Those couple I recognized as Indonesian by the language they spoke. "Just faith" is basically a common answer when someone asks you about religion, even among Muslims here in Indonesia. Just to give another perspective on the situation in Indonesia, I see it's a taboo thing to have a conversation between religions here in a public area or with a stranger unless you're close to the person. Plus, I believe there is a language barrier within them, that's why they use a liberal-POV answer as an escape mechanism to Ali's question. Eventually, I hope Allah gives them hidayah to find the real truth through Islam.
I'm sorry i have to disagree with you, we will talk about openly about religion if not in front public. Between friend who has knowledge about it we just talk casually. We didn't talk openly it might because we don't like to hurt others feeling, that's our main tradition. Sopa santun & tepa slira always put in front everything. But betwen ppl who knows each other, we like to talk openly especially from where i came. Surabayann don't get emotional easily. We said what we think. But her, ppl dont get insult/hurt. But i hate when ignorant talking about what they didn't know. And it happened everywhere these days.
@@pakpohappy actually the point Maulana made is the same as yours. In Indonesia, people don't discuss openly about religion if they both don't know very well each other because it may be offensive to express or comment of one's religion. So people would try to respect each other whatever the religion of one's belief is.
@@pakpohappy lol why disagree? your point almost the same with him. I recognized them as Indonesian Christian too, I heard they speak Indonesian when argue to each other. Btw this is speaker corner, so everyone can come to discuss whether they know each other or not. Yes sadly true, some Indonesia are blindly follow religion bcoz they born in that religion [whether it's Muslim, Christian, Hindu, buddha etc. Indonesia acknowledges 5 religions and Indonesian has freedom to choose their religion]. In Indonesia Christian, they just got doctrine since kids about Christianity n they not use reason, 'why my religion is the truth'. They just believe what their teacher/preachers said is true. It's more like blind faith. But in Islam n Quran, Allah told us many times to use reason, think and ponder over Qur'an.
@@DB5652-v3r Yeah, in philippines, the spanish force converted most of the population to christianity. This was a long time ago tho, so now a lot of the population is Christian because it was their forefather's religions.
Brother Muhammad Ali has such a clear understanding of things that most of people don't have.... He understands linguistics, he knows different religions' faiths, he so knowledgeable not only about Islam but also about other school of thoughts.... He is a Blessing to this generation.
Brother Ali sangat lembut dan sangat respect saat menyampaikan pesan kepada mereka. English: Bro Ali was so gentle and respectful when he delivered the message to them
i agree with what Ali said that they proposed liberalism without realizing it. if what they said is true Christian teach why is so many missionaries out there to promote Christianity. it happens here in Indonesia, especially in the rural and poor area
this is the first time i stumbled upon bro Ali..but mashallah his mannerism just stood out for me! May Allah bless us with good akhlak..keep going akhi! Jzkl
I wasn’t very pleased with the brother on the left interjecting into the conversation in an attempt to better pose a question, brother Muhamed is very capable of doing so, eloquent and very logical.
he is everywhere recently, i think he is learning to become next speaker as well. give him time and chance and hope that he become powerful speaker someday
I agree, he shouldn't ask answers while the brother is explaining. To me it's very rude and disrespectful. He also needs to converse in proper English too, not to say mine is better, not at all, but listening him talk confuses me and might make others confuse too. He needs to listen more or try take some English comprehension classes.
@@Musta8787 Its clear that his accent is from the subcontinent. I dont think anyone has to take English classes just bc their accent isnt a West accent.
@@pathwaytojannah1 Mohammad is actually very short name in Arabic with just 4 letters - محمد English is not a good language at all, but thanks to colonization it became a global communication source in current world.
@@icaicciai3171 Im actually arab myself أخي في الدين , i know the name Mohammed (Pbuh) is only 4 letters in arabic محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم) , what i meant is the transliteration is very important, because "Mohd" if you read it this way it can be either محد or مهد and that's not even close to how محمد is spelled/pronounced, i hope you understood what i meant my brother 👍
@@pathwaytojannah1 I agree. I’ve liked your original reply as well. My point is, it’s the problem with English. And people should try to avoid it. I am agreeing with you, and saying the same thing. People nowadays on internet oppose each other so you might have taken me wrong. :) I am learning Arabic btw. Thanks for the info.
بارك الله فيكم... اللهم اغفر لوالدينا و ارحمهما و اجمعنا معهما في الفردوس الأعلى مع الأنبياء و الشهداء و الصالحين و جميع موتى المسلمين.. اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين و انصرهم على من عاداهم.. رب إني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين... لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين..... ............. ......................... ............................... ..............
In historical contexts, a person who had reached puberty was not considered a child, and it was common for marriages to take place at that age. I am assuming you’re a Christian, so let me use that as a reference. In the Bible, Rebecca was 3 yrs old when she got married to Isaac. Also, the legal Canon law ,established by the Church, permitted the marriage of women starting from age 12 and the law remained until the 19th century.
I believe that the couple did not understand the question from the beginning of this conversation. That’s why they answers were a bit chaotic and irrelevant.
Wow.. i really love how brother Ali can identified that those 2 person is not worth for conversations... if he keep talking to them there will be no use because the man is already at defend mode, means that he will not reasoning anything instead he will disagree on whatever explanation you give.. im from indonesia and i know how youtube made speaker corner dakwah reach to indonesia.. and they give a lot of knowledge to the christian who sincerely want to use their logic and accept islam.. it is really upset them to see how islam grow out side indonesia, and many christians in indonesia now questioning 3 in 1 dogma and became moslem... i couldnt believe that some of them even tried to debate directly in SC based on faith only.. do they really think that they have better performance compare to american christian?
This is what we used to call "emotional based discussion" in speakers corner This Indonesian couple don't know how the speakers corners discussion run You will find this kind of debate mostly in Indonesian christian
My God. I don't know how dawa't in SC can handle all these irrational conversations. I, for one, cant do that. May Allah bless them and give them patience.
couple from Indonesia, I think. semoga mereka mendapatkan hidayah. di Indonesia butuh diskusi antar Agama seperti ini supaya banyak yang tau mana kebenaran walaupun kita mayoritas Islam tapi sepertinya diskusi antar agama khawatir terjadi clash. mungkin lumayan banyak di Indonesia Kristen tapi faham nya liberal, dan ada juga KTP Islam tp paham nya Liberal juga. wallahuallam bissawab
kebanyakan masih belum siap sih buat diskusi akademis atau secara tekstual. tapi diskusi gini udah ada sebenarnya di Indo walaupun gk kayak di speakers corner.
@@tucker4173 , betul sudah ada diskusi seperti ini kok. Tapi ya..orang Indonesia secara umum belum kuat sepertinya. Dalam konteks ini belum kuat untuk mendengar dan berdiskusi untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Wkwkwkk...
Even though blind faith is universal, It's a lot more common for Indonesians. That's why talking about faiths and religions are like taboo and can easily be harsh conflicts. .
afraid might not be a good term to use there. 'cause Muslims are the majority in Indonesia, that makes Muslims can't talk about religion in ordinary daily setting so blatantly, it can be seen as oppression. In Indonesia we don't have a setting like speakers corners where everyone put down barriers to engage with other faith. I believe that's what these Indonesian couple fails to do there, sadly.
Bro @@dhimmyjazzy696 I'm not trying to divide anything, as it's almost the same in every region. We have to admit that blind faiths are so common no matter what one's faith is. A friendly talk can easily be a big mass amok. So, usually we choose to not talking it over and everything's gonna be fine. .
gw sebenarnya juga bingung kenapa diskusi kaya gini dianggap tabu. selama diskusi berdasarkan sumber kan harusnya sah2 aja. kalau yg gw pikir sih masih banyak gk bisa terima realita atau gak siap untuk terima kalau argumennya patah.
He's smart just want to explain something without offend anyone. Peacefully & patiently. By the way in Indonesia some muslim love to debate and arguing. Sometimes they condescending, mocking, make fun or angry, threatening. They don't know how to act as muslim.
A shame that common sense needs to be explained these days. One may choose to believe anything is true or not true, but how would you go about determining whether your belief is indeed true? It's fine for anyone to believe what they want to but it's also insane to believe something to be true after it has been demonstrated to be false. What good is there is believing falsehood to be true? It's quintessentially living a lie.
Summary: The video script discusses a conversation between individuals of different religious beliefs, exploring topics such as faith, truth, and the concept of salvation. Highlights: 00:00-01:20 🗣 The participants discuss their different perspectives and understanding of faith and the capabilities of God. 01:21-02:44 🤝 They explore the reasons for their respective religious beliefs, touching on the core concept of salvation in Christianity. 02:45-04:10 🤔 The conversation shifts to the search for truth and the idea of multiple paths to reach the creator. 04:11-05:16 🙏 The participants reflect on the importance of freedom of belief and its relation to religion and humanity. 05:17-06:03 ❌ The differences between liberalism and Christianity are highlighted, emphasizing the specific beliefs and salvation requirements in Christianity. 06:04-06:24 🕌 The invitation to worship one creator in Islam is extended, emphasizing the rational and polite nature of the conversation.Key Insights💭 The discussion highlights the diverse perspectives and understandings of faith, showcasing the complexity of religious beliefs.💡 The concept of salvation plays a crucial role in Christianity, shaping the beliefs and practices of its followers.🌍 The participants recognize the importance of freedom of belief as a fundamental human right, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and understanding. 📖 The participants acknowledge the specific beliefs and requirements of Christianity, contrasting them with the idea of multiple paths to God.🔍 The search for truth and the question of how to discern it are central themes in the conversation, reflecting the participants’ desire for understanding. 🤝 Despite their differences, the participants engage in a rational and respectful dialogue, showcasing the potential for constructive discussions on matters of faith.⚖ The conversation highlights the delicate balance between individual beliefs and the broader societal understanding of religion, touching on the relationship between religion and humanity.
@@bryanspoty oooh you wouldn't believe that there's so many people are pushing this idea here in Indonesia. But they're, as you expected, mostly from non-muslim side of Indonesia.
Honestly I would like to see brother Ali to continue....but I guest brother Ali knew these couple's capacities to diggest words,so he left them to talk to the person next to him.
I know where they are coming from and I think there were a language barrier in discussion. They didn't really get what brother Ali was trying to say to them.
They just Didn't listen to him at all, they come with fixed opinion & is not open to hear others opinion. We can see the couple didn't listen at all , all they want to do only give one-side opinion
Quran chapter 15 vs 39 “[Iblis (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all.”
Kalu beragama dengan keyakinan saja ga perlu debat mana yg benar, karena setiap orang punya pendapat sendiri, kalau beragama berdasarkan kitab suci, hanya satu agama saja yang akan ditemukan yaitu islam😁
Indonesian people don't get used to having a debate that's why they can hardly control their emotion. Thank God they're in Hyde Park at least we can still see her smile.
BRO , why i feel like brother ALI was so pissed and angry that they two ganged up on him and didnt let him TALK thats the reason most probably he left ? , Allah Knows! i really dont know why PEOPLE like these woman and man , cant have a sincere talk or discussion why you need to " stop stop just listen to me and then thats it no more" poor this woman and man , May Allah guide them , Amin.
This husband and wife come from Indonesia.. Kalian yakin dengan agama Kristen dan menurut kalian itu bagus namun kalian juga mengatakan terserah apapun kepercayaan seseorang itu dan kamu mengatakan itu juga bagus, lalu apa bedanya keyakinan kalian dengan orang yang tidak menyakini ada nya tuhan?
Bro Muhammad Ali misunderstood what they have explain about freedom of choosing what they believe. When Paul said you will not safe if you don't believe in salvation, you here means for Christian not for all human. So, what those 2 guys trying to say is people can choose their way to God and it's not against any other religion including Christian. Bro Muhammad thinks it's against Christianity because he assume you is for so all human.
She didnot spread liberalism. You read Quran al-Baqarah: 256 and al-Kahfi: 29. there is no compulsion in religion, whatever you believe. the truth comes from Allah.
6:09 Yet they are christian who said for hindu, believing other than jesus is good. It's the same "It's good for a hindu to enter hellfire". If they really have faith in humanity, how could they said it's a good thing to see other mankind that have been guaranteed hell by their God. Wouldn't they want to save or at least give them warning ? The point is, it's a good thing to have a freedom of choice in religion, and islam teach that as well just like you quote in al baqarah and kahf, that's why we discuss, not forcing others our believe. But Allah never said it's a good thing for people to have faith other than to him.
Indonesian husband n wife.... religion in Indonesia is different. Many many of them are very religious, Hard for me to explain but their views are different but i they be surprised many Muslim know the Bible very well....
Bro Ali is always pleasant to hear. May Allah preserve him.
Love his Da’wah style. Nice, polite but don’t take nonsense as an answer.
His name is Muhammad Ali
Allahumma Ameen
He is good looking too
Brother Ali is one of the best speakers to speak at speakers corner. A very intelligent knowledgeable man. A true gentleman and a great role model.
Mashaalah on him. Is he originally Arab or Pakistani?
He is Egyptian I believe
I’m confused
His name is Ali or Mohammed?
@@ayanokojisenpaionce3092 both are his first name
Mohammed for sure his first name
Ali can be second name
Or family name
@@raiunoraiouno4660 he is from saudi
Muhammad Ali is the best, eloquent, great patience and manners. May Allah reward you brother.
Those couple I recognized as Indonesian by the language they spoke. "Just faith" is basically a common answer when someone asks you about religion, even among Muslims here in Indonesia. Just to give another perspective on the situation in Indonesia, I see it's a taboo thing to have a conversation between religions here in a public area or with a stranger unless you're close to the person. Plus, I believe there is a language barrier within them, that's why they use a liberal-POV answer as an escape mechanism to Ali's question. Eventually, I hope Allah gives them hidayah to find the real truth through Islam.
I'm sorry i have to disagree with you, we will talk about openly about religion if not in front public. Between friend who has knowledge about it we just talk casually. We didn't talk openly it might because we don't like to hurt others feeling, that's our main tradition. Sopa santun & tepa slira always put in front everything. But betwen ppl who knows each other, we like to talk openly especially from where i came. Surabayann don't get emotional easily. We said what we think. But her, ppl dont get insult/hurt.
But i hate when ignorant talking about what they didn't know. And it happened everywhere these days.
@@pakpohappy just for meme ktpmu nengdi? Lmao
@@pakpohappy He said the same thing bro.
@@pakpohappy actually the point Maulana made is the same as yours. In Indonesia, people don't discuss openly about religion if they both don't know very well each other because it may be offensive to express or comment of one's religion. So people would try to respect each other whatever the religion of one's belief is.
@@pakpohappy lol why disagree? your point almost the same with him.
I recognized them as Indonesian Christian too, I heard they speak Indonesian when argue to each other. Btw this is speaker corner, so everyone can come to discuss whether they know each other or not.
Yes sadly true, some Indonesia are blindly follow religion bcoz they born in that religion [whether it's Muslim, Christian, Hindu, buddha etc. Indonesia acknowledges 5 religions and Indonesian has freedom to choose their religion].
In Indonesia Christian, they just got doctrine since kids about Christianity n they not use reason, 'why my religion is the truth'. They just believe what their teacher/preachers said is true. It's more like blind faith.
But in Islam n Quran, Allah told us many times to use reason, think and ponder over Qur'an.
This couple doesn't want to discuss, they just wanted to be heard..
Yes correct. They don't understand what muhammad question. How to know the truth if Bible to many contradiction. They just with they faith
@@azlansyah8487 these people were conned through colonisation i am sure they are from those countries where mass conversations happened
@@DB5652-v3r Yeah, in philippines, the spanish force converted most of the population to christianity. This was a long time ago tho, so now a lot of the population is Christian because it was their forefather's religions.
Brother Muhammad Ali has such a clear understanding of things that most of people don't have.... He understands linguistics, he knows different religions' faiths, he so knowledgeable not only about Islam but also about other school of thoughts.... He is a Blessing to this generation.
I'm a SOUTH AFRICAN my grandfather from Indonesia and grandmother phillipines ALHAMDULLILAH very good kind characteristics
@sadiafortune4064 hmm your grandpa from Sulawesi island and its near Philippines,,,i guess your grandma is Moro people (South Philipines
Brother Ali is so fluent and calm to hear.. God bless you brother..
Brother Ali sangat lembut dan sangat respect saat menyampaikan pesan kepada mereka. English: Bro Ali was so gentle and respectful when he delivered the message to them
The learned one in Islam cannot lose, Alhamdulillah for knowledgeable people like Muhammad Ali here
i agree with what Ali said that they proposed liberalism without realizing it. if what they said is true Christian teach why is so many missionaries out there to promote Christianity. it happens here in Indonesia, especially in the rural and poor area
this is the first time i stumbled upon bro Ali..but mashallah his mannerism just stood out for me! May Allah bless us with good akhlak..keep going akhi! Jzkl
I wasn’t very pleased with the brother on the left interjecting into the conversation in an attempt to better pose a question, brother Muhamed is very capable of doing so, eloquent and very logical.
he is everywhere recently, i think he is learning to become next speaker as well. give him time and chance and hope that he become powerful speaker someday
I agree, he shouldn't ask answers while the brother is explaining. To me it's very rude and disrespectful. He also needs to converse in proper English too, not to say mine is better, not at all, but listening him talk confuses me and might make others confuse too. He needs to listen more or try take some English comprehension classes.
@@Musta8787 Its clear that his accent is from the subcontinent. I dont think anyone has to take English classes just bc their accent isnt a West accent.
His intention is good, so may Allah make him a good communicator and give him the opportunity to communicate the message of Islam. Ameen.
He is learning I guess but ya it's kinda disturbing 😅
Brother Ali is soooooo eloquent in his speech, Masha'Allah, Tabarak' Allah.
Alhamduli'Llah. Learning a lot from this man.
As-salam Walakum brothers and sisters, I hope everything is going good in your lives, and may Allah always bring us closer to him.
Aameen Allaahumma aameen
Good or Not
Always say Alhamdulillah ,
and Move on!
@@riddikulus1432 Not matter what happens, it is always good for the believer, Alhamdulilah
I don't know what the couple wants to prove... I'm confused ngl.
I love how u deal with them! May Allah guide us to the straight path.
My favorite dawah speaker is Muhammad Ali
Brother Ali is is very sweet human. ❤️
Brother Muhammad Ali is always The Best ❤️
Br Mohd Ali is impeccable as always.
No need to shorten the name Mohammed my brother, out of all names lets spell this one correctly 👍
@@pathwaytojannah1 Mohammad is actually very short name in Arabic with just 4 letters - محمد English is not a good language at all, but thanks to colonization it became a global communication source in current world.
@@icaicciai3171 Im actually arab myself أخي في الدين , i know the name Mohammed (Pbuh) is only 4 letters in arabic محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم) , what i meant is the transliteration is very important, because "Mohd" if you read it this way it can be either محد or مهد and that's not even close to how محمد is spelled/pronounced, i hope you understood what i meant my brother 👍
@@pathwaytojannah1 I agree. I’ve liked your original reply as well. My point is, it’s the problem with English. And people should try to avoid it.
I am agreeing with you, and saying the same thing.
People nowadays on internet oppose each other so you might have taken me wrong. :)
I am learning Arabic btw. Thanks for the info.
What he is saying we have freewill but in Christianity there's no freewill since you are born sinner you have no choice whatsoever.
بارك الله فيكم...
اللهم اغفر لوالدينا و ارحمهما و اجمعنا معهما في الفردوس الأعلى مع الأنبياء و الشهداء و الصالحين و جميع موتى المسلمين..
اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين و انصرهم على من عاداهم..
رب إني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين...
لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين.....
I just realized that they both Indonesian. I heard this argument/statement like this a lot from Indonesian Christians.
Filipino. 100%.
@@MalikR0cks filipino pronounciation is little bit different. this is more of indonesian accent.
@@bigfoot3195 You can hear the couple talking in Tagalog in the first 10 seconds.
Malik51 that not tagalog but javanese language part of Indonesia for sure.
@@MalikR0cks You are 100% incorrect 8:35
"The egg of belief"
Man Speakers Corner never fails to surprise 😃
She means act Akhi dont mock people since they dont know english that well. There is no reason to mock Brother in deen
"I'm using basic logic here"
Maybe not the best strategy for speaking with Christians
You can say that again. Login is a totally foreign concept to Christians. They just have blind faith and are bloody ignorant.
So you believe it ok to marry a 6 year old and consummate the marriage at 9 . Etc etc etc .
In historical contexts, a person who had reached puberty was not considered a child, and it was common for marriages to take place at that age.
I am assuming you’re a Christian, so let me use that as a reference. In the Bible, Rebecca was 3 yrs old when she got married to Isaac. Also, the legal Canon law ,established by the Church, permitted the marriage of women starting from age 12 and the law remained until the 19th century.
My God protect you
Very nice video
Thank you
Jazakum Allah khier
2:36 cute kid mashaAllah playing with their dad's nose lol
Allahuakbar ❤️ surah An Nasr ayat 2 🙏
This couple bro m' siz come from our Country Indonesia, MasyaALLAH..
وفقكم الله لما يحبه ويرضاه
They were so offended after the liberalism comment. May God guide them 😊
الله يصبرك يا محمد ، بارك الله فيك
I believe that the couple did not understand the question from the beginning of this conversation. That’s why they answers were a bit chaotic and irrelevant.
Wow.. i really love how brother Ali can identified that those 2 person is not worth for conversations... if he keep talking to them there will be no use because the man is already at defend mode, means that he will not reasoning anything instead he will disagree on whatever explanation you give.. im from indonesia and i know how youtube made speaker corner dakwah reach to indonesia.. and they give a lot of knowledge to the christian who sincerely want to use their logic and accept islam.. it is really upset them to see how islam grow out side indonesia, and many christians in indonesia now questioning 3 in 1 dogma and became moslem... i couldnt believe that some of them even tried to debate directly in SC based on faith only.. do they really think that they have better performance compare to american christian?
Bro Ali explain very calmly and listen attentively....
This is what we used to call "emotional based discussion" in speakers corner
This Indonesian couple don't know how the speakers corners discussion run
You will find this kind of debate mostly in Indonesian christian
My God. I don't know how dawa't in SC can handle all these irrational conversations. I, for one, cant do that. May Allah bless them and give them patience.
Good discussion both, may Allah blesses you all and guides the non Muslim
اللهم وفقه وتقبله برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
couple from Indonesia, I think. semoga mereka mendapatkan hidayah. di Indonesia butuh diskusi antar Agama seperti ini supaya banyak yang tau mana kebenaran walaupun kita mayoritas Islam tapi sepertinya diskusi antar agama khawatir terjadi clash. mungkin lumayan banyak di Indonesia Kristen tapi faham nya liberal, dan ada juga KTP Islam tp paham nya Liberal juga. wallahuallam bissawab
@kmt what film bro?
kebanyakan masih belum siap sih buat diskusi akademis atau secara tekstual. tapi diskusi gini udah ada sebenarnya di Indo walaupun gk kayak di speakers corner.
@@tucker4173 , betul sudah ada diskusi seperti ini kok. Tapi ya..orang Indonesia secara umum belum kuat sepertinya. Dalam konteks ini belum kuat untuk mendengar dan berdiskusi untuk jangka waktu yang lama.
@@tucker4173 iya diskusi tertutup yah .
جزاكم الله خيراً
Nice to see Ali in speakers corner.
My bro Muhammad Ali....🎉🎉🎉
Feels good when likes are at 999 and u make it 1k😍
2:34 look at what the kid in the back doing to her father 😂
This is like knowing theres going to be a Tsunami in 5 hours that will kill you indefinitely, yet do not want to convey the message to anyone else.
10:56 amazing, I couldn't say better
As a Muslim I like this couple
The guy beside Mohammed Ali is like if he is a brother of sheikh hashim looking like him even in his way of talking similar 😀❤️
Even though blind faith is universal, It's a lot more common for Indonesians.
That's why talking about faiths and religions are like taboo and can easily be harsh conflicts.
Yeah, ironic for a country where Muslim is majority to be afraid of talking about religion.
afraid might not be a good term to use there. 'cause Muslims are the majority in Indonesia, that makes Muslims can't talk about religion in ordinary daily setting so blatantly, it can be seen as oppression. In Indonesia we don't have a setting like speakers corners where everyone put down barriers to engage with other faith. I believe that's what these Indonesian couple fails to do there, sadly.
Bro @@dhimmyjazzy696 I'm not trying to divide anything, as it's almost the same in every region. We have to admit that blind faiths are so common no matter what one's faith is. A friendly talk can easily be a big mass amok. So, usually we choose to not talking it over and everything's gonna be fine.
@@novindrawanto i feel you brother..and yes the couple missed the points completely.. they're appealed to theirs emotions.
gw sebenarnya juga bingung kenapa diskusi kaya gini dianggap tabu. selama diskusi berdasarkan sumber kan harusnya sah2 aja. kalau yg gw pikir sih masih banyak gk bisa terima realita atau gak siap untuk terima kalau argumennya patah.
I agree brother Ali is peaceful and is very Knowledgeable
He's smart just want to explain something without offend anyone. Peacefully & patiently. By the way in Indonesia some muslim love to debate and arguing. Sometimes they condescending, mocking, make fun or angry, threatening. They don't know how to act as muslim.
Surprisingly the couple is from the most populated Muslim country, Indonesia !
elhamduliallah we are muslim's 🤲
they're lucky to be able to meet you
A shame that common sense needs to be explained these days. One may choose to believe anything is true or not true, but how would you go about determining whether your belief is indeed true? It's fine for anyone to believe what they want to but it's also insane to believe something to be true after it has been demonstrated to be false. What good is there is believing falsehood to be true? It's quintessentially living a lie.
Yet again their brains are locked inside a box..... "we believe in Christianity because of faith" 🙄
We muslims can't do that lmfao. They have it easier
@@nabbiedawah7672 we have organisation, discipline which makes sense
Mashallah ❤
MashAllah bother Ali.
Mohamed ali 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
The video script discusses a conversation between individuals of different religious beliefs, exploring topics such as faith, truth, and the concept of salvation.
00:00-01:20 🗣 The participants discuss their different perspectives and understanding of faith and the capabilities of God.
01:21-02:44 🤝 They explore the reasons for their respective religious beliefs, touching on the core concept of salvation in Christianity.
02:45-04:10 🤔 The conversation shifts to the search for truth and the idea of multiple paths to reach the creator.
04:11-05:16 🙏 The participants reflect on the importance of freedom of belief and its relation to religion and humanity.
05:17-06:03 ❌ The differences between liberalism and Christianity are highlighted, emphasizing the specific beliefs and salvation requirements in Christianity.
06:04-06:24 🕌 The invitation to worship one creator in Islam is extended, emphasizing the rational and polite nature of the conversation.Key Insights💭
The discussion highlights the diverse perspectives and understandings of faith, showcasing the complexity of religious beliefs.💡 The concept of salvation plays a crucial role in Christianity, shaping the beliefs and practices of its followers.🌍 The participants recognize the importance of freedom of belief as a fundamental human right, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and understanding.
📖 The participants acknowledge the specific beliefs and requirements of Christianity, contrasting them with the idea of multiple paths to God.🔍 The search for truth and the question of how to discern it are central themes in the conversation, reflecting the participants’ desire for understanding.
🤝 Despite their differences, the participants engage in a rational and respectful dialogue, showcasing the potential for constructive discussions on matters of faith.⚖ The conversation highlights the delicate balance between individual beliefs and the broader societal understanding of religion, touching on the relationship between religion and humanity.
In short, they both believe in pluralism.
😬 Its strange, because based on language they talked... I think they from Indonesia 🇮🇩.....
Highest Muslim population in world
@@bryanspoty oooh you wouldn't believe that there's so many people are pushing this idea here in Indonesia. But they're, as you expected, mostly from non-muslim side of Indonesia.
No... Ali bilang mrk liberal.
@@sweetscrappythings8157 liberal udah pasti. tapi spesifiknya mereka juga percaya sama ide2 pluralisme.
Wht r u talking about?!! The Queen absolutely shakes hands. This man makes stuff up.
JazakAllahu khairan
Allahumma barik
Honestly I would like to see brother Ali to continue....but I guest brother Ali knew these couple's capacities to diggest words,so he left them to talk to the person next to him.
I agree
Listening is such a lost skill
Language barrier
Ohh ada orang indonesia jg yang datang. Indonesia negara Muslim terbesar di Dunia
very eduvative conversations
I know where they are coming from and I think there were a language barrier in discussion. They didn't really get what brother Ali was trying to say to them.
They just Didn't listen to him at all, they come with fixed opinion & is not open to hear others opinion. We can see the couple didn't listen at all , all they want to do only give one-side opinion
@@amnaaqeela8714 Kind of frustrating to watch
im ashamed and sorry off my fellow Indonesian, may ALLAH guide them both amiin ya robb 🤲
Salaam brother ali, I was wondering where you are from?
Please guys don't just jump into the conversation, they are trained to handle it. You just gave them a free exit.
Quran chapter 15 vs 39 “[Iblis (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all.”
mohamed ali at 9:22 he was like fuck off man
I thought the couple was Filipino, but it turned out to be Indonesian, my countryman 😅 I bet I sound like them when I speak English
I bet I do bruh
I almost forgot there were Indonesian Christians
Is anyone tell me about brother Mohammad ali belongs which country ?
Kalu beragama dengan keyakinan saja ga perlu debat mana yg benar, karena setiap orang punya pendapat sendiri, kalau beragama berdasarkan kitab suci, hanya satu agama saja yang akan ditemukan yaitu islam😁
The language barrier is the issue with folks like this
I believe this is the first time seeing Indonesians here
she looks like a teacher i had before...
This guys are Indonesian, Im indonesian too, nice to see my fellow indonesian in speakers corner.
These people don't even understand what they are saying. Just ignore these types of people.
In Javanese we caled them mbulet...😅
That Cristian gentleman got a bit upset 😂
Indonesian people don't get used to having a debate that's why they can hardly control their emotion. Thank God they're in Hyde Park at least we can still see her smile.
even tho it was hard to watch peoples when one trying to speak to you but u don't listen but keep speaking and not listening lol
may Allah bless us
BRO , why i feel like brother ALI was so pissed and angry that they two ganged up on him and didnt let him TALK
thats the reason most probably he left ? , Allah Knows!
i really dont know why PEOPLE like these woman and man , cant have a sincere talk or discussion
why you need to " stop stop just listen to me and then thats it no more"
poor this woman and man ,
May Allah guide them ,
This husband and wife come from Indonesia.. Kalian yakin dengan agama Kristen dan menurut kalian itu bagus namun kalian juga mengatakan terserah apapun kepercayaan seseorang itu dan kamu mengatakan itu juga bagus, lalu apa bedanya keyakinan kalian dengan orang yang tidak menyakini ada nya tuhan?
Why always 3rd person interfier? Pls allow brother to speak . There is always someone 🙄 may Allah bless mohammadh Ali .
8:24 so far my understanding is they are just saying that "it's good to have free will"
Bro Muhammad Ali misunderstood what they have explain about freedom of choosing what they believe.
When Paul said you will not safe if you don't believe in salvation, you here means for Christian not for all human.
So, what those 2 guys trying to say is people can choose their way to God and it's not against any other religion including Christian. Bro Muhammad thinks it's against Christianity because he assume you is for so all human.
Susah bener ya diskusi dengan orang Indonesia ( ini )
She didnot spread liberalism. You read Quran al-Baqarah: 256 and al-Kahfi: 29. there is no compulsion in religion, whatever you believe.
the truth comes from Allah.
She don't spread christianity
6:09 Yet they are christian who said for hindu, believing other than jesus is good. It's the same "It's good for a hindu to enter hellfire". If they really have faith in humanity, how could they said it's a good thing to see other mankind that have been guaranteed hell by their God. Wouldn't they want to save or at least give them warning ?
The point is, it's a good thing to have a freedom of choice in religion, and islam teach that as well just like you quote in al baqarah and kahf, that's why we discuss, not forcing others our believe. But Allah never said it's a good thing for people to have faith other than to him.
Indonesian husband n wife.... religion in Indonesia is different. Many many of them are very religious, Hard for me to explain but their views are different but i they be surprised many Muslim know the Bible very well....
They are from Indonesia? Wow 😀
One thing I got from this is that they are not orthodox christians as they have beliefs of Christianity mostly for utilitarian purposes.