I've used it a bunch now and it's great. So far all of the designs I've tried have only needed minimal refinement, mostly to clean up all the text and stuff they include on the file.
Great video. Funny I was looking for a website like this. Love the logo showing through. Only thing I would add it the words Thank You above it. Also the custom folding tool was a great idea.
Very smart, the use of the 3D printed wrapping tool! Does the lasercutting leave the box with a pungent burnt cellulose smell? Greetings from the Netherlands.
Unfortunately no. It's just a 5-sided shape that is closed on one end and extruded walls out to the length that works for you. It was really only designed around my pen sizes. Only took me a few minutes to create the model so I didn't bother saving it.
Yes, that's one option but ultimately these would be stacked 3 to a sheet so it was easier to just split them into multiple files. As for moving the one to the tool layer, about the same effort since I still needed to move the layers around anyway. But absolutely cut selected is an option if you only want to send certain shapes to the laser.
Excellent video. Don't be offended if I steal a few ideas (with attribution of course) for my own channel because I have a similar problem with custom packaging.
Howdy, Cape Coral Here. Lightburn Fan too. Great Video!
Coincidence? I'm in Cape Coral too.
Ingenious. Love the idea. I also had never heard of that website. Looks like a great resource. Thank you!
I've used it a bunch now and it's great. So far all of the designs I've tried have only needed minimal refinement, mostly to clean up all the text and stuff they include on the file.
*Always enjoy your videos!* Great project and resource! It inspired a video, and I'll credit you in it. _You really need more subs!_
Thanks Rich! I appreciate that and look forward to seeing what it inspired.
@@thetinkerverse I'll tag you in the video.
Neat. Informative. Beautifully elegant.
Great video! Thank you!
Thanks for watching!
Great video. Funny I was looking for a website like this. Love the logo showing through. Only thing I would add it the words Thank You above it. Also the custom folding tool was a great idea.
Yep, that's not a bad idea
Very cool thank you for sharing. Everyone stay safe, happy, cool and healthy. From Henrico County Virginia
Appreciate the kind words.
Very smart, the use of the 3D printed wrapping tool! Does the lasercutting leave the box with a pungent burnt cellulose smell? Greetings from the Netherlands.
There is some smell but it seems to dissipate much faster than with wood or acrylic.
Could you post a link for the glue applicator? Thanks.
Here is an Amazon link for them but you can find them at local craft stores as well: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09KJCYLKX
@@thetinkerverse Thank you
Any chance of a link to the 3d printed jig? Thanks
Unfortunately no. It's just a 5-sided shape that is closed on one end and extruded walls out to the length that works for you. It was really only designed around my pen sizes. Only took me a few minutes to create the model so I didn't bother saving it.
@@thetinkerverse Ok thanks anyway. Great Video.
You might want to use the 'Cut selected objects' option just to make life easier.
Yes, that's one option but ultimately these would be stacked 3 to a sheet so it was easier to just split them into multiple files. As for moving the one to the tool layer, about the same effort since I still needed to move the layers around anyway.
But absolutely cut selected is an option if you only want to send certain shapes to the laser.
Excellent video. Don't be offended if I steal a few ideas (with attribution of course) for my own channel because I have a similar problem with custom packaging.
Go for it! We're all here to help and I appreciate the offer to give credit :)
Cool idea. Thanks Can you send me the stl file for the 3d Print?