First, he was abandoned as a baby, then adopted by a mentally unstable woman, who neglected him and her boyfriend tortured and abused him, he suffered severe head trauma, which could have caused a number of problems, most notably the laughing when feeling anxious, he was neglected by the health system, then betrayed by his so-called friend, beaten up on multiple occasions, oh yeah, and he lost his job and his idol humiliated him on live television. It wasn’t just one thing that made him snap, he’s been suffering all his life, we just see this part of his life, because this is where he transforms and embraces the madness.
But remember, he's a straight white male so he deserved all of it. Never forget that was the whole reason for labeling this movie controversial. White men can't suffer unfairly.
@@billyguyjoe1858 oh? How many beds in dv shelters are for men compared to women? Just as an example. 100-1? Despite dv numbers coming back year after year hovering around 45/55% women/men. Nobody gives a f*ck about male victims.
But was it real? Or all in his head? 🤯😳 that’s the only problem I had with this movie. Joker is an unreliable narrator. So everything us fans are seeing, probably didn’t even happen at all (within the context of the movie.)
Killing Joke (Comic) has some famous quote by the Joker. 1. “So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember there's always madness. Madness is the emergency exit.” 2. “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.”
""In my dream the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed, and blew it out." - Shadow of the Bat #37 by Alan Grant and Barry Kitson
I like how when you think about comic book logic for too long it just starts being funny. The Joker is acting like he's the only one in the world who's truly had a bad day.
This movie really emphasizes the disconnect between how society thinks you should feel and how people actually feel about themselves and the environment around them. Society says: “You’re responsible for your own happiness. Happiness is a choice.” But, life isn’t that simple. There are so many factors in life that impact personal well-being. But, society is more likely to blame a person (and not that person’s circumstances) for their own shortcomings.
Very true. And as someone who's struggled with depression and anxiety all my life some scenes with Arthur in this film hit hard. A lot of the time we're expected to behave a certain way and not express our inner turmoil in case we get treated like weirdos. It's disheartening that's how society has normalised ostracising those who can't control their mental health and aren't able to get the proper help they need.
Literally how people treat the incel community rather than attempting to understand and deal with the issue in a compassionate way; they just treat them all as if they're all Elliot Rodgers
Facts. 100% Facts. It’s like what Arthur wrote in his journal. “The worst part of having a mental illness is society is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”
It's a very American thing that was internationalized to the rest of the world. People really don't care about other people health unless interferes with their lives.
I can remember how controversial this movie was when it came out. Due to the violence the studio freaked out. They feared it would turn people into dangerous murders. Thankfully that didn’t happen, and this film became the most successful R rated movie of all time. Beating out both Deadpool movies. It made over $1 billion.
News outlets acted very weirdly about it. Instead the film got to stand as a point that health care services and how people treat each other needs improvement, the rest was just entertainment that people enjoyed or thought was just okay. It's not like that is the end of what defines what happened and opinions, but it's not untrue.
Yeah. All the news outlets and social media kept screaming at people not to watch the movie about a man with psychological problems, who finally snaps after being repeatedly abused and leads a riot to murder rich people. I wonder why they didn't want people to watch it? Thank God that never happens in real life. Oh wait ..
Some guy came to the theaters when I was there in Joker makeup. He and his family was promptly kicked out by the security they got specifically for this film. He had to apologize to his family.
It was implied this movie will turn you into an incel and if you’re already an incel, you’ll be a bigger one after watching this. That became free publicity for this movie and it performed even better.
I have always felt you can't compare this to the other Joker roles. Heath Ledger's Joker is my favorite Joker but it still feels like an actor playing a comic book character. Joaquin's Joker feels like a real mentally ill person being turned into a comic book character.
Some people think that Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker isn’t the Joker from Batman… of course it is! There is no other Joker besides the Batman villain. This is just a backstory of the character
the biggest differeence is the fact that this is at it's core not a comicbook movie. you can literally replace all names with something else and it still works. gotham is just new york, thomas wayne is just some rich guy and the joker is a broken man. ben "yathzee" croshaw put it best. it's an amazing thriller that has to pretend to be a comicbook flick to get people into the cinema since this type of movie itself usually doesn't get this many ticket sales. they get great reviews and cult followings and that's it.
@@nsasupporter7557I don't think this quite fits in with batman and it's not supposed to. I think it's silly to be all like "ooh batman's gonna fight him" when that is just not the point.
The moments when he dances feel like the center of the movie for me. It feels like he's expressing himself freely, without any drugs clouding his personality. His dance of personal freedom. Granted his freedom is anti-social insanity, but from his point of view, it's just freedom. Very interesting. I wonder if the dancing was Joaquin's idea or if it was in the script. Amazing portrayal, either way. Fully deserving his Oscar.
Same for me, the music and cinematography, decision for that scene is the true gem of the movie. Only awkward and people that lack empathy will never understand that scene and being all weirded out.
He came up with the dance randomly in the bathroom scene. He was supposed to freak out about what he had done but they weren't into that idea. Phoenix randomly started dancing and Phillips started filming. Amazing stuff
Yes, the dance was his idea. Was improved while they figured out what to do with the scene. Originally Arthur was going to hide the gun in one of the vents. But they decided Arthur would have no background to teach him to do that and it would be out of character. So, while deciding what to do Joaquin said he has an idea and did the dance
As someone who had to deal with bullying at a young age, Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of mental illness really resonated with me. The only difference was that I actually had parents who loved and cared for me, and made sure I got the help I needed. That being said, the damage never goes away. Even though I no longer face bullying or being crapped on by society I still struggle with depression and low self worth to this day.
@@tissosweet....8638 Gtfo. Mental illness doesn't spare religious people, nor does it target non-religious people more. Prayer and Biblical recitations are not a substitute for actual therapy or help, and especially not when they focus entirely on a single religion's opinions.
Something i like about Joaquin's brilliant performance is that all the other times in the film when he was laughing you could tell he was in pain and it's so uncomfortable, but when he shoots the talk show host and he laughs to himself it looks like the first time he's actually laughing with joy. Joaquin Phoenix is a remarkable actor.
Everything about this film is impressive. The first time Phoenix met the director, he was walking around at 180 lbs. It was mentioned that maybe he should lose a few pounds for the role and by the time of shooting he weighed 120. Said he did it with apples and cigarettes. Totally committed to the role. Outstanding.
You know what ive noticed....joaquin looks normal weight in his day dream at murray show and when he meets murrsy at the guest room so i believe those takes where filmed at the end of filming so joaquin didn't have to loose weight again. But now he had to do it again in joker 2 i can imagine him hating the processes again lol...!!!
@JKM395 I couldn't believe that about how he lost the weight so I googled it. It turns out he ate more than just apples. He also ate vegatables like lettuce, asparagus, and green beans. It sitll sounds grueling! His dedication is impressive but I think so many of these actors take it way too far. Phoenix, McConaughey, and Bale put their body through way too much for movie roles. I just don't think its worth the risk. They'll probably have health problems once they're old as a result, I mean if they haven't already.
@@kiranolan7104 You’re probably right about the health issues. On the other hand, I sort of get it. I’m a firm believer in giving your all to things. Who am I to tell someone they’ve gone too far?
5:00 So, Arthur's condition is most likely some form of Pseudobulbar Affect. For reference, it isn't a coping mechanism but an actual neurological problem in the brain. Given that Pseudobulbar Affect usually has as one of its etiologies some form of brain damage, his condition is an amazing, albeit subtle, foreshadowing of the abuse he endured at the hands of his mother.
Joker is a film that is truly perfect from start to finish. I love this fragile human reality. It feels so real It's a shame there aren't more movies like this out there these days
Some people think that this isn’t the Joker from Batman… of course it is! What other Joker is there?! There is no other Joker besides the Batman villain. This movie was just a backstory of the character
I really love character studies like this. Not sure why but villains backstories are extremely fascinating. I think it's the perspective shift. Seeing someone in an entirely different light and going from hating them to empathizing.
31:45: The picture with the message from Thomas Wayne (I think it said something like "love your smile") was meant to lend credence to the possibility that Arthur's mother was actually telling the truth, that Thomas Wayne actually WAS Arthur's father, and had simply used his power to fabricate adoption records, etc.
@@briansheely3474 I personally think that still happened. I'm actually not sure why the movie tried to tie up the two ideas that Penny adopted Arthur and that Penny also allowed Arthur to be abused. It's not like one idea was contingent on the other. That abuse could've happened even if Arthur was her biological child (whether the father was Thomas Wayne or a John Doe.) I feel like, assuming Thomas Wayne *was* the father, the abuse still happened.
quite contrary actually. Because the note was written in the handwriting of Penny! Means, she wrote that herself. .... and Arthur noticed that too, in that moment.
@@WastedPo (A but late but here goes LMAO) Arthur is meant to be a unreliable narrator, everything that "happen" could've all been in his head e.g. Sophie. There's scenes where 1 second she's there & the next she's not this calls the movie into question, how much of this movie was real & how much was in Arthur's head? Its a tangled mess on purpose because Arthur is a mess. Its not meant to make sense like you pointed out 1 second he's Penny's son & loved the next he's adopted & abused. Which one is real? We don't know because Arthur's mental state is all over the place. A classic quote from the Joker about his origin story "If I were to have a origin story, I prefer it to be multiple choice." This is but one of 100s of possible origin stories for the Joker.
He wasn't a sociopath, he felt empathy but was of ego. He had always been the victim and powerless. Killing his abuser started building his ego. Remember he would laugh that being his expression of emotion. Also someone that deep would almost be impossible to be friend and help. Awesome reaction
@@dcmastermindfirst9418 No because anti social behavior manifest regardless of situation. He wasn't hurting people prior to his abuse, he was forever a victim of a uncaring society. Now I may concede that those tendencies have been awaken in the form of a new ego.
@byronschroedel432 Rubbish. Watch that scene on the train again and you can tell the character has no remorse for his actions. That's a true cold antisocial trait right there and then.
@@dcmastermindfirst9418 Tell me, why should someone that has been beaten and abused as to no consequence of their own not act in such a manor. Is it sociopathic or survival. He sought none of these interactions, he searched invain for love and validation and found nothing but cruelty. What does the ego crave most? A sense of being, a sense of power, the ability to control your environment and to grow. What awoke was not sociopathy but a antedote to his reality. Was it not sociopathic the environment that continued to push him down. The beatings in the street, his coworkers, the bullies on the subway and even his own mother who failed to nurture and protect. Society is antisocial when the weak and vulnerable are not protected. Out of the soil of decayed society wrath is born and ego flourishes in chaose searching for the same meaning of self. He was a product of sociopathic society, and not the sociopath rather a antedote thru chaos.
@@dcmastermindfirst9418 It's honestly a grey whether or not he fits the bill. Because it's pretty normal not to feel remorse if you harm someone that was attacking you. Arthur showed empathy to the little guy, and also showed a lot of empathy for his mother before he learned about the abuse. A real sociopath would have abandoned their sickly mother. For me Arthur Fleck is by default empathetic, but he was so fed up of never getting any empathy back that he made the decision to act like a sociopath out of spite.
This isn't exactly how the Joker became the Joker. The Joker's origins have always been in question and a mystery due to his mental instability and how he perceives reality. This is kind of an amalgamation of different comicbook writers interpretations, along with some unique additions of how the Joker came to be. In the comics, the Joker never really had an exact origin story. It's part of what made the character so intriguing.
@@edwardthompson4600 Doesn't Joker literally say in that comic that he remembers it one way then another. one of his most quoted lines is "if I have to have an origin story, I want it to be multiple choice" paraphrasing, so even that origin can be scrutinized.
Here's a little bit of interesting trivia. There used to be a television series about a post-Civil War-era family with a Kentucky horse farm titled Legacy. There was also a Batman series titled Gotham. The actor who played the oldest son in Legacy played Thomas Wayne in Gotham while the actor who played the father is playing Thomas Wayne in Joker. One series has two future Thomas Waynes.
Some people think that this isn’t the Joker from Batman… of course it is! What other Joker is there?! This movie was just a backstory of the character. There is no other Joker besides the Batman villain
@@nsasupporter7557 As the Joker's backstory was never set in stone (and The Dark Knight picks up on the various narratives and mystery), this could well be only one of the "origin" stories the character has provided. The exact origins will probably never be known and that is one of the great strengths of the character.
@@bighuge1060 right, but other obvious signs that it is the Joker from Batman is that Thomas and Bruce Wayne are both in it and it takes place in Gotham
This movie came out at a point of my life where I needed it the most as much as it broke me. 8 months after I survived an stroke and struggling with ALL the consequences (emotional, mental and physical), coming back to work as a psychotherapist in a system that is absolutely not unlike the one in the movie (that's real life), it felt like a slap in the face of everything I was dealing with. It was one of the many many factors that made me quit my job and choose a different path.
let that be a lesson to you, that when you get a job, you _compromise,_ to _work for the interests of the boss,_ while the boss isn't at all required to compromise themselves or the business, to _your_ interests. think about that, and how you were surely brought up under the premise "get a job to be somebody". and, then have your reality shaken when weighing the fact that maybe _the entirety of the society you live in_ has been raised under the same premise, therefore arriving at the current state of affairs: people overwhelmed by their situation of compromising with a job, that doesn't do anything for them. learn *_a trade,_* not *_the habit of serving the boss_*
@@papl20 just showing that maybe because "everyone keeps tradition" is why society is so fucked up. when *"tradition"* approaches *"submit to the boss"* you have a society of slaves. ever thought about that?
@@bcn1gh7h4wk yeah but like... How that relates to my original comment? I feel like you're trying to give me a lecture for a class I did not sing up for.
We know now that it’s not nature vs nurture, it’s nature AND nurture. We know now that emotional environment can actually alter our genetic structure, and the effect of society is profound in that regard. I really appreciate that you two bring your intelligence and reasoning into your reactions!
In the comics the Joker's exact origin is a mystery, barring that Batman was somehow involved. His origin elaborated in one of the greatest Batman stories of all time called Batman The Killing Joke where it is revealed that once he had been a failed stand-up comedian who worked night shifts at Ace Chemicals in a feeble attempt to support his sickly wife and their unborn child. They died just before the night that he helped a gang of thieves break into the Ace Chemicals plant, disguised as the infamous criminal Red Hood. Batman interrupted the heist, resulting in the would-be criminal falling into a vat of unidentified chemicals. Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find that the chemicals had disfigured his entire body, giving him permanent chalk white skin, emerald green hair, blood red lips and his face a clown like appearance. Driven insane by this series of events he embraced it, believing that the greatest joke of all is that humanity is only "One Bad Day" away from total insanity. In that same story it is revealed that his "Bad Day" is a mystery to him as he doesn't exactly remember what happened to him or who he was (at least prior to him falling in a vat of chemicals) nor does he care to remember and says that if he were to have an origin story he prefers it to be multiple choice, indicating that everything we had read up to that point about his past might have been false (at least prior to him falling in a vat of chemicals). One the best traits of The Joker is that his origin is always supposed to be left ambiguous and forever partially unknown to the readers. He has no true alias. He has no family. He has no direct origin. He is a force of nature and all he desires is carnage and mayhem.
A while back revealed there were 3 Jokers, but yeah, that was the story of one of them. It's implied that Batman killed the Joker at the end of that story. Maybe that was an alternate story, and we got another where it continued with that Joker continuing to live. Maybe people can let us know where it goes from there.
@@The_Phantasm Why not? It's a perfectly good story. Pretty sure non canon stories breach canon here and there in DC/Marvel. It could be more fair to call it an abandoned one off story.
@@The_Phantasm Well, I guess. It would probably made an okay animated film adaptation. It does resolve some of the trauma Jason Todd went through, but maybe people like him more as an edgy basket case antihero. Also people don’t want the jokers to die. I don’t think it matters, so long as they get a story going that brings them back. Sales do matter though, so I’m not holding my breath on it.
Great reaction ladies ! This is a fantastic movie Joaquin Phoenix was truly inspired casting , he really does disturbed loner so well it is so unsettling and unnerving you really cannot take your eyes of him at all times , he also generates a certain amount of sympathy until he starts inevitably killing people . Really love the scenes when as Arthur is trudging up the steps being all downbeat and beaten down ( Quite literally as well as figuratively ) and then as Joker he is dancing down the steps all full of confidence and joy . The score by the amazing Hildur Guonadottir ( The Lady who composed the score to the TV Series Chernobyl ) adds another layer to the creepy and unsettling vibe . I think this is considered a Elseworlds interpretation to the Joker given that there is a big age difference between Joker and Bruce Wayne so therefore not official canon . This I consider along with the first Wonder Woman the two best offerings from DC . By the way does anyone think Arthur Flecks name is a pun on a previous Batman actor - Arthur Fleck , A.Fleck , Afleck ?
This movie has great color language. The blues are always present during oppressive and sad moments, orange is the dominant color in scenes of happiness and confidence. During the riot the city is burning orange while Joker is trapped inside of a blue Police car.
The fact that when he ascends the stairs in the beginning and is so depressed. But when he descends the stairs toward the end he’s very happy. I feel like a lot of people don’t notice that little detail.
Nice pick indeed. Amazing movie about mental illness and loneliness . I know it's almost like Taxi Driver but I love both movies. Joaquin's performance is one of the best I've seen
I recommend you find a movie called "Network". There is a lot of influence from that movie in "Joker" as well. "Network" came out in the 1970's and I owned it on DVD a decade before I saw "Joker" in the theaters. It's to the point if I watch one, I immediately watch the other.
My relationship with "Joker" is the same I have with "Logan" to be brutally honest. Both fantastic 👏 but unless condensed like this edit I have no desire to re-watch both in full for many years. It gets in to my soul especially "Joker" however I can't stress how good this film is but it takes me way way down but that's the magic of cinema!! 🥰
Rewatching this movie, it’s crazy how my current situation with my mental health is similar to Joker in the beginning. 😢 I love the irony of this movie! Multiple media outlets freaked the fuck out when this movie came out because they were afraid of what it might encourage in people. They told us it was dangerous and to not go see it. That ended up being the biggest and most effective publicity for this movie! 😂
Spoiler Alert!: When I saw this in the theatre everyone thought that he was going to kill himself when he started to do the "knock knock" joke with Murray and you could hear faint words of "no" being spoken in the rows. However, almost everyone gasped when he shot Murray and some people laughed (including myself) because it was totally unexpected. At the end when he was putting on his blood smile everyone in the theatre cheered and some even clapped. Moreover, when he was walking away from the therapist's room and started to leave blood footprints everyone gasped while some started to giggle and you could hear others saying "Arthur nooo".
I'm excited for Joker 2 While I love this movie and think it's freaking fantastic. I want to see a fully realized Joaquin Joker in the thick of crime and chaos
The score is so good. It's hunting, it makes you uncomfortable like this movie, like Arthur. And it gets more bolder and wilder throughout Arthur's villain arch.
Well done. Watching you guys helped me appreciate this movie even more. I really like that each of you had a slightly different reaction and interpretation, making for a good pairing. I haven't watched any other CinePals yet, but I subscribed, and the day is young!
I remember when the trailer came out for this movie, some people were worried about the violence and how it might be dangerous. But after you watch the movie and think about it: it really made me believe that we should be kind to all people
And if you watch the film carefully there is a lot of clues that shows if not all of the film atleast heafty portions of it is hallucinations. Small example is every single clock shown are always locked one specific time and never move.
My 3 favourite acting performances of all time. 3. Kathy Bates - Misery. 2. Sir Anthony Hopkins - The Silence of the Lambs. 1 Joaquin Phoenix - Joker I
The line.." I always thought my life was a tragedy.. but now I realize it's a fking comedy...".. that hit so hard for me.. I had to pause 1st time watching it... that's why joker is the best "villen" he doesn't care about fame and money, his crime is exposing the psychological mind of society.. the Dark Night joker explains it perfectly..
This movie made me cry when I saw it. I expected what you usually expect when you think of the Joker. I had no idea how they would humanize him and it felt so relatable. I saw this movie during the hardest time of my life while I was going through incredible pain. I felt understood for the first time in a long time. Little did I know, my life was going to get better because I made it better, but this movie came along right when I needed it. I'll never forget that.
One of the best points of this movie is the interpretation of the ending. Has everything prior to the ending just a "story" that he is telling to the "real" therapist? That's why this movie deservedly in the Billion box office.
Be nice to people! They may have a mental problem and turn into Joker! They may have PTSD and turn into Rambo! They may be grieving and turn into John Wick!
The last movie i went to see in a cinema was Joker and it was the best experience I have ever had. Not saying it was an easy one by any means, the scene with Arthur reading what his mom did to him was hard not to have some sort of a emotion over. Also I got to tell you about the greatest actor living imo the Joaquin Phoenix, deliver an performance that will stand the test of time was magnificent.
It will stand the test of time.... like the last weirdo he played... and the one before that... and the one before that... and the one before that...... 😆
So Achara, I heard you talk about "crossing the line" in the discussion at the end and I'd like to say, the way I interpreted it was Arthur also started or begun thinking there were lines and he also trusted that others knew where those lines were and wouldn't cross them. Even when others blurred these lines(the guys in the beginning that beat him up), he still held onto these lines. But you see for something that explosive to happen, like him shooting that guy on tv, the guys in the train, it must have been a culmination of a lot, a nexus event of sorts, a point of convergence of just too much. You could see the adrenaline on him after he shot the guy on live tv, he was literally shaking(Joaquin Phoenix man🙌). With his mom, it was the same thing, the cumulative rage, new found sense of freedom(after he killed those guys in the train) coupled together the new revelations of his mother. Society has turned people cruel. This man was a example of a tender heart twisted, and then this twisted heart and its effect on the people that were having all these feelings bottled, well he spoke, acted for them and became the embodiment of their rage. The ramifications of this now twisted heart would then lead to a terror that would stalk gotham(both the criminal element and normal civilians) for decades. Batman being born out of that chaos was just poetic. Thanks for the reaction.
It’s one of my favorite movies, though the violence always makes me super uncomfortable so I don’t watch it often. Usually only with someone who hasn’t seen it. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
@@mikerodgers7620 Yes there are, but there is a very special sort of visceral feeling that comes with the violence in Joker, it’s not there to cause applause, and it’s not there simply to shock you, it just feels very unsettling.
Yay another Kristen react video! (Oh, hey Achara. 😬🤣lol, JK) The CineDesi version is 10 seconds longer. Is that an extended directors version or does it just have longer intros and outros? 😁
There could be a number of reasons for that. It might be the intro and outro. But slightly different cuts happen all the time especially with RUclips's system being what it is.
Great film. Joaquin Phoenix gave one heck of a performance, and it was a fresh and powerful take on this (in)famous character that's the Joker. I'm glad this film was made. Also, love the shirt, Achara! :D
2 most epic shots. Arthurs shaking face immediately after shooting murry. And Arthur standing ontop of the police car surrounded by people as he puts a smile on his face.
This may blow your mind even more, but there is an in depth analysis that was written that makes it clear that Thomas Wayne was most definitely Arthur's father. He had all the resources available to cover up what had happened with Penny. It was no coincidence that as soon as he went to visit the mansion, that his mother ended up in the hospital. Look at the picture too, that had TW signature. Also he was not adopted.. he had the same mental illness as his Mother!
Fantastic reaction ladies❤ This film is next level incredible and Joaquin Phoenix's performance blows me away. He has a condition called Pectus Excavatum, which my son has the severe form of, and that's why his body looks like that. He used it as part of Jokers "weirdness".
Arthur has three different laughs in the movie. The first laugh is caused by his condition, you can tell when it happens by the circumstances and by the look of suffering on his face. The second laugh is a fake laugh that he uses in an attempt to fit in socially. He is dead-faced when he performs this laugh. As shown by the scene where he watches another comedian, he is unable to understand what emotions he is meant to be feeling at what time, like you guys said there is a vital disconnect in his ability to identify with others. He laughs at each pause because he assumed he was supposed to, and when everyone else finally laughs, he has to look around and realize before he starts his fake laugh unnaturally late. Then there is the third kind of laugh, the only time he genuinely, sincerely laughs in the movie: right after he shoots Murray. In that moment, Arthur realized he can escape his pain by letting it consume him entirely. He's filled with relief and joy that he can escape his suffering and be what he believes he is meant to be. He spoke the complete truth when he said he had nothing left to lose.
I really really like this movie a lot, and Joaquin Phoenix absolutely earned the Oscars for best actor, but to this day I cannot for the life of me figure out why or how this movie made $1 BILLION!!! This movie is so dark and heavy it would make even Darren Arronovsky or David Fincher feel depressed. And yet enough people saw it over and over that it broke the billion dollar ceiling. It holds up a mirror to society showing how we alienate people with mental illnesses rather than show empathy and try to help them. It is very consistent with the belief Joker had in the graphic novel The Killing Joke however, which is all it takes is one bad day and someone as normal as you can become The Joker.
Movie addresses perfect storm of things going on economically, socially, really well directed, supremely acted, R rated "superhero" movie (which there should be more of). The timing of this movie coming out was impeccable
I liked this movie but i LOVED the other movie going on, i.e. Kristen's Conflict lmao, she was genuinely torn apart by sympathy and empathy for Arthur and what's right. Great reaction! Hope you guys team up again!
Joaquin Phoenix took home the Oscar for Best Actor in this movie. Director David Fincher said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that "this movie is an attack on people with mental health issues."
In the movie, a young Penny Fleck stated "Thomas made all of that up" (27:50). With his money and connections, it is highly possible to have not only drafted up papers for that, but also convinced Penny to do so with a promise or implication that they would be together later. When Penny finally realizes that Thomas is not going to marry her, she goes nuts and gets put into the psyche ward, or maybe even Thomas has enough connections to get her thrown in there even though she is fine, but heartbroken.
While this is of course a possibility, there is a little detail in this movie here, that tells otherwise. The photograph with the love message on its backside. The love message (supposed to be written by Thomas Wayne) was in the handwriting of Penny (compared with the letter she wrote).
Why was this movie so powerful/intense & Uncomfortable? It's definitely because this film is from his point of view, rather than the point of the view of those who suffer because of him, and explains why he is the way he is (Mental health issues etc). But I personally don't think this movie is trying to excuse his actions or make it seem like at the end of the day he's the good guy. Its an amazing movie.
First CinePals vid I’ve seen with Kristen. Girl, you’re hilarious. And super invested, and I love it. And Achara, I’m consistently amazed at how you vibe so well with anyone sitting next to you. Just a bright light of intelligence and humor.
Sympathy for the devil is what I feel I could describe this iteration of his origin story as. He's stated in the comics that if he had an origin story, he'd prefer it to be multiple choice. My original live action origin story, one of which was closely related to the comics was 89' Batman where Joker had fallen into a container of toxic product that ultimately altered him to his Joker character. It was referenced (in the comics) that he had been a struggling comedian with his then pregnant wife, and after going out on a job for cash to help his situation with a group of gang members, he was then betrayed and fell as I mentioned earlier in the toxic waste. The fact that he calls himself Arthur Fleck here is also a farce, as nothing of his perspective can really be believed as genuine. The character of the Joker is a sociopath in the comics who's committed numerous atrocious acts of crime, assault, torture, and pain simply for the punchline of a joke and spreading chaos. Nobody to, that in their right mind, would hope to envy or admire for their actions or outlook on reality. Of course, as a film, Joaquin Phoenix absolutely pours his talents to give us the very complexity of this comic book character in all his chaos in mind and misguided outlook. All we need now, is for Hollywood to give us a live action of The Killing Joke graphic novel for everyone to really grasp a moment of his insanity on screen. And that's light-hearted compared to some of his other crazier misdeeds.
My brother is schizophrenic, bipolar, narcissistic and anti-social. He was raped by his teachers boyfriend when he was 12 years old, that same man got him hooked on crack. He started life at a bigger disadvantage than most. Being assaulted made him feel like less of a man so he didn't tell anyone for years, including my parents. He was coping with sexual abuse and a drug addiction. Using the drugs to drown his trauma over being assaulted. He has done drugs his whole life. He's been to prison a couple time for non-violent offenses. While in prison he's been jumped multiple times. His jaw was broken once and the second time they broke it again. The second time the jail didn't want to pay his hospital bill I guess so they just let him out of jail. After this last time when he got jumped I'm almost certain they did brain damage because he is so much worse mentally than before. He throws water, milk, soap etc into fuse boxes. He mistakenly tried to "fix" Walmarts electricity and got arrested. He could have caused a fire. He refuses to go to the hospital for his jaw because he thinks they'll experiment on him. The police know him by name because during his paranoid delusions he becomes borderline violent. And after prison therapists speaking to him, formal diagnosis, prescriptions, police noting how erratically he behaves and being arrested for "fixing" a supermarkets electricity we still can't get him any help. He is, legally, a full grown man. We can't stop him from going and getting drugs or being a danger to himself and others. You ever wrestled a full grown man in the middle of a mental breakdown? Even smaller women give multiple cops a run for their money. Now imagine a 5'10 man in his 30's who thinks people are after him and is convinced he needs to walk 3 states over and you're trying to keep him from walking down the side of the interstate for his own safety. We've tried to get him a bed in an institution. You can't make him take his meds. He won't do it and he can't be reasoned with him because of his illness. It's a hopeless situation. The state won't do anything. My dad has hired lawyers, taken videos of my brother during his episodes, etc. Nothing. They won't do a fucking thing for him. So I really feel for Joaquins character because it reminds me a lot of my brother.
i still remmeber the moment joker shot that guy infront of the live the whole theatre clapped and gave the standing ovation the crowd reaction was amazing .. this movie hits u in the ground reality may be thats the reason some countries and mostly rich people started controversy to ban the movie ...
@@QuothTheRavenclaw11 I was at the end of the film where Gotham is in chaos and also I was standing in front of Joaquin Phoenix when he’s on top of the cop car dancing at the end
I can understand why Phoenix won the Oscar for Joker, I thought the movie as a whole was good (it's not one of my top movies but it's definitely worth seeing) with Phoenix himself really carrying the whole thing with his performance.
I dont know if I missed something when I watched the film but I always thought his mum had abused him, not that she'd allowed someone else to abuse him. Thats why it was so much more horrific
1. Mother : The one who shows you the world. 2. Father : The one who shows you the meaning of success 3. Brother : The one with whom you learn law and ethics 4. Friends : The ones with whom you learn kindness 5. Wife/Spouse : With whom you learn to be yourself and learn trust. 8. Idol/Teacher : The one who shows you the path. Guidence. Man is made with all these this.. Whether they arr in form of a person or a thing or a youtube channel. But this are the basics of life. If they all betrays on you one by one. You lost them.. You lost your self too. Thats how Joker will became. Like he says,"How far the world from becaming who i am ? all it takes is just a one bad day".
In the comic, Joker did say this. "If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"....видео.html Remember all this is to audience perspective. Is a story told by POV of the Joker.
Another amazing performance by Joaquin Phoenix is in the film "Gladiator" realesed 2000. Thats a great movie to, and if you enjoyed Joaquin Phoenix performance in this one would highly recomend reacting to Gladiator as well, it won alot of awards when it cam out.
The implication with the signed photo at the end was more that penny wasn't making it up and Thomas was his father and he did use his money and power to fabricate adoption paperwork
I am glad I was familiar with "Taxi Driver" and "The King of Comedy" before seeing this movie. It is still kind of a neat idea to use those as an inspiration for how the Joker could become that character.
Remember originally the Joker didn’t have an origin story he just appeared in Gotham City,after a while the creators of joker decided to give him a origin story which is the one that appeared in the Batman comics where he falls into the the vat of chemicals,you two should watch the killing joke which further explains his origin or if you can find it read the killing joke! Also the always changes his story so you never know if he is telling the truth!
I hope she knows this Joker origin story isn’t the same as the other ones, this is just a different interpretation in another universe, it’s obvious…great film and reaction
As a person who suffers from mental illness - diagnosed Schizoaffective (schizophrenia + bipolar depression) - I can really empathize with Arthur's experience. My mental illness has made me a victim of others my entire life - from an abusive childhood, to bullying at school, to an abusive mental health system. The power of Arthur's tale is that it could be any of us under the wrong circumstances - there, but for the grace of god, go I.
17:29 The comedy club is called "Pogo's". Serial killer John Wayne Gacy used the name "Pogo the Clown" when he entertained children at birthday parties.
Tarantino made a good point about this film regarding how it makes the audience root for an obvious psychopath. Murray is a asshole, but he's not deserving to die. Yet, during the interview scene, the audience WANTS Joker to blow a hole in Murray's head and would have been disappointed if he hadn't
I think it's just makes us empathize with people who are mistreated by society. Any decent person who has the chance to help a mentally ill person will do it. Murray represents a part of society who actively ignores people like Arthur. That's why nobody cares that Arthur is killed him. Self absorbed people aren't very well liked. It's not exactly that Murray did something awful, it's that he is representing a group of people we don't like very much.
I think I watched this movie 3 times in a cinema and around 2 times on YT in reaction videos. It resonated with me greatly and I consider it one of the best films I've seen. Didn't see much ofc, because I've only started watching ANY movies a few years back after not watching them for about 15 years. Glad to see I don't only get to have a backlog, but also "new" GOOD stuff coming my way.
While not necessarily a great presentation of the actual character from the source material, it does offer unique perspective into an alternate more relatableversion of the character but make no mistake, it is a complete and total reimagining of the character of Joker, to the point where they might as well be different characters.
@@RoboBoomStick It most definitely is not. The point of the Joker in the comics is that he represents pure unforgivable evil. There is the famous origin from the Killing Joke where it shows that what happened to him can happen to anyone after One Bad Day the point that story is to show that Joker actually remember what happened to him and everything he said it might have been a lie.
Heath Ledger showed us a man who wants to watch the world burn. Phoenix showed us how a man gets there.
So true, they both have legendary performances and so different from one to another. I love both as much ❤
@@thecrasher4142 Love that
@@thecrasher4142 Same
I think this and the Batman portray the corruption in Gotham
First, he was abandoned as a baby, then adopted by a mentally unstable woman, who neglected him and her boyfriend tortured and abused him, he suffered severe head trauma, which could have caused a number of problems, most notably the laughing when feeling anxious, he was neglected by the health system, then betrayed by his so-called friend, beaten up on multiple occasions, oh yeah, and he lost his job and his idol humiliated him on live television. It wasn’t just one thing that made him snap, he’s been suffering all his life, we just see this part of his life, because this is where he transforms and embraces the madness.
But remember, he's a straight white male so he deserved all of it.
Never forget that was the whole reason for labeling this movie controversial. White men can't suffer unfairly.
@@ReVeLukii that's right.
@@billyguyjoe1858 oh? How many beds in dv shelters are for men compared to women? Just as an example. 100-1? Despite dv numbers coming back year after year hovering around 45/55% women/men. Nobody gives a f*ck about male victims.
actually not really. if you remember the talk surrounding this movie before and when it came out, turinturu is actually right.@@billyguyjoe1858
But was it real? Or all in his head? 🤯😳 that’s the only problem I had with this movie. Joker is an unreliable narrator. So everything us fans are seeing, probably didn’t even happen at all (within the context of the movie.)
Killing Joke (Comic) has some famous quote by the Joker.
1. “So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember there's always madness. Madness is the emergency exit.”
2. “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.”
""In my dream the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed, and blew it out."
- Shadow of the Bat #37 by Alan Grant and Barry Kitson
I like how when you think about comic book logic for too long it just starts being funny. The Joker is acting like he's the only one in the world who's truly had a bad day.
you don't understand it @@trenvert123
“If I were to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice.”
@@trenvert123 There are levels of having a bad day to be fair. He could have had a REALLY bad day
Thomas Wayne had a great character arc. He went from calling people clowns to calling them pals. Pretty wholesome
A gun pointed in your face will give so much character development, until there's no character anymore 😅😅😅
He went out of character. @@spunkymaniac9312
thomas has always been a scum
I guess you could say it was a BANGER arc
This movie really emphasizes the disconnect between how society thinks you should feel and how people actually feel about themselves and the environment around them. Society says: “You’re responsible for your own happiness. Happiness is a choice.” But, life isn’t that simple. There are so many factors in life that impact personal well-being. But, society is more likely to blame a person (and not that person’s circumstances) for their own shortcomings.
Very true. And as someone who's struggled with depression and anxiety all my life some scenes with Arthur in this film hit hard. A lot of the time we're expected to behave a certain way and not express our inner turmoil in case we get treated like weirdos. It's disheartening that's how society has normalised ostracising those who can't control their mental health and aren't able to get the proper help they need.
Literally how people treat the incel community rather than attempting to understand and deal with the issue in a compassionate way; they just treat them all as if they're all Elliot Rodgers
Facts. 100% Facts. It’s like what Arthur wrote in his journal. “The worst part of having a mental illness is society is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”
It's a very American thing that was internationalized to the rest of the world. People really don't care about other people health unless interferes with their lives.
It's easy to look down on others when you live in an ivory fortress
Switch places, and you'll see how people really behave
I can remember how controversial this movie was when it came out. Due to the violence the studio freaked out. They feared it would turn people into dangerous murders. Thankfully that didn’t happen, and this film became the most successful R rated movie of all time. Beating out both Deadpool movies. It made over $1 billion.
The pearl clutching was incredible
News outlets acted very weirdly about it. Instead the film got to stand as a point that health care services and how people treat each other needs improvement, the rest was just entertainment that people enjoyed or thought was just okay. It's not like that is the end of what defines what happened and opinions, but it's not untrue.
Yeah. All the news outlets and social media kept screaming at people not to watch the movie about a man with psychological problems, who finally snaps after being repeatedly abused and leads a riot to murder rich people. I wonder why they didn't want people to watch it? Thank God that never happens in real life. Oh wait ..
Some guy came to the theaters when I was there in Joker makeup. He and his family was promptly kicked out by the security they got specifically for this film. He had to apologize to his family.
It was implied this movie will turn you into an incel and if you’re already an incel, you’ll be a bigger one after watching this. That became free publicity for this movie and it performed even better.
I have always felt you can't compare this to the other Joker roles. Heath Ledger's Joker is my favorite Joker but it still feels like an actor playing a comic book character. Joaquin's Joker feels like a real mentally ill person being turned into a comic book character.
Some people think that Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker isn’t the Joker from Batman… of course it is!
There is no other Joker besides the Batman villain. This is just a backstory of the character
Wow. I like that line a lot.
Yeah Heath ledger is probably less real compared to Joaquin pheonix
the biggest differeence is the fact that this is at it's core not a comicbook movie. you can literally replace all names with something else and it still works.
gotham is just new york, thomas wayne is just some rich guy and the joker is a broken man.
ben "yathzee" croshaw put it best. it's an amazing thriller that has to pretend to be a comicbook flick to get people into the cinema since this type of movie itself usually doesn't get this many ticket sales. they get great reviews and cult followings and that's it.
@@nsasupporter7557I don't think this quite fits in with batman and it's not supposed to. I think it's silly to be all like "ooh batman's gonna fight him" when that is just not the point.
The moments when he dances feel like the center of the movie for me. It feels like he's expressing himself freely, without any drugs clouding his personality. His dance of personal freedom. Granted his freedom is anti-social insanity, but from his point of view, it's just freedom. Very interesting. I wonder if the dancing was Joaquin's idea or if it was in the script. Amazing portrayal, either way. Fully deserving his Oscar.
Same for me, the music and cinematography, decision for that scene is the true gem of the movie. Only awkward and people that lack empathy will never understand that scene and being all weirded out.
I believe there was a "dance" in the script but the dance choreography was all Joaqin himself.
He came up with the dance randomly in the bathroom scene. He was supposed to freak out about what he had done but they weren't into that idea. Phoenix randomly started dancing and Phillips started filming. Amazing stuff
@@buffalobill8809 Thanks for that!
Yes, the dance was his idea. Was improved while they figured out what to do with the scene. Originally Arthur was going to hide the gun in one of the vents. But they decided Arthur would have no background to teach him to do that and it would be out of character. So, while deciding what to do Joaquin said he has an idea and did the dance
As someone who had to deal with bullying at a young age, Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of mental illness really resonated with me. The only difference was that I actually had parents who loved and cared for me, and made sure I got the help I needed. That being said, the damage never goes away. Even though I no longer face bullying or being crapped on by society I still struggle with depression and low self worth to this day.
You need to seek Jesus my friend
@@tissosweet....8638 Gtfo. Mental illness doesn't spare religious people, nor does it target non-religious people more. Prayer and Biblical recitations are not a substitute for actual therapy or help, and especially not when they focus entirely on a single religion's opinions.
Something i like about Joaquin's brilliant performance is that all the other times in the film when he was laughing you could tell he was in pain and it's so uncomfortable, but when he shoots the talk show host and he laughs to himself it looks like the first time he's actually laughing with joy. Joaquin Phoenix is a remarkable actor.
Everything about this film is impressive. The first time Phoenix met the director, he was walking around at 180 lbs. It was mentioned that maybe he should lose a few pounds for the role and by the time of shooting he weighed 120. Said he did it with apples and cigarettes. Totally committed to the role. Outstanding.
You know what ive noticed....joaquin looks normal weight in his day dream at murray show and when he meets murrsy at the guest room so i believe those takes where filmed at the end of filming so joaquin didn't have to loose weight again. But now he had to do it again in joker 2 i can imagine him hating the processes again lol...!!!
@JKM395 I couldn't believe that about how he lost the weight so I googled it. It turns out he ate more than just apples. He also ate vegatables like lettuce, asparagus, and green beans. It sitll sounds grueling! His dedication is impressive but I think so many of these actors take it way too far. Phoenix, McConaughey, and Bale put their body through way too much for movie roles. I just don't think its worth the risk. They'll probably have health problems once they're old as a result, I mean if they haven't already.
@@kiranolan7104 You’re probably right about the health issues. On the other hand, I sort of get it. I’m a firm believer in giving your all to things. Who am I to tell someone they’ve gone too far?
See "the Machinist" film ( who later played Batman ).
His poor lungs!! My asthma could never!
32:43 Kristen - "NOOOOOO NOT THE MIDG..🤐.....The little one..."
LMMMAO I caught that too.
came straight down looking for this comment 😂😂
5:00 So, Arthur's condition is most likely some form of Pseudobulbar Affect. For reference, it isn't a coping mechanism but an actual neurological problem in the brain. Given that Pseudobulbar Affect usually has as one of its etiologies some form of brain damage, his condition is an amazing, albeit subtle, foreshadowing of the abuse he endured at the hands of his mother.
From what I understand it's like the part of the brain that controls expression is damaged.
effect, "affect" is the verb, "effect" is the noun
@@Heroo01 I mean, you are correct the effect is a noun and affect can be a verb, but I'm not sure why you commented that lol
@@BH-2023 because you used the wrong one bruh
@@BH-2023Idiot alert
Joker is a film that is truly perfect from start to finish. I love this fragile human reality. It feels so real It's a shame there aren't more movies like this out there these days
Some people think that this isn’t the Joker from Batman… of course it is!
What other Joker is there?! There is no other Joker besides the Batman villain. This movie was just a backstory of the character
I really love character studies like this. Not sure why but villains backstories are extremely fascinating. I think it's the perspective shift. Seeing someone in an entirely different light and going from hating them to empathizing.
39:42 I like how they censored him swearing, but still reshowed a man getting his brains blown out on live TV. 💀💀
31:45: The picture with the message from Thomas Wayne (I think it said something like "love your smile") was meant to lend credence to the possibility that Arthur's mother was actually telling the truth, that Thomas Wayne actually WAS Arthur's father, and had simply used his power to fabricate adoption records, etc.
@@briansheely3474 I personally think that still happened. I'm actually not sure why the movie tried to tie up the two ideas that Penny adopted Arthur and that Penny also allowed Arthur to be abused. It's not like one idea was contingent on the other. That abuse could've happened even if Arthur was her biological child (whether the father was Thomas Wayne or a John Doe.)
I feel like, assuming Thomas Wayne *was* the father, the abuse still happened.
@@WastedPoI think it adds to the uncertainty of the whole movie. There's a lot of that going on
quite contrary actually. Because the note was written in the handwriting of Penny! Means, she wrote that herself. .... and Arthur noticed that too, in that moment.
@@WastedPo (A but late but here goes LMAO) Arthur is meant to be a unreliable narrator, everything that "happen" could've all been in his head e.g. Sophie. There's scenes where 1 second she's there & the next she's not this calls the movie into question, how much of this movie was real & how much was in Arthur's head?
Its a tangled mess on purpose because Arthur is a mess. Its not meant to make sense like you pointed out 1 second he's Penny's son & loved the next he's adopted & abused. Which one is real? We don't know because Arthur's mental state is all over the place. A classic quote from the Joker about his origin story "If I were to have a origin story, I prefer it to be multiple choice." This is but one of 100s of possible origin stories for the Joker.
However, if you look at handwriting, it's Penny's. She wrote it.
He wasn't a sociopath, he felt empathy but was of ego. He had always been the victim and powerless. Killing his abuser started building his ego. Remember he would laugh that being his expression of emotion. Also someone that deep would almost be impossible to be friend and help. Awesome reaction
I disagree. He had definite antisocial tendencies.
Taking those guys out on the train he felt nothing.
@@dcmastermindfirst9418 No because anti social behavior manifest regardless of situation. He wasn't hurting people prior to his abuse, he was forever a victim of a uncaring society. Now I may concede that those tendencies have been awaken in the form of a new ego.
@byronschroedel432 Rubbish.
Watch that scene on the train again and you can tell the character has no remorse for his actions. That's a true cold antisocial trait right there and then.
@@dcmastermindfirst9418 Tell me, why should someone that has been beaten and abused as to no consequence of their own not act in such a manor. Is it sociopathic or survival. He sought none of these interactions, he searched invain for love and validation and found nothing but cruelty. What does the ego crave most? A sense of being, a sense of power, the ability to control your environment and to grow. What awoke was not sociopathy but a antedote to his reality. Was it not sociopathic the environment that continued to push him down. The beatings in the street, his coworkers, the bullies on the subway and even his own mother who failed to nurture and protect. Society is antisocial when the weak and vulnerable are not protected. Out of the soil of decayed society wrath is born and ego flourishes in chaose searching for the same meaning of self. He was a product of sociopathic society, and not the sociopath rather a antedote thru chaos.
@@dcmastermindfirst9418 It's honestly a grey whether or not he fits the bill. Because it's pretty normal not to feel remorse if you harm someone that was attacking you. Arthur showed empathy to the little guy, and also showed a lot of empathy for his mother before he learned about the abuse. A real sociopath would have abandoned their sickly mother. For me Arthur Fleck is by default empathetic, but he was so fed up of never getting any empathy back that he made the decision to act like a sociopath out of spite.
Nothing but praise to Joaquin Phoenix. Dude put everything he had into this role. Timeless.
This isn't exactly how the Joker became the Joker. The Joker's origins have always been in question and a mystery due to his mental instability and how he perceives reality. This is kind of an amalgamation of different comicbook writers interpretations, along with some unique additions of how the Joker came to be. In the comics, the Joker never really had an exact origin story. It's part of what made the character so intriguing.
Thx. I was about to say the same thing (proceeds to push glasses up at the bridge). Lol
It's a movie, not history.
And there's also the real possibility that the entire story told in the movie was just him fantasizing it all.
The Red Hood origin was the definitive origin story post crisis.
@@edwardthompson4600 Doesn't Joker literally say in that comic that he remembers it one way then another.
one of his most quoted lines is "if I have to have an origin story, I want it to be multiple choice" paraphrasing, so even that origin can be scrutinized.
Here's a little bit of interesting trivia. There used to be a television series about a post-Civil War-era family with a Kentucky horse farm titled Legacy. There was also a Batman series titled Gotham. The actor who played the oldest son in Legacy played Thomas Wayne in Gotham while the actor who played the father is playing Thomas Wayne in Joker. One series has two future Thomas Waynes.
Some people think that this isn’t the Joker from Batman… of course it is! What other Joker is there?!
This movie was just a backstory of the character.
There is no other Joker besides the Batman villain
@@nsasupporter7557 As the Joker's backstory was never set in stone (and The Dark Knight picks up on the various narratives and mystery), this could well be only one of the "origin" stories the character has provided. The exact origins will probably never be known and that is one of the great strengths of the character.
@@bighuge1060 right, but other obvious signs that it is the Joker from Batman is that Thomas and Bruce Wayne are both in it and it takes place in Gotham
Omg when Arthur kills the friend I heard “not the midg” good save 😂
midget womp womp get over it
This movie came out at a point of my life where I needed it the most as much as it broke me. 8 months after I survived an stroke and struggling with ALL the consequences (emotional, mental and physical), coming back to work as a psychotherapist in a system that is absolutely not unlike the one in the movie (that's real life), it felt like a slap in the face of everything I was dealing with. It was one of the many many factors that made me quit my job and choose a different path.
let that be a lesson to you, that when you get a job, you _compromise,_ to _work for the interests of the boss,_ while the boss isn't at all required to compromise themselves or the business, to _your_ interests.
think about that, and how you were surely brought up under the premise "get a job to be somebody".
and, then have your reality shaken when weighing the fact that maybe _the entirety of the society you live in_ has been raised under the same premise, therefore arriving at the current state of affairs: people overwhelmed by their situation of compromising with a job, that doesn't do anything for them.
learn *_a trade,_* not *_the habit of serving the boss_*
@@bcn1gh7h4wk what are you on about fam?
@@papl20 just showing that maybe because "everyone keeps tradition" is why society is so fucked up.
when *"tradition"* approaches *"submit to the boss"* you have a society of slaves.
ever thought about that?
@@bcn1gh7h4wk yeah but like... How that relates to my original comment? I feel like you're trying to give me a lecture for a class I did not sing up for.
We know now that it’s not nature vs nurture, it’s nature AND nurture. We know now that emotional environment can actually alter our genetic structure, and the effect of society is profound in that regard. I really appreciate that you two bring your intelligence and reasoning into your reactions!
In the comics the Joker's exact origin is a mystery, barring that Batman was somehow involved. His origin elaborated in one of the greatest Batman stories of all time called Batman The Killing Joke where it is revealed that once he had been a failed stand-up comedian who worked night shifts at Ace Chemicals in a feeble attempt to support his sickly wife and their unborn child. They died just before the night that he helped a gang of thieves break into the Ace Chemicals plant, disguised as the infamous criminal Red Hood. Batman interrupted the heist, resulting in the would-be criminal falling into a vat of unidentified chemicals. Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find that the chemicals had disfigured his entire body, giving him permanent chalk white skin, emerald green hair, blood red lips and his face a clown like appearance. Driven insane by this series of events he embraced it, believing that the greatest joke of all is that humanity is only "One Bad Day" away from total insanity. In that same story it is revealed that his "Bad Day" is a mystery to him as he doesn't exactly remember what happened to him or who he was (at least prior to him falling in a vat of chemicals) nor does he care to remember and says that if he were to have an origin story he prefers it to be multiple choice, indicating that everything we had read up to that point about his past might have been false (at least prior to him falling in a vat of chemicals). One the best traits of The Joker is that his origin is always supposed to be left ambiguous and forever partially unknown to the readers. He has no true alias. He has no family. He has no direct origin. He is a force of nature and all he desires is carnage and mayhem.
A while back revealed there were 3 Jokers, but yeah, that was the story of one of them. It's implied that Batman killed the Joker at the end of that story. Maybe that was an alternate story, and we got another where it continued with that Joker continuing to live. Maybe people can let us know where it goes from there.
@@DarkKnightBatman420 The Thee Jokers story by Geoff Johns was a Black Label book and wasn't canon.
@@The_Phantasm Why not? It's a perfectly good story. Pretty sure non canon stories breach canon here and there in DC/Marvel. It could be more fair to call it an abandoned one off story.
@@DarkKnightBatman420 That's not really how it works and I doubt it will be anyway because the story wasn't that well received.
@@The_Phantasm Well, I guess. It would probably made an okay animated film adaptation. It does resolve some of the trauma Jason Todd went through, but maybe people like him more as an edgy basket case antihero. Also people don’t want the jokers to die. I don’t think it matters, so long as they get a story going that brings them back. Sales do matter though, so I’m not holding my breath on it.
Great reaction ladies ! This is a fantastic movie Joaquin Phoenix was truly inspired casting , he really does disturbed loner so well it is so unsettling and unnerving you really cannot take your eyes of him at all times , he also generates a certain amount of sympathy until he starts inevitably killing people . Really love the scenes when as Arthur is trudging up the steps being all downbeat and beaten down ( Quite literally as well as figuratively ) and then as Joker he is dancing down the steps all full of confidence and joy .
The score by the amazing Hildur Guonadottir ( The Lady who composed the score to the TV Series Chernobyl ) adds another layer to the creepy and unsettling vibe . I think this is considered a Elseworlds interpretation to the Joker given that there is a big age difference between Joker and Bruce Wayne so therefore not official canon . This I consider along with the first Wonder Woman the two best offerings from DC .
By the way does anyone think Arthur Flecks name is a pun on a previous Batman actor - Arthur Fleck , A.Fleck , Afleck ?
This movie has great color language. The blues are always present during oppressive and sad moments, orange is the dominant color in scenes of happiness and confidence. During the riot the city is burning orange while Joker is trapped inside of a blue Police car.
The fact that when he ascends the stairs in the beginning and is so depressed. But when he descends the stairs toward the end he’s very happy. I feel like a lot of people don’t notice that little detail.
Presuming other people don't notice things Is a very bad thing to have and do. 🙄
Joaquin Phoenix"s acting in this , is on another level , incredible
Nice pick indeed. Amazing movie about mental illness and loneliness . I know it's almost like Taxi Driver but I love both movies. Joaquin's performance is one of the best I've seen
I recommend you find a movie called "Network". There is a lot of influence from that movie in "Joker" as well. "Network" came out in the 1970's and I owned it on DVD a decade before I saw "Joker" in the theaters. It's to the point if I watch one, I immediately watch the other.
@@ohdogwow2I've seen it, good movie. But I prefer these films I said
It is exactly Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. Obvious ripoff.
@@greggibson33 Yes, cold-blooded violent version of K. of C.
My relationship with "Joker" is the same I have with "Logan" to be brutally honest. Both fantastic 👏 but unless condensed like this edit I have no desire to re-watch both in full for many years. It gets in to my soul especially "Joker" however I can't stress how good this film is but it takes me way way down but that's the magic of cinema!! 🥰
Joker and Logan, a man of culture 👌
@@salladinthegreatthey're the best of their genre
@@MasterBetty69The dark knight beats both, then them two
Wtf is Logan
@@rsltgc8706 It was an R Rated Wolverine story & Hugh Jackmans last solo Wolverine movie. You should see it 👀
Rewatching this movie, it’s crazy how my current situation with my mental health is similar to Joker in the beginning. 😢
I love the irony of this movie!
Multiple media outlets freaked the fuck out when this movie came out because they were afraid of what it might encourage in people. They told us it was dangerous and to not go see it. That ended up being the biggest and most effective publicity for this movie! 😂
Spoiler Alert!: When I saw this in the theatre everyone thought that he was going to kill himself when he started to do the "knock knock" joke with Murray and you could hear faint words of "no" being spoken in the rows. However, almost everyone gasped when he shot Murray and some people laughed (including myself) because it was totally unexpected. At the end when he was putting on his blood smile everyone in the theatre cheered and some even clapped. Moreover, when he was walking away from the therapist's room and started to leave blood footprints everyone gasped while some started to giggle and you could hear others saying "Arthur nooo".
Laughed at cold- blooded murder? SMH
“No dad could do that to his son”
Omni-Man: is that a challenge?
I'm excited for Joker 2
While I love this movie and think it's freaking fantastic. I want to see a fully realized Joaquin Joker in the thick of crime and chaos
The score is so good. It's hunting, it makes you uncomfortable like this movie, like Arthur. And it gets more bolder and wilder throughout Arthur's villain arch.
After Heath ledger, Joachim Phoenix is the BEST Joker we had. I enjoyed this movie and your réactions.
Well done. Watching you guys helped me appreciate this movie even more.
I really like that each of you had a slightly different reaction and interpretation, making for a good pairing. I haven't watched any other CinePals yet, but I subscribed, and the day is young!
“That’s how he gets his goons” had me lol
Achara is the heart of the channel!
Always the best reactions!!🌟🌟🌟
I remember when the trailer came out for this movie, some people were worried about the violence and how it might be dangerous. But after you watch the movie and think about it: it really made me believe that we should be kind to all people
I'm sorry but am I the only one who laughed when the little guy asked Arthur to get the lock for him? 😂😭🤦🏾♀️. Father please forgive me.
This isn't necessarily Joker's origin. By his own admission, his backstory is multiple choice
So it is his origin story then? 🤔
@@tiffanykim2773shrodingers origin story
And if you watch the film carefully there is a lot of clues that shows if not all of the film atleast heafty portions of it is hallucinations.
Small example is every single clock shown are always locked one specific time and never move.
@@tiffanykim2773 In a way yes. It is one of his multiple stories.
My 3 favourite acting performances of all time.
3. Kathy Bates - Misery.
2. Sir Anthony Hopkins - The Silence of the Lambs.
1 Joaquin Phoenix - Joker
Sorry that you need meds.... we're all pulling for you here. 😆
When he punch the clock it wasn’t part of the script. Joaquin definitely is an amazing actor.
The line.." I always thought my life was a tragedy.. but now I realize it's a fking comedy...".. that hit so hard for me.. I had to pause 1st time watching it... that's why joker is the best "villen" he doesn't care about fame and money, his crime is exposing the psychological mind of society.. the Dark Night joker explains it perfectly..
When this came out I went to see it in theaters by myself...and when it was over I sat in my car for like 10 mins after just in shock
8:59 Oops looks like to me someone seen this film before. And even face plants herself because she realized what she just said.😂😂😂
This movie made me cry when I saw it. I expected what you usually expect when you think of the Joker. I had no idea how they would humanize him and it felt so relatable. I saw this movie during the hardest time of my life while I was going through incredible pain. I felt understood for the first time in a long time. Little did I know, my life was going to get better because I made it better, but this movie came along right when I needed it. I'll never forget that.
One of the best points of this movie is the interpretation of the ending. Has everything prior to the ending just a "story" that he is telling to the "real" therapist?
That's why this movie deservedly in the Billion box office.
Batman and Joker being brothers would be the most basic ass plot twist of all time. It would suck all the charm behind the chaos of their relationship
32:41 "No, not the midget" 😂
This is a popular theory...that Bruce Wayne and the Joker are related and hinted at in the comics.
Be nice to people!
They may have a mental problem and turn into Joker!
They may have PTSD and turn into Rambo!
They may be grieving and turn into John Wick!
The fact that the director of the hangover directed this movie. What a range!
After watching a couple of your reactions together, I think you’re my favorite pairing on this channel. Looking forward to future reactions 👏🏻
The last movie i went to see in a cinema was Joker and it was the best experience I have ever had. Not saying it was an easy one by any means, the scene with Arthur reading what his mom did to him was hard not to have some sort of a emotion over. Also I got to tell you about the greatest actor living imo the Joaquin Phoenix, deliver an performance that will stand the test of time was magnificent.
It will stand the test of time.... like the last weirdo he played... and the one before that... and the one before that... and the one before that...... 😆
So Achara, I heard you talk about "crossing the line" in the discussion at the end and I'd like to say, the way I interpreted it was Arthur also started or begun thinking there were lines and he also trusted that others knew where those lines were and wouldn't cross them. Even when others blurred these lines(the guys in the beginning that beat him up), he still held onto these lines. But you see for something that explosive to happen, like him shooting that guy on tv, the guys in the train, it must have been a culmination of a lot, a nexus event of sorts, a point of convergence of just too much. You could see the adrenaline on him after he shot the guy on live tv, he was literally shaking(Joaquin Phoenix man🙌). With his mom, it was the same thing, the cumulative rage, new found sense of freedom(after he killed those guys in the train) coupled together the new revelations of his mother. Society has turned people cruel. This man was a example of a tender heart twisted, and then this twisted heart and its effect on the people that were having all these feelings bottled, well he spoke, acted for them and became the embodiment of their rage. The ramifications of this now twisted heart would then lead to a terror that would stalk gotham(both the criminal element and normal civilians) for decades.
Batman being born out of that chaos was just poetic.
Thanks for the reaction.
fantastic reaction, I love how you found your empathy immediately. Love it
It’s one of my favorite movies, though the violence always makes me super uncomfortable so I don’t watch it often. Usually only with someone who hasn’t seen it. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
There are far more violent movies than this.
@@mikerodgers7620 Obviously
@@mikerodgers7620 Yes there are, but there is a very special sort of visceral feeling that comes with the violence in Joker, it’s not there to cause applause, and it’s not there simply to shock you, it just feels very unsettling.
@@deedeek75 Violent movies are good. See more of them.
You must be high in empathy. You seem like a good person, no shame in it
Yay another Kristen react video! (Oh, hey Achara. 😬🤣lol, JK)
The CineDesi version is 10 seconds longer. Is that an extended directors version or does it just have longer intros and outros? 😁
There could be a number of reasons for that. It might be the intro and outro. But slightly different cuts happen all the time especially with RUclips's system being what it is.
Great film. Joaquin Phoenix gave one heck of a performance, and it was a fresh and powerful take on this (in)famous character that's the Joker. I'm glad this film was made.
Also, love the shirt, Achara! :D
2 most epic shots. Arthurs shaking face immediately after shooting murry. And Arthur standing ontop of the police car surrounded by people as he puts a smile on his face.
This may blow your mind even more, but there is an in depth analysis that was written that makes it clear that Thomas Wayne was most definitely Arthur's father. He had all the resources available to cover up what had happened with Penny. It was no coincidence that as soon as he went to visit the mansion, that his mother ended up in the hospital. Look at the picture too, that had TW signature. Also he was not adopted.. he had the same mental illness as his Mother!
Fantastic reaction ladies❤ This film is next level incredible and Joaquin Phoenix's performance blows me away. He has a condition called Pectus Excavatum, which my son has the severe form of, and that's why his body looks like that. He used it as part of Jokers "weirdness".
at 32:45, Kristen almost said 'midget' !! 🤣
Arthur has three different laughs in the movie. The first laugh is caused by his condition, you can tell when it happens by the circumstances and by the look of suffering on his face.
The second laugh is a fake laugh that he uses in an attempt to fit in socially. He is dead-faced when he performs this laugh. As shown by the scene where he watches another comedian, he is unable to understand what emotions he is meant to be feeling at what time, like you guys said there is a vital disconnect in his ability to identify with others. He laughs at each pause because he assumed he was supposed to, and when everyone else finally laughs, he has to look around and realize before he starts his fake laugh unnaturally late.
Then there is the third kind of laugh, the only time he genuinely, sincerely laughs in the movie: right after he shoots Murray. In that moment, Arthur realized he can escape his pain by letting it consume him entirely. He's filled with relief and joy that he can escape his suffering and be what he believes he is meant to be. He spoke the complete truth when he said he had nothing left to lose.
I really really like this movie a lot, and Joaquin Phoenix absolutely earned the Oscars for best actor, but to this day I cannot for the life of me figure out why or how this movie made $1 BILLION!!!
This movie is so dark and heavy it would make even Darren Arronovsky or David Fincher feel depressed. And yet enough people saw it over and over that it broke the billion dollar ceiling. It holds up a mirror to society showing how we alienate people with mental illnesses rather than show empathy and try to help them.
It is very consistent with the belief Joker had in the graphic novel The Killing Joke however, which is all it takes is one bad day and someone as normal as you can become The Joker.
I think it must be because a lot of people related to Arthurs plight, even if they didn't agree with how he handled it.
@@magicbrownie1357 This for sure.
iam the reason i saw it 10 times in the theaters:)
Movie addresses perfect storm of things going on economically, socially, really well directed, supremely acted, R rated "superhero" movie (which there should be more of). The timing of this movie coming out was impeccable
@@magicbrownie1357 Imo mainly introverts
I liked this movie but i LOVED the other movie going on, i.e. Kristen's Conflict lmao, she was genuinely torn apart by sympathy and empathy for Arthur and what's right. Great reaction! Hope you guys team up again!
Joaquin Phoenix took home the Oscar for Best Actor in this movie.
Director David Fincher said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that "this movie is an attack on people with mental health issues."
In the movie, a young Penny Fleck stated "Thomas made all of that up" (27:50). With his money and connections, it is highly possible to have not only drafted up papers for that, but also convinced Penny to do so with a promise or implication that they would be together later. When Penny finally realizes that Thomas is not going to marry her, she goes nuts and gets put into the psyche ward, or maybe even Thomas has enough connections to get her thrown in there even though she is fine, but heartbroken.
While this is of course a possibility, there is a little detail in this movie here, that tells otherwise. The photograph with the love message on its backside. The love message (supposed to be written by Thomas Wayne) was in the handwriting of Penny (compared with the letter she wrote).
@@heiko3169 Thank you for that Heiko. Do you have a timestamp for that pic in the video? Very intriguing :)
Why was this movie so powerful/intense & Uncomfortable? It's definitely because this film is from his point of view, rather than the point of the view of those who suffer because of him, and explains why he is the way he is (Mental health issues etc). But I personally don't think this movie is trying to excuse his actions or make it seem like at the end of the day he's the good guy. Its an amazing movie.
When he says “I’ll tell ya what you get” the way his voice cracks a little. He wasn’t acting, he was living this moment.
Doesn't matter how many times, I have watched it... Still Hits the same !!!!!❤❤❤
This show is about how anyone can be the “JOKER”. Arthur is one of them affected by the society and their surroundings.
First CinePals vid I’ve seen with Kristen. Girl, you’re hilarious. And super invested, and I love it. And Achara, I’m consistently amazed at how you vibe so well with anyone sitting next to you. Just a bright light of intelligence and humor.
Notice how the only time throughout the entire story Joker genuinely laughs is after killing Murray.
Sympathy for the devil is what I feel I could describe this iteration of his origin story as. He's stated in the comics that if he had an origin story, he'd prefer it to be multiple choice. My original live action origin story, one of which was closely related to the comics was 89' Batman where Joker had fallen into a container of toxic product that ultimately altered him to his Joker character. It was referenced (in the comics) that he had been a struggling comedian with his then pregnant wife, and after going out on a job for cash to help his situation with a group of gang members, he was then betrayed and fell as I mentioned earlier in the toxic waste. The fact that he calls himself Arthur Fleck here is also a farce, as nothing of his perspective can really be believed as genuine. The character of the Joker is a sociopath in the comics who's committed numerous atrocious acts of crime, assault, torture, and pain simply for the punchline of a joke and spreading chaos. Nobody to, that in their right mind, would hope to envy or admire for their actions or outlook on reality.
Of course, as a film, Joaquin Phoenix absolutely pours his talents to give us the very complexity of this comic book character in all his chaos in mind and misguided outlook. All we need now, is for Hollywood to give us a live action of The Killing Joke graphic novel for everyone to really grasp a moment of his insanity on screen. And that's light-hearted compared to some of his other crazier misdeeds.
My brother is schizophrenic, bipolar, narcissistic and anti-social. He was raped by his teachers boyfriend when he was 12 years old, that same man got him hooked on crack. He started life at a bigger disadvantage than most. Being assaulted made him feel like less of a man so he didn't tell anyone for years, including my parents. He was coping with sexual abuse and a drug addiction. Using the drugs to drown his trauma over being assaulted. He has done drugs his whole life.
He's been to prison a couple time for non-violent offenses. While in prison he's been jumped multiple times. His jaw was broken once and the second time they broke it again. The second time the jail didn't want to pay his hospital bill I guess so they just let him out of jail. After this last time when he got jumped I'm almost certain they did brain damage because he is so much worse mentally than before.
He throws water, milk, soap etc into fuse boxes. He mistakenly tried to "fix" Walmarts electricity and got arrested. He could have caused a fire. He refuses to go to the hospital for his jaw because he thinks they'll experiment on him. The police know him by name because during his paranoid delusions he becomes borderline violent.
And after prison therapists speaking to him, formal diagnosis, prescriptions, police noting how erratically he behaves and being arrested for "fixing" a supermarkets electricity we still can't get him any help. He is, legally, a full grown man. We can't stop him from going and getting drugs or being a danger to himself and others. You ever wrestled a full grown man in the middle of a mental breakdown? Even smaller women give multiple cops a run for their money. Now imagine a 5'10 man in his 30's who thinks people are after him and is convinced he needs to walk 3 states over and you're trying to keep him from walking down the side of the interstate for his own safety.
We've tried to get him a bed in an institution. You can't make him take his meds. He won't do it and he can't be reasoned with him because of his illness. It's a hopeless situation. The state won't do anything. My dad has hired lawyers, taken videos of my brother during his episodes, etc. Nothing. They won't do a fucking thing for him.
So I really feel for Joaquins character because it reminds me a lot of my brother.
"NOOOOO!!! NOT THE MID---" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
i still remmeber the moment joker shot that guy infront of the live the whole theatre clapped and gave the standing ovation the crowd reaction was amazing .. this movie hits u in the ground reality may be thats the reason some countries and mostly rich people started controversy to ban the movie ...
The joke is so good it blew Murray's mind
I love this movie no sugar coating story for this legendary Villain. PERFECT 🤩 11/10
I was a background extra for this movie! It was so much fun but tiring lol
What scenes were you in?
@@QuothTheRavenclaw11 I was at the end of the film where Gotham is in chaos and also I was standing in front of Joaquin Phoenix when he’s on top of the cop car dancing at the end
@@luiki4189 Awesome man! I bet that must be great to see that iconic scene, knowing you're in it.
I can understand why Phoenix won the Oscar for Joker, I thought the movie as a whole was good (it's not one of my top movies but it's definitely worth seeing) with Phoenix himself really carrying the whole thing with his performance.
I dont know if I missed something when I watched the film but I always thought his mum had abused him, not that she'd allowed someone else to abuse him. Thats why it was so much more horrific
1. Mother : The one who shows you the world.
2. Father : The one who shows you the meaning of success
3. Brother : The one with whom you learn law and ethics
4. Friends : The ones with whom you learn kindness
5. Wife/Spouse : With whom you learn to be yourself and learn trust.
8. Idol/Teacher : The one who shows you the path. Guidence.
Man is made with all these this.. Whether they arr in form of a person or a thing or a youtube channel. But this are the basics of life. If they all betrays on you one by one. You lost them.. You lost your self too. Thats how Joker will became.
Like he says,"How far the world from becaming who i am ? all it takes is just a one bad day".
In the comic, Joker did say this.
"If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"....видео.html
Remember all this is to audience perspective. Is a story told by POV of the Joker.
Another amazing performance by Joaquin Phoenix is in the film "Gladiator" realesed 2000. Thats a great movie to, and if you enjoyed Joaquin Phoenix performance in this one would highly recomend reacting to Gladiator as well, it won alot of awards when it cam out.
The implication with the signed photo at the end was more that penny wasn't making it up and Thomas was his father and he did use his money and power to fabricate adoption paperwork
I am glad I was familiar with "Taxi Driver" and "The King of Comedy" before seeing this movie. It is still kind of a neat idea to use those as an inspiration for how the Joker could become that character.
There's actually a condition that causes uncontrollable laughter and sometimes crying that's related to head injuries
Remember originally the Joker didn’t have an origin story he just appeared in Gotham City,after a while the creators of joker decided to give him a origin story which is the one that appeared in the Batman comics where he falls into the the vat of chemicals,you two should watch the killing joke which further explains his origin or if you can find it read the killing joke! Also the always changes his story so you never know if he is telling the truth!
I hope she knows this Joker origin story isn’t the same as the other ones, this is just a different interpretation in another universe, it’s obvious…great film and reaction
As a person who suffers from mental illness - diagnosed Schizoaffective (schizophrenia + bipolar depression) - I can really empathize with Arthur's experience. My mental illness has made me a victim of others my entire life - from an abusive childhood, to bullying at school, to an abusive mental health system. The power of Arthur's tale is that it could be any of us under the wrong circumstances - there, but for the grace of god, go I.
17:29 The comedy club is called "Pogo's". Serial killer John Wayne Gacy used the name "Pogo the Clown" when he entertained children at birthday parties.
Watching this in the cinema, that scene with Murray towards the end, everyone watching flinched
Tarantino made a good point about this film regarding how it makes the audience root for an obvious psychopath. Murray is a asshole, but he's not deserving to die. Yet, during the interview scene, the audience WANTS Joker to blow a hole in Murray's head and would have been disappointed if he hadn't
I think it's just makes us empathize with people who are mistreated by society. Any decent person who has the chance to help a mentally ill person will do it.
Murray represents a part of society who actively ignores people like Arthur. That's why nobody cares that Arthur is killed him. Self absorbed people aren't very well liked. It's not exactly that Murray did something awful, it's that he is representing a group of people we don't like very much.
I think I watched this movie 3 times in a cinema and around 2 times on YT in reaction videos. It resonated with me greatly and I consider it one of the best films I've seen. Didn't see much ofc, because I've only started watching ANY movies a few years back after not watching them for about 15 years.
Glad to see I don't only get to have a backlog, but also "new" GOOD stuff coming my way.
While not necessarily a great presentation of the actual character from the source material, it does offer unique perspective into an alternate more relatableversion of the character but make no mistake, it is a complete and total reimagining of the character of Joker, to the point where they might as well be different characters.
The core ideology of the character is still there.
@@RoboBoomStick It most definitely is not. The point of the Joker in the comics is that he represents pure unforgivable evil. There is the famous origin from the Killing Joke where it shows that what happened to him can happen to anyone after One Bad Day the point that story is to show that Joker actually remember what happened to him and everything he said it might have been a lie.
better than what disney do best at race swapped characters and are usually feminist & anti- men
@@The_Phantasm It's okay if you don't get it buddy.
@@The_Phantasmthere are infinite numbers of him actually that all have different points. He's just chaos incarnate
That needs to be on a t-shirt🤣💯