Is RPG 7 Still Effective?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 493

  • @mnk9073
    @mnk9073 Год назад +671

    RPG-7 comes in at 300 to 700 bucks for the launcher and at 100 to 500 bucks per shot. A Javelin is 100'000 bucks for the launcher and 80'000 bucks for each shot. Also a single factory churns out more RPG-7s in a month than all NATO states combined produce in Javelins in a year. To quote a great man: Quantity has it's very own quality.

    • @Bergmann.Alaska
      @Bergmann.Alaska Год назад +18

      Remember the pendulum always swings both ways.. But the quote is "Quantity has a quality all its own", but thats not working very well in the UKE. It cold war mentality that is proving to be a waste of men and materials..

    • @dragonstormdipro1013
      @dragonstormdipro1013 Год назад +65

      ​@@Bergmann.AlaskaIsn’t the other side truer? Ukraine barely has ammo or equipment left as the Western weapons are so much complex to make. Whereas Russians can lose 50-60 vehicles a day and yet replenish their losses within a month.

    • @mnk9073
      @mnk9073 Год назад +70

      @@Bergmann.Alaska Given the amount of burnt out wrecks of hilariously expensive and elaborate Wunderwaffen at the Russian defensive line one would asume the 6 Million dollar-Leopard 2 brings about the same combat value as the 500'000 dollar T-62 as they get both taken out by the same 250 buck drone. Now factor in how many T-62s they can churn out in the time it takes to build a single Leo 2 and you got your answer.

    • @Bergmann.Alaska
      @Bergmann.Alaska Год назад +1

      You do realize Russia control neither land, sea or air in their 3 days to Kiev "Special Mission" ? The Russ will lose Eastern Russia to China soon. Putin just kissed the butt of China who published new maps with Russian lands taken back by China..😆😆😆😆 Now THAT is hilarious..@@mnk9073

    • @Alexander-l8s7e
      @Alexander-l8s7e Год назад +15

      It is not entirely correct to compare a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher with an unguided missile with an ATGM, rather, it is better to compare it with an AT-4 or something like that. Moreover, do not forget that RPGs in the 60s and RPGs today are completely different grenade launchers and modern missiles are much more effective than the old ones. And it is better to compare the Cornet with Javelin

  • @HarshmanHills
    @HarshmanHills Год назад +277

    the M2 .50 caliber machine gun is around 100 years old and is still in service. Same with the German MG42 machine gun. Just because it is old, doesn't mean it can't get the job done.

    • @bigdaddy7119
      @bigdaddy7119 Год назад +27

      Yep! Same can be said for the 1911, B-52, C-130, Chinook, and M16.

    • @novemberalpha6023
      @novemberalpha6023 Год назад +11

      Let's not forget the Bear

    • @Shotyhan
      @Shotyhan Год назад +4

      the M2. 50 cal is a piece of shit .. it jams every 5 rounds

    • @bigdaddy7119
      @bigdaddy7119 Год назад +9

      @@Shotyhan I’ve NEVER seen or even HEARD of that happening. If it did, it was operator error; either a filthy weapon or improper headspace and timing.

    • @Shotyhan
      @Shotyhan Год назад +3

      @@bigdaddy7119 ok dude just ask the guys that been in Iraq how much they loved the 50 cal mounted on the hummer

  • @thetrollslayer3716
    @thetrollslayer3716 11 месяцев назад +75

    After seeing Merkava turn into corned beef i have no doubts about its capabilities.

    • @Devil-vz1xo
      @Devil-vz1xo 10 месяцев назад +5


    • @SchlomoGoldbaum
      @SchlomoGoldbaum 6 месяцев назад


    • @CraigTheBrute-yf7no
      @CraigTheBrute-yf7no 5 месяцев назад +7

      Merkava must be the most barbequed tank in the history of tanks from all the red triangle videos I have watched

    • @BeitAnan-y5u
      @BeitAnan-y5u 3 месяца назад

      @@SchlomoGoldbaumthe tandemn round double charged explains it all

    • @malinotterstrom882
      @malinotterstrom882 2 месяца назад

      BS. Israeli tanks have explosive reacting armor and iron fist. Rpg cant do anything against abrams leopards or merkavas. Only lighter viechles but bradleys and other infantry viechles survives it easily with their armor explosive reaction armor.

  • @sundragon7703
    @sundragon7703 Год назад +205

    The RPG-7 is many things that 21st century anti-armor systems are not. Simple to use, no computer necessary to function, light, inexpensive, immune to jamming, versatile, not a lot of moving parts, and still can immobilize armor. One of the weapon's biggest hangup is the old ammunition tends to be volatile.

    • @Hallonyancat
      @Hallonyancat Год назад +1

      Nah bro spin it on its head with the cap off perfectly safe 😂

    • @minhhuytruong8667
      @minhhuytruong8667 Год назад +28

      Also, people tend to forget that "RPG" stands for Rocket Propelled Grenade. Even if its anti-tank function has become obsolete, it can still be used as a multi-purpose heavy munition launcher firing a variety of projectiles such as thermobaric, HE, Frag, etc...

    • @Hallonyancat
      @Hallonyancat Год назад +12

      @@minhhuytruong8667 and one detail. It does not stand for rocket propelled grenade.

    • @Hallonyancat
      @Hallonyancat Год назад +22

      @@minhhuytruong8667 Ruchnoĭ protivotankovyĭ granatomet" or "Hand Held Anti-tank Grenade Launcher"

    • @benbo4394
      @benbo4394 Год назад +13

      I stand to differ, the RPG-7 is simply just a launcher what’s doing the killing is the warheads or rocket, and there’s a wide variety of warhead and there’s a tandem warhead available including thermobaric is also an option. What shown in the video is simply the common HEAT variant.

  • @m0f_2o
    @m0f_2o Год назад +85

    RPG 7 is excellent, even though it has been in production for more than half a century. of time for reasons:
    1) Its low cost
    2) Its high ability to destroy
    3) Its light weight, which makes it easy to move around quickly.
    4) Ease of remuneration, and one soldier can do everything without the help of his comrades
    A single shot from an RPG makes an armored vehicle stop working or explode it with ease
    Two RPG fires stop the Abrams tank, and three fires completely destroy the Abrams
    Therefore, it is the best weapon at the lowest cost

    • @EnteringSavageMode
      @EnteringSavageMode Год назад +6


    • @naipigidi
      @naipigidi Год назад +13

      Fun fact, its cheaper than a mid-high end gaming computer.

    • @curtisthomas2670
      @curtisthomas2670 Год назад +7

      One of the best things about it is that it can be adapted to various targets just by swapping or evolving the "grenades" without having to make any changes to the launcher

  • @sunnydeen4730
    @sunnydeen4730 Год назад +40

    Got to ask IDF is it effective

  • @JAnx01
    @JAnx01 Год назад +53

    People don't realize how bad the lower hull side armor is on tanks without ERA. Where you see the tracks, there's no room for anything more than relatively thin steel plates. Unless there's applique armor / ERA, 500-650mm capable PG-7VL-VR warheads will go through like a hot knife through butter.

    • @texugozoeiro5152
      @texugozoeiro5152 Год назад

      Caso funcione. Os modelos de rpg7 de carga dupla costumam falhar muito, tem diversos relatos sobre isso

  • @ivanstepanovic1327
    @ivanstepanovic1327 Год назад +75

    At least one CV-90 was taken out using RPG-7. So, yeah, it can be useful...
    It will take out lightly armored vehicles, but will struggle to penetrate modern MBTs. However, it can still do damage: tear their treads, jam turrets, knock out view ports...

    • @mt8956
      @mt8956 Год назад +3

      MBT can survive a direct HIT but the problem is that can it survive multiple hits on different angles. Sides, back, roof.
      If the first hit jams the turret then good luck defending. Also tanks have a limited amount of ammunition. That’s why most disable tanks (not destroyed) get abandoned.
      I guess all anti tank weapons are still deadly given the right circumstances

    • Год назад +7

      @@mt8956 you dont need to blow up a vehicle, destroy a track its enought, rpg7 Can reliabily destroy any tracks in the world and pierce any engine bay of from the rear

    • @dirreeN
      @dirreeN Год назад +1

      What they didn't show was the CV90 also took a hit from a tank, you could see the hole on one of the videos of Shoigu inspecting it.. So it was 2 rpg7 shots + a tank hit

    • @tanzimhasan2460
      @tanzimhasan2460 Год назад

      @@dirreeN no sources has said it was also hit by a tank, the hole was created probably by a tandem shaped HEAT round

    • @TheBorg01
      @TheBorg01 Год назад +3

      same like ptrd in ww2 !!! they could not destroy tiger tank , but can make tank virtually uselless by hiting vision slots and other critical parts... thats why german tanks built side skirts on eastern front (not becouse bazuukas but becouse ptrd rifles) .. to qoote one german tanker , it seamed like every soviet soldier had its own anti tank rifle ptrd

  • @WhattaFook
    @WhattaFook Год назад +20

    I was border soldier in beginning of the 1990s and we had these rpg7s with optics. Liked to shoot with it.

  • @Holret
    @Holret Год назад +57

    for such a destructive weapon with the cost of 100-500$ per rocket, I think itts one hell of a deal and yes. Effective!

    • @ifv2089
      @ifv2089 Год назад +3

      Isreal thinks so

    • @lusvus5445
      @lusvus5445 Год назад

      If it cost to produce $100 Russia went to bankrupt, in Russia to produce a shot would cost no more than $20

  • @livingamongvultures736
    @livingamongvultures736 Год назад +29

    RPG 7 is a badass. Has different warheads for different missions. Its still effective in battles and Very cheap with Simple technology to produce.

  • @brianfuller757
    @brianfuller757 Год назад +42

    Good design still works. If we look at both the RPG-7 and AT-4, both designs still do the job.

    • @bigdaddy7119
      @bigdaddy7119 Год назад +1

      So does the M72A1 LAW, which they brought back for awhile.

    • @Alexander-l8s7e
      @Alexander-l8s7e Год назад

      It is also constantly being upgraded

    • @captainnyet9855
      @captainnyet9855 8 месяцев назад

      "We should make the tube better"

  • @mussydesign7933
    @mussydesign7933 Год назад +55

    it takes the US one year to produce 3000 Javelins, Russia can produce 3000 per day, you also forgot to mention that they are using the warhead on FPV drones

    • @ImBigFloppa
      @ImBigFloppa Год назад +15

      Different tool for a different job. Javelins can hit and destroy tanks at ranges 15x greater than the RPG-7 with effectively perfect accuracy.

    • @mussydesign7933
      @mussydesign7933 Год назад +12

      @@ImBigFloppa in the ukraine war there is literally max 500m between both sides also the Russian drones have a range 15x greater than the javelin and cost the same

    • @ImBigFloppa
      @ImBigFloppa Год назад +1

      @@mussydesign7933 Average engagement ranges are upwards of a few kilometers. Probably why there are many hundreds of videos of Russian tanks being destroyed by ATGMs from many kilometers away and maybe a few dozen where they are taken out by any unguided AT weapon.
      A drone is easy to jam, inaccurate, and not a reliable weapon. Something like 300 drones are lost every single day by just Ukraine alone. A Javelin can detect and disable or destroy anything within 4.5km with a 97% hit rate
      Again, different tools for a different job. Russia is continuing to build Kornets and Lancets costing many tens of thousands of dollars each because taping an RPG-7 warhead to a drone can't solve every problem
      Also why the hell are you even comparing an RPG-7, a rocket launcher, and equating it to only being used on a drone? RPG-7 is the weapon system. A shoulder launched rocket launcher designed for destroying vehicles, taking out infantry, destroying fortifications, and whatnot. A drone can have anything strapped onto it. The RPG-7 isn't special in that regard, except for the fact that the Soviets left a shit ton of warheads when their empire fell.

    • @bjornmagnusson6909
      @bjornmagnusson6909 Год назад +5

      Rpg 7 is also made in the US. Its called PSRL-1.

    • @Qkat69
      @Qkat69 Год назад

      @@ImBigFloppayeah but they aren’t easily produced

  • @PeterAust-t6e
    @PeterAust-t6e Год назад +9

    In time of my duty, I have fired several times RPG 7 , even against a abraham or leo it is very effectiv weapon without a double head.
    There a areas not protected by active armour or the case system is open after firing the main gun.
    A group of well coordinates fighters attacking from different directions, even can overload the Trophy Active Protection System of the Merkava 4.

  • @Mr.M_Pogi
    @Mr.M_Pogi 11 месяцев назад +9

    We see how Hammas destroyed 1 of the durable and advance tank like the Merkava Tank of israel using RPG 7.

  • @WinyPouh
    @WinyPouh Год назад +15

    RPG-7 has a variety of shots: anti-personnel fragmentation 'Pencil' shot, anti-building anti-personnel thermobaric shot, modern anti-tank tandem-charge shot and more. They are scarce though. Standard shot is still good enough for all the roles.

  • @anatoleondulet4881
    @anatoleondulet4881 Год назад +34

    The RPG can use a panel of warheads including thermobarrik or anti personnel shrapnel etc.

    @I-LOVE-NORTHEAST-13-TIMES Год назад +15

    It will aways be used .....wherever there is a war or conflict just because its cheap ....easy to handle

  • @luane.jashari.frantzen7175
    @luane.jashari.frantzen7175 Год назад +10

    Ask the Isralis how effective it is😂

  • @mohamedbaradji7504
    @mohamedbaradji7504 Год назад +78

    Can it knock out targets in a combat zone such as but not limited to: tanks, APCs, IFVs, transport vehicles or barriers? Then yes, it is still effective.

    • @Qkat69
      @Qkat69 Год назад +2

      It can cause a mobility kill .

    • @ruhtraeregel
      @ruhtraeregel Год назад

      @@Qkat69 He was saying yes its effective.

    • @ruhtraeregel
      @ruhtraeregel Год назад

      @@Qkat69 You play too many videogames....mobility kill? lol

    • @yamatohime2035
      @yamatohime2035 Год назад +4

      Mobility kill is kind of scenario where main defense of MBT - mobility - is lost.

    • @alanmcbride6658
      @alanmcbride6658 Год назад

      Just right Omega.
      Smashing the track
      immobilizes the tank.

  • @Ero-Sempai
    @Ero-Sempai Год назад +7

    And now with additional Yassin 105 rockets its even better

  • @horne4216
    @horne4216 Год назад +9

    RPG does not stand for Rocket-Propelled Grenade. RPG is Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomet (rus. Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт) translated into English as Hand-held Anti-tank Grenade launcher.

    • @موسى_7
      @موسى_7 8 месяцев назад

      Rocket Propelled Grenade is a backronym invented in the USA

  • @shadowmere3587
    @shadowmere3587 Год назад +18

    Hamas be like : hold my yassin 105

    • @hdgo611
      @hdgo611 9 месяцев назад


    • @shadowmere3587
      @shadowmere3587 9 месяцев назад


    • @zect556
      @zect556 5 месяцев назад

      @@hdgo611 No, Al- Yassin is the Hamas version of tandem charge warhead.

    • @SolathPrime
      @SolathPrime 4 месяца назад

      ​@@zect556well it's both the Yassin launcher is an RPG-2 launcher and the Yassin-105 is a tandem head for RPG-7 it got 2 variants normal 105 and 105TBG which is an anti barracks variant

    • @zect556
      @zect556 4 месяца назад

      @@SolathPrime Oh, that clear things up

  • @shankewang5802
    @shankewang5802 11 месяцев назад +4

    AK-47, RPG-7 most reliable weapons

  • @davey7452
    @davey7452 Год назад +15

    The Carl Gustav recoilless rifle is another example of an old school anti tank weapon still widely In use due to its versatility it can be used against armoured vehicles, bunkers and other fortifications it is cheap and easy to operate compared to guided misses.

  • @guncaine1
    @guncaine1 Год назад +7

    It's equivalent to asking if a handgun still has a place in modern combat. The RPG is a legend and continues to be seen in almost every conflict. Remember... troops do not only engage tanks

  • @ricke4492
    @ricke4492 Год назад +4

    Especially in well-trained hands with modern grenades, it's really worth it, since with the same budget, you can put more launchers on the field, covering a larger area with anti-tank weaponry.,like anti armor.

  • @ПавелКузнецов-ф3т
    @ПавелКузнецов-ф3т Год назад +4

    Autor forget(or does not know) that RPG 7 is multipurpose- not only anti armor(in this role it is being outperformed by ATGMs like kornet), it has a frag grenades(called by troops a pencils or carrots) and even thermobaric. Both are higly effective against infantry.

  • @trumanhw
    @trumanhw 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'm jealous of the RPG7. May be crude, but it's cheap, and LIGHT for what it is. We have NOTHING like this in the US. Even the AT-4 which should be reloadable is treated as disposable. The only thing that could by in the mix is the Gustav, as it's also 84mm (which is why they called it the AT-4 ... bc it also shoots an 84mm projectile). But only the Gustav is reloadable. WHY the AT-4 isn't reloadable is just stupid. Yes, it'd add a little weight, but it's worth it. The army + USMC calculates it off weight per single shot ... vs weight per 4 shots or what 1 person could carry. We need a HEAT round.

    • @ethanhart5237
      @ethanhart5237 8 месяцев назад

      I love the Gustav but there's not reason for the AT-4 to be a single use system. We can produce an RPG or Carl Gustav at home maybe better.

    • @fanaticcoder3320
      @fanaticcoder3320 7 месяцев назад

      @@ethanhart5237 Muzzle loaded weapon have advantage over breach loaded, SPEED, just like a mortar. Even if the round ignited prematurely, it will go in air unlike carl gustav it will hit the ground.

  • @driis7867
    @driis7867 Год назад +2

    the war in Gaza says: yeees ! is still effectiiive !🔥🔥

  • @CaptainSnackbar
    @CaptainSnackbar Год назад +2

    Palestinians upgraded the warhead to penetrate Merkava heavy tanks, they named it "Al-Yassin" its a 105mm AP

  • @jasonkeating9958
    @jasonkeating9958 Год назад +8

    We're going to start seeing loads of cheap optical guidence bolt on packages for the rpg7 family soon and a lot of it will be based on drone tech but reworked into a missile but use standard warheads,
    But by adding a warhead to a separate booster and package this should remove the 950 metre self destruct or happen later,
    Were going to see kits that use standard rockets and closely match the performance of missiles in the 50000 to 250000 dollar range but for well under 5000 a shot, this will be a hammer blow in terms of current war doctrine.

    • @makswell_927
      @makswell_927 Год назад

      There are sights with a built-in sight grid for different grenades. And the function of the pre-emption of a moving target. well, and the range setting. The truth is worth like 10 RPGs)))) there is a video on RUclips. RPG 7 + the Infratek sight, though it's in Russian

  • @santosoabimayu
    @santosoabimayu Год назад +3

    Just change the warhead, ready to compete 🗿

  • @ilikelampshades6
    @ilikelampshades6 Год назад +8

    Anything that cheap is amazingly effective! The tyres on a light transport vehicle cost more than the grenade used to destroy the entire thing fired from an rpg

  • @Bergmann.Alaska
    @Bergmann.Alaska Год назад +4

    A stone, hammer, bow & arrow or Molotov cocktail is still effective in the right situation..

  • @Dennis_To
    @Dennis_To Год назад +10

    You can ask damaged CV90 by rgp-7 😀 looks like still effective

    • Год назад

      you can ask merkava IV as well

  • @SixTwoHemi
    @SixTwoHemi Год назад +10

    Short answer: Yes they're very effective....The rpg gets me several multi kills on shipment spawn points.

    • @naipigidi
      @naipigidi 11 месяцев назад

      Yes, on a video game, this is real life.

  • @stephensmith5982
    @stephensmith5982 Год назад +4

    The US military use the Carl Gustave which is a similar kind of weapon to the RPG-7. In my opinion the RPG-7 is somewhat handier than the Carl Gustave. A significant difference, between the RPG-7 and the Carl Gustave, from the Javelin and NLAW is the ability to carry multiple rounds of the ammunition. I would also suggest that the RPG-7 is an advanced derivative of the German Panzerfaust not the American Bazooka or the German Panzerschreck.

    • @ZaiKerizm
      @ZaiKerizm Год назад

      Soviet made weapons inspired from fellow Allied army and Nazi Germany
      Notably AK47 which design base on STG44 but fire rates from BAR Thompson SMG and cartridges fed system from SVT rifle

  • @ZezoTVNL
    @ZezoTVNL Год назад +3

    The RPG-7 armed with a TANDEM warhead is still incredibly effective. I hope you would have told how much penetration in centimeters each rocket had I would have made the video much better

  • @CornCod1
    @CornCod1 Год назад +1

    Another thing to be considered is that most countries, especially in the Third-world are not using the most up to date tanks. T-55's, T-64's, M-60's and M-48's are still in service all over the globe and can be taken out with RPG's.

  • @dulithasiriwardana8724
    @dulithasiriwardana8724 Год назад +5

    Back in the days, Sri Lankan civil war both sides heavily use RBG 7s as AT or AP and against bunkers also many other different targets very effectively. . Javelin and NLAW much better AT weapons compared to RPG7, but thay don't have the unique capability to add up to different scenarios.

  • @drb996
    @drb996 Год назад +4

    Can't compare the Javelin and NLaw to the RPG-7. Both the Javelin and it's British counterpart cost way more, are heavier and the warheads take long ranges to actually activate.
    The Kornet would have been a better comparison.

  • @kakakiri2601
    @kakakiri2601 Год назад +2

    Just imagine while on battlefield, when your enemy have a lot of it and your battlezone is an urban warfare enemy could be on top of the building, it was absolutely nightmare to your armored battalion

  • @DavidDavidunderthebridgeChampi
    @DavidDavidunderthebridgeChampi 4 месяца назад

    At a squad or platoon level it is a great device for dealing armored vehicles, tanks, bunkers, buildings and more. It is cheap and easy to make. Training is quite simple with a variety of warheads.

  • @GeorgePalmer-m8m
    @GeorgePalmer-m8m 5 месяцев назад

    When I was in the Army from 1977 - 81 they read us the casualty figures of these RPG7's, and they were amazing, considering how little they cost.

  • @cwolf8841
    @cwolf8841 Год назад +5

    The RPG has a wide variety of warhead options.
    Ukraine drone operators drop the RPG warheads on tanks.
    There is a US company manufacturing them.

    • @deemwinch
      @deemwinch Год назад +4

      Russians also drop rpg 7 grenades on nazis

    • @AyOuB.God-soldier
      @AyOuB.God-soldier Год назад

      now hamas could destroy merkava 4 using a UAV and an RPG 7 ronde PG7-VR

    • @ImBigFloppa
      @ImBigFloppa Год назад +1

      @@deemwinch When the Wagnerites we're marking towards Moscow, they weren't being targeted by RPGs on drones so you're kind of wrong, unless you're referring to some other friendly fire incident

  • @felipearaujo7815
    @felipearaujo7815 Год назад +2

    if 20 grand destroys a 2 million dollar tank it is effective.

  • @AlexandroMechina-yb3tf
    @AlexandroMechina-yb3tf Год назад +1

    "Dont worry, it was just an RPG-7"
    Say no tank crewman ever.

  • @rsoul7282
    @rsoul7282 11 месяцев назад +1

    Instantly destroy your credibility by referring to an RPG as a rocket propelled grenade right into your video, well done sir.

  • @zainophrenicgaming2727
    @zainophrenicgaming2727 11 месяцев назад +2

    Is RPG 7 still efective...??
    Ask Merkava, Abrams & T64-T90

  • @cykablyat123br9
    @cykablyat123br9 Год назад +3

    Why you was comparing an rocket propeled anti tank weapon to atgm's? They not are the same thing, they just are used for the same thing but in a diferent method, way and purpose.(Atgms are good for distance and has a lot more penetration,range and precision but for urban combat enviorments, and in a closer range combat, the rocket propeled anti tank weapons are much better.)
    And thats being said, rpg 7 still a legendary weapon in its class and for what he is used for.


    Very effective in modern urban warfare.
    Less effective on the ‘battlefield’, however, there are less ‘battle field’ engagements in modern warfare.
    The cost effectiveness coupled with the ability to disable troop carriers, eliminate heavy arm strongholds and damage buildings makes this weapon a very useful tool in modern combat.

  • @nobianhunter7906
    @nobianhunter7906 Год назад +1

    Indeed it's still 😎. Actually if you watch the nowadays middle East conflict, you will realise that the Legendary RPG 7 still rules and it's the goat 🐐 with a balance mix of Faith,good tactic & modified round

  • @ChristianGustafson
    @ChristianGustafson Год назад

    Shooting range I visit in Everett lets us use these, it’s nuts. We can throw grenades, too, and drink beer. Good rotating selection of IPAs.

  • @ArtypNk
    @ArtypNk 10 месяцев назад

    No matter how new of an era it is, this thing is still and will continue being a beast of a thing. Because, yes, while battlefield sometimes has a latest Abrams or a Leopard who will shrug off a frontal RPG hit, almost everything else on the battlefield is not a modern tank. It's a vehicle, or troops in a building, or a defensive position, or troops on a march. It's a wall that you can't damage with small arms fire, but can with a RPG or 2. Having RPG launcher and a bunch of rockets for it is a force multiplier. And it costs minimal amount of money and resources to make.

  • @barryproctor2069
    @barryproctor2069 Год назад +3

    I was trained to use this weapon and they were a pain to our armed forces as it would penetrate into a vehicle then blow up inside. .

    • @ifv2089
      @ifv2089 Год назад

      Cool story bro

  • @dennispfeifer7788
    @dennispfeifer7788 Год назад +1

    As Stalin once stated..."Quantity has a quality all of it's own" and you can make millions of these RPG's for cheap. No electronics to fail...

  • @jpmtlhead39
    @jpmtlhead39 8 месяцев назад

    Its very Effective.
    Nowadays the Rpg is used against light armor but also against Infantry concentrations because of is Self-destruct timer.
    With a range of roughly 950 mts before self destruct ,its perfect for engage enemy Infantry from a Safe distance.

  • @nawfelislam20
    @nawfelislam20 Год назад +5

    why do you compare rocket to anti tank guided missile? you could do it with modern westen anti tank rocket like at-4.
    In response to nlaw javline
    Russia have kornet e,metis m1
    and many more.

  • @twogenders
    @twogenders Год назад

    As an anti-infantry/bunker purposes, yes. But its warhead really shins with mated with a drone, which can still take out ANY modern MBT.

  • @sfsspearheadorbital5195
    @sfsspearheadorbital5195 11 месяцев назад

    The newest variant, the RPG-7V2 has different grenade warheads for different purposes. HEAT warhead which is the standard and mainly used against light armored vehicles and trucks. Tandem HEAT warhead, used against heavily armored vehicles and tanks with ERA plates, it can also destroy a bunker or a wall. Fragmentation warhead used against infantry and unarmored trucks. And lastly thermobaric warhead, used against infantry and heavy fortifications
    Is it effective? Hell yeah it is!

  • @doublehelix7880
    @doublehelix7880 Год назад +1

    RPG-7 have a lot of advantages. Cheap, prone to malfunctions, simple, variable munitions used with a single launcher - HEAT, tandem HEAT warhead, fragmentation and thermobaric that are suitable in different scenarios.
    NLAW and Javelin that are brought for comparison should be matched to "Kornet" as they are ATGMs.

    • @ForOne814
      @ForOne814 Год назад

      Kornet is stationary, it's more of a TOW alternative.

    • @doublehelix7880
      @doublehelix7880 Год назад

      @@ForOne814 You have a point. And yet, RPG is just a different weapon compared to Javelin e.g.
      I would qualify the RPG as squad level close support artillery due to the variety of warheads and versatility.

    • @ForOne814
      @ForOne814 Год назад

      @@doublehelix7880 and with that, I agree. Especially considering the fact that people launch 82mm mines using RPG boosters...

    • @gratius1394
      @gratius1394 Год назад

      @@ForOne814 Not really... I can't imagine 2 or even 3 guys running around with M151/M220 TOW launcher and additonal rockets. Kornet, on the other hand, is light and portable enough to have such capability.

    • @ForOne814
      @ForOne814 Год назад

      @@gratius1394 it's still must be fired from a stationary position. They have the same tactical role, as opposed to hand-held grenade launchers and ATGMs.

  • @fadzilfadzuki4246
    @fadzilfadzuki4246 10 месяцев назад

    RPG 7 is too OP and yes, its still effective 🔥🔥🔥

  • @itsthemetho
    @itsthemetho Год назад +1

    The effectiveness can also be improved with the development of new rounds, but of course it is reaching its' limits.
    Will be around for decades.

  • @RicardoFinnigan
    @RicardoFinnigan Год назад +2

    It sure looks like it based on Gaza with the upgraded warhead

  • @JugglesGrenades
    @JugglesGrenades Год назад

    If this video is an convinced me to buy one. Where do I send my credit card information ?

  • @AndresChoi-kx2tr
    @AndresChoi-kx2tr Год назад +1

    Well, the question wather the old RPG is still effective in combat has been answer in the Gaza invasion. Yesterday videos of their mortal effect against modern tanks were clearly the evidence that the rpg still has a place in modern warfare.

  • @atxorsatti
    @atxorsatti 11 месяцев назад

    Let me sum it up for you for a man who fought in gaza and had his friends injured/die from this:
    1. Its cheap
    2. Its easy to carry (as oppose to the rpg29 i think its called)
    3. Its operated by one man
    4. It really have devestating effect if you hit a tank in the right place at the right time

  • @wattyler6075
    @wattyler6075 Год назад

    It still does the job. It's cheap & reliable. Take the track off a tank,it's immobilized,job done. I've no doubt someone will or has developed a tandem charge warhead that will make it more effective, especially against ERA. Seen on TV news today that there's a tandem charge warhead for the RPG7.

  • @ВесельчакУ-л3м
    @ВесельчакУ-л3м Год назад

    if we consider the rpg -7 only with a cumulative charge (as it was in this video) then the audience will really get the impression that 50 \ 50. If anyone is interested, let them look in the search engine = shots for rpg -7 = - you will be pleasantly surprised by the line of charges for rpg-7.

  • @Moh-dn8dg
    @Moh-dn8dg Год назад

    Could you use metrics system for the range ?

  • @RamlyJer
    @RamlyJer 11 месяцев назад +1

    The launcher may be outdated but the warhead needs to be upgraded to deal with modern tanks like what Ha mas did with Yassin 105 to deal with isreal merkava tanks

  • @kamthangchangsan7039
    @kamthangchangsan7039 10 месяцев назад +1

    Ak 47 and RPG 7 are not going anywhere

  • @mitropoulosilias
    @mitropoulosilias Год назад +1

    javelin and NLAW are no much for the RPG7 only because the cost. it is better and more effective to have 20 RPG7 hitting multiple targets than having only one javelin at the same cost

  • @kismisperang9422
    @kismisperang9422 11 месяцев назад

    Yassin 105 is really good Rocket Launcher.. 💪🍉

  • @duhmanthapz
    @duhmanthapz Год назад

    This rpg is stil works to merkava tank?

  • @kakakiri2601
    @kakakiri2601 Год назад

    The answer is very simple, it was rocket, it mean to explode, can destroy armored unit, cheap, easy to produce,
    Sometimes quantity takes the lead while talking the war

  • @AbuSous2000PR
    @AbuSous2000PR Год назад +1

    many US helicopters where shut down in Iraq.... may be tens were shut down using RPG 7s

  • @lostinthesauce6409
    @lostinthesauce6409 Год назад

    RUclips in the year 3023: is the RPG-7 still effective?

  • @andrewthacker114
    @andrewthacker114 Год назад

    Interesting clip, yes it’s going to be around for a while .

  • @captainscarlett1
    @captainscarlett1 Год назад

    I think, as a former infantryman, it's probably better than an M203. I like the idea of a dedicated bomb chucker. That guy has nothing to do but chuck bombs downrange. An M203 is actually awkward to use. RPG is pretty simple.

  • @makswell_927
    @makswell_927 Год назад +1

    Я всегда удивлялся когда люди сравнивают РПГ 7 с Javelin. Это как сравнивать Глок и Снайперскую винтовку. Оба стреляют могу наделать делов. Но они используются по разному. С Javelin лучше сравнили бы Корнеты и Метисы а РПГ с Карл Густав или АТ4.

  • @mgr818
    @mgr818 Год назад +1

    забули згадати про широку номенклатуру боєприпасів до рпг-7

  • @KosekRoyal
    @KosekRoyal 11 месяцев назад +1

    Al-yasin vs Merkava is the Proof

  • @elen5871
    @elen5871 Год назад +4

    is RPG _7_ still effective?
    buddy the Yassin-105 rockets that al-qassam has completely _junked_ like 200 merkavas with are fired from the Yasin rocket launcher, which is basically halfway between the RPG 7 and the RPG _2!_

    • @SolathPrime
      @SolathPrime 4 месяца назад

      @@elen5871 well no it's the RPG-7 itself not the Yassin launcher which is basically RPG-2 model made in Gaza
      also the RPG-7 isn't that hard to manufacture locally so that's a point for the resistance

    • @elen5871
      @elen5871 4 месяца назад

      @@SolathPrime it's not quite an RPG-2, not quite an RPG-7. the actual launching parts are similar to an RPG-2, but the cone at the back that dissipates the exhaust is basically a copy of the RPG-7. kind of a best of both worlds thing. al-qassam is still out there doing wild stuff, just saw them bust out a chinese hj-8 wire guided missile and absolutely cream a namer APC with it. and don't get me started on that 14.5mm al-ghoul rifle, there was a recent video with a _casual_ 1700m kill with it, it's wild what they're still managing after 10 months of genocidal fervor being unleashed on them.

    • @SolathPrime
      @SolathPrime 4 месяца назад

      @@elen5871 عجايب منين يا اخ؟

    • @elen5871
      @elen5871 4 месяца назад

      @@SolathPrime i don't speak arabic, but i think i got the gist of that? i'm in the states but i'm indigenous american and i support palestine/the AoR

    • @SolathPrime
      @SolathPrime 4 месяца назад +1

      oh that makes much since your knowledge of that arm sounded more than my mine so I assumed a thing or two
      and yes I said "where are you from?, brother"
      Thanks for correcting me you look more knowledgeable about the RPG family than me

  • @bobogogo1671
    @bobogogo1671 Год назад +1

    RPG were also very effective during 2006 Lebanon War ‼️

  • @envadd.6556
    @envadd.6556 Год назад

    It does its job so yeah it is effective, cheap, easy to use, and carry and can be used for lots of different things. Improve warheads and it's a blast :)

  • @yutuniopati
    @yutuniopati Год назад

    Why most comments focus on how dangerous an RPG-7 can be against tank when 95% of the time RPG are not even shot at tanks or even vehicles ????
    RPG-7 is still a thing today thanks to the thousands of different military and DIY grade warhead that can be used on this platform thanks to the warhead sitting outside the tube in contrary to a more limited design like the carl gustav.
    If RPG did not had this particularity, it would have been outdated since several dozen of years now (like the RPG-18).

  • @waheed_kharmang
    @waheed_kharmang Год назад +1

    An rpg destroy a Bradley IFV and it is a well documented case .....effective 🤔

  • @chrysllerryu4171
    @chrysllerryu4171 10 месяцев назад

    its cheap, multifunction, and adaptable to any type of environment

  • @redbull1826
    @redbull1826 Год назад +4

    for the price u rly cant get anything else like it

    • @ifv2089
      @ifv2089 Год назад

      Good job most soldiers dont pay for there ammo

  • @alsa3ka166
    @alsa3ka166 Год назад +1

    It destroyed merkavas
    So yeah its still damn effective
    Maybe not the regular warhead but the vampire warhead
    The regular warhead will do fine against apcs

  • @AdamAdamHDL
    @AdamAdamHDL Год назад +1

    To eveyone referencing gaza. Hamas are hardly scratching IDF tanks. They show the warhead exploding and not a single moment of after effect. Often we see the APS destroy the warhead before it even hits the tanks and hamas videos display this as a tank kill.
    To their credit they are brave men fighting a giant, but they are only harrassing the tanks.

    • @boomwowsion64
      @boomwowsion64 Год назад +2

      lol, stop wanking. Hamas has already destroyed like 100 of them. Did you not see the drone footage of dozens of tanks together at a place not moving? They were broken

    • @Moqawama0
      @Moqawama0 Год назад +3

      Lol what? They already destroyed multiple tanks.

    • @mrFreakingGamer
      @mrFreakingGamer Год назад +1

      About 220 tanks are out of service, wake up🤣

    • @AdamAdamHDL
      @AdamAdamHDL Год назад

      Prove it

  • @DarioushMoshir
    @DarioushMoshir Год назад

    I think because RPG seven has huge variation of use. It will be useful forever.

  • @f11spikes57
    @f11spikes57 Год назад

    RPG 7 tandem triplet quadruple, whatever upgrade, why not. Still can smashed any sensor, scope on top turet still good enough..for tank., and can make post guard bunker shaking thus any personnel run and that still better., good starter pack.🎉

  • @nazirulnaim5418
    @nazirulnaim5418 Год назад

    as long as there's a guy on the other side yelling R..P..G!!! yeah you know it's still poses a threat.

  • @KarenNaytowhow
    @KarenNaytowhow 8 месяцев назад

    I still think the Ammo Auto feed backpack with mini machine gun lightweight invention is sweet

  • @beerborn
    @beerborn Год назад

    Sometimes old-school stuff is more reliable than modern-day stuff. RPG-7 is lighter and can be used over & over again by just loading it with a rocket. All the other modern day rockets are just heavy and clumsy but far more accurate. I would rather use and RPG-7.

  • @renatolopes3609
    @renatolopes3609 Год назад

    Interesting video, I just think it lacked information on the rockets...are they only of the high explosive type, or there are variants such as armour piercing, incendiary, fragmentation, etc.?

    • @gezalesko3813
      @gezalesko3813 Год назад +1

      at least 13 known different warheads are available.. a separate video would not be enough to cover all...

  • @baseder514
    @baseder514 Год назад

    its like asking why a knife is still in use. only difference between a knife and an RPG-7 is that the RPG needs ammo and it cannot slice bread.