Despite, its name, the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) is not a goat, nor is it closely related to them, the mountain goat is the only extant species of the genus Oreamnos, its closest living relatives are the chamoises (genus Rupicapra), these genera are classified within the subtribe Rupicaprina, which belongs to the tribe Naemorhedini, which also now belongs to the subfamily Ovibovinae, Ovibovinae is a subfamily of bovids that are mostly native to temperate or cold-climate habitats, there are three majors tribes within Ovibovinae, Hemitragini (Tahrs), Naemorhedini (Gorals, Serows, Chamoises, and Mountain Goat), and Ovibovini (Muskox and Takin), Ovibovinae is most closely related to the subfamilies Hippotraginae (Grazing Antelope) and Alcelaphinae (Hartebeest, Wildebeests, Hirola, and Tsessebees).
Your voice is so calming
I am the 100 likers love the video!
there so beautiful
Dont shut where you are going to eat unless your a goat.
Oreamnos americanus. Is not related to the common goat
Despite, its name, the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) is not a goat, nor is it closely related to them, the mountain goat is the only extant species of the genus Oreamnos, its closest living relatives are the chamoises (genus Rupicapra), these genera are classified within the subtribe Rupicaprina, which belongs to the tribe Naemorhedini, which also now belongs to the subfamily Ovibovinae, Ovibovinae is a subfamily of bovids that are mostly native to temperate or cold-climate habitats, there are three majors tribes within Ovibovinae, Hemitragini (Tahrs), Naemorhedini (Gorals, Serows, Chamoises, and Mountain Goat), and Ovibovini (Muskox and Takin), Ovibovinae is most closely related to the subfamilies Hippotraginae (Grazing Antelope) and Alcelaphinae (Hartebeest, Wildebeests, Hirola, and Tsessebees).