Non-Fiction November Selections (Yes, there's way too many)

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2017
  • Announcement videos:
    Gemma's - • #NonFictionNovember2017
    Olive's - • Announcing...NONFICTIO...
    Non-Fiction Bookshelf tour: • Video
    Feel free to purchase these books using my Book Depository link to help me make more videos:
    The New Jim Crow:
    Take Courage:
    Sunshine State:
    I'll Tell You in Person:
    What Future:
    Beyond the Pale:
    A Bestiary:
    Foxes Unearthed:
    Waterfalls of Stars:
    The Fire Next Time:
    The Fire This Time:
    Pimp State:
    A History of Ancient Britain:
    In the Land of Giants:
    Bread for All:
    White Trash:
    The Witch:
    Mad, Bad and Sad:
    We Were Eight Years in Power:
    What Happened:
    Follow me on Instagram at: mercysmusin...
    Follow me on Twitter at: / mercysmusings
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    Email me with business enquiries @

Комментарии • 64

  • @arissareis9147
    @arissareis9147 6 лет назад

    I live in Canada and very minimally followed the US election. Reading/listening to Hilary's book was still an amazing experience. It is informative enough that you don't feel lost. I cried several times throughout because it really gets into the nitty-gritty of what the election results means to the world overall. I almost DNFd it at the halfway mark but was so glad I listened to the end. Definitely give it a chance.

  • @biblioobscura
    @biblioobscura 6 лет назад

    Waterfalls of Stars sounds fascinating. Living on a remote island is surely a beautiful but trying existence. I hope you get around to it & let us know :) Happy reading xx

  • @EricKarlAnderson
    @EricKarlAnderson 6 лет назад

    I started Take Courage at the start of this year, but there were so many plot spoilers about Anne Bronte's books (which I'd never read before) that it felt like I should read the fiction first. But I do really like Samantha Ellis' writing so I want to get back to it.
    I'm really fascinated by political borders and ones which are frequently redrawn so I'd like to read Border as well.
    The cover of Lucy Jones' book is SO beautiful!
    Great list! good luck with the reading.

  • @bookishsabrina
    @bookishsabrina 6 лет назад

    Cannot wait to listen to What Happened. When I put it on hold, I was 120th or something, but my turn might be coming up soon. I don't think I'll be able to listen to it without crying, but we'll see. Also, I really want to get to the Coates. I listened to Between the World and me and found it very powerful. It's one I would definitely read again.

  • @tanyawillisanderson
    @tanyawillisanderson 6 лет назад

    oooh I need to find that ANNE BRONTE one!!! I read AGNES GREY during victober and fell in love with her.

  • @JosephAcena
    @JosephAcena 6 лет назад

    Wow!!! That pile looks huge. I’ll be sure to check those coz I haven’t read a lot of nonfiction titles

  • @JessicaReadsThings
    @JessicaReadsThings 6 лет назад

    Oh I hope you love We Were Eight Years in Power - I agree audio might be a bit of a challenge because there's so much packed in there, but it's SO GOOD. And I think you'll be fine with What Happened - not a ton of political theory or anything. It's much more of a personal narrative with stories from the campaign and her life. You don't need to know about the crazy electoral college system, I promise! Lovely video as always, and happy reading in November!

  • @splitreads
    @splitreads 6 лет назад

    Definitely would love to hear about The Fire Next (& This) Time & The New Jim Crow. I checked out White Trash at one point this year and it was too tedious for me. I'm disappointed because I was really excited about it & it was on my 2017 TBR. If you get to it I would be interested in your thoughts.
    I started We Were Eight Years in Power on audio yesterday (it's on my Nonfic Nov TBR too) & it's really good so far. The first essay I'm already nodding my head yes to many things.
    Also The Witch sounds interesting! Also also don't worry about the state stuff re: the Hillary Clinton book - I really think her book is a lot more about main subjects/issues during the election and not so much about "I went here, then I went here, then I campaigned here."

  • @SonniesOriginals
    @SonniesOriginals 6 лет назад

    If you end up liking Take Courage, you should definitely try Ellis' other books, How To Be A Heroine. It's kind of a memoir where she talks about different classic novels with female characters she's read, how they influenced her when she was younger, and what her perspective on them is now.
    It is one of my absolute favorite books of this year!

  • @JanuarieTimewalker13
    @JanuarieTimewalker13 6 лет назад

    Great video! Thank you. What Future intrigues me. I want to get to The Water Will Come by Jeff Goodell if I can.

  • @teaspoones
    @teaspoones 6 лет назад

    I missed your videos! It's so nice to see you chatting about books again! An Ancient History of Britain and In the Land of Giants sound so amazing! I really need to pick them up. I don't read a lot of non-fiction, but I definitely want to read more about British History, everything Victorian (especially about asylums), nature/life in the country and books about books ^^ You really make me want to participate in Non-fiction November. I just started my MA but Non-Fiction November sounds way better haha x)

  • @AnItalianKnitter
    @AnItalianKnitter 6 лет назад

    Hi Mercedes, the only book I’ve read in your list is I’ll Tell You in Person. It’s for sure very easy to read, it’s mostly about drugs and being bisexual and being young. I would was it was an ok read for me.
    I have What Happened on hold as audiobook from my library and I’m looking forward to listen to it, especially because it’s narrated by Hilary Clinton herself which I think it’s great. I’ll try to listen to it during non-fiction November, that would be perfect! I live in the US but I cannot vote and I’m not that well versed in US politics. From what I understood, the book is not particularly technical, so we should both be fine.
    A non-fiction audiobook that I’ll definitely pick up (I have it an Audible) is The Year of Living Danishly. I heard such good things about it!

  • @chrisbookishcauldron6381
    @chrisbookishcauldron6381 6 лет назад

    Oh my days what a variety to choose from! I am hoping Border a journey to the edge of Europe comes in at my library before the month is out because I want to include that in my nonfiction November as well. And I have read parts of Hillary Clinton’s book, just skimming at the bookstore and it doesn’t seem like it is too focused on states and electoral mechanics and seems more focused on like the media and stuff like that. So hopefully you’ll enjoy the audiobook :) happy nonfiction reading :)

  • @thefrancophilereader8943
    @thefrancophilereader8943 6 лет назад

    So many great books! The New Jim Crow is excellent. I haven’t read the rest of the books, so I look forward to your thoughts on the ones you get to.

  • @irisveldhuizen7643
    @irisveldhuizen7643 6 лет назад

    If you want to look into a reading list of women's mental health in historical perspective, check out Kirstyonbooks on youtube and the goodreads group of the Madwoman's Book Club! I have a lot of these books on my wishlist/tbr as well. Take Courage is a really light but well written book about Anne and I thoroughly enjoyed it, would recommend! xx

  • @ericamangin1184
    @ericamangin1184 6 лет назад

    So many great books! I'm hoping to finish 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari in November - it's really interesting so far and very readable! I also just picked up 'I am, I am, I am' - a memoir by author Maggie O'Farrell. It's based around her seventeen brushes with death which to me just sounds so intriguing. I also have a nature non-fiction called White Beech by Germaine Greer on my shelf which is about the rainforests in Northern Australia (if I remember correctly) which sounds really fascinating. Loving non-fiction at the mo

  • @eclecticreader961
    @eclecticreader961 6 лет назад

    "The New Jim Crow" and "Sunshine State" look interesting.
    I have read "The Witch", it was pretty good, I'd give it three out of five stars.
    I didn't bother reading "What Happened" because it won't change the fact that she didn't win, thanks to the stupid FBI emails case that was overly inflated.

  • @abookolive
    @abookolive 6 лет назад +13

    HOLY NONFICTION GOLD MINE! I really hope you end up picking up Foxes Unearthed. I literally just ordered that one yesterday, haha!

  • @ana-bb03aav33
    @ana-bb03aav33 6 лет назад +1

    great TBR, I adore wasted, read it first when i was 17 and it had a huge influence on my life. You are right, the writing style is exceptional.

  • @eamesemerson9549
    @eamesemerson9549 6 лет назад

    If you’re still interested about witchcraft after this one please do read Religion And The Decline Of Magic by Keith Thomas which is masterful and unequaled ( I strongly un-recommend Witchfinders by Malcolm Gaskill and The Witches by Stacy Schiff) you can also read the non sensationalistic The Witch Hunt In Early Modern Europe by Levack or a source text like The Hammer Of Witches. About Victorians and Madness, I am reading a history of Bethlem Bedlam Hospital through the ages and ordered Inconvenient People (not convinced by the beginning) as well as Medical Muses, I was deterred from Mad Bad Sad because it felt too hollywoofey with a chapter on Marylin Monroe... You’ll tell me otherwise.

  • @LiaMahony
    @LiaMahony 6 лет назад

    I have We Were Eight Years in Power on reserve at my library as well. I think that coupled with Hillary Clinton’s memoir is a great insight into the political climate in the states, and it is interesting to see how that affects Australia (for me) and the UK. Here we are having a discussion on our constitution and same-sex marriage and all it seems to be filled with is rhetoric and vitriol from both sides of the argument.

  • @23bethgirl
    @23bethgirl 6 лет назад

    I am about three quarters of the way through 'What Happened' on audio, I really don't think you'll have any problems - although she does speak about the political system, it isn't dry at all. She also intersperses it with her thoughts on feminism, racism, etc. Hope this helps!

  • @JoceSquibblesReads
    @JoceSquibblesReads 6 лет назад +4

    I am DOWN for the new Ta Nehisi Coates!

    • @mohamedfahad2364
      @mohamedfahad2364 6 лет назад

      I have his last book "WW8YIP". I have it as an ebook if you need it I may share. I'd like one thing in return, if may, just if you're a native english speaker to help me improve my english because i'm not a native, never traveled in an english speaking country nor spoken with a native speaker. thanks

  • @jaychi1729
    @jaychi1729 6 лет назад

    I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on We Were Eight Years in Power.

  • @elizabethreads0312
    @elizabethreads0312 6 лет назад

    I don’t know if this well help you but the way the hierarchy works in the us is we’ve gotten the national government then a state government then a county government and then either a city or township government. Are president election is based of the electoral college system in which each state gets 2 + (a number proportionate to that states population) electoral votes. Most states give all of the electoral votes to the candidate that wins that states popular vote. There are two states that do it slightly different. This has caused controversy in the us Twice this century because two candidates were elected who didn’t have the over all popular vote in the us but had the Electoral college vote.

  • @SaraiTalksBooks
    @SaraiTalksBooks 6 лет назад +1

    So many great books in this pile! I can’t wait to see what you end up reading, The Fire This Time in particular as I loved Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward and want to read everything she’s written!

  • @RunwrightReads
    @RunwrightReads 6 лет назад +4

    Mad, Bad and Sad sounds interesting and that new Ta Nehisi Coates books is on my radar too.

    • @mohamedfahad2364
      @mohamedfahad2364 6 лет назад

      Hi Brown Runwright, I'm Fahad also known as John. I've seen that you're eager to read the last Tah-nehisi Coates. Actually I have it as an ebook. If you're interested just let me know. Actually english is not my mother tongue, I've never been in an english speaking country nor spoken with a native speaker. So I'd like to meet someone who's native speaker and who can help me improve my english. thanks!

  • @saraisreading4231
    @saraisreading4231 6 лет назад +6

    If you're worried about understanding how voting works with states, the biggest thing is that the final, country-wide vote count isn't based on population, it's based on the electoral college. Each state gets a certain number of electoral votes based on their number of representatives in Congress (Senate + House of Representatives). All of the votes from one state have to go to the same candidate (so for example California couldn't give 45/55 to one candidate and 10/55 to the other). And then it's complicated but it works out so that only the handful of states with the most electoral votes (California, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc.) can really influence a nation-wide election.
    Honestly it's not the best system, but if you find it confusing while listening there are a lot of good, short videos online that do a good job of explaining it! And great video, I'm looking forward to seeing what you read and what you think of it!

  • @dixieAQHA
    @dixieAQHA 6 лет назад +1

    I added The Fire This Time and The Fire Next Time to my library holds list. Thanks for the suggestions!

  • @BooksFriends
    @BooksFriends 6 лет назад

    It's so great to see a good feedback for the initiative of Olive. Thank you

  • @marthabookdragon8857
    @marthabookdragon8857 6 лет назад

    I read Mad Bad and Sad a few years back and remember finding it really interesting. I might get it out for a reread for NFN. Looking forward to hearing what you think.

  • @myreadinglife8816
    @myreadinglife8816 6 лет назад +1

    Love this list of possible nonfiction TBR! I am also planning to audiobook We Were Eight Years in Power during NonFiction November. I don't know if I have the stamina to read the Clinton book.

  • @beyondthepages19
    @beyondthepages19 6 лет назад

    I loved Take Courage, it is definitely a lighter read! So many interesting books on your TBR! Happy Reading :)

  • @karenkoutsoumbaris6308
    @karenkoutsoumbaris6308 6 лет назад

    Thankyou Mercedes loved this haul of books and always love your channel! I live in america and would like to read quite a few of the aforementioned books .

  • @browngirlreading
    @browngirlreading 6 лет назад +1

    You've got a lot to choose from. I'll also be reading Coates next month too. Happy Nonfiction November!

    • @mohamedfahad2364
      @mohamedfahad2364 6 лет назад

      Hi Brown girl, I'm Fahad also known as John. I've seen that you're eager to read the last Tah-nehisi Coates. Actually I have it as an ebook. If you're interested just let me know. Actually english is not my mother tongue, I've never been in an english speaking country nor spoken with a native speaker. So I'd like to meet someone who's native speaker and who can help me improve my english. thanks!

  • @HannahCassieBooks
    @HannahCassieBooks 6 лет назад

    This is such a good video to go to whenever I feel like non-fiction! I am myself got already committed to two readathons in November but next year I am definitely doing Non-Fiction November simply because I wanted to read more non-fiction for ages!

  • @Viki-cq6rd
    @Viki-cq6rd 6 лет назад

    Yes girl! I’m so excited for this month of non fiction. I’ve been really into nonfiction books recently and was going to get to nonfiction but your books are amazing! Borders and the essays of the sunshine state sound very interesting! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on what you choose to read!

  • @RememberedReads
    @RememberedReads 6 лет назад +1

    You have such great selections here!
    Border sounds like a solid read. That's such an interesting region in general, I'll have to find that one.

  • @SavidgeReads
    @SavidgeReads 6 лет назад +2

    That’s a lot of brilliant sounding non fiction. I live the cover of Take Courage. Bluets is brilliant, definitely pick that one up. Beyond the Pale is a book I should also pick up. Foxes Unearthed is one I could turn to if I join in with some of Non Fiction November. Entitled sounds good. As does Bread for All. Ooh and The Witch yes please.

  • @SamanthaPajor
    @SamanthaPajor 6 лет назад

    I'm currently reading The New Jim Crow, and it's great so far! Very informative.

  • @Viki-cq6rd
    @Viki-cq6rd 6 лет назад

    So I commented half way through without even seeing the other books, I am so incredibly excitedd!

  • @Bookupied
    @Bookupied 6 лет назад

    Great selection. I'd like to hear what you think of all of these haha. Good luck! Ps. Totally agree about royalty and the monark. It's so dated. I wish that money could be put into the wellfare instead. Sweden is going to hell. This political state is scaring me, really.

  • @lester___pepper
    @lester___pepper 6 лет назад

    This has definitely been my year of nonfiction as well, I think I am most intrigued by mad, bad, and sad.

  • @LykaiosFaolan
    @LykaiosFaolan 6 лет назад

    Yay, you got 'Doubling Back'! I'm excited to hear what you think of it when you get to it, I've been resisting reading it early so it'll probably be my first pick of November. :)

  • @booksandbroomsticks1842
    @booksandbroomsticks1842 6 лет назад +1

    I don't normally read a lot of non fiction but some of these sounds like great choices!

  • @emmarobertson9575
    @emmarobertson9575 6 лет назад

    The Fire this Time by Jesmyn Ward is a fantastic collection of essays and will be keen to know your thoughts on Doubling Back as I also loved Linda's other book xx

  • @seanandhelen
    @seanandhelen 6 лет назад

    You should read the library books first if you have had them for a month. Other people might have reserved them after you and are waiting for them to come in.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +1

      seanandhelen my library emails me to tell me if someone has reserved them and no one has 👍

  • @TrickstersBrain
    @TrickstersBrain 6 лет назад

    I've never read anything by Ronald Hutton but he's a fantastically interesting speaker so 'i hope 'The Witch' lives up to my opinion of him!

  • @rachelsturgis1214
    @rachelsturgis1214 6 лет назад

    I used the New Jim Crow for my dissertation and it is well worth your time!

  • @jamiem1705
    @jamiem1705 6 лет назад +1

    There are never too many books! Please keep the books more in frame. When you were holding them up parts of it would be cut off. Love Love your videos.

    • @MercysBookishMusings
      @MercysBookishMusings  6 лет назад +1

      I zoomed in a bit too much when I filmed this video hence the poor framing. It was an error on my part and I will avoid it in future. However I would like to point out that I and many others do these videos in our own time for free so I find comments like this a bit bizarre. This isn't a service you're paying for so I would think it isn't too much of an inconvenience to watch a poorly framed video every now and again.

  • @acaciairving
    @acaciairving 6 лет назад +1

    If you want to buddy read What Happened I’d love to be able to explain context or just be able to discuss it with another view point

    • @mohamedfahad2364
      @mohamedfahad2364 6 лет назад

      Hi Acacia, i'm Fahad aka John. I'm not a native english, never been in english speaking country nor spoken with a native english speaker.
      The less I know about english is mostly by myself through documentation, reading etc. I am also a master student of international relations in Morocco though Im not moroccan.
      I follow closely american politics. I have already downloaded the last HRC in my ebook reader. I'd be pleased to buddy read that book with you so that I can also improve my english and get the chance to meet a native speaker.
      I love politics, sport, music and i'd also be eager to discuss with you of these passions.

  • @brittanysvoboda2918
    @brittanysvoboda2918 6 лет назад

    The New Jim Crow is phenomenal, as is The Fire Next Time.

  • @sscharli
    @sscharli 6 лет назад +2

    What Happened is really easy to follow (at least so far for me) - I think the important thing to remember is just that more people voted for Clinton but people like me who voted for her in a state like mine (Texas) that is dominated by trump supporters didn't have our personal votes counted due to the winner takes all Electoral college nonsense.
    I've been listening to the audio for about seven hours and I am ready to give up on it. I don't know what I expected, maybe a little personal responsibility? For someone really invested in progressive ideas, to hear the leader of the only viable progressive party reject all real criticisms of her campaign is kind of disheartening.
    But since you're not too invested I think you might enjoy a lengthy look at the American politician and what it takes to run a presidential campaign (for 2 long years).

  • @sophiebuchel
    @sophiebuchel 6 лет назад

    NICE! The new Jim Crow is also on my list of books to get... But this month I am reading some Angela Davis, hopefully that will give me some food for thought on racism, oppression and resistance. I'm pretty new to booktube, but I also made a little video announcing my (ambitious) TBR for non-fiction November:видео.html

  • @deeeebbbbbbbbb
    @deeeebbbbbbbbb 6 лет назад +3

    What Happened isn’t really that political.

  • @Beccasawrus
    @Beccasawrus 6 лет назад +1

    A History of Ancient Britain is really good!