Hebrews 1:1-4 - through whom He made the ages

  • Опубликовано: 28 ноя 2022
  • God makes all things new through the risen man Jesus. He makes the aions through His Christ Jesus our Lord whom God raised from the dead and glorified. The Hebrews writer is referring to the resurrected and exalted Jesus throughout chapter one. "These last days" commenced when God raised him from the dead and seat him at His right hand.
    The Risen Christ
    through whom He makes the aions Heb 1:2
    the aions which He makes in Christ Jesus our Lord Eph 3:11

Комментарии • 151

  • @Frank-rt5wv
    @Frank-rt5wv Год назад +9

    Thank you Brother Kel for your hard work blowing the trinity apart once again I love the way you read and teach the gospels.

    • @user-ei6ci4cy2r
      @user-ei6ci4cy2r 3 месяца назад

      He is a liar and a false prophet. He will suffer the consequences of his blasphemy.

  • @johnb5964
    @johnb5964 Год назад +5

    Yes, the Father has subjected ALL things under Jesus’s feet. That MAN, the glorified, risen Jesus…. Amen.

    • @Triple_Aces
      @Triple_Aces Год назад +1

      All things except for God, Himself.
      “For God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is plain that this does not include the One who put all things in subjection under him.”
      ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭27‬ ‭

  • @legionsarecoming4-u371
    @legionsarecoming4-u371 Год назад +6


    • @neweyz3396
      @neweyz3396 Год назад +1

      No one who has ever DIED including Moses , Abraham , King David , Mary & So On are Still DEAD ASLEEP in their Graves , for No one who has ever Died went to Heaven or Hell just Yet , the Only One who has died & was Buried that was RAISED UP By God on the Third Day is Jesus Christ Yeshua God’s Only Begotten Son & He is the Only One that Sits at the Right Hand of the Power & Glory of His Father & God , the REST of Peoples who ever died must WAIT for the Second Coming , He will RAISE ALL those Up from Dead & Grave , Those who are the ELECT In the FIRST RESURRECTION at His Second Coming ! Haven’t you READ Matthew 5:5 The MEEK shall Inherit the EARTH not God’s Heaven & Abode Above , For When all things have been Put Under Christ’s Feet & Death has Been SWALLOWED UP then God will bring the New Heaven and Jerusalem Down from OUT of heaven , this New Earth will be our New Heaven on Earth ! Read John 3:13” No one has ascended to Heaven but He who came down from heaven , that is , the Son of Man * who is in heaven . John 5:27 to 29 ! Then Read 1 Corinthians 15:15 to 55 ESPECIALLY VERSE 23: But each one in his own order : Christ the Firstfruits, ( AFTERWARD ) those who are Christ’s ( AT HisComing ) . ! Amen ! We AWAITING His SECOND COMING to Raised Up from the Dead and Transformed & CHANGED in a TWINKLING of an EYE into IMMORTALITY and to Come Back with Christ to our Inheritance to Help RULE & REIGN with Christ Jesus for His THOUSAND YEAR Millennium Reign ! READ Revelation Chapters 20:1 to 15 & Chapter 21 :1 & 2 ! One wants to be the In the First Resurrection for the Second Death has No POWER ! I Pray you that you have Eyes to See & Ears to HEAR ! God Bless !

  • @mormonturnstothegodofthebi5164
    @mormonturnstothegodofthebi5164 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks, brother Kel. I appreciate your hard work.

  • @noe.arboleda
    @noe.arboleda Год назад +4

    Thank you Bro Kel. Hope you are doing ok. God Bless!

  • @juniormonteiro6323
    @juniormonteiro6323 20 дней назад

    Thank you!

  • @wilmavanstaden1026
    @wilmavanstaden1026 Год назад +2

    Once again thankyou for giving a clear explanation (with many other verses) of a very difficult concept.

  • @tarantulaclan5025
    @tarantulaclan5025 Год назад +2

    God bless you brother!! 💯💪🙏🙏🙏

  • @reshefshahar2434
    @reshefshahar2434 Год назад +2

    Very well said, thank you.

  • @kingdombrother
    @kingdombrother Год назад +3

    Thank you

  • @tmcge3325
    @tmcge3325 Год назад +3

    Thank You Brother Kel.

  • @13above9
    @13above9 6 месяцев назад

    greetings and peace, another nice presentation. blessings

  • @marekpala6442
    @marekpala6442 Год назад +4

    Thank you brother and God bless

  • @elenye4349
    @elenye4349 Год назад +2

    love it bro

  • @vb2430
    @vb2430 Год назад +1

    A+ ...... longing for THAT

  • @driller7714
    @driller7714 Год назад +3

    God Bless you brother Kel.

  • @IsJesusGod.
    @IsJesusGod. Год назад

    Good man and good teacher!

  • @TaxEvasi0n
    @TaxEvasi0n 6 месяцев назад +2

    It does take a bit of digesting. Most of us I'm sure have been corrupted with the trinity viewpoint, no thanks to these translations. I was always made aware of a unitarian point of view, but it's always been a wrestle when reading the English.
    That being said, you've been a God-send for me in understanding and exposing the corruption. There's so much sense and reason involved, that I just cannot write anything off as unreasonable. I'm still on my journey, but the trinity has proven to be a massive stumbling block even for me, even though I inherently understand how nonsensical and unintelligible it is. But when you read the text as plain as be, it can become a massive internal battle sometimes.
    So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much for your work on putting these together.

    • @user-ei6ci4cy2r
      @user-ei6ci4cy2r 3 месяца назад +1

      Jesus as God has always been a stumbling stone and rock of offence. It's still keeping millions from salvation. Hope you can overcome your unbelief. 🙏

    • @TaxEvasi0n
      @TaxEvasi0n 3 месяца назад

      @@user-ei6ci4cy2r I believe I have overcome the delusional point of view. I wouldn't say I ever truly believed Jesus was God, however I was aware of the alternate views and upon further learning of the scriptures realised it is vehemently important to get God right and Jesus/Yeshua correct.
      I can say with confidence that the trinity cannot be true. It's illogical, nonsensical, inconceivable and incomprehensible. To say a mysterious trinity is the truth over a comprehensive unitarian position is truly absurd.
      Channels like The Trinity Delusion truly show the corruption of the translation. There are other channels like the Biblical Unitarian Podcast with Dustin Smith that also explore the text thoroughly. Not to forget Sir Anthony Buzzard either.
      The delusion is very strong and it's got an appeal because of it's popularity. But I've never seen more wrestling with the text than the trinity.
      I have put the stake in the trinity, as I just cannot see how it can be true. Jesus is the son of God, a prophet from among the Israelites as God told Moses in Deut 18. I will stick to Peter and Johns recognition of who Jesus is; the Christ, the son of the living God.

  • @therealtruth777
    @therealtruth777 Год назад +1

    Amen, good study, look also a the word dia.

  • @bosse641
    @bosse641 Год назад +1

    "because of" is what I saw when I read this passage. Because of Jesus, God created the world. That is how "through" must be understood if it is to make any sense.

  • @gustav1235
    @gustav1235 Год назад

    2 Thessalonians 2:14 is a good quote to show how we will inherit the glory which Christ currently has. (which is a reference to immortality, divine nature etc)

  • @dustinellerbe4125
    @dustinellerbe4125 Год назад +1

    This makes so much more sense than most propositions given by Binitarian and Trinitarian believers.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +2

      Truth always does make so much more sense. God knows it and He teaches it to those who love and obey Him. The wisdom of men is foolishness to God. Men on their own only come up with folly to teach.

  • @scottgrey2877
    @scottgrey2877 Год назад +4

    It is the father who made all things alone

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +3

      Yes, Isaiah 44:24 is referring to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus.

    • @jb_1971
      @jb_1971 Год назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion I've noticed some translations render this verse in the present tense and some in the past. Why is that? I would love to be able to use it, but I hesitate due to the apparent translation issues.

  • @kamilfrompoland7
    @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад +1

    *The Spirit of the LORD* spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. *The God of Israel* said, *The Rock of Israel* spake to me.
    2 Samuel 23:2‭-‬3

    • @Used777_07
      @Used777_07 Год назад

      2 Samuel 23:1 KJV - Now these be the last words of David...

    • @kamilfrompoland7
      @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад +1

      Elect according to the foreknowledge of *God the Father* , through sanctification of *the Spirit* , unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of *Jesus Christ* : Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. 1 Peter 1:2
      Where is He who set *His Holy Spirit* among them, who sent *His Glorious Arm of Power* to be at Moses’ right hand, who divided the waters before them, to gain for himself everlasting renown. Isaiah 63:11‭-‬12
      Who has believed our message and to whom has the Arm of the Lord been revealed? Isaiah 53:1
      Grace be unto you, and peace, *from him which is, and which was, and which is to come* (the Father) and *from the seven Spirits which are before his throne* (the Holy Spirit) and *from Jesus Christ* (the Son), who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Revelation 1:4‭-‬5

  • @janosterud4188
    @janosterud4188 6 месяцев назад

    A translation thought. In Psalm 8:5 we have the Heb. word elohim. In looking up elohim several different people are called elohim one of course being God. In verse 5 can this word (elohim)actually more appropriately be God. In Hebrews we see Jesus a little lower than God better than the angels. Of course in the trinity world You would never want to say Jesus is lower than God. What is man and the Son of man? God made them a little lower than Himself. What a blessing if we translate elohim that way in Ps 8:5 and Heb 2:7 would follow with the same thought

  • @tmcge3325
    @tmcge3325 Год назад

    All we need to do is cross reference by other witnesses to learn the truth. Yes, I agree with you but I also say...our Holy Father knew our Lord from before the beginning and there is nothing new. Thank You Brother!
    Oh! I watched a video from a Massianic Hebew, many years ago....they transcribed the NT into Hebrew and from what they said, the word in Hebrew actually was much clearer and these Hebrew scholars could tell, the text was originally pinned in Hebrew then transcribed into different languages. Made sense to me, the Torah and Tanakh is written in Hebrew and while reading Nehemiah we see it was very important to keep the Hebrew Language and what is our Messiah's actual name? Yeshua meaning Salvation. No doubt, language is important.

  • @Mckaule
    @Mckaule Год назад +2

    Satan really hates the message that man became superior than he and all his kingdom. He's trying to hide his shame and weakness under the vail of verious lies including trinity doctrine. Just think what GLORY to Jesus we must give for what He did for all humanity which was suppressed, tormented and kept captive with the power of fear of death.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +1

      Amen. Preach the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of his God. Proclaim it to everyone.

  • @ba.anderson
    @ba.anderson Год назад +1

    In hearing your explanation of the Greek word [charaktēr] you compare the image to the emperors coin. Isn't that usually compared with the [eikon] image or "mirror-like" representation of the object?
    I understand the word [charaktēr] to have originated from the engraver's tool when making reproductions like a stamp or another mass product. It reminds me of the promise to engrave the graving thereof back in Zec3 and the cleam garments for Joshua (Yehoshua) as a forerunner for Christ.

  • @kamilfrompoland7
    @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

    He was in the world, and the world (kosmos) was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.
    John 1:10

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад

      God the Father

    • @kamilfrompoland7
      @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

      Though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:6‭-‬7
      For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

    • @northoftoofar3772
      @northoftoofar3772 Год назад

      @@kamilfrompoland7 Is your deflection to verses not discussed in the video an acknowledgment of its merit?

    • @kamilfrompoland7
      @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

      Who created the world out of nothing? Christ?

    • @northoftoofar3772
      @northoftoofar3772 Год назад

      @@kamilfrompoland7 Is your deflection from my question an acknowledgment of your inability to answer?

  • @jboogie722
    @jboogie722 Год назад

    Kinda similar to when the Bible says new heavens and new earth. Not a literal new physical planet but a new reality within that planet

  • @Mckaule
    @Mckaule Год назад +1

    I'm really mad on those trinitarian scholars who even Hebrew 1:3 concerning my native language translated as "own word" but not "His word". It's power of Father's word, not Jesus's own word. I'm really blown and want to punch their faces.. it's incredible how far they went, I even don't know how to start talking to other christians even who really spiritual about it.

  • @ken440
    @ken440 Год назад

    This issue is also what is meant by "he came into the world." or "God sent him into the world" and the trinitarian thinks planet and sees Jesus as coming from an off world place called heaven.
    He came into the "AGE." (in Gods good time and purpose)

  • @spiritoftruth888
    @spiritoftruth888 Год назад +2

    Aw man, all this time I thought each time you said “Trinity World” you were speaking of a planet inhabited by Trinitarians. You just shattered my Trinity delusion.🙃

  • @neweyz3396
    @neweyz3396 Год назад +3

    LOVED the TRUTH that you just put OUT , I sent this video to Pastor Raul who is a Oneness Believer , Watch his Lying Video he put out to Deceive Many Called : Trinity ( wrong ), Unitarianism ( wrong ),Oneness ( right ) By: approvedofGod . Take a look at how he is Deceiving others into believing that Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh , I’ve sent him tons of things to no avail , I pray Brother Kel that he will SEE & HEAR this TRUTH Amen !! Loved this video and so HAPPY TO SEE YOU ! God Bless ! ❤

  • @joseph906
    @joseph906 Год назад +1

    Amen. Basically an "age" (AION) in regards to the Scriptures is an administration over a certain period of time, like the "Bush administration". The kingdom of God has arrived. New administration. The Law of Moses was administrated by angels. And the Law and the Prophets were until John. And since that time...

  • @anopinion3469
    @anopinion3469 Год назад

    Please do a study on Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. AND Philippians 2:5-8, can't wait, I have to check your other sources. I'm excited, truly, I've been looking for some one who knows a thing or two

  • @gustav1235
    @gustav1235 Год назад

    Comment about Hebrews 1:2 "in these last days has spoken to us in a son" , I think you are correct it is referring to risen Christ. Also you are correct to say he spoke through Christ during his ministry post baptism when the spirit came upon him without measure.
    My question is regarding John's gospel. I also believe John 1:1-5 is a reference to risen Christ (the new beginning). Do you thing the words that Jesus spoke in John's gospel are references to when he is in fact a risen immortal creature? For example:
    when did he overcome the world? (I believe when immortal).
    When was he sanctified that they might be sanctified through thy truth? (I believe immortal).
    When was he 'the light of the world' ? (immortal I believe).
    When is he 'before Abraham' or 'before John the baptist' ? (yes true during his ministry but definitely true now he is in the immortal state - Abraham and John are in the dust of the earth awaiting resurrection)
    When was he 'the true vine' (immortal state)
    To see Jesus, was to see the Father (regardless of whether this is true or not post baptism, the disciples were truly convinced when he had been glorified)
    There are other references by Paul (for example the second Adam is the Lord from heaven ie Jesus in the immortal state)
    What I'm getting at is that the post baptism life of Jesus (and words) was almost a foreshadowing of him in the immortal state. In fact he says that he spoke these things, not that they could understand there and then but so that they might believe afterwards (ie glorified state).

  • @yohanmeyr6392
    @yohanmeyr6392 Год назад

    Its like the Word Kosmos in John 3:16 u (can) translate it as Order or Law, but in this case it makes no sense.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад

      The kosmos is "the things IN the heavens and UPON the earth." When you hear Paul use that language he is talking about the kosmos. The kosmos was God's adornment of the heavens and earth during creation. He formed the heavens and earth and then He filled them, adorned them. "Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all the kosmos of them." Genesis 2:1 LXX

    • @yohanmeyr6392
      @yohanmeyr6392 Год назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion exacly. Thank u.

  • @anopinion3469
    @anopinion3469 Год назад +1

    I wonder if God brought me here, because He knows I'm suspicious of those with certain symbols in their profiles, that I can see now. With you, you have the praying man, that my father & mother had in their home. Something I hold dear, as a sign. Now, don't steer me wrong Sir. I'm looking for a good teacher. His spirit tipped me off to the trinity, something isn't right with it, I believe that.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +5

      If you want a good teacher, Jesus himself will teach you. Believe and follow him and not earthly men.

  • @kamilfrompoland7
    @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

    The Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow, the hair of his head was white like wool. Daniel 7:9
    The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.
    Revelation 1:14

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад

      That would be referring to our Lord's God.

    • @kamilfrompoland7
      @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

      "Ancient of Days" refers to Jesus Christ and to God the Father.
      Until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favour of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom. Daniel 7:22
      With justice He judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. Revelation 19:11‭-‬12

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад

      @@kamilfrompoland7 It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to suggest Jesus is his God the Ancient of Days.

    • @kamilfrompoland7
      @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

      The title "Ancient of Days" applies to both the Father and the Son, as does "Alpha and Omega". The latter is used of Lord Jesus at Revelation 22:13 and is also used for the Father, a fact which constitutes no contradiction since Father and Son are "one".
      I and the Father are one. John 10:30
      Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:12‭-‬13

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +2

      @@kamilfrompoland7 God judges through His Christ, the man Jesus. Acts 17:30-31. There is only one God, the God and Father of the Lord.

  • @ba.anderson
    @ba.anderson Год назад

    While describing the future ages as "realities" I'm waiting for you to mention the millennium age to come and the role of those intended to reign with Christ in aiding his restoration of all things. The priests of the next age are described in Isa61 as "trees of righteousness" in Isa66 as "Levites" in Jer23 as "shepherds" in Obadiah as "saviours" to judge in the reign of Christ.
    I believe the mystery of God's will revealed in the dispensation of the fulness of times is the restoration of all things. The purpose of the ages is ti gather all things together in Christ. Thus is the good news of the ages heralded by those in the last days depicted as the angel in midheaven of Rev14:6
    Weymouth New Testament
    And I saw another angel flying across the sky, carrying the Good News of the Ages to tell to every nation, tribe, language and people, among those who live on the earth.

  • @Used777_07
    @Used777_07 Год назад

    Does Apostle John mean that anyone who agrees Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure (born as a man in old Israel) has the Spirit of the Lord and is a man of God?
    1 John 4:2 KJV
    Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
    Or, did he mean believing that "God came in the flesh" means one speaks under the power of the Holy Spirit and has an inheritance of eternal life?
    1 John 5:20 KJV
    And *_we know that the Son of God is come,_* and hath given us an understanding, *_that we may know him that is true,_* and *_we are in him that is true,_* even *_in his Son_* Jesus Christ. *_This is the true God,_* and eternal life.
    Revelation 22:3 KJV
    And there shall be no more curse: *_but the throne of God and of the Lamb_* shall be in it; and *_his servants shall serve him:_*

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад

      "Does Apostle John mean that anyone who agrees Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure (born as a man in old Israel) has the Spirit of the Lord and is a man of God? "
      "Or, did he mean believing that "God came in the flesh" means one speaks under the power of the Holy Spirit and has an inheritance of eternal life?"
      The man Jesus made the Father known to the world because the Father spoke His words and did His mighty works through the man Jesus. These were not Jesus' words or works (he says so) but the Father's. In this way, the Father was made known to the world through Jesus. John is talking about knowing God personally, not just knowing things about God. In order to do that, you first need to believe that the man Jesus is God's Anointed One (Christ) because you can only know the Father for eternal life through Jesus. He is made known through the Spirit which is given to those who deny themselves, take up their cross, and die together with Christ in order to be born anew of God into the resurrection life of Jesus which is the life of the Spirit of God.

    • @Used777_07
      @Used777_07 Год назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion I believe, except that Scripture says Jesus was a man ONLY by means of His human mother, for the purposes of fulfilling Scripture (Christ's humanity through the House of David), and making visible the invisible God (His divinity).
      Jesus' Father is not a created human, therefore Jesus is not solely a human man. That's why He speaks the words and does the deeds of His Father above, because He is born directly from above, and not metaphorically. He literally came down from heaven, into the woman, through the Spirit, pre-existing as the Word of God. If He were solely a human man, God would have selected a man born to parents both human.
      This was the whole controversy between Him and the Pharisees. He claimed to be God (Son of God), and they claimed He was only a man. It's the main reason they sought to have Him killed. Jesus said they were not of God, they were of the Devil. He said if they were of God, they would not have had an issue with Him, they would have known He was the Son of God, David's Lord.
      A man must be born of the flesh and of the Spirit to inherit the Kingdom of God - this is exactly how Jesus was born, of flesh and Spirit.
      Jesus is both Son of Man AND Son of God. Your position requires to deny the divine circumstance of His birth, and all of the Old Testament references to The Word, beginning with "Let US make man in OUR image... I cannot. God and the Lamb are the one true God. Not a Trinity, not a Twinity, but One God.
      Luke 1:31 NASB95 - And behold, you will conceive in your womb…
      Luke 1:35 NASB95 - *_“The Holy Spirit will come upon you,_* and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and *_for that reason_* _the holy Child shall be called the Son of God._
      John 3:13 KJV
      And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man *_which is in heaven._*

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +1

      @@Used777_07 "Jesus' Father is not a created human, therefore Jesus is not solely a human man."
      If you are born/begotten of God, God is your Father. All the children of God are born/begotten of God. Jesus is not God. His God was someone else. He is the firstborn of many brothers, all those born of God by the Spirit of God.
      And the Jews never had any notion that Jesus claimed to be their God. That is just a fabricated myth fabricated by Trinitarians. Jesus wouldn't even declare himself to be the Christ when they asked him if he was. And that is because, "If I glorify myself my glory is nothing." Jn 8:53-54. But you are claiming he did glorify himself as their God and it means everything. Not a good idea to contradict Jesus. In fact, Jesus went further and told us that if he did things like that he would be an unrighteous man. Jn 7:16-18.
      The only God is our Lord's God.

  • @kamilfrompoland7
    @kamilfrompoland7 Год назад

    Christ is the Word of God and He is the Creator.
    By faith we understand that the ages have been constructed by the Word of God, so that what we see has not come into being from the things presently visible. Hebrews 11:3

  • @user-ei6ci4cy2r
    @user-ei6ci4cy2r 3 месяца назад

    Is Jesus God? If not, we have no salvation.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  3 месяца назад

      Who told you that lie? Your Bible states that he is God's salvation. His God's salvation.

    • @user-ei6ci4cy2r
      @user-ei6ci4cy2r 3 месяца назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion The Bible tells me Jesus is God in many many places. Hebrews 1 is a good example.

    • @user-ei6ci4cy2r
      @user-ei6ci4cy2r 3 месяца назад

      @TheTrinityDelusion Then you cannot be saved. Only a sinless sacrifice will do.

    • @user-ei6ci4cy2r
      @user-ei6ci4cy2r 3 месяца назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion What does Emanuel mean?

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  3 месяца назад

      @@user-ei6ci4cy2r ruclips.net/video/fEyk82wyek8/видео.html

  • @gabakusa
    @gabakusa Год назад

    please use KJV
    in every language can be only one translation otherwise we can use this verse.(if my bible says something different than your bible we cant use it for for reproof, for correction, for instruction)
    16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
    17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +9

      Relying on one translation of men is a very bad way to go.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 Год назад

    I've discovered that the editors of the NT personified the LOGOS as a male. Just change the term **SON for SPOKEN WORD** most of the time it makes more sense. This deception has led to 1700 years of gross deception. They didn't understand that the logos doesn't become a noun until its formed within a person. Thus making them a new creation with a new name. Phillipians 2:9-10, the same new name we all receive Rev. 3:12. John the Baptist, the greatest prophet to ever live and the greatest man born among women was the FIRST. They gave him the hebrew term yeshua which means Salvation instead of the name prophcied as Emmanuel. Everyone who gets this new name at their miracle NEW BIRTH are the Son of God. Rev. 21:7. John was the first of many. Emmanuel meaning "eloheim is with us". Thru you and me is the Father revealed.
    The Son of God has always been the firstborn SONS of Israel noted as his suffering SERVANT thruout scripture. Ex 4:22, Hosea 11:1, Isaiah 53.
    Ephraim you are my firstborn.
    When people discover the NT is corrupted to promote a lie, things will begin to make more sense.
    Thats why they had to kill off John and create a NEW PERSON, a new man. When in reality its John (1st Adam) speaking the WORD/LOGOS of the Father as a new man after his spiritual resurrection (last Adam). We all have duality after our new birth while living in these physical bodies. Thats why Herod believed "jesus" was actually John raised from the dead. The hints and truth are hidden thruout the NT.
    Death burial and resurrection in the New covenant is referring to the spiritual man not physical man. Flesh profits nothing and cannot enter the kingdom. Then the 2nd death (physical) has no power over believers. The virgin birth (miracle conception) never happened just like it never happened as a sign to king Ahaz 700 years before in Isaiah 7. The virgin daughter of Sion is not a woman named Mary.

    • @TheTrinityDelusion
      @TheTrinityDelusion  Год назад +1

      LOGOS is a masculine thing in Greek because things have gender in Greek unlike English. Inanimate things have gender in many languages (such as French) where English does not have this convention. A word, whether a person or verbally spoken thing, is masculine in gender in Greek. It is simply a convention of grammar in the Greek language.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 Год назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion Correct.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 Год назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion I guess I should have clarified better that John the Baptist was the awaited anointed one who prepared the way for the Holy Spirit as noted in Isaiah 40:3. He is also John the Apostle and John the Revelator. He lived a long life as the prophecies say and took the gospel to the gentiles along with the other firstfruits or firstborn of the Spirit, the other 11. The whole story has been corrupted by Rome to insert their pagan agenda. Paul was actually Josephus who inserted his travels into the story using John's and others letters. The Logos was personified as a separate person like I mentioned but it was John speaking the WORDS the father told him to speak. The logos which is the creative force of the father that creates all things. His voice i guess you could say. The LIGHT of Gen. 1:3 that must be begotten in his prophets, his witnesses or servants. (James 1:18, I Peter 1:3 KJV). The logos doesn't become a noun until its final form whatever that may be. In believers, we become a new man or a new creation. The logos is conceived in us and grows until we are a perfected new creation, it raises our dead spirit back to life after we died from sinning. We are born again. As Zech 7:12 in the OT the logos/dabar came to the prophets by the Spirit and they spoke it. In the NT, the logos, the light of wisdom knowledge understanding, etc is formed in us as the Sons of God.
      So in Revelation when john is speaking, he says he was in the spirit on the Lords day. He wasnt speaking as John, but as the new man, Emmanuel. Which we all who are truly born again will do as long as we are in these physical bodies. We live as dual beings until our physical body dies then we are instantly glorified and rise immediately to be with father. Judgement day for us is over, we just receive rewards after that. We are resurrected in this life but glorified at physical death. Unfortunately, over the centuries the story was corrupted and edited by Rome later. But we were told the truth was hidden within like a hidden treasure, that we must establish the logos of truth by 2 or 3 witnesses line upon line precept upon precept...rightly dividing the logos of truth (from lies of the scribes). Jer 8.8, Jer 23, as The epistles warn of evil men deceitfully handling the word of God. Thats why the gospels don't match and contradict the OT. However, the logos has returned in these last days, the last generation (the 14th generation) , to open our blinded in-part eyes and reveal by the Spirit whats been hidden from us. We are the last of firstfruits. Then the main harvest during great tribulation. As promised he would. It all makes sense now and why there has been so much division for 2k years. Everyone was seeing something different in scripture because it had been edited. The key is the OT prophecies and reading in context. Taking verses out of context is what led to such a strong delusion. Such as the virgin birth story. Obviously a lie as its refuted outright by Romans 1:3-4 and Isaiah 7. The miracle conception and birth is the NEW BIRTH not a physical birth. It has nothing to do with flesh and blood. We must crucify our carnal flesh, not physical flesh. And no one can do it for us. James 5:20 explains our role as Sons in being saviors to a lost world. Hope this helps. It took me 6 years to finally figure it out. By Gods grace and spirit guiding me. And by listening to your great videos!!

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 Год назад

      @@TheTrinityDelusion All creation yearns for the "REVELATION" of the SONS of God. The 144k. (Rev. 21:7). Vs. The gentile bride.

  • @toddstevens9667
    @toddstevens9667 Год назад

    Colossians 1:16 is clear. Jesus created the heavens and the earth. That makes Him the God of Genesis 1:1. Hebrews 1:1-4 simply corroborates that Jesus was the creator. But that’s just my opinion. But it seems like you’re doing your darndest to make Hebrews 1:4 sound like Jesus wasn’t the creator.

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад

      What are the things created in that verse clearly not Genesis?

    • @driller7714
      @driller7714 Год назад

      Colossians “1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:”KJV
      This isn’t genesis creation my friend.
      Check other translations as well. KJV says by him while many others say through him. KJV isn’t copyrighted so I use it to quote on RUclips.

    • @gustav1235
      @gustav1235 Год назад +1

      There is a new creation when Jesus was raised and made immortal. He is the beginning of that new creation. Things (such as christians) are being made through him now. Look at the verses after verse 16 in colossians, they are all referring to Jesus after he'd been raised to immortality...

    • @toddstevens9667
      @toddstevens9667 Год назад

      @@scottgrey2877 In answer to your question: worlds

    • @toddstevens9667
      @toddstevens9667 Год назад

      @@driller7714 Don’t be absurd. But hey, believe what you want. No skin off my nose (or is that neck? I forget the saying, but you get the idea.)