Paul Davies I love you. You have inspired me for many years with your books, and finally I get to see your face. You are a theoretical physicist with a heart. Meaning that you think very subtly. God bless,
First came across Paul Davies on the BBC Horizon documentary series back in the 1980's. Also have a couple of his audio books. Always very engaging and easy to listen to. Thanks Paul for keeping me informed over the past 40 years.
These are all he makes now. They're called "Closer To Truth: CHATS". The others are old episodes, or clips from old episodes, of the Closer To Truth TV show. I don't think the TV show is being produced anymore. It seems like he just does these 1 on 1 Zoom chats now.
I started reading this book and almost couldn't put it down.. fantastic subject matter and Davies shows why he may be one of the brightest people alive.
""A UNIVERSE THAT JUST EXISTS FOR NO REASON WITH SPECIFIC PROPERTIES THAT JUST ARE IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED IN FORMAL LOGIC AS ABSURD"" ...I have been saying (with infinitely worse syntax) this for months here !! I love this man !!
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast might have something to say: “Whether fields, particles or strings, if I'm going to prevail in a crowded multiverse, I first have to make the most space. And it has to be the strongest and the smartest empty space compared to all the other Universes. This universe is the best, and don't I deserve the best!”
“You might ask how I, a philosopher could speak to issues treated by scientists. The best way to answer this is with another question. Are we engaging in science or philosophy here? When you study the interaction of two physical bodies, for instance, two subatomic particles, you are engaged in science. When you ask how it is that those subatomic particles - or anything physical - could exist and why you are engaged in philosophy. When you draw philosophical conclusions from scientific data, then you are thinking as a philosopher.” Antony Flew
It is a beautyfull Thing this Universe an it is very Important ,how its self his hold or the Place. It,s works with a stepp by stepp Rythem ,and this can we find in many Things. This is a Pulse or Impulse System . The first Impulse has made here beautyfull things ,and this Works, in all People and Life forms of the World or in this Universe. Waht we do with this Things in us,or what it make with us,this is not ever so Nice. This Universe give his self his Sense and the Human Need his not for this. To many Humans made this here to a Absurd Place ,with his bad Mental Situation . The most People has to much Psychologic Problem,s or better we all. Bud this.World has Nice Thinks in his self ,and I belive it is with what we make with all this. The flow of Information is good here or better as on many other Chanel,s bud for to much People is this not so good Visible. The Reality has a Sense and this is Visible ,Absurd is this Reality only on small Place,s.. The Reality is can we say at the end not so Absurd.
@@logicbomb8977 your like my cat. I point to the moon and you sniff my finger. THE INFINITE Dear to me always was this lonely hill And this hedge that excludes so large a part of the ultimate horizon from my view. But as I sit and gaze, my thought conceives Interminable vastnesses of space Beyond it, and unearthly silences, And profoundest calm; whereat my heart almost becomes dismayed. And as I hear the wind blustering through these branches, I find myself comparing with this sound that infinite silence; and then I call to mind eternity, and the ages that are dead, and this that now is living, and the noise of it. And so In this immensity my thought sinks drowned: And sweet it seems to shipwreck in this sea.
@@Baba-fy1jc I think I've spotted another semi-literate online lunatic. I recommend intercourse with your 'spiritual' brother Anguish Macdonald here. He nestles not so much here as in the infinite void - you both hum the same hymn.
The ancient Greeks also invented the first analog computer that modelled the motion of the planets and the moon, could predict eclipses etc. The Antikythera Mechanism is about 2200 years old. The Ancient Greeks also invented a type of steam engine (see Hero). The first helio-centric model of the cosmos was first proposed by Aristarchus in about 400 BC
@@b.g.5869 It satisfies all the requirements of a computer and surpasses the rudimentary requirements of a calculator. The Antikythera Mechanism can accept input data or initial conditions, process this data or apply algorithmic computational operations that are mechanical and output results - more importantly make predictions. You mat wish to look into the AK mechanism in detail as well as how computational mechanisms and computers function. A simple but very interesting area
About fine tuning. Why only two options: multiverse (all values of constants are possible) or the absurd (they are what they are)? Why not believe in EVOLUTION of the universe over multiple aeons, as in the CCC theory? In fact, I can imagine the first few aeons being quite short. I would love for Closer to Truth to take CCC more seriously. Thanks for making us think.
We are not alone in the universe. An Other is always trying to make its Self known to us, and it tries to find a way to communicate with us, as individuals and collectively. THe use of language created by man is always the creation of man, who has severed connection with the Other and installed sciences as The Source. and that is true basically. THe Veiied Pulse Of Time is the best book about the stages and states of mind that man has discovered this far ...imo. THanks for being here in the life of this
The Universe is about something? Can only be patterning. Patterns give persistence to certain forms/assemblages and not others. Patterns deny the primacy of reductionism.
I have seen on youtube how explosion of submarine in deep water of ocean make ball of fire and after that create vacuum ball that suck in matter and water after it diminish, can similar principle apply on supernova and black hole.
I am not a physicist so my speculative theory is likely to be "absurd". As I understand it, Eisenstein's theory E+mc2 means energy equals mass. Scientists say that before the big bang there was nothing, no electrons, no quarks, no Higgs bosons and no quanta, no mass at all. Some call this zero point energy or a vacuum. Before the big bang wasn't there a limitless supply of vacuum energy? Could it be that the vacuum energy became so intense it became unstable and birthed what we see today?
It is likely that many in the sciences who understand that consciousness is primary and is referred to by religious people, of all eras, as God, In today’s scientific climate admitting to that understanding would not exactly be a wise career move. However, some do admit that they understand there is a cosmos intelligence in which we share. They are brave in doing that, in coming out, as it were.
Is meaning like a triangular prism? White light goes through and out comes colors. If so what prism would scientists need to define love? If scientist's can define love it would go a long way to providing evidence that their exploration of the universe is capable of intellectually synthesizing the requisite breadth and scope of meaning that it might require. Until then the prism of science may be useful but myopic.
The problem is you can’t get any better than a necessary, brute fact. At some point you’re gonna find yourself at a stopping point of something that doesn’t have and doesn’t need an explanation. You have to have that or, like he said in the video, there will be turtles all the way down.
Maybe the universe is about balance. I always think about how perfectly balanced everything is. If it was out of balance, we wouldn't exist, and the antimatter that is missing is a sign that something or someone is keeping us in balance. Maybe black holes trap antimatter in them.
I think is time to cease pondering questions that leads to nowhere but round and round over. Is understood that we have to comprehend many things yet, but to get to the premise of absurd to continue to that line makes no sense, most of all if the critic situation of mankind needs to solve the problem of an existence that has to be answer yet. So we have that set of rules and we must play it without conflict. The multiverse is each one of us; the different version of our person are the others for whom we are their other version, because that's quantum mechanics. Universe doesn't need an inifinite repetition of itself with infinite variations because somehow it is creative too, so the multiple possibilities are changes in reality and we are those variations; infinite in probability and finite through entropy. Our senses are our tools, there are no others yet (they are on developing process), but that's how we perceive the world and our life. If we could perceive only certain ranges of electromagnetism it would be insufficient as well. So that's what we got and it let us apreciate how intersting and exciting everything is. Now its time to reconfigure our behavior to cease provoking so many mistakes and wrong scenarios to keep going deeper into the nature of our universe without "absurd" speculation. To get to that point we must colapse our knowledge and continue from a Philosophical Zero. We have certainties, now let's work from that platform to solve and makeout our civilization and throughout that process we might receive numerous fantastic answers due to a more complex thinking process.
Everyone's so focused on the physical structure of the universe and how it operates. The truth is that the universe is nothing more than a 93-billion-light-years-wide movie set. After 13.7 billion years, we are the actors in the movie titled, *"Existence."* .... Focusing on the set design has caused us to miss the plot!
The Absolute Truth can only be known by the criterion of proof: SATISFACTION OF THE NEEDS OF ALL BEINGS. This demands interpretation of numbers and the operations on them (the 4 arithmetic operations) as elementary particles and their interactions, accordingly, and then interpreting need perceptions also (as different from ONLY sense perceptions done by E & O Science at present) into particle interactions. And the final formulae would take the form: Needs of beings = Satisfaction by vegetation (the latter as functions of soil as the substitute for the general relativistic formula): Curvature of spacetime = Sum of matter (and energy) As soil composition and need perceptions are both particle physically interpreted this formula unifies particle physics and relativity as a minor subfunction of this general formula of life function (when aplied to excreta of plants, the minerals).
Because the equations of general relativity are unable to accurately describe and predict the motion of all the matter in the universe, then the equations are incomplete. Until physicists and astrophysicists are able to accurately predict the motion of all the matter in the universe then they are unable to explain or understand all of reality. That's exactly what I did in my book series called SECRET UNIVERSE by Ron Kemp. I figured out the missing variables in Einstein's field equations on gravity, fixed them and now all the observations can be explained, including the motion pinned on expanding space, dark matter and accelerated expansion of space called dark energy. So, if you start with an incomplete theory to describe motion of matter in the universe then the answer will always be incomplete.
Paul is a genuinely nice chap who brings some balance to teleological argument. Even though I do not subscribe to the universe been about anything, I'd take great pleasure in debating the subject with him, preferably with a pint in a pub.
The irony here is that Davies has gone to great trouble to clarify that when he says the universe is about something he's not referring to anything teleological; he essentially just means it's coherent and logically consistent. It's essentially his version of Einstein's saying that the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it's comprehensible. He specifically went on at some length about how he recognizes the confusion that can be sewn when "loaded" terms are employed (such as saying "the universe is _about_ something") precisely to prevent this sort of misinterpretation. Nevertheless, the vast majority of commenters here, whether they're supernaturalist woosters or critically thinking skeptics are still misconstruing him as proposing something teleological; he's not. He would probably agree with you that the universe isn't "about something" in the sense you seem to be objecting to. The thing is, humans are only here having this discussion because we've survived and thrived as well as we have as a species by being exceptionally good at pattern recognition and manipulation; we've evolved to become really good at seeing order in things. This is the "something" that we see the universe is "about". I wouldn't want to trivialize it by saying it's akin to a person wearing glasses with red lenses wondering why everything is red hued, but there's an element of something like this coloring our impression of the universe. It's therefore not surprising that this sense of a highly ordered universe seems to vanish when we observe the quantum realm; a realm which we didn't evolve to navigate.
@@b.g.5869 He seems to have changed his tune over the years, there are older videos on Closer to Truth, that were re-aired not so long ago, were he clearly states that when we come to explain the universe, teleology needed 'dusting off' and looking at again. But I watched this chat again, and I take your point. I couldn't actually find that much I disagreed with, I think I was watching it my guard up initially!
It's always interesting to ponder and realise that the cosmos just seems to be a recycling possibility / probability that all expressions currently observed are often unstable, confusing and conflicting (and seemingly both linear and random at the same time).... and yet all these observed expressions exist (except the fantasy and delusional stuff of course)... but what exists happens only "as and when" the circumstances, conditions, situations and time allowed for them to occur, develop and evolve ....or equally reverse, decline or collapse. And although interesting to additionally ponder whether this conflicting process implies hierarchical or non hierarchical agency, purpose, meaning or authority, or not.... or even if there is need for such specific and questionable and restrictive additions... is highly subjective, questionable, problematic and unlikely! Simply because when considering the all the actual observable evidence and variables shows and suggests that hierarchical structures and constructs of imposed agency authority, order and rule...., are only actually evident and found in the much later formed and evolved complex biology...and even then only created, used and maintain as means for group organisation, control, subjugation, regulation and a desire for selective power and advantage and order ...but when compare to the full diversity of biology as a whole... there are many other different and dynamic non hierarchical processes used by other forms of biology to operate and function by...usual based on their constructs, capacities and complexity. So naturally and unfortunately .. we as humans are later evolved complex critters that now primarily only use patriarchal and hierrchical systems to organise ourselves..will to some extent want to assume or at least want the cosmos to mirror their persona hierarchical beliefs and positions ...and as such many now believe and infer that patriarchy or Hierarchical must also be true constant construct and condition for the cosmos...ergo fatherly god's and naughty uncle devils etc....even though the growing wider body of evidence does not actually support this....beyond being a specific biologically and species related organisational operating system and response. ...which ironical hierarchies only ever create divisions, disparities and never ending conflict....and actually is a highly unintelligent and wasteful way process and operating practice.
OMG We have “got there yet”!!! Soooo Frustrating. I keep trying to tell people that we actually figured it out how it all fits together. ALL. I laid out the overall idea in my first book. I know I sound like a crank, so stop making that face! Lol. but I used to teach experimental methodology at a prestigious university. I love science. I am doing for all of existence what Darwin did for life: discovering and elucidating the overall pattern of things. Everything. Most people when they say “theory of everything” are only echoing the concept in a lesser perspective-such as just in math, or physics or etc. -explaining everything by referring to a part of everything. A part of how everything works. That will NEVER WORK by itself. Everything counts: you explain all species in context over time. I show you what the universe actually is and what it does by reference to patterns of EVERYTHING. How the Big Bang relates to human civilization and trees, for example. In the book I am finishing now, I go into details about how to see it. Like Darwin organizing specimens from the Journey of the Beagle. So between my 2 books separated by 20 years, I tried to figure out why people didn’t see it. I think my second book will allow them too with some work. I see it because I don’t have a subconscious? In the normal sense people do. Also, I have extreme abilities in symbols and language- and I consider computer programs to be an art. Speaking of which, art CAN be “right or wrong” even though either way it is STILL ART. Still important. I’m learning that when I begin to speak piecemeal about it I am absolutely invariably misunderstood because I actually have a completely new context for these things-so I will stop there, lest ye bludgeon me with the medieval weaponry of your fundamental assumptions… 😂 If you understand epistemological ideas, then you know how much fundamental assumptions can affect your ability to understand. Assuming the sun revolves around the earth or that space and time are separate, for example. You will never get it. You won’t even look through a telescope. This is the problem with debating and arguments, with educational systems too-assumptions are the “boxing ring” and true revolution is beyond rings, beyond the structures in which our rings exist, and so ossification, or rigor Mortis sets in even though the structures still appear to exist and move-like the planets without life compared to one with life. I wish someone or some organization would put their money where their mouth is and give me a place to live and write. I was born to do this and I began to see and self- program when I was very young. I have a lot to do. I am the change-referring to Ghandi saying “being the change”. We have to do this right. I need an interface with people to do this properly. Please anyone reading this who can, I need your help. Help me Obi Wan. You are my only hope. That sort of thing… 😂🤷♀️ I put all my intellectual eggs in this basket because I had to. And put my trust in people who I love by doing so. As a result, I am Not equipped to deal with political, social, or financial realities in my own life. It was hard enough as it was to do this, and precarious. I used all my energy in my short time on earth for this-to assure I would be successful. To conserve fuel in my trajectory to have enough momentum and enough fuel for reaching a stable orbit so to speak, and to do this right. I could not afford to look from only my own eyes, or to take the suggestions only of my own physiological existence in the here and now. Don’t ever take your body or your success for granted. It’s like falling on a grenade. Sacrifice for a larger thing. I hope that’s still a “thing” in this world? There are many forms of love: also there are many forms of sacrifice and heroism. They are rare in direct relationship to their magnitude. I did a thing. I want to put my picture on the refrigerator too. (A refrigerator being a reverse entropy engine within an entropic trajectory in time, 😂 Thankfully I have kept my sense of humor) 🙏🏻 ❤️🔥👩🏻🚀 Actually I can’t stress enough that if this is not done right we will be destroyed. We need to know these things before we fire up our quantum computers to any extent and before we screw up the whole AI thing. Order of operations is important, in math, in programming, in life. If you are aware of anyone or any resources that could help me be what I was meant to be and do what I was meant to do, I would greatly appreciate it. If you know anyone who could help edit and smooth out my book it would be great! If it helps, I took several personality tests and I am extremely high on openness, agreeableness, and mental stability. I am also the “thinker” type on the 16-factor (INTP). If you know anyone that can deal with that or mesh with that: Thanks 🙏🏻 Thanks so much for this!! ❤️🔥 I love Paul Davies so much. I am extremely grateful for his work. Reading this book ASAP. 🙏🏻
@@TimothyOBrien6 thanks Timothy! I wrote an article for Nature, trying to summarize everything… we’ll see! The issue is that people can’t see outside a paradigm that seems to give them so much and which seems so complete and woven into their world view and feelings. They have no reason to. They will produce memes and rationalize away anything I say under old assumptions. We think science is such a given, moving forward as automatic, but it’s much harder to change the paradigm under so much interwoven through it.
He said a lot but didn't say anything, I didn't understand what the distinction between purpose and meaning according to his stuttering, and long attempts to "explain". You describe him as an exception in his community, as someone who is rebel against the materialist paradigm, and I have noticed you tend to do it a lot with many other scientists, who are really don't justify this title, for example, you presented Sabine in similar way, yet as far as I can tell, I don't really see anything positive about her, she is an hardcore materialist as you can get, just like the rest of the dudes in her field. So I really don't care about the very subtle nuances that hardly distinguish him and all the other materialists\atheists scientists, who make up most of the scientists, if in his own shutter words, the universe is about something because you can make sense of it, well, he is not different than any other atheist, they are all don't care about meaning, unless you redefine the word meaning to be equal to logic and math. In that case, they will feel less cringe when you use the word meaning all the sudden, because you replaced the word meaning with science. so making "sense:" is very weak pathetic attempts to distinguish himself from all other hardcore materialists.
Earth and the miraculous works of fine art called "life" on it are being sucked out of heaven (joy, beauty and harmony) by a giant black hole in space called "greed" and it's ignorance (hate).
Are these your’s spirit? They are Man's and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased
Romans 10:9 King James Version 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved John 3:16 King James Version 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 1 Corinthians 15 The Resurrection of Christ 15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures
A creator of the entire universe would certainly have immense power - any message to mankind would surely be relative such power. Any book written in a solitary langue the world can’t understand is highly unlikely to come from such a powerful being. Look at culture: this is why no religion in earth fits
@@bigboyshit1 why not? I am agnostic, but if you allow for a god in your cosmology, god could communicate us in any manner which god sees fit. Why not speak in parables that could move simple desert bedouins?
@@joegibbskins a god would have unquestionable power based on the universe we find ourselves in. All religions to date fail to consider the demographics differences that result in vastly different cultures. Take Islam: it belongs to one particular culture, not the majority. Anyone born outside of the umbrella of where Islam spread is highly unlikely to believe in its doctrine, due to very different cultural influences
@UCjpkg42oxc09gHsXhj8k8Rg - I’m talking more in relative terms, not just about Islam, but all faiths - the method of communication lacks thought for our cultural surroundings, especially seen as Islam and Christianity teach such violent outcomes for those that don’t believe in the faith. Also - the Quran has biological errors
@@bigboyshit1 If the cosmological statements at the top of the list are not sufficient (expanding universe, big bang etc), the statements with regards to embryology at the end of the list are likely to blow your mind. It's just not possible that a seventh century benouine could have made these observations. I think you would agree that a man made book from the seventh century would be full of superstitions, but that's not the case with the Quran. Today there are over a billion Muslims in the world, and Islam is spreading rapidly in the west. I was an agnostic prior to reading these verses in the Quran and concluding there's no way these statements could be man made. Hence, not only is there a creator that communicated with us, but Islam is the path of guidance to understanding him and his reason for creating us - as well as understanding answers to the big questions around suffering that we've all asked.
Robert, once again thank you so much for creating this channel, a real gem.
Paul Davies I love you. You have inspired me for many years with your books, and finally I get to see your face.
You are a theoretical physicist with a heart. Meaning that you think very subtly.
God bless,
Another amazing conversation with Paul Davies, thank you!
Paul Davies, one of my heroes. I have aaalmost all of his books. Really a great writer 👍👍👍
First came across Paul Davies on the BBC Horizon documentary series back in the 1980's. Also have a couple of his audio books. Always very engaging and easy to listen to. Thanks Paul for keeping me informed over the past 40 years.
Steady dropping knowledge on this channel. Well done.
Enjoying the longer videos!
These are all he makes now. They're called "Closer To Truth: CHATS".
The others are old episodes, or clips from old episodes, of the Closer To Truth TV show. I don't think the TV show is being produced anymore. It seems like he just does these 1 on 1 Zoom chats now.
Good questions,great answers. I love it all.
Paul is by far the best Closer to Truth interlocutor
Robert is the interlocutor.
Levitating Superturtle should have been the book title
That's already the name of his rock band.
I started reading this book and almost couldn't put it down.. fantastic subject matter and Davies shows why he may be one of the brightest people alive.
""A UNIVERSE THAT JUST EXISTS FOR NO REASON WITH SPECIFIC PROPERTIES THAT JUST ARE IS CORRECTLY DESCRIBED IN FORMAL LOGIC AS ABSURD"" ...I have been saying (with infinitely worse syntax) this for months here !! I love this man !!
perhaps logic is not what you need to find the truth
Is there a reason for the existence of the universe? What would that be?
@@guillermochavez2515 curiosity
@@angusmacdonald4860 whose?
@@guillermochavez2515 The All is mind, the Universe is Mental
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast might have something to say: “Whether fields, particles or strings, if I'm going to prevail in a crowded multiverse, I first have to make the most space. And it has to be the strongest and the smartest empty space compared to all the other Universes. This universe is the best, and don't I deserve the best!”
“You might ask how I, a philosopher could speak to issues treated by scientists. The best way to answer this is with another question. Are we engaging in science or philosophy here? When you study the interaction of two physical bodies, for instance, two subatomic particles, you are engaged in science. When you ask how it is that those subatomic particles - or anything physical - could exist and why you are engaged in philosophy. When you draw philosophical conclusions from scientific data, then you are thinking as a philosopher.”
Antony Flew
reality is absurd. unfathomable, infinite, eternal and conscious
It is a beautyfull Thing this Universe an it is very Important ,how its self his hold or the Place.
It,s works with a stepp by stepp Rythem ,and this can we find in many Things.
This is a Pulse or Impulse System .
The first Impulse has made here beautyfull things ,and this Works, in all People and Life forms of the World or in this Universe.
Waht we do with this Things in us,or what it make with us,this is not ever so Nice.
This Universe give his self his Sense and the Human Need his not for this.
To many Humans made this here to a Absurd Place ,with his bad Mental Situation .
The most People has to much Psychologic Problem,s or better we all.
Bud this.World has Nice Thinks in his self ,and I belive it is with what we make with all this.
The flow of Information is good here or better as on many other Chanel,s bud for to much People is this not so good Visible.
The Reality has a Sense and this is Visible ,Absurd is this Reality only on small Place,s..
The Reality is can we say at the end not so Absurd.
How do you demonstrate the universe is conscious, infinite or eternal
@@logicbomb8977 your like my cat. I point to the moon and you sniff my finger.
Dear to me always was this lonely hill
And this hedge that excludes so large a part
of the ultimate horizon from my view.
But as I sit and gaze, my thought conceives
Interminable vastnesses of space
Beyond it, and unearthly silences,
And profoundest calm; whereat my heart almost
becomes dismayed. And as I hear the wind
blustering through these branches, I find myself
comparing with this sound that infinite silence;
and then I call to mind eternity,
and the ages that are dead, and this that now
is living, and the noise of it. And so
In this immensity my thought sinks drowned:
And sweet it seems to shipwreck in this sea.
Absurdity is a fabricated illusion.
Consciousness allows me to say this.
Infinity is not a number.
I think I've spotted another semi-literate online lunatic.
I recommend intercourse with your 'spiritual' brother Anguish Macdonald here.
He nestles not so much here as in the infinite void - you both hum the same hymn.
Super explain ❤️❤️❤️
How happy❤️
Thank you RLK.
Life is its own food! Universe is its structure!
Your meaningless word salad screamed 'utter tit' to me.
Sniffing around your online remarks confirmed it.
what's eating the Universe? the biggest consumer of all.
Indeed “ something is going on”.
Can physical laws of nature be explained by or related to causation?
The ancient Greeks also invented the first analog computer that modelled the motion of the planets and the moon, could predict eclipses etc.
The Antikythera Mechanism is about 2200 years old.
The Ancient Greeks also invented a type of steam engine (see Hero).
The first helio-centric model of the cosmos was first proposed by Aristarchus in about 400 BC
It's a stretch to call the Antikythera device an analog computer; that's kind of like calling a windup wristwatch an analog computer.
It satisfies all the requirements of a computer and surpasses the rudimentary requirements of a calculator.
The Antikythera Mechanism can accept input data or initial conditions, process this data or apply algorithmic computational operations that are mechanical and output results - more importantly make predictions.
You mat wish to look into the AK mechanism in detail as well as how computational mechanisms and computers function.
A simple but very interesting area
@@PetraKann So does an abacus. But it's not a "computer" in the modern sense.
Does causation in universe happen or proceed through time?
The relationship to our Universe may be the only human alternative to complete knowledge and understanding of the Universe.
About fine tuning. Why only two options: multiverse (all values of constants are possible) or the absurd (they are what they are)? Why not believe in EVOLUTION of the universe over multiple aeons, as in the CCC theory? In fact, I can imagine the first few aeons being quite short. I would love for Closer to Truth to take CCC more seriously. Thanks for making us think.
CTT is a real treasure chest
We are not alone in the universe. An Other is always trying to make its Self known to us, and it tries to find a way to communicate with us, as individuals and collectively. THe use of language created by man is always the creation of man, who has severed connection with the Other and installed sciences as The Source. and that is true basically. THe Veiied Pulse Of Time is the best book about the stages and states of mind that man has discovered this far ...imo. THanks for being here in the life of this
The Universe is about something? Can only be patterning. Patterns give persistence to certain forms/assemblages and not others. Patterns deny the primacy of reductionism.
I have seen on youtube how explosion of submarine in deep water of ocean make ball of fire and after that create vacuum ball that suck in matter and water after it diminish, can similar principle apply on supernova and black hole.
I am not a physicist so my speculative theory is likely to be "absurd". As I understand it, Eisenstein's theory E+mc2 means energy equals mass. Scientists say that before the big bang there was nothing, no electrons, no quarks, no Higgs bosons and no quanta, no mass at all. Some call this zero point energy or a vacuum. Before the big bang wasn't there a limitless supply of vacuum energy? Could it be that the vacuum energy became so intense it became unstable and birthed what we see today?
Can’t watch this now but the title has given me a panic attack
It is likely that many in the sciences who understand that consciousness is primary and is referred to by religious people, of all eras, as God, In today’s scientific climate admitting to that understanding would not exactly be a wise career move. However, some do admit that they understand there is a cosmos intelligence in which we share. They are brave in doing that, in coming out, as it were.
Is meaning like a triangular prism? White light goes through and out comes colors. If so what prism would scientists need to define love? If scientist's can define love it would go a long way to providing evidence that their exploration of the universe is capable of intellectually synthesizing the requisite breadth and scope of meaning that it might require.
Until then the prism of science may be useful but myopic.
Could the universe be project of agency / God?
The problem is you can’t get any better than a necessary, brute fact. At some point you’re gonna find yourself at a stopping point of something that doesn’t have and doesn’t need an explanation. You have to have that or, like he said in the video, there will be turtles all the way down.
Beautiful 😍
Absurdity seems to be the basic ingredient in all forms of humour.
Super interesting and Davies is such a gentleman !!
Btw he looks 60 ...would be also interesting a book about his cure for aging ...
He’s actually 27
This appeal to a multiverse is an appeal to infinite power and ability without accounting for the source of power and ability. It solves nothing.
Like saying "god did it", amirite?
@@b.g.5869 Right ✅️ Might as well say it was God.
Suddenly I am so hungry
Maybe the universe is about balance. I always think about how perfectly balanced everything is. If it was out of balance, we wouldn't exist, and the antimatter that is missing is a sign that something or someone is keeping us in balance. Maybe black holes trap antimatter in them.
Actually it's _not_ balanced and if it was we wouldn't exist. We owe our existence to an imbalance of matter and anti-matter in the 'early' universe.
@@b.g.5869 Very intriguing isn't it?
I think is time to cease pondering questions that leads to nowhere but round and round over. Is understood that we have to comprehend many things yet, but to get to the premise of absurd to continue to that line makes no sense, most of all if the critic situation of mankind needs to solve the problem of an existence that has to be answer yet. So we have that set of rules and we must play it without conflict.
The multiverse is each one of us; the different version of our person are the others for whom we are their other version, because that's quantum mechanics. Universe doesn't need an inifinite repetition of itself with infinite variations because somehow it is creative too, so the multiple possibilities are changes in reality and we are those variations; infinite in probability and finite through entropy.
Our senses are our tools, there are no others yet (they are on developing process), but that's how we perceive the world and our life. If we could perceive only certain ranges of electromagnetism it would be insufficient as well. So that's what we got and it let us apreciate how intersting and exciting everything is. Now its time to reconfigure our behavior to cease provoking so many mistakes and wrong scenarios to keep going deeper into the nature of our universe without "absurd" speculation.
To get to that point we must colapse our knowledge and continue from a Philosophical Zero. We have certainties, now let's work from that platform to solve and makeout our civilization and throughout that process we might receive numerous fantastic answers due to a more complex thinking process.
First cause is not analyzable. No matter what you want this will always be so. Curb your enthusiasm!
There's a blueprint in the Universe.
Everyone's so focused on the physical structure of the universe and how it operates. The truth is that the universe is nothing more than a 93-billion-light-years-wide movie set. After 13.7 billion years, we are the actors in the movie titled, *"Existence."*
.... Focusing on the set design has caused us to miss the plot!
The Absolute Truth can only be known by the criterion of proof:
This demands interpretation of numbers and the operations on them (the 4 arithmetic operations) as elementary particles and their interactions, accordingly, and then interpreting need perceptions also (as different from ONLY sense perceptions done by E & O Science at present) into particle interactions.
And the final formulae would take the form:
Needs of beings = Satisfaction by vegetation
(the latter as functions of soil as the substitute for the general relativistic formula):
Curvature of spacetime = Sum of matter (and energy)
As soil composition and need perceptions are both particle physically interpreted this formula unifies particle physics and relativity as a minor subfunction of this general formula of life function (when aplied to excreta of plants, the minerals).
Same mustache 🙃
Conscience could be the lead
It's probably my sister. She's eating everything else.
physical nature can be understood epistemologically, while something can be experienced subjectively?
Because the equations of general relativity are unable to accurately describe and predict the motion of all the matter in the universe, then the equations are incomplete. Until physicists and astrophysicists are able to accurately predict the motion of all the matter in the universe then they are unable to explain or understand all of reality. That's exactly what I did in my book series called SECRET UNIVERSE by Ron Kemp. I figured out the missing variables in Einstein's field equations on gravity, fixed them and now all the observations can be explained, including the motion pinned on expanding space, dark matter and accelerated expansion of space called dark energy. So, if you start with an incomplete theory to describe motion of matter in the universe then the answer will always be incomplete.
Is energy real? If not, then who am I? If it is, then what is it?
Paul is a genuinely nice chap who brings some balance to teleological argument. Even though I do not subscribe to the universe been about anything, I'd take great pleasure in debating the subject with him, preferably with a pint in a pub.
The irony here is that Davies has gone to great trouble to clarify that when he says the universe is about something he's not referring to anything teleological; he essentially just means it's coherent and logically consistent.
It's essentially his version of Einstein's saying that the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it's comprehensible.
He specifically went on at some length about how he recognizes the confusion that can be sewn when "loaded" terms are employed (such as saying "the universe is _about_ something") precisely to prevent this sort of misinterpretation.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of commenters here, whether they're supernaturalist woosters or critically thinking skeptics are still misconstruing him as proposing something teleological; he's not.
He would probably agree with you that the universe isn't "about something" in the sense you seem to be objecting to.
The thing is, humans are only here having this discussion because we've survived and thrived as well as we have as a species by being exceptionally good at pattern recognition and manipulation; we've evolved to become really good at seeing order in things.
This is the "something" that we see the universe is "about". I wouldn't want to trivialize it by saying it's akin to a person wearing glasses with red lenses wondering why everything is red hued, but there's an element of something like this coloring our impression of the universe. It's therefore not surprising that this sense of a highly ordered universe seems to vanish when we observe the quantum realm; a realm which we didn't evolve to navigate.
@@b.g.5869 He seems to have changed his tune over the years, there are older videos on Closer to Truth, that were re-aired not so long ago, were he clearly states that when we come to explain the universe, teleology needed 'dusting off' and looking at again. But I watched this chat again, and I take your point. I couldn't actually find that much I disagreed with, I think I was watching it my guard up initially!
It's always interesting to ponder and realise that the cosmos just seems to be a recycling possibility / probability that all expressions currently observed are often unstable, confusing and conflicting (and seemingly both linear and random at the same time).... and yet all these observed expressions exist (except the fantasy and delusional stuff of course)... but what exists happens only "as and when" the circumstances, conditions, situations and time allowed for them to occur, develop and evolve ....or equally reverse, decline or collapse.
And although interesting to additionally ponder whether this conflicting process implies hierarchical or non hierarchical agency, purpose, meaning or authority, or not.... or even if there is need for such specific and questionable and restrictive additions... is highly subjective, questionable, problematic and unlikely!
Simply because when considering the all the actual observable evidence and variables shows and suggests that hierarchical structures and constructs of imposed agency authority, order and rule...., are only actually evident and found in the much later formed and evolved complex biology...and even then only created, used and maintain as means for group organisation, control, subjugation, regulation and a desire for selective power and advantage and order ...but when compare to the full diversity of biology as a whole... there are many other different and dynamic non hierarchical processes used by other forms of biology to operate and function by...usual based on their constructs, capacities and complexity.
So naturally and unfortunately .. we as humans are later evolved complex critters that now primarily only use patriarchal and hierrchical systems to organise ourselves..will to some extent want to assume or at least want the cosmos to mirror their persona hierarchical beliefs and positions ...and as such many now believe and infer that patriarchy or Hierarchical must also be true constant construct and condition for the cosmos...ergo fatherly god's and naughty uncle devils etc....even though the growing wider body of evidence does not actually support this....beyond being a specific biologically and species related organisational operating system and response. ...which ironical hierarchies only ever create divisions, disparities and never ending conflict....and actually is a highly unintelligent and wasteful way process and operating practice.
The Universe is an egg. It has a center.
Take care, see you soon.
OMG We have “got there yet”!!! Soooo Frustrating. I keep trying to tell people that we actually figured it out how it all fits together. ALL.
I laid out the overall idea in my first book. I know I sound like a crank, so stop making that face! Lol. but I used to teach experimental methodology at a prestigious university. I love science. I am doing for all of existence what Darwin did for life: discovering and elucidating the overall pattern of things. Everything.
Most people when they say “theory of everything” are only echoing the concept in a lesser perspective-such as just in math, or physics or etc. -explaining everything by referring to a part of everything. A part of how everything works. That will NEVER WORK by itself. Everything counts: you explain all species in context over time. I show you what the universe actually is and what it does by reference to patterns of EVERYTHING. How the Big Bang relates to human civilization and trees, for example.
In the book I am finishing now, I go into details about how to see it. Like Darwin organizing specimens from the Journey of the Beagle. So between my 2 books separated by 20 years, I tried to figure out why people didn’t see it. I think my second book will allow them too with some work. I see it because I don’t have a subconscious? In the normal sense people do. Also, I have extreme abilities in symbols and language- and I consider computer programs to be an art. Speaking of which, art CAN be “right or wrong” even though either way it is STILL ART. Still important.
I’m learning that when I begin to speak piecemeal about it I am absolutely invariably misunderstood because I actually have a completely new context for these things-so I will stop there, lest ye bludgeon me with the medieval weaponry of your fundamental assumptions… 😂 If you understand epistemological ideas, then you know how much fundamental assumptions can affect your ability to understand. Assuming the sun revolves around the earth or that space and time are separate, for example. You will never get it. You won’t even look through a telescope. This is the problem with debating and arguments, with educational systems too-assumptions are the “boxing ring” and true revolution is beyond rings, beyond the structures in which our rings exist, and so ossification, or rigor Mortis sets in even though the structures still appear to exist and move-like the planets without life compared to one with life.
I wish someone or some organization would put their money where their mouth is and give me a place to live and write. I was born to do this and I began to see and self- program when I was very young. I have a lot to do. I am the change-referring to Ghandi saying “being the change”. We have to do this right. I need an interface with people to do this properly.
Please anyone reading this who can, I need your help. Help me Obi Wan. You are my only hope. That sort of thing… 😂🤷♀️ I put all my intellectual eggs in this basket because I had to. And put my trust in people who I love by doing so. As a result, I am Not equipped to deal with political, social, or financial realities in my own life. It was hard enough as it was to do this, and precarious. I used all my energy in my short time on earth for this-to assure I would be successful. To conserve fuel in my trajectory to have enough momentum and enough fuel for reaching a stable orbit so to speak, and to do this right. I could not afford to look from only my own eyes, or to take the suggestions only of my own physiological existence in the here and now. Don’t ever take your body or your success for granted.
It’s like falling on a grenade. Sacrifice for a larger thing. I hope that’s still a “thing” in this world? There are many forms of love: also there are many forms of sacrifice and heroism. They are rare in direct relationship to their magnitude. I did a thing. I want to put my picture on the refrigerator too. (A refrigerator being a reverse entropy engine within an entropic trajectory in time, 😂 Thankfully I have kept my sense of humor) 🙏🏻 ❤️🔥👩🏻🚀
Actually I can’t stress enough that if this is not done right we will be destroyed. We need to know these things before we fire up our quantum computers to any extent and before we screw up the whole AI thing. Order of operations is important, in math, in programming, in life.
If you are aware of anyone or any resources that could help me be what I was meant to be and do what I was meant to do, I would greatly appreciate it. If you know anyone who could help edit and smooth out my book it would be great! If it helps, I took several personality tests and I am extremely high on openness, agreeableness, and mental stability. I am also the “thinker” type on the 16-factor (INTP). If you know anyone that can deal with that or mesh with that: Thanks 🙏🏻
Thanks so much for this!! ❤️🔥 I love Paul Davies so much. I am extremely grateful for his work. Reading this book ASAP. 🙏🏻
I would read over your theory. Do you have an introduction posted anywhere?
@@TimothyOBrien6 thanks Timothy! I wrote an article for Nature, trying to summarize everything… we’ll see! The issue is that people can’t see outside a paradigm that seems to give them so much and which seems so complete and woven into their world view and feelings. They have no reason to. They will produce memes and rationalize away anything I say under old assumptions. We think science is such a given, moving forward as automatic, but it’s much harder to change the paradigm under so much interwoven through it.
He said a lot but didn't say anything, I didn't understand what the distinction between purpose and meaning according to his stuttering, and long attempts to "explain".
You describe him as an exception in his community, as someone who is rebel against the materialist paradigm, and I have noticed you tend to do it a lot with many other scientists, who are really don't justify this title, for example, you presented Sabine in similar way, yet as far as I can tell, I don't really see anything positive about her, she is an hardcore materialist as you can get, just like the rest of the dudes in her field.
So I really don't care about the very subtle nuances that hardly distinguish him and all the other materialists\atheists scientists, who make up most of the scientists, if in his own shutter words, the universe is about something because you can make sense of it, well, he is not different than any other atheist, they are all don't care about meaning, unless you redefine the word meaning to be equal to logic and math.
In that case, they will feel less cringe when you use the word meaning all the sudden, because you replaced the word meaning with science.
so making "sense:" is very weak pathetic attempts to distinguish himself from all other hardcore materialists.
Earth and the miraculous works of fine art called "life" on it are being sucked out of heaven (joy, beauty and harmony) by a giant black hole in space called "greed" and it's ignorance (hate).
Are these your’s spirit?
They are Man's and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased
Romans 10:9
King James Version
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved
John 3:16
King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
1 Corinthians 15
The Resurrection of Christ
15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.
3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures
Maybe the soul is dark matter.
581st viewer :)
"Makng sense", just another human compulsion?
Everything we experience or come up with is a human compulsion. We are human, as are you
@@joegibbskins So true...
God has to be real and personal. If not, there really is no purpose or meaning in life.
If you’re looking for proof of the existence of God, read the Quran. Read it from the perspective that it was written by a 7th century bedouin, and test that hypothesis.
Some notable verses:
A creator of the entire universe would certainly have immense power - any message to mankind would surely be relative such power. Any book written in a solitary langue the world can’t understand is highly unlikely to come from such a powerful being.
Look at culture: this is why no religion in earth fits
@@bigboyshit1 why not? I am agnostic, but if you allow for a god in your cosmology, god could communicate us in any manner which god sees fit. Why not speak in parables that could move simple desert bedouins?
@@joegibbskins a god would have unquestionable power based on the universe we find ourselves in. All religions to date fail to consider the demographics differences that result in vastly different cultures.
Take Islam: it belongs to one particular culture, not the majority. Anyone born outside of the umbrella of where Islam spread is highly unlikely to believe in its doctrine, due to very different cultural influences
@UCjpkg42oxc09gHsXhj8k8Rg - I’m talking more in relative terms, not just about Islam, but all faiths - the method of communication lacks thought for our cultural surroundings, especially seen as Islam and Christianity teach such violent outcomes for those that don’t believe in the faith.
Also - the Quran has biological errors
@@bigboyshit1 If the cosmological statements at the top of the list are not sufficient (expanding universe, big bang etc), the statements with regards to embryology at the end of the list are likely to blow your mind. It's just not possible that a seventh century benouine could have made these observations. I think you would agree that a man made book from the seventh century would be full of superstitions, but that's not the case with the Quran.
Today there are over a billion Muslims in the world, and Islam is spreading rapidly in the west.
I was an agnostic prior to reading these verses in the Quran and concluding there's no way these statements could be man made. Hence, not only is there a creator that communicated with us, but Islam is the path of guidance to understanding him and his reason for creating us - as well as understanding answers to the big questions around suffering that we've all asked.