore the book again. I appreciate you being so candid with us all about your feelings xoxo

  • @LiaCooper
    @LiaCooper 6 лет назад

    whenever i get caught in a string of bad (or disappointing) reads, rereading is my go-to to get me out of a slump or avoid one. there are a couple of titles that just always remind me what i love about reading :)

  • @Tinetush1
    @Tinetush1 6 лет назад +1

    I'm not a massive reader. But i've had the same feeling as you concerning films. I used to be a big film buff, but then started getting bored and uninterested in them a couple of years back. So Instead of watching films i started consuming other kinds of entertainment, which meant that I started watching a lot of theatre plays and performances instead, which I've never really done before - and I got really exited about that. The last couple of months though, I've started getting into films again, and I now appreciate film as a medium again. My point is I think it's natural to get a bit bogged down when you consume a lot of the same form of entertainment. And it's healthy and natural to try out new kinds 'entertainment', cause it makes you excited, and gives you a more nuanced perspective and appreciation of the different mediums. And then returning to the medium you originally loved is a bit like coming home again.

  • @danielsheridan4094
    @danielsheridan4094 6 лет назад +1

    It could be part of your natural progression as a reader. I absorb myself in music more than anything else, it’s my passion, but from my mid to late twenties onwards I started to feel listless and uninspired while watching bands I felt sure I would be excited by, and found myself wanting to give up on albums before I’d even listened to the end. Like you, i was asking myself if I love music less, wondering what the point of it was, picking up very quickly on all I dislike in a band’s sound or style of lyricism, and for me I started to think music was something for young people to love, and that I was maturing past my blinding white hot infatuation. The way I’ve overcome this is, over a period of time, exposed myself to more and more music i didn’t think I would like. Rather than rock, indie and alternative I listened to more folk, pop, rap and dance. Some of it I found a liking for, but it burned out pretty quick once the novelty of change wore off, although what I have really come to love is classical music. As a musician I’ve read more about theory and I began playing more complex music (trying and failing sometimes but it’s all part of the challenge), and this greater comprehension of music as a whole has opened up my enjoyment and fulfilment in ways that listening to bands never did. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for nirvana, the smiths and Bowie but maybe there is a reason gigs, festivals and buying albums used to be mostly just the domain of young people. This is only my own speculation, and it may have nothing to do with your own experiences but you mentioned changing your reading habits, and this can only be a good thing. And maybe this reading crisis is a good thing in and of itself, maybe tastes should evolve as we mature. My love of music feels richer for having Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt. I’m thirty now, maybe at forty I’ll discover a deeper love for jazz and I’ll enjoy another epiphany! Your ideas were really insightful and thought provoking, thanks for posting the video.

  • @katieastles
    @katieastles 6 лет назад +1

    So I had a mostly three star reads year in 2016 and I was feeling so meh for a while, however this year it’s been mostly 4/5 star reads and it was literally a case of finding a specific genre that I was LOVING and not forcing myself to read other stuff on my shelf that I wasn’t feeling. Literally I’ve been buying books and reading them Immediately instead of reading stuff I’ve had for years which is bad for my TBR but has been great for my reading year.

  • @lindseyschmitz7009
    @lindseyschmitz7009 6 лет назад

    I had a bad reading year a few years ago, where I wasn't enjoying reading as much as I used to. It was such a heart break, like losing a friend, or a part of myself. My reading tastes were changing, my time available for reading was shrinking, and I was tougher to please. I ended up just pulling away from reading, ignoring my TBR shelves, and only reading things that really jumped out to me. It's totally ok to detach and stop for a bit. No rules or goals, just see what books fling themselves onto your lap.

  • @SavidgeReads
    @SavidgeReads 6 лет назад +20

    Oh love, no crisis points please. I think we all have phases with reading and books, sometimes we can’t read enough, some times we don’t want to read anything. I also think we change and adapt as readers and what we like. Plus I think we have to read books we don’t love as much as others so we enjoy all the ones we love even more. I wonder if we find less books we REALLY love the older we get and the more we read. Maybe it’s just, sadly, a bad year for you reading wise this year. None of that’s probably helpful is it? Rubbish friend aren’t I? Ha.

  • @pinarcelebi9178
    @pinarcelebi9178 6 лет назад +12

    Thanks to a video of yours, a Turkish publisher has acquired rights for The Clay Girl. I'm a freelance literary consultant. Işık read the book thanks to you and managed to convince a publisher 😊

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +3

      Pinar Celebi that’s amazing! Thanks so much for letting me know 💜

  • @LeanneRose
    @LeanneRose 6 лет назад

    I think sharing this is really important. Often, when we define ourselves as readers, it can send us onto such a crisis when we aren’t enjoying it. I’ve been doing the majority of my reading in audio format recently and not wanting to actually look at the words. And even that has made me feel very strange! Take your time with getting back into the swing of things, your enjoyment will take a turn for the better. Making BookTube videos can definitely add to the pressure some times, but try not to let it overwhelm you. 💕

  • @christyfaber7757
    @christyfaber7757 6 лет назад +2

    Ok, I have not read a single book on your Goodreads tbr list. So I'm not much help at all but the two books from the list I'd personally be most excited to read would be "the Woman in White" and "Daphnis and Chloe".

  • @crflamesfan
    @crflamesfan 6 лет назад +8

    Mercedes, sometimes it’s worth taking a break from something you love. Too much of a good thing can at times be not so good. Also, only pick up books that you really really think you will be interested in. Being somewhat more aged, I have found that to rejuvenate myself in various things, is to stop and do something else that interests you for awhile. It’s not a bad thing if you end up reading less, it just means you probably found something else, which is a good thing. I agree, that reducing the books may help. The less books I have to read the more excited I am to find something new. This was a nice chat and topic. I know you will eventually find your reading balance, whatever it is. Just know that it may (most likely will) change throughout your life. 🙂

  • @acaciairving
    @acaciairving 6 лет назад +1

    I’ve looked through your Tbr owned shelf
    I recommend
    A dark but honest story that follows a woman with an eating disorder. It’s raw but super powerful.
    2. The new Jim Crow
    This one caused so much rage in me on behalf of all those held to a double standard, and thought of as less for the color of their skin.
    3.Its all in your head
    A look at what the brain can do to the body when things are out of line. A conversation about psychology in a new way.
    Also I’d be happy to do a buddy read with you if those help you get more out reading.
    Hope things go well

  • @ordowaid.2665
    @ordowaid.2665 6 лет назад +2

    Recently, I was having the same thoughts about the excitement of picking what to read next, getting it from the bookstore or wherever and starting reading it on the way home or the same night. So, I agree. It's really worth trying to reduce the amount of books you own just to experience that again.

  • @InsertLiteraryPunHere
    @InsertLiteraryPunHere 6 лет назад +2

    This video is SO real. I don't have any advice (I've been thinking about a lot of the same things recently so I'm in no position to suggest anything for other people), but I just identified a ton with a lot of this. Especially how you talked about the difference between the way you think about a book like The Clay Girl when you have a reviewing platform vs. when you just read it for yourself. That's a hard balance I've been struggling with a lot this year, and it's sort of a relief to hear someone else talk about it

  • @lethewade2345
    @lethewade2345 6 лет назад +1

    Off your unread shelf, I highly recommend Such Small Hands by Andres Barba, it's quite short and terribly creepy. I also greatly enjoyed The Man with the Compound Eyes and think that seems up your alley. And A Single Man is one of my all-time favorites

  • @RememberedReads
    @RememberedReads 6 лет назад

    I've gone through years before where some type of entertainment (for one period it was novels, but I've had the same experience with comics, games, and right now with TV) is just not something I want to devote my free time to. I think of it as a natural phase and try not to worry about it. I can definitely see how being dedicated to a booktube video schedule must make you feel it that much more strongly about it though, since it forces you to look at numbers every week.
    I like your new method for thinking about favourites. I know for myself the way I feel about a book is often tied to the moment, so making that context explicit like that sounds like a brilliant way of framing those reads.
    I hope it doesn't end up adding too much stress to your life! :)

  • @chboskyy
    @chboskyy 6 лет назад +1

    I've been in a very similar situation actually, and I've been watching tv/movies much more than reading because I'm sick of the pressure. I've had a lot of 3 star reads too and I think one 5 star book which is crazy (although a few 4.5 star reads so maybe I'm being too critical?). I've been planning a video for December to talk about my plans for 2018, but I'm the same in that I want to bring down the TBR. Glad I'm not the only one!

  • @taylorhough620
    @taylorhough620 6 лет назад +1

    I’m so glad you made this video but I’m sorry for how you’re feeling, it’s frustrating. I can definitely relate, I feel like I’m losing my identity, which sounds dramatic. My friends know me as a reader but it’s like lately I’ve been collecting books instead of reading them. It seems like no book can hold my attention anymore. But I’m trying not to feel guilty about it and realize that it’s just a slump. Best wishes to you!

  • @elizabethreads0312
    @elizabethreads0312 6 лет назад +2

    I read the Raqqa Diaries after you hauled it in a video. I loved it. It was one of those books that broke my heart, made me speechless, and infuriates with the lack of help from larger countries those people get.

  • @ThePoptimist
    @ThePoptimist 6 лет назад +5

    Individual results may vary but... Booktube has insidiously changed my reading habits and co-opted me as part of the bookish marketing machine. I'm consuming new releases - steeped in the early hype and eager to weigh in on the buzz. I'm less likely to pick up a book if it's even 4 years old while before booktube I'd wouldn't even know that it wasn't part of the current years crop or not. Before booktube I'd be more likely to pick up a Jasper Fforde or maybe even a pulpy Janet Evanovich - whatever cover struck my fancy at the bookshop. I'm looking to dig into some backlist in the coming year and hopefully land some more 4 and 5 star books in the process. Maybe that's just me though.

  • @bookishsabrina
    @bookishsabrina 6 лет назад

    I always appreciate your honesty. I feel like I've read a lot of disappointing things this year, too. I also recently was looking back at 2015 and thinking "wow, what a great year!" I read so many amazing things back to back and had no idea at the time what a treasure trove I'd discovered. I have read some pretty amazing things, too, but sometimes it does feel like a slog to find the really great stuff. I feel disillusioned about books and/or booktube every few months or so, and try to adjust to make things fun again. I hope you can find the joy in it, too :)

  • @TheBookBully
    @TheBookBully 6 лет назад +6

    I started re-reading more this year and it has made me feel so great about reading. Whenever I find myself in a bit of a slump, I go back to a book I love and it gives me a boost. So I think that's a great idea!

  • @chrisbookishcauldron6381
    @chrisbookishcauldron6381 6 лет назад

    I loved how frank and honest this was. I know exactly the feeling you are discussing here. I don’t know that I have had it over as extended a period of time as you have, but it has definitely existed during different times in my reading life. It is comforting to hear someone who reads as much as yourself admit similar feelings. I don’t have much in the way of advice unfortunately. But I had a nosey through your goodreads shelf and noticed Sour Heart by Jenny Zhang. I read and loved this recently and think it would be right up your alley. It features all young female protagonists and focuses on themes of class and cultural identity. The writing style is quite unique and beautiful. I hope your reading life takes a more positive turn! Best wishes 😊

  • @JessicaReadsThings
    @JessicaReadsThings 6 лет назад +1

    I always like to see these videos. Not that I like that you’re feeling this way... you know what I mean. I had a massive 3 month slump at the beginning of this year. I think I felt the exact same way as you did. And then it just sort of resolved itself. You got this!

  • @Annafan-zg4zy
    @Annafan-zg4zy 6 лет назад

    I told a friend, just last week, that I felt this year had been a very disappointing year for reading. Then when I checked my Goodreads stats that didn't really hold up, but that may simply be because I got tired of rating books 3 stars and started rounding up to 4 on many that I otherwise wouldn't have. I recently made a promise to myself to stop overthinking my reading. Enjoy the current read and move on. I do hope you will do a wrap-up at the end of year. I think it would be even more fun than a favorites to simply look back and figure out why your reading year left you feeling less than excited. :)

  • @golda_devarim31.6
    @golda_devarim31.6 6 лет назад

    highly appreciate your honesty! i have been fallen out of love with reading a bit but i am ok with it. i feel like it will always be an up and down anyway so it will come around x

  • @nymeria941
    @nymeria941 6 лет назад +40

    I am a fan of the Nancy Pearl method of DNF decision-making: if you are under 50 years old, give a book 50 pages before you decide whether or not you like it. If you are 50 or over, read 100 minus your age number of pages. Her philosophy is, life's too short to read a book you don't enjoy. I try to keep to this method, though I am kind of bad about it and often give mediocre or outright terrible books 150-200 pages. I hope you're able to continue your love of reading :) Burnout is so real, but it can be overcome with the right story.

    • @funfuz
      @funfuz 6 лет назад +2

      Anna Morgan I think you're being generous with 50 pages! If a book doesn't speak to me within 20 pages, I won't continue. For my mom it's only like 5 pages max. 😂 Life's too short and there are plenty of books you can read instead of plowing through one just for the sake of it.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +6

      Anna Morgan oh, I hadn’t heard of that method but I like it! I think my problem is that I tend to read a lots of books I just ‘like’ but don’t actually get that much out of reading. I tend to easily dnf books I don’t like but persevere with the more ok ones. I’m aiming to be way less forgiving as there’s just too many books out there to waste time!

    • @rosedalinevaletine6931
      @rosedalinevaletine6931 6 лет назад

      Anna Morgan Wow. My new philosophy and new way of reading.
      I've been giving books two chapters before I get rid of them. But some books are good for me till the ending--like two to three chapters to the ending. Which angers me, 'cause I wasted so much time (I read fast, so not a lot of hours, but hours I could have been doing something I enjoy) reading the thing for it to turn into pure shit.

  • @welldonebooks
    @welldonebooks 6 лет назад +4

    I know what you mean 100%. This year since I've stopped making videos too has taken a lot of pressure off of me to read as much as I normally might, and so I've spent more time watching movies and shows I would've normally neglected for reading instead. And even though I haven't had the most stellar reading year, there have been a few standout books that I've really loved because I've read less and focused on reading books that I'm genuinely excited about. But also I need to get better at DNFing haha cause I will still force my way through books I *think* I should like or finish but that I'm not, in the moment, enjoying. It's so silly. Looking at your TBR shelf, I think you should read In Order to Live, especially for Non-fiction November! It's incredible. Signs Preceding the End of the World is a great little novel too. Their Eyes Were Watching God is one of my favorite classics, and Furiously Happy will make you laugh and cry so when you need to feel all the feels that's a good one.

  • @katieha12345
    @katieha12345 6 лет назад +2

    I read Sour Heart by Jenny Zhang after seeing it on your channel and it's the first/only short story collection I have really loved. And I LOVED it. Some ppl DNF after the 2nd story cos the first two are written in quite an abrasive style so it seems like the whole collection will be that way, but it does change up in the later stories. Also Do Not Say We Have Nothing by Madeleine Thien is a masterpiece.

  • @LynnetteReads
    @LynnetteReads 6 лет назад

    I have felt like this before and personally I was in a rut! I was reading the same kind of thing over and over. In the last couple of years I have been making an effort to read outside of my main genre. It works well. If I feel dissatisfied with my TBR I look at a different genre and so far I haven't felt bored or unhappy with my reading. Give it a go pick something from your library you wouldn't normally look at. See what happens! Also reread one you know is an absolute favourite and you will not be disappointed by that also reignites my need to read.

  • @shutupnread
    @shutupnread 6 лет назад +1

    It's honestly a phase that everyone goes through. I get bored always doing the same things even if it's something I know I love overall. Reading is a leisure, not a chore, so people should really stop making it into one. :)

  • @W_R_L_L_
    @W_R_L_L_ 6 лет назад +1

    For me no matter how bad something is I would never cancel my reading of it. I gain as a person through the good books and the bad books. The good tv shows and the bad. For everything good thing that helps me grow, there is a bad thing that achieves the same outcome. Good and bad make up my life and I would never take back a bad reading experience.

  • @gabbychiera8816
    @gabbychiera8816 6 лет назад

    The last few years for me were crappy reading years. I read like 86 books in 2012, 50 in 2013, 20 in 2014, 10 in 2015, 20 in 2016 and shot back up to (I’m currently on) Book 60 for this year. We know what it’s like, don’t beat yourself up too much - it happens to everyone!!

  • @mrunalnargunde
    @mrunalnargunde 6 лет назад

    I can relate to this kind of feeling very much. But I want to thank-you for doing all the hard work and letting us know what the good books are. Your high standards have helped me in the journey to pick up books and certain knowing that there is a high chance I will love it. Also very proud of you to be honest on the situation and coming up with this video instead of painting the perfect bookish person. I highly appreciate that.

  • @mem0rymaz3
    @mem0rymaz3 6 лет назад

    Pick up an all time favourite to end the year with. Anne of Green Gables, Harry Potter, or Roald Dahl always renew my spirits.

  • @barbarareynolds7334
    @barbarareynolds7334 6 лет назад +1

    Wow! I have been feeling the same way and worrying about it. I feel better after hearing you and feel I will probably regain my enthusiasm for thank you for this video.

  • @NonFicBooks
    @NonFicBooks 6 лет назад

    I’m sorry you’re feeling like that, it’s hard when something you love goes stale. Having looked through your TBR shelf I’d highly recommend ‘Wives and Daughters’ as the writing is thoroughly beautiful. If you’re more in the mood for non-fiction then I think Madeline Bunting would be a fantastic choice.

  • @catreadsbooks
    @catreadsbooks 6 лет назад

    I totally get what you're saying about new book excitement. At this point, I have so many "new" books any excitement I had for the book is now sucked out of me. Honestly, the years that I read 2 or 3 books a month I enjoy reading a whole lot more. I know that's hard to do when you have a Book Tube channel but maybe if you reduce your reading each month the enjoyment of reading will come back to you. Just my two cents. I'm glad that you made this video because I think a lot of Book Tubers feel the same way as you.

  • @xlollypopx
    @xlollypopx 6 лет назад

    I have felt similar... my new way of book buying is to buy one for every two I read(although I am a slow reader) and read it straight away. It's working so far because I'm having less accumulate and losing the initial excitement. And feels like a little reward every time!

  • @TheSheepandtheWolf
    @TheSheepandtheWolf 6 лет назад +18

    I firmly believe that pretty much everything in life comes in waves. You might not be reading great books right now and therefore be less passionate about reading, but that doesn't have to mean it's always going to be like this from now on. Maybe the books that are being written and published right now are just not completely your cup of tea? I feel like writing is also subject to certain fashions, so maybe your taste is just not "in" right now, but it'll come back. Doesn't mean you've failed as a reader or anything. In the meantime, there's so much other stuff you can enjoy!

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад

      The Sheep and the Wolf that’s such a good point about types of books being published around the same time. I’ve been thinking all year that I haven’t enjoyed being so focused on new releases but somehow I’ve not managed to stop it! I’m 100% going to change that going forward and reach for older books ☺️

    • @TheSheepandtheWolf
      @TheSheepandtheWolf 6 лет назад +1

      It might just be me, but I feel like there's a lot of pressure within the booktube / book blogging community as well to stay on top of new releases, read ARCs and post reviews of books that aren't even out yet. And I mean, I get it, I participate in it sometimes and it can definitely be fun, but there's nothing wrong with going for a backlist book! I am like you in that I also used to reread a lot, but stopped doing that because there's so many new, exciting books that I also want to read, and there's simply not enough time. But I do find that when I start to feel "meh" about reading, it really helps to pick up an old favourite and enjoy the familiarity and nostalgia.

  • @jf1809
    @jf1809 6 лет назад +1

    I just went through your Goodreads shelf, and here is what I have to recommend:
    - Their Eyes Were Watching God (SUPER recommend based on your read books)
    - The Picture of Dorian Gray
    - Sense and Sensibility
    - Do Not Say We Have Nothing (the first half is SO weak, but the second half is stellar)
    The books I don't recommend from this shelf are:
    - We Need New Names
    - On the Road

  • @HomeWithMyBookshelf
    @HomeWithMyBookshelf 6 лет назад

    I found one book on that goodreads shelf I want to hype - Sense and Sensibility. It's just as witty as other Jane Austens, and the sisters' bond is great. This book read very differently at 16 and at 23, and I guess it will change again. Good luck with culling. This video and Ariel Bissett's video on competitive reading has inspired me to cull my collection of unread books as well.

  • @notanniewarren
    @notanniewarren 6 лет назад +1

    I'm sorry you're having a bad bookish year :( Hopefully this means that next year will be incredible!

  • @Mianderingbooks
    @Mianderingbooks 6 лет назад +1

    I had a nosy round your Goodreads-shelf, and would recommend you trying Wide Sagasso Sea. It is extremely well edited and beautifully written, not a single word is misplaced or not absolutely necessary for the prose. The characters are interesting (not necessarily likable though), and the world is clear and very atmospheric. It definitely restored my faith in the written word last year 😉 Hope you find some reading-love soon, and keep DNF’ing like its nobody’s business!!

  • @englishinanutshell4312
    @englishinanutshell4312 6 лет назад +1

    Every time you pick up a book it's a bit of a gamble ,you invest a bunch of your time no knowing if it'll pay off but you do it anyway for the chance that it might.There's a reason gambling is addictive for me discovering new stories is too)

  • @lindaharrison3240
    @lindaharrison3240 6 лет назад +2

    Reading more makes a person a more critical reader. Perhaps that’s why we return to the classics.

  • @MissBethLouise1
    @MissBethLouise1 6 лет назад

    I strongly believe in re-reading books, if it doesn’t stand up to a second read, then it wasn’t that good in the first place! I know you could be spending the time reading an unread book from your shelf but re-reading a book you love is like nothing else! I always use a re-read as a reset button for my reading, if I’ve not liked anything I’m reading or am feeling a bit ‘blah’ about reading in general and don’t feel inspired to read at all, an old favourite will always bring me round!

  • @carolines6808
    @carolines6808 6 лет назад +1

    thank you for making this video! I can really relate to the question in the title .. Over the last couple of months I've found myself to be in a reading crisis (I think it's bigger than just a reading slump) which is confusing for me because I've always considered myself to be a massive reader and I do truly love books. But lately I've started to question my love for reading and the part it plays in my life and since this has been going on for almost a year I ask myself that maybe I'm not that big of a reader after all and I shouldn't call it my greatest hobby. I stil get very very excited about a lot of books especially non-fiction books that deal with a topic that I'm interested in but as soon as it gets to the actual reading part I can't be bothered anymore ... Unlike you I don't read many new releases, the majority of books I read have "proven" themselves like Americanah or the Robin Hobb books which I think are fine books but I still had to remind myself to pick them up again and finish them and in my opinion that's not what reading is about. I don't wanna stress myself out and I don't have a problem with reading less but I still wanna know why I feel so negative about reading. I was wondering if I sometimes confuse the literary merit of a book and my actual enjoyment of it. I can really admire a book and want to discuss it but did I actually ENJOY reading it? Did I want to read persistently for hours? I haven't had that feeling in ages and no I don't expect every book to be a 5* book but I'm also sick of feeling meh about most of my books ...
    Sorry about my rant, I guess I just have to give it time, there's no point in forcing oneself to read if you don't feel like it.
    What are your thoughts on literary merit versus actual enjoyment?

  • @sleepygollum
    @sleepygollum 6 лет назад +1

    From the books you own but haven't read shelf my two favorites are the Vegetarian by Han Kang ( I read this book in one day and didn't stop thinking about it for weeks. This book sucks you in and you can't stop. It could be really good to get you back into reading.) and The Birds and Other Stories by Daphne Du Maurier ( love this much more than Rebecca. I feel it's kind of a weirdly cozy creepy book and I really enjoyed almost every story.)

  • @bighairedbookworm3578
    @bighairedbookworm3578 6 лет назад +1

    It wasn’t too negative. It was balanced and honest. And yay for re-reading. I never talk about my rereads but I love ‘em.

  • @Starrysong
    @Starrysong 6 лет назад +1

    Last year I had so much stress and I barely managed to read 30 books. I have 1300+ ebooks on my Kindle. I have read a lot of short nonfiction books this year, just about 140 some books. Don't give up on reading, maybe do a total change of what you are reading, experiment with new subject areas that you have been curious about. Try listening to books more frequently especially if you have a favorite narrator. In my 30+ years of reading, I have gone through many years where I sometimes only managed to read a book or two a year. I hope you have a better reading year.

  • @Raven-rv9ge
    @Raven-rv9ge 6 лет назад +1

    I can relate to what u are saying, some books I have read have put me in to reading slumps often and it's frustrated me, I have done allot of re reads this year......and as reading taste changes you do became critical and start to notice things you didn't before and that's been happening with me, so I do understand and relate to your video.

  • @amypearson9252
    @amypearson9252 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for the honesty! I think I need to take a page out of your book re: ratings. I seem to round up my ratings, and on looking back at my year of books, some of the ratings I gave them were inaccurate. New Years Reso is to be more strict with my rating system.
    In terms of books on your shelf, I see you have The Mother of All Questions: Further Feminisms - this one is rather short so it's an easy one to cross of your list before the New Year :)

  • @ashrt4282
    @ashrt4282 6 лет назад

    The last two months have been the worst for me. I have hardly read a thing, and what I do read I don't finish. I've failed at all the readathons and I think I felt very pressured to finish reading books from my TBRs. I also stopped posting on Instagram because I feel like I've lost my bookish spirit. I think I needed a break. Moving forward, my plan is to finish the library books I currently have out (if I can), and from that point forward I'm just going to read what I desire in that moment. No more TBRs! I need to get back to reading simply for the love of reading! (Not to accomplish something, or stay current, or read what everyone else is reading).

  • @katehowereads
    @katehowereads 6 лет назад

    Such a bummer your reading year hasn't been so great, I think we as readers can put so much pressure on our reading that it be the best ever and then feel so bummed when it doesn't work out that way always. I'm always in a better mood when my reading is going well but grumpier when it's not, kind of a pitfall when it's my main hobby. I have been enjoying reading less this year and watching more tv or knitting and listening to an audiobook - it takes longer than physically reading it but it feels more chill. I hope you're able to figure out ways to make your reading more rewarding and as you say, be really willing to dnf. I feel like the times I pay attention to my dnf desires I end up reading something so much better.

  • @KittyAndTheBooks
    @KittyAndTheBooks 6 лет назад +1

    Rereading is in my opinion quite helpful in times like that. I can totally understand what you mean about the excitement just fading away. I don't own a lot of unread books because that's what I am afraid of. And I like using the library more because if I stop being excited about a book I can just return it. :)

  • @lyndsayreads
    @lyndsayreads 6 лет назад

    I've definitely been feeling this way this year as well! Looking back on all the books I've read this year, I only have a handful that I genuinely enjoyed or that I know will stick with me. I think, for me, I'm not a harsh enough DNFer because I'm kind of competitive and I feel like I need to finish everything I start, especially if I spent money on it. I also have a hard time unhauling books for the same reason.
    This was such a good video because it's making me feel like I need to confront my own mediocre reading. Hope the rest of the year's reading goes well for you! :)

  • @pandypuddingpie
    @pandypuddingpie 6 лет назад

    Okay I just had a look at your Goodreads shelf and here's the ones that I can encourage you to go for: The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke (I love her writing!), Heap House by Edward Carey (SO much fun and the illustrations are absolutely wonderful.), Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson (A true pick-me-up and hilarious (which duh).), & Do Not Say We Have Nothing by Madeleine Thien (You mentioned falling deep into Clay Girl and thinking about it when you weren't reading it? This book was the same for me.).
    Good luck and just remember: If you're not interested, don't bother. Reading is above all supposed to be FUN. :-)

  • @emmyb7613
    @emmyb7613 6 лет назад +2

    My 5 stars reads from the shelf you mentioned are Do Not Say We Have Nothing and The Hours, and I have one 4 stars read, An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness. I really enjoyed them. Hope you find something amazing on your shelves. ;)

  • @juliae.8237
    @juliae.8237 6 лет назад +2

    Re-reading sounds wonderful. Also, it is possible the books put out this year just aren’t that great and I think most books you chose to read this year were put out this year. A great read for any year is a lot to ask. Maybe read books that are older, more tried and true. Also, I am pretty sure we watch your channel to get your view point and saying, “yes, there were problems, but I don’t care” is okay - it’s your life, embrace the oddity of a full life.

  • @OliviaReadinglikeamadwomanPope
    @OliviaReadinglikeamadwomanPope 6 лет назад

    Sorry to hear things aren't going well, but I'm so glad you've made this video.It's definitely not too negative. In fact, you've summed my reading year up 100%. I don't even know that I'll have enough for a favourite end of year video either! I did have a list of potentials but so far, few of them have stood the test of time. I think you're right about the reasons, too. Booktube definitely plays a huge role. I think it's also possible that we stop experiencing new things because we read so much. Looking back at my past favourites, it's definitely the case that the books which tried something new were the mind-blowing 5 star reads.When you read a lot, I guess those completely groundbreaking reads just become few and far between. On the plus side, things have definitely improved for me in the past month or so, so hopefully they'll pick up again for you. I found that returning to authors I already knew I loved has been a real help. Also, picking up things I don't usually read has given me more excitement. I'm all about nonfiction at the moment (convenient, during nonfiction November...) Fingers crossed you find the love again! :D

  • @distant_sounds
    @distant_sounds 6 лет назад

    I've had burnt out periods with reading, sometimes lasting 6 weeks or so, where I don't pick up a book, don't watch booktube, don't go on goodreads etc. From analysing it, I know it's from spending too much time watching booktube, sitting on goodreads, reading reviews etc during the times that I am reading books. I know if I had a booktube channel, this would inflate those issues. I've worked out I have a limit to how much I can read each day, how much I can spend on bookish things like booktube, goodreads and so on. I'm learning from these things and hoping I can find a level at which my reading won't suffer.

  • @JennyKing
    @JennyKing 6 лет назад +2

    I'm in some sort of slump too. Is it the time of year? It shouldn't be. It's prime cosy reading weather. I need to learn to dnf sooner. I don't think I've read a 5 star book this year. I often wonder if I'm overly critical. But mainly I need to waste less time on mediocre books. I haven't made a video for months either:( sigh. Hope things pick up for you too Mercedes x

  • @amandanicholls2796
    @amandanicholls2796 6 лет назад +1

    Just been through your Goodreads list. The house of the spirits and the poisonwood bible are two excellent reads in my opinion. Amongst my favourites of all time. I also enjoyed beyond black by Hilary Mantel. It’s one that has stayed with me over the years, the odd story of a second rate clairvoyant who works the M4 corridor around Slough and has to fight her own demons as well as the ones through work that won’t leave her alone! I tried to friend you on Goodreads too but you’ve reached your maximum limit lol!! So funny! X

    • @nicolecory5743
      @nicolecory5743 6 лет назад +1

      Amanda nicholls The Poisonwood Bible is one of my favorites of all time, and it's definitely the book that took me from reading main stream fiction to more literary fiction. Great recommendation. I'd recommend The Bean Trees or Animal Dreams from Barbara Kingsolver too! She's just so masterful. I always feel like her characters (although not always lovely people) are so well developed, and her use of the language is stunning.

  • @scottneigh
    @scottneigh 6 лет назад

    Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time around your reading, these days! I'm not sure I've ever gone through quite the same thing, but what feels like it was the closest was a couple of occasions when I did lots of reading over a fairly extended period that I only kind of wanted to be doing...for a period when I was much younger, it was because I somehow got it into my head to read things I felt I "should" for whatever reason rather than things I wanted to, and then a bit later on it was when I did a Masters degree which, of course, involved a great deal of reading dictated by others. Neither of these cases involved reading lots and lots of things that I was *actively* disinterested in, but both involved imposing a different kind of logic on my reading decisions that resulted in me picking up lots of things that were not objectionable to me in general but that rarely quite felt like what I really wanted to be reading in that moment. I ended both periods feeling a generalized bookish fatigue and like I just wasn't enjoying reading in the same way as I usually do. So I wonder if perhaps the pressures of having a channel combined with the pressures of doing your subscription box (when you were still doing that) have perhaps shifted how you make decisions around reading? Anyway, that's neither here nor there and might just be me projecting. But I think what I did to recover resembles your plan -- I read less, I re-read things I loved, and I focused on just reading things that really, really appealed to me. And that helped. Good luck!

  • @thesteampoweredwife4194
    @thesteampoweredwife4194 6 лет назад

    I’ve been feeling that way for months! I haven’t felt a true sense of enjoyment while reading a book in awhile. I don’t know if it’s the books or if it’s me. I’m going to keep trying though but with no pressure. I’ll DNF what it isn’t holding my attention, read when I feel like it,

  • @freddylowe4900
    @freddylowe4900 6 лет назад

    Hi Mercedes. I rarely watch a 20 minute video from start to finish (the typical attention span 😂) but I followed this from start to finish and entirely understand.
    My advice: literally just reread favourites for however long you like. Sometimes I like to devote one month as a Reread Month so I just go back and hunt for old favourites. Often, if that happens, I feel like taking a step back from rereading after a while and that gives me the itch to read new stuff again. So that is what I say! :-)))
    P.S. Middlemarch is on your Goodreads TBR. Probably not a great idea for a slump 😂 but it is one of my ultimate favourite books of all time.

  • @bethcolarusso7852
    @bethcolarusso7852 6 лет назад +1

    That's the beauty of reading. Books affect people in different ways depending on where they are in their life. So please just do you, and enjoy the journey of reading whenever you feel like it. Love your channel.

  • @avie3937
    @avie3937 6 лет назад

    I have an Excel spreadsheet that lists all the books I would like to read and if I am unsure what to read next I quickly scan through and see what piques my interest. Whenever I experience a lull in my reading I do other things and do my best not to take it to heart. I only check out books from the library and purchase books I adore and will re-read. I find it helps me maintain order in my reading and spending. Plus I cannot stand owning books I do not love or serve a special purpose.

  • @CuriousReader
    @CuriousReader 6 лет назад

    One of my favorite books of the year has been Foxes Unearthed, I rave about it whenever I get a chance so I'll do so now as well. It's just a very passionate book, and quite lovely I think for this time of year. One thing that came to my mind was Sophie from Portal in the Pages video on a zero tbr or tips to reduce, where she gave the advice to kind of combine new and exciting books with books you've owned for some time, like pair them based on them being the same kind of genre or dealing with similar topics. When it comes to rereading, I'm not a big rereader but I've just reread an old favorite and another earlier in the year without even thinking much about it. I think sometimes we put too much thought on rereading as time lost, but it might be better to look at them as 'new' because the re-reading might be a completely new experience, even if its tramped ground. I hope you regain your love for reading and find some great books to pull you in!

  • @jackiesliterarycorner
    @jackiesliterarycorner 6 лет назад +1

    I hope next year is better for you. I'm trying to focus more on my reading for next year.

  • @angelique9527
    @angelique9527 6 лет назад

    Oh my gosh, I so connect with this video! I've been going through the same exact issues. I think what's happening is a combination of getting older and figuring out what you like and don't like and realizing mature vs. immature writing (which we tend to overlook when we're younger). And I know, for me at least, I just don't have the time or energy to waste on something that I'm not fully invested in and my tolerance level for books/stories that don't grab me has definitely lowered. I don't know, maybe it's just a side effect of getting older lol.

  • @jacksontalley3004
    @jacksontalley3004 6 лет назад

    Hi Mercy! I checked out your list on Goodreads and a couple jumped out at me. The first is The Hours by Michael Cunningham. I LOVED this book. It is so difficult to explain but being someone who lives in his head, I was able to relate to the characters. It also comments on death in such a beautiful way. You should definitely give it a go. I took your recommendation and read The Unseen World and What Belongs to You this year. They both ended up on my favorites list. I also loved Christadora - it wasn't on your list but I picked it up because you mentioned it in a video. It was phenomenal and I highly recommend it. It had similar tone to The Unseen World.

  • @clescop2
    @clescop2 6 лет назад +1

    I always feel this way when I read too many contemporary books. They just leave me feeling bored and down. I rarely read anything written post-2000. Maybe a good Victorian chunkster might help?

  • @bethanyhibbett9445
    @bethanyhibbett9445 6 лет назад +1

    I would still appreciate a wrap up from the year! As long as you’re being honest and referencing this video and how you felt throughout the year, then I would really love your opinions :) even if there’s only two in the video!

  • @joebagiackas7198
    @joebagiackas7198 6 лет назад

    Thank you so much for the video Mercedes! I love your channel and it always makes me excited to see that you posted another video. I just picked up the Essex Serpent from my library this weekend, based on your recommendation, and am loving it so far! Your effort is very much appreciated. I scrolled through your Goodreads but only found one title I recognized (On The Road) and I haven't personally read it yet.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад

      Joe Bagiackas so glad to hear how much you’re enjoying The Essex Serpent!

  • @RamblingsOfAnElfpire
    @RamblingsOfAnElfpire 6 лет назад

    I've been in a similar position! I'm still reading a lot but with a lot of low ratings and I'm finding that the books that I'm loving are things that I wouldn't have even been interested in a year ago. It's strange but I think it comes from thinking critically about the books you read and just tastes changing. Maybe just go back to rereading some favourites? I pretty much exclusively use the library now and that makes dnfing so much easier!

  • @CoverToCover5
    @CoverToCover5 6 лет назад

    Thank you so much for posting this! I don't know if you've noticed, but I haven't posted in a few months. I haven't been reading, and I have just found myself doing other things. Sometimes I wish I was reading, and a book might sound good, but when I pick it just automatically doesn't sound good, or I just don't feel like reading it after all. I feel as though I've become a lot more critical as well, and because of the same things you mentioned. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way right now. :)

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад

      It's surprising how many people seem to feel the same way! I thinking having a channel certainly exacerbates the problem because it's an added pressure. I hope your reading picks up and I look forward to seeing your face in my subscriptions again when it does :)

  • @victoriahoyle-publichistor6986
    @victoriahoyle-publichistor6986 6 лет назад +2

    I can really relate to this experience. I had something very similar about four years ago, where I found myself becoming incredibly cynical about the quality of the books I was reading. I only read 29 books all year and hardly liked any of them. I think it was partly about being on the new release treadmill for a long time before that, which is so untrustworthy, and partly, like you say, about approaching every book with an eye to how I was going to review it. I started to question myself really closely whenever I thought a book was good to guard against gushing about it. I also found that it was easier to believe my negative responses to a book than my positive ones. It's definitely one of the effects of living your reading life online and under the spotlight. I don't know what changed for me really, other than that I allowed myself to like books for different reasons and rate them for different reasons. There is so much dissonance on my Goodreads page now! Wolf Hall, my favourite book of all time, has 5 stars, but so does a period romance novel I read last year that really touched me. It still makes me wince a bit but I'm letting it stand because it was true to my experience at the time. I think going back and re-reading is a really good tactic to help rebalance, because it reminds you of what you love.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад

      Thanks so much for your comment! Everything you had to say about reading in the public eye and reading books to review is exactly how I feel! The last few weeks I've been working really hard to shed all the silly bookish/channel rules I have and I've been feeling much more positive about my reading and excited about my channel :)

  • @beyondthepages19
    @beyondthepages19 6 лет назад

    Im sorry to hear you are feeling this way Mercedes. I actually had a talk to a friend of mine the other day about favourite books and recommending them to people and I feel the same way you do. It can be difficult to do sometimes because you could love a book at a certain time of your life and it can be the thing you needed at the time and becomes a favourite but then may be something you may not like years later. My reading taste has definitely changed since I was in my early twenties and I love seeing how I have grown as a reader. My advice would be to take a day to yourself to go to the bookstore, pick up one book that appeals to you in that moment, go home and read it straight away. Have snacks and drinks ready for your day of reading 😊 I have done this myself one time when I was feeling the same as you where I was a bit meh about everything I had and it truly helped me to get out of that frame of mind. Hope this helps you xo

  • @andreadodson2817
    @andreadodson2817 6 лет назад

    I feel the same way. I don't know if it's because I'm stressed and the books I read make it worse. Or if could be that if I read lighter fare, it doesn't hold my already fickle attention. Then it could be that I am simply overwhelmed at the sheer amount of books that I want to read, that I just don't pick up a book at all. I always have to take a break for self-evaluation.

  • @funfuz
    @funfuz 6 лет назад

    I'm (slowly) climbing out of a reading slump that's lasted a good 5 years and what's been helping me, is reading comics/graphic novels or old favourites; something that's a quick read or familiar. Re-reading Harry Potter might help?
    The most important thing is not to put too much pressure on yourself. If you don't feel like reading, allow yourself a break.

  • @amandanicholls2796
    @amandanicholls2796 6 лет назад

    I’ve been thinking about your video today and about my own reading habits. 2018 is going to be about reading the books I own which are unread, rather than stashing even more. Embracing and enjoying what I have and just keeping hold of the ones that truly resonate with me. I think there’s a regular theme on book tube of buying loads each month and showing the haul and reviewing and reading shedloads monthly too. Mercedes, perhaps it’s just time for you to re tune and reformat what is an excellent channel into what is going to suit how you are wanting to read right now. That’s never a bad thing, continue to set your own natural style and re find the love xx

  • @sarahk1695
    @sarahk1695 6 лет назад +1

    This was really interesting. The other day I listened to one of your podcast episodes from earlier this year, when you were saying you've been reading a lot of new releases and haven't really been getting on with them. Perhaps it's that? I don't have a Booktube channel but I still feel a lot of pressure to have read all of the popular/classic books because I am considered by people to be A Reader. I always feel a bit bad if I'm not keeping up to date with new releases or if I haven't read the "classic" books that everyone knows about. This year I have been trying to read more of those kinds of books, and I've found I just haven't been enjoying them (for example, I just DNFed The God Of Small Things). Next year I'm not going to worry about reading books I feel like I should.

  • @Expelliarbooks
    @Expelliarbooks 6 лет назад

    Love how honest this video is! I made a similar video recently as I was feeling a bit lost in my reading life too! Xx

  • @paperbacklaura8967
    @paperbacklaura8967 6 лет назад

    I really like the idea of reading a few books around a topic and then discussing them. I've become a big DNFer as well, and I think there's nothing wrong with that. Becoming more critical is a natural part of becoming older/wiser (I think), and so I really wouldn't worry. I really enjoy the honesty in your videos and reviews, so please don't go changing that. I'm only here to see your honest opinions!! In the words of America 'you do you'. Laura x

  • @kittybimble2330
    @kittybimble2330 6 лет назад

    Omg this is exactly how I feel this year. Most of my reads have been 3 or 2 stars. I think I figured out what my problem was though, Booktube. I was taking so many recommendations from other people online and not enjoying other people’s 5 Star reads or favourites. Not to say those books weren’t good books, they just weren’t for me. I guess I have different taste which is absolutely fine, an example would be the Tidal Zone which I really disliked but yet is one of so many others favourite book. I think once I take a step back and just carefully select books based on my personal taste and re-reading my favourites, I think my love for reading will slowly come back. But trying to read everybody else’s recommendations was the problem for me!

  • @prettykupo
    @prettykupo 6 лет назад +1

    I was in a horrible slump until last month. Then I read a few hits and got really into Non-fiction November. I've come to realize that I need to read according to mood to actually enjoy it. Sticking to a To Read list results in low ratings because it wasn't the right time for me to read those books.