This was an amazing presentation of Lee Krasner’s work. She (is) was definitely the [godmother] of abstract expressionism. Actually, she was one of the best from that [group] of artists.
This was fantastic! Thanks for all the time and effort that you put into creating this compilation. Additionally i thought you put together superb soundtrack. I wish I could give this video a thousand thumbs ups😊
AWESOME! Thanks for showing.
This was an amazing presentation of Lee Krasner’s work. She (is) was definitely the [godmother] of abstract expressionism. Actually, she was one of the best from
that [group] of artists.
This was fantastic! Thanks for all the time and effort that you put into
creating this compilation. Additionally i thought you put together superb soundtrack. I wish I could give this video a thousand thumbs ups😊
A very impressive and inspiring collection. Great video!
Thank you!
Thank you!!
Lee Krasner is a great choice
Somewhat overshadowed by her husband
Best Wishes Aurelio
I’d heard of her, but am discovering her very intriguing work. A very fast twenty minutes just zipped by. 👏🏼
Perfect sound-track ! An extra delight...
You realize that looking closely at art is impossible while listening to "salt peanut," "salt peanut."
If my musical choices bother you as much as you say I would simply advise you to mute the sound (Ctrl+M)