What is Orthodoxy?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • What is Orthodoxy?
    Orthodoxy, i.e. right (correct) belief, is the truth itself. According to the confession of Christ Himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6)
    He is the truth incarnate. We can find and can know the truth only in the person of Christ; therefore we can be saved only in Christ.
    According to the afore-said, Orthodoxy - Truth - is identified with Christ, Who is the Eternal Truth. And due to the fact that God the Trinity is the source of truth, His mode of existence is also truth, the fundamental and eternal Orthodoxy, which men have been called to follow in their own lives.
    Orthodoxy is the holy tradition of our Church, the truth about God, man, and the world that was delivered to us by God Incarnate Himself. Orthodoxy is the right faith and right worship of God. Orthodoxy is the pure Christianity, the real Church established and preserved by Christ for the salvation of mankind.
    Man comes to truth, i.e. to Christ (incarnate Orthodoxy) only in His body, the Church.
    The Church was founded in the world because only in it can man find again his real existence and communion with God and the rest of the world.
    The salvation that Christ granted to us through His Crucifixion and Resurrection, is continued in the Church.
    That means that the Church is Christ, Who, even after His Resurrection and Ascension, continues saving the world in the Holy Spirit. Humanity continuously finds God in the body of Christ, in the Church.
    That is why we cannot separate Christ from the Church. There can be no Church without Christ and there can be no Christ outside the Church, i.e. there can be no truth and consequently no salvation.
    Christ as entire truth - Orthodoxy - leads us to our salvation through His Church.
    Doctrines, however, as rules of faith do not destroy the unity of the Truth. They create the boundaries of Orthodoxy, of the Church, so that the Church, as Orthodoxy, can be distinguished from heresy…. For the Church, the foundation of faith is one: the fullness of truth in Christ.”
    “Orthodoxy is what Christ taught, the Apostles preached, and the Fathers kept.”
    (St. Athanasios the Great)
    “Orthodoxy is a true conception about God and creation.”
    (St. Anastasios the Sinaite)
    “Orthodoxy is not merely another of the many ‘Christian confessions’ now in existence, or as it is expressed here in America ‘denominations.’ Orthodoxy is the true, undistorted, unperverted by any human sophistry or invention, genuine teaching of Christ in all its purity and fullness-the teaching of faith and piety which is life according to the Faith.
    Orthodoxy is not only the sum total of dogmas accepted as true in a purely formal manner. It is not only theory, but practice; it is not only right Faith, but a life which agrees in everything with this Faith. The true Orthodox Christian is not only he who thinks in an Orthodox manner, but who feels according to Orthodoxy and lives Orthodoxy, who strives to embody the true Orthodox teaching of Christ in his life.
    Orthodoxy is the one and only Truth, the pure Truth, without any admixture (mixing) or the least shadow of falsehood, lie, evil or fraud.
    This then is what is Orthodoxy, or True Christianity!”
    (+Archbishop Averky of Syracuse & Holy Trinity Monastery)
    “All truths of Orthodoxy emerge from the one Truth and converge on one Truth, infinite and eternal. That Truth is the God-man Christ. If you experience any truth of Orthodoxy to its limit, you will inevitably discover that its kernel is the God-man Christ. In fact, all truths of Orthodoxy are nothing other than different aspects of the one Truth - the God-man Jesus Christ.”
    “To be Orthodox means to have the God-man Christ constantly in your soul, to live in Him, think in Him, feel in Him, act in Him. In other words, to be Orthodox means to be a Christ-bearer and a Spirit-bearer.”
    (St. Justin Popovich)
    “What is Orthodoxy? Orthodoxy is the truth. It is the correct dogma of God, man, and the world, as it was handed to us by the incarnate God himself through His extraordinary teaching, His holy life, and His redeeming sacrifice; as it was detailed, in the following, by the divinely inspired mind and heart of the Apostle Paul; as it was brought to life by the disciple of love, St. John the Evangelist, and the other Evangelists and Apostles with heavenly light of the Holy Spirit; as it was handed to us by the spirit-moved fathers of Alexandria, Constantinople, Cappadocia, Syria, Palestine, and, later Mount Athos. All these individuals, from the venerable St. Polycarp… up until St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite…through their wisdom, holiness, sacrifices, and struggles entrusted us with the inheritance of proper faith and life: the treasure of Orthodox tradition.”
    (+Geronda Ephraim of Arizona)

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