Oh Pam, 'A WHISPER IN THE EAR" yes indeed , but do let us admit the full truth :) that he is tall and he is handsome and his speaking voice and use of the English language is quite exquisite. Linda
I like to listen to him as I fall asleep when my mind won't relax, but only listen to talks I have heard several times, otherwise I get caught up in his subject matter...I adore his voice and manner of speaking the actually gorgeous language of English, when he says a sentence it is quite lovely..
I wished the whole scientific establishment and the alternative researchers would share this clear, strictly scientific but totally open minded attitude. I am sure then we would be in a better world and probably would fly to the stars.
@@GG-xe1sj Yes - of courses you are right - I made a more emotional comment rather that rational. But still the established science seems to me ran into a very closed minded and partly dogmatic position for whatever reason. And the usual and good fact that every theory has to pass a critic resistance to be accepted (and worked on further with adequate funds) is become too strong and more a wall of ignorance than a test filter. But you are right there are many coming with brand new ideas and new concepts like Donald Hoffmann.
Mustafa Eren I agree with your analysis. About dogma. Unfortunately it’s a product of human nature and inevitably science goes in cycles where new ideas are encouraged while other cycles where people stick to convention and a stigmas like you said.
04:58 1. Gratitude 15:49 2. Meditation 36:50 3. Rituals 3.1. Rites of passage 52:29 3.2. Rituals of remembrance 58:18 4. Pilgrimage and holy places 1:09:46 5. Closing remarks 1:12:38 Q&A 1. Gratitude to Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna. He talks about their work. 1:14:40 2. More gratitude. 1:15:59 3. About other public conversations with Dr.Rupert Sheldrake. 1:16:07 4. Is it possible to be aware without having an object of awareness? Isn’t worshiping an entity simply worshiping of awareness? 1:18:56 5. Are nearly-dead experiences induced by psychedelics just chemicals in the brain or something more? 1:21:17 6. About morphic resonance and the remembering of practices that no longer exist. 1:22:14 7. I had a nearly-dead experience when I almost drowned as a child. 1:24:59 8. How can one feel bliss when meditating while there is so much tragedy in the world? 1:29:06 9. How about tarot cards? 1:31:13 10. What can you do to help materialist people understand the claims about the mind existing beyond our brains?
His mentioning of morphic resonance in holy places reminded me of a trip my late husband and I took to a Shaker village in Kentucky. My husband had bad knees and couldn't walk too far without a break, so after touring a few buildings and the gift shop, we sat down on a bench outside and I was overcome by a sense of peace. It was so calm and relaxing--unlike any other place I have ever been. I have always wanted to go back there and shell out the money to stay in one of the original buildings on the site and explore that feeling further.
He has a very nice family as well. His wives work is very beautiful.. and his kids.. i am happy to know people like this exist.. i hope that life would be kind and allow me a hello at an event. Consider that a wish
Esoteric teachings say that science will discover the etheric body in this century, which will lead to all kinds of positive developments related to health and healing. I believe Rupert's work with morphogenic fields is in that direction.
The Science of the west shall find nothing..it is a Bastard and a wild man totally cursed to searching and finding nothing, discovering everything yet knowing nothing for it has forsaken God the Creator.
This is such a Great listening, Thank you for being Rupert Sheldrake! Listen carefully at, what Rupert says, around 1:30:45 and forward til the end. Incredibly wise and conscious man, who have felt seen experienced more, than most would ever dare to, let into their "perfectly normal lives", or ever dare to speak of. We who have had such experiences, Just Know. Thats the difference with, sceptics, who never ever will challenge their own opinions, they too "just know" their smaller "known" piece of All there is ;) Its very beautiful to listen to human beings being humane and wiser
'A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual perception, a brotherliness for one's co-disciple, a readiness to give and receive advice and instruction, a loyal sense of duty to the Teacher, a courageous endurance of personal injustice, a brave declaration of principles, a valiant defence of those who are unjustly attacked, and a constant eye to the ideal of human progression and perfection. These are the Golden Stairs up the steps of which the learner may climb to the Temple of Divine Wisdom.' H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, vol. XII
Great talk. On reconciling tragedies and bliss through spiritual practice, when you are connected to the larger consciousness you are no longer affected by human or even ecological tragedies the way that you are as an individual. God has seen all sorts of extreme tragedies throughout the epochs of space and time. While not insensitive to the tragedies of materialized conscious beings (in fact the opposite), God is not afraid of them and instead accepts them for what they are and integrates them completely. When you are connected to God you share this extended viewpoint, you realize that tragedy and bliss are two sides of the same thing and your intention is the determining factor, regardless of how "terrible" the circumstances you find yourself in. Suffering comes from not accepting tragedy as something that happens and changes us, not from the tragedy itself. Peace.
the materialist (around 1hr 30min) refers to Rupert's comments about "the brain outside the body". He was in fact talking about the Mind outside the body. Materialists confuse the physical with the non-physical.
Amazing lecture, very inspiring educational information, really opened my mind up to the ritual terminology of spiritual practices, before I automatically placed it into the dark side of practices. But now I've heard all the practices around the world and the fact that marriage in itself is a ritual, I'm move inclined to research and imply them into my everyday workings in spirituality. Gratitude also show me how limited my perception was, and got my brain thinking more about why I'm grateful for these things, for example nature ; spiritually but also the science of it. Trees the carbon dioxide, and oxygen features, and how being around them, the air being more clean and beneficial to are bodies which intern helps are chakra enlinement and energies move easier throughout are circular systems. The heart being the center axion of enlinement and not the mind.
I viewed myself in third person, aged 15 when I hospitalised myself on shrooms (they were semi legal in UK at the time) - as I understand it an OD raises body temp precipitating a psychotic episode. Reading about NDEs as a teenager provided the first best example of how it felt and the fact that my POV in space was distorted/depersonalised at the same time as time (moments throughout the night like snapshots, stills or fractions of video that had been shuffled so they were out of sequence), without being ego death exactly, at least not all the time, made me very receptive to some of these ideas.. mainly as they appear in Jung, Burroughs, Laing etc. Nice lecture.
Rupert Sheldrake is highly gifted and intelligent and a wonderful speaker. I've always enjoyed listening to him and learning new ways to look at life and science, so I'm shocked to hear him talk about Darwinian evolution! Darwinian evolution is impossible and has been proved to be so. It is like Darwin; dead. How Rupert doesn't know that is absolutely astonishing!
I believe that he accepts darwins theory of evolution up to a point. The difference is that he proposes something like: there is counsiousness in every atom in the universe so there is an ability for things to happen and evolve which otherwise seems impossible by natural selection and mutation. Like the first living cell. The idea that the universe has counsiousness goes way back to the early Christian Church. In fact the Bible gives us a clue in Genesis by stating that the "Earth would bring forth" the animals and plants ect.
The Earth is 4.5bn years old, regardless of what you learned in Sunday school or in a Creationist environment. Natural selection through survival of the fittest is going on even right now and is a direct consequence of conscious choice. What Rupert is talking about is that the base reality of which consciousness emanates from is inside all things and we have a large fraction of it that we use to operate ourselves. And yet, we too make certain choices about who we mate with and therefore the fittest are surviving and the unfit are dying out.
I WONDER WHY Dr. Sheldrake hasn't included---in either of his recent books on the subject--- the ARTS AS ONE OF THE PRIME SPIRITUAL PRACTICES? Creation often results in a very spiritual link to the deeper nature of things, and can come with a quite a strong meditational experience. I would think he could write an entire book on that subject.
Interesting idea. It definitely used to be connected to spirituality, definitely religion, but also a kind of mysticism. But who does that nowadays I wonder. I see Americans turning mandalas into commercial products to “color in”. Gruesome it feels to me. Sometimes I draw sigils but it’s always for a purpose. Well, the Lascaux cave paintings were equally for a purpose. To invoke divine fellowship in an endeavor. He does speak to the importance of mantra and singing/chanting so you must be speaking about the visual arts and movement arts like dancing. It’s a relevant question you ask.
Ok, I am 43 years old. At 24 years I was aware that I wanted to discover my spiritual self. At that age I didn't understand what that was. At the age of 15 when describing my religious ideology, I would say I was agnostic; that I wasn't prepared to condemn myself to any faith, and that I believed (a bit of this, and a bit of that..) That was my take on things after I was told as a child I was a protestant (which I never understood) and attending Sunday school and Christian services, harvest festival, Christmas mass.. I was always envious of the congregation lining up in the Isle to make their way to the alter to receive the body and blood? Of Christ. Taking the rice paper disc in their mouths and drinking from the same silver plated goblet as the 15/20 people in front of them with richeousness and glee.. like they've achieved something and were worth more than the average Joe... So religion for me was a confused phenomenon. And so I knew that some bits of this and that appealed to me, so the correct choice for me was agnosticism 🙂 When filling out forms for jobs the generic question would come up, do you see yourself as white black, ethnic minority, I would answer 'I'm world wide baby' a humanist, universal..' hoping that any of these answers would grab a readers attention and influence them in some positive way hopefully... As much as spirituality and inward contemplation are very, and always have been important to me, as they go along with worldly understanding, and appreciation of everything that turns up and is provided magically. How the world and universe provide material things that I need to survive that I awe at! That are simply the most wonderful beautiful, conscious, clever, supreme things I've ever had the pleasure of discovering.. there's no end to the wonder that I have discovered and are yet to!! The senses.. all of them! The feelings! Anyway, all that aside. Don't we think it's time that the average layman get to grips with understanding and providing to our fellow man (so to speak) intelligent and emotional knowledge to the adolescent who have no examples to learn this from? For instance, Mens psychology absolutely amazes and astonishes me. So many masculine/male people are lost, with no family structure or direction.. with this qll important ego, but no intelligence or respect for any other being.. who end up alone and lonely... they're an ignored community that need our society to take notice and guide them through what they can achieve and expect life to throw at them.. Unless they have a strong community to guide and instill their expectations, then most slip through the cracks do they not? I think I've struck on a very important subject here, that the intellectual community need to address and curriculate this void in our society for the sake of man kind! And their children... do you agree?
Pilgrimage as a bounding tradition for friends or family, as a mean of reconnecting the old to the young, we will always be hunting and gathering what life as to offer and as a goal to the end of all our trips ...we will rediscove rthe place we left as seen freshly for the very first time
At YMCA camp (in the 70's) we all yelled: "Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!" Grace was rather informal then. We played The Who's album Tommy during morning calisthenics. Van Halen had come out with ''Eruption'' but we only got that on special occasions.🤣
Very good and useful talk. Thank you for sharing. Meditation (not relaxation techniques) without precondition is Response eliciting than an Expression. This is a suppression technique as per Ancient wisdom and can disintegrate system. It's not a comparative system, but a Healing wisdom. So says, Ancient Wisdom....it's like psychedelic Response....it's good but with a luggage of after effect as a "result"! Meditation is creative instead and thus has no result but Transformation, they say!!!
I thoroughly loved the interview by James Gilliland and Rachel Harris...It was very enlightening with many true quotes of Jesus thrown in....this girl is definately "intune" with one and all....never heard of her before...but worth listening to again and the messages in her own music..five stars from me🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I keep my mind from giving me its stream of past scenes and future projections by doing creative visualization - a form of mind candy. It de-stresses and fills in any vacuum created when a practice vanishes some well lodged importance from the mind. I especially have to do creative visualization when I am fasting - denying the importance of sensational eating and drinking. In psychology there is the practice and concept called "re-framing". This is what Lester Levenson did while unfixing a fixated mind that had command power over him as a being. Lester started his path asking "what is happiness" and letting the mind answer up until finally he could process the unbalanced duality of "separation and oneness".
"Meditatio" was used by Guido in the Middle Ages for one of the stages of Lectio Divina (and I think he draws it from such Scripture passages as for instance "upon his Law was my meditation day and night), I believe John of the Cross uses the phrase Discursive Meditation for a certain kind of prayer too, so its older term even in a Christian context.
Hate is the only thing we should dislike. I really see no reason for the word hate. I think if we just love them we have no reason to hate. It’s easy, I just say I love you and I chose not to think with my ego. I chose to act with common sense and my heart. I can say love and feel love way faster than hate. If there is mean people then intend harm in anyway. That’s the ones that need to get weeded out. Or we can love them until they love themselves!! Whatever you believe is you’re right to believe. If I can say ok sir-I think you are right in the way you believe. Arguing is pointless and most of the time whoever is arguing never wins. Love is the way! I love the fact we can agree to disagree. I really do not think that we are going to figure it out. I mean for sure crack the code to life. I think I will just go back to enjoying life as I know it. I’m thankful I get to breathe today.
I have a novel idea: instead of saying a grace before a meal, spare a moment and thank the person who cooked the meal and who will do the dishes afterwards...
Carola Adolf, that is exactly what the idea of thanking is teaching us as as we evolve from less humane to a more humane society. Thanking soul of the animal or plant life that perpetuate ours,, can be simple not long or complicated. Not necessarily a religious practice.
Rupert re animates that which is vital in our search for myriad truths, and rejoins the Muses, where science and religion, poetry, art and mathematics, live in a peaceable society. Science is not in a race with other well rounded interests, and thrives in a variegated garden
Im 59 Im healthy, very activ, very happy and Im not religius or spiritual, Im happy to just enjoy the nature around me and the fact of just being, for me the rest is just boloks
I was also a bit taken aback at his full endorsement of Darwinism, without so much as mentioning the serious problems with it: The transition from non-life to life, the totally improbable transition from a "lower" species to a "higher" one with natural selection working on mutations as the only mechanism involved. Also, his suggestion that John the Babtist and the Anababtists performed literal drownings are highly dubiuous suggestions - involving countless cases of death by drowning if true. He also jumped elegantly over the variant of NDE that I experienced, twice, by ODs: A totally negative one. He is a very entertaining and uplifting public speaker but is he really to be taken as seriously as many people do? Now, how did John the Babtist do his life-changing submerging into the river Jordan of his many clients? To induce a real NDE he would have to force these totally panic-stricken and struggling people down under the water until THEY SWALLOW WATER, NO UNTIL THEY BREATHE WATER. Only then can we be sure to have induced the lack of oxygen needed for NDEs (I stopped breathing when I ODed). How on earth can you do such a thing to people? Many would simply die - and the spectacle of people struggling for their life until they drown and are dragged out, blue in the face, with lungs filled with water and totally motionless, dying. Do you really believe this happened, on a big scale too? I don't. And I doubt Mr Sheldrake does. The English use an expression - tongue in cheek - is this the thing his message is to taken as? If so, what is the point besides being entertaining and seemingly clever and very well oriented about everything from theology of all types to Darwinism to positive thinking etc etc. However, mr Sheldrake is no expert on drowning, that's for sure.
"Darwinism" is often (but incorrectly) used as a synonym for contemporary evolutionary theory, which contains the basic concepts Darwin originally proposed but is far broader and more nuanced, not to mention evidence-based (using genetic rather than morphological analysis). It is now known, for instance, that natural selection is not the only mechanism that contributes to speciation. The transition from non-life to life (biogenesis) however is not directly covered by evolutionary theory. It is a separate subject. Just as chemists and physicists can study the universe without obsessing over its origin (whether the Big Bang or something else), evolutionary biologists can study life without obsessing over biogenesis.
I think this may be a bit older. There's a scientific validator a Creator - Quantum Physics, anything that manifest into 3D reality 1st requires thought = "the bang came 2nd!" *"Universal Law of Attraction"* Spiritual/NonPhysical makes up the greater % energy. ❤
there are a lot of people like this, they are talented at speaking and being entertaining in a way that employs dry wit and appeals to those who identify with intellectualism and are psychologically high in openess traits. They are able to spread certain untenable ideas that only attractive prima facie for those who value novelty.
Quaker meetings are very chill. People are often surprised to read their tenets or lack thereof. They're scarce in quantity, but worth a visit if you're a seeker. Peace, all.
People laugh about NDEs being practiced in the early church, but if you do the research, you find that esoteric/ occult (gnostic, early Christian) faiths did promote this-- for example, initiates getting stuck in a cave for 3 days (no food, water or light) and finding their way out like Jesus' burial or Jonah in the whale's belly. The cave entrance is tiny (how hard it is for a rich man to go through the "eye of a needle") and faces West as the sun sets (death); the exits are in the East, where the sun rises (resurrection). I don't think all of the initiates survived the NDE, which is why Jesus said only a select few would be willing to enter the Kingdom of God. Those who love their life wouldn't dare risk it. Those who experience ego death find oneness with God. Church buildings were originally built oriented east/ west with the sun. Over time, the idea got lost (occulted)-- and now Christians have mostly become ignorant of what Jesus was trying to teach them.
Just think..We are alive today because going right back into pre history..right back to the primordial soup from which all which life originated, then coming forward through all the changes, species etc, to the age of the dinosaur, their extinction, ice ages etc...our ancestors survived. Thinking of all the wars, diseases, catastrophise etc, our blood lines survived. Some family bloodlines ended..but we are here. We survived. For now ?
Thank you very much. I am here by the love, grace, mercy and great intentionality of a personal God who made and rules the Universe. And so are you even if you deny it with meaningless, denigrating verbiage.
Explanations of religious practice demise; firstly, corruption and crime in religious organisations, paedophilia, child deaths etc undermine the 'family friendly moral tone'. Secondly, convenience culture, long unsociable hours, Sunday/Saturday trading etc, that removes the opportunity to participate. Thirdly, global movement of people for work that dilutes communities of indigenous commonality. Fourthly, science better explaining evolution than old religious books written thousands of years ago. Lastly, religions splitting into factions, or religions being wholly self-serving to themselves, causing frictions with other religions or athiests. In short, it's been made into a global, technological, scientific, corporate world that's linked by telecommunications, and the religions have difficulty in retaining interest within those circumstances.
If a scientist is asked the question, “Do you believe that the universe was created,” and the scientist answers, “Yes,” that is not science. That is religion.
OMG the lady who kept interrupting him! I can hear her mumbling throughout and I found it profoundly distracting. Finally, at 50:19, she pipes up again, and he has to tell her they'll come to questions later. Did she not notice that NO ONE else thought this was supposed to be a conversation? UGH.
why is gathering in one area and socializing with others "spiritual" even if they don't realize it? Is there a difference between spiritual gathering and just a music gathering ? i would say these are different though. but maybe someone can explain this to me. its interesting?
Any practice that is conducive to a feeling of well-being has value, especially considering the present overuse of tranquilizers and anti-depressants. But how do meditation and pilgrimages, expanded consciousness and emotional well-being relate to morality? The identity of morality with religious rituals and taboos was fully accepted in the past, and it surely is an error. The emphasis on tradition may be counterproductive. I have found many traditionalists, religionists and also those who do meditative practices to be unaware and or complacent about the critical situation, from many different aspects, of the world today. Navel-gazing, if it involves only the navel, is a dead end, is it not? Instead of dwelling exclusively on tradition and on the past, shouldn't we be developing rituals that tie and unite us to the future as well? If we are to have one, that is.
Not sure what your point is? But I will try and explain simply: the purpose of spiritual practices and some " dogmatic" religious traditions could in essence be about grounding us in the present. If there is no past, future and time then there is only the here and now. Your awareness is more full when it is present and many teachers will tell you this. Being present and aware is where you are being, being aware is being connected to your consciousness and also consciousness out side of your self, for pure consciousness is a field that binds and penetrates all living and material things. Forget the future and past, let go, it is making you unhappy. Let go of the materialistic notion that you are just individuated isolated atoms and chemical compounds. These notions are outdated and do not fully explain reality. In fact explaining reality is not necessarily our purpose in life it is being present and expanding our conscious awareness.
My point is simply that, while meditative practices may be grounding and have value, that value isn't necessarily ethical or moral. That point is evident in history and we should be aware of it, but history and its values for some traditionalists is some kind of moral or ethical template. That is patently not the case. One of my favourite Shakespeare plays is Titus Andronicus: Titus is a good man who wants no power for himself, but is grounded in tradition and its rules and laws which he follows to the letter. It doesn't turn out well.
@@dorisdoris5563 It sounds like you fear dogmatic religious traditions - Fair point you make but I would say to anyone on a spiritual path is that consciousness is the very opposite of dogmatic tradition. Pure spiritual awareness of consciousness has free flowing creative and loving qualities. Some traditions are just tools handed down through generations to help to attain certain spiritual qualities. Tools are neutral in their nature but they can be used for good or bad, in history some traditions have become corrupted as tools and we should always take on traditions that we trust though our own experience and not simply on faith of the word of mouth from others. Test things for truth for yourself. Unfortunately the Scientific revolution threw out the baby with the bath water when they quite rightly rejected religious dogmatic Traditions and made objective repeatable reasoning their idol. The baby they threw out was conscious subjectivity, which as Rupert explained, can not be explained through the scientific method alone.
Grave error and abuse can and has emanated from both religious and scientific attitudes concerning "reality" when they are dogmatic: I can't see favouring one kind of error over the other. Life subjectively experienced is unexplainable or inexhaustible and unique, and I always prefer Sheldrakes' take and attitude to his opponents. But let's not forget that the politicization of religion is ongoing, not a thing of the past. Personally, I don't have the temperament to take instruction from self-styled religious moral experts, but I understand the psychological need and try to be tolerant. But we're not in a "good place" regarding our continued existence, and that of so many completely innocent and wonderful species. The past and its attitudes brought us here. We shouldn't forget that.
@wtnomad Where do you read that I am into rituals? What I said was that religious rituals are universally identified with morality, as in, going to church on Sunday will keep you from hell is the teaching of the Catholic Church, not me, or more precisely, not going to church on Sunday is a mortal sin that, unconfessed, condemns you to eternal damnation. Perhaps they have changed that ridiculous view, but it was the case for at least hundreds of years. But - my view - if going to church makes you feel good and keeps you from taking drugs, it is perhaps the lesser evil, especially in these difficult times. My point is that religion and its rituals is often confused with ethics and morality, but has nothing to do with either. It is simply a "feel-good" exercise. Clear?
I'm currently online searching for good books. What I do not approve of is all the dang second and or third party monitoring. Why do you need to know what I'm getting out of a friggin Cinderella book, etc?
I can't think of anything more futile than "spiritual practices for atheists". I would say that these practices work for spiritual people because of their connection and belief in what they are doing.
How is it if someone has a brain injury they still have consciousness but the person tht was them is no longer there? Please understand I have searched and hoped tht we are not just the materialism but this is something tht disturb
The situation we are in is told in tales from the 3 religions, babble on from Babylon, language is not the confusion, philosophy and religion confuse humanity.
2 Timothy 3:5, NIV: "having a form of godliness but denying its power. ... 2 Timothy 3:5, NASB: "holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these." 2 Timothy 3:5, NLT: "They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.
You must hear his sermon on the Trinity, given in an Anglican church with children fussing et al. LOVELY atmosphere , and you KNOW it is a stone building, the way things echo and he never flinched nor seemed put out...his was the best discussion/message/sermon/ lesson on the trinity I have ever heard in my entire 74 years, and that includes any from C.S.Lewis!
What ever you do, try to take God out of the picture. "meditation, chanting or singing, gratitude, etc." Have you considered that there may be a person who has the spiritual power to actually cause the effects you speak of? There are many NON religious people who believe in God and benefit directly from Him. If you want to meditate on a concept thy this one "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength". Another good one for you is "His divine power gives everything we need for life and happiness through our knowledge of Him"
One thing that happened through all my life was the conscience that i was connected to what we call god through jesus.how can i put it i have faith but do not pray much but whenever i asked anything it just happened so my life is full of coincidences which i m very grateful and i know are connected with what i trully believe.the constant love and support of jesus and the divine mind.it humbles me and makes me very grateful and i never feel alone.we all belong great creatures and small and i ve alwaus felt that way.i never panicked when i was blind or in dager of my life.i m 70 now and i was gravelly ill many times.the doctors panicked and didn t'.sometimes i feel myself trying to calm them down.what can happen.i suffer but i may die.so what!!!! For me it s not the end.life is circular and balanced and we have the bliss of beauty and an elegant universe or several.we have so much to honour and deserve as human beings.
Mantra is mantra, meditation is not the same..to say that monastic life practices meditation is not right..as they were kept under a certain chain of thoughts and emotions which not are in the proper practice of meditation. Meditation without the hype is nothing more than practicing no thought or emotional attachment or dwelling or indulging...in few words you become empty of mind activity as possible so the other dimension called spiritual , soul, etc can come out and be felt but is just a relief from too much compulsive mind and identification with only the mind ...which in turn will connect you with the NOW and get away from past or future neurotic states which we all have as this counter-intuitive and easy to say but very hard to do for many people..that's all, no big enlightment ideas or hype....I not a atheist I am agnostic ...it's a good talk though..
man made religions are just that man made, truth is implanted in your soul. You know right and wrong internally, but you have free will you choose upon your passing you will be judged worthy or not?
I totally despise the sentients of the materialist West. Especially how one has to keep apologizing for his assent to God or the spiritual. Even the Greco-Roman world, to which academics look back and exalt gave a man the liberty to choose his own gods with whom he feels a special affinity.....But oh no we are to wise to even assume there is a God and our speech must be strain and devious. May God help the people of the West. Science in my view has done more to destroy us socially and morally than anything else......this inherent atheism it has lurking within it hollow reasoning. Any how it is what it is...........
What a beautiful soul. His energy is subtle, but like a whisper in the ear, keeps one leaning forward for more.
Oh Pam, 'A WHISPER IN THE EAR" yes indeed , but do let us admit the full truth :) that he is tall and he is handsome and his speaking voice and use of the English language is quite exquisite. Linda
@guitarszen And hows that?
I like to listen to him as I fall asleep when my mind won't relax, but only listen to talks I have heard several times, otherwise I get caught up in his subject matter...I adore his voice and manner of speaking the actually gorgeous language of English, when he says a sentence it is quite lovely..
try alan watts ;) love listening before bed
I too have been carried down the Rupert River on its magical currents!
Rupert's latest interview on his book WAYS TO GO BEYOND for anyone interested
You are so right. His entire performance is very pleasing before sleep. Thank you 🇳🇴
@@reikiorgone Alan Watts great voice for seminars, and talks, also Idris Shah.
I wished the whole scientific establishment and the alternative researchers would share this clear, strictly scientific but totally open minded attitude. I am sure then we would be in a better world and probably would fly to the stars.
There are already plenty like this... the world remains complex that has nothing to do with the other.
@@GG-xe1sj Yes - of courses you are right - I made a more emotional comment rather that rational. But still the established science seems to me ran into a very closed minded and partly dogmatic position for whatever reason. And the usual and good fact that every theory has to pass a critic resistance to be accepted (and worked on further with adequate funds) is become too strong and more a wall of ignorance than a test filter. But you are right there are many coming with brand new ideas and new concepts like Donald Hoffmann.
Mustafa Eren
I agree with your analysis. About dogma. Unfortunately it’s a product of human nature and inevitably science goes in cycles where new ideas are encouraged while other cycles where people stick to convention and a stigmas like you said.
@@AdventureswithAixe596 I suggest you to visit the site of the Center Takiwasi and their research
Dear @@Perfect-Sininen thank you very much for your suggestion - I will do so!
I could listen to Rupert every single day of my life
The perspective of the moon being reflected in water is most useful. Dr. Sheldrake's talks are very helpful.
04:58 1. Gratitude
15:49 2. Meditation
36:50 3. Rituals
3.1. Rites of passage
52:29 3.2. Rituals of remembrance
58:18 4. Pilgrimage and holy places
1:09:46 5. Closing remarks
1:12:38 Q&A
1. Gratitude to Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna. He talks about their work.
1:14:40 2. More gratitude.
1:15:59 3. About other public conversations with Dr.Rupert Sheldrake.
1:16:07 4. Is it possible to be aware without having an object of awareness? Isn’t worshiping an entity simply worshiping of awareness?
1:18:56 5. Are nearly-dead experiences induced by psychedelics just chemicals in the brain or something more?
1:21:17 6. About morphic resonance and the remembering of practices that no longer exist.
1:22:14 7. I had a nearly-dead experience when I almost drowned as a child.
1:24:59 8. How can one feel bliss when meditating while there is so much tragedy in the world?
1:29:06 9. How about tarot cards?
1:31:13 10. What can you do to help materialist people understand the claims about the mind existing beyond our brains?
Thank you for this!
Thank you!
Thank you for doing this.
Naw, you da man!
you need to listen to the whole talk tbh...like watching a movie and skip to the end
His mentioning of morphic resonance in holy places reminded me of a trip my late husband and I took to a Shaker village in Kentucky. My husband had bad knees and couldn't walk too far without a break, so after touring a few buildings and the gift shop, we sat down on a bench outside and I was overcome by a sense of peace. It was so calm and relaxing--unlike any other place I have ever been. I have always wanted to go back there and shell out the money to stay in one of the original buildings on the site and explore that feeling further.
@Guitarzen are you saying that she did not have that experience?
This guy is so likable, I wish he was my friend and we could go on pilgrimages together. That would be great.
So very likeable....
indeed id love to sit down and chat with him about various topics with a good cup of tea and biscuits
He has a very nice family as well. His wives work is very beautiful.. and his kids.. i am happy to know people like this exist.. i hope that life would be kind and allow me a hello at an event. Consider that a wish
@@robinsings Is his wife an artist of some kind? What's her name?
@@geofreycrow9663 Jill Purce
A most remarkable contemporay thinker with an amazing sense of humour. I can listen to him for hours and never get bored. Thank you!!!!!
When I dedicate time to being thankful I find it raises me up to bliss.
for what ?
This man talks me straight to sleep. It's much better than any pill I've taken. I'll finish a full lecture sometime in the future.
@guitarszenHow are they fictional? Give me an example.
Esoteric teachings say that science will discover the etheric body in this century, which will lead to all kinds of positive developments related to health and healing. I believe Rupert's work with morphogenic fields is in that direction.
The Science of the west shall find nothing..it is a Bastard and a wild man totally cursed to searching and finding nothing, discovering everything yet knowing nothing for it has forsaken God the Creator.
I so much appreciate his teaching - thorough, down-to-earth, open and comprehensive. I am learning a lot about many things I have sondered about.
Rupert's latest interview on his book WAYS TO GO BEYOND for anyone interested
This is such a Great listening, Thank you for being Rupert Sheldrake!
Listen carefully at, what Rupert says, around 1:30:45 and forward til the end.
Incredibly wise and conscious man, who have felt seen experienced more, than most would ever dare to, let into their "perfectly normal lives", or ever dare to speak of.
We who have had such experiences, Just Know. Thats the difference with, sceptics, who never ever will challenge their own opinions, they too "just know" their smaller "known" piece of All there is ;)
Its very beautiful to listen to human beings being humane and wiser
Phenominally good. Thank you!!
Thank you Rupert!
'A clean life,
an open mind,
a pure heart,
an eager intellect,
an unveiled spiritual perception,
a brotherliness for one's co-disciple,
a readiness to give and receive advice and instruction,
a loyal sense of duty to the Teacher,
a courageous endurance of personal injustice,
a brave declaration of principles,
a valiant defence of those who are unjustly attacked,
and a constant eye to the ideal of human progression and perfection.
These are the Golden Stairs up the steps of which the learner may climb to the Temple of Divine Wisdom.'
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, vol. XII
Great talk. On reconciling tragedies and bliss through spiritual practice, when you are connected to the larger consciousness you are no longer affected by human or even ecological tragedies the way that you are as an individual. God has seen all sorts of extreme tragedies throughout the epochs of space and time. While not insensitive to the tragedies of materialized conscious beings (in fact the opposite), God is not afraid of them and instead accepts them for what they are and integrates them completely. When you are connected to God you share this extended viewpoint, you realize that tragedy and bliss are two sides of the same thing and your intention is the determining factor, regardless of how "terrible" the circumstances you find yourself in. Suffering comes from not accepting tragedy as something that happens and changes us, not from the tragedy itself. Peace.
Wonderful presentation thank you........there are more things in heaven and earth than we can ever imagine. 🥰🥰🥰
the materialist (around 1hr 30min) refers to Rupert's comments about "the brain outside the body". He was in fact talking about the Mind outside the body. Materialists confuse the physical with the non-physical.
A fantastic learning experience delivered by one of the most affable, intelligent, knowledgeable and wise academics.
Bless you Rupert you have reawakened something in me i have meditated but I stopped several years ago
Brilliant. An important scholar, and thinker. I'm a big fan.
Amazing lecture, very inspiring educational information, really opened my mind up to the ritual terminology of spiritual practices, before I automatically placed it into the dark side of practices.
But now I've heard all the practices around the world and the fact that marriage in itself is a ritual, I'm move inclined to research and imply them into my everyday workings in spirituality.
Gratitude also show me how limited my perception was, and got my brain thinking more about why I'm grateful for these things, for example nature ; spiritually but also the science of it. Trees the carbon dioxide, and oxygen features, and how being around them, the air being more clean and beneficial to are bodies which intern helps are chakra enlinement and energies move easier throughout are circular systems.
The heart being the center axion of enlinement and not the mind.
I could listen to him for a long time ..
I do, over and over....why didn't I follow my dream and move to England at age 21 and remain there,....at 74 that remains a bit of a sad thought...
There is a traditional and joyous hymn that goes " i saw the light"
I viewed myself in third person, aged 15 when I hospitalised myself on shrooms (they were semi legal in UK at the time) - as I understand it an OD raises body temp precipitating a psychotic episode. Reading about NDEs as a teenager provided the first best example of how it felt and the fact that my POV in space was distorted/depersonalised at the same time as time (moments throughout the night like snapshots, stills or fractions of video that had been shuffled so they were out of sequence), without being ego death exactly, at least not all the time, made me very receptive to some of these ideas.. mainly as they appear in Jung, Burroughs, Laing etc. Nice lecture.
Bravo! Such a joy to listen to!
Thank you very much Mr. Rupert Sheldrake, ❤🌿🔥🍀🌒🌕🌘🍀🔥🌿❤ Namasté and Blessed Be.
Rupert Sheldrake is highly gifted and intelligent and a wonderful speaker. I've always enjoyed listening to him and learning new ways to look at life and science, so I'm shocked to hear him talk about Darwinian evolution! Darwinian evolution is impossible and has been proved to be so. It is like Darwin; dead. How Rupert doesn't know that is absolutely astonishing!
I believe that he accepts darwins theory of evolution up to a point. The difference is that he proposes something like: there is counsiousness in every atom in the universe so there is an ability for things to happen and evolve which otherwise seems impossible by natural selection and mutation. Like the first living cell. The idea that the universe has counsiousness goes way back to the early Christian Church. In fact the Bible gives us a clue in Genesis by stating that the "Earth would bring forth" the animals and plants ect.
@@maxierosenbloom1687 And you wonder why nobody likes you.
The Earth is 4.5bn years old, regardless of what you learned in Sunday school or in a Creationist environment.
Natural selection through survival of the fittest is going on even right now and is a direct consequence of conscious choice. What Rupert is talking about is that the base reality of which consciousness emanates from is inside all things and we have a large fraction of it that we use to operate ourselves. And yet, we too make certain choices about who we mate with and therefore the fittest are surviving and the unfit are dying out.
@@maxierosenbloom1687 Self denial, eh?
Nice guy. Really enjoyed his "A Conscious Universe?".
I enjoy. .the. .messages
I WONDER WHY Dr. Sheldrake hasn't included---in either of his recent books on the subject--- the ARTS AS ONE OF THE PRIME SPIRITUAL PRACTICES? Creation often results in a very spiritual link to the deeper nature of things, and can come with a quite a strong meditational experience. I would think he could write an entire book on that subject.
Interesting idea. It definitely used to be connected to spirituality, definitely religion, but also a kind of mysticism. But who does that nowadays I wonder. I see Americans turning mandalas into commercial products to “color in”. Gruesome it feels to me. Sometimes I draw sigils but it’s always for a purpose. Well, the Lascaux cave paintings were equally for a purpose. To invoke divine fellowship in an endeavor. He does speak to the importance of mantra and singing/chanting so you must be speaking about the visual arts and movement arts like dancing.
It’s a relevant question you ask.
Ok, I am 43 years old. At 24 years I was aware that I wanted to discover my spiritual self. At that age I didn't understand what that was. At the age of 15 when describing my religious ideology, I would say I was agnostic; that I wasn't prepared to condemn myself to any faith, and that I believed (a bit of this, and a bit of that..) That was my take on things after I was told as a child I was a protestant (which I never understood) and attending Sunday school and Christian services, harvest festival, Christmas mass..
I was always envious of the congregation lining up in the Isle to make their way to the alter to receive the body and blood? Of Christ. Taking the rice paper disc in their mouths and drinking from the same silver plated goblet as the 15/20 people in front of them with richeousness and glee.. like they've achieved something and were worth more than the average Joe...
So religion for me was a confused phenomenon. And so I knew that some bits of this and that appealed to me, so the correct choice for me was agnosticism 🙂
When filling out forms for jobs the generic question would come up, do you see yourself as white black, ethnic minority, I would answer 'I'm world wide baby' a humanist, universal..' hoping that any of these answers would grab a readers attention and influence them in some positive way hopefully...
As much as spirituality and inward contemplation are very, and always have been important to me, as they go along with worldly understanding, and appreciation of everything that turns up and is provided magically. How the world and universe provide material things that I need to survive that I awe at! That are simply the most wonderful beautiful, conscious, clever, supreme things I've ever had the pleasure of discovering.. there's no end to the wonder that I have discovered and are yet to!!
The senses.. all of them! The feelings!
Anyway, all that aside. Don't we think it's time that the average layman get to grips with understanding and providing to our fellow man (so to speak) intelligent and emotional knowledge to the adolescent who have no examples to learn this from?
For instance, Mens psychology absolutely amazes and astonishes me.
So many masculine/male people are lost, with no family structure or direction.. with this qll important ego, but no intelligence or respect for any other being.. who end up alone and lonely... they're an ignored community that need our society to take notice and guide them through what they can achieve and expect life to throw at them..
Unless they have a strong community to guide and instill their expectations, then most slip through the cracks do they not?
I think I've struck on a very important subject here, that the intellectual community need to address and curriculate this void in our society for the sake of man kind! And their children... do you agree?
Great talk and Q and A........he puts his points across very well
Pilgrimage as a bounding tradition for friends or family, as a mean of reconnecting the old to the young, we will always be hunting and gathering what life as to offer and as a goal to the end of all our trips ...we will rediscove rthe place we left as seen freshly for the very first time
At YMCA camp (in the 70's) we all yelled: "Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!" Grace was rather informal then. We played The Who's album Tommy during morning calisthenics. Van Halen had come out with ''Eruption'' but we only got that on special occasions.🤣
Excellent presentation!
Very good and useful talk. Thank you for sharing. Meditation (not relaxation techniques) without precondition is Response eliciting than an Expression. This is a suppression technique as per Ancient wisdom and can disintegrate system. It's not a comparative system, but a Healing wisdom. So says, Ancient Wisdom....it's like psychedelic Response....it's good but with a luggage of after effect as a "result"! Meditation is creative instead and thus has no result but Transformation, they say!!!
I thoroughly loved the interview by James Gilliland and Rachel Harris...It was very enlightening with many true quotes of Jesus thrown in....this girl is definately "intune" with one and all....never heard of her before...but worth listening to again and the messages in her own music..five stars from me🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I keep my mind from giving me its stream of past scenes and future projections by doing creative visualization - a form of mind candy. It de-stresses and fills in any vacuum created when a practice vanishes some well lodged importance from the mind.
I especially have to do creative visualization when I am fasting - denying the importance of sensational eating and drinking.
In psychology there is the practice and concept called "re-framing". This is what Lester Levenson did while unfixing a fixated mind that had command power over him as a being. Lester started his path asking "what is happiness" and letting the mind answer up until finally he could process the unbalanced duality of "separation and oneness".
I do exactly that eversince my husband started taking over meal prepping ❤
Who needs a science of spiritual practices when simply being honest with oneself is the quickest way to commune with one's spirit?
Ah but that honesty is far from simple.
I love this man, brilliant
"Meditatio" was used by Guido in the Middle Ages for one of the stages of Lectio Divina (and I think he draws it from such Scripture passages as for instance "upon his Law was my meditation day and night), I believe John of the Cross uses the phrase Discursive Meditation for a certain kind of prayer too, so its older term even in a Christian context.
I think happiness should be redefined.
Yes, I yearn to just be in the flow.
Hate is the only thing we should dislike. I really see no reason for the word hate. I think if we just love them we have no reason to hate. It’s easy, I just say I love you and I chose not to think with my ego. I chose to act with common sense and my heart. I can say love and feel love way faster than hate. If there is mean people then intend harm in anyway. That’s the ones that need to get weeded out. Or we can love them until they love themselves!! Whatever you believe is you’re right to believe. If I can say ok sir-I think you are right in the way you believe. Arguing is pointless and most of the time whoever is arguing never wins. Love is the way! I love the fact we can agree to disagree. I really do not think that we are going to figure it out. I mean for sure crack the code to life. I think I will just go back to enjoying life as I know it. I’m thankful I get to breathe today.
I have a novel idea: instead of saying a grace before a meal, spare a moment and thank the person who cooked the meal and who will do the dishes afterwards...
That's the same thing
And offer to help.
Carola Adolf, that is exactly what the idea of thanking is teaching us as as we evolve from less humane to a more humane society. Thanking soul of the animal or plant life that perpetuate ours,, can be simple not long or complicated. Not necessarily a religious practice.
@@BLEMFIDEM lol....so god is frying your eggs and doing the dishes after? oookay.....
Thank you for this meal fruits of this earth and labor of men
Rupert re animates that which is vital in our search for myriad truths, and rejoins the Muses, where science and religion, poetry, art and mathematics, live in a peaceable society. Science is not in a race with other well rounded interests, and thrives in a variegated garden
Im 59 Im healthy, very activ, very happy and Im not religius or spiritual, Im happy to just enjoy the nature around me and the fact of just being, for me the rest is just boloks
I was also a bit taken aback at his full endorsement of Darwinism, without so much as mentioning the serious problems with it: The transition from non-life to life, the totally improbable transition from a "lower" species to a "higher" one with natural selection working on mutations as the only mechanism involved. Also, his suggestion that John the Babtist and the Anababtists performed literal drownings are highly dubiuous suggestions - involving countless cases of death by drowning if true. He also jumped elegantly over the variant of NDE that I experienced, twice, by ODs: A totally negative one.
He is a very entertaining and uplifting public speaker but is he really to be taken as seriously as many people do?
Now, how did John the Babtist do his life-changing submerging into the river Jordan of his many clients? To induce a real NDE he would have to force these totally panic-stricken and struggling people down under the water until THEY SWALLOW WATER, NO UNTIL THEY BREATHE WATER. Only then can we be sure to have induced the lack of oxygen needed for NDEs (I stopped breathing when I ODed). How on earth can you do such a thing to people? Many would simply die - and the spectacle of people struggling for their life until they drown and are dragged out, blue in the face, with lungs filled with water and totally motionless, dying. Do you really believe this happened, on a big scale too?
I don't. And I doubt Mr Sheldrake does. The English use an expression - tongue in cheek - is this the thing his message is to taken as? If so, what is the point besides being entertaining and seemingly clever and very well oriented about everything from theology of all types to Darwinism to positive thinking etc etc. However, mr Sheldrake is no expert on drowning, that's for sure.
"Darwinism" is often (but incorrectly) used as a synonym for contemporary evolutionary theory, which contains the basic concepts Darwin originally proposed but is far broader and more nuanced, not to mention evidence-based (using genetic rather than morphological analysis). It is now known, for instance, that natural selection is not the only mechanism that contributes to speciation.
The transition from non-life to life (biogenesis) however is not directly covered by evolutionary theory. It is a separate subject. Just as chemists and physicists can study the universe without obsessing over its origin (whether the Big Bang or something else), evolutionary biologists can study life without obsessing over biogenesis.
I think this may be a bit older.
There's a scientific validator a Creator - Quantum Physics, anything that manifest into 3D reality 1st requires thought = "the bang came 2nd!"
*"Universal Law of Attraction"*
Spiritual/NonPhysical makes up the greater % energy. ❤
there are a lot of people like this, they are talented at speaking and being entertaining in a way that employs dry wit and appeals to those who identify with intellectualism and are psychologically high in openess traits. They are able to spread certain untenable ideas that only attractive prima facie for those who value novelty.
God makes the transisitions you refer to. God made natural selection do the automatic, easy parts. God has better things to do. Lol.
@E. MM good point
Rupert's latest interview on his book WAYS TO GO BEYOND for anyone interested
Something to meditate on is worship vs prayer
Quaker meetings are very chill. People are often surprised to read their tenets or lack thereof. They're scarce in quantity, but worth a visit if you're a seeker. Peace, all.
People laugh about NDEs being practiced in the early church, but if you do the research, you find that esoteric/ occult (gnostic, early Christian) faiths did promote this-- for example, initiates getting stuck in a cave for 3 days (no food, water or light) and finding their way out like Jesus' burial or Jonah in the whale's belly. The cave entrance is tiny (how hard it is for a rich man to go through the "eye of a needle") and faces West as the sun sets (death); the exits are in the East, where the sun rises (resurrection). I don't think all of the initiates survived the NDE, which is why Jesus said only a select few would be willing to enter the Kingdom of God. Those who love their life wouldn't dare risk it. Those who experience ego death find oneness with God.
Church buildings were originally built oriented east/ west with the sun. Over time, the idea got lost (occulted)-- and now Christians have mostly become ignorant of what Jesus was trying to teach them.
Just think..We are alive today because going right back into pre history..right back to the primordial soup from which all which life originated, then coming forward through all the changes, species etc, to the age of the dinosaur, their extinction, ice ages etc...our ancestors survived. Thinking of all the wars, diseases, catastrophise etc, our blood lines survived. Some family bloodlines ended..but we are here. We survived. For now ?
Thank you very much. I am here by the love, grace, mercy and great intentionality of a personal God who made and rules the Universe. And so are you even if you deny it with meaningless, denigrating verbiage.
Thank you 👏🏽👍👏🏽👍👏🏽👍
Fantastic 🌺
Thank you so much for this!
Some institutional meditation and prayer may be merely post-military forms of social pacification.
In a garden, in a field. Those that practiced meditation were always manifested happier.
Brilliant thank you 💝💝💝🦄🦄🦄💚💚💚
Explanations of religious practice demise; firstly, corruption and crime in religious organisations, paedophilia, child deaths etc undermine the 'family friendly moral tone'. Secondly, convenience culture, long unsociable hours, Sunday/Saturday trading etc, that removes the opportunity to participate. Thirdly, global movement of people for work that dilutes communities of indigenous commonality. Fourthly, science better explaining evolution than old religious books written thousands of years ago. Lastly, religions splitting into factions, or religions being wholly self-serving to themselves, causing frictions with other religions or athiests.
In short, it's been made into a global, technological, scientific, corporate world that's linked by telecommunications, and the religions have difficulty in retaining interest within those circumstances.
I like isha kryia as form of meditation !
substantive nature experience of free will has conscious awareness?
Interesting talk.
What happens during "Waterboarding" torture - can you tell me....?
No eye hath seen, nor ear heard, that which God hath prepared for them that love him.
If a scientist is asked the question, “Do you believe that the universe was created,” and the scientist answers, “Yes,” that is not science. That is religion.
My granddaughter knows when she's being watched by the baby monitor. She looks right at the camera and waves at it.
Fasting from various things also helps !
OMG the lady who kept interrupting him! I can hear her mumbling throughout and I found it profoundly distracting. Finally, at 50:19, she pipes up again, and he has to tell her they'll come to questions later. Did she not notice that NO ONE else thought this was supposed to be a conversation? UGH.
She is a woooman 😂
25:00 isn't this consciousness can be the collective unconsciousness defined by Carl Jung?
why is gathering in one area and socializing with others "spiritual" even if they don't realize it? Is there a difference between spiritual gathering and just a music gathering ? i would say these are different though. but maybe someone can explain this to me. its interesting?
They are different.But the same in as spiritual. You are in the spirit.
Anyone who attended a Grateful Dead concert would probably tell you otherwise.
Any practice that is conducive to a feeling of well-being has value, especially considering the present overuse of tranquilizers and anti-depressants. But how do meditation and pilgrimages, expanded consciousness and emotional well-being relate to morality? The identity of morality with religious rituals and taboos was fully accepted in the past, and it surely is an error. The emphasis on tradition may be counterproductive. I have found many traditionalists, religionists and also those who do meditative practices to be unaware and or complacent about the critical situation, from many different aspects, of the world today. Navel-gazing, if it involves only the navel, is a dead end, is it not? Instead of dwelling exclusively on tradition and on the past, shouldn't we be developing rituals that tie and unite us to the future as well? If we are to have one, that is.
Not sure what your point is? But I will try and explain simply: the purpose of spiritual practices and some " dogmatic" religious traditions could in essence be about grounding us in the present. If there is no past, future and time then there is only the here and now. Your awareness is more full when it is present and many teachers will tell you this. Being present and aware is where you are being, being aware is being connected to your consciousness and also consciousness out side of your self, for pure consciousness is a field that binds and penetrates all living and material things. Forget the future and past, let go, it is making you unhappy. Let go of the materialistic notion that you are just individuated isolated atoms and chemical compounds. These notions are outdated and do not fully explain reality. In fact explaining reality is not necessarily our purpose in life it is being present and expanding our conscious awareness.
My point is simply that, while meditative practices may be grounding and have value, that value isn't necessarily ethical or moral. That point is evident in history and we should be aware of it, but history and its values for some traditionalists is some kind of moral or ethical template. That is patently not the case. One of my favourite Shakespeare plays is Titus Andronicus: Titus is a good man who wants no power for himself, but is grounded in tradition and its rules and laws which he follows to the letter. It doesn't turn out well.
@@dorisdoris5563 It sounds like you fear dogmatic religious traditions - Fair point you make but I would say to anyone on a spiritual path is that consciousness is the very opposite of dogmatic tradition. Pure spiritual awareness of consciousness has free flowing creative and loving qualities. Some traditions are just tools handed down through generations to help to attain certain spiritual qualities. Tools are neutral in their nature but they can be used for good or bad, in history some traditions have become corrupted as tools and we should always take on traditions that we trust though our own experience and not simply on faith of the word of mouth from others. Test things for truth for yourself. Unfortunately the Scientific revolution threw out the baby with the bath water when they quite rightly rejected religious dogmatic
Traditions and made objective repeatable reasoning their idol. The baby they threw out was conscious subjectivity, which as Rupert explained, can not be explained through the scientific method alone.
Grave error and abuse can and has emanated from both religious and scientific attitudes concerning "reality" when they are dogmatic: I can't see favouring one kind of error over the other. Life subjectively experienced is unexplainable or inexhaustible and unique, and I always prefer Sheldrakes' take and attitude to his opponents. But let's not forget that the politicization of religion is ongoing, not a thing of the past. Personally, I don't have the temperament to take instruction from self-styled religious moral experts, but I understand the psychological need and try to be tolerant. But we're not in a "good place" regarding our continued existence, and that of so many completely innocent and wonderful species. The past and its attitudes brought us here. We shouldn't forget that.
@wtnomad Where do you read that I am into rituals? What I said was that religious rituals are universally identified with morality, as in, going to church on Sunday will keep you from hell is the teaching of the Catholic Church, not me, or more precisely, not going to church on Sunday is a mortal sin that, unconfessed, condemns you to eternal damnation. Perhaps they have changed that ridiculous view, but it was the case for at least hundreds of years. But - my view - if going to church makes you feel good and keeps you from taking drugs, it is perhaps the lesser evil, especially in these difficult times.
My point is that religion and its rituals is often confused with ethics and morality, but has nothing to do with either. It is simply a "feel-good" exercise. Clear?
Atheists would get offended by seeing a accurate period drama depicting people saying grace? I think not...
subtitulos en español? :((((
I'm currently online searching for good books. What I do not approve of is all the dang second and or third party monitoring. Why do you need to know what I'm getting out of a friggin Cinderella book, etc?
I can't think of anything more futile than "spiritual practices for atheists". I would say that these practices work for spiritual people because of their connection and belief in what they are doing.
Rupert Explains further What is God...
A Self-Realized person says thank you to God or the Universe a few times a day..
How is it if someone has a brain injury they still have consciousness but the person tht was them is no longer there? Please understand I have searched and hoped tht we are not just the materialism but this is something tht disturb
Consciousness is completely different than mind it reminds forever
focus on what divine free will unity provides instead of political government
The situation we are in is told in tales from the 3 religions, babble on from Babylon, language is not the confusion, philosophy and religion confuse humanity.
2 Timothy 3:5, NIV: "having a form of godliness but denying its power. ... 2 Timothy 3:5, NASB: "holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these." 2 Timothy 3:5, NLT: "They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.
You must hear his sermon on the Trinity, given in an Anglican church with children fussing et al. LOVELY atmosphere , and you KNOW it is a stone building, the way things echo and he never flinched nor seemed put out...his was the best discussion/message/sermon/ lesson on the trinity I have ever heard in my entire 74 years, and that includes any from C.S.Lewis!
22minutes Meditation and parasympathetic nervous system
Those in a highrise experienced lower levels of anxiety and fear if most of them practiced meditation.
Very enjoyable. A brave half-step away from the science dogma.
*"A brave half-step away from the science dogma."* 🤦🏻♂
What is you define as "science dogma" ?
What ever you do, try to take God out of the picture. "meditation, chanting or singing, gratitude, etc." Have you considered that there may be a person who has the spiritual power to actually cause the effects you speak of? There are many NON religious people who believe in God and benefit directly from Him. If you want to meditate on a concept thy this one "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength". Another good one for you is "His divine power gives everything we need for life and happiness through our knowledge of Him"
One thing that happened through all my life was the conscience that i was connected to what we call god through jesus.how can i put it i have faith but do not pray much but whenever i asked anything it just happened so my life is full of coincidences which i m very grateful and i know are connected with what i trully believe.the constant love and support of jesus and the divine mind.it humbles me and makes me very grateful and i never feel alone.we all belong great creatures and small and i ve alwaus felt that way.i never panicked when i was blind or in dager of my life.i m 70 now and i was gravelly ill many times.the doctors panicked and didn t'.sometimes i feel myself trying to calm them down.what can happen.i suffer but i may die.so what!!!! For me it s not the end.life is circular and balanced and we have the bliss of beauty and an elegant universe or several.we have so much to honour and deserve as human beings.
Mantra is mantra, meditation is not the same..to say that monastic life practices meditation is not right..as they were kept under a certain chain of thoughts and emotions which not are in the proper practice of meditation. Meditation without the hype is nothing more than practicing no thought or emotional attachment or dwelling or indulging...in few words you become empty of mind activity as possible so the other dimension called spiritual , soul, etc can come out and be felt but is just a relief from too much compulsive mind and identification with only the mind ...which in turn will connect you with the NOW and get away from past or future neurotic states which we all have as this counter-intuitive and easy to say but very hard to do for many people..that's all, no big enlightment ideas or hype....I not a atheist I am agnostic ...it's a good talk though..
Dr. Of what ?
man made religions are just that man made, truth is implanted in your soul. You know right and wrong internally, but you have free will you choose upon your passing you will be judged worthy or not?
I totally despise the sentients of the materialist West. Especially how one has to keep apologizing for his assent to God or the spiritual. Even the Greco-Roman world, to which academics look back and exalt gave a man the liberty to choose his own gods with whom he feels a special affinity.....But oh no we are to wise to even assume there is a God and our speech must be strain and devious. May God help the people of the West. Science in my view has done more to destroy us socially and morally than anything else......this inherent atheism it has lurking within it hollow reasoning.
Any how it is what it is...........
An essential scientist.
All he has revealed on scientific falacy and he still refers to evolution as established fact?