Your past videos are joy to watch and inspired me to buy new blank journal plus more stationery. I missed going to beach, haven't been for years. With all craziness going on in the world it has been hard for me to find the courage because I suffer from social anxiety. Being creative helps me relax and stay grounded. I mostly reminisce fo past travels nowadays there isn't anything worth to documenting unless I go out.
this journal kit are so cute.....I know her whose journal you bought....she make journal,washi tape,and stickers...she paint her own sticker and that's so cute....and your journal turned out great 😍 I saw your every video its so relaxing and healing.. one day I wanna do that maybe 😶
아라님~ 새 영상 보러 왔어요~^^ 새로 산 다이어리 프랑스에서 왔다니~~ 덕분에 프랑스에서 온 다이어리도 구경하고 갑니다. 대박이에요~^^ 새로 산 다꾸템들 다 탐나요~ 저도 다이소로 달려가야할 거 같아요~ 😆 아라님의 다꾸는 항상 신선하고 독특해서 좋아요. 요즘 다꾸템들 눈독 들이는 중인데 아라님 새로 사신 것들 너무 다 이뻐서 눈 호강 하고 갑니다. 야옹이들도 너무 예뻐요. 담에는 좀 더 많이 보여 주세요~^^ 언제나 즐겁고 이쁘게 다꾸 하시길 바래요. 또 재미난 영상 기다릴게요! 🥰
젬마님❣ 영상 봐주셔서 감사해요~ >.< 다꾸템들 예쁜가용? 제 맘에만 들면 어쩌나 걱정했는데 그렇게 말씀해주시니 다행이구 기뻐요😍 다꾸도 어떻게 하면 좋을지 몰라서 다른분들 하시는 것도 많이 보고 젬마님 인스타도 많이 보고 그런답니다🙈저도 젬마님 캘리랑 다꾸, 선물포장 보면 그렇게 힐링이 되고 좋더라구요! 따라해보고 싶기도 하구요 :) 늘 좋은 말씀만 해주셔서 용기를 많이 얻고 있어요! 감사합니다, 좋은 밤 되세용🥰🙏
아라랜드님은 정말 여러 방면에서 금손이시라는게 느껴져요, 다꾸하는 센스하며 그림솜씨하며,심지어 글씨까지 오밀조밀 잘 쓰시다니, 평소에 작은 부분도 놓치지 않고 세심하게 관심을 기울이며 집중하실 것 같다는 생각이 드네요. 영상도 효과음 하나 없는데도 마치 고전문학소설을 읽는 것처럼, 혹은 물방울이 고요한 호숫가에 톡. 하고 떨어져 일렁이듯 잔잔히 빠져들어서 신기해요 실링왁스에 이어 다꾸영상도 잘 보았습니다. 다꾸를 즐겨하는 사람으로서 다꾸영상도 더 많이 볼 수 있으면 좋겠네요 좋은 하루 되세요.
어머나 세상에~ 제마님 댓글이 저에겐 문학이나 에세이처럼 느껴져요🥰 저에게 댓글로 이렇게 큰 상을 주시다니요ㅠㅠ❤️정말 감사합니다~ 표현력이 정말 남다르세요, 혹시 작가님이신가요? 저도 제마님처럼 글을 잘 쓰고 싶은데 읽는 양이 적어서인지 늘 '정말, 진짜, 엄청' 이런 단어만 쓰게 되더라구요ㅠㅠ 비유해주신 거 읽고 감동의 눈물을 흘리고 있습니다😭 제마님도 다꾸를 즐겨하시는군요! 공통점을 알게 되어 무척 기뻐요~ 다꾸영상도 부지런히 찍어 오겠습니다, 편안한 밤 되세요🥰✨
Yay! After watching so many of your videos I found where you got the cat stickers 4:15. Unfortunately I can’t find the link to them, do you happen to remember the shop? It’s really cute
Hi Ara;) I found your channel somewhere in September and this channel inspires me a lot. I tell my classmates about this channel and advise. And what is the name of the song at the beginning of the video?
아라님!❤️ 세상에 영상미 어쩔꺼냐구요😍 너무 예뻐요ꈍꈊꈍ 다이소 이번 마테도 넘 예쁜거 같아요ㅎㅎ 커튼 스탬프 그리신게 더 예쁜듯한 느낌은 제 기분 탓일까요? 어쩜 그걸 그리실 생각을 하신건지>◡< 다른 문구들도 예쁜것만 초이스 하시구 베베 스티커 완전 귀여워요!🥰 다이어리도 넘 감성적이게 잘 꾸미시구!! 그림 잘그리시는건 언제나 부럽고 무엇보다 필기체 너무 느낌있게 쓰시는거 아니냐구요❤️ 영상 중간에 아라님 냥이들이 보이니 그것 또한 너무나 좋은 것 같아요ฅ^._.^ฅ 이번 영상도 잘보고 갑니다! 아라님 오늘 하루도 행복한 하루 보내세요ꈍꈊꈍ💕
꺄 앵쏘님~! 영상 봐주셔서 넘 감사해요 😭💕💕 몸은 좀 어떠신지 궁금해요, 다 나으셨어야할텐데..❣ 저는 다이소나 핫트랙스에서 귀여운 걸 꼭 몇개씩은 집어오게 되는데 막상 가져와서는 고이고이 모셔둔답니다😂 앵쏘님 다꾸 보면서 대리만족 느끼고 있어요!ㅎㅎ냥이들도 예뻐해주셔서 감사합니다😻🙏앵쏘님 냥이들도 잘 지내고 있지요? 굿밤 되시구 내일도 화이팅이에요~😘✨
여니님과 취향이 맞아서 넘 기뻐요😆❤️같은 걸 좋아하면 더 공유하고 싶고 친근한 느낌이 들더라구요~ㅎㅎ저도 만년필 완전 초보지만(그래서 잉크도 손에 다 묻혀버렸어요😭) 다른 펜 쓸 때보다 사각거리니까 더 재밌는 거 같아요! 여니님도 같이 써요😍늘 예쁜 댓글 감사합니다~굿밤 되시구 좋은 꿈 꾸세요❤️✨✨
5:16 옴마나 아라님 냥이들 너무 귀여워요ㅠㅠ ❤️❤️ 쓰다듬어 보고 싶어요...ㅎ🥰 아라님도 다이소 마테 겟하셨네요!ㅎㅎ 이번 거 정말 활용도 대박인 것 같지 않나요 😆 손그림 느낌 나는 스티커들도 아라님이 좋아하시는 스타일인 것 같네요😍❤️ 아라님 구독자 벌써 2만명!!🤩🥳 오늘 영상도 잘 보고 갑니당 >_
송펴니님!!! 늘 감사해요😭🙏💕💕냥이들 귀여운가요? 헤헷 제 칭찬보다 냥이들 칭찬에 더 기분이 좋아지네요~ 감사합니다!😻 맞아요, 이번 다이소 마테 넘 예쁘구 활용도도 대박인 거 같아요~ 인터넷에서 곰돌이 빵 벽돌 마테는 많이 봤는데 토끼 그려진 건 첨 봐서 신상인줄도 모르고 샀거든요ㅎㅎ 근데 넘 예쁘더라구요~ >.< 축하해주신 것두 정말 감사드려요~ 늘 좋게 봐주시는 송펴니님 덕분이에요😘굿밤되세요~ 인스타 놀러 갈게용!!
Hello. Thank you for all your wonderful videos, I have three questions for you. First, where did you buy the Queen Bee sealing stamp? Second, how do you recommend the brazier and spoon for the sealing stamp? third, can I attach any stamp head to the handle of the sealing stamp?
언니~♥ 이번 다꾸 역대급!!! 다이어리 진짜 좋아보여요! 내일 오빠 시험이라 제가 더 떨려서 잠이 안오는건지... 잠 안 와서 언니 영상 누워서 보다가 댓글쓰고 싶어서 컴퓨터 켰어용!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 프랑스에서 날아온 예쁜 다이어리~♡ 160g이라 정말 좋아보여요! 스티커도 정말 언니취향~~~ 예쁜 스티커 만들어주세요!♥ 지금부터 열심히 기다리겠습니당!!!>.< 다이소 마테 사셨군요!ㅎㅎ 정말 다이소 마테는 가성비 짱짱!!! 자주 못 활용해줄거 알지만 살 수 밖에 없어요ㅜㅜ 언니 손톱마져 러블리해서 좋아요~ㅎㅎ 다이소 클립이 이번에 구입한 다이어리와 찰떡이네요!!! 다이소 단색마테는 안사면 서운하죠~ㅎㅎ 저 디자인 페이퍼는 양면이란걸 언니 영상 통해서 처음 알았어요!!! 씰 스티커까지 200% 언니 취향~ㅎㅎ 쭈쭈와 코코를 닮은 스티커네요~ㅎㅎ 타오바오 스탬프 저렴하고 예쁜 것들이 많아서 모으는 재미가 있는 것 같아요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ언니 스탬프 찍고 망한거 보고 누워있다가 현웃터졌어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 직접 그려주니 감쪽같은~~~ㅎㅎ 만년필 대박... 너무 예쁜거 아니에요ㅜㅜ 각인까지 진짜 더 소중하겠어요~♥ 담그고만 있으면 잉크가 들어가나요? 신기해요~!ㅎ 언니 필기체 엄청 많이 좋아지셨어요!!! 저도 얼른 언니가 추천해주신 책을 사야할까봐요~ㅎㅎ 앨범 커버를 그대로 복사하시다니... 정말... 언니 그림 실력 존경합니다♥ 역대급으로 예쁨 포인트!!! 타오바오 쇼핑할때마다 저 마테를 꼭 구입하시는 것 같아요!ㅎㅎ 나비는 잘 찍혀서 다행이에요! 다꾸와 넘 잘 어울려요!ㅎ 색종이가 굉장히 두꺼워 보여요! 표지로 사용해도 좋을 것 같아요! 그리고 색상도 디자인도 다양해서 더 좋은 것 같아요!ㅎㅎ 보면 볼수록 탐다는 이번 다이어리~~ㅎㅎ 저도 그림 일기에 관심 생기면 하나 장만해야겠습니다!ㅎ 오늘도 예쁜 영상 눈호강 하고 가요 언니~ 주말 잘 보내세요!!♥ 그리고 2만명 넘넘 축하드려요>.
꺄 홍주야~ 댓글 넘넘 고마워ㅜㅜㅜㅜ♥♥♥어제 늦게 잤구나!! 오빠 시험이시라서 떨렸나봐ㅠㅠ 오빠 시험 잘 보시구 즐거운 주말 보내고 있길 기도해🙏😊💕댓글 쓰려고 컴퓨터까지 켰다니...맙소사ㅠㅠ 감동이야 진챠😭💓 다이어리 예쁘다니 다행이다! 넘 갖고 싶었던 건데 몇달간 재고가 없어서 엄청 기다리다 받은 거거든 ㅋㅋㅋ 확실히 유로는 비싸더라구 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ😹그래도 여기까지 배송되는 게 어디야~ 하면서 주문했었어, 근데 받고 보니까 살 때 스티커랑 여러가지 더 살걸 싶기도 하구ㅠㅠ담에 더 사서 홍주도 나눠줄게! 다이소 마테도 진짜 예쁜거같아~ 곰돌이랑 빵 그려진 마테는 인터넷에서 몇번 봐서 신상인줄 알았는데 토끼는 뭔지도 모르고 그냥 집어왔거든! 근데 그것도 이번에 나온 건가봐~ 그림도 여러가지구 넘 귀여워서 진짜 좋더라 >.
Hi! Thanks for watching! The website links are below😊 The diary, masking tape, sticker fountain pen;186838507:129889364 clear stamps clear stamps color paper 3colors pet masking tape1 pet masking tape2
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사해요 선영님😍 저도 늘 보관과 꺼내쓰는 게 다꾸할 때 가장 어렵고 시간이 많이 걸리더라구요ㅠㅠ 그래서 일단 어떤 색으로 해야겠다~ 부터 정하구 그런 색깔 아이템을 트롤리에서 꺼내요ㅎㅎ 그 중에서 어울리는 것들로 꾸미고 있습니다, 근데 이게 최선인진 모르겠어요😅ㅋㅋㅋ트롤리도 터져나가서 빨리 쓰고 싶은 것들만 우선적으로 담고 있어요, 나머지는 책상서랍에...😂😂
Hola te veo desde México, sabes me encanta lo que haces , me da tanta tranquilidad verte, gracias por eso, me encantaría tener dinero para comprar cosas tan lindas como las que muestras felicitaciones
My dearest Ara!! 💕 I’m so sorry for my late usual I watched your video as soon as you uploaded it but take forever to write to you. 😭 This video was so charming! I noticed that in this video especially, your preview has become even more professional! You show a part of every segment, and chose the clips so well. Just the preview alone is pure ASMR and makes me excited to watch more!! 🥰 A journal all the way from France!! The packaging is so exquisite, and I agree that the stickers are 200% your taste! In fact, I can totally see you making stickers like these; they fit your style perfectly! You should definitely try it out someday. 💖 If you have a printer at home, you could even scan some of your paintings and print them on sticker paper to see what it’s like. I used to do this in the past, and it actually turned out quite well! I can’t believe there’s such a pretty journal that comes with watercolor paper. What a clever idea! It’s definitely much prettier than using a normal watercolor pad or sketchbook. 😃 And it even has 2 bookmarks! This is a brilliant touch, I find that one bookmark is never enough. 😅 The soft pink masking tape is so Ara. 🥰 This whole package was such a great purchase and totally worth it, you definitely spent your money well! 💞 The Daiso haul!!! Omg, I’m always amazed by the selection in Korea. It makes sense, because they have to compete with a lot of great local designers. If I compare this to Daiso here, I would never be able to imagine that they can make such pretty things! Out of your selection, the only design that I’ve seen here is the pancake bear, but on a little paper bag. I immediately grabbed it, because it was so rare. 😂 Are the washi tapes of good quality? I have only one washi tape from Daiso, but it doesn’t stick at all. Maybe the quality has improved by now. The paper clips look quite normal in the packaging, but omg as soon as you put it in your journal, it immediately looked so expensive!! You picked the best design to use as well. It suits your journal so well and makes it look so classy!! 💝 Ara, you said you got stickers for your birthday. Did I miss your birthday??? 😰😰 Omg I’m so sorry, I feel terrible because you wished me on my birthday but I didn’t get to do the same for you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SWEET ARA!!!! 💖💖💖 The world is a much better place with you in it, and I wish you only the best that life has to offer. 💖 I am so lucky and happy to have you in my life!!! 😘❤️ I just realized, CoCo looks like a young, innocent kitten and Chuchu looks like a wise old cat! But compared to CoCo, Chuchu definitely looks more mischievous. 😂 Hahaha Ara, when you got the incomplete stamp, I couldn’t help but laugh. I would be so frustrated too, but I can’t even get a date stamp right half the time!! 😂 Still, I think it was for the best because it actually looks much better after you drew the rest in. Now the curtains have more texture, and look very realistic!! Your new fountain pen, oh my!! The packaging is just amazing. 😍 The design on the nib and the pen itself is so eye-catching. And you even got it engraved! I have no idea how to refill a fountain pen, and even though it was your first time, you made it look like you knew exactly what you were doing! I’m really amazed. You really deserve this pen, Ara! You have been using fountain pens so well, it’s only right that you allow yourself to upgrade. 🥰 When you rubbed your hands on all the paper around you, that was so relatable. 😂 I always cut out all those times I wipe my hands on paper and my clothes but I love that you included this clip. It’s so authentic and adds a nice touch of humor to your video! 😂 How did you match the album cover so well!!! One minute I’m looking at it on your phone, and the next minute I see the exact same thing on your journal! It was like magic. The colors were just perfect, and now I understand why you chose that sticker! Isn’t it funny that the sticker looks like it was made just for your journal entry? Really Ara, I feel like every time I watch your videos, I’m reminded of all the magic that exists in this world. I don’t know how you do it. 🪄 💖 Is the mood tape a masking tape or a roll of stickers that you can peel off? Hopefully you won’t have to cut each one out. That would really frustrate me. 😂 The butterfly stamp came out perfectly! Good job, Ara!! 👌🏼💕 Thank you for including the coffee shot, I always find your coffee clips so satisfying to watch. 😍 The design paper that you got looks so nice and thick! The pink set is 200% Ara, and even the orange has some nice pink tones! The cutting sounds were soo lovely, and the final result of your journal entry was simply perfect, as always!! I still cannot get enough of your handwriting. 😍💝 I found another coincidence in your video!! At this point, I’m finding one in every video of yours. 😍 I recently bought an Alice in Wonderland mug and inside the mug it says “it’s always time for tea.” Of course, I use this mug for coffee so when I sip it and see that phrase in my mug, I tell myself “time for coffee for me.” I said the same thing when I saw your coaster, and when I read your subtitles and saw that you had written just that, word for word, I laughed out loud! I was so amazed!!! 🥰 Ara, thank you for gracing us with such a lovely video, as always. I’m so happy that you treated yourself to all these lovely things! 💕 I finally mailed my letter to you yesterday and I hope it reaches you safely!! Sorry for taking so long to reply. 😰 I will send you a DM now with the tracking number!! I’m also sorry for missing your birthday. 😭 In my next reply, I will be sure to send you a birthday present! It will be months after your birthday, but that just means that you’ll get to celebrate it again. 😆 I hope you are having a nice week! Please take good care of yourself, and lots and lots of l❤️❤️❤️❤️ve (hehe) always!!!
Ahhhh My dearest Roseaoud😻💕I keep reading your comments over and over again! I'm almost crying at your kind words😭💓 This is not a real message, I will organize my thoughts and will reply again. Thank you for your Instagram DM during the day. And please don't be sorry❣ I just want to thank you indefinitely. Have a good day and stay healthy, much much love🥰✨💖💖💖
My Dearest Roseaoud🌹💖 I'm always sorry for the late reply😥 Actually, I have read your writing whenever I have time. Especially before I asleep every night, I read it over and over again✨ All your sentences spread like sunshine in my heart and make me warm💕☀ I know how long it takes for you to write this long message. Because your comment is not just a greeting, but you are carefully writing after watching my video every minute and second! You know the details better even than my family! I'm greatly happy thanks to you who always fully understand what I intended. And I'm sometimes really surprised at how you catch things I didn't even know or what I did unconsciously.😆💓 Actually, when I was making this video, I thought like this; I have to buy a mini printer to try to make stickers. So I bought it last week. And you said it exactly! You used to scan the painting and printed it out, and it turned out quite well!! I was really surprised at our same thought & experience! How could this happen?😲🤩 I'm also glad you like my new journal🥰 Actually, I have a concern these days. Am I buying and showing something new in "all" the videos? Wouldn't people get tired of this? Am I overspending? So I tried to adjust the period little by little. But I really couldn't stand this journal😭 Because I was waiting for 3 months to get this one book! When I got it, I was so happy that I screamed😆 And why did I buy only one sticker, I regretted it a lot. I should have bought more!!! It's a waste of shipping. I should have bought 10 stickers...!! Next time I buy it, I want to send it to you, too😘💕💕 These days, Korean Daiso is being told by people that it is "crazy." Because they are making various quality stationery at a really cheap price. One year ago, Daiso's stationery was only 'cheap' one. But what happened during the year? Daiso is releasing very cute and fancy stickers, masking tapes, and diaries. Every month, many girls in Korea wait for Daiso's new product. When a new product comes out, they upload the picture on Daiso's official Instagram. Many people are crazy about it😍🤩👍 Washi tape also used to be of poor quality, but now it's much better. It has good adhesion and cute design. Besides, it's less than a dollar for 4 washi! Oh, my God... I can't stop thinking I have to buy this! Even though I know I won't use it frequently, I have no choice but to buy it. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Sometimes I like just looking at my stationery. Sometimes what I just have can be healing even if I don't use it. Can you understand me, Roseaoud? 😹😹 Oh, Roseaoud, don't be sorry about my birthday. It's my fault that I didn't tell you. But you saw a sentence in my video and remembered it and congratulated me❣🙏 Thank you very much🙈😭 I am always surprised by your careful consideration and warm heart💖 You are a real angel! My birthday is March 20th. Is your birthday January 12th? Or the 13th? I heard it on Instagram, but I don't know exactly what day it is because of the time difference. I want to know exactly. And I wanna write it down on my diary, calendar and celebrate it every year!😊🎉 You have a relatively accurate understanding of my cat! Coco is a young cat and Chuchu is a wise old cat. But you shouldn't be fooled by Coco. Coco is always mischievous and chases Chuchu with such an innocent face like he doesn't know anything. Chuchu is sluggardly to Coco, but he doesn't hit Coco. Rather, Coco bites Chuchu's nape. Moreover Coco makes a cry like he pretends sick.😩 I stop Coco, but both of them are so cute that I can't scold him... And if I cover the Chuchu, Coco gets jealous and bothers him more. I have to love both of them😹😹 When I rubbed my inked hands on the paper...! My husband told me not to put the scene in the video. But I wanted to put it in. Because it's really me!🤣 As I expected, Roseaoud, you are laughing at this scene. I'm so glad you laughed😎💓💓 Mood tape is a roll of stickers. I have to peel off to use it... This is a very annoying work. But its design is so cute that I can't help but buy it😭 I've already bought a few. I don't use it often, but when I find a new design, my eyes sparkle.🤩haha Oh my God❣ I was really surprised after reading your 'Alice in Wonderland mug' part! I immediately told my husband about our coincidence! What an amazing fact! I couldn't help laughing. How can we go through similar things at the same time and say the same lines? I thought there's nothing more surprising between us, but I keep getting surprised every time. When the Covid era ends up and becomes safe, I want to travel to your country. And I want to laugh and talk about our many coincidences and happening face to face. Until then, I should practice English conversation a lot!🔥🔥 Roseaoud, I really appreciate you and I'm always deeply touched by your greatest care. But I'm so sad that I can't express all my feelings in English. I am really frustrated because there is a limit to the English words I know. I can say 'thank you' in Korean in many ways, but I am sorry that I only know 'thank you' in English. I have to read a lot of English books. But it is also very helpful to exchange comments with you now🥰 How are you spending your Sunday? We need to recharge for next week. The weather in Korea is very nice these days. I hope Roseaoud also have a good and happy weekend!😻🙏 I'll be there for the next comment! Lots and lots of l❤️❤️❤️❤️ve🌼🌷
Hello, my dearest Ara! 😌💘 I’m finally back to reply to this comment. You caught me, I actually do write my comments while watching your videos! 🙈 I always watch it fully first to enjoy the experience, and then I write my comment while watching again for the second (or third...or fourth time). Whenever I watch your videos, I want to comment on everything! I just can’t help it, so as soon as I want to mention something, I pause the video and write about that part. I try to review it at the end to make sure that it all fits together, but sometimes my comments can just sound like I’m dumping all these random thoughts. 😂 But I’m so happy to hear that you appreciate it!! You work so hard to create amazing content and long videos, I can’t bear the thought of only writing a simple comment. 😭💘 Still, I never expected you to do the same for me, or to send me equally long replies! 😭 Even though there’s a part of me that feels bad because you have to put in so much time and effort, it also makes me so happy when I receive them. I also read your comments over and over again, night and day!! It always calms me down and gives me strength. 💖 I can’t believe you actually had the same thought, and even bought a printer last week!! 😲 That’s really amazing!! It was a great decision! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. 😍 Ara, whenever you’re free, you should look at the website called “the graphics fairy.” They have a lot of free vintage graphics that you can print on sticker paper and card stock! I used to do this all the time, and it was really fun! I can totally understand your thought process about the hauls because I had the same worries! I wondered if it was strange that I was filming all these haul videos but not showing how I actually use the stationery. It seemed a bit pointless, and even materialistic. Then I decided that I would only do a haul video if I’m buying something special. When RUclips becomes less of a hobby and more like a job, it’s only natural to have doubts about what may or may not make your subscribers happy. But if you think about it, people subscribe to you because of who you are and what your videos are there’s actually nothing that you need to change to make them happy! Ara, I think you’re doing an incredible job, and I don’t see any bad or questionable changes at all. So don’t worry! Your number one fan is still very happy. 🙊😇💞 Thank you for sharing the public opinion on Daiso!! It was really interesting to read, and I’m happy to know that I’m not the only weirdo who is so obsessed with the way they’re running their business. 😂 I can’t believe people are actually crazy about them now! They’ve come a looong way over the years. And yes, I also find stationery healing to just look at! Sometimes, I take all my stickers out to “organize” them, but I just end up staring at them all day instead. 😂 It’s completely ridiculous, yet makes perfect sense in the moment. Or if I’m stressed and want to calm down, I go online and just look at all the stationery I want to buy. And then my thought process goes from “I’ll just get a few...” > “No, I deserve to treat myself!” > “If I’m paying for all that shipping, I might as well buy a lot so it’s worth it.”...and then I add everything to my cart until I get bored and drop the idea entirely. 🤣 No stationery in the end, but somehow I’m more calm, LOL. March 20th! I will write it down everywhere so I won’t forget and will celebrate it every year. 🥰 (I will eat cake on your behalf, too 🙊) You’re right, mine is on January 12th! I really loved reading about your cats!! I could picture these scenes perfectly in my mind. 🤩 Coco definitely had me fooled, I really thought he was an innocent kitten! 😂 Chuchu sounds so patient. 🥰 Your husband is a lot like my sister. 😂 She’s always trying to give me ideas and advice to attract more viewers and make sure I project a “good” image, and I have to keep reminding her that I’m just doing this for fun and want to show who I really am. Even though they mean well, sometimes they’re totally wrong. 😝 Keeping that scene was a good decision, especially since it made me laugh! 🥰 Aren’t our coincidences really getting out of control?? 🤩 Sometimes I wonder if I should be scared, like were we separated at birth, or are we the exact same person living two different lives at the same time? 😂 I have never in my life experienced so many similarities with someone, it really blows my mind! But it also makes me so happy and grateful. 😭 I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to experience something so rare and precious. Ara, I would love to meet you after the COVID era!! I think we’ll have a lot of fun and every interaction will be so healing. 🥰💖 I really look forward to this!! When I read the last part of your comment, I felt really bad. 🥺 It made me realize that I take your English skills for granted, because to me, you’re absolutely fluent in English. And sometimes that makes it hard for me to realize how much you may struggle, because I’m not there to see it. Not being able to express yourself fully is such a frustrating feeling, and I’m sorry I don’t know Korean. 😭 It also made me think about whether you struggle while watching my videos, so I thought I would surprise you with Korean subtitles on my video. 🙊 This was my first time trying to add subtitles, and ooooomg Ara how do you do this for every video, and in so many languages??? 😱 It took me a long time just to do the English ones because I already have captions on the video itself, and as soon as I finished, I was so excited for it to automatically translate to a whole bunch of languages. But it turns out that it kind of sucks. 😂 It kept translating May’s name to the month, LOL. And some things sounded weird when translated so I had to think of different ways to say them. So I gave up after Korean, LOL. It’s probably not entirely accurate, and I need to improve the timing and length in the future, but I really hope it makes you feel more comfortable. 🥰💖 I am still amazed by how you do it, though. I always knew you put A LOT of effort into your videos, but I keep finding out that that’s not even half of what you do!! Thank you for everything that you do for us, Ara. 😭💞💞 Ok, I wrote a lot again today. 😂 I’m going to have dinner now! I hope you had a lovely start to your week, and that your pain is much better now. Good night, Ara! Take care, and talk to you again soon!! All my l❤️❤️❤️ve!!! 😘😘😘
My Dearest Roseaoud 💕✨😍 I tried to reply you by yesterday, but I couldn't keep my promise again... Would you forgive me? I'm so sorry😥😥 I went out on Saturday and Sunday. I met my friend on Saturday and went out to make some clips for the video on Sunday. I wonder how about your weekend! I read your comments so many times! Your story was so interesting and touching that I laughed, cried, and repeated it.😂💓 I looked the website called "The Graphics Fairy" that you recommended! There were so many good images! I only knew Pinterest until now, and "the graphics fairy" is extremely useful because there are lots of free vintage printable images as you said! Thanks for the recommendation😍🙏 Roseaoud, you totally understand how I feel! You 1000% know the point that I talk about haul video. And you even reassured me. Thank you so much for listening to my worries and understanding me. "So there's actually nothing that you need to change to make them happy!" this sentence made me completely comfortable. Oh my God, Roseaoud, you're my savior. Thanks to you, I think I can breathe❣ I also totally agreed with the story about the process of buying your stationery. "I'll just get a few..." > "No, I deserve to treat myself!" > "If I'm paying for all that shipping, I might as well buy a lot so it's worth it." This is who I am!! How can you and I repeat the same process?🤣 I even apply this process to other things as well as stationery. I used to be obsessed with shoes, when I was disturbed in my mind, I went to the pumps store website. And I saw stileto heels over and over again. Many shoes are put in the shopping cart and compared. And I repeated the process before I paid by credit card. If I repeat this psychotic act a few times, I'm back to normal🙈 If I had bought all the shoes then, my room would have been full of shoes by now. Thanks for shoe shopping website and for stationery shopping website! Thanks to you guys, I was able to endure without going to the mental hospital. LOL😹😹 As you said, our coincidences are really getting out of control!! I sometimes think whether you are my doppelganger or not. And I hope not, please. Because there are rumors that doppelgängers shouldn't meet each other! We must meet after the COVID era!!!! Oh my God, Roseaoud, I don't want you to feel bad. 😥😥 You don't take it for granted my English at all. You always know well about my efforts for comments and subtitles. And you always understand and wait generously. I can be lazy every time thanks to your such a elegant personality!😘🙏 All the time I'm thankful and sorry. Actually, it is easier for me to read English than to speak it. So I'm always waiting for your comment, but it takes a long time for me to write... I have no conscience.😟 I'm so sorry!!😫 I know how much you thought of me💓 But this time, I realized more clearly thanks to your latest video and Korean subtitles! OoooomyGod. Roseauod, Korean subtitles in your video! I was really surprised😭😆😱 I was deeply impressed by your sweetest heart so that read and read subtitles several times! It is very correct. I know how terrible the translator is. The translation of English and European languages is pretty good, but the translation of English and Korean is a mess.🤮 So I usually leave the translation of subtitles to my husband, not to Google Translator. After that, I have to double-check it. For example, people's names like May and stationery proper nouns are always wrong...! I organized the words that I use a lot in English, Japanese, and Chinese. But I don't know any other languages.😥 So there is no way to know whether other foreign languages such as Italian or Thai are correct or not. Anyway, I'm so sad that you did a hard job translating Korean and putting subtitles because of me.😭 But I'm happy! No, I'm sad... Happy, no sad... 🙀 You can't imagine how touched I was when I saw your Korean subtitles. Korean subtitles are usually only in Korean's videos. This is my first time I've seen Korean subtitle in non-Korean's video. Thank you very very much🥰🥰I know that subtitle work takes a loooong time. AndI don't want you to have a hard time.😭😭 I like your English subtitles, too. It is very helpful for me! So please don't use your time and effort for Korean subtitles in the next video🙏 I was really surprised and happy with the event in your video! You have a job not only a RUclipsr and you have to undergo surgery after a while. Take a good rest when you have time💕💕 I saw your latest video on the day it was uploaded. But I still haven't left a comment! I can't wait to write. May's penpal mail is absolutely great! I'm gonna leave a comment about it in your video! As always, I am sooo happy every day thanks to you, Roseaoud❣ After receiving your package, I look into it dozens of times a day.😍 It smelled gorgeous even before I opened the box, so I only have to inhale not an exhale.😆 Your love has been delivered to here! Whatever I say, it’s not enough for your generosity. But thank you! Thank you for a million! I learned this word yesterday "OSIM (OH Sh** It's Monday)" Roseaoud, you don't like Monday either? I don't such hate Monday because I'm not an office worker, but Monday feels a little hard for me thesedays. I think it's because I have a routine from Monday to Friday. I hope your Monday is healthy and fun!😘✨💓 I will leave a comment on your video tomorrow😭 Always lots of lots of l💝💝💝ve!!
Dearest Ara!! 💖💘💝 Before I start replying to your comment, I first wanted to thank you so much for your latest message. 😭💖 This morning I got some breakfast (with lots of fruit and veggies!) and sat down to enjoy your message with some coffee. It made me feel so calm, gave me strength, cheered me up, and was just the perfect start to my day!! 💓 I also couldn’t help but laugh at the disappearing message! 😂 Looks like we will have to save all the bad language for our letters (I have a few that I can teach you, too LOL). But after the amusement at your reaction to the disappearing message, I felt so bad!! 😭 I get so annoyed when I accidentally lose a message, and it must be even more frustrating for you!! 😩 I’m so sorry you had to type everything all over again. 😭 Ara, I think you deserve to take a rest from writing in English for a few days!! With the comments, messages, and the subtitles for your next video, I think it’s too much English!! You should give your mind and body a rest, so I demand that you only read my comments this week instead of replying, too. 😜😇 I was so comforted by your caring words, and instantly cheered up! In the future, when people are mean, I will imagine us exchanging bad words about them (in the car when the traffic is bad, for extra anger 😂). I think that will instantly make me laugh at the situation! 🤬😂 I’m still very amused by you only inhaling, not exhaling. 😂 I can really picture this in my mind!! Unsurprisingly, I also did the same with your perfume samples, so I totally get it!! I want to preserve the scent for as long as possible. 🥰 OSIM!! This is the first time I’m hearing it, and it’s so funny! Actually, the only OSIM I know is the brand of massage chairs. 😂 Do you have this brand in Korea, too? It’s a Singaporean brand, and there have been many tv advertisements of people enjoying it after a long day at work. When I compare this concept to the one you shared, it becomes even funnier!! Maybe that’s the real meaning behind the brand? 🤣 I think I hate every day that’s not Thursday or Friday. 🙊 On Thu, I’m excited for the weekend, and by Sat, I’m already dreading the next week! 😅 Even if you’re not an office worker, I think you’re totally entitled to dislike some days, even Monday! What you do is still a lot of work, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! 😘💞 I loved reading all your stories, about the shoes (totally understandable, I think stilettos would look so good on you!!), the terrible translator 🤮, and so on! And I was honestly pleasantly surprised by the way you expressed yourself in this comment!! Ara, you used the best words!! Like doppelgänger, which didn’t even come to my mind! And I still can’t believe you said “Psychotic act!!” 😂 To me, this is the English version of Guri Post Office, LOL. I was cheering for you, and I thought to myself, Ara is getting more and more fluent every day!! Another gold star for you, Ara!! ⭐️ And when you mentioned the mental hospital 😂 I think this is a very Asian joke! In our cultures, it’s so normal to tease or scare one another by saying that someone should be locked up in the mental hospital, LOL. I do this, too! Some other cultures have a more negative view of it, but we never mean it in a bad way. ☺️ I only realized that this is an Asian thing after I thought about your comment! At first I was shocked, because my sister and I always make the same joke when we do something really silly. 🤪 I thought how come Ara has this joke, too? 😂 And when you expressed that you were “happy, no sad, no happy...” I really felt that!! 😭💞 I cannot say it enough! You expressed yourself SO well in this comment!! 👏🏼💓 You are probably really busy today working on your video. I’m eagerly waiting for it!! 😍 Don’t forget to rest, relax, eat, and play with your cats (and play with your husband too, poor guy needs a rest after working on the dreaded subtitles as well!) 🥰 I will continue to respond to your other comments throughout the day, and I have to comment on last week’s video, too!! I had so much fun watching you and your cute cats!! As I reply, I hope my comments will bring you a smile and give you strength, too! But remember, you still have your English break for a while so you should only read and enjoy them! 🙊 Lots and lots of l💞💞💞ve, Ara!!! 😘 See you soon!!
Your past videos are joy to watch and inspired me to buy new blank journal plus more stationery. I missed going to beach, haven't been for years. With all craziness going on in the world it has been hard for me to find the courage because I suffer from social anxiety. Being creative helps me relax and stay grounded. I mostly reminisce fo past travels nowadays there isn't anything worth to documenting unless I go out.
Maybe you could document the little things & moments that bring you joy & comfort 💖🌼✨
💓제품 정보입니다😊
다이어리, 체크 마스킹테이프, 수채화스티커
다이소제품은 다이소 오프라인에서 샀어요 :)
나비 클리어스탬프
창문 클리어스탬프
두꺼운 색종이 3컬러
봄느낌 투명 마스킹테이프
꽃잎 투명 마스킹테이프
this journal kit are so cute.....I know her whose journal you bought....she make journal,washi tape,and stickers...she paint her own sticker and that's so cute....and your journal turned out great 😍 I saw your every video its so relaxing and healing.. one day I wanna do that maybe 😶
와~ 힐링되는 영상이네요. 스트레스 다 풀렸어요
아라님~ 새 영상 보러 왔어요~^^ 새로 산 다이어리 프랑스에서 왔다니~~ 덕분에 프랑스에서 온 다이어리도 구경하고 갑니다. 대박이에요~^^ 새로 산 다꾸템들 다 탐나요~ 저도 다이소로 달려가야할 거 같아요~ 😆 아라님의 다꾸는 항상 신선하고 독특해서 좋아요. 요즘 다꾸템들 눈독 들이는 중인데 아라님 새로 사신 것들 너무 다 이뻐서 눈 호강 하고 갑니다. 야옹이들도 너무 예뻐요. 담에는 좀 더 많이 보여 주세요~^^ 언제나 즐겁고 이쁘게 다꾸 하시길 바래요. 또 재미난 영상 기다릴게요! 🥰
젬마님❣ 영상 봐주셔서 감사해요~ >.< 다꾸템들 예쁜가용? 제 맘에만 들면 어쩌나 걱정했는데 그렇게 말씀해주시니 다행이구 기뻐요😍 다꾸도 어떻게 하면 좋을지 몰라서 다른분들 하시는 것도 많이 보고 젬마님 인스타도 많이 보고 그런답니다🙈저도 젬마님 캘리랑 다꾸, 선물포장 보면 그렇게 힐링이 되고 좋더라구요! 따라해보고 싶기도 하구요 :) 늘 좋은 말씀만 해주셔서 용기를 많이 얻고 있어요! 감사합니다, 좋은 밤 되세용🥰🙏
아라랜드님은 정말 여러 방면에서 금손이시라는게 느껴져요, 다꾸하는 센스하며 그림솜씨하며,심지어 글씨까지 오밀조밀 잘 쓰시다니, 평소에 작은 부분도 놓치지 않고 세심하게 관심을 기울이며 집중하실 것 같다는 생각이 드네요. 영상도 효과음 하나 없는데도 마치 고전문학소설을 읽는 것처럼, 혹은 물방울이 고요한 호숫가에 톡. 하고 떨어져 일렁이듯 잔잔히 빠져들어서 신기해요
실링왁스에 이어 다꾸영상도 잘 보았습니다. 다꾸를 즐겨하는 사람으로서 다꾸영상도 더 많이 볼 수 있으면 좋겠네요
좋은 하루 되세요.
어머나 세상에~ 제마님 댓글이 저에겐 문학이나 에세이처럼 느껴져요🥰 저에게 댓글로 이렇게 큰 상을 주시다니요ㅠㅠ❤️정말 감사합니다~ 표현력이 정말 남다르세요, 혹시 작가님이신가요? 저도 제마님처럼 글을 잘 쓰고 싶은데 읽는 양이 적어서인지 늘 '정말, 진짜, 엄청' 이런 단어만 쓰게 되더라구요ㅠㅠ 비유해주신 거 읽고 감동의 눈물을 흘리고 있습니다😭
제마님도 다꾸를 즐겨하시는군요! 공통점을 알게 되어 무척 기뻐요~ 다꾸영상도 부지런히 찍어 오겠습니다, 편안한 밤 되세요🥰✨
보는재미가 솔솔!!!!!!!
감사합니다 .
늘 좋은 말씀 감사합니다🥰✨편안한 밤 되세요~ 주말도 건강히 잘 보내세용❣❣
저 원래 참을성이 좀 없어서 다꾸영상같은거 잘 안보는데 이건 종이만지는소리나 글쓰는게 asmr같아서 여러번들어요..❤️
어머나 감사합니다 지우님❣ asmr 같다는 말씀에 정말 안도되구 힘이 났어요! 편안한 밤 되세요~😍🙏✨
오늘도 행복한 힐링시간이었네~
화사한 봄색채로 가득한 영상이 보기만해도 기분좋으넹~~
어디서 이런 이쁜거를 사는지~~
금눈에 금손에 ~~금요일이 기다려진다요~~♡♡
고모 늘 감사해요~~❤❤ 제가 댓글이 늦었네요 ㅠㅠ
여기는 오늘 계속 비가 왔어요, 부산도 비왔다고 들었는데 어떻게 보내셨는지 궁금해요~
편안한 밤 되세요😊💕💕
안녕하세요 아라님!! 아라님이 구매하신 다이어리가 너무 예뻐서 프랑스에서 다이어리 구매했네요☺️ 오늘 우편함에 배송돼 있어서 내일부터 얼른 다이어리 꾸미려구요 예쁜 다이어리 알게 해주셔서 넘 감사드려요~~ 다꾸 영상 정말 잘 보고 있습니다😁
안녕하세요 시현님!! 우와 다이어리 주문하셨다니 저도 넘 기쁩니당😆💕💕저랑 같은 제품 쓰신다고 생각하니 뭔가 뿌듯하고 즐겁네요~ 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사해요! 즐거운 하루 되세요🌷🥰
The window stamp is so detailed and pretty. Totally relate the imperfect stamping. It gets me frustrated all the time. Thanks for this video!
The imperfect stamping gets me frustrated!😭😭Thank you for watching❣️I'm waiting for your next video😍🙏
🥰I fell in love with everything about the haul this divine everything ..... Greetings from the other side of the world Costa Rica ☺
OMG Thank you sooo much🥰🙏Now I have friend from Costa Rica!! Happy to know you😘💓💓
The first time I watched you I was mesmerized I couldn’t stop any more!
Escutei a Sunday Table e amei! Simplesmente apaixonada e muito inspirada em todos os seus vídeos.
Im addicted to your channel! Been binging on your past videos! Great content 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
OMG, Thanks a million, Cassandra April Empuerto😍🙏💕💕I'm sorry I'm late to reply! Have a wonderful day (or night)😘✨
@@ARALAND 🥰 🥰🥰
Omg those transparent washi tapes with the stickers are soooo cute!!!!
Yay! After watching so many of your videos I found where you got the cat stickers 4:15. Unfortunately I can’t find the link to them, do you happen to remember the shop? It’s really cute
우앙.. 감성 진짜 너무 좋네요ㅠㅠ 요즘 이런 다꾸가 좋아요ㅠㅠ 힐링하고 갑니당💓
So relaxing and aesthetic..! I'll never have so beautiful journal... And I love your stickers :)
Oh, sweet Vesta Thank you sooo much😍🙏💓Your comment makes me really happy! Have a wonderful day😘🌼✨
Love love love 💘 Bullet journal 💕
А ты знаешь, что ты самый эстетичный блогер😘😘💋
Hi Ara;) I found your channel somewhere in September and this channel inspires me a lot. I tell my classmates about this channel and advise. And what is the name of the song at the beginning of the video?
프랑스에서 주문한거라니! 고급져요 🙊🙊 애니멀 마스킹테이프 탐난다.. 옆집 둥이 닮은 강아지도 있는 것 같고 🤣
♥ 음악 분위기 있고.. 느무 좋드앙 !
헤헤 예쁘게 봐주어 고마워😆💕나도 둥이랑 하미 보러 하미마미채널에 가야겠다!! 쓩~
꿀팁아닌 꿀팁이지만!!
도장을 찍을 때신문지 여러장 겹친??걸 바닥에 깔고 위에서 찍으면 아주 이쁘게 잘 찍혀요!!
근데 다이어리 종이가 조금 두꺼워보여서 도움이 될진 모르겠습니다...!!
예쁜 영상 항상 감사합니다!🥰
우와 제가 엄청 찾고 있던 꿀팁이에요!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 정말 감사합니다 효정님~💕🙏
도장 찍을 때마다 실패해서 정말 고민이 많았거든요~
신문지를 버리지 않고 모아두길 잘했네요, 과거의 나...칭찬해...🤣👍
감사합니다, 굿밤 되세요~😻✨💓
진짜금손이세요 꾸미는거보면 감탄나옴...
아이구 과찬이세용..🙈 시청과 댓글 넘 감사합니다! 굿밤 되세요~💓🌙
@@ARALAND 🥺😘😘😘😍
your videos are so peaceful . in love with your channel
아라님!❤️ 세상에 영상미 어쩔꺼냐구요😍 너무 예뻐요ꈍꈊꈍ 다이소 이번 마테도 넘 예쁜거 같아요ㅎㅎ 커튼 스탬프 그리신게 더 예쁜듯한 느낌은 제 기분 탓일까요? 어쩜 그걸 그리실 생각을 하신건지>◡< 다른 문구들도 예쁜것만 초이스 하시구 베베 스티커 완전 귀여워요!🥰 다이어리도 넘 감성적이게 잘 꾸미시구!! 그림 잘그리시는건 언제나 부럽고 무엇보다 필기체 너무 느낌있게 쓰시는거 아니냐구요❤️ 영상 중간에 아라님 냥이들이 보이니 그것 또한 너무나 좋은 것 같아요ฅ^._.^ฅ 이번 영상도 잘보고 갑니다! 아라님 오늘 하루도 행복한 하루 보내세요ꈍꈊꈍ💕
꺄 앵쏘님~! 영상 봐주셔서 넘 감사해요 😭💕💕 몸은 좀 어떠신지 궁금해요, 다 나으셨어야할텐데..❣
저는 다이소나 핫트랙스에서 귀여운 걸 꼭 몇개씩은 집어오게 되는데 막상 가져와서는 고이고이 모셔둔답니다😂 앵쏘님 다꾸 보면서 대리만족 느끼고 있어요!ㅎㅎ냥이들도 예뻐해주셔서 감사합니다😻🙏앵쏘님 냥이들도 잘 지내고 있지요? 굿밤 되시구 내일도 화이팅이에요~😘✨
Very very supre
정말 귀엽고 멋스러운 디자인 입니다.
저도 그런식으로 일기를 쓰고 싶어졌습니다.
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니다!😊💕
같은 취미를 공유하고 싶습니다❣
Really creative💕 Thank you for sharing your wonderful video☺️ Have a nice day✨
Thanks for watching and such a kind comment😍🙏Have a wonderful day~😘💕💕
스티커 저도 좋아하는 스타일이에요ㅎㅎ 마스킹테이프도 이쁘구ㅜㅜ 넘나 제스타일💜💜 만년필 아라님이 하시는거 보고 저도 써보려고 하고 있답니당~~글씨도 먼가 우아해보이는것 같아요ㅎㅎ 냥이들 넘 귀여워요😘😘
여니님과 취향이 맞아서 넘 기뻐요😆❤️같은 걸 좋아하면 더 공유하고 싶고 친근한 느낌이 들더라구요~ㅎㅎ저도 만년필 완전 초보지만(그래서 잉크도 손에 다 묻혀버렸어요😭) 다른 펜 쓸 때보다 사각거리니까 더 재밌는 거 같아요! 여니님도 같이 써요😍늘 예쁜 댓글 감사합니다~굿밤 되시구 좋은 꿈 꾸세요❤️✨✨
@@ARALAND 😍😍💜💜 아라님도 굿밤입니다^^
5:16 옴마나 아라님 냥이들 너무 귀여워요ㅠㅠ ❤️❤️ 쓰다듬어 보고 싶어요...ㅎ🥰
아라님도 다이소 마테 겟하셨네요!ㅎㅎ 이번 거 정말 활용도 대박인 것 같지 않나요 😆
손그림 느낌 나는 스티커들도 아라님이 좋아하시는 스타일인 것 같네요😍❤️ 아라님 구독자 벌써 2만명!!🤩🥳 오늘 영상도 잘 보고 갑니당 >_
송펴니님!!! 늘 감사해요😭🙏💕💕냥이들 귀여운가요? 헤헷 제 칭찬보다 냥이들 칭찬에 더 기분이 좋아지네요~ 감사합니다!😻
맞아요, 이번 다이소 마테 넘 예쁘구 활용도도 대박인 거 같아요~ 인터넷에서 곰돌이 빵 벽돌 마테는 많이 봤는데
토끼 그려진 건 첨 봐서 신상인줄도 모르고 샀거든요ㅎㅎ 근데 넘 예쁘더라구요~ >.<
축하해주신 것두 정말 감사드려요~ 늘 좋게 봐주시는 송펴니님 덕분이에요😘굿밤되세요~ 인스타 놀러 갈게용!!
Hello. Thank you for all your wonderful videos, I have three questions for you. First, where did you buy the Queen Bee sealing stamp? Second, how do you recommend the brazier and spoon for the sealing stamp? third, can I attach any stamp head to the handle of the sealing stamp?
This was so relaxing to watch. I love the new pen you bought. :o
Happy to know you love the fountain pen, it's my favorite too🥰 Thanks for watching and nice comment😘✨
어쩜이렇게 힐링되는 영상들로만 영상을 올리시는지ㅜㅜ 너무 짱이예요!
좋게 봐주셔서 감사해요 b Kang님😆💕굿밤 되세요~!
@@ARALAND 아라님도 굿밤 되세여!!! 😊
Where did you get that journal please tell ....btw love your journals...
Your journals and videos are wonderful and so creative these help me with my life and inspires me daily... God bless you
Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳❤❤
Descobri esse canal há pouco tempo e seus vídeos são inspiradores nesses dias de isolamento e insônia. Quero morar nos seus vídeos
OMG, obrigado por um comentário tão gentil! Você é tão doce, espero que tenha uma noite de conforto, todos os dias 🥰🙏💕✨
영상에서 봄이 느껴지네용🌸 문구들도 예쁜데 아라랜드님이 진짜 예쁘게 조합해서 쓰시는것 같아요ㅎㅎ 항상 잘 보구있습니다~~
윤아님, 늘 감사합니다😭💓💓예쁜 댓글 읽고 많은 힘을 얻었어요! 편안한 밤 되시구 주말 즐겁게 보내세요~~🥰✨🌼
진짜 완전 봄봄해요! 저도 항상 꾸미기해보고 싶었는데 똥손이라ㅠㅠ 아라랜드님 영상보고 용기얻어 집에 있는 재료로 도전해보려구요 : )
다빈님❣ 예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사해요~💓 똥손 아니실 거 같은데..!! 분명 다꾸 잘 하실 거예요😍 다꾸는 이리저리 배치하고 고민해보는 시간도 즐겁더라구요~ㅎㅎ 재밌는 시간 되시길 바랍니다😻
Your videos are amazing! All the items that you use are so cute! I love pastel colors. May ask you how long do you take to decorate a page? 😍
Thanks for watching! 🥰 It usually takes two hours for me :)
Thanks for all your wonderful videos i really like your videos but i want to ask you that where you buy these things the whole stationery ☺
All vidoes making Great 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💖
Jesus moi...So fantastic items...i need all!!! I need Daiso shop😭
I like your journal
Your work is perfect
Adorable video
I enjoyed it from starting to ending
오~ 정말 너무 이쁘게 다이어리 잘 꾸미시네요.
🙈감사합니다 미니멀 스테이님~💓
Korea always have all the cute stuff. I'm envy.
I ordered journal from It's France online shop🥰
언니~♥ 이번 다꾸 역대급!!! 다이어리 진짜 좋아보여요! 내일 오빠 시험이라 제가 더 떨려서 잠이 안오는건지... 잠 안 와서 언니 영상 누워서 보다가 댓글쓰고 싶어서 컴퓨터 켰어용!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 프랑스에서 날아온 예쁜 다이어리~♡ 160g이라 정말 좋아보여요! 스티커도 정말 언니취향~~~ 예쁜 스티커 만들어주세요!♥ 지금부터 열심히 기다리겠습니당!!!>.< 다이소 마테 사셨군요!ㅎㅎ 정말 다이소 마테는 가성비 짱짱!!! 자주 못 활용해줄거 알지만 살 수 밖에 없어요ㅜㅜ 언니 손톱마져 러블리해서 좋아요~ㅎㅎ 다이소 클립이 이번에 구입한 다이어리와 찰떡이네요!!! 다이소 단색마테는 안사면 서운하죠~ㅎㅎ 저 디자인 페이퍼는 양면이란걸 언니 영상 통해서 처음 알았어요!!! 씰 스티커까지 200% 언니 취향~ㅎㅎ 쭈쭈와 코코를 닮은 스티커네요~ㅎㅎ 타오바오 스탬프 저렴하고 예쁜 것들이 많아서 모으는 재미가 있는 것 같아요!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ언니 스탬프 찍고 망한거 보고 누워있다가 현웃터졌어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 직접 그려주니 감쪽같은~~~ㅎㅎ 만년필 대박... 너무 예쁜거 아니에요ㅜㅜ 각인까지 진짜 더 소중하겠어요~♥ 담그고만 있으면 잉크가 들어가나요? 신기해요~!ㅎ 언니 필기체 엄청 많이 좋아지셨어요!!! 저도 얼른 언니가 추천해주신 책을 사야할까봐요~ㅎㅎ 앨범 커버를 그대로 복사하시다니... 정말... 언니 그림 실력 존경합니다♥ 역대급으로 예쁨 포인트!!! 타오바오 쇼핑할때마다 저 마테를 꼭 구입하시는 것 같아요!ㅎㅎ 나비는 잘 찍혀서 다행이에요! 다꾸와 넘 잘 어울려요!ㅎ 색종이가 굉장히 두꺼워 보여요! 표지로 사용해도 좋을 것 같아요! 그리고 색상도 디자인도 다양해서 더 좋은 것 같아요!ㅎㅎ 보면 볼수록 탐다는 이번 다이어리~~ㅎㅎ 저도 그림 일기에 관심 생기면 하나 장만해야겠습니다!ㅎ 오늘도 예쁜 영상 눈호강 하고 가요 언니~ 주말 잘 보내세요!!♥ 그리고 2만명 넘넘 축하드려요>.
꺄 홍주야~ 댓글 넘넘 고마워ㅜㅜㅜㅜ♥♥♥어제 늦게 잤구나!! 오빠 시험이시라서 떨렸나봐ㅠㅠ 오빠 시험 잘 보시구 즐거운 주말 보내고 있길 기도해🙏😊💕댓글 쓰려고 컴퓨터까지 켰다니...맙소사ㅠㅠ 감동이야 진챠😭💓
다이어리 예쁘다니 다행이다! 넘 갖고 싶었던 건데 몇달간 재고가 없어서 엄청 기다리다 받은 거거든 ㅋㅋㅋ 확실히 유로는 비싸더라구 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ😹그래도 여기까지 배송되는 게 어디야~ 하면서 주문했었어, 근데 받고 보니까 살 때 스티커랑 여러가지 더 살걸 싶기도 하구ㅠㅠ담에 더 사서 홍주도 나눠줄게! 다이소 마테도 진짜 예쁜거같아~ 곰돌이랑 빵 그려진 마테는 인터넷에서 몇번 봐서 신상인줄 알았는데 토끼는 뭔지도 모르고 그냥 집어왔거든! 근데 그것도 이번에 나온 건가봐~ 그림도 여러가지구 넘 귀여워서 진짜 좋더라 >.
으어어어 마스킹 테이프 너무 귀여워서 쓰러졌어요♡♡♡ 오늘도 아라님 영상 보고 꿀잠 예약 ^^
엘리지니님😆❣️다이소 이번 마스킹테이프 진짜 귀엽더라구요~! 영상 봐주시구 댓글도 남겨주시구 넘 감사해요오😍굿밤 되시구 좋은 꿈 꾸셔용✨🌙
우와 선데이테이블 앨범커버 너무 예뻐요! 다이어리에 꾸미신거 보니까 봄내음이 가득하네용 >_
혜주님~예쁘게 봐주셔서 정말 감사합니다😆💓요즘 정말 봄이 온 거 같아요~ 즐거운 한 주 보내세요🥰🙏✨
잠자기 전에 꼭 봐요 💕
예진님 제가 답장이 늦었어요 죄송해요~ 잠자기 전에 보신다니 넘 감동이구 기뻐요😭❤️감사합니다🙏💕💕
예쁘네요 Great Satisfying video💕👍
감사합니다 LiLi😘 I'm happy to know you enjoyed it😊💓💓
Always nice to see your video
Thank you for kind word❣ I really appreciate it💕💕
Hi! I love your videos ! Could you tell us where do u get your supplies ? The wax and everything please? ^_^
Hi! Thanks for watching! The website links are below😊
The diary, masking tape, sticker
fountain pen;186838507:129889364
clear stamps
clear stamps
color paper 3colors
pet masking tape1
pet masking tape2
Genial el regalo y muy bonito 🤗. Gracias por traducirlo al español 🤗, saludos cordiales desde Chile 💞
¡Hola Aditas, amigo de Chile! 😍 Gracias por ver el video. Estoy muy feliz gracias a ti😘💓💓
@@ARALAND wow Ara hablas español ? feliz dia 😊 o lo que queda del resto jaja :3
Your journal are so aesthetic
Amei que tem legendas em português, seus vídeos são maravilhosos 🥺♥️
Obrigado por assistir o vídeo! Fico feliz em conhecê-lo😍 Tenha um bom dia💕🌷✨
I like your stationary 🙂
I’ve always wanted to buy from mellows 😭😭😭😭😭 for now i’ll use her free printables
Oh, you've also wanted to buy from mellowdays! Me, too! I was waiting for this diary for 3 months😹😹
Let's use her free printables😍✨
Love those roller stamps! Do you have a link for them? Thank you.
OMG They don't sell it online, I bought it Korean Daiso shop, I'm so sorry😥
@@ARALAND Oh well. Thank you!
넘 좋아해요♡
very beautiful work
10:44 I love this product,
It is very sad that in Mexico I cannot buy it.😪😪
Hello, I'm new with your channel. I wonder where you buy all that pretty awesome stationaries...
Hi Ezana! I usually order my stationery from or Thank you😊
늦게 왔네요 ㅠㅠ 새벽 3시에 하핳 오늘도 넘 좋은 영상 감사해여!!!😊❤️
개구리님~ 새벽3시에 와주셨군요! 전혀 안 늦으셨어요!! 완전 빠르신걸요😍 매번 늘 감사해용~ 덕분에 늘 힘이 많이 납니다! 굿밤되세요❤️❤️
항상 댓글마다 힘드실텐데 하나하나 답변해 주셔서 감사드려요!!😊
@@현기림-l2z 안 힘들어용 제 기쁨입니다🥰감사해요~!!
와...저도 사고싶네요...하지만 사고 안쓴다는게 함정ㅋㅋ...다음에 asmr또 찍어주세요(*´ ˘ `*)
퓨퓨님 시청과 댓글 감사합니다😍❣ 저도 사놓고 안 쓰는 것들도 많아졌어요😹 부지런히 써야겠어요~ㅎㅎ 담에 asmr 준비해올게요! 굿밤되세요~💕
The pen you bought is very nice
Thank you! It's my favorite now😊
Mellow days 넘나 취저에요ㅠㅠ 유럽배대지없이 직구하겼나염😭💘💘+워터붓?정보 알수 있을까효
멜로우데이즈 넘 예쁘죠😭❤️❤️배대지 없이 홈페이지에서 바로 해외배송 가능하더라구요~ 영상에서 쓴 워터붓은 예전에 물감살 때 증정품으로 받은 거예요😅아마 시중에 파는 펜텔 워터브러쉬랑 비슷한 거 같아요!ㅎㅎ
I love your video 👍🏼
Thanks a lot😍
너무 잘 꾸미시네요
🙈칭찬 말씀 들으니 넘 기쁘구 감사합니다❣
Your video is so relaxing. I love it :)
물감 무슨 제품인가요??
진짜 예쁘네요!
신한 wc물감이랑 미젤로 골드미션 사용하고 있어요~ 예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니당😍
대리만족하고갑니다ㅠㅠ후후 아라님 지류같은거 어떻게보관하고계신지ㅎㅎ 다이어리쓸때 엄청 많은 문구류중에서 어떻게 고르시는지 궁금해요ㅎㅎ저는 결정을 못해서 우왕좌왕
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사해요 선영님😍 저도 늘 보관과 꺼내쓰는 게 다꾸할 때 가장 어렵고 시간이 많이 걸리더라구요ㅠㅠ 그래서 일단 어떤 색으로 해야겠다~ 부터 정하구 그런 색깔 아이템을 트롤리에서 꺼내요ㅎㅎ 그 중에서 어울리는 것들로 꾸미고 있습니다, 근데 이게 최선인진 모르겠어요😅ㅋㅋㅋ트롤리도 터져나가서 빨리 쓰고 싶은 것들만 우선적으로 담고 있어요, 나머지는 책상서랍에...😂😂
Hola te veo desde México, sabes me encanta lo que haces , me da tanta tranquilidad verte, gracias por eso, me encantaría tener dinero para comprar cosas tan lindas como las que muestras felicitaciones
좋은영상 감사합니다!
시청해주시고 댓글도 남겨주셔서 넘 감사해요 경임님~ 편안한 밤 되세요 😊❤❤
답글 감사해요
진짜... 너무 멋져요ㅜㅜ 홀린듯이.... 동영상을 정주행을 다하고.. 했습니다....금손.. 아라랜드님 영상보고 다이어리 바로 구매했습니다....프랑스에서 구매는 처음이라🥲.. 무섭네요.. 아라랜드님 구매하실때 한국으로 직배송으로 왔나요..?
네! 저도 프랑스에서 직구는 첨이라 떨려서 주소랑 전화번호 많이 확인했었어요😭그리구 발송되면 프랑스 내 송장번호 뜨는데 그걸로도 확인할 수 있더라구요~ 근데 택배가 아니라 편지처럼 우편함으로 왔어요, 한국 들어오면 우편함 자주 확인해보셔용! 🥰
@@ARALAND 아니... 아라랜드님 이시간에 답변을...!! 정말 감사합니다ㅜㅜㅜ!! 아라랜드님 덕분에 좋은 다이어리를 한권 구매하고.. 정말 영상들 의미있고! 감사합니다☺️
@@털찐이-y6l 아이쿠 제가 감사합니다😭🙏❤️다이어리 무사히 도착하구 마음에 드셨으면 좋겠어요~ 편안한 밤 되셔용☺️🌙
我好喜歡你的影片,好療癒,享受生活的美好🥰. I love your videos so much
謝謝收看!您的留言讓我非常感動了,Thank you so much❣ 晚安😘💓💓
스티커가 이쁘네요♥ 나도 사고싶다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
승재야 영상 시청과 댓글 고마워요💓💓숙모가 늦게 올렸는데도 다 보고 자느라 피곤하지?ㅠㅠ 잘 자구 담에는 승재가 좋아하는 스티커 사서 승재집에 놀러 갈게~ 사랑해😘🌼💕
좋아요 5개 감사감사 왕감사
눈으로는 안보이지만,좋아요 하고생각하고.느끼고있단다.
수많은 좋아요❤❤❤❤를 주고싶은 승재에게.사랑해!!!!!❤❤❤❤
@@한연숙-w2t 고맙습니다 할머니♥
그런 쪽지를 사고 싶은데 얼마이고 어디서 구할 수 있는지 대답 해주세요🥺💖
저는 대부분 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 샀어요~ 링크를 첨부할게요!
다이어리, 체크 마스킹테이프, 수채화스티커
다이소제품은 다이소 오프라인에서 샀어요 :)
나비 클리어스탬프
창문 클리어스탬프
두꺼운 색종이 3컬러
봄느낌 투명 마스킹테이프
꽃잎 투명 마스킹테이프
My dearest Ara!! 💕 I’m so sorry for my late usual I watched your video as soon as you uploaded it but take forever to write to you. 😭
This video was so charming! I noticed that in this video especially, your preview has become even more professional! You show a part of every segment, and chose the clips so well. Just the preview alone is pure ASMR and makes me excited to watch more!! 🥰
A journal all the way from France!! The packaging is so exquisite, and I agree that the stickers are 200% your taste! In fact, I can totally see you making stickers like these; they fit your style perfectly! You should definitely try it out someday. 💖 If you have a printer at home, you could even scan some of your paintings and print them on sticker paper to see what it’s like. I used to do this in the past, and it actually turned out quite well!
I can’t believe there’s such a pretty journal that comes with watercolor paper. What a clever idea! It’s definitely much prettier than using a normal watercolor pad or sketchbook. 😃 And it even has 2 bookmarks! This is a brilliant touch, I find that one bookmark is never enough. 😅 The soft pink masking tape is so Ara. 🥰 This whole package was such a great purchase and totally worth it, you definitely spent your money well! 💞
The Daiso haul!!! Omg, I’m always amazed by the selection in Korea. It makes sense, because they have to compete with a lot of great local designers. If I compare this to Daiso here, I would never be able to imagine that they can make such pretty things! Out of your selection, the only design that I’ve seen here is the pancake bear, but on a little paper bag. I immediately grabbed it, because it was so rare. 😂 Are the washi tapes of good quality? I have only one washi tape from Daiso, but it doesn’t stick at all. Maybe the quality has improved by now.
The paper clips look quite normal in the packaging, but omg as soon as you put it in your journal, it immediately looked so expensive!! You picked the best design to use as well. It suits your journal so well and makes it look so classy!! 💝
Ara, you said you got stickers for your birthday. Did I miss your birthday??? 😰😰 Omg I’m so sorry, I feel terrible because you wished me on my birthday but I didn’t get to do the same for you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SWEET ARA!!!! 💖💖💖 The world is a much better place with you in it, and I wish you only the best that life has to offer. 💖 I am so lucky and happy to have you in my life!!! 😘❤️
I just realized, CoCo looks like a young, innocent kitten and Chuchu looks like a wise old cat! But compared to CoCo, Chuchu definitely looks more mischievous. 😂
Hahaha Ara, when you got the incomplete stamp, I couldn’t help but laugh. I would be so frustrated too, but I can’t even get a date stamp right half the time!! 😂 Still, I think it was for the best because it actually looks much better after you drew the rest in. Now the curtains have more texture, and look very realistic!!
Your new fountain pen, oh my!! The packaging is just amazing. 😍 The design on the nib and the pen itself is so eye-catching. And you even got it engraved! I have no idea how to refill a fountain pen, and even though it was your first time, you made it look like you knew exactly what you were doing! I’m really amazed. You really deserve this pen, Ara! You have been using fountain pens so well, it’s only right that you allow yourself to upgrade. 🥰
When you rubbed your hands on all the paper around you, that was so relatable. 😂 I always cut out all those times I wipe my hands on paper and my clothes but I love that you included this clip. It’s so authentic and adds a nice touch of humor to your video! 😂
How did you match the album cover so well!!! One minute I’m looking at it on your phone, and the next minute I see the exact same thing on your journal! It was like magic. The colors were just perfect, and now I understand why you chose that sticker! Isn’t it funny that the sticker looks like it was made just for your journal entry? Really Ara, I feel like every time I watch your videos, I’m reminded of all the magic that exists in this world. I don’t know how you do it. 🪄 💖
Is the mood tape a masking tape or a roll of stickers that you can peel off? Hopefully you won’t have to cut each one out. That would really frustrate me. 😂 The butterfly stamp came out perfectly! Good job, Ara!! 👌🏼💕
Thank you for including the coffee shot, I always find your coffee clips so satisfying to watch. 😍
The design paper that you got looks so nice and thick! The pink set is 200% Ara, and even the orange has some nice pink tones! The cutting sounds were soo lovely, and the final result of your journal entry was simply perfect, as always!! I still cannot get enough of your handwriting. 😍💝
I found another coincidence in your video!! At this point, I’m finding one in every video of yours. 😍 I recently bought an Alice in Wonderland mug and inside the mug it says “it’s always time for tea.” Of course, I use this mug for coffee so when I sip it and see that phrase in my mug, I tell myself “time for coffee for me.” I said the same thing when I saw your coaster, and when I read your subtitles and saw that you had written just that, word for word, I laughed out loud! I was so amazed!!! 🥰
Ara, thank you for gracing us with such a lovely video, as always. I’m so happy that you treated yourself to all these lovely things! 💕 I finally mailed my letter to you yesterday and I hope it reaches you safely!! Sorry for taking so long to reply. 😰 I will send you a DM now with the tracking number!! I’m also sorry for missing your birthday. 😭 In my next reply, I will be sure to send you a birthday present! It will be months after your birthday, but that just means that you’ll get to celebrate it again. 😆
I hope you are having a nice week! Please take good care of yourself, and lots and lots of l❤️❤️❤️❤️ve (hehe) always!!!
Ahhhh My dearest Roseaoud😻💕I keep reading your comments over and over again! I'm almost crying at your kind words😭💓 This is not a real message, I will organize my thoughts and will reply again. Thank you for your Instagram DM during the day. And please don't be sorry❣ I just want to thank you indefinitely. Have a good day and stay healthy, much much love🥰✨💖💖💖
My Dearest Roseaoud🌹💖
I'm always sorry for the late reply😥 Actually, I have read your writing whenever I have time. Especially before I asleep every night, I read it over and over again✨ All your sentences spread like sunshine in my heart and make me warm💕☀ I know how long it takes for you to write this long message. Because your comment is not just a greeting, but you are carefully writing after watching my video every minute and second! You know the details better even than my family! I'm greatly happy thanks to you who always fully understand what I intended. And I'm sometimes really surprised at how you catch things I didn't even know or what I did unconsciously.😆💓
Actually, when I was making this video, I thought like this; I have to buy a mini printer to try to make stickers. So I bought it last week. And you said it exactly! You used to scan the painting and printed it out, and it turned out quite well!! I was really surprised at our same thought & experience! How could this happen?😲🤩
I'm also glad you like my new journal🥰 Actually, I have a concern these days. Am I buying and showing something new in "all" the videos? Wouldn't people get tired of this? Am I overspending? So I tried to adjust the period little by little. But I really couldn't stand this journal😭 Because I was waiting for 3 months to get this one book! When I got it, I was so happy that I screamed😆 And why did I buy only one sticker, I regretted it a lot. I should have bought more!!! It's a waste of shipping. I should have bought 10 stickers...!! Next time I buy it, I want to send it to you, too😘💕💕
These days, Korean Daiso is being told by people that it is "crazy." Because they are making various quality stationery at a really cheap price. One year ago, Daiso's stationery was only 'cheap' one. But what happened during the year? Daiso is releasing very cute and fancy stickers, masking tapes, and diaries. Every month, many girls in Korea wait for Daiso's new product. When a new product comes out, they upload the picture on Daiso's official Instagram. Many people are crazy about it😍🤩👍
Washi tape also used to be of poor quality, but now it's much better. It has good adhesion and cute design. Besides, it's less than a dollar for 4 washi! Oh, my God... I can't stop thinking I have to buy this! Even though I know I won't use it frequently, I have no choice but to buy it. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Sometimes I like just looking at my stationery. Sometimes what I just have can be healing even if I don't use it. Can you understand me, Roseaoud? 😹😹
Oh, Roseaoud, don't be sorry about my birthday. It's my fault that I didn't tell you. But you saw a sentence in my video and remembered it and congratulated me❣🙏 Thank you very much🙈😭 I am always surprised by your careful consideration and warm heart💖 You are a real angel! My birthday is March 20th. Is your birthday January 12th? Or the 13th? I heard it on Instagram, but I don't know exactly what day it is because of the time difference. I want to know exactly. And I wanna write it down on my diary, calendar and celebrate it every year!😊🎉
You have a relatively accurate understanding of my cat! Coco is a young cat and Chuchu is a wise old cat. But you shouldn't be fooled by Coco. Coco is always mischievous and chases Chuchu with such an innocent face like he doesn't know anything. Chuchu is sluggardly to Coco, but he doesn't hit Coco. Rather, Coco bites Chuchu's nape. Moreover Coco makes a cry like he pretends sick.😩 I stop Coco, but both of them are so cute that I can't scold him... And if I cover the Chuchu, Coco gets jealous and bothers him more. I have to love both of them😹😹
When I rubbed my inked hands on the paper...! My husband told me not to put the scene in the video. But I wanted to put it in. Because it's really me!🤣 As I expected, Roseaoud, you are laughing at this scene. I'm so glad you laughed😎💓💓
Mood tape is a roll of stickers. I have to peel off to use it... This is a very annoying work. But its design is so cute that I can't help but buy it😭 I've already bought a few. I don't use it often, but when I find a new design, my eyes sparkle.🤩haha
Oh my God❣ I was really surprised after reading your 'Alice in Wonderland mug' part! I immediately told my husband about our coincidence! What an amazing fact! I couldn't help laughing. How can we go through similar things at the same time and say the same lines? I thought there's nothing more surprising between us, but I keep getting surprised every time. When the Covid era ends up and becomes safe, I want to travel to your country. And I want to laugh and talk about our many coincidences and happening face to face. Until then, I should practice English conversation a lot!🔥🔥
Roseaoud, I really appreciate you and I'm always deeply touched by your greatest care. But I'm so sad that I can't express all my feelings in English. I am really frustrated because there is a limit to the English words I know. I can say 'thank you' in Korean in many ways, but I am sorry that I only know 'thank you' in English. I have to read a lot of English books. But it is also very helpful to exchange comments with you now🥰
How are you spending your Sunday? We need to recharge for next week. The weather in Korea is very nice these days. I hope Roseaoud also have a good and happy weekend!😻🙏 I'll be there for the next comment! Lots and lots of l❤️❤️❤️❤️ve🌼🌷
Hello, my dearest Ara! 😌💘 I’m finally back to reply to this comment. You caught me, I actually do write my comments while watching your videos! 🙈 I always watch it fully first to enjoy the experience, and then I write my comment while watching again for the second (or third...or fourth time). Whenever I watch your videos, I want to comment on everything! I just can’t help it, so as soon as I want to mention something, I pause the video and write about that part. I try to review it at the end to make sure that it all fits together, but sometimes my comments can just sound like I’m dumping all these random thoughts. 😂 But I’m so happy to hear that you appreciate it!! You work so hard to create amazing content and long videos, I can’t bear the thought of only writing a simple comment. 😭💘 Still, I never expected you to do the same for me, or to send me equally long replies! 😭 Even though there’s a part of me that feels bad because you have to put in so much time and effort, it also makes me so happy when I receive them. I also read your comments over and over again, night and day!! It always calms me down and gives me strength. 💖
I can’t believe you actually had the same thought, and even bought a printer last week!! 😲 That’s really amazing!! It was a great decision! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. 😍 Ara, whenever you’re free, you should look at the website called “the graphics fairy.” They have a lot of free vintage graphics that you can print on sticker paper and card stock! I used to do this all the time, and it was really fun!
I can totally understand your thought process about the hauls because I had the same worries! I wondered if it was strange that I was filming all these haul videos but not showing how I actually use the stationery. It seemed a bit pointless, and even materialistic. Then I decided that I would only do a haul video if I’m buying something special. When RUclips becomes less of a hobby and more like a job, it’s only natural to have doubts about what may or may not make your subscribers happy. But if you think about it, people subscribe to you because of who you are and what your videos are there’s actually nothing that you need to change to make them happy! Ara, I think you’re doing an incredible job, and I don’t see any bad or questionable changes at all. So don’t worry! Your number one fan is still very happy. 🙊😇💞
Thank you for sharing the public opinion on Daiso!! It was really interesting to read, and I’m happy to know that I’m not the only weirdo who is so obsessed with the way they’re running their business. 😂 I can’t believe people are actually crazy about them now! They’ve come a looong way over the years. And yes, I also find stationery healing to just look at! Sometimes, I take all my stickers out to “organize” them, but I just end up staring at them all day instead. 😂 It’s completely ridiculous, yet makes perfect sense in the moment.
Or if I’m stressed and want to calm down, I go online and just look at all the stationery I want to buy. And then my thought process goes from “I’ll just get a few...” > “No, I deserve to treat myself!” > “If I’m paying for all that shipping, I might as well buy a lot so it’s worth it.”...and then I add everything to my cart until I get bored and drop the idea entirely. 🤣 No stationery in the end, but somehow I’m more calm, LOL.
March 20th! I will write it down everywhere so I won’t forget and will celebrate it every year. 🥰 (I will eat cake on your behalf, too 🙊) You’re right, mine is on January 12th!
I really loved reading about your cats!! I could picture these scenes perfectly in my mind. 🤩 Coco definitely had me fooled, I really thought he was an innocent kitten! 😂 Chuchu sounds so patient. 🥰
Your husband is a lot like my sister. 😂 She’s always trying to give me ideas and advice to attract more viewers and make sure I project a “good” image, and I have to keep reminding her that I’m just doing this for fun and want to show who I really am. Even though they mean well, sometimes they’re totally wrong. 😝 Keeping that scene was a good decision, especially since it made me laugh! 🥰
Aren’t our coincidences really getting out of control?? 🤩 Sometimes I wonder if I should be scared, like were we separated at birth, or are we the exact same person living two different lives at the same time? 😂 I have never in my life experienced so many similarities with someone, it really blows my mind! But it also makes me so happy and grateful. 😭 I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to experience something so rare and precious. Ara, I would love to meet you after the COVID era!! I think we’ll have a lot of fun and every interaction will be so healing. 🥰💖 I really look forward to this!!
When I read the last part of your comment, I felt really bad. 🥺 It made me realize that I take your English skills for granted, because to me, you’re absolutely fluent in English. And sometimes that makes it hard for me to realize how much you may struggle, because I’m not there to see it. Not being able to express yourself fully is such a frustrating feeling, and I’m sorry I don’t know Korean. 😭 It also made me think about whether you struggle while watching my videos, so I thought I would surprise you with Korean subtitles on my video. 🙊 This was my first time trying to add subtitles, and ooooomg Ara how do you do this for every video, and in so many languages??? 😱 It took me a long time just to do the English ones because I already have captions on the video itself, and as soon as I finished, I was so excited for it to automatically translate to a whole bunch of languages. But it turns out that it kind of sucks. 😂 It kept translating May’s name to the month, LOL. And some things sounded weird when translated so I had to think of different ways to say them. So I gave up after Korean, LOL. It’s probably not entirely accurate, and I need to improve the timing and length in the future, but I really hope it makes you feel more comfortable. 🥰💖 I am still amazed by how you do it, though. I always knew you put A LOT of effort into your videos, but I keep finding out that that’s not even half of what you do!! Thank you for everything that you do for us, Ara. 😭💞💞
Ok, I wrote a lot again today. 😂 I’m going to have dinner now! I hope you had a lovely start to your week, and that your pain is much better now. Good night, Ara! Take care, and talk to you again soon!! All my l❤️❤️❤️ve!!! 😘😘😘
My Dearest Roseaoud 💕✨😍
I tried to reply you by yesterday, but I couldn't keep my promise again... Would you forgive me? I'm so sorry😥😥
I went out on Saturday and Sunday. I met my friend on Saturday and went out to make some clips for the video on Sunday. I wonder how about your weekend!
I read your comments so many times! Your story was so interesting and touching that I laughed, cried, and repeated it.😂💓 I looked the website called "The Graphics Fairy" that you recommended! There were so many good images! I only knew Pinterest until now, and "the graphics fairy" is extremely useful because there are lots of free vintage printable images as you said! Thanks for the recommendation😍🙏
Roseaoud, you totally understand how I feel! You 1000% know the point that I talk about haul video. And you even reassured me. Thank you so much for listening to my worries and understanding me. "So there's actually nothing that you need to change to make them happy!" this sentence made me completely comfortable. Oh my God, Roseaoud, you're my savior. Thanks to you, I think I can breathe❣
I also totally agreed with the story about the process of buying your stationery. "I'll just get a few..." > "No, I deserve to treat myself!" > "If I'm paying for all that shipping, I might as well buy a lot so it's worth it."
This is who I am!! How can you and I repeat the same process?🤣 I even apply this process to other things as well as stationery. I used to be obsessed with shoes, when I was disturbed in my mind, I went to the pumps store website. And I saw stileto heels over and over again. Many shoes are put in the shopping cart and compared. And I repeated the process before I paid by credit card. If I repeat this psychotic act a few times, I'm back to normal🙈 If I had bought all the shoes then, my room would have been full of shoes by now. Thanks for shoe shopping website and for stationery shopping website! Thanks to you guys, I was able to endure without going to the mental hospital. LOL😹😹
As you said, our coincidences are really getting out of control!! I sometimes think whether you are my doppelganger or not. And I hope not, please. Because there are rumors that doppelgängers shouldn't meet each other! We must meet after the COVID era!!!!
Oh my God, Roseaoud, I don't want you to feel bad. 😥😥 You don't take it for granted my English at all. You always know well about my efforts for comments and subtitles. And you always understand and wait generously. I can be lazy every time thanks to your such a elegant personality!😘🙏 All the time I'm thankful and sorry. Actually, it is easier for me to read English than to speak it. So I'm always waiting for your comment, but it takes a long time for me to write... I have no conscience.😟 I'm so sorry!!😫
I know how much you thought of me💓 But this time, I realized more clearly thanks to your latest video and Korean subtitles! OoooomyGod. Roseauod, Korean subtitles in your video! I was really surprised😭😆😱 I was deeply impressed by your sweetest heart so that read and read subtitles several times! It is very correct.
I know how terrible the translator is. The translation of English and European languages is pretty good, but the translation of English and Korean is a mess.🤮 So I usually leave the translation of subtitles to my husband, not to Google Translator. After that, I have to double-check it. For example, people's names like May and stationery proper nouns are always wrong...! I organized the words that I use a lot in English, Japanese, and Chinese. But I don't know any other languages.😥 So there is no way to know whether other foreign languages such as Italian or Thai are correct or not.
Anyway, I'm so sad that you did a hard job translating Korean and putting subtitles because of me.😭 But I'm happy! No, I'm sad... Happy, no sad... 🙀 You can't imagine how touched I was when I saw your Korean subtitles. Korean subtitles are usually only in Korean's videos. This is my first time I've seen Korean subtitle in non-Korean's video. Thank you very very much🥰🥰I know that subtitle work takes a loooong time. AndI don't want you to have a hard time.😭😭 I like your English subtitles, too. It is very helpful for me! So please don't use your time and effort for Korean subtitles in the next video🙏 I was really surprised and happy with the event in your video! You have a job not only a RUclipsr and you have to undergo surgery after a while. Take a good rest when you have time💕💕
I saw your latest video on the day it was uploaded. But I still haven't left a comment! I can't wait to write. May's penpal mail is absolutely great! I'm gonna leave a comment about it in your video!
As always, I am sooo happy every day thanks to you, Roseaoud❣ After receiving your package, I look into it dozens of times a day.😍 It smelled gorgeous even before I opened the box, so I only have to inhale not an exhale.😆 Your love has been delivered to here! Whatever I say, it’s not enough for your generosity. But thank you! Thank you for a million!
I learned this word yesterday "OSIM (OH Sh** It's Monday)" Roseaoud, you don't like Monday either? I don't such hate Monday because I'm not an office worker, but Monday feels a little hard for me thesedays. I think it's because I have a routine from Monday to Friday. I hope your Monday is healthy and fun!😘✨💓 I will leave a comment on your video tomorrow😭 Always lots of lots of l💝💝💝ve!!
Dearest Ara!! 💖💘💝
Before I start replying to your comment, I first wanted to thank you so much for your latest message. 😭💖 This morning I got some breakfast (with lots of fruit and veggies!) and sat down to enjoy your message with some coffee. It made me feel so calm, gave me strength, cheered me up, and was just the perfect start to my day!! 💓 I also couldn’t help but laugh at the disappearing message! 😂 Looks like we will have to save all the bad language for our letters (I have a few that I can teach you, too LOL). But after the amusement at your reaction to the disappearing message, I felt so bad!! 😭 I get so annoyed when I accidentally lose a message, and it must be even more frustrating for you!! 😩 I’m so sorry you had to type everything all over again. 😭 Ara, I think you deserve to take a rest from writing in English for a few days!! With the comments, messages, and the subtitles for your next video, I think it’s too much English!! You should give your mind and body a rest, so I demand that you only read my comments this week instead of replying, too. 😜😇 I was so comforted by your caring words, and instantly cheered up! In the future, when people are mean, I will imagine us exchanging bad words about them (in the car when the traffic is bad, for extra anger 😂). I think that will instantly make me laugh at the situation! 🤬😂
I’m still very amused by you only inhaling, not exhaling. 😂 I can really picture this in my mind!! Unsurprisingly, I also did the same with your perfume samples, so I totally get it!! I want to preserve the scent for as long as possible. 🥰
OSIM!! This is the first time I’m hearing it, and it’s so funny! Actually, the only OSIM I know is the brand of massage chairs. 😂 Do you have this brand in Korea, too? It’s a Singaporean brand, and there have been many tv advertisements of people enjoying it after a long day at work. When I compare this concept to the one you shared, it becomes even funnier!! Maybe that’s the real meaning behind the brand? 🤣 I think I hate every day that’s not Thursday or Friday. 🙊 On Thu, I’m excited for the weekend, and by Sat, I’m already dreading the next week! 😅 Even if you’re not an office worker, I think you’re totally entitled to dislike some days, even Monday! What you do is still a lot of work, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! 😘💞
I loved reading all your stories, about the shoes (totally understandable, I think stilettos would look so good on you!!), the terrible translator 🤮, and so on! And I was honestly pleasantly surprised by the way you expressed yourself in this comment!! Ara, you used the best words!! Like doppelgänger, which didn’t even come to my mind! And I still can’t believe you said “Psychotic act!!” 😂 To me, this is the English version of Guri Post Office, LOL. I was cheering for you, and I thought to myself, Ara is getting more and more fluent every day!! Another gold star for you, Ara!! ⭐️ And when you mentioned the mental hospital 😂 I think this is a very Asian joke! In our cultures, it’s so normal to tease or scare one another by saying that someone should be locked up in the mental hospital, LOL. I do this, too! Some other cultures have a more negative view of it, but we never mean it in a bad way. ☺️ I only realized that this is an Asian thing after I thought about your comment! At first I was shocked, because my sister and I always make the same joke when we do something really silly. 🤪 I thought how come Ara has this joke, too? 😂 And when you expressed that you were “happy, no sad, no happy...” I really felt that!! 😭💞 I cannot say it enough! You expressed yourself SO well in this comment!! 👏🏼💓
You are probably really busy today working on your video. I’m eagerly waiting for it!! 😍 Don’t forget to rest, relax, eat, and play with your cats (and play with your husband too, poor guy needs a rest after working on the dreaded subtitles as well!) 🥰 I will continue to respond to your other comments throughout the day, and I have to comment on last week’s video, too!! I had so much fun watching you and your cute cats!! As I reply, I hope my comments will bring you a smile and give you strength, too! But remember, you still have your English break for a while so you should only read and enjoy them! 🙊
Lots and lots of l💞💞💞ve, Ara!!! 😘 See you soon!!
어디서 사셨어요??
너무 이뻐서 저도 사고 싶네용ㅠ 여기서 직구했어요~ 예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니다 :)
@@ARALAND 너무 이쁜게 많네요!! 감샤함다
とても素敵な手帳を見つけましたね! リンクを貼ってくれたので、Mellow DaysさんのHPを見ました。ARALANDさんのコーラルピンクも
素敵ですが、私はブルーラベンダーの色が好みです(*^.^*) そして、どのアイテムも、大人の女性が心惹かれるものばかり!私もストライクでした。万年筆はケアが大変で、私には無理~T T その代わり硝子ペンを使ってます。インクの色を変えるのも楽で、水で濯ぐだけでケアも終わります。硝子なので、衝撃には弱いし持ち歩けないのが難点です…。私はARALANDさんのASMRがとても好き💖 飲み物を入れる音、紙を捲る音、シールを剥がす音、シーリングスタンプを剥がす音etc…。心地よくて、時々眠くなってしまいます(#^.^#) 今週の東京は暖かく、桜が半分以上散ってしまいました。ARALANDさんの週末が素敵でありますように。ココちゃん、チュチュちゃんに宜しくです!
Tomo Tomoさん、いつもご視聴と美しいコメントありがとうございます! 今日も早く来てくださったのですね, さらにMellow daysのHPにも訪問を...!感動です😭💕💕
そうですね、私もコーラルピンクとブルーラベンダーカラーで悩みました。ブルーラベンダーもとても可愛いですね!どちらも大人の女性にストライクという言葉が心に響きました(*'▽'*) 私が持っている他のアイテムがピンク系が多いので安全にコーラルピンクで🤣
私、万年筆初心者です、インクを入れたのも初めてなので手が汚れてしまいました(;ω;)万年筆の感じは好きだけど、インクが変えられないのが残念です! 硝子ペンはどうかな~と気になっていましたがちょうどTomo Tomoさんが教えてくれましたね! ラッキー✨硝子ペンは可愛いので、見るだけで癒される感じです。ケアも簡単だと言われたので私も使用してみたくなりました。後で機会があればお使いのインクについて訊いてみたいです🙏日本のインクは種類も多くて本当に素敵❣️👍
私の動画の音を好んでくださって本当に嬉しいです! 実はビデオ録音と音について知らないことが多くて悩みが多いですがTomo Tomoさんのコメントを読んで自信がつきました😊これからも頑張ります!
最近、私はココとチュチュと 一緒に時間を過ごすことが出来ませんでした(T_T) 週末にはたくさん遊んであげないと!
私がいつも翻訳機に頼ってリプが遅くなりますねT T 多分、Tomo Tomoさんは今、眠っているんじゃないかと思います。いい夢を見てください✨週末も楽しく過ごしてください🥰
How can i copy this link👉🏻👈🏻
5.43 can u plzz tell me what are these pleaseee
😍🌸 🦋 lovely
6:26 Coitada da Ara... 😭😐
Veo los videos en español y me encantan los subtitulos “esta jodido"(dicho por ara) 🤣🤣 eso es tan latinoamericano❤❤
So beautiful, i like it🥰
Thanks a lot for your kind comment! Happy to have you here😻💕🙏
스티커 같은 건 아까워서 사용하기가 꺼려지던데 어떻게 그렇게 과감하게 뜯으시는 걸까요.....
Mengapa begitu aesthetic! 😭
Where can I find those MoodTape?
The link is here😊
Hi issy😍Thank you for watching💕
저두 저기에서 다이어리 주문했는데 혹시 주문 후 이메일 받으셨나요? 비회원으로 주문했는데 주문정보 확인하구 싶은데 어떻게 다시 들어가야할 지 모르겠어요ㅜㅜ
저는 회원가입 후에 주문해서 이메일 받았었어요~ 로그인하면 송장번호 나왔었는데 비회원 주문은 어떻게 되는지 잘 모르겠어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 멜로우데이즈에 질문 남겨보시면 어떨까요? 아, 그리구 우편으로 왔어요, 택배처럼 문 앞에 오는게 아니라 우편함에 들어있더라구요~
@@ARALAND 감사합니다❤️ 마침이메일 보낸게 답장 왔네요:) 아라랜드 채널 제가 예전부터 잘 보고 있어요🥰 첫댓글이 질문이라 죄송해요ㅜㅜ 다이어리는 저도 잘 써보려구 노력중이구 실링왁스도 조만간 도전해보려구요.. 맨날 눈으로만 힐링중💜
@@지쥬-s3t 이메일 답변이 와서 정말 다행이에요! 죄송하긴요~ 저랑 같은 취향을 가지신 분을 만나 넘 반가운 걸요🥰다이어리 무사히 잘 도착하길 바랄게요! 즐거운 저녁시간 되세용❣️
어떻게 사는건지 알려주실수 있을까요?
@@도희송-z9l 여기 들어가셔서 구매하시면 돼요!
저 풀테이프 어디껀가용?? ㅠㅠ😭 11:43
저 3M 스카치 풀테이프 쓰고 있어요~ 문구점에서 샀는데 온라인에서도 팔더라구요! 꼭 저 상품 아니어도 괜찮으시면 다이소에서도 풀테이프 사실 수 있어용🥰
@@ARALAND 꺟 감사합니다❤️❤️ 항상 영상 잘 보고 있어요!
알려주신 다이어리 링크로 저도 주문하려는데 한국이 영어로는 안보여서 주문이 어렵더라구요 주문을 어떻게해야할까요?^^:;
연우님~ 안녕하세요! 제가 방금 멜로우데이즈 사이트에 들어가봤는데요, Shipping address에 Country/region에서 South Korea를 선택하실 수 있어요 :) 그 아래에는 연우님의 성함과 주소를 영문으로 쓰시면 됩니당🥰
@@ARALAND 우와 넘넘 감사드려요~~ 요즘 아라랜드님의 영상에 푹 빠져있어요~^^
@@user-redane144 아니에용~ 주문하실 때 discount code에 ARALAND10 입력하시면 상품금액에서 10% 할인 받으실 수 있어요! 주문하신다면 무사히, 빨리 받으시길 바라겠습니다🙏🙏감사합니당💕💕
Very nice my dear friend I need your support thank you so much💜
March 31st is my birth date hehe 😅😅
Pls do your shooting tutorial😢