If you are new to disc golf and watching this, this video is absolute gas. Pay attention to this man. This man is the way. I can throw 420+ and I I’ve been playing for 8 months
Man, this explains my issue. I could never find why it looks like I'm trying to eat my shoulder. Muscles near my scapula get sore as well, so this makes so much sense. Thank you for this. Your channel and teaching is A+
Another banger. This elbow dip was an issue for me for the same reason. I lift weights and keeping elbows tucked is a queue for benching and shoulder press. Took me a while to be ok with my shoulder and scapula to not be retracted. Exaggerating the movement in the beginning like Niklas Anttila or other Finn's helps immensely.
In this case, strength doesn’t matter, right? Hence why the focus is on longer levers and acceleration of the whip? In other words, whips don’t have muscles.
Really the longer and thinner you are the more time and space the disc has to accelerate. You also spin faster because you can bring the disc even closer to center of mass before the slingshot forward. Muscle helps some but it's not required at all.
I felt like this was a personal lesson because it rang so true for me and my form issues. This is me 100%. This is so helpful. Thanks for the house call Doc!
Great video Spin Doctor! The elbow dip is the problem I'm currently trying to fix, so it's a really nice coincidence that you just happen to upload a video on it. I'll definitely try out your tips! Also, your 1-on-1 video instruction series have all been really great and helpful.
Aivan loistava video. Videolta kun katsonut omaa heittoa niin tapahtuu juuri tuo lavalla veto olkapäätä taaksepäin. En oo yhtään vaan ymmärtäny mistä johtuu ja miten korjata ja pitäisikö korjata. Kävin äsken heittämässä muutaman testiheiton niin lähtipä heitto napakasti. Normaalisti "ruoskaefektin" aikaan saaminen onnistuu ilman kiekkoa helposti, mutta kiekon kanssa menee puristamiseksi. Nyt tuntui että ruoska lähti hyvinkin napakasti kiekkokin kädessä. Kiitos Jaani tästä 🙏
Thank you for making this video, Jaani! This is actually my number 1 problem in terms of swing path issues. And while it's possible to work around this issue, or just live with it, I believe it's best to fix it completely. This issue does more than produce a nose-up effect on the disc when it releases. It actually creates off-axis torque, making the disc less stable in flight. This requires more hyzer to off-set, or a more stable disc. There are also workarounds (suitcase drill to bring the elbow up, cocking the wrist more to increase spin), but I see them as flawed, because they only minimize the problem, but don't eliminate it.
Tee vaan lisää videoita ja oo ihan luvallisesti ahne. Taas tuli tarpeellista tietoa. Eikun kyynerpää hiukan ylemmäs. Meen tästä kentälle harjoittelemaan. Kiitos.
Fantastic video! Some great concepts relayed here, that I have not heard elsewhere, and are really helping my novice throw get better. I think this video, together with the 'Rotate your hips' and "Moose' videos, make for a great primer for understanding the backhand throw. Cheers to you good sir, and thanks for posting these fantastic videos.
One thing that came to mind while thinking about the concepts you put forth here; It seems like part of proper form is to keep your forearm on the throw line, at chest height, as long as possible, until the elbow has 'smashed the target'. Does that sound correct? After watching this a few times, I was troubled with how to get my body to not pull, when trying to execute the throwing motion. How to leave the arm and shoulder 'extended' and relaxed. One thing that helped, at least mentally, was to first, look at the stills of the best players at the point of release, with their shoulder extended, as you showed in the video. Then, I held my arm out, disc in hand like I was at the release point, and worked backward through the throwing motion: 1) bending the forearm back in at the elbow, which brought the forearm in parallel with the throwing line, 2) moving the upper arm (elbow moving 'backwards') until it was at a 90° angle with my chest, 3) ROTATING the SHOULDERS to then push the forearm back, along the throwing line to where the throw begins. Thoughts? Now if I can just incorporate that information, with the lower body and HIPS motion, and get all the timing worked out... all while KEEPING IT SIMPLE. It feels like a much improved throw is right around the corner.
Thanks! Yes, sounds about right. Too many minute details to my liking, but the beginning is always the phase when you have to think about the moves. After a while you probably just slam the elbow to the target and the fist moves how you describe it, without moving it consciously.
Well... it happened... I got my first ACE last night! :-o throwing at the school yard course at the end of my street at dusk. 217ft. It was the end of the round, had already played the 9 hole course, but played #2 again, since it is on the walk home. Threw an easy 'who cares' hyzer (lefty) somewhat thinking about leading with the elbow and putting the disc in my arm pit. It flew out effortlessly, and flipped up in front of the dim sky (which is relatively new for me). Thought it might run long... could not really tell since it was twilight. Then the Sarah Hokem Crave dumped down at the end, to the right. I saw the flash of the white rim in front of the dark canopy of the tree just back, and to the left, of the basket. And then... CHAINS!!! I was not sure if it went in, or just hit chains. It sounded like it did, but I was stupified in the dusk. My partner said.... "that went iN THE BASKET!!", and sure enough, it was in there. :-D Thanks for the vids that have helped me develop a throw that can ACE! :-)
This will sound ridiculous BUT it’s like I know I am doing this. I can see and feel that I am doing this. Everything you say makes 100% sense BUT saying not do it anymore just doesn’t help. It’s almost like I am hoping for that one phrase or sentence that will make the light bulb go off. How do we NOT do this? Just trial and error? I’m recovering from a full Achilles rupture back in late January. Started slowly playing over a month ago and now I do the elbow dip, the nose up, the tight neck, etc etc. It’s frustrating!
Push the shoulder down, relax the arm but still try to move the disc like you're doing a bicep curl, keeping the shoulder pushed forward. Key is to not retract the shoulder blade. Good luck.
This was one of the tips I needed to hear. I was "pulling" like you said and not letting the motion of my hips and abs pull my arm through the pocket. Going to test this now!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for making this video. Can't wait to get to the field and work on this tomorrow. Your tips on bracing, extension not "reaching back" (the one with the imagery of pulling something out of your pocket and extending directly forward where the "reach back" is actual just an illusion created by proper body rotation), and now this one have been game changers for the quality of my form training. And let's not forget the "pivot and pop" Dunipace OG reference during your easy forehand video. 1- Toe touch triggers the start of the disc motion 2l.Extension not reaching 3.Not pulling but whipping 4.Pivot and Pop! Have become my mental checklist during field sessions. Thank you for being you and making this content Spin Doctor! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for another great video! I've watched a lot of different disc golf videos since i started, and youre so good at explaining similar things but in a different and better way. Great teacher.
Oh my god! This is so triggering to me. I love that you pointed out my problem exactly, but I'm so frustrated that I have practiced using my scapula all the time since I started playing.
Amazing that we can hear that pop through the microphone as you whip! That looks nothing like when I try to throw. I am a convicted 100% puller. Everything is done with my shoulder, arm, and back. Front delt always gets sore if I throw too many and I've probably never got one past 100 M / 330 ft The correct concepts and form you show will require me to somehow ignore or put to sleep 20 years of hard-drilled (drilled as in "executed on purpose consistently until it is automatic, incorrect muscle memory
Been struggling with repeated shoulder injuries from muscling and pulling disc. After watching this, even with a sore shoulder I went in the yard and threw a midrange 240ft. Which for me is a record. I think the light bulb finally went off on shoulder/scapular roles in the throw. Thanks so much!
I hope the locals at my home course watch this so they know why I have suddenly started playing disc golf in a bikini top. I suspected that pulling was why my elbow was low and I had always noticed how much Val juts her shoulder forward. I am going to point my camera at my shoulder next time I play….hence the bikini top so I can see that scapula. Thanks for another awesome tip.
This video just blew my mind, can't wait to experiment with it and try the whip thing at 4.45. I've heard it explained so many times, and watched it. But the sound queue and the real time video suddenly made something click into place in my understanding. Will report back lol. 🤙
@@dgspindoctor Well suddenly I threw a putter 90 meters+, but after just 4 throws I burst a blood vessel in my index finger on the bottom 1/3rd. I now have blood under the skin trapped and it looks bruised as hell. Strapped it up and can't play now 😅😅😅😓
Super helpful pointer. Never heard this tip before and it made me realize the crux of why I cant get consistent whip. That and not being able to brace as I fall forward every throw.
Fantastic video, Jaani! This helps! I've been telling all my friends to follow you. You need to get some DG Spin Doctor branded Hawaiian shirts or hats. I'd buy one or 5 😅
Great video! I would ask though, you say you are not tensing anything; do you do something to stop your elbow from collapsing in? I have the issue that even though I am able to reach out, unless I really tense my shoulder off, I end up "hugging myself".
Do you have any drills to combat this issue? I’ve been trying to stop “pulling the lawnmower” for the last year, but I can’t help it. The more power I use, the more I inadvertently shrug my shoulder.
Try to push the elbow out at all times as you throw. As far from the body as you can. Let the lower arm hang loose, don't even think about it. Over-do this and see where it takes you.
Do you do form reviews? I submitted my form to two different pros and I’m honestly just confused at this point. When I watch myself in slo mo i look EXACTLY like you said. I’m obviously tensing and using my back muscles really hard to throw. Both the pros told me I need to get the disc closer to my body, but I feel like that’s not what I need to focus on first. Maybe it is, but I would like to get a third pair of eyes on this.
In summary, keep your head down and stay loose and athletic and allow your body to extend and follow through the motion. If you hear it 1000 times 1000 different ways in every sport it'll stick eventually.
@@dgspindoctor Itselle ainakin tehnyt paljon hallaa se, että oppinut aikanaan sen vetotekniikan. Yllättävän hankala ollut sitä sitten korjata. Vaikka vetämisestä päässyt pikkuhiljaa muilta osin eroon, niin vielä tuli vähän huomaamatta tuo olkapään vetoliike. Sen kun sai pois, niin alkoi piiska toimimaan. Eihän tätäkään ohjetta meinannut uskoa ennenkö sai alle sen onnistuneen heiton ja pystyi asian itse toteamaan😃 Oli kyllä semmonen aha-hetki, kun huomasi kuinka vaivattomasti pystyi "pitkälle" heittämään.
This is exactly what I do and have pain in my teres muscle, elbow, and throw nose up without a lot of distance. My front foot lands open on the brace too and hard to fix all of these bad habits.
How? Because I am like you. I have gone through ALL the mistakes, errors and flaws one can have. And then figured out the reason, and worked on them. That's how.
Pulling = Muscling. Muscling = Bad. We need to let go of these poor archaic terms used in disc golf and use proper language to engage our bodies properly with proper instructions. This pounding the square peg in the round hole thing needs to end. People keep teaching and describing the disc golf swing with so many poor words that don't actually describe the correct action that is happening. Better Language = Faster more efficient actions.
The funny thing about terminology is for some people it's not a blocker, but for others it is. Which is why it's better to use more accurate terminology - it helps those who get trapped into doing the wrong thing because of it. The term "pull" has been around forever with frisbees and discs, yet for some people it has them doing the wrong thing when throwing. I think "backswing" and "swing" need to be used more than "reach" and "pull" - not just because they're more technically correct, but they evoke better imagery.
I am guilty as charged. Pretty sure this was my mistake (one of many) that I was making tonight. I like the thought of pushing shoulder out to make arm as long as possible (especially with my T-rex arms).
Good! And after a while you probably don't have to push it out, just let it go there. Just like the power pocket: first you have to curl the disc hard, but after a while it might just go there effortlessly if you just allow it to. Good luck!
@@dgspindoctor i have some serious problem with moving the disc straight. It either goes up giving air bounce or down making it hit the ground, even though the nose is down. Still get woobly since i cant make it "a straight line".
"elbow dip" as you call it IS NOT A PROBLEM. its not a bad thing in any way. what it really is, is just a different form and natural mechanical style of the person. just because you think it is wrong for you does not give you an excuse for telling everybody else that its a real thing. its just a thing for you personally. let people have their own style and body mechanics. this "elbow dip" has nothing to do with fundimental throwing mechanics. thumbs down for the video and the misinformation you are spreading here.
If you are new to disc golf and watching this, this video is absolute gas. Pay attention to this man. This man is the way. I can throw 420+ and I I’ve been playing for 8 months
Wow, thank you for your kind words!
@@dgspindoctor do you offer form reviews? Would love to hear your thoughts
@@brianr1491 At some point I will open that service online, too.
Man, this explains my issue. I could never find why it looks like I'm trying to eat my shoulder. Muscles near my scapula get sore as well, so this makes so much sense. Thank you for this. Your channel and teaching is A+
I had the same, for years. Now less, but the damage is done.
🎉😂 i gained a quick 20-30 ft on my first 20-30 drives in my feild. Thank you!!!❤
Keep it up!
Another banger. This elbow dip was an issue for me for the same reason. I lift weights and keeping elbows tucked is a queue for benching and shoulder press. Took me a while to be ok with my shoulder and scapula to not be retracted. Exaggerating the movement in the beginning like Niklas Anttila or other Finn's helps immensely.
Yup, same same. And that is just natural! Shorter levers mean more strength, and activating the back makes all the difference in the gym.
In this case, strength doesn’t matter, right? Hence why the focus is on longer levers and acceleration of the whip? In other words, whips don’t have muscles.
Does Eagle McMahon have muscles?
Lol, exactly. My mind went to Gannon.
Really the longer and thinner you are the more time and space the disc has to accelerate. You also spin faster because you can bring the disc even closer to center of mass before the slingshot forward. Muscle helps some but it's not required at all.
I felt like this was a personal lesson because it rang so true for me and my form issues. This is me 100%. This is so helpful. Thanks for the house call Doc!
At your service.
Now I know why my neck gets kinda sore after a round.
I came for a broken elbow and you fixed my neck. Thanks Doc!
This has been my problem for so long! Nobody has been able to explain why and how to fix it until this video. Thank you!
Thanks. I believe this might the cause of your problem, but could always be other explanations, too.
I’m grateful RUclips tells me as soon as you upload a video
Magic of our times!
This is really helpful! Your videos has really helped me understand how to improve my form. Thank you!
This helped me realize I 100% am pulling. Seeing the difference in that side shot and what your musculature does was great.
Great video Spin Doctor! The elbow dip is the problem I'm currently trying to fix, so it's a really nice coincidence that you just happen to upload a video on it. I'll definitely try out your tips! Also, your 1-on-1 video instruction series have all been really great and helpful.
Aivan loistava video. Videolta kun katsonut omaa heittoa niin tapahtuu juuri tuo lavalla veto olkapäätä taaksepäin. En oo yhtään vaan ymmärtäny mistä johtuu ja miten korjata ja pitäisikö korjata. Kävin äsken heittämässä muutaman testiheiton niin lähtipä heitto napakasti. Normaalisti "ruoskaefektin" aikaan saaminen onnistuu ilman kiekkoa helposti, mutta kiekon kanssa menee puristamiseksi. Nyt tuntui että ruoska lähti hyvinkin napakasti kiekkokin kädessä. Kiitos Jaani tästä 🙏
Hienoo että alkaa loksahtelee!
Your teaching is gold! "Reaching Back" "Pulling" all things I do. Your videos have drastically been changing my game, thank you sir.
Best Disc Golf instructor of all time absolute 🐐
Wow, much said. But thank you!
There a lot of disc throwing videos that don’t make sense.
This one was the clearest one I’ve seen so far. Thx!
I need to watch all of your videos. Hope you had a good holiday!
This is the thing I was missing after the winter. You showed me this last autumn but I totally forgot it during the winter. Cool
Which in other terms reset my nervous system to go back to "pulling" the disc.
There is no pull. :)
That is right, you want to help us and yourself . It's nothing wrong with that .
Actually, I only want to help others. My playing career is over, and my focus is solely on teaching now.
Thank you for making this video, Jaani! This is actually my number 1 problem in terms of swing path issues. And while it's possible to work around this issue, or just live with it, I believe it's best to fix it completely. This issue does more than produce a nose-up effect on the disc when it releases. It actually creates off-axis torque, making the disc less stable in flight. This requires more hyzer to off-set, or a more stable disc. There are also workarounds (suitcase drill to bring the elbow up, cocking the wrist more to increase spin), but I see them as flawed, because they only minimize the problem, but don't eliminate it.
Yes, address the cause not the symptom.
Tee vaan lisää videoita ja oo ihan luvallisesti ahne. Taas tuli tarpeellista tietoa. Eikun kyynerpää hiukan ylemmäs. Meen tästä kentälle harjoittelemaan. Kiitos.
You taught the unteachable. How to throw relaxed. Thank you!
This explains my issue so well!! And when you described the bending over part, I said "that's what I look like!". Thank you for the help.
Love the "whip" analogy vs. the dreaded "pull". Thx!
Very helpful, i see exactly what you mean when you say the neck muscles and shoulder muscles are tense and there is now whip motion when that happens
Fantastic video! Some great concepts relayed here, that I have not heard elsewhere, and are really helping my novice throw get better. I think this video, together with the 'Rotate your hips' and "Moose' videos, make for a great primer for understanding the backhand throw. Cheers to you good sir, and thanks for posting these fantastic videos.
One thing that came to mind while thinking about the concepts you put forth here; It seems like part of proper form is to keep your forearm on the throw line, at chest height, as long as possible, until the elbow has 'smashed the target'. Does that sound correct?
After watching this a few times, I was troubled with how to get my body to not pull, when trying to execute the throwing motion. How to leave the arm and shoulder 'extended' and relaxed. One thing that helped, at least mentally, was to first, look at the stills of the best players at the point of release, with their shoulder extended, as you showed in the video. Then, I held my arm out, disc in hand like I was at the release point, and worked backward through the throwing motion: 1) bending the forearm back in at the elbow, which brought the forearm in parallel with the throwing line, 2) moving the upper arm (elbow moving 'backwards') until it was at a 90° angle with my chest, 3) ROTATING the SHOULDERS to then push the forearm back, along the throwing line to where the throw begins. Thoughts?
Now if I can just incorporate that information, with the lower body and HIPS motion, and get all the timing worked out... all while KEEPING IT SIMPLE. It feels like a much improved throw is right around the corner.
Thanks! Yes, sounds about right. Too many minute details to my liking, but the beginning is always the phase when you have to think about the moves. After a while you probably just slam the elbow to the target and the fist moves how you describe it, without moving it consciously.
@@dgspindoctor Exactly! Thinking about the throw is not what I want to do.but glad to hear it sounds about right. Thanks again!
Well... it happened... I got my first ACE last night! :-o throwing at the school yard course at the end of my street at dusk. 217ft. It was the end of the round, had already played the 9 hole course, but played #2 again, since it is on the walk home. Threw an easy 'who cares' hyzer (lefty) somewhat thinking about leading with the elbow and putting the disc in my arm pit. It flew out effortlessly, and flipped up in front of the dim sky (which is relatively new for me). Thought it might run long... could not really tell since it was twilight. Then the Sarah Hokem Crave dumped down at the end, to the right. I saw the flash of the white rim in front of the dark canopy of the tree just back, and to the left, of the basket. And then... CHAINS!!! I was not sure if it went in, or just hit chains. It sounded like it did, but I was stupified in the dusk. My partner said.... "that went iN THE BASKET!!", and sure enough, it was in there. :-D
Thanks for the vids that have helped me develop a throw that can ACE! :-)
People clearly starting to ace more after watching me... I mean, good, but I am not the one throwing the disc! 😀
This will sound ridiculous BUT it’s like I know I am doing this. I can see and feel that I am doing this. Everything you say makes 100% sense BUT saying not do it anymore just doesn’t help. It’s almost like I am hoping for that one phrase or sentence that will make the light bulb go off. How do we NOT do this? Just trial and error? I’m recovering from a full Achilles rupture back in late January. Started slowly playing over a month ago and now I do the elbow dip, the nose up, the tight neck, etc etc. It’s frustrating!
Push the shoulder down, relax the arm but still try to move the disc like you're doing a bicep curl, keeping the shoulder pushed forward. Key is to not retract the shoulder blade.
Good luck.
This was one of the tips I needed to hear. I was "pulling" like you said and not letting the motion of my hips and abs pull my arm through the pocket.
Going to test this now!
To be clear, I think I never said let the hips and abs pull the arm, because they don't. You will use the arm, but not by tensing the scapula.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for making this video. Can't wait to get to the field and work on this tomorrow. Your tips on bracing, extension not "reaching back" (the one with the imagery of pulling something out of your pocket and extending directly forward where the "reach back" is actual just an illusion created by proper body rotation), and now this one have been game changers for the quality of my form training. And let's not forget the "pivot and pop" Dunipace OG reference during your easy forehand video.
1- Toe touch triggers the start of the disc motion
2l.Extension not reaching
3.Not pulling but whipping
4.Pivot and Pop!
Have become my mental checklist during field sessions. Thank you for being you and making this content Spin Doctor! Keep up the great work!
Thanks man!
To the first one I would clarify it's the heel touch, or rather heel push down that lets you KNOW
it's time to GO
and THROW.
@@dgspindoctor Thank you for the clarification on the heel touch. Toe hits first, heel drops that pulls the trigger.
The best throwing technique video Ive seen. Good job 👍🏼🤘🏻🙏
Thank you!
I hate that I'm just now seeing this. I'm 100% sure this is killing my form and distance. Gotta get to a field! You da man!!!
Extending the scapula is a very good visual for me, thanks!
Thanks for another great video! I've watched a lot of different disc golf videos since i started, and youre so good at explaining similar things but in a different and better way. Great teacher.
Great to hear!
Amazing tip!
Your videos help me so much brother ! 😁👍🏻
best tips on the internet
Oh my god! This is so triggering to me. I love that you pointed out my problem exactly, but I'm so frustrated that I have practiced using my scapula all the time since I started playing.
Thank you Jaani for making this video, this has been my biggest issue for a while!
I hope it helps!
I don’t know what he’s spinning more, the discs or the globe. Love the instruction. Love the vistas.
The fact is, when it throw the disc, the disc doesn't fly forward. The globe spins towards it.
ty, your msg. is very consitent on the throw. Thanks for the many ways to explain it in your videos.
Amazing that we can hear that pop through the microphone as you whip!
That looks nothing like when I try to throw. I am a convicted 100% puller. Everything is done with my shoulder, arm, and back. Front delt always gets sore if I throw too many and I've probably never got one past 100 M / 330 ft
The correct concepts and form you show will require me to somehow ignore or put to sleep 20 years of hard-drilled (drilled as in "executed on purpose consistently until it is automatic, incorrect muscle memory
Oh, the direction I have to push to keep the scapula protracted changes as the shoulders open!?
Am I understanding?
No, if I understand your question.
Your videos are the best man! I have a lot to work on, but it helps to know what I’m doing wrong
Thanks! Glad to help you out!
I love your videos. Keep up the good work!
Been struggling with repeated shoulder injuries from muscling and pulling disc. After watching this, even with a sore shoulder I went in the yard and threw a midrange 240ft. Which for me is a record. I think the light bulb finally went off on shoulder/scapular roles in the throw. Thanks so much!
I hope the locals at my home course watch this so they know why I have suddenly started playing disc golf in a bikini top. I suspected that pulling was why my elbow was low and I had always noticed how much Val juts her shoulder forward. I am going to point my camera at my shoulder next time I play….hence the bikini top so I can see that scapula. Thanks for another awesome tip.
This video has helped me so much. Thank you!
Thank you very much! I can’t wait to work on this
This video just blew my mind, can't wait to experiment with it and try the whip thing at 4.45. I've heard it explained so many times, and watched it. But the sound queue and the real time video suddenly made something click into place in my understanding. Will report back lol. 🤙
Yes, please do! I'm interested in hearing about your experience.
@@dgspindoctor Well suddenly I threw a putter 90 meters+, but after just 4 throws I burst a blood vessel in my index finger on the bottom 1/3rd. I now have blood under the skin trapped and it looks bruised as hell. Strapped it up and can't play now 😅😅😅😓
@@RockRidX That's a painful bubble, for sure. I used to get them, before I changed my grip.
Love your videos! Dayton Ohio, USA. Thanks for keeping them short, sweet, and informative!
Thanks! I try my best to squeeze my message to it's shortest possible form.
Your Pole drill really helps with this idea. Ty
The elbow is game change! Had some great effortless throws today keeping it more upright/ parallel. Ty
Good! This really is!
1000% my problem! DG Spin Doctor for the win!! Thank you!!
Thank YOU!
Super helpful pointer. Never heard this tip before and it made me realize the crux of why I cant get consistent whip. That and not being able to brace as I fall forward every throw.
The head going too early might be the biggest problem in falling over the brace.
I’m just gonna go ahead and say what everyone else is thinking: DG Spin Doctor is a disc golf sexy symbol! More shirtless tutorials please!
Haha, thanks. Well, you're the first one to say that, that's for sure. But I'll keep the shirt on. 🙂
Almost turned into a daft punk quote :) great vid!
Which is never a bad thing! Thanks!
This video describes my form error exactly! But what are the best drills to fix it? The spaghetti drill you posted a few weeks later?
That is one way to learn the extended arm, yes.
Spin doctor vs. overthrow match play needs to happen.
Fantastic video, Jaani! This helps!
I've been telling all my friends to follow you.
You need to get some DG Spin Doctor branded Hawaiian shirts or hats. I'd buy one or 5 😅
That is true. I need merchandise to sell. :)
Great video! I would ask though, you say you are not tensing anything; do you do something to stop your elbow from collapsing in? I have the issue that even though I am able to reach out, unless I really tense my shoulder off, I end up "hugging myself".
Thanks! I do, and all the pros do. They smash the elbow towards the target. You do have to use the arm, otherwise it collapses to your chest.
@@dgspindoctor Thanks a lot!
Do you have any drills to combat this issue? I’ve been trying to stop “pulling the lawnmower” for the last year, but I can’t help it. The more power I use, the more I inadvertently shrug my shoulder.
Try to push the elbow out at all times as you throw. As far from the body as you can. Let the lower arm hang loose, don't even think about it. Over-do this and see where it takes you.
Do you do form reviews? I submitted my form to two different pros and I’m honestly just confused at this point. When I watch myself in slo mo i look EXACTLY like you said. I’m obviously tensing and using my back muscles really hard to throw. Both the pros told me I need to get the disc closer to my body, but I feel like that’s not what I need to focus on first. Maybe it is, but I would like to get a third pair of eyes on this.
At this point I have my hands full of other work, sorry.
@ understand, I’m going to work on the pole drill, and spaghetti drill. I think those two will help out alot
What song is playing in the background??
I went out and played with a friend today and I swear I was talking about this and my nose up release problem. Stop reading my mind Spin Doctor!!!
Jk you're explanation was super helpful. Can't wait to get back out there to apply the lesson :)
I hope this helps. There might be other causes, too, but I believe this is the main culprit right here.
Easy concept for me to grasp. Difficult for me to execute .
Good info as always.... thanks!
You're welcome!
Great tips. Have a great time in Galapagos!
Thanks! I had already, and actually returned yesterday. There was no connection strong enough to upload a video.
Again, aaaaaaaaand into the backyard I go!!!
how far away should the elbow be away from the body in the powerpocket?
As far as possible
@@dgspindoctor you are the real goat
If you say so!
In summary, keep your head down and stay loose and athletic and allow your body to extend and follow through the motion. If you hear it 1000 times 1000 different ways in every sport it'll stick eventually.
Pretty much.
should the armpit be upwards or aimed towards yourself in the pocket
Arm pit? You mean the inside of the elbow? Not facing upwards.
@@dgspindoctor Yes, sorry elbow pit
Hahahah when ya said there the girl walked by ya lol good video tho!
Apua oli! Pienemmällä vaivalla heti lisämetrejä, ku lopetteli joutavan vetämisen👍
Tätä mä olen koettanut huonolla menestyksellä sanoa videoillani kolmen vuoden ajan. Tosi jees, että sulla loksahti!
@@dgspindoctor Itselle ainakin tehnyt paljon hallaa se, että oppinut aikanaan sen vetotekniikan. Yllättävän hankala ollut sitä sitten korjata. Vaikka vetämisestä päässyt pikkuhiljaa muilta osin eroon, niin vielä tuli vähän huomaamatta tuo olkapään vetoliike. Sen kun sai pois, niin alkoi piiska toimimaan. Eihän tätäkään ohjetta meinannut uskoa ennenkö sai alle sen onnistuneen heiton ja pystyi asian itse toteamaan😃 Oli kyllä semmonen aha-hetki, kun huomasi kuinka vaivattomasti pystyi "pitkälle" heittämään.
Just recorded myself last night and I definitely was using my shoulder to pull.
How tight do we grip the disc?
Not too hard, not too loose. I can't be more specific on this one.
This is exactly what I do and have pain in my teres muscle, elbow, and throw nose up without a lot of distance. My front foot lands open on the brace too and hard to fix all of these bad habits.
Here’s a comment and like for the algorithm, hopefully this video performs well!!
How does he know everything I do wrong and how to fix it the moment I begin to think something could be wrong.
How? Because I am like you. I have gone through ALL the mistakes, errors and flaws one can have. And then figured out the reason, and worked on them. That's how.
Not disputing him, but watch Jennifer Allen.
Pulling = Muscling.
Muscling = Bad.
We need to let go of these poor archaic terms used in disc golf and use proper language to engage our bodies properly with proper instructions.
This pounding the square peg in the round hole thing needs to end. People keep teaching and describing the disc golf swing with so many poor words that don't actually describe the correct action that is happening.
Better Language = Faster more efficient actions.
The funny thing about terminology is for some people it's not a blocker, but for others it is. Which is why it's better to use more accurate terminology - it helps those who get trapped into doing the wrong thing because of it. The term "pull" has been around forever with frisbees and discs, yet for some people it has them doing the wrong thing when throwing. I think "backswing" and "swing" need to be used more than "reach" and "pull" - not just because they're more technically correct, but they evoke better imagery.
@Nick Carroll Disc Golf id say more suffer than succeed from it based on all the form checks i do.
@@sarinhighwind I'm certainly one of it's victims! 😂
Are there any drills to work on this?
I'm starting to realise I am not (and never have been) much of a drill guy. But I will try to come up with something once I get back to the field.
@@dgspindoctor that’s fair, but is there something I can visualize to get my body to do that?
Try the Beto Drill, it is impossible to pull while doing beto drill from the throwing side pec
Yes, the beto drill is the best drill there is.
Nose upping - if we know what you mean, then it counts as a word 🤓
Can't wait to correct my lower half so I can start implementing this kind of stuff! Get ready for some more DMs!! Lol. Don't forget the sunscreen!! 👍
Brace + arm = Big distance
@@dgspindoctor Yes, Sensei! 😁
I am guilty as charged. Pretty sure this was my mistake (one of many) that I was making tonight. I like the thought of pushing shoulder out to make arm as long as possible (especially with my T-rex arms).
Good! And after a while you probably don't have to push it out, just let it go there. Just like the power pocket: first you have to curl the disc hard, but after a while it might just go there effortlessly if you just allow it to. Good luck!
Thumbs up for being greedy for perfecting form
More like because I want to have more time for talking about the form, making videos. My regular job is taking all the time!
this might help me to stop getting a "woobly" release :)
Also! Because the wrist is not working either of the disc goes down and up and the elbow is not curling and extending.
@@dgspindoctor i have some serious problem with moving the disc straight. It either goes up giving air bounce or down making it hit the ground, even though the nose is down. Still get woobly since i cant make it "a straight line".
how does it look from th side
Just like in the thumbnail.
Finlands worst disc golfer?
Nosi Uppiinnen
Did you pay Ken Climo for his picture?
Oh shite, I didn't.
There is no pull… there is no spoon
"elbow dip" as you call it IS NOT A PROBLEM. its not a bad thing in any way. what it really is, is just a different form and natural mechanical style of the person. just because you think it is wrong for you does not give you an excuse for telling everybody else that its a real thing. its just a thing for you personally. let people have their own style and body mechanics. this "elbow dip" has nothing to do with fundimental throwing mechanics. thumbs down for the video and the misinformation you are spreading here.
Thanks for watching!
Why you so combative bro?
I think the problem is actually the elbow tuck. When the elbow comes to close to the body. But elbow dip caused that for most people
Man, you really go out of your way to please your viewers to go all the way to Galapagos for this video! That's dedication for you!
I trusted that this one video would pay all the expenses, so it was a no brainer.
Really needed this reminder! Good job once again 🫡