CANADIAN FARMER - BIGGEST PUMP EVER! - Raats Custom Farming pumps with $6,000,000 worth of equipment
- Опубликовано: 26 янв 2025
- Marvellane Farms near Russell Ontario is ranked one of the top managed dairy farms in Canada and has started a calf rearing business as well as the established dairy business. Raats Custom Farming has $6,000,000 worth of pumping and manure transport equipment on hand to empty the lagoon. Two Nuhn Lagoon crawlers, 3 Claas 4500 Xerion tractors and 3 units of Nuhn 17,000 gallon twin tank manure spreaders as well as a New Holland T8 tractor and manure pumps. My biggest manure pump filmed to date!
Marvellane Farms giin der Nähe von Russell Ontario lt als einer der am besten geführten Milchviehbetriebe in Kanada und hat neben dem etablierten Milchgeschäft auch ein Kälberaufzuchtunternehmen gegründet. Raats Custom Farming verfügt über Pump- und Gülletransportgeräte im Wert von 6.000.000 US-Dollar, um die Lagune zu entleeren. Zwei Nuhn Lagoon-Raupen, drei Claas 4500 Meine bislang größte gefilmte Güllepumpe!
Marvellane Farms près de Russell Ontario est classée parmi les fermes laitières les mieux gérées au Canada et a démarré une entreprise d'élevage de veaux ainsi qu'une entreprise laitière bien établie. Raats Custom Farming dispose d'équipements de pompage et de transport de fumier d'une valeur de 6 000 000 $ pour vider la lagune. Deux chenilles Nuhn Lagoon, 3 tracteurs Claas 4500 Xerion et 3 unités d'épandeurs de fumier à double réservoir Nuhn de 17 000 gallons ainsi qu'un tracteur New Holland T8 et des pompes à fumier. Ma plus grosse pompe à fumier filmée à ce jour !
Marvellane Farms in de buurt van Russell Ontario behoort tot de best beheerde melkveebedrijven in Canada en is naast een gevestigd zuivelbedrijf ook een kalveropfokbedrijf gestart. Raats Custom Farming heeft ter waarde van $ 6.000.000 aan pomp- en mesttransportapparatuur klaarstaan om de lagune leeg te maken. Twee Nuhn Lagoon-rupsvoertuigen, 3 Claas 4500 Xerion-tractoren en 3 Nuhn-mestverspreiders van 17.000 gallon met dubbele tank, evenals een New Holland T8-tractor en mestpompen. Mijn grootste mestpomp tot nu toe gefilmd!
ਮਾਰਵੇਲੇਨ ਫਾਰਮਜ਼ ਨੂੰ ਕੈਨੇਡਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਪ੍ਰਮੁੱਖ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਿਤ ਡੇਅਰੀ ਫਾਰਮਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਦਾ ਦਰਜਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸਨੇ ਵੱਛੇ ਪਾਲਣ ਦੇ ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ-ਨਾਲ ਸਥਾਪਤ ਡੇਅਰੀ ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰ ਵੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ। ਰਾਟਸ ਕਸਟਮ ਫਾਰਮਿੰਗ ਕੋਲ ਝੀਲ ਨੂੰ ਖਾਲੀ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ $6,000,000 ਦੇ ਪੰਪਿੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਖਾਦ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਪੋਰਟ ਉਪਕਰਣ ਹਨ। ਦੋ Nuhn ਲਾਗੂਨ ਕ੍ਰਾਲਰ, 3 Claas 4500 Xerion ਟਰੈਕਟਰ ਅਤੇ Nuhn 17,000 ਗੈਲਨ ਟਵਿਨ ਟੈਂਕ ਖਾਦ ਸਪ੍ਰੈਡਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ-ਨਾਲ ਨਿਊ ਹਾਲੈਂਡ T8 ਟਰੈਕਟਰ ਅਤੇ ਖਾਦ ਪੰਪ ਦੇ 3 ਯੂਨਿਟ। ਅੱਜ ਤੱਕ ਫਿਲਮਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਮੇਰਾ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡਾ ਖਾਦ ਪੰਪ!
मार्वेलन फार्म्स को कनाडा में शीर्ष प्रबंधित डेयरी फार्मों में से एक माना जाता है और इसने स्थापित डेयरी व्यवसाय के साथ-साथ बछड़ा पालन व्यवसाय भी शुरू किया है। रैट्स कस्टम फ़ार्मिंग के पास लैगून को खाली करने के लिए $6,000,000 मूल्य के पंपिंग और खाद परिवहन उपकरण उपलब्ध हैं। दो नुह्न लैगून क्रॉलर, 3 क्लैस 4500 ज़ेरियन ट्रैक्टर और नूंह 17,000 गैलन ट्विन टैंक खाद स्प्रेडर्स की 3 इकाइयां और साथ ही एक न्यू हॉलैंड टी8 ट्रैक्टर और खाद पंप। आज तक का मेरा सबसे बड़ा खाद पंप फिल्माया गया!
Marvellane Farms è considerata una delle aziende lattiero-casearie meglio gestite in Canada e ha avviato un'attività di allevamento di vitelli oltre a un'attività lattiero-casearia consolidata. Raats Custom Farming dispone di attrezzature per il pompaggio e il trasporto del letame per un valore di 6.000.000 di dollari per svuotare la laguna. Due cingolati Nuhn Lagoon, 3 trattori Claas 4500 Xerion e 3 unità di spandiletame a doppia cisterna Nuhn da 17.000 galloni, nonché un trattore New Holland T8 e pompe per letame. La mia più grande pompa per letame filmata fino ad oggi!
Marvellane Farms está clasificada como una de las granjas lecheras mejor administradas de Canadá y ha iniciado un negocio de cría de terneros, además de un negocio lácteo establecido. Raats Custom Farming tiene a mano equipos de bombeo y transporte de estiércol por valor de 6.000.000 de dólares para vaciar la laguna. Dos tractores sobre orugas Nuhn Lagoon, 3 tractores Claas 4500 Xerion y 3 unidades de esparcidores de estiércol con tanque doble Nuhn de 17.000 galones, así como un tractor New Holland T8 y bombas de estiércol. ¡Mi bomba de estiércol más grande filmada hasta la fecha!
Marvellane Farms jest jedną z najlepiej zarządzanych farm mlecznych w Kanadzie i rozpoczęła działalność związaną z hodowlą cieląt, a także ugruntowaną pozycję na rynku mleczarskim. Raats Custom Farming dysponuje sprzętem do pompowania i transportu obornika o wartości 6 000 000 dolarów do opróżniania laguny. Dwa gąsienice Nuhn Lagoon, 3 ciągniki Claas 4500 Xerion i 3 jednostki dwuzbiornikowego rozrzutnika Nuhn o pojemności 17 000 galonów, a także ciągnik New Holland T8 i pompy do obornika. Moja największa jak dotąd nakręcona pompa do gnojowicy!
A Marvellane Farms é classificada como uma das fazendas leiteiras mais bem administradas no Canadá e iniciou um negócio de criação de bezerros, bem como um negócio de laticínios estabelecido. A Raats Custom Farming tem US$ 6.000.000 em equipamentos de bombeamento e transporte de esterco
That's an impressive operation to get manure from the lagoon to the fields.
I did some relief milking in the original tie stall barn approximately 30 years ago.
Cool! thanks for post .. probably a job for you there still !
One day when i was 13. Mom was touring the country side from morrisburg to gatineau. I made her stop at that farm so i could look at the barns and ask for a tour lol. Always a sharp looking farm.
great story.. I am still batting 1000% when it comes to meeting farmers ... nicest people ever! and really help me a lot getting the shots and angles I need ...
What a beautiful machines there! I wish i could film there! All the best for 2025! Greetings, Jan
Thank you very much Jan. I'm actually going out today (-12C) to film a lagoon pump. didn't know it could be done in this weather. should be interesting.
@@farmerdrone Yes indeed, cold there! Here around 0C.
Man, it was cold and windy yesterday @ -12, but I got the shots. Took 2 drones .. the gimble on the Air 2S froze up after 40 minutes but the Mavic 3 was OK ...
@@farmerdrone Wow the gimble frozes? Then it is really cold haha! Great that you have the shots!
@@farmerdrone oh my god -12 degrees I can't imagine that weather in my hometown 10 degrees is the lowest.
Молодцы ребята Дай Бог вам здоровья успехов в вашем нелегкой благородной работе желаем процветания и благополучия
Yes, it would be great to take a tour of the whole place😊
We used to haul in four thousand gallons trucks brings back good memories.
Those were the days!
Very cool video! The combination of two slurry tanks one behind the other is very rare here. Usually the tractor only has one tank attached. The largest that is permitted here holds 36,000 liters. In recent years, however, the spreading tank has remained on the field and so-called delivery vehicles refill it. By the way, I live here only an hour's drive from the CLAAS headquarters in Harsewinkel. Best wishes from Germany! I wish you a successful 2025!
Good morning Germany 🍺🍺 thanks for your interesting comment .. GREAT tractor the Claas and extremely fuel efficient! These tankers are 65,000 liters and you can see all 3 units in the video. They were spreading over 500,000 liters per hour!
and thanks for the best wishes ... I'll do my best to have an interesting channel in 2025
If my figuring is correct each tanker is 17,000 liters or roughly 4,500 gallons. I worked for a service in Michigan where we were hauling 2 tankers of 6,000 gallons each and injecting the manure. Much better than surface spreading
No that’s 17000 gallons between the 2 tankers
Nuhn quad manure trains
this is correct ...
17000 gallons, so one trailer might be 30 tons?
At least 40t per trailer.... My guess would be around 100t for the whole setup when full
Dont matter if metric tons or not, this is absolutely massive. A hell of a "shitty job" 😂😂😂
Very informative! Brings awareness about the Farming and amount of work and $$$ cost it takes to grow our food.
Yeah... it's a lot of work and it's expensive!
Farmers earn very little profit with what they have to pay out. Some people think farmers are mega rich
I bet it's below minimum wage a farmer he pays/can afford to pay himself
I worked on a dairy farm for 17 plus years milking cleaning stalls and the barn and outside pens the spreader I used was a night twin axle slinger it was a little ruff cuz in the winter I had to scrape it out with a ice scraper but the best part about it was I worked for a pretty nice family it wasn't real big but I have a pretty good idea of the things that a big farm has going on it was nice being out side so that was nice one thing I have to say about farming is that it's never a dull moment there is good and bad times but that's farming 👍
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure you have some great memories of that experience.
I watched many people adding slurry to the field and this application is the heaviest by FAR!!
it's also the most diluted you have seen ...
I can almost smell it!!!
12,000 gallons per acre? if my math is correct thats 44m3 per acre wich is a bit more than we spread per hectare (2.47 ac) here in germany. this means they are spreading about 108m3 (29,000 gal) per hectare. This amount would grant us a trip straight to jail because it would violate our laws for fertilizing😅
But on a serious note: the ground doesnt need this much manure applied to grow a solid crop, half of it would be plenty in combination with a bit of synthetic fertilizer. If applied via dribble bar or injected into the ground this farm could save a lot of money on fertilizer he ist overapplying right now. he could save about $80-100 in nitrogen fertilizer per acre if he would apply only 6,000-8,000 gallons per acre and spread it on more fields instead of concentrating it on a few fields. asumming that for 500 acres he could save 40-50k only in nitrogen fertilizer. thats a good chunk of change I think. most of the nitrogen will be gone by spring, either into the air as NH3 and N2O or into the ground water as NO3.
anyway those are some serious bits of kit wich can get alot done in a short amount of time 😉
If you check some of my previous comments, you'll read that this lagoon had a LOT of grey water in it, not manure. You can see the little or no dry manure cap on the lagoon. The nitrogen level in the manure was very low so the application rate was increased to meet the nitrogen requirements ... 3-6000 gallons is a usual standard rate ...
Fuppin grey water!!
You are some gallery!!! 😂
Nearly drink it!!
The calves are fed 3x a day .. 4 litres per feed. The feed bottles are washed throughly each time and the water from the calf operation is pumped steadily into the lagoon... hence a diluted lagoon @eoinoc3495
in sweden the limit is 50m3 per hectare and year
Doesn't the screen shows 292 lb/ac of Nitrogen? That means 330 kg per hectare. In Germany we aren't allowed to fertilize more than 170 kg of Nitrogen per hectare through organic fertilizer.
Sehr sehr sehr schönes Video , gute claas traktoren aber fendt ist das beste was gibt in traktoren Bereich. Grüße aus Deutschland 🇩🇪 👍👍👍👍👍👍.
Vielen Dank und Hallo Deutschland! Ich sehe in diesen Teilen Kanadas keine Fendt-Ausrüstung. Ich habe gehört, dass sie im Vergleich zu John Deere sehr teuer sind, vielleicht ist das der Grund.
Down here in the states we have a different setup for honey spraying it involves a fleet of tanker trucks a mini lagoon holding pumping station and a tractor with a direct ground injection ripper
Yes, there are lots of different systems used around the world.
That must really smell up the area! The large dairy in our area (15,000 head) has their liquid gold applied with underground piplines to center of each surrounding section of land...then they do the injection method...and it smells for a few weeks.
thanks for the post. That's a huge hurd! where is this?
@farmerdrone West Central MN and Northeastern SD. More operations planned for Southeast ND as well. In the Tri-state area of SD/ND/MN.
The silage chopping in early September is very impressive.
Nice flat fields! Not sure i would want to try that on some of our hills! A single 9000gallon is enough to make ya slide!
Yeah... it would be a bit of a challenge!
@@farmerdroneThat's about 90 ton's all up here in the UK the tractor would be heavy on it's own at upto 20 tons and I know contractor's that run the tractor with a thank body on the back and put an injection bar on the the 3 point linkage and in some situations they'd with lack of power. Good video m
thanks for tuning in ...
I’m glad you’re there smelling that and not me😂
Just awaiting delivery of my new Smell-o-vision broadcast equipment .. !
We were at least a 4th generation dairy farmer here in Washington State U.S.A. . Having dairy farms near Mount Vernon , Port Orchard & Ephrata , Washington . It was a great way to live , THAT MANURE SMELLS LIKE MONEY TO ME ! ! ! !
It is money ! 😂 As a kid, I'd visit my Aunt & Uncle who had a dairy farm in Cle Elum and later, after he sold out due to health, we'd drive the dusty Kittitas Reclamation Road as he was an employee opening and closing little dams feeding water to the farmers fields. I'd take an inner tube and float for miles and he'd come and pick me up hours later ... memories !!
@@farmerdrone That was a great expierance you had . Cle Elum not that far from us . We sell our sweet corn at the Sunday Roslyn Farmers Market now
yes, it was great childhood memories .. just didn't like it much when my uncle had to pull the dead deer and cattle out of the grates. The canal walls were too steep for animals to get out.
My 2nd wife Annette used to work at a seafood compant where outside on their sign they said they love the smell of seafood. It smells like MONEY!!
@@farmerdrone6:24 Wow, what modern technology! This corn harvesting agricultural machine not only saves time and effort, but also helps farmers increase productivity for the following purposes. Unexpectedly, the development of agricultural machinery could create such a big breakthrough. For those of you who have used it, I would like to ask for some experience. Is it the same as the video?
12,000 gallons an acre is massive, in the UK we’re typically applying 2-3000 per acre. Good job it’s flat
The application rate is usually 3500-6000 gallons per acre. This farm uses a lot of water because of the cleaning of bottles and equipment for the calf operation. The gray water is pumped into the lagoon as well. The lagoon water is diluted and does not have the nitrogen levels found in pure manure lagoons. So, the application rate is elevated to reach the nitrogen application rate. This is monitored and controlled within the cab of the tractor ....
@@farmerdrone Thanks for explaining, I had similar question! Thus, The liquid manure is diluted with (grey) water and does not have the nitrogen levels found in pure manure lagoons. As a consequence, the application rate is elevated to reach the regular nitrogen application rate.
@@farmerdrone Thanks for explanining, what is the rate of dilution?
it's not diluted to achieve a diluted rate. It's just additional water that has been added to the lagoon from the calf operation. These state-of-the-art manure spreaders monitor the phosphorous, nitrogen, potassium and dry matter as it comes out of the tankers. So, if some or all of the numbers are below the application rate the farmer requests, the application rate is elevated until the numbers per acre are reached ...
Great video!!
Thanks !😊
If you can put some microelectronics into a wheels you can create infinitely scalable design as a ground trains :-)
GT custom work is the biggest in that area
6- 15 000g trains with 2 9500g tanks to help on the little jobs
I have to admit, I have never seen that operation before.
must be nearly 90000kg train weight?
Brilliant video 💪🏻 🏴
thank you ...
Is the manure later mixed into the soil with cultivator or just sits there in the open? That would be kind of a waste since nitrogen would simply vapor into the air.
@555mimas555 yes... it's cultivated right after...
That must be fun to back up
actually, if you watch closely and in my previous videos, I pointed out that these tanker wheels are steerable and synced to the tractor steering making backing up not as challenging as you would think. ... after you know what you are doing that is !
Taką akcje czuć 50 kilometrów dalej :D
Tylko 45km.. 😂
Looks like they are using traffic management (TM) on those big fields!
Yes, they do. Not only RTK auto steer, the nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, dry matter and gallons per acre are monitored so the application rate can also be controlled.
Incredibly intriguing. Imagine what the neighbors think 😂
The neighbors are farmers too....
I’d bet that those calf structures are heated. Serious investment there.
No, the huts are not heated
I believe it's somewhere around 70MT
are these lagoons sealed towards the soil?
No, it's not a requirement
@@farmerdrone mhhh, groundwater must be delicous in the area :D
@@Henner861 not sure .. never tried it. We get our water from drilled wells well below the bedrock ...
110 cubic meters per hectare. In the fall. Crazy.
As explained above, the liquid manure is diluted with (grey) water and does not have the nitrogen levels found in pure manure lagoons. As a consequence, the application rate at this farm is elevated to reach the regular nitrogen application rate.
Man those are cool units with those xerions. Don’t see those used to often with big tanks. Looks good
That one tanks spread pattern is sure uneven tho or am I just seeing things? Looks like it’s favouring the left side a lot and going really friken heavy compared to right side. Being in the custom manure hauling business to I know some customers won’t care but some are insanely anal and they’d loose it over that. But by the
Looks of the operation you guys are clearly pros and know those details 😂just something that stood out to me.
I'm not sure .. I was concentrating on trying to keep my feet dry ... 😂
Anything to get a shot 👍
😂 including smelly wet feet!!
yes ... and my jeans too ....
Nice Mercedes
Only model Mercedes makes with manure as an undercoating!! That car has been in a LOT of fields ...
Muito bom!
muito obrigado. Espero que você siga meu canal..
Know were that Farm is., The home area of Larry Robertson Montreal Canadians Where he grew up.
yes ... just a little north of Winchester ...
Ahhh that cute smell in the morning 🤮🤣😏
64m³ each nuhn or it's all together?
all together
Smells like MONEY!!
Cost of operation pleas any farmer
Many factors involved to answer that .. tank size, acres to be fertilized, distance to fields. obstacles etc. My guess ( and only my guess) .. $12K - $18K average for around these parts ...
Good afternoon!
What are the names of the houses where pigs are?
Uma "porcaria"😂😂😂😂😂
no pigs in my videos ...
They must have huge lagoons of manure to apply it at 12,000 gals an acre.
it's a 2-3 day job to pump this one
Bonjour, j'ai une questio, à quoi vous sert le télé-gonflage sur les citernes ?
Désolé, je ne comprends pas complètement la question, pouvez-vous essayer de la reformuler s'il vous plaît
@@farmerdrone Désolé, , il me semble que lors de l'épendage vous n'utilisez pas le "téléinflation" des roues de votre citerne. Friendly.
how big is the pit
Actually,I forgot to ask when I was there. There are a lot of 1.2M gallon lagoons around here so I would guess 3M gallons ,...
@farmerdrone how long did it takes to emtiy it
@@jonharshman5824 There were 3 units running the fields. They had flood lights at the lagoon pump and worked without stopping till after after dark for 3 days. Hell of a crew!
@farmerdrone I grow up on a farm
Great! Then, you know all about ling hours ...
What the sam hell is all of that noise in the video? Sounds like something is rubbing the mic the entire time.
Hi.. and thanks for the question... there is a lot of equipment noise in the video but I don't hear any mike issues...
Tearing up country roads..
@francomtz7115 that's why heavy equipment pays thousands of dollars per year for a license plate...
@farmerdrone not in the great usa.. and i think Canada has farm equipment exemption for agriculture. Here in idaho, even the big creameries are road tax exemption.
I see you have BKT tyres fitted to your tractor, can I ask, how do you find them ? Have you fitted BKT to your tankers as well ?
Hi Tony.... I am a video producer and do not own any of the farms that appear in my videos... I do now that these tires are highly rated by the owners.... they can afford anything.. and they have chosen these tires for their performance and the reduction of soil compaction
@@farmerdrone OK, I understand. Thanks, for replying.
Hey now what’s with the air fresheners, don’t like the smell of your job 😊
I think it was an option when they bought the tractor ...😎
Good day from Kitchener Waterloo area . Interesting video So were is this located?
30 minutes south of Ottawa Ontario
near Russell Ontario ...... 35 minutes SE of Ottawa .... thanks for pointing this out. I have added location to the description ..
Why so much manure saturated in one area?
the manure is diluted with water from the calf operation so a higher application rate is needed to get the nitrogen application rate to the required numbers ...
Tidiest farm I’ve ever seen, hmmmm….., the little barns?.
calf houses ...
Viel zuviel qm aufn Ha
I see why the guy driving the tractor had all those air fresheners. 😅😅💩💩
Compaction city and loose of nutrients injection 😂
The sound coming through one ear when ever that started is not something I like.
What sound don't you like? I don’t understand your comment
@@farmerdrone The sound gets screwed up, only comes through one ear/speaker.
The audio is recorded in stereo and is a large file. If your internet download speed is slow, it could break up. Try setting audio to mono... but there is nothing wrong with the video....
@@farmerdrone The audio is great untill its only availabe in ONE side of my headset. This starts late in the video but its not my issue its a recording sound issue I think.
OK... can you give me the timeline location? Ill double check @Diga784
The poor earth worms 🤐
they love it !
Bonjour le tassement des sols 🤮👊
Oui, le compactage du sol est toujours un problème lorsque des équipements volumineux et lourds se trouvent dans les champs. Les champs sont cultivés juste après l’application, donc ça aide.
OMG all those No emissions all the trees and wild plants will die LOL
or .. grow like crazy ...
Such methods are perhaps not authorised in Europe anymore in 2024, probably too much c02 emission. Could be...
Definitely not. You’d get prosecuted in Europe for the volume being applied & it pooling on the surface.
You be required to use a low emissions method of application such as a trailing shoe or injection into the soil.
These have also been proven to make much better use of the nutrients contained in the slurry.
each country has their rules and standards. This is how we do it here for now ...
Such methods are forbidden for a very long time already. Only using injection and even that has its limit.
@@hughmarcus1 Thanks. Dillution with (grey) also a way to reduce NH3 emissions from application. The rate of dilution determines the rate of emissionreduction.
Guess it is more about NH3 emission and/or NO3 emissions. Not so much about CO2 - emissions, as way of transport seems kind of fuel efficient. 64,000 ltr of transport and application with about 520 hp tractors, nice farm trains with these CLAAS tractors and double Nuhn bins.
That's a lot of crap right there....
yep! and a lot more to come ...
That would sure stink
you do get used to it ...
Poor cows :-(
Shut up troll
C est n importe quoi
OK, nous avons votre avis mais quelle est votre solution alternative ?
@farmerdrone je sais bien que vous êtes obligés de faire comme vu les surface a traité mais il faudrait plus d agriculteur
What a shit show. 😊
Вонь там стоит неимоверная сто процентов
Запах очень слабый..по крайней мере...не для меня...
Tearing up country roads..