I went through a major depression in 2015 it was so hard I was suicidal and I legit felt like dying I was so upset because I thought I was ok by listening to bashar teaching and Abe Hicks I knew all about the law of attraction etc. I hit rock bottom but I was determine to heal and get happy again in the end it was the best thing that happened to me .I had to forgive my family even myself and start a new journey of love I was abused sexually and physically as a child I allowed my self to come out of being shame and fearful it s 6 months later I'm doing so much better I feel my joy again and my heart feels freer all is well and getting better ...namaste
Yes I did. Even several desasters. I always learned so much from it. Once I felt so guilty for causing immense suffering and a healing and consolation came from within. Holding me in inner forgivness. This was powerful. I'll never foget it . There was also another moment, where I thought I lost my mind. I tried to phone my best friend, but I could not even speak. It took me ages to say a word. It was in the morning and I got a devastating news. This is the time, I went back to church and learnd praying. I know, this sounds religious, but I would have gone to a temple or mosk or whatever. I found this connection again to my inner strenght and this has severed me since this situation. And there are many more, where I thought I can never stand up again, but I did. I am very thankful for every hardship, because I feel so much more human
Thank you for sharing! Inspirational! From my personal experience all I can say is, keep distracting yourself from bad thoughts, anything - good movie, good book, good joke, find them. And even if you fall emotinaly, just keep on going. Think good, talk good and just do things step by step. I still have my challanges and to dos, but I always try to keep on my path.
Thank you for the video. It takes a lot of courage to be who you really are and let it be known on social media. I like your analogy about the stepping stones.
Thank you for sharing!
I went through a major depression in 2015 it was so hard I was suicidal and I legit felt like dying I was so upset because I thought I was ok by listening to bashar teaching and Abe Hicks I knew all about the law of attraction etc. I hit rock bottom but I was determine to heal and get happy again in the end it was the best thing that happened to me .I had to forgive my family even myself and start a new journey of love I was abused sexually and physically as a child I allowed my self to come out of being shame and fearful it s 6 months later I'm doing so much better I feel my joy again and my heart feels freer all is well and getting better ...namaste
Yes I did. Even several desasters. I always learned so much from it. Once I felt so guilty for causing immense suffering and a healing and consolation came from within. Holding me in inner forgivness. This was powerful. I'll never foget it . There was also another moment, where I thought I lost my mind. I tried to phone my best friend, but I could not even speak. It took me ages to say a word. It was in the morning and I got a devastating news. This is the time, I went back to church and learnd praying. I know, this sounds religious, but I would have gone to a temple or mosk or whatever. I found this connection again to my inner strenght and this has severed me since this situation. And there are many more, where I thought I can never stand up again, but I did. I am very thankful for every hardship, because I feel so much more human
Thank you for sharing! Inspirational! From my personal experience all I can say is, keep distracting yourself from bad thoughts, anything - good movie, good book, good joke, find them. And even if you fall emotinaly, just keep on going. Think good, talk good and just do things step by step. I still have my challanges and to dos, but I always try to keep on my path.
Thank you for the video. It takes a lot of courage to be who you really are and let it be known on social media. I like your analogy about the stepping stones.
Thank you for sharing your history! :)
YES! YES! YES! RIGHT NOW I AM. YES! YES! YES! It will end soon! ending now! new me, new life is NOW!
Breasts are associated with self nurturing so you're right on the money.