if you see a Greek working as a server in a cafeteria or restaurant or serving your gyro, that person most likely has 1-2 university degrees and speaks 2-3 languages certified, and many many other skills on top of that... Greeks are highly educated, but the country doesn't give them any opportunities to follow their dreams, even worse, they struggle to survive. So if you ever visit Greece, and someone serves you coffee, just think about it for a sec, this guy might have a Master's degree but he works as a server just to survive in his country which he mostly loves..... That's the reality in Greece. That's the reason a lot of young people migrate to other European countries. You cannot have a family just by working in a cafeteria. Unfortunately the two most common jobs in Greece for young people are cafeterias and food deliveries... the better option is to work for something more serious that you don't like at all, but the money is better just for survival..no dreams. You are a Greek, you are over the age of 35, male, unemployed.... game over.... Cafeterias work with young people under the age of 30, most likely with female employees...
@@Lmr271 to get full unemployment benefits in Greece, you need to work at least 2 years straight - that is IF you find a job or find a job that will keep you for that long I didn't know about that in Russia, I thought you guys are fine with jobs etc. I love Russia and I always wanted to visit
And that’s the reason why many people of my age including me(20) go to European countries or are planing to go We love our country but if we struggle to leave while we are 20 yo without family Imagine how would it be with one
Seeing these friendly people in the videos always cheers me up. Greeks speak their mind in a way that is so different to what im used to from here in Germany.
In Germany employees do not speak up when there is something they do not like or do not feel comfortable at workplace and with their task or workload. They just stay silent and do not speak up their mind
Greece can be a great opportunity for digital nomads (and lots of people have moved here because of that). Finding a good job with good money where Greeks in Greece will be paying you is really hard though.
This video is very misleading. Greeks don't want to work! There's plenty of work to be done, but everyone wants to be an engineer, doctor, lawyer etc, no work ethic at all
@@gio.2381 He is says that if you work remotely for a german company, it's a great choice to live in greece, you got all the well being comforts + good salary (from the german company).
I can relate to the fighter pilot guy. When I visited Hong Kong, I entered a random skyscraper to take an elevator to the top and take some pictures. But then I realized that it was a mosque and got very embarrassed.
This happens almost everywhere in the world. In Paris I know people living with other 5 people in 1 apartment. In Greece we don't like living with other people
@@lgiorgos1 I think that's specific to appartments, not general spending tbh. People in Amsterdam do have trouble finding a proper appartment and usually live with lots of roomates on small rooms but they have enough money from their salaries to sustain their hobbies and buy what they want, be it a camera, an iphone, a tv etc..
Some countries don't even have a minimum wage (Italy doesn't for example) and people get paid 400€ 600€ (Italy is 40% more expensive than Greece). 680€ net in Greece is enough to live if you own a house, live with your parents and even if you rent a room it is enough I have been living in Greece for a year and I usually spend 500-600 maximum to live in Athens, near Petralona.
Yianni is the best! Thank you for that! These videos are a great tool for trying to learn & understand the Greeks' natural speech (mumbles & lightning-speed) that has eluded me for years. I really appreciate the Greek and the English subtitles together. . . and especially the variety of age groups that were interviewed. Bravo!
Έκλαψα απ' τα γέλια με τον ετοιμόλογο τυπάκο που "ασχολείται με τα αεροσκάφη"!!! Ένας μικρός θεούλης ανάμεσά μας!!!! Διακωμωδεί την εργασιακή κατάσταση στην Ελλαδα, άψογα!!! Έδωσε ζωή στο video!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I really miss my home Greece, but it was not easy to have a decent life there, that's why I left :-( Salary, very bad, no respect and no opportunities. I hope it will change and I can come back :-)
@@vapalaca σορρυ ρε φίλε αλλά με δουλεύεις; Να μείνω εδώ να κάνω τι;να περνώ 740€(στα χαρτιά) να δουλεύω υπερωρίες και 500€ να πηγαίνουν σε έξοδα όπως νοίκι ρεύμα τηλέφωνο κλπ και βγάζω απεξω αυτοκίνητο βενζίνες και εξόδους. Να μείνω με τους γονείς μ και να περνώ ένα ταμείο ανεργίας 400€ ούτε αυτό συμφαιρει Καλυτερα να πας εξωτερικό όσο εισαι νέος για να ζήσεις γιατί στην Ελλάδα δεν υπάρχει μέλλον
It is my dream to move to Greece but working conditions are holding me back. I keep hearing horror stories so not sure what the reality really is like.
Greece is a really beautiful country with a lot of good people in it. Unfortunately, though, the economical crisis has changed Greeks. It's harder to find a decent job here, that's why young people migrate to other countries with better working conditions.
@Easy Greek I am a young American of Greek descent, and I’m going to college in Athens in August! I hope to use your channel in my language learning process / move to Greece so thank you for your great content! Probably the best source for informal/vernacular modern Greek out there. Maybe I will run into you guys some day😂. Also I have a video suggestion: What Greeks think about Lebanese?
1.1 million is unemployed. Wages is like tip in a restaurant. Working conditions are very bad. The worst is that conditions won't be better because of internal devaluation.
Greece has become the last decades one of the best countries of Europe on seeing how slaves worked in the ancient world.......and all thanks to politicians who made huge fortunes through corruption, and when bankers and CEO's came from abroad imposing wage and pension cuts, either they followed their orders and made us all poorer, or they vanished......
Ο τύπος που κοροϊδεύει όλα τα λεφτά. 😛 Και καλά κάνει τι να πεις δηλαδή το θέμα μιλάει μόνο του και δίνεις όλες τις απαντήσεις. Όλοι μας ξέρουμε πως έχει η κατάσταση με τα εργασιακά στην Ελλάδα.
Δουλεία Ελλάδα τυπικό παράδειγμα : 6ήμερο 40ωρο 550-600 ευρώ, περίπου 45 ώρες τελικά, το αντικείμενο της δουλειάς θα είναι διαφορετικό απ' ότι έχεις συμφωνήσει, κάποιες μέρες σπαστό απροειδοποίητα, υπερορίες δεν πληρώνονται, ρεπό στην τύχη όχι το σαββατοκύριακο γιατί έχει δουλεία, ημέρες άδειας περίπου μία εβδομάδα το χρόνο και θα ενημερώνεσαι ότι έχεις άδεια 2 μέρες πριν, αν λείψεις για λόγους υγείας (λουφάρεις εννοείται και είσαι τεμπέλης) αφαιρούνται από την άδειά σου ή επιστρέφεις χρήματα όταν πληρωθείς, αν το αφεντικό σου είναι μερακλής θα σου ζητήσει και τα επιδόματα πίσω γιατί "δεν βγαίνει", θα σε παίρνει τηλέφωνο να καλύψεις βάρδιες τελευταία στιγμή γιατί κάποιος παραιτήθηκε/δεν εμφανίστηκε στη δουλεία, θα ακούς σχόλια από τα αφεντικά ότι ο Έλληνας δεν θέλει να δουλέψει και είναι τεμπέλης. Ελπίζω να βοήθησα.
well when someone works at least 6 days a week and many times more than 8 hours and still the money are not enough to have a normal life you dont care about the place you are living because you dont have courage time and money to enjoy it. Indeed in greece feels nice to be but only for people that have a lot of money from the past years while the other ones (the most people) believe me they are enjoying less their country than a tourist who comes once a year
1)Χαμάλης σε μεταφορική εταιρεία 2)Σερβιτόρος σε γυράδικο πολυτελείας(😅) 3)Εργοτάξιο για κατασκευή λιμένα 4)Παρκαδόρος σε εστιατόριο (το πιο δύσκολο για πολλούς λόγους) 5)Οδηγός Ταξί (παρόν) Γενικό Λύκειο - ΤΕΙ (το παράτησα στα μισά περίπου) 40 ετών Κορίτσια.... τρέξτε γιατί δε θα προλάβετε! Κελεπούρι λέμε! Για κοπιάστε... σπαρταράει(κυριολεκτικά) 😏
Listen, there are problems in Greece in terms of labour. But compared to some years ago, it's a lot better. Like, you cannot compare 2013-2016 to today. There are jobs. The problem however are the salaries. While they are increasing, in parallel, the prices of all goods are increasing. So therefore, in terms of payments, it's still difficult, if you're living on your own. But the descriptions of the workplace abroad are ridiculously utopian. Believe me, that's not true. Many multinationals (Amazon for example) treat their workforce like slaves. But that's an extremity, I know. But more realistically it's this: just because the salaries are higher abroad, it doesn't mean that the cost of living isn't correspondingly higher. In Sweden for example, you can get up to 4500€ per month, but 70% of it is headed to taxes and bills. And the prices of goods is ridiculously high there. Same for Germany and any northern European country. Moral of the story: the grass might seem greener on the other side. But it really isn't. Both sides have problems. And no, I'm not a government shill, I hate this government along with any one of the last 13 years
For sure there are many factors to take into account, but apart from the money itself, it also has to do with opportunities of professional development, fields that are underdeveloped in Greece (e.g. biology or science in general I think), respect, social crisis... So many things to consider really
well as you said in sweden for example with the basic salary you are saving a 30% (which is more but lets speak with your numbers) but in greece you cannot save that 30% and also someone in sweden and someone abroad in general can live alone with the basic salary and save some money while in greece people 30years old are living still with their parents because of the economic situation.
@@tsialcef2232 Do you live in Sweden yourself? Because you apparently don't know the income tax begins from 50% and ends up to 70% per year. Then it's rent, which is astronomically higher than in Greece, to be completely objective.
@@Pan472 First you said 70% is for the rent and the taxes now you say its without the rent maybe you are the one who hasn’t been living in sweden anyway countries like germany sweden yes they have a lot of taxes to pay but still as i said everybody can have a normal live with the basic salary something that is not happening in greece, thats it.
Μου αρέσει που ρωτάτε για την αγορά εργασίας στην Ελλάδα 🤣 που στην πραγματικότητα δεν υπάρχει καν. Η χειρότερη στην Ευρώπη και τώρα πλέον γίνεται χειρότερη και από κάποιες χώρες της Λατινικής Αμερικής και Αφρικής. Αλλά λυπάμαι που για κάποιους νέους αυτό είναι φυσιολογικό.
My opinion is that if you want to be single and you dont want a family and you want to have fun Greece is a good place but you will probably need 2 jobs to have enough money for house food car having fun and savings as the basic salary i think is around 600-800 euro and the monthly rent is about 300-500 depends where you live. So unfortunately you will not have time to enjoy the beautiful place. You will struggle and also the holidays paid that greeks have are not more than 1-2 weeks and its not even sure if they will pay it to you. If you want to make a family do not even think about it in Greece your kids will go to after school classes (the 70% do this) which is expensive it costs probably like your rent and also its not a safe place because robberies kidnappings and a lot of things happen everyday as there is no control there are not cameras or police doing their job as they should. But as touristic place is a paradise.
Χαχα ο «Σαρκάζος». Έξω υπάρχει ευγένεια σε σχέση με την αντιμετώπιση στην Ελλάδα λέει η κοπέλα. Ναι αλλά στην Ελλάδα έχουμε το «φιλότιμο» που έξω δεν το ξέρουν καν, τι, όχι;
Και να είσαι πάλι τύχη θες, ο αρραβωνιαστικός μου πληροφορική έχει σπουδάσει και ξέρει πολλά πράγματα και δουλεύει ως εργάτης σε εργοστάσιο γιατί δεν βρίσκει τίποτα στο επάγγελμα του. Και αυτή την στιγμή η αλήθεια είναι ότι τους πιο καλούς σχετικά μισθούς τους δίνουν τα εργοστάσια αφού σε έχουν τόσες ώρες να δουλεύεις σε ανθυγιεινές συνθήκες ε κάτι πρέπει να δώσουν και για να το δικαιολογήσουν. 😛
@@annetarekali1529 Ώπα πρώτη φορά το ακούω αυτό. Έχει δουλέψει στην Πληροφορική ή απλά το σπούδασε ; Αν έχεις λίγη εμπειρία και γνώσεις σε "παρακαλάνε" να πας για δουλεία. Επίσης μήπως δεν του αρέσει να κάθεται σε ενα γραφείο γιαυτό επέλεξε να γίνει εργάτης;
@@TheGentlemanGR ε μα πως θα έρθει η εμπειρία αν δεν σου δώσει κάποιος την ευκαιρία ; Για αυτό σου λέω στην Ελλάδα σε αυτό το θέμα είμαστε καμένο χαρτί τα θέλουμε όλα. Θέλει πολύ να δουλέψει στο αντικείμενο του εξάλλου με αυτό ασχολείται όλη ημέρα και κάνει και service σε σπίτια. Εσύ τι λες να θέλει να είναι εργάτης και να ζορίζεται ; Προφανώς όχι.
@@annetarekali1529 Αυτό το καλό έχει η Πληροφορική. Δεν χρειάζεσαι να σου δώσει κάποιος την ευκαιρία για να δείξεις και να μάθεις. Μπορεί να το κάνεις μόνος σου όσο είσαι φοιτητής και μετά θα βρεις δουλεία σαν junior και θα εξελιχθείς αν το θες. Καταλαβαίνω τι λες και γενικά ισχύει αλλά στην πληροφορική υπάρχει πολύ μεγάλη ζήτηση. Πες του ποτέ δεν είναι αργά, ΑΝ βέβαια του αρέσει αυτή η δουλεία.
The sampling here is skewed. You're only interviewing people during the day walking around on the streets, not those actually working. Wouldn't it be impossible to maintain a country with a population only marketing, gaming, modeling, engaging in animal activism?
The main picture is valid. Working conditions in greece are not even close to the appropriate and proper conditions of europe. The only ones that can relate are the italians that experience almost the same conditions.
@@savvasCHg You think that the rest of Europe is good? Bro, there have been multiple videos basically speaking about how most Europeans feel like wageslaves, and you're telling me it's ok in the rest of Europe?
@@Pan472 nowhere is perfect, what im saying is that basic working rights like working the hours you suppose to work and get paid for them which is something natural to the rest of europe and non negotiable, doeasnt translate fully to the greek reality.
@@savvasCHg Except it isn't. Especially in big multinationals. Amazon and Facebook for example don't even nearly pay their employees what they're supposed to be paid. Plus that more and more people are working more and more hours now for less noney. And that's happening all around the West now, not just in Greece.
Maybe it was on the weekend though! And even so, who could possibly interview a representative sample of workers whose jobs you would consider "valuable" or something? Secretary, waiter, marketing, model, teacher, visual artist, pensioner, student...: I would call that a very nice and varied sample of people, actually!
That man with the Russian hat,said that a delivery boy is working for 12€ a day? Maybe you should change the name of your country to something more.... oriental,from the Indian subcontinent, perhaps...
Oh damn we expose ourselves...unfortunately its true thankfully me and my mother bought a Cafe so we work on outlr own but the 2 employers i had were nice and gently...tho nowdays the cafe owners prefer to hire someone pretty sexy girl for the image even if the coffee she makes is awful...the funny part is that they all prefer to spend their money there instead of somewhere more preferable
@@EasyGreekVideos no i was trying to say the opposite they prefer image instead of quality...only to attract some dudes around but they will think about the money they are spending cuz nowdays money doesn't grow on trees so eventually they will probably go somewhere else...the Cafe owners dont give the opportunity to girls that they dont have great body or look..they close the doors inthe most kid's faces and this might cause insecure or many else....we must accept everyone thays what im trying to say i hope i put that more clear 😊🤔
The sarcastic guy knows what's up lol
We all knows what happening. But this guy has humor
I think he is a youtuber who makes funny videos, I have seen some of them.
@@Stavraetina yeah
He's called Sarkazos, he's a comedian youtuber who mostly does pranks on the streets.
if you see a Greek working as a server in a cafeteria or restaurant or serving your gyro, that person most likely has 1-2 university degrees and speaks 2-3 languages certified, and many many other skills on top of that...
Greeks are highly educated, but the country doesn't give them any opportunities to follow their dreams, even worse, they struggle to survive.
So if you ever visit Greece, and someone serves you coffee, just think about it for a sec, this guy might have a Master's degree but he works as a server just to survive in his country which he mostly loves.....
That's the reality in Greece. That's the reason a lot of young people migrate to other European countries.
You cannot have a family just by working in a cafeteria. Unfortunately the two most common jobs in Greece for young people are cafeterias and food deliveries... the better option is to work for something more serious that you don't like at all, but the money is better just for survival..no dreams.
You are a Greek, you are over the age of 35, male, unemployed.... game over.... Cafeterias work with young people under the age of 30, most likely with female employees...
True.. Marilena
Same in Russia... only unemployment benefits are much lower :/
@@Lmr271 to get full unemployment benefits in Greece, you need to work at least 2 years straight - that is IF you find a job or find a job that will keep you for that long
I didn't know about that in Russia, I thought you guys are fine with jobs etc.
I love Russia and I always wanted to visit
And that’s the reason why many people of my age including me(20) go to European countries or are planing to go
We love our country but if we struggle to leave while we are 20 yo without family
Imagine how would it be with one
Same in southern Italy even though we aren't as educated as Greeks
Seeing these friendly people in the videos always cheers me up. Greeks speak their mind in a way that is so different to what im used to from here in Germany.
Thank you for your kind words
Love from Greece ❤️❤️❤️
can you give an example?
Just wait until you ride a car in greece
In Germany employees do not speak up when there is something they do not like or do not feel comfortable at workplace and with their task or workload. They just stay silent and do not speak up their mind
Loved the fast talking jet pilot snail herder!
Being captivated by the idea to relocate to Greece, this proved very informative and sort of a reality check. Efharisto yia na kanei afto to video!
Greece can be a great opportunity for digital nomads (and lots of people have moved here because of that). Finding a good job with good money where Greeks in Greece will be paying you is really hard though.
well it depends on the field of your work
This video is very misleading. Greeks don't want to work! There's plenty of work to be done, but everyone wants to be an engineer, doctor, lawyer etc, no work ethic at all
@@gio.2381 He is says that if you work remotely for a german company, it's a great choice to live in greece, you got all the well being comforts + good salary (from the german company).
@@freakingriddle what?
I can relate to the fighter pilot guy. When I visited Hong Kong, I entered a random skyscraper to take an elevator to the top and take some pictures. But then I realized that it was a mosque and got very embarrassed.
It's a much more common experience than we thought, apparently!
the simple problem in Greece is that the minimum wage doesnt cover the minimum cost of living
This happens almost everywhere in the world. In Paris I know people living with other 5 people in 1 apartment. In Greece we don't like living with other people
@@lgiorgos1 most of the world may shit on the streets that doesnt make it normal
@@lgiorgos1 I think that's specific to appartments, not general spending tbh. People in Amsterdam do have trouble finding a proper appartment and usually live with lots of roomates on small rooms but they have enough money from their salaries to sustain their hobbies and buy what they want, be it a camera, an iphone, a tv etc..
too many immigrants eat our money
Some countries don't even have a minimum wage (Italy doesn't for example) and people get paid 400€ 600€ (Italy is 40% more expensive than Greece).
680€ net in Greece is enough to live if you own a house, live with your parents and even if you rent a room it is enough
I have been living in Greece for a year and I usually spend 500-600 maximum to live in Athens, near Petralona.
Αγάπησα τον τύπο που τρολαρει, θεός. Μόνο έτσι επιβιώνεις στην Ελλάδα.
Yianni is the best! Thank you for that! These videos are a great tool for trying to learn & understand the Greeks' natural speech (mumbles & lightning-speed) that has eluded me for years. I really appreciate the Greek and the English subtitles together. . . and especially the variety of age groups that were interviewed. Bravo!
Thank you!
Έκλαψα απ' τα γέλια με τον ετοιμόλογο τυπάκο που "ασχολείται με τα αεροσκάφη"!!! Ένας μικρός θεούλης ανάμεσά μας!!!! Διακωμωδεί την εργασιακή κατάσταση στην Ελλαδα, άψογα!!! Έδωσε ζωή στο video!!!
Κοντοπιδης ειναι αυτος! 😆
The fighter jet pilot guy is just precious!
I really miss my home Greece, but it was not easy to have a decent life there, that's why I left :-( Salary, very bad, no respect and no opportunities. I hope it will change and I can come back :-)
Nothing will change if everybody leaves the new generation should stay and change things up for the better.
@greg acosta Unfortunately you are right!
@@vapalaca σορρυ ρε φίλε αλλά με δουλεύεις; Να μείνω εδώ να κάνω τι;να περνώ 740€(στα χαρτιά) να δουλεύω υπερωρίες και 500€ να πηγαίνουν σε έξοδα όπως νοίκι ρεύμα τηλέφωνο κλπ και βγάζω απεξω αυτοκίνητο βενζίνες και εξόδους.
Να μείνω με τους γονείς μ και να περνώ ένα ταμείο ανεργίας 400€ ούτε αυτό συμφαιρει
Καλυτερα να πας εξωτερικό όσο εισαι νέος για να ζήσεις γιατί στην Ελλάδα δεν υπάρχει μέλλον
@@vapalaca keep dreaming
@@GalisSt An Italian that moved to Greece a year ago...😮
It is my dream to move to Greece but working conditions are holding me back. I keep hearing horror stories so not sure what the reality really is like.
you could be a digital nomad and be employed by a foreign company, whilst still living in Greece😉
@@Anonymous_UserOrNot If I can manage to pull that off, then yes definitely!
Greece is a really beautiful country with a lot of good people in it. Unfortunately, though, the economical crisis has changed Greeks. It's harder to find a decent job here, that's why young people migrate to other countries with better working conditions.
@@userma_r.cr123Except that during the last few years people have mostly stopped emigrating. In fact, many people are gradually returning
Working in Greece is hell. Employers are absolutely horrible.
@Easy Greek I am a young American of Greek descent, and I’m going to college in Athens in August! I hope to use your channel in my language learning process / move to Greece so thank you for your great content! Probably the best source for informal/vernacular modern Greek out there. Maybe I will run into you guys some day😂. Also I have a video suggestion: What Greeks think about Lebanese?
I don't think about them.
What college may I ask?
Lebanese? They're good people! 💋
We love the food, and probably your music too!
@@georgeko750 nkua
The "Raphael pilot" needs to have his own comedy show. 😂😂
1.1 million is unemployed. Wages is like tip in a restaurant. Working conditions are very bad. The worst is that conditions won't be better because of internal devaluation.
600.000 are unemployed as of now, not 1.1 million.
@@Pan472 31.5% ανεργία βάση της τελευταίας έρευνας
@@GalisSt Στους νέους είναι τόσο, όχι γενικά.
@@Pan472 φαντάσου ποσό είναι γενικά
Greece has become the last decades one of the best countries of Europe on seeing how slaves worked in the ancient world.......and all thanks to politicians who made huge fortunes through corruption, and when bankers and CEO's came from abroad imposing wage and pension cuts, either they followed their orders and made us all poorer, or they vanished......
Η συνέντευξη στις 2:17 με έκανε να γέλασα δυνατά 😄
Do a video on the snail herding in Greece
χαχα αυτος ο pokemon trainer lol gamer😂
Спасибо большое. Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ.
Yes i live here--in Stockholm
Ο πιλότος είναι όλα τα λεφτά! 🤣💀
Χαχαχα καλό το παιδί που είναι ένας απίστευτος δημιουργός ιστορίας!
Ο τύπος που κοροϊδεύει όλα τα λεφτά. 😛 Και καλά κάνει τι να πεις δηλαδή το θέμα μιλάει μόνο του και δίνεις όλες τις απαντήσεις. Όλοι μας ξέρουμε πως έχει η κατάσταση με τα εργασιακά στην Ελλάδα.
Χαχα είναι όντως άπαιχτος και τυχαίνει να είναι και γνωστός! Έχει κανάλι στο youtube.
@@stelios5314 στέλνεις μια το κανάλι να το τσεκάρουμε?
@@parlapipapix Λέγεται Sarkazos. Δεν αρέσει σε όλους επειδή είναι γενικά απότομος και κατά κάποιους υπερβολικά αγενής. Εμένα πάντως μου αρέσει...
@@stelios5314 Ευχαριστώ φίλε 👍🏼
@@parlapipapix Τίποτα!
Δουλεία Ελλάδα τυπικό παράδειγμα : 6ήμερο 40ωρο 550-600 ευρώ, περίπου 45 ώρες τελικά, το αντικείμενο της δουλειάς θα είναι διαφορετικό απ' ότι έχεις συμφωνήσει, κάποιες μέρες σπαστό απροειδοποίητα, υπερορίες δεν πληρώνονται, ρεπό στην τύχη όχι το σαββατοκύριακο γιατί έχει δουλεία, ημέρες άδειας περίπου μία εβδομάδα το χρόνο και θα ενημερώνεσαι ότι έχεις άδεια 2 μέρες πριν, αν λείψεις για λόγους υγείας (λουφάρεις εννοείται και είσαι τεμπέλης) αφαιρούνται από την άδειά σου ή επιστρέφεις χρήματα όταν πληρωθείς, αν το αφεντικό σου είναι μερακλής θα σου ζητήσει και τα επιδόματα πίσω γιατί "δεν βγαίνει", θα σε παίρνει τηλέφωνο να καλύψεις βάρδιες τελευταία στιγμή γιατί κάποιος παραιτήθηκε/δεν εμφανίστηκε στη δουλεία, θα ακούς σχόλια από τα αφεντικά ότι ο Έλληνας δεν θέλει να δουλέψει και είναι τεμπέλης. Ελπίζω να βοήθησα.
Επίσης αν σας πούνε τίποτα 900-1000 ευρώ για 40ωρο είναι παγίδα...
Ανυπομονώ τόσο πολύ να ξαναβρώ τους πατριώτες μου αυτό το καλοκαίρι. Σ'ούρχομαι Ελλαδίτσα μου!!
Regardless of working situation or condition I still think Greece has the best life compared to other countries who have better wages etc.
well when someone works at least 6 days a week and many times more than 8 hours and still the money are not enough to have a normal life you dont care about the place you are living because you dont have courage time and money to enjoy it.
Indeed in greece feels nice to be but only for people that have a lot of money from the past years while the other ones (the most people) believe me they are enjoying less their country than a tourist who comes once a year
@@tsialcef2232 feeling like a tourist In my own country has always been funny to me. Especially the islands
The funniest one is the guy with the air plane that he parked it on top of the jami ? And ever since the Turks are chasing him and Erdogan!!! 😄😄😄😄💕💕💕
1)Χαμάλης σε μεταφορική εταιρεία
2)Σερβιτόρος σε γυράδικο πολυτελείας(😅)
3)Εργοτάξιο για κατασκευή λιμένα
4)Παρκαδόρος σε εστιατόριο (το πιο δύσκολο για πολλούς λόγους)
5)Οδηγός Ταξί (παρόν)
Γενικό Λύκειο - ΤΕΙ (το παράτησα στα μισά περίπου)
40 ετών
Κορίτσια.... τρέξτε γιατί δε θα προλάβετε!
Κελεπούρι λέμε! Για κοπιάστε... σπαρταράει(κυριολεκτικά) 😏
"Κάτι πολύ κοντά με τα ζώα" είναι και ο χασάπης. 😁
Listen, there are problems in Greece in terms of labour. But compared to some years ago, it's a lot better. Like, you cannot compare 2013-2016 to today. There are jobs. The problem however are the salaries. While they are increasing, in parallel, the prices of all goods are increasing. So therefore, in terms of payments, it's still difficult, if you're living on your own.
But the descriptions of the workplace abroad are ridiculously utopian. Believe me, that's not true. Many multinationals (Amazon for example) treat their workforce like slaves. But that's an extremity, I know. But more realistically it's this: just because the salaries are higher abroad, it doesn't mean that the cost of living isn't correspondingly higher. In Sweden for example, you can get up to 4500€ per month, but 70% of it is headed to taxes and bills. And the prices of goods is ridiculously high there. Same for Germany and any northern European country.
Moral of the story: the grass might seem greener on the other side. But it really isn't. Both sides have problems.
And no, I'm not a government shill, I hate this government along with any one of the last 13 years
For sure there are many factors to take into account, but apart from the money itself, it also has to do with opportunities of professional development, fields that are underdeveloped in Greece (e.g. biology or science in general I think), respect, social crisis... So many things to consider really
well as you said in sweden for example with the basic salary you are saving a 30% (which is more but lets speak with your numbers)
but in greece you cannot save that 30% and also someone in sweden and someone abroad in general can live alone with the basic salary and save some money while in greece people 30years old are living still with their parents because of the economic situation.
@@tsialcef2232 Do you live in Sweden yourself? Because you apparently don't know the income tax begins from 50% and ends up to 70% per year. Then it's rent, which is astronomically higher than in Greece, to be completely objective.
@@Pan472 First you said 70% is for the rent and the taxes now you say its without the rent maybe you are the one who hasn’t been living in sweden anyway countries like germany sweden yes they have a lot of taxes to pay but still as i said everybody can have a normal live with the basic salary something that is not happening in greece, thats it.
what geek goverment you liked before 13 years
The work condition is equally tragic in southern Italy
In Italia è peggio, fidati. Ora vivo in Grecia da un anno e qui è meglio
Μου αρέσει που ρωτάτε για την αγορά εργασίας στην Ελλάδα 🤣 που στην πραγματικότητα δεν υπάρχει καν. Η χειρότερη στην Ευρώπη και τώρα πλέον γίνεται χειρότερη και από κάποιες χώρες της Λατινικής Αμερικής και Αφρικής.
Αλλά λυπάμαι που για κάποιους νέους αυτό είναι φυσιολογικό.
Greece is better than most European countries
Easy Greek με το μπάρμπα να μιλάει τη δική του διάλεκτο,
Ό,τι πρέπει για να μάθει κανείς :D
O κύριος αυτός όλα τα λεφτά! Και τέλειο στυλ! Μαριλένα
Thank you
Mόνο εγώ γέλασα με το ανέκδοτο του κύριου Παναγιώτη? (όταν το αντιλήφθηκα τη 2η φορά που είδα το βίντεο βεβαίως βεβαίως) :P
Εγώ ακόμα να το καταλάβω.. Μαριλένα
@@EasyGreekVideos Το "λειτουργάω" έχει και θρησκευτική έννοια. :)
Το παιδί που ήθελε να γίνει ηθοποιός είναι ένας γλυκας!!!!
Χαχα πριν δω το βίντεο, από τον τίτλο κατάλαβα πως θα έχει πολύ πλάκα 🤣❤️
Working in Greece is like a big palouki
When bad people die they dont go in hell.. they get reincarnated as greece citizens 😂
And where do Greeks go when they die??
@@EasyGreekVideos μετα το βασανιστηριο αν ειμαστε καλοι.. θα δειξει.. ελληνες ειμαστε θα δουμε 😂
Ο sarkazos όλα τα λεφτα :D
I need a job in Athens, but paid over average
Θα έπρεπε να κάνετε ένα αφιέρωμα στους υγειονομικούς απεργούς πείνας
7000 υγειονομιοί τόσους μήνες απλήρωτοι, άνεργοι !
Ευχαριστούμε για την πρόταση!
31η μέρα νηστικοί σήμερα!
Gianni you fucking legend
Εγώ διαλέγω τον πωλητή που ήθελε να γίνει ηθοποιός από όλους όσους έχω δει μέχρι τώρα ως my number one
0'.22"...Sarkazo, εσύ;;;😄👍
Greece is going down
My opinion is that if you want to be single and you dont want a family and you want to have fun Greece is a good place but you will probably need 2 jobs to have enough money for house food car having fun and savings as the basic salary i think is around 600-800 euro and the monthly rent is about 300-500 depends where you live. So unfortunately you will not have time to enjoy the beautiful place. You will struggle and also the holidays paid that greeks have are not more than 1-2 weeks and its not even sure if they will pay it to you. If you want to make a family do not even think about it in Greece your kids will go to after school classes (the 70% do this) which is expensive it costs probably like your rent and also its not a safe place because robberies kidnappings and a lot of things happen everyday as there is no control there are not cameras or police doing their job as they should.
But as touristic place is a paradise.
Greece is safer than most European cities. I live in Athens and it is very safe.
Ζητώ ο νόμος Χατζηδάκη!!
#Sarkazos στην κυριολεξία!
Χαχα ο «Σαρκάζος».
Έξω υπάρχει ευγένεια σε σχέση με την αντιμετώπιση στην Ελλάδα λέει η κοπέλα. Ναι αλλά στην Ελλάδα έχουμε το «φιλότιμο» που έξω δεν το ξέρουν καν, τι, όχι;
Α ευχαριστούμε, δεν τον ήξερα εγώ! (Δημήτρης)
@@foverix Νομίζω το σχόλιο ήταν ειρωνικό.
@@EasyGreekVideos Να είστε σίγουροι. Απλά κάποιοι-ες αδυνατούν να διακρίνουν και τα προφανή 🤷♂️
Land of opportunity 🤣
τελεια είναι 600 ευρω καθαρα ευχαρ. Κυριάκο
Στο 06:02 μιλάω εγώ 😜😂
Σε ευχαριστουμε για το χρόνο σου ❤️🙏🙏 Μαριλένα
Hi iam from indonesia want work in greek
You sure?
@@EasyGreekVideos yes iam sure
Εγώ ήρθα για τον σαρκαζο
Τι θα πει "δουλεια" στην Ελλαδα? ΕΚΜΕΤΑΛΛΕΥΣΗ
Αμέ δεν είσαι στην Πληροφορική στην Ελλάδα καλή τύχη.
Και να είσαι πάλι τύχη θες, ο αρραβωνιαστικός μου πληροφορική έχει σπουδάσει και ξέρει πολλά πράγματα και δουλεύει ως εργάτης σε εργοστάσιο γιατί δεν βρίσκει τίποτα στο επάγγελμα του. Και αυτή την στιγμή η αλήθεια είναι ότι τους πιο καλούς σχετικά μισθούς τους δίνουν τα εργοστάσια αφού σε έχουν τόσες ώρες να δουλεύεις σε ανθυγιεινές συνθήκες ε κάτι πρέπει να δώσουν και για να το δικαιολογήσουν. 😛
@@annetarekali1529 Ώπα πρώτη φορά το ακούω αυτό. Έχει δουλέψει στην Πληροφορική ή απλά το σπούδασε ; Αν έχεις λίγη εμπειρία και γνώσεις σε "παρακαλάνε" να πας για δουλεία. Επίσης μήπως δεν του αρέσει να κάθεται σε ενα γραφείο γιαυτό επέλεξε να γίνει εργάτης;
@@TheGentlemanGR ε μα πως θα έρθει η εμπειρία αν δεν σου δώσει κάποιος την ευκαιρία ; Για αυτό σου λέω στην Ελλάδα σε αυτό το θέμα είμαστε καμένο χαρτί τα θέλουμε όλα. Θέλει πολύ να δουλέψει στο αντικείμενο του εξάλλου με αυτό ασχολείται όλη ημέρα και κάνει και service σε σπίτια. Εσύ τι λες να θέλει να είναι εργάτης και να ζορίζεται ; Προφανώς όχι.
@@annetarekali1529 Αυτό το καλό έχει η Πληροφορική. Δεν χρειάζεσαι να σου δώσει κάποιος την ευκαιρία για να δείξεις και να μάθεις. Μπορεί να το κάνεις μόνος σου όσο είσαι φοιτητής και μετά θα βρεις δουλεία σαν junior και θα εξελιχθείς αν το θες. Καταλαβαίνω τι λες και γενικά ισχύει αλλά στην πληροφορική υπάρχει πολύ μεγάλη ζήτηση. Πες του ποτέ δεν είναι αργά, ΑΝ βέβαια του αρέσει αυτή η δουλεία.
@@TheGentlemanGR Ναι φυσικά εννοείται πως το κυνηγάει. 🙂
LOL = League of Legends
The sampling here is skewed. You're only interviewing people during the day walking around on the streets, not those actually working. Wouldn't it be impossible to maintain a country with a population only marketing, gaming, modeling, engaging in animal activism?
The main picture is valid. Working conditions in greece are not even close to the appropriate and proper conditions of europe. The only ones that can relate are the italians that experience almost the same conditions.
@@savvasCHg You think that the rest of Europe is good? Bro, there have been multiple videos basically speaking about how most Europeans feel like wageslaves, and you're telling me it's ok in the rest of Europe?
@@Pan472 nowhere is perfect, what im saying is that basic working rights like working the hours you suppose to work and get paid for them which is something natural to the rest of europe and non negotiable, doeasnt translate fully to the greek reality.
@@savvasCHg Except it isn't. Especially in big multinationals. Amazon and Facebook for example don't even nearly pay their employees what they're supposed to be paid. Plus that more and more people are working more and more hours now for less noney. And that's happening all around the West now, not just in Greece.
Maybe it was on the weekend though! And even so, who could possibly interview a representative sample of workers whose jobs you would consider "valuable" or something? Secretary, waiter, marketing, model, teacher, visual artist, pensioner, student...: I would call that a very nice and varied sample of people, actually!
edw menw!
sth Stokholmh.
tou notou.
Έιναι κάποιος γνωστός (έστω youtuber) αυτός στο 3:46;
(Δεν εννοώ τον sarkazo)
Ακόμα δεν έχουμε μάθει!
Είναι ο sarkazos και ο (ο ασβός)
Εντομεταξύ αυτός που τρολλαρει έχει ίδια φωνή με μικρουτσικο
slavery... just saved you 9 mins and 22 secs...
i see slaves everywhere........
Me too.. Marilena
Όλοι παιδιά της εστίασης και μετά σας φταινε οι ξένοι
Ελλαδα μονοο
easy Greek?Gosh...they are speaking so fast 😅
That man with the Russian hat,said that a delivery boy is working for 12€ a day?
Maybe you should change the name of your country to something more.... oriental,from the Indian subcontinent, perhaps...
Delivery boys in Greece can make like 1.000€ every month.
Babis was propably working a few hours
Actually, they make much more money just from the tips (1 euro per delivery is the minimum).
Just don't
εγώ αγαπήσω το πρώτο άνδρα < 3 X D
Θελω να κανω παρεα με τον τυπαρα σαν τον κοντοποδη ειναι τον λατρευω 🤣
Oh damn we expose ourselves...unfortunately its true thankfully me and my mother bought a Cafe so we work on outlr own but the 2 employers i had were nice and gently...tho nowdays the cafe owners prefer to hire someone pretty sexy girl for the image even if the coffee she makes is awful...the funny part is that they all prefer to spend their money there instead of somewhere more preferable
So the people hiring the sexy girl are making the right business decision? 🤔
@@EasyGreekVideos no i was trying to say the opposite they prefer image instead of quality...only to attract some dudes around but they will think about the money they are spending cuz nowdays money doesn't grow on trees so eventually they will probably go somewhere else...the Cafe owners dont give the opportunity to girls that they dont have great body or look..they close the doors inthe most kid's faces and this might cause insecure or many else....we must accept everyone thays what im trying to say i hope i put that more clear 😊🤔