+Simon Panzer nah mate I would say McDonalds > KFC > Subway > Burger King. mcdonalds is overrated and builds too much grease. it scales worst late game and is decent early game. kfc has too much meat and not enough damage to sate the enemies. Subway is pretty healthy for the team put can do bad with ap. Burger King is just a beefy handful of goodnesss in the right hands.
Darkspirit 2000 It's still processed meat made like mcdonalds, and they care more about cheapness than quality. If they didn't, the food would cost WAY more money and would probably taste a bit better, while also being a lot healthier, but Subway isn't a gourmet restaurant.
Ryze is one of my favorite champions given that it was the one I used to start learning the game at the end of Season 4. I have been playing the game for nearly year and a half and he is still one of the champions I go to for mid/top lane. Your guide is very good and your combo list are some of the combos I am used to playing with. There are a lot of things that you dont cover here obviously but is an excellent resource for someone starting to play him. Good stuff!
Subway! And as a Ryze main (I'm a casual player so take this for what it's worth), this video makes me happy! I definitely need to play around with runes more, and experiment with your recommendations, because I have always ran: - scaling mana marks, seals and quints - x3 flat mana glyphs - x5 scaling cdr This has been my rune page for a while now, as an experiment, as I feel part of Ryze's feel/personality is his scaling off of mana, and I wanted to see how far I could push it. I also mostly play him top, and start off with a corrupting potion. I rush tear, finish my ROA, then Seraphs. And then Deathcap. Boots and other items are situational. Also I max e first because I find the e's dmg and mr shred + Thunderlord's is a great way to lane bully. It deals a surprising amount of burst early to mid game. I have been meaning to try him out with a saner rune page, so I'll give the "Faker page" a try, to see how much it changes Ryze's feel in terms or gameplay.
nice combos, although I think you could've included this combo too 2 stacks in passive R W Q (Passive) E Q W Q E that's my favorite for teamfights in late game because of the aoe dmg of the ultimate + the E X2, idk, I think it works pretty well, at least in silver :P
+cuchi ibañez Yeah i use that combo too, been experimenting a bit with ryze and i found that being the most effecient way to cast more spells with your passive. Also redmercy could've included this one: 3 stacks in passive (no ult, imagine a pre 6 scenario when your jungler ganks for example) W (Passive) Q E Q W Q
António Real yeah, that's another thing he didn't explain, with this video you only know what to after lvl 6, when even pre 6 if you have enough mana you can trade without any problem. Btw, which spell do you think that fits better on ryze? The new buffed ghost? Or just regular flash?
+Spyros Gkanas NO, WAIT. I KNOW!! They are finally changing Aurelions ult into a supernova where all his stars explode and making it so that you can dubleclick his q to stun people who get to close.
+TheTwistedRebellion Not really, LCS was promoting champs that don´t usually work under diamond elo unless it is a very frequent pick but usually atleast 2 or 3 youtubers have already made a video about it by then.
I hate when youtubers do guides on broken champs and make it look like they found it out. and ofc brings a lot of low elo players to play these champs or builds and suck
Thanks for explaining the combos, when i read them they looked like just facerolling but when you went at slow speed and commenting the details then they made sense.
really appreciate this video i only knew W,Q,E,Q from another video but this gives me a ton more options to work with and after watching this i had my best ryze game since the rework, thanks a lot
A very very big tip (eu master tier ryze onetrick) that people overlook is that your spells dont stop your movement commands. For example, if your enemy is standing in the middle of mid lane and facing your tower you can click towards the river to move sideways to your opponent and dodge a lot of skillshots while doing your regular combo. Basically you automatically move inbetween spell casts, just dont autoattack or it will stop the movement command. This also works when kiting and chasing, just click on where you want to go and from that point on dont touch your mouse just combo normally. Once the combos become muscle memory you can issue movement commands inbetween combos so you can 100-0 someone and also move left-right and dodge everything.
this helped me a lot. I've just started to play ryze a bit more as I've been getting sick of playing the same 3 top and mid lane champs lately. I've been using Lissandra, Akali and Yasuo mostly in mid and top with decent success but felt like a change. these combos helped out a lot so thank you for uploading! also my favourite mid lane champ is lissandra. xP
Eric Yoo Faker's (as well as a lot of the Korean challenger players) known for abusing Ryze and his spammy nature. Even if you nerf Ryze, he'll still be able to cast a thousand spells in under 5s because of his cooldown resets, and that gives him the ability to perma-root an enemy (because of his W), making him inherently OP. He's been abused for several seasons and every iteration of him has been broken in some way. That's why Riot keeps nerfing and reworking him pretty much every season. But he's unfixable. So, yeah... tl;dr: koreans have been abusing him since launch.
+Redmercy Would the buffed ghost not be really strong on him instead of flash now? So you can easier stick to that target, and with stormraider's and maybe ult, or would that be too much?
+iMagZ z I feel like he needs flash being a medium range caster, you're almost always going to be near or very close to teamfights and flash helps a lot escaping ganks since you'll probably be focused early playing Ryze
great video, and thanks for making this guide, Ryze is a champ that I always wanted to play, but never managed to play correctly. I'll surely try him with this guide later.
thanks for this vid, I recently started playing ryze and this helped me alot. I messed up his combo alot but now with a screenshot I can keep remembering. You the best man keep up the good work! also, KFC.
+Rip In Pepperinos because he's comparing how fast mcdonald employees make the food to a train wreckless and no fucks are given even if they sneeze or drop sweats on the food, who the fuck cares if they're getting paid minimum wage right? ugh.. never eating there again man
Hey Red, I would like to add another interesting combo to your list, and since i'm very skilled Ryze player, have to commend you as well for making the combo list in the first place. It's really good explained and as you said, not that simple to just perform succesfully on your first go, it needs practice. But anyway, this combo i came up with is the one that can catch your enemy off guard and set you up for a early snowball. And the full combo starts when you have only ONE stack off your passive, so you get the idea. So here it goes. With one stack off yor passive and all 4 spells off cd, you quickly go like this: E(2nd stack), Q(3rd stack), Ult(4th stack), and W to get supercharged. After that, you just unload on your enemy as usual. You should try this combo to see just how effective it is, since everyone knows that if you have like 3 stacks you're about to fully unload your combo on them when you get close. But no one expects that when you have 1 stack. so try it out, you'll like it when you pull it succesfully :) Peace
Another essential info is that ult applies to missiles currently throw out. If you ult while a non-aoe q is throw out, it becomes aoe and you can squeeze just a bit morr damage in the rotation
Red what do you think about The GLP 800 on ryze Ive used it on him a few times and it's been sucessfull it gives basically the same stats as a rod of ages ecept you don't have to wait for it to stack AND you get an active on it along with the catalyst passive. ROA simply doesn't give the 800 mana like it used to so I started building the GLP 800
Hey RedMercy, very informative video but I believe there is a 1 stack Ryze combo. You go W>Q>E>R(passive)>Q>E>Q>W>Q>E>Q>W or something like that. And Subway.
if your passive is in 4th stack, you can still use your ult effectively like red's last explained combo. but instead of going directly with your R.. the combo would be like.. start of with W, Q, E, Q, then use R, your cool downs in QWE will then be refreshed.. so you can use W, Q, and E again for maximum damage.
Also, the MOST IMPORTANT combo was not mentioned and thats the combo with 1 stack. Works wonders when people are coming towards you (for a gank or whatever). This combo allows you to 1 vs 2 or 3. Q for 1 stack, wait for the q cooldown then R-q-e-w-q-e-q-w-q and whatevers up after that.
hey red wanted to ask did you have fun playing as ryze for this video and if so are you considering using him in the future :P p.s love your videos, subway all the way as well
I actually agree with some of the combos. Although sometimes it makes sense to use q to get to 5 stacks on passive, you should prioritize e and w to start it off because you want to clear the minion wave. A q used on a minion accidentally is useless. None the less, those combos work.
You forgot that you can also do the combo at 1 stack. 1 stack while waiting for nothing ( or q is close to being off cd ) 1 stack, r(2), e(3), q(4),w (5), q(6) and reset. Also, swapping e and q at the beginning also works so, 1 stack, r(2), q(3), e(4) ,w(5), q ,e...
You also can make a huge combo with 1 stack,making a suprise to an enemy at lane,bursting him down af,especially if u max e second: 1 Stack- E-R-Q-W-Passive-Q-E-Q-W-E-Q, i guess it's the best combo for surprising your enem with a burst damage.
As a ryze main (before this video), I agree with everything except build, that build is good, but I like lost chapter early as well, 20% max mana back is really good, and the new morrelonomecon is good as well, the build is good, but morrellos is just really good in my opinion
Redmercy, do you know that there is a ''sound' coming when somebody's in a baron pit? It will come off even if they are in fog o war. Plz make a video about it. It's very useful.
Is there any recommended setting in the game when you are playing ryze? Cuz sometimes I just cant seem to quickly chain his skills Like I press Q W Q E but sometimes it comes out like QWE and stuff like that so Any tips guys?
I found that if you're at one passive stack, you can use: R E Q W Q E Q (regurgitate WQEQ after passive). You can probably find me use that combination on the video I recently uploaded against Zed mid :)
The combo can also be started with 1 passive stack After getting 1 stack, R W Q E [Passive] Q W Q E Q [End combo due to passive nerf limiting ryze just by stopping the passive at 5 spell casts if passive is achieved]
+Ordioo league of legends doesn't have that much of a high skill cap where you need to "master completely" certain champs. Simple spells and do good os pretty much it
+Usman Mohammad Ryze that easy to play hard to master champion it's all about constant awareness of your passive and how to pull of the combo's cause sometimes in lane when the enemy is trading with you. You can't fight back b.c you can't get to your passive
Where i live there is no Subways but I've tryed once when i used to live in London and was really good. But... you know when u try a Big Mac is hard to comeback.
If Im not mistaken MC Donalds got sewed recently for using some kind of chemicals to make their food tastier. Subway uses much better ingredients overall.
I went Mordekaiser top against a Ryze the other day and dominated. I legit carried my team 4v5 (our nid never connected). Ryze is pretty good, yes, but with what little healing I had from Hextech Gunblade and my passive I would easily survive his combo and heal to full in less than a wave. And Morde is by no means strong! Especially with people like Ryze who can avoid the third Q but simply snaring.
Subway of course... I don't suppose it's any different here in Mexico than in other countries. Btw, imho I think you should highlight the bullets on the right one by one so it's easier to read... I say it because, at least for me, the text feels a little cramped... Great video nevertheless!
He was RYZING in Solo queue.
+norbert szekely phreak is that u?
+norbert szekely to everyones supryze
+norbert szekely Csak a magyarok :DD
+Riven Is My Waifu The Salt has ryzen
Subway I don't go home by Bus =D
ba dum tss
+Pedro Pedroska lmao hahaha
+Pedro Pedroska cause a five dollar sub is fine dinning lol
I hate you..... :P
i don't like subway.
they don't have fryze.
+Jomar Uy OMG
+Jomar Uy LOL omfg
You are my favourite person.
This was great man i love the deeper explanations and spell rotations. very informative, Thank you!!
Ryze-ing to popularity. REALLY!?
SooubwayFTW. Theodd1sout references. :)
I was gonna comment on that 2
Kfc > Subway > Burger King > Mc Donalds
+Simon Panzer totally agree with you
+Simon Panzer im not sure with subway and burgerking because they are both pretty good...
+Simon Panzer nah mate I would say McDonalds > KFC > Subway > Burger King. mcdonalds is overrated and builds too much grease. it scales worst late game and is decent early game. kfc has too much meat and not enough damage to sate the enemies. Subway is pretty healthy for the team put can do bad with ap. Burger King is just a beefy handful of goodnesss in the right hands.
+Simon Panzer This good sir know the good stuff
Subways if I'm working out that day. McDonalds whenever I feel like being a gluttonous pig.
+KramxXI subway should never be a healthy alternative, americans man.
+Razatiger Ault lmao right?
Subway isn't really healthy, I mean it's better than mcdonalds, but not _healthy_.
+Stewart Williams in what way is it unhealthy?
Darkspirit 2000 It's still processed meat made like mcdonalds, and they care more about cheapness than quality. If they didn't, the food would cost WAY more money and would probably taste a bit better, while also being a lot healthier, but Subway isn't a gourmet restaurant.
Subway because mcdonalds supports donald trump
+Yasuo i guess you can say he was unforgiven :)
+Yasuo ??? am i missing something ?
Mc(Donald) so Donald Trump
+The Unforgiven, Yasuo did u change ur channel name and ava just for this comment?
Ryze is one of my favorite champions given that it was the one I used to start learning the game at the end of Season 4. I have been playing the game for nearly year and a half and he is still one of the champions I go to for mid/top lane. Your guide is very good and your combo list are some of the combos I am used to playing with. There are a lot of things that you dont cover here obviously but is an excellent resource for someone starting to play him. Good stuff!
And as a Ryze main (I'm a casual player so take this for what it's worth), this video makes me happy! I definitely need to play around with runes more, and experiment with your recommendations, because I have always ran:
- scaling mana marks, seals and quints
- x3 flat mana glyphs
- x5 scaling cdr
This has been my rune page for a while now, as an experiment, as I feel part of Ryze's feel/personality is his scaling off of mana, and I wanted to see how far I could push it.
I also mostly play him top, and start off with a corrupting potion. I rush tear, finish my ROA, then Seraphs. And then Deathcap. Boots and other items are situational.
Also I max e first because I find the e's dmg and mr shred + Thunderlord's is a great way to lane bully. It deals a surprising amount of burst early to mid game.
I have been meaning to try him out with a saner rune page, so I'll give the "Faker page" a try, to see how much it changes Ryze's feel in terms or gameplay.
nice combos, although I think you could've included this combo too
2 stacks in passive
R W Q (Passive) E Q W Q E
that's my favorite for teamfights in late game because of the aoe dmg of the ultimate + the E X2, idk, I think it works pretty well, at least in silver :P
use e more because it reduce their mr
+cuchi ibañez Yeah i use that combo too, been experimenting a bit with ryze and i found that being the most effecient way to cast more spells with your passive. Also redmercy could've included this one:
3 stacks in passive (no ult, imagine a pre 6 scenario when your jungler ganks for example)
W (Passive) Q E Q W Q
António Real yeah, that's another thing he didn't explain, with this video you only know what to after lvl 6, when even pre 6 if you have enough mana you can trade without any problem.
Btw, which spell do you think that fits better on ryze? The new buffed ghost? Or just regular flash?
Generally subway but goddamn McDonalds fries every once a while are so sugoi
Guess who is getting a rework!!!
oute kan?
Zed, we know.
+Spyros Gkanas Spyro??
+Spyros Gkanas NO, WAIT. I KNOW!! They are finally changing Aurelions ult into a supernova where all his stars explode and making it so that you can dubleclick his q to stun people who get to close.
maciekx10 Nope
me: but redmercy, ryze has been played in korea for one and a half seasons now
Subway so I can pretend to be healthy.
I'd pick subway any day, man
Always promote OP champs so we lose
Or win, depending on how you look at it :)
+Ultimate hunter LCS was already doing that.
+TheTwistedRebellion Not really, LCS was promoting champs that don´t usually work under diamond elo unless it is a very frequent pick but usually atleast 2 or 3 youtubers have already made a video about it by then.
I hate when youtubers do guides on broken champs and make it look like they found it out. and ofc brings a lot of low elo players to play these champs or builds and suck
I just want to say that you are the BEST youtuber who helps othera to be better and shows so much good stuff!!!Just keep it this way!!!
Thanks for explaining the combos, when i read them they looked like just facerolling but when you went at slow speed and commenting the details then they made sense.
Ryzing in popularity.
When I play ryze I just smash my keyboard and win
+Tyler Childers Ryze URf OP
My Ryze games in a nutshell. Now that I think about it, that probably explains my headaches. Probably smashed my head too much
+Tyler Childers sadly nerfed no more infinite snare T_T
7:54 that's what she said
really appreciate this video i only knew W,Q,E,Q from another video but this gives me a ton more options to work with and after watching this i had my best ryze game since the rework, thanks a lot
I like how you explained what combo's to do depending on his passive. would like more of this sir...
Thx Red, I wuz wanting to start playing Ryze, but I didn't had any idea of how to combo with him, U helped a lot bro!
I didn't RYliZE that XD
+Kotaz wut ??
Kiting with ryze is really important always try and get ahead when you're attacking an opponent
subway cause it has ebola and i leave it in the cab
i understand
+PlasmaRyze Gaming xD got eem
Subway, where else can I get me 9 inch footlong?
A very very big tip (eu master tier ryze onetrick) that people overlook is that your spells dont stop your movement commands. For example, if your enemy is standing in the middle of mid lane and facing your tower you can click towards the river to move sideways to your opponent and dodge a lot of skillshots while doing your regular combo. Basically you automatically move inbetween spell casts, just dont autoattack or it will stop the movement command. This also works when kiting and chasing, just click on where you want to go and from that point on dont touch your mouse just combo normally. Once the combos become muscle memory you can issue movement commands inbetween combos so you can 100-0 someone and also move left-right and dodge everything.
this helped me a lot. I've just started to play ryze a bit more as I've been getting sick of playing the same 3 top and mid lane champs lately. I've been using Lissandra, Akali and Yasuo mostly in mid and top with decent success but felt like a change. these combos helped out a lot so thank you for uploading!
also my favourite mid lane champ is lissandra. xP
McDonlads VS Subway? hmmmm.... hard choice..... I CHOSE KFC!
do i have to memoRYZE these combos
How is Ryze "new OP"? He's always ruled in the Korean meta, and Faker is known for playing him a lot. That's some ugly clickbait.
+Erick Schuster most of his viewers are NA so... why does Korea and Faker matter? ( I don't watch esports)
+Erick Schuster yeah as i left in a comment, reds a bit late to this show lol
Eric Yoo Faker's (as well as a lot of the Korean challenger players) known for abusing Ryze and his spammy nature. Even if you nerf Ryze, he'll still be able to cast a thousand spells in under 5s because of his cooldown resets, and that gives him the ability to perma-root an enemy (because of his W), making him inherently OP. He's been abused for several seasons and every iteration of him has been broken in some way. That's why Riot keeps nerfing and reworking him pretty much every season. But he's unfixable. So, yeah... tl;dr: koreans have been abusing him since launch.
+Erick Schuster So why do I care about Koreans?
+Eric Yoo Dunno if you care, I'm just saying that Ryze has been known for being OP since his launch.
+Redmercy Would the buffed ghost not be really strong on him instead of flash now? So you can easier stick to that target, and with stormraider's and maybe ult, or would that be too much?
+iMagZ z I feel like he needs flash being a medium range caster, you're almost always going to be near or very close to teamfights and flash helps a lot escaping ganks since you'll probably be focused early playing Ryze
great video, and thanks for making this guide, Ryze is a champ that I always wanted to play, but never managed to play correctly. I'll surely try him with this guide later.
bit late on the whole ryze op thing there rofl
+Not even an fc riot changed his passive. he fell out of the meta from patch 6.3 -> patch 6.6 then came back again.
Centennial4 he never fell out of the meta, it was always pick/ban with those that play him, namely faker/SKT who started it
+Whiskiz Yo not really. its the difficulty that made him hidden. its one thing to know when a mechanically easy champ is OP, another to play ryze
fr lol
Indeed Subway ! since they give you so much free reduction ! :D
subway also i like your new outtro with the zed ult pretty sick
thanks for this vid, I recently started playing ryze and this helped me alot. I messed up his combo alot but now with a screenshot I can keep remembering. You the best man keep up the good work!
also, KFC.
I like subways they are faster than trains and buses but why do u compare them with mcdonalds?
+Rip In Pepperinos
because he's comparing how fast mcdonald employees make the food to a train
wreckless and no fucks are given
even if they sneeze or drop sweats on the food, who the fuck cares if they're getting paid minimum wage right?
never eating there again man
Unless other countries work differently, subway = trains, no?
Subway- its usaly better and cheaper and healthier. Atleast on my subway
KFC wtf is McDonald's
Hey Red, I would like to add another interesting combo to your list, and since i'm very skilled Ryze player, have to commend you as well for making the combo list in the first place. It's really good explained and as you said, not that simple to just perform succesfully on your first go, it needs practice. But anyway, this combo i came up with is the one that can catch your enemy off guard and set you up for a early snowball. And the full combo starts when you have only ONE stack off your passive, so you get the idea. So here it goes. With one stack off yor passive and all 4 spells off cd, you quickly go like this: E(2nd stack), Q(3rd stack), Ult(4th stack), and W to get supercharged. After that, you just unload on your enemy as usual. You should try this combo to see just how effective it is, since everyone knows that if you have like 3 stacks you're about to fully unload your combo on them when you get close. But no one expects that when you have 1 stack. so try it out, you'll like it when you pull it succesfully :) Peace
And yeah, about your question of the video. Mc'Donalds. Subway doesn't exist in Serbia so yeah xD
0:15 Rising in popularity, "Ryze-ing", I see what you did there
Another essential info is that ult applies to missiles currently throw out. If you ult while a non-aoe q is throw out, it becomes aoe and you can squeeze just a bit morr damage in the rotation
Holy , i didnt know ryze can do the combo even in 2 stacks , i only know the 3/4 stacks combos , really helpful guide
i decided to play ryze in rankeds because he is op and then u come and give me a guide ^^ ty
I love you dude! thanks for this kind of videos they are really awesome!
Red what do you think about The GLP 800 on ryze Ive used it on him a few times and it's been sucessfull it gives basically the same stats as a rod of ages ecept you don't have to wait for it to stack AND you get an active on it along with the catalyst passive. ROA simply doesn't give the 800 mana like it used to so I started building the GLP 800
Love your videos Red keep up the good work!
What is your view on akali at the moment? What's your opinion on runes and masteries on her?
Hey RedMercy, very informative video but I believe there is a 1 stack Ryze combo. You go W>Q>E>R(passive)>Q>E>Q>W>Q>E>Q>W or something like that. And Subway.
if your passive is in 4th stack, you can still use your ult effectively like red's last explained combo.
but instead of going directly with your R.. the combo would be like..
start of with W, Q, E, Q, then use R, your cool downs in QWE will then be refreshed.. so you can use W, Q, and E again for maximum damage.
Sick Intro man luvin it ;)
Also, the MOST IMPORTANT combo was not mentioned and thats the combo with 1 stack. Works wonders when people are coming towards you (for a gank or whatever). This combo allows you to 1 vs 2 or 3. Q for 1 stack, wait for the q cooldown then R-q-e-w-q-e-q-w-q and whatevers up after that.
Finally i saw someone show ryze's combos! Продолжай в том же духе :D
hey red wanted to ask did you have fun playing as ryze for this video and if so are you considering using him in the future :P p.s love your videos, subway all the way as well
I've been playing this guy on the downlow for a while. Let's hope his "Ryze" in popularity won't see him get nerfed.
Thanks for this @Redmercy! I'm going to have to try to pick him up! Silver V for life
I actually agree with some of the combos. Although sometimes it makes sense to use q to get to 5 stacks on passive, you should prioritize e and w to start it off because you want to clear the minion wave. A q used on a minion accidentally is useless. None the less, those combos work.
You forgot that you can also do the combo at 1 stack.
1 stack while waiting for nothing ( or q is close to being off cd )
1 stack, r(2), e(3), q(4),w (5), q(6) and reset.
Also, swapping e and q at the beginning also works
so, 1 stack, r(2), q(3), e(4) ,w(5), q ,e...
i allready knew the combo but i did not know that u can make it allready from 2 passive stacks ty for the tipp redmercy
You also can make a huge combo with 1 stack,making a suprise to an enemy at lane,bursting him down af,especially if u max e second:
1 Stack- E-R-Q-W-Passive-Q-E-Q-W-E-Q, i guess it's the best combo for surprising your enem with a burst damage.
For the second set of masteries/runes, why did you take Runic Affinity??
As a ryze main (before this video), I agree with everything except build, that build is good, but I like lost chapter early as well, 20% max mana back is really good, and the new morrelonomecon is good as well, the build is good, but morrellos is just really good in my opinion
Redmercy, do you know that there is a ''sound' coming when somebody's in a baron pit? It will come off even if they are in fog o war. Plz make a video about it. It's very useful.
Doing a ryze combo is like wathcing a fight-scene in DBZ
Is there any recommended setting in the game when you are playing ryze? Cuz sometimes I just cant seem to quickly chain his skills Like I press Q W Q E but sometimes it comes out like QWE and stuff like that so Any tips guys?
redmercy so i have to use w when i have it right?
im so excited to play ryze again hahaha really confusing but thanks finally i know the order of skills.
"He's been ryzeing in popularity" I see what you did there.
Recently saw a photo of a bunch of fly eggs that were found inside a Big Mac. That alone should tell you my preference.
I found that if you're at one passive stack, you can use: R E Q W Q E Q (regurgitate WQEQ after passive). You can probably find me use that combination on the video I recently uploaded against Zed mid :)
nice i knew of a 3 combos the last one is nice i like and im goin to try storm surge
all in all good video
The combo can also be started with 1 passive stack
After getting 1 stack, R W Q E [Passive] Q W Q E Q [End combo due to passive nerf limiting ryze just by stopping the passive at 5 spell casts if passive is achieved]
my favorite midlane champ is diana, her damage is so high and your q,r, w, combo is in most cases enough to kill someone
0:16 he's been RYZING in popularity... I see what you did there..
He's been RYZEing in popularity
That outroo !! Oo awesome
red mercy back at it again with the "ryze is very hard to play" "zed is very hard to play" "yasuo is very hard to play"
+Usman Mohammad well i agree with him
+AeroZzSkyline good for you, we've all got different skill levels
I agree, they are easy to do simple spells and and still do good, but its Hard to master them completely.
+Ordioo league of legends doesn't have that much of a high skill cap where you need to "master completely" certain champs. Simple spells and do good os pretty much it
+Usman Mohammad Ryze that easy to play hard to master champion it's all about constant awareness of your passive and how to pull of the combo's cause sometimes in lane when the enemy is trading with you. You can't fight back b.c you can't get to your passive
when you said lets talk about positives and negatives, for a second i thought you were still talking about mcdonalds and subway
i dont understand what he means by stacks how do you know you have a certain amount of stacks and how do you get them?
Whenever I'm hungry Subway always Ryze's to the top of my food list.
AS WELL (said twice within the first 40 seconds) hahaha, 99% of red's videos have this phrase
Where i live there is no Subways but I've tryed once when i used to live in London and was really good. But... you know when u try a Big Mac is hard to comeback.
Whenever I play Ryze, I smash all the buttons as hard as possible, this combo works really well, as long as you don't forget any of the buttons :D
+Redmercy what does passive mean and how do you use it
:17 "He's RYZing in popularity"
you asked the todays question videos while i am eating subway :D
What ryze build is better tanky or squishy ? Also you forgot to mention that his ult can make you immortal in a 1v1 .
is ryze getting a second rework? i think i read it somewhere but not sure if its true
could you do a video about the frozen mallet yasuo??? :)
"He's been ryzing in popularity"
If Im not mistaken MC Donalds got sewed recently for using some kind of chemicals to make their food tastier. Subway uses much better ingredients overall.
If I'm looking for something heavy I go McDonalds, otherwise it's Subways between those two
+Frozzones lmao
I went Mordekaiser top against a Ryze the other day and dominated. I legit carried my team 4v5 (our nid never connected). Ryze is pretty good, yes, but with what little healing I had from Hextech Gunblade and my passive I would easily survive his combo and heal to full in less than a wave. And Morde is by no means strong! Especially with people like Ryze who can avoid the third Q but simply snaring.
start at 1 stack: E W Q R- QEQWQE and you got another Q. It surprises enemies in the laning phase once you hit 6..
what do you think of rocket belt on ryze
Subway of course... I don't suppose it's any different here in Mexico than in other countries.
Btw, imho I think you should highlight the bullets on the right one by one so it's easier to read... I say it because, at least for me, the text feels a little cramped...
Great video nevertheless!
Yeah... something like that big ass arrow...
what is up with the karthus top win rate??
what is its build??
hey red please try the new rageblade with caitlyn because her passive stacks faster