IIRC Sidious was actually afraid of Dooku's skills as a duelist, almost as much as he was scared of Yoda. Which I believe is part of why he refused to train him very extensively in the force, other than the regular coveting of knowledge by the Sith.
with qui gon surviving and training anakin, being on the councis, freeing anakin's mom, showing that attachments when handled correctly can be a great strength, they may change their ways and anakin may be allowed to pursue romantic interest in padme
What if when Anakin went to ILUM to get his first kyber crystal he found the first NATURAL RED crystal. What if JarJar had a kultz attack and knocked over the vase revealing Palpatine's hidden lightsaber. What if due to childhood trauma Palpatine developed a split personality thus Palpatine DIDN'T KNOW he was Sidious. What if while tinkering with machines Anakin accidentally created a force sensitive droid.
I think in this timeline, Qui Gon would have likely asked for Padme to provide a place of security for Shmi, which would of course be accepted as Padme was quite grateful to the Skywalkers for their assistance. As such, Shmi would become one of Padme's attendants, leading to Anakin seeing Padme on a frequent (~yearly) basis and developing a deep gratitude to her. Shmi, being naturally perceptive and shrewd, while appearing to be a simple servant, practically part of the furniture in the eyes of many of Padme's less pleasant diplomatic contacts, would quickly become useful as a second set of eyes and ears for Padme, and would receive training to sharpen those talents further, and in time making her one of Padme's most trusted inner circle. Her gratitude to both Padme and Qui Gon forming strong bonds between the Naboo and the Jedi, which would in turn cement Anakin's attachment to the Order. Between the teachings of Master Qui Gon and the advice of his mother and the other members of Padme's entourage, as well as many times many sessions piloting Bongos, speeders, and other vehicles only through his awareness of the living force on planets such as Naboo and Kashyyyk, Anakin would slowly become more aware and thoughtful of the world around him, his impulsiveness becoming flexibility, adapting to the will of the force and allowing it to ease his passage, his considerable presence within it slowly sinking into harmony with the force, a font of serenity, light, and vigor for all in his presence. In light of this, Qui Gon would see the Force's hand in Anakin's growing attractions to Padme and would be supportive of them, guiding Anakin to allow his feelings to tether himself deeper into the force, to allow his love of Padme to deepen his love of life and the universe, to care for them as heartfeltly as he would care for her. Shmi would facilitate their increasingly frequent meetings and would subtly guide Anakin in becoming someone who she could be proud to present to Padme as a potential partner, while subtly guiding Padme to being someone she could be proud to have as a daughter, neither being a particularly hard task given how well both of them had grown over the passing years. Eventually, Luke and Leia would be born on Naboo amidst a grand celebration held by the many people Anakin and Padme had saved, both in the Battle of Naboo, and in the various debates and interventions they had taken part in. Delegates from all over the outer rim came to give gifts and thanks to the young couple, as did the new Queen and an aged Boss Nass. Even the High Council was in attendance, offering their congratulations and their own gifts of wisdom and assistance, as well as a surprising gift from Yoda of a copy of a children's book he'd enjoyed some 900 years ago. As the final days of the celebration wound to a close, the Jedi Council in addition to the Queen and Boss Nass announced that they were giving Anakin the dispensation to found a temple on the planet where young Jedi may be trained. The location would be on neutral ground between the Naboo and Gungans, and would have easy access to water, making it suitable for aquatic races. When protesting that only Masters were permitted to found a temple, Anakin would be met by the friendly smiles of the council and told that for his efforts to bring peace to the outer rim and his mastery of and harmony with the force, the council had deemed him worthy to bear that title. In time, Anakin would go on to train many Jedi and even several orphans who while not particularly force sensitive proved to be valuable assets to the Order, and he would attain the rank of Grand Master, his seat on the council being an unwavering voice for the continued reintegration of the Jedi into the wider galaxy at a personal level, one which would guide the Jedi to a new age of balance between the galactic concerns of the republic and the individual concerns of the people, while Padme would go on to slowly purge the Republic of its corruption and to bring about an age of vigilant democracy, as supported by several unexpected allies in Count Dooku and the various members of the aborted Seperatist movement that had clung to him after the death of their dark leader. The name Skywalker eventually becoming so synonymous with Jedi travelling to the outer rim to look after local issues, that it would eventually become an official position within the Order, where Consulars handled interplanetary diplomacy, Guardians enforced peace and security amongst the stars, and Sentinels watched the world from the shadows to find threats before they arose, Skywalkers would be there to help you when your farm was damaged by a hurricane, or when an argument at the bar became a brawl. Not always, but enough that people saw it and remembered. Many struggling families would send their children to the Jedi temples and academies even if they weren't especially strong in the force, and their children would come back with a short braid and a heart filled with compassion for even the smallest things, while others would sometimes wear their hair long and have a small hilt tucked beneath their robes. The Sith would occasionally reemerge, like the ache of an old wound that never fully healed, but the omnipresence of the Skywalkers and the Jedi trained wanderers meant their was never enough shadows for them to hide in, and sooner or later they would would have returned to being just a fading memory, their only purpose having been to reinforce the wisdom in Anakin's teachings and spur an even greater acceptance of everyone who came to their doors.
Well done young Man. In MY day there were only a dozen or so Writers that Lucas would authorize to write Star Wars books and YOU would have been one ot them. Thank you
ok, before starting this video here is my guess: Dooku, being almost a decade closer to his prime and being a master of Makashi, destroys Maul, if Quigonn and ObiWan are there the fight takes even less time. ok halfway through now, and my guess for the sidious fight is the jedi lose the initial fight.
BRUH NO YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 34:20 "Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in!" - Michael Corleone, The Godfather Pt. III 😂😂😂
If Dooku would have been with Qui Gon and Obi Wan as they took on Darth Maul the duel would have ended a lot quicker, and Anikin wouldn't have turned to the dark side.
I think Dooku probably could've done a "hold my beer" and taken Maul himself. Maul was too volatile in TPM, he would've made a mistake and Dooku would've killed him.
What if palpatine was able to feel anakin and sent maul to capture him thus making maul train him and having anakin kill maul to be palpatines true apprentice thus being the Jedi’s mission to save not kill this version of anakin ?
I will base this answer on Canon or Disney Canon Jedi Master Dooku at this point is the more powerful currently in the force i know Maul has a higher force ceiling likely slightly higher then Sidious own but he was still far far far far far from reaching it even during the Late Clone Wars and even Rebels And Crimson Dawn but since this is Jedi Master Dooku against TPM Maul the latter who is less powerful then even his early clone wars self noticeably then Dooku should win due to being highly more powerful currently in the force and because of being a slightly superior saber duelist with better weaponry standard mastery moderately plus Dooku also grew more powerful once he became a sith yeah.
Part 2 please. Anakin skywalker's jedi career, padme amidala's career, slavery in the outer rim ect. So many possibilities for part 2. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.
How do you even make these? the best i can think of to change the timeline is B2-FT Battle Droid (a B2 Battle Droid with Flame throwers instead of blasters or rockets)
@StarWarsQuill What if the Sith operated like the Italian/Sicilian American Mafia? (With plagueis and sidious getting rid of the rule of two). Look up The Godfather The Game's family higherarchy poster for inspiration of the ranks!
What if yoda supported the droid attack on the wookies instead of defending against it What if the second death star had a malfuction which lead to the whole station blowing up the moment it was used What if Watto was Anakins father
Hey @StarWarsQuill question, do you take any requests on what ifs if so how What if Anakin became a senator of Tatooine like his dream was to free all the slaves he would still be a jedi
You should read or listen to the darth plagueis novel (it’s super good) but palpatine didn’t become the chancellor until after Naboo and had still not revealed himself to dokuu yet
Oh, I thought he was Chancellor when Padme left Coruscant. As for Palpatine revealing himself, my mind went to Tales of the Jedi where Dooku confronts him after Qui Gon dies :/
@@starwarsquill he was the favorite candidate and still not elected yet … you should rlly read the novel because plagueis could have played a big part in this too
Just when he thought he was out....THEY PULLED HIM BACK IN!
IIRC Sidious was actually afraid of Dooku's skills as a duelist, almost as much as he was scared of Yoda. Which I believe is part of why he refused to train him very extensively in the force, other than the regular coveting of knowledge by the Sith.
alternate title: 'what if the only jedi casualties of the prequels were luke and leia?'
What if Ping-Pong Krell ordered the clones to play table tennis against each other?
That's so dumb in a good way.
Ping Pong :D
I can just imagine Rex, Fives and Jesse are playing table tennis against the boys of the 212th
The battles just comes across like a scene from the 2003 Clone Wars cartoon. Absolute masterwork.
Thanks, man :)
He's right, what you've done here is nothing short of brilliant. Absolutely outstanding work, good Sir!!
with qui gon surviving and training anakin, being on the councis, freeing anakin's mom, showing that attachments when handled correctly can be a great strength, they may change their ways and anakin may be allowed to pursue romantic interest in padme
Dooku was as much a victim of the Sith and Jedi as Anakin.
What if Palpatine died of food poisoning during the clone wars (after eating at Dexter' Jettster's diner) ?
I need to do that😆
What if when Anakin went to ILUM to get his first kyber crystal he found the first NATURAL RED crystal.
What if JarJar had a kultz attack and knocked over the vase revealing Palpatine's hidden lightsaber.
What if due to childhood trauma Palpatine developed a split personality thus Palpatine DIDN'T KNOW he was Sidious.
What if while tinkering with machines Anakin accidentally created a force sensitive droid.
I would like to see all of them
I think in this timeline, Qui Gon would have likely asked for Padme to provide a place of security for Shmi, which would of course be accepted as Padme was quite grateful to the Skywalkers for their assistance. As such, Shmi would become one of Padme's attendants, leading to Anakin seeing Padme on a frequent (~yearly) basis and developing a deep gratitude to her. Shmi, being naturally perceptive and shrewd, while appearing to be a simple servant, practically part of the furniture in the eyes of many of Padme's less pleasant diplomatic contacts, would quickly become useful as a second set of eyes and ears for Padme, and would receive training to sharpen those talents further, and in time making her one of Padme's most trusted inner circle. Her gratitude to both Padme and Qui Gon forming strong bonds between the Naboo and the Jedi, which would in turn cement Anakin's attachment to the Order.
Between the teachings of Master Qui Gon and the advice of his mother and the other members of Padme's entourage, as well as many times many sessions piloting Bongos, speeders, and other vehicles only through his awareness of the living force on planets such as Naboo and Kashyyyk, Anakin would slowly become more aware and thoughtful of the world around him, his impulsiveness becoming flexibility, adapting to the will of the force and allowing it to ease his passage, his considerable presence within it slowly sinking into harmony with the force, a font of serenity, light, and vigor for all in his presence. In light of this, Qui Gon would see the Force's hand in Anakin's growing attractions to Padme and would be supportive of them, guiding Anakin to allow his feelings to tether himself deeper into the force, to allow his love of Padme to deepen his love of life and the universe, to care for them as heartfeltly as he would care for her. Shmi would facilitate their increasingly frequent meetings and would subtly guide Anakin in becoming someone who she could be proud to present to Padme as a potential partner, while subtly guiding Padme to being someone she could be proud to have as a daughter, neither being a particularly hard task given how well both of them had grown over the passing years.
Eventually, Luke and Leia would be born on Naboo amidst a grand celebration held by the many people Anakin and Padme had saved, both in the Battle of Naboo, and in the various debates and interventions they had taken part in. Delegates from all over the outer rim came to give gifts and thanks to the young couple, as did the new Queen and an aged Boss Nass. Even the High Council was in attendance, offering their congratulations and their own gifts of wisdom and assistance, as well as a surprising gift from Yoda of a copy of a children's book he'd enjoyed some 900 years ago. As the final days of the celebration wound to a close, the Jedi Council in addition to the Queen and Boss Nass announced that they were giving Anakin the dispensation to found a temple on the planet where young Jedi may be trained. The location would be on neutral ground between the Naboo and Gungans, and would have easy access to water, making it suitable for aquatic races. When protesting that only Masters were permitted to found a temple, Anakin would be met by the friendly smiles of the council and told that for his efforts to bring peace to the outer rim and his mastery of and harmony with the force, the council had deemed him worthy to bear that title.
In time, Anakin would go on to train many Jedi and even several orphans who while not particularly force sensitive proved to be valuable assets to the Order, and he would attain the rank of Grand Master, his seat on the council being an unwavering voice for the continued reintegration of the Jedi into the wider galaxy at a personal level, one which would guide the Jedi to a new age of balance between the galactic concerns of the republic and the individual concerns of the people, while Padme would go on to slowly purge the Republic of its corruption and to bring about an age of vigilant democracy, as supported by several unexpected allies in Count Dooku and the various members of the aborted Seperatist movement that had clung to him after the death of their dark leader. The name Skywalker eventually becoming so synonymous with Jedi travelling to the outer rim to look after local issues, that it would eventually become an official position within the Order, where Consulars handled interplanetary diplomacy, Guardians enforced peace and security amongst the stars, and Sentinels watched the world from the shadows to find threats before they arose, Skywalkers would be there to help you when your farm was damaged by a hurricane, or when an argument at the bar became a brawl. Not always, but enough that people saw it and remembered. Many struggling families would send their children to the Jedi temples and academies even if they weren't especially strong in the force, and their children would come back with a short braid and a heart filled with compassion for even the smallest things, while others would sometimes wear their hair long and have a small hilt tucked beneath their robes.
The Sith would occasionally reemerge, like the ache of an old wound that never fully healed, but the omnipresence of the Skywalkers and the Jedi trained wanderers meant their was never enough shadows for them to hide in, and sooner or later they would would have returned to being just a fading memory, their only purpose having been to reinforce the wisdom in Anakin's teachings and spur an even greater acceptance of everyone who came to their doors.
Well done young Man. In MY day there were only a dozen or so Writers that Lucas would authorize to write Star Wars books and YOU would have been one ot them. Thank you
Thanks, man :) Really means a lot:)
What if Darth Maul defeated Obi Wan in the Phantom Menace?
Hmm poor Anakin :(
What if in AOTC Yoda called Dooku “Count Dookey” when he saw him
What if General Grevious was force sensitive? His father would’ve definitely have talked to him about his nightmares.
Really like this story of Dooku's redemption
What if the Jedi had a PR person?
Alternative title:
Dooku drinks Qui Gon's. Gin
ok, before starting this video here is my guess: Dooku, being almost a decade closer to his prime and being a master of Makashi, destroys Maul, if Quigonn and ObiWan are there the fight takes even less time.
ok halfway through now, and my guess for the sidious fight is the jedi lose the initial fight.
BRUH NO YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
34:20 "Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in!" - Michael Corleone, The Godfather Pt. III 😂😂😂
What if Padme was the clone template for the clone army?
Anakin sweats nervously
One of my favorites you’ve crafted yet!
A Twi'lek HoloTuber named Cheelz debuts with his first Holovid titled "The Mystery of the Missing Chancellor".
33:32 ah yes my favorite two Jedi obi wan and Kenobi
What if Palpatine filled Vader’s suit with sand?
If Dooku would have been with Qui Gon and Obi Wan as they took on Darth Maul the duel would have ended a lot quicker, and Anikin wouldn't have turned to the dark side.
I think Dooku probably could've done a "hold my beer" and taken Maul himself. Maul was too volatile in TPM, he would've made a mistake and Dooku would've killed him.
You are so underrated, great work!
the question i have is "what happened to the clones in this scenario ?'
what if fives stopped tup from killing tiplar. (dooku never fines out the chip malfunction)
what if fox set to stun
Thanks for the suggestion, Matt :)
@@starwarsquill yoo that goat responds🔥🔥
@Matt21747 haha :) I’m nooooo goat tho
@@starwarsquill i don’t think u watch ur own videos then 😂
What if palpatine was able to feel anakin and sent maul to capture him thus making maul train him and having anakin kill maul to be palpatines true apprentice thus being the Jedi’s mission to save not kill this version of anakin ?
That would be interesting :)
What if the Sith Empire (swtor) attacked during the clone wars
I will base this answer on Canon or Disney Canon Jedi Master Dooku at this point is the more powerful currently in the force i know Maul has a higher force ceiling likely slightly higher then Sidious own but he was still far far far far far from reaching it even during the Late Clone Wars and even Rebels And Crimson Dawn but since this is Jedi Master Dooku against TPM Maul the latter who is less powerful then even his early clone wars self noticeably then Dooku should win due to being highly more powerful currently in the force and because of being a slightly superior saber duelist with better weaponry standard mastery moderately plus Dooku also grew more powerful once he became a sith yeah.
Part 2 please. Anakin skywalker's jedi career, padme amidala's career, slavery in the outer rim ect. So many possibilities for part 2. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.
Thanks, Daniel :)
What if palpatine fell down the invisible hand elevator shaft in ROTS
Yes all them bad ass Jedi had that much trouble killing Sidious..!?! WHATEVER
In this timeline, was Palpatine NOT a Senator rather than Chancellor as Anakin was still a child?
How do you even make these? the best i can think of to change the timeline is B2-FT Battle Droid (a B2 Battle Droid with Flame throwers instead of blasters or rockets)
I spend a lot of time thinking about stuff like this I guess lol
i possable can you make "what if anakin forgot to shut down the droid army"
@StarWarsQuill What if the Sith operated like the Italian/Sicilian American Mafia? (With plagueis and sidious getting rid of the rule of two). Look up The Godfather The Game's family higherarchy poster for inspiration of the ranks!
Very interesting story.
What if yoda supported the droid attack on the wookies instead of defending against it
What if the second death star had a malfuction which lead to the whole station blowing up the moment it was used
What if Watto was Anakins father
Hey @StarWarsQuill question, do you take any requests on what ifs if so how
What if Anakin became a senator of Tatooine like his dream was to free all the slaves he would still be a jedi
Tatooine wasn’t part of the Republic, right? Aren’t they in Hutt Space or something? I’m not sure :/
@@starwarsquill yeah but he wanted to help all the slaves and the outer rim
You should read or listen to the darth plagueis novel (it’s super good) but palpatine didn’t become the chancellor until after Naboo and had still not revealed himself to dokuu yet
Oh, I thought he was Chancellor when Padme left Coruscant. As for Palpatine revealing himself, my mind went to Tales of the Jedi where Dooku confronts him after Qui Gon dies :/
@@starwarsquill he was the favorite candidate and still not elected yet … you should rlly read the novel because plagueis could have played a big part in this too
I love the darth plagueis novel (I literally own a physical copy of it) but it’s not canon anymore
Hello there
Dooku low diffs maul why was the fight so intense?
rage power amp is a guess
What if Shaak ti x grievous is real 😈
What if ppsw wasn’t a simp
But it is illegal to be a Sith, it's just very obscure and mostly forgotten.
Hello there