Daikh Le Shakl Meri Kis ka Aayina Hun Mein by Maulvi Haider Hassan Vehranwale

  • Опубликовано: 17 янв 2025

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @Yuvraj31579
    @Yuvraj31579 5 лет назад +634

    Pehli Baar moulvi Saab Ko chalte dekha,bahut hi umda Insaan malum hote hain, Mai inka bahut bada fan hoon ,khuda unko Jannat me jagah de
    P. Yuvraj,Salem District, Tamilnadu, South India, India

    • @mort421
      @mort421 5 лет назад +13


    • @syedyamin
      @syedyamin 5 лет назад +7


    • @shuaibqawwal
      @shuaibqawwal 5 лет назад +14

      Ameen Bhai, bilkul apne fan me hi fanaa the. Bohot bare qawwal aur ilmdaar qawwal the. ❤️ALLAH❤️Taala jannat ul firdaus me aala maqaam ataa farmae. Huzoor ❤️ﷺ ❤️ ki qadam bossi naseeb kare. Ameen.

    • @shifaali1997
      @shifaali1997 5 лет назад +19

      wow...people from Tamilnadu listen to Pakistani music as well...

    • @samihussain4969
      @samihussain4969 5 лет назад +3


  • @azharwarsi4696
    @azharwarsi4696 3 года назад +65

    Hazrat Bedam Shah Warsi Is Also A Real Legend....
    (Maulvi Sahab Parhne Me Itna Mast Hai , Socho Ki Likhne Wala Uss Waqt Kitna Mast Honge)...
    (Like For Hazrat Bedum Shah Warsi👇👇👇)

    • @vaibhavjha5926
      @vaibhavjha5926 Год назад +3

      Bedam ko rahe tere ghame se gharaz ,tere gham ko rhe bedam se gharaz 🖤👌🏼🤞🏼

  • @vivekraghuram2459
    @vivekraghuram2459 3 года назад +231

    “I am a personification of the all-encompassing Truth” - only a king can say/write this statement! Though he looked to be a fakeer, Hazrat Bedam Shah was indeed a Shah (king)! This entire qawwali is a paragon of the wordplay of Sufi experience! Also, delivered in song and rhythm by such talented qawwals! Beautiful!

    • @shakirparray9
      @shakirparray9 2 года назад

      @@m.shehryarnadeembhabha9347 oomoomonoooo oononomooomoonooooooonooooonoooomoononnomnooonoonoooooononnononoononnmnoooonoinoonoomononomnnonnomnonono onnooomo

    • @shakirparray9
      @shakirparray9 2 года назад

      @@m.shehryarnadeembhabha9347 onoononomono noonooommoomooomonomnonomomomoonnononooomonomononoonoonoomononmnonomonnomnonoonomonnomnmnonon nomnomouom nonoooo oomnnon oononononnomononomononoomonnooooono onnommnonononoonomonooonomnomomnoomomomonnomononomomnommononmnononmoomnmomoomoomonnononoooonoonooomoonomomooonnnooonmonnomonooommmooooonmooonoonoonooomononnoomonoononommonmoonmnoomnnononononnoonomoomnoooomnomnoononoonnonomonooononononoomnomomnoomonnoo onooommoomoononnoonnnononoonnononononoonooomooo noonooon nononnno oononnnoonoo nooonnoon oonnoonnoonooiomoononononomoonoononnonoonomon onmoononnonononnoomnonononnoonnnonmonononoononoonomonnonnonnooonnoomnomnonoo noononnoo noonomonoonononooononoonoononnonmonmonnoomomonononononnoooomonoonoomonnoomnonnooomoononnonoonoonoonnooonoonononnonno onoonooonomooonnonoonooonon onoonnoonnnonononnonoomoooononoonoonoo ooomoomoonoonoonoonoononoonnomonomnnonomn onnonnooomnoon noonooooommoonooonnoooonoonoomnonoonnnononoonnonoonoonoonomnoonon oononooonoonnooooooonoonoonomoooonoonnononoooononoononoononononoomooonnooonoooonooooooon oonnooonmonoonooononononoononnoomoomononnooommoomoon nnnomnonnomoooononnoonomoonoon nomoomnonooonooonoonoooonoonononooononoonnonooomnooomon moonononnnonmonooononononooo monononoononoomoonnononoonnononmooonnoononoono nononoonnononomonmonononooononoooono onononoonmononnoonmonoonoomomomooonono nonnoooononoiomnononoononoonomnoonnomooononoonommonooo nononoooonnono oonononnoooonnoononnnoonononnooonononooonoñnooomooooonoonnonomomonnoonoononoononooononononoononnonoonooonnmononoonononomoononno oooononomoonononooonnoonononoo onnoooononononoomomonnonoo monoomnonoooooooononoomononmonnoon oonoonnonononooononoonoomononnooonoonnn ooomonoonoomonnooonnonoononomo nonnonoonnoonomooononoonooonoonoononoonooomonnoonononmoooomonononnonooonmo oononomonomnoonoonnnoono mononoonnoonoonononnononononnonnonnoonooonnonoinnonoonoononnoononoonomonononnnoonoooononn ononooonomnononomomon nonoonnonooomomoonoonnonoonnnonmnonoononooommnnononn ooon omono oomnooonoon onnomoonomoooomononoooomomonoonmonmo omnononnoon onimooooononoonoonoonnononooononnonoonooo oonoonnomoonnononoonon ononoonnoonooononoonooononnooonooonmoonmoonoooonnonononnoononononnooonnoonnonooonoonnonm onomonoononoonnoonoonooono

      @RIZWANAHAMED2001 2 года назад +1

      Vivek....like your comment.

    • @inayat_Matta
      @inayat_Matta 2 года назад +6

      Its how hazrat bedam shah sahab is seeing his beloved “hazrat haji hafeez waris ali shah” alam panah zikrihu

    • @GhulamMahboobAqeelAhmed
      @GhulamMahboobAqeelAhmed Год назад +1

      ​@@m.shehryarnadeembhabha9347 that beggar is saiyil or also saahil or sawali not faqeer or durwaish neither sufi these are different pls correct

  • @kinpeetos156
    @kinpeetos156 4 года назад +20

    Isse behtar qawwaali ho nahi sakti
    Isse uper kuch likh nahi sakte
    Isse uper kuch bol nahi sakte
    Insaan ki asliyat bayaan hoti hai ismain
    Boht boht bohtt hi khoob aur hum pe mehr ki aise sunne ko mili aise bakamaal fankaar se... man main ghumm rahega ki Ustaad ji se kabhi mil na paaye ... 🙏🏼
    Love from India

  • @mansoorawaiz8872
    @mansoorawaiz8872 4 года назад +8

    In ramzan, lockdown mixium 50times in day, Maine suna hai Allah Ki Rehmat hai, aur, Aur Main Deewana ho chuka tha from the bangalore India

  • @Indiana_stones
    @Indiana_stones 3 года назад +86

    I wept tears. Haven't cried in 10yrs. Beautiful. 🇮🇪💚

    • @ranjittyagi2846
      @ranjittyagi2846 3 года назад +1

      U wanna cry more? Why? Why not? A poor man asks you. Would u reply?

    • @goldensunrise663
      @goldensunrise663 2 года назад +7

      David (Indiana) Keohans, probably you just transcended a level in spirituality, hence the tears.
      It usually happens on certain spiritual journeys.
      God Be With You 🌹

    • @NadeemKhan-yc1fg
      @NadeemKhan-yc1fg Год назад

    • @chandanagarwal8746
      @chandanagarwal8746 3 месяца назад

  • @mustaqueahemmed2820
    @mustaqueahemmed2820 5 лет назад +75

    In Bangladesh, we are not used to qawwal. But i dont know how i become a qawwali fan. I often listen ustab bahauddin, farid ayaz's shama. One day youtube suggest me to watch a Moulvi Haider Hassan's song. i watch it and i become a fan of Moulvi saab.Started listen his qawwali every day via dream journey chennel. Few days later i heard Moulvi saab passed away. How much that news touched me i can't describe here. May Allah grant him to Jannatul Ferdaus.

    • @aliahsan9652
      @aliahsan9652 3 года назад +4

      Also try bakhshi slamat qawal
      Your fan word will be changed into pasion for qawalo

  • @nirantarnarayan
    @nirantarnarayan 4 года назад +135

    I started listening and tears rolled down my cheeks... After Nusrat sahab's Tu ek gorakhdhandha hai , this takes us in the mystic path of search...The unknown ,the unseen ...Who lives inside each of us ...Great !!!

    • @asifkamalasifkamal730
      @asifkamalasifkamal730 4 года назад

      Nirantar ji if u want to search the way to light way to truth .join the path of sufism. Try to understand the holy Quran.your search will come to an end inshaallah.

    • @muzamilloan
      @muzamilloan 4 года назад

      Sardar ji, pardon my ignorance, were you able to comprehend tum ek goorkh Dhanda ho. I mean that is heavily loaded with Islamic philosophy and Quranic stories.

    • @muzamilloan
      @muzamilloan 4 года назад

      Eg it talks of Shah e misr, it talks about Jo samj mein Aya wo khuda kyu ker huwa which is what Quran says there is nothing like God who one can think of.
      Like it talks about Naar e Namroodh Ko Gulzar banaya etc etc

    • @eternalnihilist6415
      @eternalnihilist6415 4 года назад

      @@asifkamalasifkamal730 read all.. and u will know they r ladders to common roof of light

    • @abhisektripathi4487
      @abhisektripathi4487 3 года назад +2

      @@muzamilloan Philosophy cannot be Islamic or attached to any other religious belief. It is the truth. It is the essence. It is universal.

  • @arifkhan100
    @arifkhan100 4 года назад +69

    Isii ko kehte hein shayad taaluq e khatir
    Safar pe tum ho, badan choor choor mera hai 😍💕
    Missing Maulvi Haider Hassan, Fakhar Hassan and Saqib Hassan

    • @Mumbaiwala24
      @Mumbaiwala24 4 года назад

      What..Fakhar sahib and saqib saheb also no more ?

    • @MuhammadHussain-bm8xy
      @MuhammadHussain-bm8xy 4 года назад

      Plz apna nomber send me

    • @rahul3352
      @rahul3352 3 года назад


    • @manvendrasingh5274
      @manvendrasingh5274 3 года назад

      Sir can we have these songs on spotify

    • @arifkhan100
      @arifkhan100 3 года назад

      @@manvendrasingh5274 this is already on Spotify

    @HAYYAT-TV 4 года назад +68

    Safar mein tum ho.. Badaaan chhoor choor mera hai!!
    wahh.. Molvie Haider Hassan, was a great legend , May Allah bless his soul.

  • @ShyamSundarY
    @ShyamSundarY 5 лет назад +187

    Log kehte hain ki Allah ki soorat hi nahi
    Yeh agar sach hai to phir kisko dhoondtha hoon main ?
    My favourite lines !

    • @Traderstownn
      @Traderstownn 4 года назад +1


    • @VishwasKini
      @VishwasKini 4 года назад +4

      Main mit gaya hu toh
      Phir kiska naan hai Bedam
      Woh mil gaye hain toh
      Phir kisko dhund ta hu main!!

    • @Mr_gufran_2161
      @Mr_gufran_2161 4 года назад +1

      PTA lagaye koi kya mere pte ka pta mera pta he ki lagta hu me

    • @zoefshah3179
      @zoefshah3179 4 года назад +1

      Khudko 💯

    • @nawazdurrani6605
      @nawazdurrani6605 4 года назад

      Allah koo

    @ACEADSY 4 года назад +89

    LOVE FROM INDIA!!! I have tears in my eyes as i write this comment, i have heard stories about india pakistan batwara, we were one, we lived peacefully, they broke us, they destroyed us, they created hate within us,
    I promise that my generation ( i am 20 year old ) we will try our best to treat pakistanis like our brothers and sisters.
    I don’t care whatever the governments of both nations say, i know they are the same as me, Indians and pakistanis are one ☝️ and will remain one no matter what anyone says.

    • @khizar8286
      @khizar8286 3 года назад +3

      Mohabat sarhad par sy

      @RIZWANAHAMED2001 3 года назад +3

      Akshay....god bless u dear.

    • @SoulMusic110-11
      @SoulMusic110-11 2 года назад +2

      Love from this side

    • @ladyhina7221
      @ladyhina7221 2 года назад +2

      That is a lovely thought Akshay. May it comes true and there is a peace not just India and Pakistan but there entire world too.

    • @rizwanulhaq8466
      @rizwanulhaq8466 2 года назад +2

      You are right dear 💟

  • @gswithyadavajay3461
    @gswithyadavajay3461 5 лет назад +165

    I can't imagine how much quality of philosophy in this qwalli. I can say it totally belong to vedanta.

    • @manngurry543
      @manngurry543 5 лет назад +12

      Yeh dimag ka khel nhi miya,
      Pursoz DIL chahiye iss be-akli k liye......

    • @gswithyadavajay3461
      @gswithyadavajay3461 5 лет назад +5

      Mashuqi shikhane ke liye dhnyvad

    • @aashutoshmathekar5921
      @aashutoshmathekar5921 5 лет назад +27

      @Sallu Ahmad you are correct brother hinduism is timeless however few marks its origin back to 2300-1500 BC during Harappa
      However Islam originated in 7th Century in the holy Mecca, infact it is the youngest major global religion. The Hindu Bhakti is a contemporary of Sufism both believe in non idol worshipping and liberation of soul.
      Sufism then united, is uniting and will keep uniting religions, lets just not chain it up into your religion or my religion let it be for all. 😊

    • @abdennourbenabbas844
      @abdennourbenabbas844 5 лет назад +9

      @@aashutoshmathekar5921 Sufism is part of islamic theology. It's a philosophy school in Sunni Islam thus it's not related in any manner to Hinduism because it's against idols worshipping

    • @aashutoshmathekar5921
      @aashutoshmathekar5921 5 лет назад +8

      @@abdennourbenabbas844 as i said Bhakti is Contemporary to Sufism.
      It was when various sect(s) emerged feom Hinduism and many great saints showed the path of Bhakti (non idol worshipping through devotional songs or as simple as name chanting)

  • @thekidhartford5266
    @thekidhartford5266 4 года назад +153

    With love and respect from America...thank so much for the English subtitles....much love

    • @thekidhartford5266
      @thekidhartford5266 4 года назад +23

      I hope my donation brings joy and helps bring about more music....🙏 With love and respect, The Casciano Family from New Jersey, USA.

    • @fahmidsarwar1721
      @fahmidsarwar1721 4 года назад +3

      @@thekidhartford5266 sir I can tell you that any form of poetry translated from its native form is diluted. You will lever understand what the poetry truly symbolizes until you know the language and the culture of the people. I'm an immigrant to the US, my life is split between Queens, NY and this place back home and I'm constantly reminded of it by all these tiny but actually BIG differences in the way people look at their lives in America vs here, here in the heart of the Panjab. What you learn from mass media is just a pale and insubstantial transcript. Our culture and our philosophies go much deeper. I think of you pick up a few dictionaries (farhang) of urdu, hindi and punjabi you'll appriate our culture more, and maybe be in tune with our way of life. Good luck to your endeavors. Please feel free to ask me anything you may need

    • @thekidhartford5266
      @thekidhartford5266 4 года назад +2

      @@fahmidsarwar1721 respect Fahmid.....I agree 100%....I've been fortunate to travel all around the world. Especially the Middle East.
      America is full of loving, respectful, curious, people...
      Be well.

    • @alismaka7120
      @alismaka7120 4 года назад +1

      @@thekidhartford5266 God bless you bro Greetings From Kosovo Europe

    • @spiritmaster6355
      @spiritmaster6355 4 года назад

      and this subtitle is wrong sometimes

  • @anamzahra5776
    @anamzahra5776 3 года назад +16

    تمہارے حُسن کو حاصل غرور میرا ہے
    شراب تم ہو تو اُس میں سُرور میرا ہے
    اِسی کو کہتے ہیں شاید تعلقِ خاطر
    سفر پہ تم ہو بدن چُور چُور میرا ہے
    مجھے مجھ میں میرے نظر ڈھونڈتی ہے
    ادھر میں نہیں ہوں کدھر ڈھونڈتی ہے
    دیکھ لے شکل میری، کس کا آئینہ ہوں میں
    یار کی شکل ہوں، اور یار میں فنا ہوں میں
    پہلے اپنی شکل پر اُس نے بنایا تھا مجھے
    پھر میری صورت پہ دیکھو خود ہی شیدا ہو گیا
    اپنی ہر سانس میں آواز بھی پائی اُس کی
    اپنی صورت میں صورت نظر آئی اُس کی
    سو بار تیرا دامن ہاتھوں میں میرے آیا
    جب آنکھ کھلی دیکھا تو اپنا ہی گریباں تھا
    پتا لگائے کوئی کیا میرے پتے کا پتا
    میرے پتے کا پتا ہے کہ لا پتا ہوں میں
    اے جگر ہے میرے ہستی کی حقیقت اتنی
    مجھ میں آباد ہیں سب میں کہیں آباد نہیں
    مجھی کو دیکھ لیں بس تیرے دیکھنے والے
    تو آئینہ ہے میرا، تیرا آئینہ ہوں میں
    میں مِٹ گیا ہوں تو پھر کس کا نام ہے بیدم
    وہ مل گئے ہیں تو پھر کس کو ڈھونڈتا ہوں میں
    لوگ کہتے ہیں کہ اللّٰہ کی صُورت ہی نہیں
    یہ اگر سچ ہے تو پھر کس کو ڈھونڈتا ہوں میں
    تمام اصل حقیقت کا آئینہ ہوں میں
    خُدا نہیں ہوں مگر مظہرِ خُدا ہوں میں!

  • @Prerna3d
    @Prerna3d 3 года назад +38

    The kids are so involved. Truly enjoyed this quwaali session, such great energy.

    • @donny-crypto7615
      @donny-crypto7615 2 года назад +3

      The child to right his name is Ali Haider, his father to his left was the lead singer, the late, Moulvi Haider Hassan, whom passed away in 2019, however, the child is now a teenager and is a lead singer in the quwaali group.

    • @ranjittyagi2846
      @ranjittyagi2846 2 года назад

      @@donny-crypto7615 thank u n love u dear 🌹

  • @suresh414n
    @suresh414n 4 года назад +5

    khudi ko kar buland itna ki har taqdeer se pehle, khuda khud tujhse pooche bata teri raza kyaa hai.....in my school sainik school Ghorakhal we had these lines in our craft room on a placard by our so dear NOOR Mohammad sir...it reminds me of my school days.....God bless Maulvi haider and my craft teacher Noor Mohammad sir......

  • @igorjee
    @igorjee 5 лет назад +49

    Maybe the deepest and most philosophical qawwali I have ever listened to. And I have listened to hundreds.
    I only know a few words in Persian, Urdu, and Arabic, but I'm always trying to get the lyrics and translations. And I am very thankful that you provided a translation. I think that Aziz Mian had one of the best poems in terms of philosophy, love and beauty. This is very close.

    • @k2411871
      @k2411871 4 года назад

      Can you provide the link to the one you're referring to please? Yesterday I was listening to Teri Soorat, amazing.

    • @alismaka7120
      @alismaka7120 4 года назад +1

      God bless Hungary

  • @kamalkant4635
    @kamalkant4635 3 года назад +12

    It has high spiritual meaning. when you find HIM, you are lost in him and your entity or individuality is lost. You become HIM. Really appreciate Shah Warsi.

  • @mybloodxmybloodx9788
    @mybloodxmybloodx9788 3 года назад +11

    So much respect from Kurdistan. Love Qawwali and modesty of the qawwals.

    • @AS-vq3wt
      @AS-vq3wt Год назад

      Qawwali is our gift to the world. Pakistan Zindabad!!! 🇵🇰❤️

  • @pardeepbangar5858
    @pardeepbangar5858 5 лет назад +19

    Love from India 🇮🇳, Punjab To Molvi haider hasan akhtar ji and party keep it up, Voice 👌👌👌

  • @KhalidKamalReasonbeforepassion
    @KhalidKamalReasonbeforepassion 3 года назад +39

    My most sincere and heartfelt thanks to the translator of lyrics, he has done an awesome job.

  • @arsalfayyaz1247
    @arsalfayyaz1247 5 лет назад +3

    یار کی شکل ہوں اور یار میں فنا ہوں میں
    بہت عمدہ۔
    اللہ مولوی صاحب کے درجات بلند کرے۔ آمین

  • @viveksharma1635
    @viveksharma1635 5 лет назад +62

    What a melodious Ghazal in Qawwali style with heart and soul into it. The Dream journey team is doing a great job of discovering relatively lesser known Pakistani Artists and bringing their songs/ Ghazals/ Qawwali's to Public domain so that Indians or any person from any part of world can listen to these great artists/ singers.

    • @k2411871
      @k2411871 4 года назад +2

      Vivek, RUclips Molvi Haider Hassan, you'll see them when the two lead singers were in the 20s with the Oldest brother leading the band

    • @ramanjisrivastava9372
      @ramanjisrivastava9372 3 года назад +1

      A divine qauaalli

  • @anitakarmyogi5540
    @anitakarmyogi5540 5 лет назад +30

    Kudos to person who is doing translations.... The beauty of poetry is not distorted....

  • @rexsingh22
    @rexsingh22 5 лет назад +129

    Is chote bache ne dil jit liya

    • @yungdaku212
      @yungdaku212 4 года назад

      Its his son if im not mistaken

    • @abidpardasi
      @abidpardasi 4 года назад +2

      Reminds me of rahat when young with his father and khan sab .this kid will be same learned from greats

    • @zohaibrao7357
      @zohaibrao7357 4 года назад

      son of haider live performance

    • @numanahmad5148
      @numanahmad5148 3 года назад

      Mera b

    • @tajuddinmohammed7304
      @tajuddinmohammed7304 3 года назад

      @@abidpardasi is I k n I I ping ji in. Ping

  • @indianmusicdrama
    @indianmusicdrama 3 года назад +3

    مولوی حیدر حسن اختر واقعی خوبصورتی اور مہارت سے انجام دیا گیا👏👏👏👏🙏

  • @saurav_advait
    @saurav_advait 3 года назад +14

    लोग कहते हैं कि अल्लाह कि सूरत ही नहीं,
    ये अगर सच है तो फिर किसको ढूँढता हूँ मैं?
    🙌🙌🙌 बहुत खूब

  • @indianmusicdrama
    @indianmusicdrama 3 года назад +2

    #مولوی_حیدر_حسن_اختر_قوال واقعی خوبصورتی اور مہارت سے انجام دیا گیا👏👏👏👏🙏

  • @jahanzebaslam1748
    @jahanzebaslam1748 5 лет назад +28

    ہاے ہاے سرکار بیدم شاہ وارثی علیہ رحمہ ❤️🙏
    اب آدمی کچھ اور ہماری نظر میں ہے
    جب سے سنا ہے یار لباسِ بشر میں ہے

  • @sochsamajhkay9791
    @sochsamajhkay9791 5 лет назад +9

    8:27 uss Bache mein maulvi sahab apni parchai dekh rahe Hein Allah karay woh apne ustadon jaisa ban paye ameen ♥️

  • @areebsiddiqui201
    @areebsiddiqui201 5 лет назад +16

    You know the qawwali is in right hands when you see none of them took a step before Maulvi Haider Sahab.
    Dream Journey you people are doing a really good job.

    • @mehtaarian1
      @mehtaarian1 3 года назад

      I had the exact thought. So nice to see that

  • @ovaismir6618
    @ovaismir6618 5 лет назад +21

    As if Maulvi Sahab intentionally left this masterpiece before he left this world.

  • @divakarkhedwal6326
    @divakarkhedwal6326 5 лет назад +26

    Itne saare Artist ko sunna... Sach mein koi dream journey jaisa hi hai... Bahut saari subhkamnaye... Dream journey ki team ko... 🙂

  • @HarwinderMehmi955
    @HarwinderMehmi955 Год назад +2

    main appne app nu bhut khushnaseeb samajda k eh qwalli meri life da ik hisa bani,koi is trah da din nhi jad eh qwalli nhi suni hove pave oh appne parents nu dedicated krke pave appne mehsos nu har var ik alag hi khich mehsoos hundi
    hun es time adhi ratt eh qwalli sunde ehi dua kiti k akhri time tak eh nazm mere rooh ch ghar kr k rve
    ehi sakoon a zindagi da

  • @znenglishstudio8271
    @znenglishstudio8271 5 лет назад +14

    I live in neibhourning of Molvi sb. He has kicked the bucket. He was really a humble and down to earth person. May Allah bless him.

    • @kidsworld984
      @kidsworld984 3 года назад +1

      Kicked the bucket!!! I don't think he deserves this words

    • @zohaibsaleem487
      @zohaibsaleem487 11 месяцев назад

      Can you please gave me his address? I lived in Canada basically from Faisalabad and want to visit his sons. I really want to listen them live.

  • @nutangupta2305
    @nutangupta2305 3 месяца назад +2

    Simply mesmerised !!! Maulvi sahab was a true fakir!

  • @kbh8513
    @kbh8513 5 лет назад +26

    "Meray Patay Ka Pata Hai Ki Lapata Hoon Main"...Wah

  • @mohammedilyas_official
    @mohammedilyas_official 3 года назад +1

    سبحانالللھ.. الفاظ نھیں ھیں میرے پاس اور بھت چھوٹا پاتا ھوں میں اپنے اپ کو مولوی حیدر صاحب مرحوم کی تعریف کے لیے...... .
    Excellent is all i can say. This sufi poetry takes you to another world especially when its delivered by a master like Maulvi Haider. May God bless his soul... Amin

  • @HusamuddinTaji
    @HusamuddinTaji 3 года назад +13

    Forever grateful to this magnificent channel for bringing this to us 🙏
    لفظ نہیں ہے مرے پاس اپکا شکریہ ادا کرنے کے لئے!

  • @SajjadAli-jk6xv
    @SajjadAli-jk6xv 4 года назад +2

    Totally mesmerized by the lyrics of Bedam shah warsi Sahab and the voice of Maulvi Haider Sahab ..
    Allah beda garq karke Angrezun ka jinhon ne hamara batwara kiya ...Is qaum ki wirasat Bollywood nahi hai balki ye Sufi aur Classical raag hei...Aise fankaar jinka naam b nahi suna tha ...aisa babat wala qalaam...ye rooh daari ...saaz ki saadgi ....Comments section purey India se ...In se milne ki tamanna...ye sab bta raha hei humara itihas ek hai...humara wirsa ek hai ...aur ye la faani hai ...hamei koi sarhad juda nahi kar sakti

  • @digpal92
    @digpal92 4 года назад +8

    Kya tune hai ! kya qwaali hai! Kya awaz hai ! Kya lafz hai !
    Maza aa gaya . Much love from India ❤️

    • @abdullahkhalid1919
      @abdullahkhalid1919 Год назад

      Sahar qareeb ha taroon ka haal kya hoga nfak, same composition ha yeh

  • @eicemuhammad4944
    @eicemuhammad4944 5 лет назад +19

    بیدم شاہ وارثی ذہین شاہ تاجی اور کبیر کی شاعری کو جواب نہیں اور الفاظ کو آواز دینے والے فنکاروں نے مزید چار چاند لگا دئیے ہیں اس حبس زدہ ماحول میں

  • @satpurush2592
    @satpurush2592 5 лет назад +19

    Sublime poetry written by a Self realized Master !

    @FABRINCANDO 4 года назад +32

    I'm here, amazed and surprised to hear such musicality! Truly delighted!
    Good vibes from Brazil for you!
    Thank you for sharing.
    I have already subscribed to the channel and am sharing it with my friends.
    Estou aqui, maravilhado e surpreso por poder ouvir tamanha musicalidade! Verdadeiramente encantado!
    Boas vibrações do Brasil para vocês!
    Muito obrigado por compartilhar.
    Já me inscrevi no canal e estou compartilhando com meus amigos.

    • @k2411871
      @k2411871 4 года назад

      Been listening to it everyday. When you're down it picks you right up. Maulvi Haider Hassan, is no more. Try this qawaal too ruclips.net/video/N5eTGCTxoTQ/видео.html. Azziz Mian was on par with NFAK

  • @sunnydyal
    @sunnydyal 5 лет назад +35

    Wah Ji wah!! Kya baat!! Dil khush ho Gaya. Aisay lyrics padne Ko nahi milte apne sunva diye apka bahut bahut sukriya.
    Simply awesome!! My heart is so happy to hear such a good lyrics. Thanks for sharing.

    • @syedowaisshah9165
      @syedowaisshah9165 5 лет назад

      Sunny Dyal Bollywood hai n’a isko bhi copy krlega 😂😂😂

  • @fise5271
    @fise5271 4 года назад +14

    This gave me chills , presence of God is felt in this composition , long live these artists and traditions of Pakistan .
    Love and respect from Punjab

  • @syedowaisshah9165
    @syedowaisshah9165 5 лет назад +113

    I’m totally in love with Pakistani music 💕 sharab tum ho toh usme sarur mera hai ....... wah wah wah amazing 🌸🍃long live Pakistan and India
    We are Divided by government , United by music 💕🌸❤️

    • @umermirza3705
      @umermirza3705 5 лет назад +6

      That's right
      What about the poet. Bedam Shah Warsi

    • @syedowaisshah9165
      @syedowaisshah9165 5 лет назад +2

      Umer Mirza he is an amazing person Poet nei toh bs kamal hi krdiya

    • @umermirza3705
      @umermirza3705 5 лет назад

      @@syedowaisshah9165 ji Han bilkul

    • @adnanmehmood1462
      @adnanmehmood1462 5 лет назад +4

      Bedam shah wari is not only poet he was also sufi

    • @rafikhan908
      @rafikhan908 5 лет назад


  • @AzharuddinAzhar
    @AzharuddinAzhar 5 лет назад +3

    Subhanallah... Rooh ko taskeen mil gayi ye sun kar
    Allah maulvi sahab ko sehat o tandurusti ata farmaye
    Ameen ❣️

    • @oozoorik
      @oozoorik 5 лет назад +1

      He is no more. He left us in april this year and may the originator of all form of creation be pleased with him. Ameen

    • @AzharuddinAzhar
      @AzharuddinAzhar 5 лет назад

      @@oozoorik ameen ❣️

  • @Aurumaero
    @Aurumaero 5 лет назад +21

    Bahut khoob WAH Ji WAH...aisi rendition kahaan sunne ko milti hai aaj kal. Truly amazing. Salaam.

    • @hashimchaudhry7935
      @hashimchaudhry7935 4 года назад +1

      You should also listen to Sahar Qareeb Hai by Nusrat

  • @usman92ish
    @usman92ish 4 года назад +26

    کہتے ہیں وقت سے پہلے نہیں نصیب سے زیادہ نہیں... آج تک میں سمجھا تھا کہ شاید روٹی کی بات ہو رہی ہے مگر اب سمجھ آہی کہ اصل رزق تو علم و حکمت, راز و نیاز اور تصوف ہیں کہ جب تک نصیب میں نہ ہو سامنے بھی ہو تو سناہی نہیں دیتا اور سناہی دے تو سجاہی نہیں دیتا... اور میرےنصیب میں یہ رزق آج لکہا تھا سو جی بھر کے سنا.. اور اصل حاتم طاہی ہیں وہ جو اس کو مفت میں بانٹ رہے ہیں... آپ حضرات کا بہت بہت شکریہ کہ جواس لنگر کو چلا رہے ہے اللہ نیاز قبول فرماے.. التماسِ دعا...

    • @burraq4u
      @burraq4u 4 года назад +1

      Bohat ghery baatain kah Gaye `Janaab , Kahaan rehtay hain app.

    • @usman92ish
      @usman92ish Год назад

      ​​@@burraq4uلہ گنگ میں جناب ۔۔ شکریہ 😊

    • @aneesurrehman4113
      @aneesurrehman4113 8 месяцев назад

      بھائ مولا علی رض کا فرمان ھے کہ رزق کی ۹۹ قسمیں ھیں اور سب سے آخری روٹی کی قسم ھے اور سب سے اوپر علم وعرفان ھے

  • @Krishn24
    @Krishn24 4 года назад +8

    Just forget everything while listening to this song...
    Thanks. Lots of respect and love to you all from India.

  • @tabishgowhar
    @tabishgowhar 27 дней назад

    Such a beautiful qawali: majestic poet , beautiful composition, brilliant tempo and taal.When you want to cry your heart out but still want to be alive listen to this masterpiece. Kudos to the sound engineer and the folks setting up the sound - captures the instruments , the vocals , tabla , especially the sums . And the little boy wonder , he adds such pearls to this garland !!!

  • @azizabid315
    @azizabid315 4 года назад +12

    Allah Pak Maulvi Haider sahab ko Jannat ate farmaye. AMEEN

  • @sarimkhan8970
    @sarimkhan8970 4 года назад +1

    Mehmood sahab koi normal nhi shayed is waqt dunya ki behtareen poetry padh rahay hain ye pure Sufism pure Roohanyat Pure khuda or khuda k ishq ki baat ho rahi hai

  • @zainabmeer222
    @zainabmeer222 4 года назад +10

    Not going to get over this gem anytime soon.
    And how magical voice is of that child just mesmerising

    • @indian81able
      @indian81able 3 года назад

      The young child is Ali Hyder, the son of the lead singer on the left Moulvi Haider Hassan , whom passed away. However the young boy is now a teenager and took his late fathers place, as lead singer in the vehran qawali group.

  • @shashankdeshpande6608
    @shashankdeshpande6608 3 года назад +1

    ईन्शाअल्लाह, दिल बाग बाग हो गया मौलवी साहब कि आवाझ से. अल्लाह हज्जार साल उम्र बक्ष दे उनको. आमीन.

  • @hereticmorte666
    @hereticmorte666 4 года назад +11

    What an absolute banger, with such meaningful lyrics. Love from India!

  • @atultilkaan
    @atultilkaan 5 лет назад +21

    Since I listened this song first time. I kind of got addicted to it. Now I can't help it. Whenever I am working, in the background this is running always.

  • @kinpeetos156
    @kinpeetos156 4 года назад +9

    Blessed to listen to this legendary Qawwal Haider saahb in this video.... this is one of the best Qawwalis i ever heard in my entire life ...
    pata lagaaye koi kya mere pate ka pata

  • @TanveerAhmad-gx1fb
    @TanveerAhmad-gx1fb 4 года назад +6

    Luckily I open this video, this may go viral one day definately
    Love from india🇮🇳

  • @naseemsheikh7792
    @naseemsheikh7792 5 лет назад +7

    Aahha pictures of iftekhar sahab munshi sahab Fareed ayaz duo !!!!! Maulvi sahab was a very great soul we cannot have another him at any point 😭😭😭💔 plus at this age he was able to sing so high MASHALLAH FABULOUS 💝💝💝💝♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍

  • @sheikebrahimsheikismail
    @sheikebrahimsheikismail 5 лет назад +7

    A majestic rendition of a masterful Qalam, by an absolutely professional Sama Quawali ensemble , superbly led by recently Marhoom Molvi Ustad Haider Hassan Akhter.

  • @rahmatkarim9325
    @rahmatkarim9325 5 лет назад +9

    Thanks to Management who are having such a struggle for discovering gems like these.

  • @narayan02684
    @narayan02684 5 лет назад +5

    Wah Kya baat.. Bhagwan sabhi bando ko Sada sukhi rakhe. This is what the power of music is. Hari Om. Apan darash aap mei paya, aasha kis ghar laoo, ab mei kisko dhyawu!!

  • @99clips
    @99clips 4 года назад +6

    The respect everyone paid molvi sahab is beautiful . 🙏🏽

  • @DhanrajManora
    @DhanrajManora 5 лет назад +2

    *Waah....Janaab Khoobsurat Gazal...NusratSahab Ki Yaad Dila di*

  • @sonijindal6691
    @sonijindal6691 4 года назад +6

    ईश्वर की भक्ति किसी माध्यम से करी जा सकती है मौलाना जी सदा सुखी रहे।

  • @mohdsabir3750
    @mohdsabir3750 2 месяца назад +1

    ❤❤हैदर साहब बहुत ही सुन्दर प्रस्तुति गाते थे ❤❤उन जैसी कव्वाली गाना हर एक के बस की बात नहीं है ❤️❤️ उनकी हर कव्वाली का कोई जोड़ नहीं है ❤️❤️लाजवाब प्रस्तुति❤️❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @asawar
    @asawar 5 лет назад +15

    No words can be sufficient to explain!

  • @paramdeepsingh5362
    @paramdeepsingh5362 4 года назад +9

    Thankyou The Dream Journey for bringing these artists to us. Forever grateful.

  • @Krishn24
    @Krishn24 4 года назад +7

    I don't remember the number of times this song is watched by me. I just feel myself very near to GOD when i listen to this song.
    God bless all.

  • @omarshah1012
    @omarshah1012 Месяц назад

    the best qawwali in a very long time! So sad to lose maulvi saab…

  • @viveksengupta390
    @viveksengupta390 2 года назад +5

    I have no word to express my feelings after listening this mesmerizing quwali. A sufiana experience gifted by these quawwals. Simple but great that's why they are great.
    It reminds me the days when I was young I used to listen quwali programmes throughout the night held in our locality during Peer Baba mela. My regard to all those great artists 🙏🙏

  • @Brasscity01
    @Brasscity01 4 года назад

    Ohh oo...wow yaar aaj pehli baar qawwali Samjh aai....it's amazing talent ...or qawwali...

  • @amirsaquib1624
    @amirsaquib1624 5 лет назад +8

    Loved the cutest smile on the face of my buddy...Musab at 03:59....aalaa....love u bro

  • @Shaq.Quadri
    @Shaq.Quadri 7 месяцев назад +1

    Allah(swt) Moulvi Sahab ke Darjaat Buland Farmaye, Love & Respect from Hyderabad, Deccan India.

  • @asmitkumarrai7045
    @asmitkumarrai7045 3 года назад +9

    If you're a true seeker then it's not possible that you don't find ecstasy in these words of bedam ❤️ and ofcourse the way maulavi saahab and team is singing I can dance like miraa all day ❤️❤️ waaahhhh this is amazing ❤️❤️

  • @Usama_Momin
    @Usama_Momin 2 месяца назад +2

    سُنتا تھا! سُنتا ہوں اور جی کرتا ہیکہ بس سنتا ہی جاؤ ۰۰۰۰۰ ❤

  • @meghnashekhawat6776
    @meghnashekhawat6776 2 года назад +4

    Ohhh wht a great qawali...and great qawal sahab....
    I feel platonic whenever i listen to this qawali....
    Lots of love from rajasthan, india

  • @marcr2204
    @marcr2204 5 лет назад +16

    It is sad to see some singers going through bad times and struggling to make a decent living :( I hope their future generations don't give up singing even if they change professions for better living.

    • @saeedurrasheed5492
      @saeedurrasheed5492 4 года назад +6

      moulvi sb, was very well off person, due to it mystic personality, he didnt use to give much thought to apparent looks of him.

    • @marcr2204
      @marcr2204 4 года назад +4

      @@saeedurrasheed5492 Ok. Yeah..my thought process is that all singers entertain us people with their excellent singing skills so i want them to live well so they continue singing and keep the tradition alive :)

  • @nanigudkar
    @nanigudkar 5 лет назад +9

    Subhan allha. Unfortunately they remained limited to Pakistan. If they were in US or some where else they would have been world famous. Thanks great work done

    • @papiko75
      @papiko75 5 лет назад +3

      Bhaya think what would have happen if they had bothered to perform abroad the these sweet sented qawal would have heavily suffered from being exported in the lands of rockn'roll and turn into some horrible fusion,let qawal remains in the place of their origin
      Its like Kabir nowadays transported to some university auditorium where it amazingly looses all what makes it such important for the villages folk.
      Who will never be a better audience,the western aficionados.
      Will like it today and forget it tomorrow

    • @afrasiabali8538
      @afrasiabali8538 5 лет назад +2

      They are in Pakistan 🇵🇰 thats y you are ableto listening yhem as they are our heros we love them more than anyone else

    • @sandernotenbaert
      @sandernotenbaert 5 лет назад +2

      papiko75 I for one am forever grateful to have found the university auditorium performance you speak of, as I am forever grateful to have found The Dream Journey. It has been elevating, inspiring and enriching, bringing me, and many, closer to god. Kabir’s message was not for the villages, nor for India or Pakistan. It was for all of humanity, and god bless all those who are his honest messengers trying to dye the whole world in his colour.
      All my love from europe 🙏

  • @9867144706
    @9867144706 Месяц назад +1

    This always makes me CRY,, LEGENDARY and LEGEND.❤❤❤❤

  • @sageofkalyug
    @sageofkalyug 5 лет назад +20

    Tu aaina Hai Mera , Tera aaina Hu Main 😍

  • @sabretooth2875
    @sabretooth2875 4 года назад +1

    کیا ہی کہنے 👏 ڈریم جرنی ٹیم آپ کو اللہ تعالیٰ ڈھیروں خوشیاں سے نوازے 🤲 🌹 💖

  • @userindian6297
    @userindian6297 4 года назад +4

    वाह बहुत खूब लाजवाब क्या कहना माशा अल्लाह

  • @qadeerahmad1159
    @qadeerahmad1159 5 лет назад +6

    Allah pak darjat buland kry molvi sahib k .. we've lost another gem 😢😢

  • @aslamjehanabadi1919
    @aslamjehanabadi1919 5 лет назад +1

    मैं खूद एक शायर हूँ इसलिए ये कलाम मेरे दिल को सैर कर गया. बहुत खूब.

    • @mehmoodahmed893
      @mehmoodahmed893 2 месяца назад

      غزل ہے نظم نہیں

    • @mehmoodahmed893
      @mehmoodahmed893 2 месяца назад

      app shair hain to farq jante honge ye nazam nahi ghazal hai

  • @rish5571
    @rish5571 5 лет назад +4

    Wah wah....love from India....Sad part is these type of soul ful singer cant recognize....You do good job....my wishes...✌✌👍👍👍

  • @bilalahmed1844
    @bilalahmed1844 4 года назад +1

    Pls stay underrated. Allah aapko unche darjaat ata kre, kya khoob lyrics the aur kya tareeqa tha gaane ka, that child is the most passionate soul I ve ever witnessed. Love from New Delhi.

  • @faisalkhatriqa
    @faisalkhatriqa 4 года назад +6

    Masha Allah, Dil Khush ho gaya. BeInteha khoob kalaam!!

  • @kirannafde1320
    @kirannafde1320 3 года назад

    Yaar ki shakl hou, yaar me fanaa hou mai. Best Sufi quwali ever listen. If once any one listen this quawali, Will always like to listen. Just wonderful feelings expressed through singing.

  • @maheshpant5826
    @maheshpant5826 4 года назад +9

    Thank you so much “The Dream Journey” team. You are doing an incredible service to all music fans. Hats off to you.

  • @musiclovers792
    @musiclovers792 3 года назад +1

    Watch real deepness of Shayari...Wah ji waah...
    Aye jigar hai meri hasti ki hakikat itni,
    Mujhme aabaad hai sabmein kahin aabaad nahi.

  • @blossom3335
    @blossom3335 4 года назад +8

    And if I have found Him, who is it that I still search for???.. And God said " love your enemy" and I loved myself, Khalil Gibran, very impressive and heart felt poetry with amazing music and rhythm, love always 🔥❤️

    @JAMEWARSI 5 лет назад +1

    سبحان اللہ جزاک اللہ
    کلام بیدم شاہ وارثی رحمت اللہ علیہ

  • @dr.zunairamahfooz554
    @dr.zunairamahfooz554 2 года назад +3

    This is one of my favorite sufi kalaam. Not just me my spiritual grandfather even liked it

    @RIZWANAHAMED2001 3 года назад +2

    Big salute to poet. Wahhh kya likha hai. 👌👌👌🤲🙏. Love from mangalore, india.

  • @sajidqaiser477
    @sajidqaiser477 4 года назад +5

    Extremely beautiful. I loved the photography. The live presence of respectful Haider Hasan Akhtar, his two sons are very heart touching. I also enjoyed the presence of the dignitaries who were there and I have seen them in many Qawwāli mahfils. Then the final thing was the photos of all those Qawwals on the wall, and also the Faisal Abad. I wish I was there.

  • @ashutoshraykwar6573
    @ashutoshraykwar6573 3 года назад +1

    Only फकिरे खुदा और खुदा ईश्वर के फरिश्ते नुसरत फतेह, हैदर साहब, बढालि brothers जैसे ही फकीर ये खुदा ईश्वर की इबादत सा गा सकते हैं! Simply highly soulfull singing .