Yeah, run through the middle of 3 enemies to score 20 (40) points as Solarbeam Venusaur when there's another enemy hiding in the grass. Also, if you have 50 points, the Rayquaza shield AND Gengar's unite move, don't destroy the remaining goal, run in the opposite direction to 2v1 Mewtwo X, get yourself and your teammate KO'd without KOing the Mewtwo X.
@@bonbonnom30 bro I don't think good unite player exist in reddit There probably the people who keep trying score 100 at 2m while there team losses ray
One way I like to phrase it is, while scoring is important, your goal should not be directly to score, but rather it should to be to create opportunities to score MORE.
Taking down bases is not the object, there has to be a purpose. Breaking takes away easier scores and gives the other team more XP and your team less@@Hugo-yz1vb
One time a guy yelled at me on mic that I stole a bunny when I had exp share. I don't think he understood how it worked. He stood there yelling for 30 seconds.
People on vc are almost always bad players, blaming everyone else. Even the few times I've had some that aren't particularly toxic, they still did dumb stuff like dive into the enemy goal and get killed, asking everyone else to cover their mistakes.
I mean, it kind of makes sense if he has stacking items. I do always hate when I have 2 stacking items and my teammate just gets every single last hit, even if they have xp share
@@47slogra Yeah I get this. Still, it's rare that a support will take every single bunny and you only need one for the stack, generally you'll have the better secure.
Wow... I understand getting mad when your ally fletchling steals literally every single farm when you are rowlet and level 1 at the 8 minute mark but that is just ridiculous
Hello I usually just sit back behind my teammates and do massive damage is that good enough? I usually try to stay alive and to make sure the enemy team doesn't score any points or level up since cinderance can die pretty quick
Yeah I feel you, I mostly play defenders and supporters too. But sometimes I feel like it might be my fault, I thought they were going to follow me and I committed before confirming. That said, playing a defender too carefully can be horrible, hate when there's a defender on my team that has small tanked damage numbers.
@@Mimix-oYeah, you should be waiting for your tank to engage and making use of the openings they give you to kill them, while doing your best to not take damage yourself. Don't have to stick by them as a rule though, as a defender main, I often see really aggressive defenders that are playing more like an attacker or the worst kind that only focus on scoring.
Believe me, I know it's important to fill. I love playing me some support and defenders as much as the next guy, but it really grinds my gears to fill as def/supp for 2 attackers, and a speedster only for all 3 of them to end with under 30k damage after dying and back-capping the whole game. Sometimes I feel like just hyper carrying through early ranks is more valuable for my time...
As a defender/supp main, it do be like that. As a reward though I had taken it upon myself for the past 2 days to autolock anything but and I have to say- boy is it easier winning games.
I really am looking forward to draft in Ranked and hoping it'll get players to pick something besides a carry. I don't mind playing defender at all but when it feels like 80% of my games are 4 squishy adc expecting me to soak up all the damage, it gets tiring.
Last season I was amazed of how often my teammates pick defenders and supporters, leaving the center and carry area for me, which is my favorite, this season, everyone wants to be an attacker, I play defender then to balance things out but man, it's crazy out there in the solo q.
Draft should add a matchmaking canceller if your team/the opponent has more than 3 attackers, speedsters, maybe it would balance the gameplay experience even more.
My girlfriend used to always get MVP as Sableye because she was constantly scoring. Didn't care if we were in the middle of an object, Leki, Ray, w/e. We lost many rounds and won many because of the scoring, then I had to break the news to her; MVP isn't the goal, winning as a team is. 4V5 during Ray and only scoring 100 points vs the enemy team potentially scoring 500 isn't the play.
I sometimes still wonder around in a match just because enemies are defending both goals and everyone took all the XP from both sides of the map and left me with nothing... Literally had nothing to do 💀
I think the problem of players focusing on scoring is that they've literally watched like 0 content on the game and just go huh I need to score more points than the enemy....well okay gotta focus on that and only that.
Jake, please make a video on the topic of carrying and filling your role. I think a lot of people coming to the game need to know these things and I believe it will increase the overall player base skill level. Yee Haw
I definitely think a video expanding on the topic of going carry instead of tank is very important. There’s definitely games where i want to play carries but everyone else picks carries so i pick my boy trev. But if u think about it, the true carry is the one willing to fill for the team and put their “carries” in the position to perform as they should. Thats the true mvp imo
One thing I surely miss from drednaw and how much of an exp difference it left on the teams is how level-based the games were, the game was pretty much an 8 minute preparation for the last two minutes where whoever farmed more efficiently and got more objetives would win the last big fight because of a difference in levels between both teams. Nowadays if you get behind in level you might not get the objetives but it's so much easier to get catch-up experience by farming 3 or 4 baltoys so the last big fight both teams will have basically the same levels. It's all about whose team plays the last fight better and not the overall game
I think it happens because when you over win, you have an ego boost and you just get more loosey. While if there are strong players in opposite team, they are eager and may FINALLY unite and mess with one's brain.
"not shore up your team's weaknesses, but lean into the strengths" as a support main honestly this is the truth, I try to watch the whole team but (especially solo) I sometimes abandon one lane where my buddy keeps diving, so we can push the other lane better instead
To give credit to the exp is important, I play Greninja and fought against a rivaling one and they evolved before me, they ran with it and did 20 straight KO’s. They gate kept the center ( I go to center for a exp boost and it IS very awesome). The enemy team almost had a 1,000 points and our team only had less than 100. To be fair the enemy team had better players ( I was the “weakest” member of all the teams with 975 being my trophy count and everyone else being 1,000 to 2,000 trophies.) This was randoms btw in casual matches. I felt outclassed but I still gave it my all!
I've had multiple times where the MPV went to the one with the most assists, even when they had no KOs themselves or scored any points. 9:09 enemy team is a great example of how illogical the MVP point system is.
5:18 that's very true because even new players with less than 800 games always go to regieleki first It's because they think they can take regieleki and just score without getting stopped , they don't think about other things that are necessary for that to happen Like Levels - is my team higher or atleast same level as enemy team because if levels are low you will get killed before regieleki even reaches enemy goal Unite - does your team have unite because without unites it will be very difficult to push regieleki Positioning - is your team even there to push regieleki because if your teammates are not there then you are wasting valuable time in taking regieleki instead you could have farmed and increased your level
The little tidbit about damage numbers being relative is so important. I've played tons of matches with truly awful team mates that do nothing but score in the other lane while we're all dying trying to defend a T2 and at the end of the match I'll go check their stats all grumpy and be flabbergasted by the 70-80k damage dealt (usually speedsters who just insta delete whoever tries to stop them from scoring) and then on the flip side I'll have matches where I'm playing extremely well like getting inportant KOs and stealing objectives or defending goal to find my damage was a mere 40k as a carry. Now I know at the end of the day the numbers don't actually change anything but my fear is that these idiot carry-only players get it in their head that they're amazing at this game because they 'dealt 80k while my shitty Espeon took 50k' and double down on their back capping habits thinking they need to make up for everyone else. I wish it was mandatory for players to watch your vids before starting with this game, Jake. The player base would be a lot smarter and more level headed.
One thing that’s been killing me this and last season, everyone wants to play the all star quarterback hard carry, I get that. I really do, but no one wants to take their turn playing support or defender-and they’re genuinely bad at playing the attacker they pick. I shouldn’t have more ko’s and be doing more damage as a non-stacking defender than our jungler and lane attackers. I am truly bad at defenders, I really am. And I gotta say, when you play 30-40 matches in a row as defender, it gets very tiring.
The only thing i havent like as much is the emblems system added, it was enough with picking a pokemon, learning the game grinding to get the held item better and use them appropriately with your mon', but the emblems, Im always wondering if not having many gold and changing stats so much affect my gameplay recently... :/
I love playing Umbreon, but I'm mostly stuck playing Solo-Q. And it can just be such a pain when your team is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. 😩 Hard to try and carry as a defender/support. It can make a lot of matches feel hopeless. But since most of the time other people won't pick defender/support, it just feels wrong to not go for one myself. Sadly they almost always disappoint.
From the person who *introduced me to the game:* "Your Attack is the thing that happens when you press the A/B buttons. Your Special Attack is the thing that happens when you press the R1/R2 buttons. That's why I run Shell Bell on Buzzwole!"
The MVP discussion reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine who recently got back into the game and I was talking about how nice it would be if there was some sort of medal tracking system similar to first person shooters like call of duty for example
I’m a new player I started two weeks ago and I made it to masters in ranked with dragonite but he is just not cutting it anymore. So the tiers do have some justice to it when it comes to ranked
Not entirely true. In high ranks, counters mean everything. That's why draft pick should be the norm in ranked, so you can see what you're going up against and don't pick into bad matchups. If you're in masters after only 2 weeks, you're gonna be playing against people who have been playing since launch. Macro knowledge of the game matters much more than your pick.
Has unite ever had the number of faints a pokemon has had on the scoreboard or battle report? I feel like that would help with people feeding the enemies for stacks
Regi thing and scoring is like the most hot topics. I’ve also been yelled at to go score when I was farming our indeedee and you know what I did knowing what would happen and died. Then I’ve also rotated from top to bottom and the rest of my team proceeds to rotate top. Solo Que can be hell scape that just leaves you scratching your head “in what world do you think that was a good idea” another thing is knowing how to lane your characters depending on who your partner is cuz how you play Mon differs slightly.
9:40 Not me with 300 points on Goal with Trevy and a Talonflame with 0 points I ain't seen all match. You just ain't meant to win some, but there are some matches I just throw my hands up at the end screen xD. Always nice when you get that one Support player that just clicks with you. Like they look at you in lane and like, "Oh yeh, he built diff, that's win con right there."
The most annoying thing in a match I faced so far is a teammate talking smack to the team/or any person in the team, and then when the scoreboard is revealed, gets the lowest numbers in the team. Oh I am doing so bad? I got more damage, scored more, and tanked more as Mamoswine than your Zoroark. This is even more apparent when said Trash Talker's winrate is much lower than anyone else on the team.
its obvious that both sides have pros and cons but truly we all know that knowing when to battle and when to score is how you get ahead. Things like knowing when stuff spawns and when to be on top of it so that enemies cant take the farm for themselves, or positioning on the enemy side grass right before ray so you can get a good jump on em, getting the last eleki before ray so you can split the enemy team up. Score meta took a hard hit when they nerfed the buddy barrier+score shield combo, but given how many fights you'd lose with 1 less teammate just aint worth the tradeoff of scoring, most people fail to realize that 1 person scoring can't outscore a whole team which is why i dont get backcappers or bush campers waiting for a solo steal when everyone is dead. during my time in unite getting KOs i feel is important because it allows you to do whatever u want uncontested including scoring. it ALSO means less enemies able to score and do what they want so getting KOs is pretty beneficial and nothing short of game winning, i've won games where we lost ray just cuz we got KOs and shredded their shields before they could score and then counter scored.
playing a Blissey or Clef and all that, healing your team and then seeing your machamp throwing their unite in complete void, your gardevoir miss all their future sight and your Cinderace focusing the Goodra that just refuses to die instead of the more squishy target kinda hurts my soul, I really like playing support though but these kind of game make me want to start playing more carries
11:45 my stance to this is with a t1 goal you can better fight for the objectiv because you have the berrys and a safe zone. Probably onlx for solo: For high level games it may be stupid depending on the enemys tean comp to give then free exp early
13:40 I'd say you are correct to say that basically, if they are bad, they are bad, and no amount of help will actually do anything. I do agree. My only counter to that is, you never know who is in the "weaker" lane. You could be allowing 2 pro players to fully stack and completely roll you and later realize the better players were actually holding them back and because you never showed up you yourself as the jungler created an avalanche of a situation for late game. So, all in all, show up at least once to assess the situation before completely abandoning an entire lane.
"Water pulse+ is what I named my son" best piece of advice ever and I would totally encourage everyone who plays azumarill or just pokemon unite in particullar should name their sons or daughters WATER PULSE +
One thing that really gets my goat is un-farmed exp that stays there for 3 mins while my attackers) run toward regileki for the umpteenth time to get KO'd. Sometimes objectives can be a losing battle. Pick your fights well!
the amount of times my team refuse to go farm those free indeede exp is crazy and im master 1400+ now yet stil there are players who after half time stop farming for some reason and only keep rushing into fights to die...
Little micro-aggressions like taking 3 bunnelby in lane and leaving your lane partner at lv 2 before having to fight the enemy is just.. such a dick move!
As an all arounder and attacker player there are some metas where defender and support are easier to carry. Surprisingly during mewtwo Y meta, playing one of those two roles were almost equally as important as picking Y himself. Even after that, i found i was winning games as wigglytuff very easily. I just followed an attacker and sung anyone who got near and my teammate would ALWAYS kill them because it was such an obvious stun move. I was going to do a defender support to masters but while practicing i was going on crazy win streaks and was decided it was easier than actually being a carry
I need a team for unite like every game i deal about 100k damage but end up losing the game because the players I team up with are senseless and they always start attacking Rayquaza and lose Rayquaza to the enemy team😑
I've been noticing recently that one guy stealing EVERYTHING on the map, maxing out his mon quickly, and going gung-ho to the enemy. Idiot's never think there is also 5 and said idiot doesn't think they are strong enough. I call them idiots or morons. ( I use more flowery language when I see them ) The standard postion stealing twats. I ignore them as those " people " start seeing your doing well and wants to be friends. Nope again but they start following me or people who actually know what they are doing. I've seen on 3 matches three guys who were like this and learnt their lessons and behaved so of course I helped them. They just needed to learn this is a team game, not a solo game. Learn that and your on the right road to constantly winning and I'm supporting that so much.
16:14 BRUH im screaming and CRYING for randos to let me spam support pokemon, but ill get abandoned in a lane and used as a meat shield so many times, that I have to accept that its 85% likely ill lose choosing support 😭
I mean the System is actually cursed. I played a game with Slowbro, where I did the most damage, tanked the most damage, scored the most points, had the highest kill participation and didn't die a single time. I didn't got the mvp by 1 point of idk how it's called and the mate who got it definitely played well but the only thing he was better than me was healing (himself). It's just criminal, that if you do basically everything better than your team as a tank, the mvp goes to a all-rounder who simply did less in almost every aspect.
I would like to make a point as a defender main. While having a defender is amazing for team fights, you'll also often encounter teammates who don't know how to play with a defender. That's a good point as to why we get a lower win rate. While you're providing your team with the opportunity to absolutely crush it, should they decline to take advantage of it, you're then just nerfing yourself if you'd otherwise make for a great carry. I'm not saying to not play a defender, and that role likely gets even more valuable in higher MMR matches, but sometimes it is what it is.
I think the real question with soloq filling is whether it's worth it to try and create a more balanced comp, but leave the game in the hands of your leftovers greninja, as opposed to just trying to carry with a bad comp. Obviously you want the balanced comp but you often just end up losing if worse teammates are on the more impactful roles.
I think a vote for mvp system would be so good in every single way; 1) of course it would validate good plays by and large, creating positive reinforcement(yes, some people just have no clue and would vote for bad players because high k/a or because they were the only player that went along with their ints or whatever, but i think in most games at least 3 people have enough understanding of the game to upvote a good teammate) 2) it would take the mind away from "this teammate was so awful" into more positive directions. 3) it would cause players to look at what teammates are doing way more than is currently the case 4) it would cause players that seek mvp to actually think about how they could help their team the most in any given situation. It would be such a small change but thinking about it, i genuinely think it would be very good for the game... Cue trio queues abusing this to give the same player a massive mvp streak or something
When I jungle I evaluate the Pokémon in the lane, not necessarily the player, to determine which group will have a harder time. I then join them to help level them up and have a fighting chance. 9 times out of 10 the stronger group I didn’t choose is able to defend their lane and come out on top without me joining. That works really well for your entire team as jungler.
That 1/10 is when the strong lane has a Zacian constantly feeding your opponents and then you can't keep up cuz that zacian just keeps trying over and over
I agree with choosing a different mon per situation! My Go tos are: Trevenant for Defence (sure I get targeted but the distraction just works way more than it needs to😂 that, and TREE. Though I am thinking about playing Umbreon, should I?) Wigglytuff for support (EXP Share, Focus Band, Shield Buddy, mixed with sleep, especially when my teammate and I kill the alteria farm, is just a MASSIVE Bonus to lvl ups. That and being a little grimlin that puts people to sleep is just so evilly funny and satisying that I sometimes OUTkill an attacker/all rounder) Garchomp: All Rounder (what more can I say? He was my first mon in this game he will be my choice till the end. My personal choice is the Dig/Earthquake, which while it isn't technically the best in terms of meta, It's just my playstyle. I found it helpful area coverage and it being a good help to my teamates when they need it.) Zoroark for Speedster (mostly used for scoring if our team is defence based/all rounder. But oof is it fun to just be like a sneaky scorer and get away with the crime. Escapes are so satisfying😂) Honestly I don't really pick attacker all too much... but when I do, I just do it for guilty Pleasure, specifically Decidueye (for the Clean Arrow shots that save or help the team murder top picks like support) Espeon/Glaceon (eevees are just fun pokemon to play as. Nuff said.) And Inteleon for the thrill of high stakes and high reward on killing your opponent first. And... yeah thats my say on this 😅 Any characters you guys think are fun?
I feel like the worst thing I see often is a lower level pokemon constantly throwing themselves into fights they definitely can't win and just feeding the opponents exp. You can lose the first goal and make a comeback just hold off and farm a bit before engaging
I remember being told as a support I should let the attackers in the lane evolve and get the exp first so they evolve quicker and i followed that for a while and regretted it as the attacker got big headed and would dive and die and level the enemy team up a lot. it's all right to to sacrifice some xp for the carry but do not gimp yourself as a support, you can fight to.
Has anyone here fallen victim to multiple games when your teammates wont help out and the enemy team would just constantly overstack and overwelm your team and take the game over
Coming from League… Snowball the strong lane. If your bot lane had fed the enemy team to the point where they are far ahead, as jungler, ganking that lane unless you are very confident in your solo capabilities could likely lead to you just feeding in and trying to play a painful game of catchup. Alternatively, you could rotate top where your top laners have already cracked the enemy goal open and regieleki is about to spawn in which could out your top lane even further ahead and allow them to hard carry. Now if you are doing well and are strong and you are confident that you can shut down the enemy lane that is bullying yours, it might be worth it to gank that lane and gain some ground. But don’t sacrifice your strong lane in the hopes that your weak lane with eventually hobble back into relevance.
I'm a jungler main, and I believe it's so incredibly important to have a jungler that MAKES GOOD DECISIONS. Jungler is your team's shot caller as long as they are rotating correctly and understand that every game is different. Jungler will win or lose you the game when everyone is playing at least somewhat competently.
I’ve been playing this game on and off since launch and still the most infuriating thing in this whole game is when someone messes with the jungle pathing. either when your jungle steals the first top lane bunny, or when top lane steals xatu exp. Please stop doing that STAY IN YO LANE
I've been paired up with alot of people who immediately go to the goal because (maybe) they have stacking items. Its annoying & 9/10 I've lost to people who did that
Well, I see youtubers like you, cris, suluwuu and many others playing zoroark and I even saw overlord's videos. It was so insane, But I have played over 300 matches with zoroark and I can say that going over 80k dmg is a mamoth task where in utubes, I see over 100k all the time. It was so misleading and frustrating at first... but when I realized that, I did my job as jungler, ko'd enemy squishies, went to objectives and won the game...the dmg numbers and mvp doesn't matter. I feel so happy to play and understand this pokemon now... I think people should understand that too...
I love to break Tier 2 goals early, not to hurt my opponents morale but to stop my team from backcapping. If there is no tier 2 to back cap, they have to go to the Rayquaza fight, right.... (hope you're feeling better Jake!)
i almost quit the game bc i’ve been losing all the time playing defenders/supporters. i picked up dragonite (my old main) and i started winning again :DD i love hoopa tho, i wish more people understood that they gotta stand in the damn portal.
If a teammate keep dying at first goal, it doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, especially in the early plays. They could be stacking! I hate it when I'm stacking and a teammate came and steal-kill all the low lv mobs so now you can't get points for stacks anymore.
What i hate is our jungler having xp share on his/her item list.. and some members not rotating for objective.. i know this is just a rant.. but damn..
So a couple things, I think playing attackers in early ranks is fine for climbing but once you hit elite and ultra, you need to be versatile, i’ve been one tricking Umbreon in my game cause there’s few defender support players but in the off chance I don’t need to play defence i’ll happily play attackers or centre if need be, you just gotta learn like I have been to not go all in at once knowing you could win the fight and expect your team to follow through, if there’s no communication don’t expect them to just know what you’re planning. Secondly when it comes to people playing pokemon, please please please read your moves, you gotta understand that things like an Umbreon Ult can be clutch but it’s 100x more valuable in a team fight because you shred shields like no tommorow, so alongside stuns, displacement, heals or single threat zoning, you need to know how it all works. If you don’t there’s wasted potential there, your fed Pikachu is only gonna deal so much dmg in a team fight with his Ult if you don’t use his whole kit together and understand you don’t generally dive in the middle of a team and expect to get a penta. I learned that the hard way.
i think i like how blaziken and falinks played, maybe if any defenders have similar mechanics i would gladly enjoy the game or take support, you know, more moves to display defender skill
The skill ceiling of this game is high, but the skill floor (?) is so astronomically low sometimes, that bots legitimately would be better as teammates.
Hello, Jake. How about a tier list of how cool and flashy pokemon gameplay looks? Let's say you want to convince someone to play unite. What pokemon you should show so that person would be like: "wow! This is so cool! I need to try this! "
Can you make a vid on what u think about the current emblem system currently and what u think should be change? For example what they can do with the blue and purple emblem and what they can do to make it more useful also the attack speed emblem
I have 3 accounts I get to high 1600 in solo q. One I play whatever is needed. So alit of times I wind up playing a support or defender. My overall winrate is 55% on that account. On another account I play nothing but Carries. Usually zacian and I usually just auto rip ray and secure with ult. 71% overall winrate with similar games played. 4000+ its definitely impossible to carry on a support or defender in solo q. Unless it was pre nerf Lapras or umbreon 😅.
I recently started playing Clefable after being on utter losing streaks with my usual Lane Carries. Yes, I don't rip objectives, Ray or even the Indeedee, but "for some reason" I do way better with Clefable and enabling my tanks, all-rounders and attackers to continue fighting after taking damage and also stop things like Mimikyu, Teleport M2 and such
Lol. I dont even know what my carries are. Ive been doomed to support/tank cuz no one else ever wants to play them for years now. Clefable and Slowbro are easily my 2 highest winrate pokemon. Please send help. I'd love to actually know what it feels like to play damage.
For the first time ever in 2 years of unite I scored over 500 points against actual players, they won both objectives multiple times and got ray and still lost by alot, in that situation they probly felt like nothing could've overcame the point difference, but that's not really true, it's just something you kinda play by ear, and requires judgement and situational awareness..they lost not cause I scored alot but I was phantom force attack weight dragapult and they kept feeding me kills to a point where they couldn't tank DMG's easy to be confused about that though 🤔
worst piece that we missed?
no more b tier. hes deadskies
"You should never send 5 people for bottom or top Regi, because somebody needs to defend."
Yoire fa tually wrong. I jabe talked to people in tje r/pokemon unite discord that still hold the old score meta as the best on this map
Yeah, run through the middle of 3 enemies to score 20 (40) points as Solarbeam Venusaur when there's another enemy hiding in the grass.
Also, if you have 50 points, the Rayquaza shield AND Gengar's unite move, don't destroy the remaining goal, run in the opposite direction to 2v1 Mewtwo X, get yourself and your teammate KO'd without KOing the Mewtwo X.
@@bonbonnom30 bro I don't think good unite player exist in reddit
There probably the people who keep trying score 100 at 2m while there team losses ray
watching my lanemates go past the first two bunnelbys and hit the two nearest to tier 1 goal while im playing an exp share supp/def is painful
Ohhhhh yes
I run them past them too and tale their bunnies 😂
I got a boo boo from just reading this 😂
Me, a defender main: "Preach, brother!"
One way I like to phrase it is, while scoring is important, your goal should not be directly to score, but rather it should to be to create opportunities to score MORE.
That's why I only try to score to either recharge my Unite move, take down bases or leveling up. Not just because I can score.
Great take
Taking down bases is not the object, there has to be a purpose. Breaking takes away easier scores and gives the other team more XP and your team less@@Hugo-yz1vb
@@spragels His or mine?
I guess that would be the best way to phrase the mindset you'd want to adopt when playing. Thank you for putting is so succinctly
One time a guy yelled at me on mic that I stole a bunny when I had exp share. I don't think he understood how it worked. He stood there yelling for 30 seconds.
People on vc are almost always bad players, blaming everyone else. Even the few times I've had some that aren't particularly toxic, they still did dumb stuff like dive into the enemy goal and get killed, asking everyone else to cover their mistakes.
I mean, it kind of makes sense if he has stacking items. I do always hate when I have 2 stacking items and my teammate just gets every single last hit, even if they have xp share
@@47slogra Yeah I get this. Still, it's rare that a support will take every single bunny and you only need one for the stack, generally you'll have the better secure.
@@iskallos7593not rlly, the People i got were very supportive and Said decent things
Wow... I understand getting mad when your ally fletchling steals literally every single farm when you are rowlet and level 1 at the 8 minute mark but that is just ridiculous
I Love playing Defenders.... but then i get bad attackers that dont take advantage of the opportunities i make for them and i loose.
I'm a support main at heart and I feel you man
Hello I usually just sit back behind my teammates and do massive damage is that good enough? I usually try to stay alive and to make sure the enemy team doesn't score any points or level up since cinderance can die pretty quick
Yeah I feel you, I mostly play defenders and supporters too. But sometimes I feel like it might be my fault, I thought they were going to follow me and I committed before confirming. That said, playing a defender too carefully can be horrible, hate when there's a defender on my team that has small tanked damage numbers.
@@Mimix-oYeah, you should be waiting for your tank to engage and making use of the openings they give you to kill them, while doing your best to not take damage yourself. Don't have to stick by them as a rule though, as a defender main, I often see really aggressive defenders that are playing more like an attacker or the worst kind that only focus on scoring.
yes that is what an attacker is supposed to do @@Mimix-o
Believe me, I know it's important to fill. I love playing me some support and defenders as much as the next guy, but it really grinds my gears to fill as def/supp for 2 attackers, and a speedster only for all 3 of them to end with under 30k damage after dying and back-capping the whole game. Sometimes I feel like just hyper carrying through early ranks is more valuable for my time...
As a defender/supp main, it do be like that. As a reward though I had taken it upon myself for the past 2 days to autolock anything but and I have to say- boy is it easier winning games.
dude same!
I really am looking forward to draft in Ranked and hoping it'll get players to pick something besides a carry. I don't mind playing defender at all but when it feels like 80% of my games are 4 squishy adc expecting me to soak up all the damage, it gets tiring.
Last season I was amazed of how often my teammates pick defenders and supporters, leaving the center and carry area for me, which is my favorite, this season, everyone wants to be an attacker, I play defender then to balance things out but man, it's crazy out there in the solo q.
Draft should add a matchmaking canceller if your team/the opponent has more than 3 attackers, speedsters, maybe it would balance the gameplay experience even more.
@@thatnormiegirl106 That's called dodging and yes, every moba has it. I don't know why this game doesn't give the ability to dodge
The worst thing that sometimes happens is that I'm support, and then the other guy leaves me and goes to the other lane for no reason
When you have xp share especially lol
Even worse:
They pretend to pick the support and then they leave you alone in bottom
My girlfriend used to always get MVP as Sableye because she was constantly scoring. Didn't care if we were in the middle of an object, Leki, Ray, w/e. We lost many rounds and won many because of the scoring, then I had to break the news to her; MVP isn't the goal, winning as a team is. 4V5 during Ray and only scoring 100 points vs the enemy team potentially scoring 500 isn't the play.
I love playing defender/support but its just heartbreaking when you've got no one else on the team who knows how to play
I sometimes still wonder around in a match just because enemies are defending both goals and everyone took all the XP from both sides of the map and left me with nothing... Literally had nothing to do 💀
As a T-tar player, I moan with you in sadness lol
I think the problem of players focusing on scoring is that they've literally watched like 0 content on the game and just go huh I need to score more points than the enemy....well okay gotta focus on that and only that.
Yes absolutely
“Ah yes, exp share. The strongest item in the game that is the most misunderstood”
*proceeds to not explain how it works*
Haha I should make a vid
Jake, please make a video on the topic of carrying and filling your role. I think a lot of people coming to the game need to know these things and I believe it will increase the overall player base skill level. Yee Haw
I definitely think a video expanding on the topic of going carry instead of tank is very important. There’s definitely games where i want to play carries but everyone else picks carries so i pick my boy trev. But if u think about it, the true carry is the one willing to fill for the team and put their “carries” in the position to perform as they should. Thats the true mvp imo
One thing I surely miss from drednaw and how much of an exp difference it left on the teams is how level-based the games were, the game was pretty much an 8 minute preparation for the last two minutes where whoever farmed more efficiently and got more objetives would win the last big fight because of a difference in levels between both teams. Nowadays if you get behind in level you might not get the objetives but it's so much easier to get catch-up experience by farming 3 or 4 baltoys so the last big fight both teams will have basically the same levels. It's all about whose team plays the last fight better and not the overall game
And then the team who didn't prepare just magically steals ray and dunks 500+ points and wins.
I think it happens because when you over win, you have an ego boost and you just get more loosey. While if there are strong players in opposite team, they are eager and may FINALLY unite and mess with one's brain.
"not shore up your team's weaknesses, but lean into the strengths"
as a support main honestly this is the truth, I try to watch the whole team but (especially solo) I sometimes abandon one lane where my buddy keeps diving, so we can push the other lane better instead
To give credit to the exp is important, I play Greninja and fought against a rivaling one and they evolved before me, they ran with it and did 20 straight KO’s. They gate kept the center ( I go to center for a exp boost and it IS very awesome). The enemy team almost had a 1,000 points and our team only had less than 100. To be fair the enemy team had better players ( I was the “weakest” member of all the teams with 975 being my trophy count and everyone else being 1,000 to 2,000 trophies.) This was randoms btw in casual matches. I felt outclassed but I still gave it my all!
I've had multiple times where the MPV went to the one with the most assists, even when they had no KOs themselves or scored any points.
9:09 enemy team is a great example of how illogical the MVP point system is.
5:18 that's very true because even new players with less than 800 games always go to regieleki first
It's because they think they can take regieleki and just score without getting stopped , they don't think about other things that are necessary for that to happen
Levels - is my team higher or atleast same level as enemy team because if levels are low you will get killed before regieleki even reaches enemy goal
Unite - does your team have unite because without unites it will be very difficult to push regieleki
Positioning - is your team even there to push regieleki because if your teammates are not there then you are wasting valuable time in taking regieleki instead you could have farmed and increased your level
The little tidbit about damage numbers being relative is so important. I've played tons of matches with truly awful team mates that do nothing but score in the other lane while we're all dying trying to defend a T2 and at the end of the match I'll go check their stats all grumpy and be flabbergasted by the 70-80k damage dealt (usually speedsters who just insta delete whoever tries to stop them from scoring) and then on the flip side I'll have matches where I'm playing extremely well like getting inportant KOs and stealing objectives or defending goal to find my damage was a mere 40k as a carry.
Now I know at the end of the day the numbers don't actually change anything but my fear is that these idiot carry-only players get it in their head that they're amazing at this game because they 'dealt 80k while my shitty Espeon took 50k' and double down on their back capping habits thinking they need to make up for everyone else. I wish it was mandatory for players to watch your vids before starting with this game, Jake. The player base would be a lot smarter and more level headed.
My twin brother thinks breaking the lane is the most important 😭😭
One thing that’s been killing me this and last season, everyone wants to play the all star quarterback hard carry, I get that. I really do, but no one wants to take their turn playing support or defender-and they’re genuinely bad at playing the attacker they pick. I shouldn’t have more ko’s and be doing more damage as a non-stacking defender than our jungler and lane attackers. I am truly bad at defenders, I really am. And I gotta say, when you play 30-40 matches in a row as defender, it gets very tiring.
i personally have never thought about "carry" i just pick my best support or defender or whatever and see what happens
The only thing i havent like as much is the emblems system added, it was enough with picking a pokemon, learning the game grinding to get the held item better and use them appropriately with your mon', but the emblems, Im always wondering if not having many gold and changing stats so much affect my gameplay recently... :/
me when there is a trev clef and lapras on the enemy team which means i am now playing the most broken pokemon (any attacker is about to get 140K)
I love playing Umbreon, but I'm mostly stuck playing Solo-Q. And it can just be such a pain when your team is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. 😩 Hard to try and carry as a defender/support. It can make a lot of matches feel hopeless. But since most of the time other people won't pick defender/support, it just feels wrong to not go for one myself. Sadly they almost always disappoint.
Where is the Disney songs tier list
working on it
@@spragelsDon't make a promise you can't keep, cowboy.
Hellfire S-tier or riot
@@Mr.RyanHernandez we can remind him in a week 😂
"you and you alone are responsible for your losses" is the healthiest mindset to be honest
From the person who *introduced me to the game:*
"Your Attack is the thing that happens when you press the A/B buttons.
Your Special Attack is the thing that happens when you press the R1/R2 buttons.
That's why I run Shell Bell on Buzzwole!"
The MVP discussion reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine who recently got back into the game and I was talking about how nice it would be if there was some sort of medal tracking system similar to first person shooters like call of duty for example
I’m a new player I started two weeks ago and I made it to masters in ranked with dragonite but he is just not cutting it anymore. So the tiers do have some justice to it when it comes to ranked
Not entirely true. In high ranks, counters mean everything. That's why draft pick should be the norm in ranked, so you can see what you're going up against and don't pick into bad matchups. If you're in masters after only 2 weeks, you're gonna be playing against people who have been playing since launch. Macro knowledge of the game matters much more than your pick.
Has unite ever had the number of faints a pokemon has had on the scoreboard or battle report? I feel like that would help with people feeding the enemies for stacks
It never has had it, unfortunately.
Yes a toxic target, such a good idea
“It doesn’t matter if someone else called jungle. If you need it, take Saturday or the entire jungle anyway”
Regi thing and scoring is like the most hot topics. I’ve also been yelled at to go score when I was farming our indeedee and you know what I did knowing what would happen and died. Then I’ve also rotated from top to bottom and the rest of my team proceeds to rotate top. Solo Que can be hell scape that just leaves you scratching your head “in what world do you think that was a good idea” another thing is knowing how to lane your characters depending on who your partner is cuz how you play Mon differs slightly.
9:40 Not me with 300 points on Goal with Trevy and a Talonflame with 0 points I ain't seen all match. You just ain't meant to win some, but there are some matches I just throw my hands up at the end screen xD. Always nice when you get that one Support player that just clicks with you. Like they look at you in lane and like, "Oh yeh, he built diff, that's win con right there."
The most annoying thing in a match I faced so far is a teammate talking smack to the team/or any person in the team, and then when the scoreboard is revealed, gets the lowest numbers in the team.
Oh I am doing so bad? I got more damage, scored more, and tanked more as Mamoswine than your Zoroark.
This is even more apparent when said Trash Talker's winrate is much lower than anyone else on the team.
its obvious that both sides have pros and cons but truly we all know that knowing when to battle and when to score is how you get ahead. Things like knowing when stuff spawns and when to be on top of it so that enemies cant take the farm for themselves, or positioning on the enemy side grass right before ray so you can get a good jump on em, getting the last eleki before ray so you can split the enemy team up.
Score meta took a hard hit when they nerfed the buddy barrier+score shield combo, but given how many fights you'd lose with 1 less teammate just aint worth the tradeoff of scoring, most people fail to realize that 1 person scoring can't outscore a whole team which is why i dont get backcappers or bush campers waiting for a solo steal when everyone is dead.
during my time in unite getting KOs i feel is important because it allows you to do whatever u want uncontested including scoring. it ALSO means less enemies able to score and do what they want so getting KOs is pretty beneficial and nothing short of game winning, i've won games where we lost ray just cuz we got KOs and shredded their shields before they could score and then counter scored.
playing a Blissey or Clef and all that, healing your team and then seeing your machamp throwing their unite in complete void, your gardevoir miss all their future sight and your Cinderace focusing the Goodra that just refuses to die instead of the more squishy target kinda hurts my soul, I really like playing support though but these kind of game make me want to start playing more carries
11:45 my stance to this is with a t1 goal you can better fight for the objectiv because you have the berrys and a safe zone. Probably onlx for solo: For high level games it may be stupid depending on the enemys tean comp to give then free exp early
13:40 I'd say you are correct to say that basically, if they are bad, they are bad, and no amount of help will actually do anything. I do agree. My only counter to that is, you never know who is in the "weaker" lane. You could be allowing 2 pro players to fully stack and completely roll you and later realize the better players were actually holding them back and because you never showed up you yourself as the jungler created an avalanche of a situation for late game. So, all in all, show up at least once to assess the situation before completely abandoning an entire lane.
"Water pulse+ is what I named my son" best piece of advice ever and I would totally encourage everyone who plays azumarill or just pokemon unite in particullar should name their sons or daughters WATER PULSE +
It’s funny to think back to the days where all 5 people would ignore zap, walk into the enemy base with score shield buddy barrier wiggly ult and win
One thing that really gets my goat is un-farmed exp that stays there for 3 mins while my attackers) run toward regileki for the umpteenth time to get KO'd. Sometimes objectives can be a losing battle. Pick your fights well!
the amount of times my team refuse to go farm those free indeede exp is crazy and im master 1400+ now yet stil there are players who after half time stop farming for some reason and only keep rushing into fights to die...
Little micro-aggressions like taking 3 bunnelby in lane and leaving your lane partner at lv 2 before having to fight the enemy is just.. such a dick move!
As an all arounder and attacker player there are some metas where defender and support are easier to carry. Surprisingly during mewtwo Y meta, playing one of those two roles were almost equally as important as picking Y himself. Even after that, i found i was winning games as wigglytuff very easily. I just followed an attacker and sung anyone who got near and my teammate would ALWAYS kill them because it was such an obvious stun move. I was going to do a defender support to masters but while practicing i was going on crazy win streaks and was decided it was easier than actually being a carry
I need a team for unite like every game i deal about 100k damage but end up losing the game because the players I team up with are senseless and they always start attacking Rayquaza and lose Rayquaza to the enemy team😑
I've been noticing recently that one guy stealing EVERYTHING on the map, maxing out his mon quickly, and going gung-ho to the enemy.
Idiot's never think there is also 5 and said idiot doesn't think they are strong enough. I call them idiots or morons. ( I use more flowery language when I see them )
The standard postion stealing twats. I ignore them as those " people " start seeing your doing well and wants to be friends. Nope again but they start following me or people who actually know what they are doing. I've seen on 3 matches three guys who were like this and learnt their lessons and behaved so of course I helped them. They just needed to learn this is a team game, not a solo game. Learn that and your on the right road to constantly winning and I'm supporting that so much.
16:14 BRUH im screaming and CRYING for randos to let me spam support pokemon, but ill get abandoned in a lane and used as a meat shield so many times, that I have to accept that its 85% likely ill lose choosing support 😭
I mean the System is actually cursed. I played a game with Slowbro, where I did the most damage, tanked the most damage, scored the most points, had the highest kill participation and didn't die a single time. I didn't got the mvp by 1 point of idk how it's called and the mate who got it definitely played well but the only thing he was better than me was healing (himself).
It's just criminal, that if you do basically everything better than your team as a tank, the mvp goes to a all-rounder who simply did less in almost every aspect.
I would like to make a point as a defender main. While having a defender is amazing for team fights, you'll also often encounter teammates who don't know how to play with a defender. That's a good point as to why we get a lower win rate. While you're providing your team with the opportunity to absolutely crush it, should they decline to take advantage of it, you're then just nerfing yourself if you'd otherwise make for a great carry. I'm not saying to not play a defender, and that role likely gets even more valuable in higher MMR matches, but sometimes it is what it is.
I think the real question with soloq filling is whether it's worth it to try and create a more balanced comp, but leave the game in the hands of your leftovers greninja, as opposed to just trying to carry with a bad comp. Obviously you want the balanced comp but you often just end up losing if worse teammates are on the more impactful roles.
15:26 i personaly dont agree since i find playing defenders like blastoise and Tree and end up carrying
5hp goal :
That one 6 points attacker : is for me 👉🥺👈
I think a vote for mvp system would be so good in every single way; 1) of course it would validate good plays by and large, creating positive reinforcement(yes, some people just have no clue and would vote for bad players because high k/a or because they were the only player that went along with their ints or whatever, but i think in most games at least 3 people have enough understanding of the game to upvote a good teammate) 2) it would take the mind away from "this teammate was so awful" into more positive directions. 3) it would cause players to look at what teammates are doing way more than is currently the case 4) it would cause players that seek mvp to actually think about how they could help their team the most in any given situation.
It would be such a small change but thinking about it, i genuinely think it would be very good for the game...
Cue trio queues abusing this to give the same player a massive mvp streak or something
When I jungle I evaluate the Pokémon in the lane, not necessarily the player, to determine which group will have a harder time. I then join them to help level them up and have a fighting chance. 9 times out of 10 the stronger group I didn’t choose is able to defend their lane and come out on top without me joining. That works really well for your entire team as jungler.
That 1/10 is when the strong lane has a Zacian constantly feeding your opponents and then you can't keep up cuz that zacian just keeps trying over and over
I agree with choosing a different mon per situation! My Go tos are:
Trevenant for Defence (sure I get targeted but the distraction just works way more than it needs to😂 that, and TREE. Though I am thinking about playing Umbreon, should I?)
Wigglytuff for support (EXP Share, Focus Band, Shield Buddy, mixed with sleep, especially when my teammate and I kill the alteria farm, is just a MASSIVE Bonus to lvl ups. That and being a little grimlin that puts people to sleep is just so evilly funny and satisying that I sometimes OUTkill an attacker/all rounder)
Garchomp: All Rounder (what more can I say? He was my first mon in this game he will be my choice till the end. My personal choice is the Dig/Earthquake, which while it isn't technically the best in terms of meta, It's just my playstyle. I found it helpful area coverage and it being a good help to my teamates when they need it.)
Zoroark for Speedster (mostly used for scoring if our team is defence based/all rounder. But oof is it fun to just be like a sneaky scorer and get away with the crime. Escapes are so satisfying😂)
Honestly I don't really pick attacker all too much... but when I do, I just do it for guilty Pleasure, specifically Decidueye (for the Clean Arrow shots that save or help the team murder top picks like support) Espeon/Glaceon (eevees are just fun pokemon to play as. Nuff said.) And Inteleon for the thrill of high stakes and high reward on killing your opponent first.
And... yeah thats my say on this 😅
Any characters you guys think are fun?
I feel like the worst thing I see often is a lower level pokemon constantly throwing themselves into fights they definitely can't win and just feeding the opponents exp. You can lose the first goal and make a comeback just hold off and farm a bit before engaging
Something not touched on here that helped me a lot is "Turn of mic" as soon as I stopped hearing tilt or demands. I played so much better
I remember being told as a support I should let the attackers in the lane evolve and get the exp first so they evolve quicker and i followed that for a while and regretted it as the attacker got big headed and would dive and die and level the enemy team up a lot. it's all right to to sacrifice some xp for the carry but do not gimp yourself as a support, you can fight to.
Has anyone here fallen victim to multiple games when your teammates wont help out and the enemy team would just constantly overstack and overwelm your team and take the game over
I wish we had more time to setup our team before a match.
Coming from League…
Snowball the strong lane. If your bot lane had fed the enemy team to the point where they are far ahead, as jungler, ganking that lane unless you are very confident in your solo capabilities could likely lead to you just feeding in and trying to play a painful game of catchup. Alternatively, you could rotate top where your top laners have already cracked the enemy goal open and regieleki is about to spawn in which could out your top lane even further ahead and allow them to hard carry.
Now if you are doing well and are strong and you are confident that you can shut down the enemy lane that is bullying yours, it might be worth it to gank that lane and gain some ground. But don’t sacrifice your strong lane in the hopes that your weak lane with eventually hobble back into relevance.
The weaker lane is so I can get fed then I go to strong lane to make sure I get even more fed
I think some people think that when u call a lane u stay in that lane thats why they dont rotate
I'm a jungler main, and I believe it's so incredibly important to have a jungler that MAKES GOOD DECISIONS. Jungler is your team's shot caller as long as they are rotating correctly and understand that every game is different. Jungler will win or lose you the game when everyone is playing at least somewhat competently.
I’ve been playing this game on and off since launch and still the most infuriating thing in this whole game is when someone messes with the jungle pathing. either when your jungle steals the first top lane bunny, or when top lane steals xatu exp. Please stop doing that STAY IN YO LANE
I've been paired up with alot of people who immediately go to the goal because (maybe) they have stacking items. Its annoying & 9/10 I've lost to people who did that
Well, I see youtubers like you, cris, suluwuu and many others playing zoroark and I even saw overlord's videos. It was so insane, But I have played over 300 matches with zoroark and I can say that going over 80k dmg is a mamoth task where in utubes, I see over 100k all the time. It was so misleading and frustrating at first... but when I realized that, I did my job as jungler, ko'd enemy squishies, went to objectives and won the game...the dmg numbers and mvp doesn't matter. I feel so happy to play and understand this pokemon now... I think people should understand that too...
I was a defender main for so long it feels soo good getting away
equip goal getter in EVERY pokemon!! and if enemy team is distracted with Rayquaza go for a sneaky goal!!
I desperately want to be good with sableye because i love the idea of his kit. But i feel so useless everytime i play him in ranked
I love to break Tier 2 goals early, not to hurt my opponents morale but to stop my team from backcapping. If there is no tier 2 to back cap, they have to go to the Rayquaza fight, right....
(hope you're feeling better Jake!)
There is already a voting system in pokemon unite at the end of matches.
I main choice specs, muscle band, and resonant (formerly rocky helmet) mamoswine and i carry more often then when i play carry mons
i almost quit the game bc i’ve been losing all the time playing defenders/supporters. i picked up dragonite (my old main) and i started winning again :DD
i love hoopa tho, i wish more people understood that they gotta stand in the damn portal.
If a teammate keep dying at first goal, it doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, especially in the early plays.
They could be stacking!
I hate it when I'm stacking and a teammate came and steal-kill all the low lv mobs so now you can't get points for stacks anymore.
I’ve learned so much more from this video, than I have actually playing Pokémon Unite. Definitely would be cool to have a part two to this
Your last statement was spot on. Truth is, everything kind of works, so a bit of sensationalism is needed😅
What i hate is our jungler having xp share on his/her item list.. and some members not rotating for objective.. i know this is just a rant.. but damn..
So a couple things, I think playing attackers in early ranks is fine for climbing but once you hit elite and ultra, you need to be versatile, i’ve been one tricking Umbreon in my game cause there’s few defender support players but in the off chance I don’t need to play defence i’ll happily play attackers or centre if need be, you just gotta learn like I have been to not go all in at once knowing you could win the fight and expect your team to follow through, if there’s no communication don’t expect them to just know what you’re planning.
Secondly when it comes to people playing pokemon, please please please read your moves, you gotta understand that things like an Umbreon Ult can be clutch but it’s 100x more valuable in a team fight because you shred shields like no tommorow, so alongside stuns, displacement, heals or single threat zoning, you need to know how it all works.
If you don’t there’s wasted potential there, your fed Pikachu is only gonna deal so much dmg in a team fight with his Ult if you don’t use his whole kit together and understand you don’t generally dive in the middle of a team and expect to get a penta. I learned that the hard way.
i think i like how blaziken and falinks played, maybe if any defenders have similar mechanics i would gladly enjoy the game or take support, you know, more moves to display defender skill
i know it's better to help the stronger lane as a jungler but i just feel so bad for the weak lane
For some reason I thought that ttar was a shiny flutter mane💀
I loved this video and would enjoy another of this type if possible!
Question for everyone do you ever get teammates that run into walls especially at the Ray fight?
Yes. They're bots
The skill ceiling of this game is high, but the skill floor (?) is so astronomically low sometimes, that bots legitimately would be better as teammates.
Hello, Jake. How about a tier list of how cool and flashy pokemon gameplay looks? Let's say you want to convince someone to play unite. What pokemon you should show so that person would be like: "wow! This is so cool! I need to try this! "
Can you make a vid on what u think about the current emblem system currently and what u think should be change? For example what they can do with the blue and purple emblem and what they can do to make it more useful also the attack speed emblem
We have catch-up experience. Now what about mustard experience? I’m waiting TiMi.
I pick support or defender because i know i have no talent to carry using an attacker all rounder and Speedster
I have 3 accounts I get to high 1600 in solo q. One I play whatever is needed. So alit of times I wind up playing a support or defender. My overall winrate is 55% on that account. On another account I play nothing but Carries. Usually zacian and I usually just auto rip ray and secure with ult. 71% overall winrate with similar games played. 4000+ its definitely impossible to carry on a support or defender in solo q. Unless it was pre nerf Lapras or umbreon 😅.
I recently started playing Clefable after being on utter losing streaks with my usual Lane Carries. Yes, I don't rip objectives, Ray or even the Indeedee, but "for some reason" I do way better with Clefable and enabling my tanks, all-rounders and attackers to continue fighting after taking damage and also stop things like Mimikyu, Teleport M2 and such
Honestly unless you’re in a 3 man and coordinating with a particular lane, always gank the strong lane
Lol. I dont even know what my carries are. Ive been doomed to support/tank cuz no one else ever wants to play them for years now. Clefable and Slowbro are easily my 2 highest winrate pokemon. Please send help. I'd love to actually know what it feels like to play damage.
For the first time ever in 2 years of unite I scored over 500 points against actual players, they won both objectives multiple times and got ray and still lost by alot, in that situation they probly felt like nothing could've overcame the point difference, but that's not really true, it's just something you kinda play by ear, and requires judgement and situational awareness..they lost not cause I scored alot but I was phantom force attack weight dragapult and they kept feeding me kills to a point where they couldn't tank DMG's easy to be confused about that though 🤔
I’ve seen someone get mvp with the least in damage, kos, assists, score, healing and damage taken across the whole team, because they stole ray
Id really enjoy a scoring guide, im still confused why breaking a tier 2 goal early is bad
His son's full name is:
Water Pulse+ Yeehaw Spragels